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To First Lady Michelle Obama





A CALL TO SERVICE By: Full Spectrum Omega, Inc. © Richard Brumfield, Jr., Mark Houghton, Christine Wilson





4. Introduction        5.    Copy of “Previous Email Letter of Commitment”, (March 13, 2012) 7.    Introduction of Staff 7.    Call to Action 7.    Description of Companies 9.    Brief Description of Products10.   Implementing Summer Youth Jobs Initiative+2012 May 1, 201210.    Full Spectrum Omega, Inc. - Role10.    Method of Acquiring Cannabinoids Material and     Other Raw Material11.   Idaho Pacific Coast Wellness & Evolution Center (IPCWEC) - Role11.   Idaho Pacific Coast Wellness & Evolution Center (IPCWEC)/Idaho

Agri Pharm - Role12.  California Pacific Coast Wellness and Evolution Center -Role   13.  Funding13.  Grants13.  Government Contracts13.  Disabled Service Connected Veteran Owned Business SBIR/TT13.  Private Sectors14.  Nomination of Richard Brumfield, Jr. for National Science Award 15.  Letter of Support for Nomination by Mark Houghton17.  Letter of Support for Nomination by Mark Bailey18.  Letter of Support for Nomination by Tonya J. E. Myers21.  Letter of Support for Nomination by Kelly Myers23.  Letter of Support for Nomination by Victoria Showers25.  Letter of Testimony by Caleb Brumfield26.  Declaration of Commitment Statement



INTRODUCTIONLadies and Gentlemen:                            April 2, 2012

Thank you for the opportunity to work with this Administration, The White House and President Obama on “The Summer Jobs + Initiative for Youths 16-24”. We are submitting a package of information that will hopefully bring you up to speed on Full Spectrum Omega's vision not just for the Initiative, but also for the Nation as a whole, primarily because they are one and the same; at least that's how we see it. It is a wide and deep vision, incorporating many states and other entities, so we appreciate your patience and ask that you be so kind as to come along with us on a brief glimpse into what we at FSO believe could be this country's very bright future.

We stated in an earlier letter to you that we felt this was an opportunity for a President to secure a re-election and cement an unprecedented legacy, and we still believe that to be the case. What follows below is an Agenda or outline, if you will, of the actions necessary in order for all of us to arrive at what we believe is our common goal: a revived and thriving America. As a Minority Disabled Veteran Owned Business, we are answering the President's call for military families to use their skills and talents to rebuild America.

Full Spectrum Omega, Inc.  has been working with Fort Detrick (OSBP) Jerome K. Maultsby, Associate Director, Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP), U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, Fort Detrick (, Chandler Street, Fort Detrick, MD 21702,  (301) 619-2471, USAMRMC,  and Ft. Detrick OSBP on February 29, 2012 wrote: “Richard:  Thanks for this email and the follow-up telephone call with me earlier today.  As you can read from your Sunday email below, the URL was unfortunately blocked by our internal security/firewalls.I certainly encourage you to follow the announcement directions outlined listed below and submit prior to the application deadline, which is 15 August 2012, 11:59 p.m. EST.  The invitation to submit an application is June 2012.  For additional details, I kindly request you visit and search W81XWH-12-BCRP-IDEA.”

Our President said “Yes We Can”,  and we said, “We Believe It”.



This is how we, at Full Spectrum Omega, Inc, “ Believe We Can ” .

Copy of our Previous Email Letter of Commitment dated March 13, 2012

“It is with great honor and wholehearted Commitment that we present our Letter of Commitment to The Presidential Summer Youth Job Initiative+ 2012.  Below is our synopsis and abstract of how, what, when, where and steps to get there before The Summer of 2012.

Letter of Commitment to The Presidential Summer Youth Job Initiative+ 2012:

We at Full Spectrum Omega are working hard to establish and develop our operations to the extent that we are able to work with the White House on the 16-24 Summer Jobs + Initiative. As you know our company is producing Bio Pharmaceutical Medicinal Cannibinoids healing oils, elixirs and topical products that are derived from the Cannabis and Hemp plants. All these medicines are non-smoke, non-narcotic, non-euphoric, totally Organic and in complete compliance with all laws and legal stipulations. Our production process is multi-tiered and allows for the creation of jobs in almost all areas of the economy from farming and agriculture to textiles, manufacturing and bio-fuel production.

Ultimately we feel that through the development of this green based technology we (the current Administration and our company) can change and or modify the existing paradigm of operations in this country and eventually the World itself. The United States of America would be on the cutting edge of a new technology and could lead all nations toward a future that is both ecologically harmonious and profitable for all. It is a unique opportunity that would not only assure a President’s reelection but cement an unprecedented legacy.

Granted these are lofty goals and it will involve much work with many multi-National corporations and conglomerates but this work could create not just thousands of jobs but hundreds of thousands and perhaps, millions of jobs. We at Full Spectrum and Pacific Coast Wellness and Evolution Centers are not naive and are aware that what we are offering may not be welcomed by all entities but as The President has said, this is a time for courage and outside the box, innovative thinking and because of the far reaching consequences we feel that it is most important and necessary that President



Obama and the White house be involved and we have already begun to work with the Department of Defense.

So perhaps we can look at the Summer Jobs Initiative as a jumping off point and opportunity for The President and his Administration to get to know us and our vision and at the same time provide jobs for the future work force of our Nation. Currently we are in the midst of putting together a Media package and Documentary feature film that will inform, educate and hopefully inspire us all to move toward our aforementioned and shared goals.Lastly and perhaps most importantly Full Spectrum Omega is built upon a foundation of true Spiritual beliefs and principles culled from scriptural teachings that instill a wholesome and healthy set of values. So that along with ecological harmony and global well being this process can ultimately yield for us all, a way of life that is nurturing and grounded in character and integrity. With all that needs to be done now and in the future communication between us must be open and efficient.

This mail is an effort on our part to provide a commitment to The President and his Administration and to create a clear channel that will allow for that communication to begin and continue. We look forward to you providing us with contact numbers and the information needed for us all to move forward.Please help us to help you, we look forward to working together, thank you for your time and consideration.

Introducing Full Spectrum Omega, Inc. and Pacific Coast Wellness and Evolution Center staff to assist in this effort and we are fully committed.

Richard Brumfield Jr.                                     Guillermo AvinaPresident                                                      Executive Vice-PresidentFull Spectrum Omega, Inc                            Full Spectrum Omega, IncPacific Coast Wellness and                           Pacific Coast Wellness andEvolution Center (CA)                                    Evolution Center (CA)IPCWEC

Tonya Myers                                                 Mark HoughtonVice President                                               Vice PresidentIPCWEC Idaho                                               Full Spectrum Omega, LTD Canada

Jesse Montgemory                                      Joshua Castenada         Vice President                                                Secretary   PCWEC &          Pacific Coast Wellness and                         Full Spectrum Omega, Inc.”



Evolution Center                                          


Richard Brumfield, President, Full Spectrum Omega, Inc. & Pacific Coast Wellness and Evolution Center

Guillermo Avina, Executive Vice President, Full Spectrum Omega, Inc. & Pacific Coast Wellness and Evolution Center

Mark Houghton, CEO, Full Spectrum Omega, Inc. Tonya Myers, Vice President, Idaho Pacific Coast Wellness and Evolution Kelly Myers, Assistant Vice President, Idaho Pacific Coast Wellness and

Evolution Center Jesse James Montgomery, Vice President, Cal Pacific Coast Wellness and

Evolution Center Christine Wilson, Executive Assistant to the FSO/PCWEC President

(replaced Joshua Castenada)

Call to Action:NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH stated in 1999, “Against this backdrop are the real concerns regarding the toxicity of smoked marijuana.  Indeed, the IOM report emphasized that smoked marijuana is a crude drug delivery system that exposes patients to a significant number of harmful substances, and that ‘if there is any future for marijuana as a medicine, it lies in its isolated components, the cannabinoids and their synthetic derivatives.’  As such, the IOM recommended that clinical trials should be conducted with the goal of developing safe delivery systems.” and TITLE 21--FOOD AND DRUGS CHAPTER I--FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, SUBCHAPTER D--DRUGS FOR HUMAN USE

Description of Companies:

Full Spectrum Omega, Inc. is a Minority Disabled Service Owned Veteran’s Small Business (MDSVOSB) established in the County of



Orange, Incorporated in the State of California, August 2010, EIN 27-3269209, DUN#030902153, CAGE# 6NHP9 ttp:// The Company manufactures and standardizes “Natural Purified” Cannabinoids and Cannabidiols, Investigational New Drugs, Medical Food, and Topicals. We have seven (7) employees and have not made any profit since incorporated. Full Spectrum Omega, Inc. has been researching under the Food and Drug Admininstration’s  “Investigational New Drug Applications and Abbreviated New Drug Applications: Technical Amendment” since 2009. Full Spectrum Omega, Inc. has, in the last three (3) years, developed cannabis cultivators and the unique medicinal quality cannabinoid strains of cannabis that can be utilized in the production of Omega XI products. We currently have cultivators under contract at undisclosed locations throughout California. We are able to acquire these strains under California Law Prop 215, “The Compassionate Use Act of 1996”. Full Spectrum Omega, Inc. (FSO) owners are members and founders of Pacific Coast Wellness and Evolution Center(PCWEC) California and Idaho, a Not for Profit Mutual Benefit Association of Medical Cannabis Patients within the State of California and Idaho

Through this Association, PCWEC and FSO were able to work with natural cannabinoid  cultivators in Sonoma, Butte, Tehama, Mendocino, Riverside, Orange and Trinity Counties who have acquired the skills to breed high quality cannabis, which we have discovered targets certain illnesses. Because of the Federal Controlled Substances Act restrictions, Full Spectrum Omega, Inc. has been limited in its research ability to produce enough cannabinoidal raw material to bring these formulas to Phase 3 and 4 of  F.D.A. Approvals for Investigation of New Drugs and Commercialization of New Drugs. The interference is due to law enforcement’s limited view that all cannabis cultivation, possession and distribution is illegal according to their interpretation of the Controlled Substances Act of 1971 (CSA). These local law enforcement officers refused to verify our status as researchers who meet both the 1961 United Nation Single Narcotic Act, and the 1971 Controlled Substances Acts Compliances.  We at Full Spectrum Omega, Inc. have achieved these requirements since 2009, but those rights are unrecognized due to the stigma and dogma of today's society.

The certified organic hemp seed oil is acquired from hemp oil of Canada. Pricing on bulk rates and contracts are in the works. This is a “Must Have Item” and is essential for the making of Omega XI Products. This additional cost to the overall manufacturing of these patentable inventions can be solved by growing medicinal hemp in key locations and removing the Formulas from foreign regulations. This solution includes growing medicinal



hemp as is done in Canada for the seed, oil, food, animal feedstock and animal bedding.

Brief Description of Products:

Omega XI Products : The “non-chemical” catalysts Agriculture Process use hemp (C. Sativa) and cannabis (C. Indica) from their natural plant material state, and converts them into a liquid state without the loss of vital Essential Fatty Acids. In this state, the formula can be now taken in measureable dosages “without the narcotic high.” By using a proprietary cold infusion process method, we are able to keep alive all the active ingredients found in hemp seed oil (C. Sativa) and active phytocannabinoids essentials (C. Indica) of the cannabis plant. This unique process allows the bonding of Omegas with Cannabinoids, thereby creating, or recreating, the whole genus of the Cannabis plant into a balance which activates the CB1 and CB2 receptors of the endocannabinoids system when ingesting the new blend of polyunsaturated fats. Omega XI Elixir is a catalyst to numerous byproducts that engage the endocannabinoids systems differently through the combination of CBD with organic products. This bonding makes an Elixir that “non-euphoric”, “non-addictive” and with “measureable dosages” that are in line with the National Institute of Health 1999, which states, “Against this backdrop are the real concerns regarding the toxicity of smoked marijuana.”  Indeed, the IOM report emphasized that smoked marijuana is a crude drug delivery system that exposes patients to a significant number of harmful substances and that “if there is any future for marijuana as a medicine, it lies in its isolated components, the cannabinoids and their synthetic derivatives.’  As such, the IOM recommended that clinical trials should be conducted, with the goal of developing safe delivery systems.



Implementing Summer Youth Jobs Initiative+2012 May 1, 2012Full Spectrum Omega, Inc.


Full Spectrum Omega, Inc. needs the following authorization from this President and Administration to initiate our commitments and are as follows:

Full Spectrum Omega, Inc. Method of Acquiring Cannabinoids Material and other Raw Materiala. The President to enact  Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)

to Enable Use of Needed Products in Civilian and Military Emergencies, United States. We are currently working with Fort Detrick to apply for numerous Congressionally Directed Medicine Research Programs in Cancer Researches W81XWH-12-BCRP-IDEA-cfda12.420

1188_article.htm#requirementsforgrantingandimplementinganeuab. Licenses allowance to implement Full Spectrum Omega-owned

Controlled Substances Non-diversion Plan of security, transport, buy, selling, cultivation, and distribution Cannabis/Hemp flowers, seeds, and other natural products made by Hemp/ Cannabis to meet the need of these formulas. The non-diversion plan needs the ability to license essential personnel and verify existing patients and caregivers. This task is assigned to 2010 Retired Sgt Major Dwayne Showers(resume on request) and Sgt First Class T. Myer. (current assignment Pentagon)

c. License Hemp Farming in Central and Eastern Idaho beginning May 1, 2012, with the following states to follow Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Omega XL Products are Hemp Oil based; currently the only source of Hemp Oil that the formula can use is located in Canada through Hemp Oil of Canada. To manufacture Hempseed Oil   in the U.S.A. is vital to meet the U.S. ARMED FORCES needs and worldwide demand for the medicines once it is commercially released.

d. Policing and Penalties Power. Because of the many restricted laws regarding Hemp and Cannabis, it’s in our best interest to meet with the Justice Department, United Nation Security Council and U.S.A. Dept. Health and Human Services to enact laws that would not disrupt the ARMY

e. A 20-year exclusive contract on raw material for production ofingredients that are essential to making Omega XI products. Alsothe exclusive right to license, sublicense or contract Raw Material



Farmers around the world.

f. The right to make contractual agreement with Petrol-Chemical, Paper Industry, Fabric Industry and Bio-Fuel companies for theRights to process Hemp Oil and Hemp/Cannabis plant matter to createnew jobs across America and the World.

g. The rights to license anyone with approval of U.S. ARMY to manufacture, process and redistribute Omega XI Products.

Idaho Pacific Coast Wellness and Evolution Center(Please note: this model fits in any state willing to work with FSO/PCWEC)

Role:I would like to begin with introducing Idaho Agri Pharms (in licensing progress, dba) to the Idaho Agricultural Community by honoring its commitment to the Summer Jobs Plus Initiative. We are a Whole Foods Agriculture group that is committed to the advancement of the Biopharmaceutical Industry. We will be employing youth, age 16-24, to help Full Spectrum Omega Inc.’s agricultural need to make Omega XI Elixir and Topicals in the following states: Idaho, Arizona, California, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Each state plays a crucial role in providing raw material for these medicines, thus immediately creating 180,000 jobs!

Also, in reviving 4-H and Young Future Farmers of America, we could re-educate our youth of the importance of health in the way of foods we eat and also train them for new jobs in the agriculture industry. We have 250,000 acres of committed shovel-ready farmlands in Central and Eastern Idaho to begin the process. Our farmers are very excited about a new commercial cash crop to replace the depleting Sugar Beets and Potatoes Industry,  and growing Hemp will revive the soil so that our current commercial cash crops may once again thrive.

Idaho Pacific Coast Wellness and Evolution Center (IPCWEC)/Idaho Agri Pharms

Role: Acquire and distribute Hemp seeds to contract farmers contract and hire farmers to plant and cultivate Hemp   provide education in all industries that will benefit from waste byproduct of

Hemp stalks and cellulose to participants who wish to join this new industry implement a 700-bed Alternative Wellness Center/Research and

Development Center for Full Spectrum Omega, Inc.’s Clinical Trial Study in



Cancer Research and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder/Traumatic Brain Injuries serving the Military and Civilian Community of Idaho

provide safe access to critically-needed medicines implement FSO Non-Diversion Controlled Substances Plan training program for new investigators training program for doctors and nursing staff develop protocols

They will provide Full Spectrum Omega, Inc. with crucial <.003 THC Hempseed Oil components for FSO’s medicine manufacturing process and thus, also provide Idaho Pacific Coast Wellness and Evolution Center with a safe access to providing alternative organic medicines to Idaho’s patients and citizens. We received an e-mail (see attached) from Idaho State Trooper Ed Westbrook, District 2 Investigations, stating that the Idaho State Police would not interfere with our commitment in this program, or our effort in cultivating and processing our products.

We are in the process of writing to the Governors of the states of Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. These are states in which we wish to grow hemp and/or cannabis but have not contacted them due to uncertainty while waiting on the reply from this Administration. We do not want to get people’s hopes up just to dash them.

California Pacific Coast Wellness and Evolution Center

Role: Implement FSO Non-Diversion Controlled Substances Plan acquire and distribute Cannabis/Hemp seeds to contract farmers contract and hire Cannabis cultivators to plant and cultivate FSO unique

Cannabis strains provide medicinal hashes in quantity acceptable to meet the needs of FSO provide education to all industries that will benefit from Cannabis cultivation,

extraction, and consumption to those who wish to join this new industry implement an Outpatient Alternative Wellness Center/Research and

Development Center for Full Spectrum Omega, Inc. for Non-Clinical Trial Study in Complementary Alternative Treatments that are in line with National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM)

training program for new investigators training program for doctors and nursing staff develop protocols



Funding:The President  Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to Enable of Needed Products in Civilian and Military Emergencies, United States.

o This funding would be used to create collaboration with States to create classes, hire teachers, on-the-job Training programs, to create a DOL SYJ+ fund  “Get Paid As You Learn Program”, create research facilities throughout the United States and reimburse P.I. and the corporation Full Spectrum Omega, Inc., for past research and development.  (DOL SYJ+ fund  “Get Paid As You Learn Program” is a program we want to create to give incentives to Youths between the age of 16 to 24 to “learn as they earn” a living. These fundings include courses in financial management and fiscal responsibility.)

Grants: o uses of by entities

Government Contracts: o FSO will do joint patent of all FSO inventions to U.S. ARMED FORCES

& U.S. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES (PHS) and pay a royalty of 8% annually on all products sold to other organizations, countries or government.

o FSO will provide Blanket Purchase Orders (BPO) at a fixed cost. Disabled Service Connected Veteran Owned Business SBIR/TT

o Help develop other Veteran Owned Businesses to benefit from the technology of hemp byproducts such as paper, bio-fuel, fiber, etc.

Private Sectorso Endowment Funds, Investors, and Initial Public Offer of Full Spectrum

Omega, Inc. stock



It is a great pleasure to announce that Richard Brumfield, Jr. has been nominated for the Presidential Medal of Science Award. Please see included letters that were submitted, as well as others which could not be submitted, due to a limit of five (5) nomination letters. Each and every letter is a testimony of the effectiveness of the medicines in the scope of regarding cancer and other serious diseases, as well as giving you insight into the character of the Inventor.

Once again, we thank this Administration for having the courage, the will and the resources to bring real life sustaining changes to the United States of America, and the World.



Nomination of Richard Brumfield, Jr.National Science Award Writer: Mark HoughtonBased on: Firsthand Account Personal/Professional ConductRevised by: Christine Wilson                                

  March 23, 2012Dear Committee:

It is my great pleasure to write you in regards to Mr. Richard Brumfield., He and I have known each other for five years and I believe I know him well. By his own admission, Rich is not a saint, nor does he aspire to become one. However, many of our most wonderful conversations have revolved around the beauty of us all as human beings despite our many so called “imperfections”, and I wish to state, for the record, that I hold Rich in the highest regard and know him to be a man of character possessing a strong faith.

To begin, Rich has invented a process that allows for an elixir to be made from a formula he developed that yields to an increase in the body’s oxygen saturation, on a cellular level, of 37% or higher, and balances the body’s PhP level to 7.4. In this environment, disease cannot exist and so far, this medicine has cured or aided in the return to health patients with ovarian, breast, stomach, liver, prostate and colon cancer, along with gout and HIV to name a few.

Upon our first meeting, I became aware of Rich’s unique ability to think outside the box in an intuitive and original way, and during the course of our friendship, I have been amazed at his depth of knowledge across a wide spectrum, both in the fields of Science and Technology. So when he explained his inventions to me in the field of Bio-Pharmacology, and more specifically, his work with bio-cannabinoids from the hemp and cannabis plants and the far reaching medicinal and economic consequences of that work, the scope of his vision was truly inspiring. As we know, many of the greatest inventions and innovations in the planet’s history have come from people that are unlettered, or are not professionals in the field of their discovery, and Rich’s lack of a college degree, in my opinion, only serves to highlight his brilliance.

So in summary, I wish to nominate Richard Brumfield as a potential Medal of Science and/or Medal of Technology recipient; 1) because of the far-reaching consequences of his work and discovery, and 2) because of the simplicity and organic approach employed in his techniques. He has managed to create a product that can literally heal the world and the planet itself, using materials



that can be found in a hardware store and a kitchen. He has done all of this without the assistance of any Corporations and without damaging the environment. His journey has been arduous, and I have witnessed his commitment firsthand with both pride and awe. No less than twice, once in 2009 and again in 2011,  I personally witnessed him turning down offers of over hundreds of millions of dollars for his formula, simply because he did not feel the entities making the offers had the best of intentions in mind, as well as also wanting to keep his formulas in the United States.   Therefore, I cannot think of a more deserving nominee for this award.

Lastly, although Rich is not an academic or lettered person, I would suggest that he is still a scientist, and that he has created a breakthrough in technology. What is a scientist after all but a person possessing analytical acuity and innovative intelligence? At the very least, Richard Brumfield is an Inventor and Principal Investigator whose enquires have lead to the discovery of a medicine that is totally organic, extremely efficient, easy and inexpensive to produce that none has been able to replicate before or since. No small feat for a man that never finished college, don’t you think?

When Richard began on his journey, his motivation came from his ex-wife, Vicki. You see, she was ill with cancer and his search was an effort to find something that may help her to recover. She was eventually diagnosed as terminal and inoperable; on March 17, 2012, Richard received news from the Houston and New Orleans VA Hospital that Vicki was cancer free. She had been taking the medicine that Rich discovered for approximately three years. Currently, we at Full Spectrum Omega are working with the US Army to help our military servicemen and women returning home from the Middle East, which is only fitting since Richard himself is a disabled Veteran.

I thank you for your time and consideration; all the very best in your search for candidates. I’m sure you will find Mr. Brumfield worthy of your consideration.


Mark Houghton(323) [email protected] Santa Monica Blvd. #708, Los Angeles, CA 90046



Nomination of Richard Brumfield, Jr.National Science Award Writer: Mark BaileyBased on: Personal ExperienceCurrent Revisions: Christine Wilson                                           March 30, 2012

Dear Committee:

Across our great nation, there are certainly many breakthroughs and inventions worth considering as potential recipients of the National Science Award for 2012. I write now to draw attention to Richard Brumfield and his work with phyto-cannabinoid bio-pharmaceuticals. Mr. Brumfield has created/invented a unique way to harness the healing potential of the cannabis plant, rendering a product that is not only non-euphoric, but also able to be administered in a consistent and measurable dose. His all-natural, chemical-free formulas are directly responsible for a multitude of remarkable healings for patients with cancer, HIV, gout, multiple sclerosis (MS) and more. Since he made himself and his formulas known in 2008, there have been many attempts to reverse-engineer his products. None have succeeded.

My impression and feeling is that Mr. Brumfield has a very potent tool towards realizing full human potential, the extent of which has yet to be seen. Much research and many studies need to be done with Mr. Brumfield's formulas before we can truly know just how profound a gift he has brought to the world. I believe we have only yet scratched the surface.

Due to the sensitive nature of  "the cannabis issue" in the mindset of the general public, it seems to me that this year’s Scientific Achievement Award is exactly what this invention needs to be accepted and validated at large. In my opinion, it should be appropriately bestowed on Mr. Brumfield, as it is very well-deserved. In summation, indeed, “let freedom ring”.

Thank you for your time and consideration of my nomination.


Mark Thomas Bailey(707) [email protected] W. Sierra Ave., #4Cotati, CA. 94931



Nomination of Richard Brumfield, Jr.   National Science Award Writer: Tonya J.E. MyersBased on: Firsthand Account of Treatment of CancerRevised by: Christine Wilson                                       

                                                                                        March 10, 2012Dear Committee:

I am writing this to tell you one woman’s long journey with cervical and ovarian cancer, and in doing so, most importantly, to nominate my savior, Richard Brumfield, for the National Science Award for 2012.   

At age 17, prior to sexual intercourse, I was told I had cervical cancer.  I was in Stage 5, almost Stage 6.  I tried chemo and radiation, tons of operations, laser treatments, freezings as well as many experimental procedures and research trials. You name it, I did it. I listened, I did what my parents and doctors told me to. It only spread. Boy did I fight! I let the doctor’s take only one ovary at the age of 19. I was dying to hold a son in my arms and I did it - I had a boy by the  age 21. Cancer was back in full force by 1998 and I even had a morphine pump for pain. I By this point, I was trying all natural medication, in all forms. You can’t even imagine what you will try when you are dying and fighting for your life.

I still got up and home-schooled my son, even teaching him to read before pre-school.  I wanted to teach him everything before “mommy was gone”.  I still went to college to become a nurse.  My husband introduced me to cannabis, and let me tell you, in Idaho it’s hard and a dangerous risk to obtain.  Ahh, the relief I felt for the first time, in long time!  Sleeping, eating, starting to get more energy to name just a few results. Over the next four years, I fought with cannabis to stay alive, just hanging on.

Doctors disagreed, but I knew I could carry one more baby; I needed one more son.  I did, but with complications.  I had him in 2002, then all hell broke loose; my body could not fight anymore, so against my will, I signed to have half of everything taken out.  I had some more treatment which I swore would be my last, and it was.  They gave me a death sentence, telling me I would die within the next 4-6 years depending on how well I took care of myself.  Still even more issues, more complications, medications, surgery to “fix it”, all to keep me stable. Thanks to Richard Brumfield, I am able to write this submission of nomination to you today.

My husband and I met him in Oct. of 2010, in Northern California.  In this short amount of time, I have found Richard to be one of the most amazing people in the



world .  I feel so humbled just to know him, and truly one of the blessed who has been saved by this man.  He will always, truly, be a part of my family’s history.  He is wrongfully pushed aside because of red tape, bureaucratic nonsense.  He is truly not a man of this time as he has come up with a cure-all of many of life’s diseases.  He is not “some doctor”, or scientist who is measured by papered degrees.  He is a man that literally found what he, and other people, needed and sought out better treatment: a natural cannabinoidal, omega-filled, non-euphoric medicine that helps your body.

These medications give you what your body needs to sustain life, the very things that have been wrongfully blocked from citizens’ lives, bodies and culture. Due to his lack of greed and need to control, Richard should be praised for not selling his formula to other countries for millions of dollars, possibly more.  But instead, he waits to teach our youth to think creatively “outside the box”.  One should not be held back, nor go unrecognized for achievements such as this based on whether lettered or labeled on a piece of paper or in title. Richard should be recognized for trying to show and teach our Governments and its’ people how to bring this new health care reform option and renewing agriculture not only in California, but in Idaho as well, and once established, later all over the world.  

This may sound like a big dream, but, this world is ready to prove we are crying out to live, to work, to do more than merely survive.  With his medications, business plan, the faith of our associations he has formed and the research team he has placed, he will help renew all earth’s resources, plus eventually creating millions of jobs, as well as cure all skin conditions, diabetes, AIDS...the list goes on. I am a walking example, along with several VA Vet’s, of what he can do to with regards to cancer: destroys it via healthy options.

Richard has served his country many times of over.  He is well recognized in many business communities.  He has won six Sigma Green Belt awards, along with many other achievements.  Now is our country's time to recognize a man who has given more than his country has asked of him; someone who went against dogma.   He has more knowledge in this field of medicine than any of the world’s best chemists, scientists or doctors.  Otherwise, to put it bluntly, they would have figured it out by now.  Richard would have not have had to work since 2009 to bring this under the scrutiny of the United States’ eyes.  Our country needs this cutting edge break in business and health.  Our youth would have something left to them, other than our country’s debt and lack of resources.  Why not break the mold and renew how people build, medicate, drive, eat and live all with one plant and one guy’s ambitious plan?  He has the answer to so many of our great nation’s problems. In turn, I believe our youth will take great respect in re-electing President Obama. For once, a President who believed in his people, and listened and did what our forefathers were



trying to teach us: “The greatest service to be rendered to any country is to add a useful plant to its’ culture.”

I want to give a very humble man to receive a very worthy award.  I am hoping you can help me recognize the great deeds this man has done for me and my family, and many others.  From there, he and our Association will be able to help President Obama go down in history for making a grass-roots change that not only will save billions of dollars, but one that saves lives and also changes the way we eat... and live.

Giving Richard the honor of the National Science Award is a huge accomplishment to patients like me, and to a PI like him, who gives his soul into his healing. When he looks in the mirror, I want him to know that he’s given his mom a chance to say “hello”, instead of not having to say “good-bye”. Please give other women the same chance Richard gave me.  I can’t be the only cured by his trade-secret formulas.  

I pray that Richard Brumfield can save the next girl or woman before she ever gets ovarian cancer, or any type of cancer, for that matter. Please, think about the women that you know and in your life. What if they get diagnosed with cancer; God Bless that never happens, but what if it did? Would you watch them suffer through harsh treatments? Dangerous surgeries? Watch her cry because of the radiation burns, knowing there’s a cure, but it’s illegal right now?  Or , want for her to just take a wholesome, safe, quick, effective product with no side effects?  You have the chance to help change that.  


Tonya J. E Clendenning-Myers(760) [email protected]. Box 1151, Mountain Home, ID. 83647



Nomination of Richard Brumfield, Jr.National Science Award Writer: Kelly MyersBased on: Firsthand Witness of Treatment for CancerRevised by: Christine Wilson                                                    March 10, 2012

Dear Committee:  

                                                    I would like to share my story of how Richard Brumfield changed my life and became a member of our family. Though he claims he is no scientist or doctor, his role in both fields were essential to my wife, Tonya, detoxing thirteen (13) cancerous tumors as well as becoming tumor- free for over a year now. My wife has had cervical cancer since she was 17, and recently, in 2008-2009, had been told “nothing further could be done” for her. With that in mind, I set off to look for a cure in Cannabis and moved to California. We had some success making our own extracts, but after losing my uncle in 2010, it became clear we needed to look further into the Cannabis community for something stable and powerful, yet still try and remain organic. This is how I met this wonderful person, Richard Brumfield.

I met Richard on Facebook in 2009 and in person on October 13th, 2010, at a fundraising event. I bought two bottles of the Hemjoba Topical Oil, as my wife had stayed home due to an ankle injury that had her on crutches. While there, I tried the oil on my wrist for my carpel tunnel and noticed immediate relief. I left the fundraiser early, thinking, “I need to get this to my wife”. We later put the oil on my wife’s ankle, and the next day she was off the crutches.

We soon started using this Hemjoba Oil for everything, including migraines and toothaches. I, myself, had pretty bad feet that no lotion has ever helped with, and all had great results. Tonya started putting this oil on her stomach near the tumors to help with the pain, and that even worked well - better than the pain pills (known as Norco). After a short period of time, we noticed a blister at the application site near these tumors. After researching with doctors as well as online, we learned that the body detoxes through blisters, vomiting, and eliminations (bowel movements). We then decided to approach Richard about his Omega Elixir and informed him of Tonya’s cancer.

After extensive help and assistance from Richard and his associates through the next three months, I watched my terminally-ill wife detox thirteen (13) more cancerous tumors and come alive again. We did this with no other form of treatment or medicines. We became further involved with Richard, and my wife became involved with Pacific Coast Wellness and Evolution Center in advising more of Richard’s patients through the process of detoxing cancer. Three other



terminally-ill cancer patients have had cancer-free results under Richard’s formula and treatment plan.

Full Spectrum Omega and the medicines they make are truly a wonder to the present medical and scientific side of this new industry. The technology seems to be consistent like no other. With his leadership and proven dedication, Richard Brumfield has shown that he is more than qualified for this kind of award. My wife is still here, due to the hard work and dedication this man has given. I would truly be honored to work someday on the path of Richard’s footsteps, and he will always be a part of the Myers family. With this, I would like to nominate Richard Brumfield to be the recipient of the Medal of Science/Technology Award.

Thank you for your consideration.


Kelly Myers(760) [email protected]. Box 1151, Mountain Home, ID. 83647



Nomination of Richard Brumfield, Jr.National Science Award Writer: Victoria ShowersBased on: Firsthand Account/Personal Treatment of CancerRevised by: Christine Wilson                                     March 30, 2012

Dear Committee:

I, Victoria Showers, have been divorced from Richard for 15 years, and I am the mother of his only child, Caleb. He also has a stepson, Tadeysz Showers. Richard had approached me with good news from the Lord about his discovery. He told me, “If you allow me to invest in making this medicine, I will not be able to pay child support or help you with the boys for awhile”. I told him to go ahead and get started because the Lord will see us through. And, it has been a struggle. I had school fees, sports fee, college fees, basic needs-of-life necessities, medical expenses, car insurance and health and other insurances. I also have been in and out of the hospital, from New Orleans to Houston without the support of Richard so he can make this God’s vision of  medicine  become a success. It certainly has been a struggle, and also a lot of pain and suffering.

CANCER FREE On March 12, 2012: I was scheduled for radiation treatment at the New Orleans Veterans Administration Hospital. When I arrived, they were preparing me for the treatment and the doctor came back with a report that they could not find any cancer cells in my body where the radiation treatment was to be performed. They examined more parts of my body, and still did not find any cancer cells. I told the doctor, after my last surgery July, 2011, at the Houston V.A. Hospital, that I had started taking an Elixir that my ex-husband, Richard Brumfield, had been making since August 2008. This non-euphoric cannabis elixir, along with good eating and prayers, had made my body cancer-free for the first time in seven (7) years.

I called Caleb and told him I was cancer-free and he posted on Facebook this message on March 17, at 1:37pm: “Best news i heard this week was that my mother is CANCER 7 years watching her fight cancer was hard for me and my bro to watch. Thanks to my pops Richard Brumfield for making sure we didn’t see our mother suffer like his mother did.”



With dedication, drive and determination, Richard achieved what he set out to do back in 2008, and, having accomplished that goal, it is with great honor and pride to nominate Richard Brumfield, Jr. for the Presidential National Science Award.

Thank you,

Victoria Showers(985) [email protected] 2nd Avenue, Hammond, LA. 70401



The following letter, although not able to be submitted due to the National Science Foundation’s restriction that family members are prohibited from submissions, is a strong testimonial, and included here as it is from Richard Brumfield’s youngest son, Caleb.

We are  hopeful his stepson Tadeysz Showers, who is stationed in Afghanistan, will be writing as well when he comes off his current mission.

“Dear Sir/Madam:

I would like to nominate my Dad, Richard Brumfield, for the Scientific Award.

When my father started his journey with his medicine, I didn’t understand what he was trying to accomplish, but God had given him a gift that he could share with the world. (It would be a bumpy ride.) After a couple of months, he came back to Louisiana with his formula and explained all that it does. I was pretty much amazed at what he said. When I entered high school, I started having injuries and problems with my knees, hips, foot, fingers, ankles and shoulders. I was skeptical in trying it, because I really didn’t think cannabis could help until I did try it after messing up my knees. When I came home, my mother gave me the lotion before I went to sleep. The next morning, my knees weren’t swollen and they felt a lot better. This is when I became a believer.

Since that day, I use the lotion for everything: headaches, pink eye, food poisoning, and even tattoos. I haven’t found anything that his formula doesn't work for; it an absolutely great medicine.

Now my stepbrother, Tadeysz Showers, is currently overseas serving our country in war, since he followed the family tradition of joining the service. Before his current deployment, he "couldn’t even buy (his) way" into the Army because his knees were so bad.  He had joined the Navy after he graduated in 2008, but after a couple of months, he was kicked out because of his bad knees. When he came home, he was still determined to re-join the service, so he switched to the Army. The Army kept turning him down due to the previous reason he had to leave the Navy.



Since that day, I use the lotion for everything: headaches, pink eye, food poisoning, and even tattoos. I haven’t found anything that his formula doesn't work for it an absolutely great medicine.

Now my stepbrother, Tadeysz Showers, is currently overseas serving our country in war, since he followed the family tradition of joining the service. Before his current deployment, he "couldn’t even buy (his) way" into the Army because his knees were so bad.  He had joined the Navy after he graduated in 2008, but after a couple of months, he was kicked out because of his bad knees. When he came home, he was still determined to re-join the service, so he switched to the Army. The Army kept turning him down due to the previous reason he had to leave the Navy.

Frustrated, my brother decided to give my father’s medicine a chance, and after using it for 3 months, he start walking better. After 2 more months, he was taking regular runs in the park, and after 2 more months, my brother was training with the Army, and later was able to join the Basketball Team at Fort Knox, KY. As Point Guard. He improved so quickly that he forgot about how bad his knees were. He can’t even complain about his knees anymore!

My brother and I have only been using the Lotion, and he’s still using this Lotion while over in Afghanistan! When I came out to California, my Dad introduced me to his Topical and Elixir, which are ten times stronger (than his Lotion).

I would most definitely recommend his formula to anybody with any problems.

Sincerely,Caleb Brumfield”

Declaration of Commitment Statement

As you see, Full Spectrum Omega, Inc., is fully committed, and hopes that this Administration is just as fully committed as we are. In closing, in response to former President John F. Kennedy’s query, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”,  FSO responds:

“Rebuild America”.

We thank you.