letter regarding issues with draft administrative … › work › 01 › 577856.pdf · mintz,...

........ _ Aprtl 21 , 1911 Mr. aichard ti . "cA.llLtter Oni.ted ltatet In vi ron•ent al Protect ion Atency, a.. i.on I JPI redeul luildint, aoo• 2201 IOeton, Maatachuelttl 02203 11 1 norvoof tel ILtt/ Gunt Getr letthatnt Dear Mr. RcUUater : I )\awe receivH the draft adaidttnUve conaent order for llttl,..nt "'-th aunt Gear Morke, Inc. and Cunt Gear lealtY truet ( totlther •aunt cear•l purawant to C:IIC:LA aection l22fi1ClHII. I .. 1nepared to Mit vlth you afttr Ray t, aa to reapond to ttte draft in detail then. tlllfl ia, · howe•• r, one fwnd' aMnU 1 i. uue thlt needa t, bfll reMlM• IMfon ve can proceed very far . Thtt L• the propoaal 1• "r"ra.et tt of the draft order that Grant Gear dil•iaa vith ,re1ud'-c• all elai•• "ainet nontovernaenttl :::!;:·.. aftd •••rc '-•• of IPA'• eettllfllnt ltverate over aunt Gilt. tt '- 1 Lnconaietent vith the purpolll of thL• eettle•ent 1MI of the prov111on1 of law that authorial the eettl..,,t. Let .. be clear abo11t the ••ptct of th i t Letue on Crans Gear and ill prheipell. aunt Cetr inveettd tl . t •ilHon in the of the llorvood property fro• the Friedland lrotheu . fte Lnve ataent in pllnt and pro!MttY repreeantt v1rtulll1 111 of tha Hu it.Y that John and aoblrt IuthY HCh hal bl.lilt "'t Ln tH butinlll i n a U ht LH of work at Grant Gear . flft edd iti on, they peuonelly tuauntted the U7t induatr La l r e venue fin ancint.) The banaflt of the ltlt barta in v11 a •clean• pro!Mrty thlt, •• euch, would bl worth •• auch at *' a111 oft or .ora today . lut '- n1tead, t •cauae of eet .i.oft • ot foraer ovnau aftd o,.nson, Guftt c ••r and thl fturl aYI ovn • property th at we at r •• '- worth not hint nov •• '-nde•d, a '- a 1'-a•t\i.ty. lettle.. nt ntolV• that U ab Uay, Lt vlll not rettore whit the lurleya have b111lt u' o'llr t)\e yea n or their co1t1 .

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Page 1: LETTER REGARDING ISSUES WITH DRAFT ADMINISTRATIVE … › work › 01 › 577856.pdf · Mintz, Lovin, Cohn, Ferris.Glovslty and Popoo, P.C. Me. aichard c. MeAl litter Aptil U, 1911

_Aprtl 21 1911

Mr aichard ti cAllLtter Onited ltatet Invi ronbullent al

Protect ion Atency a ion I JPI redeul luildint aoobull 2201 IOeton Maatachuelttl 02203

11 1 norvoof tel ILtt Gunt Getr letthatnt

Dear Mr RcUUater

I )awe receivH the draft adaidttnUve conaent order for llttlnt -th aunt Gear Morke Inc and Cunt Gear lealtY truet ( totlther bullaunt cearbulll purawant to CIICLA aection l22fi1ClHII I 1nepared to Mit vlth you afttr Ray t aa ~tropoa an~ to reapond to ttte draft in detail then

tlllfl ia middot howebullbull r one fwndaMnU 1 i uue thlt needa t bfll reMlMbull IMfon ve can proceed very far Thtt Lbull the propoaal 1bull rraet tt of the draft order that Grant Gear dilbulliaa vith re1ud-cbull all elaibullbull ainet nontovernaenttl tJIIMftlamp~lbull

middot~~ lll1faeSfiT~ur11llZ pound~~ aftd ctpricio~bull bullbullbullrc -bullbull of IPAbull eettllfllnt ltverate over aunt Gilt tt - 1 Lnconaietent vith the purpolll of thLbull eettlebullent 1MI of the prov111on1 of law that authorial the eettlt

Let be clear abo11t the bullbullptct of th i t Letue on Crans Gear and ill prheipell aunt Cetr inveettd tl t bullilHon in the 1c~u111tioft of the llorvood property frobull the Friedland lrotheu fte Lnveataent in pllnt and proMttY repreeantt v1rtulll1 111 of tha Hu itY that John and aoblrt IuthY HCh hal bllilt t Ln tH butinlll i n a U ht LH of work at Grant Gear flft eddition they peuonelly tuauntted the U7t induatr La l r e venue financint) The banaflt of the ltlt barta in v11 a bullcleanbull proMrty thlt bullbull euch would bl worth bullbull auch at a111 oft or ora today lut - n1tead t bullcauae of eetioftbull ot foraer ovnau aftd onson Guftt c bullbullr and thl fturl aYI ovn bull property that we at rbullbull - bull worth not hint nov bullbull -ndebulld a - bull a 1-abulltity lettlent ~ay ntolVbull that U abUay ~ut Lt vlll not rettore whit the lurleya have b111lt u ollr t)e yea n or their co1t1

Mintz Lovin Cohn Ferris Glovslty and Popoo PC

Me aichard c MeAl litter Aptil U 1911 bullbull 2

tventually rebulledial act~on bullbullY uetore aobullbull value to the property aut qLven the utual uncutalntitl of hov clean ie cltln and the HktH~ood of lonqterbull operationbull and bullbullinttnenct or continued reurictiona on the Uti of the property thttt it no quaranttt that tht propertY vill bt bullarkttabh bulluch hat ttllt it vill frtt of PCI contabullLnation And the lurleYI art nld outh that they bullbullv well not be Uvinq by thl tiM thl outcot of Clllltdial act i on i a known

~nd even it 1 rebulledy 11 probullpt and etfecHbullbullmiddot then i t ttill the potential for cauetcophic econo-ic Lbullpact on Grant cear roc bullbullbullbullPllr the teo of work for the IIPI l11t1 var~oue opti ont for trtltMnt of the bdldin9 that inchda deeolit i on 111 lbllco larvicel tnc Worll flln lt1Nd1al tnveat1tltion and reaeibility ltYdV ( Dec ltl7 ) at Table Jbulll Other trtatMnt opt ion cot1ld caYII eer ioua dianpt ion of Grant Gearbull bYiinttl ttaae tht r-41al work coyld pyt Grant aear out of bal iftlll even U tettleHnt keepa it ll iYI

OIMitr the propoaed tbullrbullbull of lttt l tMnt Grant Gear and the IUfllll wollld hiVe MWhtrt tO lOOk aadtr IWCh cirCYIItlnCIIo to aettlnt on thl teraa deMn-d could depr1M tta of everyttl1nbull they taawe nil defeat a the Plrpolt of aettleaent tt ld 1M a cruel boll on IJraat Gilt and on tholt wiiO beliebullbull the bullbullency will carry oat i tl H ttltatnt aatho ritl in tood faith

such a rtiYlt allo de fea tt the pyrpottt of thbull innocent owner provia i ont of CIICLA l e ction 101()) the bullinnocent owner dtftnaebull and HCt~on lU(G)(l)(l) the innocent l endowner aettlnt provlt1on eltltatt the bardthip of CIICLAI atrict lUbilitY echl for e1tt ownen wtlio have no connect1on with thl rtltlll at the 11tt The defln eetablithll that an innocent landowner who bull eetl the

~rt~~t0e~n~emiddot~~~~~t 1 ~~~ ~~h~middot ~t ahollld not liable for anythlnt

Grant Gear ntYtrthtlell i a vUllnbull to Yndtrtake retponbullbull bullction or aakt a bullcaehmiddotOIatbull PlY 11 a coeproai te i n the i nterettl of aettleaent in 111 with tht dt alft l bullil atatue accorded to i nnocent owntn vndtr the eettlent provi llon lat ln Utht of i tt potent i el l apact the pdct ettltl to exact by dendi waiver of ell bullbull atalntt rtapone l blt part i ebull 11 too trtat bull departtHt rrbull the prtaht that c unt c r

Mintz Lovin Cohn Ferris Glovoky and Popoo PC

Mr Richard G McAllllter April 21 191R P191 l

tho~ld not be the one to bear the upone~bility toe 1 eelbullbullbullbull a did not catue and did not knov I bout Thil de~t~and La an offer for bulluch bullon than a de bullinibullLbull ttl11111nt tt ia thorouthly Jnconal1t1nt v i th the libullplicity and econo111y dictated by the intention of section lllCtl to avo id bullthe Lbullpoaition of unaceeury notht i on bullbull coltl onbull innocent hndovneu lupacfuru1 Abullendbullante of UIS llaport of Thl louae cobullittH on the Judic i ary R aap tt-u ttth Cont let bullbullbullbullmiddot

c~2 1 1~~~smiddot~ ic~~~~Y ~~ ~~iiUibulld at tll con9

Poe Grant Gear to puraua chibullbull 191inat bullbullbullbull furtheu CIICLAa tNl of bullpllcint the ultibullatbull Unancial burden upon ltboH reepoaolbh or ltho dootor bull LLbull U5 f lltbullbullbulltllaflfD gtbbulltstl co su r luppITltll ~ a coacM taat wll middotrecotniled and atatutorily confirM4 t1tltlt of conttUtution and allocation ptiftCLPlbullbullmiddot ClllCLl alao to encouratbull sttlvlte party cleanupbull and obUtatel a laadownet Ut eaerclae due care with reapect to bull telbullbullbullbullmiddot It tct Mta1a tbull Httlabullent that CICLA bullandattl for 1naocent owaeumiddot an owner ttUit atteorb ita reaponae coati there voul4 be 1 bull1a1noeat1bullbull to tba reeuired due care bulluch le11 to any rean1e act ion Hyond thtt

ltle ucatioa of ttMII Uclaa vall-known to Contrail in anactint llll audita 1nnoctnt owner prov1elona Tttaa IAampA eapreaaly contaeplattl that bull(al peuon who hal raaolMd itl UabU1ty to the Onited ltatae or the atata l n an adbull1n1atrat1bullbull or judlcillly approved aettlant ~

rtfWlt ~~- u~~~~nwl~ f ~~~ rch dbullbull The latter provLeion waa intended bullto ancour~tbull aettlenta and to avoid probleu that bull1tht otharwl ae arila due to the courta reluctance to 11 nev privlte rithta of ect i on under fadarel aututea Ul COftt lee JlllOil (daLly ad Dace Ul5 ) llwerka of COntreaaun Gickbullan) The propod aattlbullbullbullnt dOll eampICtly thl oppo8ltl Contrlll 1110 VII ICU icllly aware that Qunt Gear haa bullbulldbull clllbullbull 191 i n1t PIPe lll Cortt lee Jl 11159 flbullarka of contrbullubullan Roeltley ) Superfund Ibullprovnu Act of ltl laarintbull before tba Ieneta Cobullbull l ttee on Jud1c11cy at UJ (Cittbullbull Print 110 J-ttmiddotlOHJune 1 and 10 lti5)(1Mttka of Senetor Specter) Thua contrary to the auttaat ion in our tahphonl diacuaaion of thia uua that PA

Mintz Levin Cohn Ferris Glovsky and Popeo PC

Mr aLchard G McA llitter Apr11 21 19U bullbull 4

bullbullbullbull aobullbull unhi tneu in allovin9 Grant caar to bullbullinUin i u middot elaibullbull after ttllnq iu own liabilAtv with the 9overnbullbullnt it ia conliltant with the Ciflftltal qoall of tht nat uta end the apecUlc inttntiona of the innocent owner and contribution protection provisionbull

t l dabulland i n paraquph 49 ello ovaruachll IPAI authocLty under CIILCA IP i a lntroducint bull bullttera that have nothint to with Grant Gearbull tUtibiHty for aattltaent under the criteria of act i on lUitHlllll Pirat Grant Cearbulla claill 191in1t priYitl partiel ar i el not juat under CIICLA nction 107 for coat recovery but dso under atatt llv particularly under NGL ch 211 MCUon S vhict proidll tbat raaponaibla ctill are liable bullto any peraon for d1911 for daute to bia real or peuonal propbullttvbull cauead by a r111111 or tbrtat of ral1111 Grant Gear ie lltllint bullbullbullbullbullbullbull far beyond aiiPlY the reaponaa coatbull it hal incurred already or will incur in carryiftt out the won plan under under tH eettlent caact epecUicaUy dote ftot prbullbullbullPt eute taw claibullbull middot 41 aac tiiU IY deMndint that Grant Ollr forto tuch claiea IPl 11 IUOtltint tO aealf I power that Contrlll dtnia~ it bull

lecoftd t~il atteept to cofttrol over the Ubullint and anent of Grant Gearbull claibullbull uounta to a forbull of preautborillt ion of privetbull party riiPGftlll Yet IPA it11lf conaiatent with the 90111 of CIICLA advanced bY privati actionl hal rejected an rtCIUirnt of IUCh PrllllthorilltiOn II I Prldicatl to COlt CICOYICY bull bull0 Fld 1 47934

1hicd uti itl Httlebullent levente to protect at the llorwood bull-U for judtMntl IPl bull bull Y 11ek 19A in8t thebull It other aitll and to obtiLn 1ti11LI1al ata i nlt ftnl tovereent aMuntl to noth lnt le11 than bhckaaU loth the Olpartnt of the 11avy and the Genenl lerviCII Abullini etut i on were naaH 11 Ptfl by tbl COMOIIWIIlth Of MIIIIChUitttl It VII only thin t~at tbey wert joifttd i n the Utitat i on l ettllbullent wi th thtll atencitl ettould turn on the a ec i U of tbe ca111 involvinq the aa contelated by the va i ver of ten l ibullnty in 4l uac 1 07(9) not bl ettracted 11 a condition of 1 eettlent that contrbullbullbull hal d itcted IPA to enter bullu proaptly 11 po11ible bull Onder the ciccuaatancea Grant Gear 11 vi Unt tG entartlin thh condition 11 a app liea to federa l prOYi ded a i l hctored into thl pr cint of lltt l l llt but a ahOuld bl undeutood the t if there were the bullbullbullbull bullaaoUnt


JJi rrlrI

Mintz lAvin Cohn Ferris Glovsky and Popeo PC

Mr Jtichard G NcAll itter Aoltll a ltllbullbull s

q~un evidence ot PCI dispoul at the 1Ltt attribuUble to the PllPI 11 thect ia foe others thil cond i t i on would bt intolerable and a hiq~hly illproper exerc i ll of entorcbullbullbullnt authoray

Pinally John and ftobert bullharley individually ere pla l ntLth

~middot=~XA fJf~l~ii~~dt~Atnbullc~t ~~== ~ drop their claibulla even U a were reaaonabll and proper to call on Grant Gear to do ao

Gnnt Gear 11 not trylnt to prtllrYI itl claibullbull attillt flh to IHII a wiflldhll but to protect it11U bullbullbullinat the very real ri11l1 that rbullbullbullin even if it Httltl with the fHtnl and etate bulloMCftMnta we recotnilt that in addition to diHatro a acenariol for Grant Gear there ere conceibullablt ecenarioa that could t-enefit Grant Geu in CN~Nriaon to the tobullernaent are prepared to diiCtlll etneturint Crant Qearl Claial tO ICCOM4Ue ltICb lcenar i oe

lut Grant Gear cennot enter into bull eatt 1ebullent that co11ld Jttobulli OMPletely hollow relief

lJUG cc John r tltltley

loMrt J IIYrley Nichael 1 Gardener Larry a lahite bullrtaret A lbeehan Joyce aechtecbafte n J ane OOWnint

  1. barcode 577856
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 577856
Page 2: LETTER REGARDING ISSUES WITH DRAFT ADMINISTRATIVE … › work › 01 › 577856.pdf · Mintz, Lovin, Cohn, Ferris.Glovslty and Popoo, P.C. Me. aichard c. MeAl litter Aptil U, 1911

Mintz Lovin Cohn Ferris Glovslty and Popoo PC

Me aichard c MeAl litter Aptil U 1911 bullbull 2

tventually rebulledial act~on bullbullY uetore aobullbull value to the property aut qLven the utual uncutalntitl of hov clean ie cltln and the HktH~ood of lonqterbull operationbull and bullbullinttnenct or continued reurictiona on the Uti of the property thttt it no quaranttt that tht propertY vill bt bullarkttabh bulluch hat ttllt it vill frtt of PCI contabullLnation And the lurleYI art nld outh that they bullbullv well not be Uvinq by thl tiM thl outcot of Clllltdial act i on i a known

~nd even it 1 rebulledy 11 probullpt and etfecHbullbullmiddot then i t ttill the potential for cauetcophic econo-ic Lbullpact on Grant cear roc bullbullbullbullPllr the teo of work for the IIPI l11t1 var~oue opti ont for trtltMnt of the bdldin9 that inchda deeolit i on 111 lbllco larvicel tnc Worll flln lt1Nd1al tnveat1tltion and reaeibility ltYdV ( Dec ltl7 ) at Table Jbulll Other trtatMnt opt ion cot1ld caYII eer ioua dianpt ion of Grant Gearbull bYiinttl ttaae tht r-41al work coyld pyt Grant aear out of bal iftlll even U tettleHnt keepa it ll iYI

OIMitr the propoaed tbullrbullbull of lttt l tMnt Grant Gear and the IUfllll wollld hiVe MWhtrt tO lOOk aadtr IWCh cirCYIItlnCIIo to aettlnt on thl teraa deMn-d could depr1M tta of everyttl1nbull they taawe nil defeat a the Plrpolt of aettleaent tt ld 1M a cruel boll on IJraat Gilt and on tholt wiiO beliebullbull the bullbullency will carry oat i tl H ttltatnt aatho ritl in tood faith

such a rtiYlt allo de fea tt the pyrpottt of thbull innocent owner provia i ont of CIICLA l e ction 101()) the bullinnocent owner dtftnaebull and HCt~on lU(G)(l)(l) the innocent l endowner aettlnt provlt1on eltltatt the bardthip of CIICLAI atrict lUbilitY echl for e1tt ownen wtlio have no connect1on with thl rtltlll at the 11tt The defln eetablithll that an innocent landowner who bull eetl the

~rt~~t0e~n~emiddot~~~~~t 1 ~~~ ~~h~middot ~t ahollld not liable for anythlnt

Grant Gear ntYtrthtlell i a vUllnbull to Yndtrtake retponbullbull bullction or aakt a bullcaehmiddotOIatbull PlY 11 a coeproai te i n the i nterettl of aettleaent in 111 with tht dt alft l bullil atatue accorded to i nnocent owntn vndtr the eettlent provi llon lat ln Utht of i tt potent i el l apact the pdct ettltl to exact by dendi waiver of ell bullbull atalntt rtapone l blt part i ebull 11 too trtat bull departtHt rrbull the prtaht that c unt c r

Mintz Lovin Cohn Ferris Glovoky and Popoo PC

Mr Richard G McAllllter April 21 191R P191 l

tho~ld not be the one to bear the upone~bility toe 1 eelbullbullbullbull a did not catue and did not knov I bout Thil de~t~and La an offer for bulluch bullon than a de bullinibullLbull ttl11111nt tt ia thorouthly Jnconal1t1nt v i th the libullplicity and econo111y dictated by the intention of section lllCtl to avo id bullthe Lbullpoaition of unaceeury notht i on bullbull coltl onbull innocent hndovneu lupacfuru1 Abullendbullante of UIS llaport of Thl louae cobullittH on the Judic i ary R aap tt-u ttth Cont let bullbullbullbullmiddot

c~2 1 1~~~smiddot~ ic~~~~Y ~~ ~~iiUibulld at tll con9

Poe Grant Gear to puraua chibullbull 191inat bullbullbullbull furtheu CIICLAa tNl of bullpllcint the ultibullatbull Unancial burden upon ltboH reepoaolbh or ltho dootor bull LLbull U5 f lltbullbullbulltllaflfD gtbbulltstl co su r luppITltll ~ a coacM taat wll middotrecotniled and atatutorily confirM4 t1tltlt of conttUtution and allocation ptiftCLPlbullbullmiddot ClllCLl alao to encouratbull sttlvlte party cleanupbull and obUtatel a laadownet Ut eaerclae due care with reapect to bull telbullbullbullbullmiddot It tct Mta1a tbull Httlabullent that CICLA bullandattl for 1naocent owaeumiddot an owner ttUit atteorb ita reaponae coati there voul4 be 1 bull1a1noeat1bullbull to tba reeuired due care bulluch le11 to any rean1e act ion Hyond thtt

ltle ucatioa of ttMII Uclaa vall-known to Contrail in anactint llll audita 1nnoctnt owner prov1elona Tttaa IAampA eapreaaly contaeplattl that bull(al peuon who hal raaolMd itl UabU1ty to the Onited ltatae or the atata l n an adbull1n1atrat1bullbull or judlcillly approved aettlant ~

rtfWlt ~~- u~~~~nwl~ f ~~~ rch dbullbull The latter provLeion waa intended bullto ancour~tbull aettlenta and to avoid probleu that bull1tht otharwl ae arila due to the courta reluctance to 11 nev privlte rithta of ect i on under fadarel aututea Ul COftt lee JlllOil (daLly ad Dace Ul5 ) llwerka of COntreaaun Gickbullan) The propod aattlbullbullbullnt dOll eampICtly thl oppo8ltl Contrlll 1110 VII ICU icllly aware that Qunt Gear haa bullbulldbull clllbullbull 191 i n1t PIPe lll Cortt lee Jl 11159 flbullarka of contrbullubullan Roeltley ) Superfund Ibullprovnu Act of ltl laarintbull before tba Ieneta Cobullbull l ttee on Jud1c11cy at UJ (Cittbullbull Print 110 J-ttmiddotlOHJune 1 and 10 lti5)(1Mttka of Senetor Specter) Thua contrary to the auttaat ion in our tahphonl diacuaaion of thia uua that PA

Mintz Levin Cohn Ferris Glovsky and Popeo PC

Mr aLchard G McA llitter Apr11 21 19U bullbull 4

bullbullbullbull aobullbull unhi tneu in allovin9 Grant caar to bullbullinUin i u middot elaibullbull after ttllnq iu own liabilAtv with the 9overnbullbullnt it ia conliltant with the Ciflftltal qoall of tht nat uta end the apecUlc inttntiona of the innocent owner and contribution protection provisionbull

t l dabulland i n paraquph 49 ello ovaruachll IPAI authocLty under CIILCA IP i a lntroducint bull bullttera that have nothint to with Grant Gearbull tUtibiHty for aattltaent under the criteria of act i on lUitHlllll Pirat Grant Cearbulla claill 191in1t priYitl partiel ar i el not juat under CIICLA nction 107 for coat recovery but dso under atatt llv particularly under NGL ch 211 MCUon S vhict proidll tbat raaponaibla ctill are liable bullto any peraon for d1911 for daute to bia real or peuonal propbullttvbull cauead by a r111111 or tbrtat of ral1111 Grant Gear ie lltllint bullbullbullbullbullbullbull far beyond aiiPlY the reaponaa coatbull it hal incurred already or will incur in carryiftt out the won plan under under tH eettlent caact epecUicaUy dote ftot prbullbullbullPt eute taw claibullbull middot 41 aac tiiU IY deMndint that Grant Ollr forto tuch claiea IPl 11 IUOtltint tO aealf I power that Contrlll dtnia~ it bull

lecoftd t~il atteept to cofttrol over the Ubullint and anent of Grant Gearbull claibullbull uounta to a forbull of preautborillt ion of privetbull party riiPGftlll Yet IPA it11lf conaiatent with the 90111 of CIICLA advanced bY privati actionl hal rejected an rtCIUirnt of IUCh PrllllthorilltiOn II I Prldicatl to COlt CICOYICY bull bull0 Fld 1 47934

1hicd uti itl Httlebullent levente to protect at the llorwood bull-U for judtMntl IPl bull bull Y 11ek 19A in8t thebull It other aitll and to obtiLn 1ti11LI1al ata i nlt ftnl tovereent aMuntl to noth lnt le11 than bhckaaU loth the Olpartnt of the 11avy and the Genenl lerviCII Abullini etut i on were naaH 11 Ptfl by tbl COMOIIWIIlth Of MIIIIChUitttl It VII only thin t~at tbey wert joifttd i n the Utitat i on l ettllbullent wi th thtll atencitl ettould turn on the a ec i U of tbe ca111 involvinq the aa contelated by the va i ver of ten l ibullnty in 4l uac 1 07(9) not bl ettracted 11 a condition of 1 eettlent that contrbullbullbull hal d itcted IPA to enter bullu proaptly 11 po11ible bull Onder the ciccuaatancea Grant Gear 11 vi Unt tG entartlin thh condition 11 a app liea to federa l prOYi ded a i l hctored into thl pr cint of lltt l l llt but a ahOuld bl undeutood the t if there were the bullbullbullbull bullaaoUnt


JJi rrlrI

Mintz lAvin Cohn Ferris Glovsky and Popeo PC

Mr Jtichard G NcAll itter Aoltll a ltllbullbull s

q~un evidence ot PCI dispoul at the 1Ltt attribuUble to the PllPI 11 thect ia foe others thil cond i t i on would bt intolerable and a hiq~hly illproper exerc i ll of entorcbullbullbullnt authoray

Pinally John and ftobert bullharley individually ere pla l ntLth

~middot=~XA fJf~l~ii~~dt~Atnbullc~t ~~== ~ drop their claibulla even U a were reaaonabll and proper to call on Grant Gear to do ao

Gnnt Gear 11 not trylnt to prtllrYI itl claibullbull attillt flh to IHII a wiflldhll but to protect it11U bullbullbullinat the very real ri11l1 that rbullbullbullin even if it Httltl with the fHtnl and etate bulloMCftMnta we recotnilt that in addition to diHatro a acenariol for Grant Gear there ere conceibullablt ecenarioa that could t-enefit Grant Geu in CN~Nriaon to the tobullernaent are prepared to diiCtlll etneturint Crant Qearl Claial tO ICCOM4Ue ltICb lcenar i oe

lut Grant Gear cennot enter into bull eatt 1ebullent that co11ld Jttobulli OMPletely hollow relief

lJUG cc John r tltltley

loMrt J IIYrley Nichael 1 Gardener Larry a lahite bullrtaret A lbeehan Joyce aechtecbafte n J ane OOWnint

  1. barcode 577856
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 577856
Page 3: LETTER REGARDING ISSUES WITH DRAFT ADMINISTRATIVE … › work › 01 › 577856.pdf · Mintz, Lovin, Cohn, Ferris.Glovslty and Popoo, P.C. Me. aichard c. MeAl litter Aptil U, 1911

Mintz Lovin Cohn Ferris Glovoky and Popoo PC

Mr Richard G McAllllter April 21 191R P191 l

tho~ld not be the one to bear the upone~bility toe 1 eelbullbullbullbull a did not catue and did not knov I bout Thil de~t~and La an offer for bulluch bullon than a de bullinibullLbull ttl11111nt tt ia thorouthly Jnconal1t1nt v i th the libullplicity and econo111y dictated by the intention of section lllCtl to avo id bullthe Lbullpoaition of unaceeury notht i on bullbull coltl onbull innocent hndovneu lupacfuru1 Abullendbullante of UIS llaport of Thl louae cobullittH on the Judic i ary R aap tt-u ttth Cont let bullbullbullbullmiddot

c~2 1 1~~~smiddot~ ic~~~~Y ~~ ~~iiUibulld at tll con9

Poe Grant Gear to puraua chibullbull 191inat bullbullbullbull furtheu CIICLAa tNl of bullpllcint the ultibullatbull Unancial burden upon ltboH reepoaolbh or ltho dootor bull LLbull U5 f lltbullbullbulltllaflfD gtbbulltstl co su r luppITltll ~ a coacM taat wll middotrecotniled and atatutorily confirM4 t1tltlt of conttUtution and allocation ptiftCLPlbullbullmiddot ClllCLl alao to encouratbull sttlvlte party cleanupbull and obUtatel a laadownet Ut eaerclae due care with reapect to bull telbullbullbullbullmiddot It tct Mta1a tbull Httlabullent that CICLA bullandattl for 1naocent owaeumiddot an owner ttUit atteorb ita reaponae coati there voul4 be 1 bull1a1noeat1bullbull to tba reeuired due care bulluch le11 to any rean1e act ion Hyond thtt

ltle ucatioa of ttMII Uclaa vall-known to Contrail in anactint llll audita 1nnoctnt owner prov1elona Tttaa IAampA eapreaaly contaeplattl that bull(al peuon who hal raaolMd itl UabU1ty to the Onited ltatae or the atata l n an adbull1n1atrat1bullbull or judlcillly approved aettlant ~

rtfWlt ~~- u~~~~nwl~ f ~~~ rch dbullbull The latter provLeion waa intended bullto ancour~tbull aettlenta and to avoid probleu that bull1tht otharwl ae arila due to the courta reluctance to 11 nev privlte rithta of ect i on under fadarel aututea Ul COftt lee JlllOil (daLly ad Dace Ul5 ) llwerka of COntreaaun Gickbullan) The propod aattlbullbullbullnt dOll eampICtly thl oppo8ltl Contrlll 1110 VII ICU icllly aware that Qunt Gear haa bullbulldbull clllbullbull 191 i n1t PIPe lll Cortt lee Jl 11159 flbullarka of contrbullubullan Roeltley ) Superfund Ibullprovnu Act of ltl laarintbull before tba Ieneta Cobullbull l ttee on Jud1c11cy at UJ (Cittbullbull Print 110 J-ttmiddotlOHJune 1 and 10 lti5)(1Mttka of Senetor Specter) Thua contrary to the auttaat ion in our tahphonl diacuaaion of thia uua that PA

Mintz Levin Cohn Ferris Glovsky and Popeo PC

Mr aLchard G McA llitter Apr11 21 19U bullbull 4

bullbullbullbull aobullbull unhi tneu in allovin9 Grant caar to bullbullinUin i u middot elaibullbull after ttllnq iu own liabilAtv with the 9overnbullbullnt it ia conliltant with the Ciflftltal qoall of tht nat uta end the apecUlc inttntiona of the innocent owner and contribution protection provisionbull

t l dabulland i n paraquph 49 ello ovaruachll IPAI authocLty under CIILCA IP i a lntroducint bull bullttera that have nothint to with Grant Gearbull tUtibiHty for aattltaent under the criteria of act i on lUitHlllll Pirat Grant Cearbulla claill 191in1t priYitl partiel ar i el not juat under CIICLA nction 107 for coat recovery but dso under atatt llv particularly under NGL ch 211 MCUon S vhict proidll tbat raaponaibla ctill are liable bullto any peraon for d1911 for daute to bia real or peuonal propbullttvbull cauead by a r111111 or tbrtat of ral1111 Grant Gear ie lltllint bullbullbullbullbullbullbull far beyond aiiPlY the reaponaa coatbull it hal incurred already or will incur in carryiftt out the won plan under under tH eettlent caact epecUicaUy dote ftot prbullbullbullPt eute taw claibullbull middot 41 aac tiiU IY deMndint that Grant Ollr forto tuch claiea IPl 11 IUOtltint tO aealf I power that Contrlll dtnia~ it bull

lecoftd t~il atteept to cofttrol over the Ubullint and anent of Grant Gearbull claibullbull uounta to a forbull of preautborillt ion of privetbull party riiPGftlll Yet IPA it11lf conaiatent with the 90111 of CIICLA advanced bY privati actionl hal rejected an rtCIUirnt of IUCh PrllllthorilltiOn II I Prldicatl to COlt CICOYICY bull bull0 Fld 1 47934

1hicd uti itl Httlebullent levente to protect at the llorwood bull-U for judtMntl IPl bull bull Y 11ek 19A in8t thebull It other aitll and to obtiLn 1ti11LI1al ata i nlt ftnl tovereent aMuntl to noth lnt le11 than bhckaaU loth the Olpartnt of the 11avy and the Genenl lerviCII Abullini etut i on were naaH 11 Ptfl by tbl COMOIIWIIlth Of MIIIIChUitttl It VII only thin t~at tbey wert joifttd i n the Utitat i on l ettllbullent wi th thtll atencitl ettould turn on the a ec i U of tbe ca111 involvinq the aa contelated by the va i ver of ten l ibullnty in 4l uac 1 07(9) not bl ettracted 11 a condition of 1 eettlent that contrbullbullbull hal d itcted IPA to enter bullu proaptly 11 po11ible bull Onder the ciccuaatancea Grant Gear 11 vi Unt tG entartlin thh condition 11 a app liea to federa l prOYi ded a i l hctored into thl pr cint of lltt l l llt but a ahOuld bl undeutood the t if there were the bullbullbullbull bullaaoUnt


JJi rrlrI

Mintz lAvin Cohn Ferris Glovsky and Popeo PC

Mr Jtichard G NcAll itter Aoltll a ltllbullbull s

q~un evidence ot PCI dispoul at the 1Ltt attribuUble to the PllPI 11 thect ia foe others thil cond i t i on would bt intolerable and a hiq~hly illproper exerc i ll of entorcbullbullbullnt authoray

Pinally John and ftobert bullharley individually ere pla l ntLth

~middot=~XA fJf~l~ii~~dt~Atnbullc~t ~~== ~ drop their claibulla even U a were reaaonabll and proper to call on Grant Gear to do ao

Gnnt Gear 11 not trylnt to prtllrYI itl claibullbull attillt flh to IHII a wiflldhll but to protect it11U bullbullbullinat the very real ri11l1 that rbullbullbullin even if it Httltl with the fHtnl and etate bulloMCftMnta we recotnilt that in addition to diHatro a acenariol for Grant Gear there ere conceibullablt ecenarioa that could t-enefit Grant Geu in CN~Nriaon to the tobullernaent are prepared to diiCtlll etneturint Crant Qearl Claial tO ICCOM4Ue ltICb lcenar i oe

lut Grant Gear cennot enter into bull eatt 1ebullent that co11ld Jttobulli OMPletely hollow relief

lJUG cc John r tltltley

loMrt J IIYrley Nichael 1 Gardener Larry a lahite bullrtaret A lbeehan Joyce aechtecbafte n J ane OOWnint

  1. barcode 577856
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 577856
Page 4: LETTER REGARDING ISSUES WITH DRAFT ADMINISTRATIVE … › work › 01 › 577856.pdf · Mintz, Lovin, Cohn, Ferris.Glovslty and Popoo, P.C. Me. aichard c. MeAl litter Aptil U, 1911

Mintz Levin Cohn Ferris Glovsky and Popeo PC

Mr aLchard G McA llitter Apr11 21 19U bullbull 4

bullbullbullbull aobullbull unhi tneu in allovin9 Grant caar to bullbullinUin i u middot elaibullbull after ttllnq iu own liabilAtv with the 9overnbullbullnt it ia conliltant with the Ciflftltal qoall of tht nat uta end the apecUlc inttntiona of the innocent owner and contribution protection provisionbull

t l dabulland i n paraquph 49 ello ovaruachll IPAI authocLty under CIILCA IP i a lntroducint bull bullttera that have nothint to with Grant Gearbull tUtibiHty for aattltaent under the criteria of act i on lUitHlllll Pirat Grant Cearbulla claill 191in1t priYitl partiel ar i el not juat under CIICLA nction 107 for coat recovery but dso under atatt llv particularly under NGL ch 211 MCUon S vhict proidll tbat raaponaibla ctill are liable bullto any peraon for d1911 for daute to bia real or peuonal propbullttvbull cauead by a r111111 or tbrtat of ral1111 Grant Gear ie lltllint bullbullbullbullbullbullbull far beyond aiiPlY the reaponaa coatbull it hal incurred already or will incur in carryiftt out the won plan under under tH eettlent caact epecUicaUy dote ftot prbullbullbullPt eute taw claibullbull middot 41 aac tiiU IY deMndint that Grant Ollr forto tuch claiea IPl 11 IUOtltint tO aealf I power that Contrlll dtnia~ it bull

lecoftd t~il atteept to cofttrol over the Ubullint and anent of Grant Gearbull claibullbull uounta to a forbull of preautborillt ion of privetbull party riiPGftlll Yet IPA it11lf conaiatent with the 90111 of CIICLA advanced bY privati actionl hal rejected an rtCIUirnt of IUCh PrllllthorilltiOn II I Prldicatl to COlt CICOYICY bull bull0 Fld 1 47934

1hicd uti itl Httlebullent levente to protect at the llorwood bull-U for judtMntl IPl bull bull Y 11ek 19A in8t thebull It other aitll and to obtiLn 1ti11LI1al ata i nlt ftnl tovereent aMuntl to noth lnt le11 than bhckaaU loth the Olpartnt of the 11avy and the Genenl lerviCII Abullini etut i on were naaH 11 Ptfl by tbl COMOIIWIIlth Of MIIIIChUitttl It VII only thin t~at tbey wert joifttd i n the Utitat i on l ettllbullent wi th thtll atencitl ettould turn on the a ec i U of tbe ca111 involvinq the aa contelated by the va i ver of ten l ibullnty in 4l uac 1 07(9) not bl ettracted 11 a condition of 1 eettlent that contrbullbullbull hal d itcted IPA to enter bullu proaptly 11 po11ible bull Onder the ciccuaatancea Grant Gear 11 vi Unt tG entartlin thh condition 11 a app liea to federa l prOYi ded a i l hctored into thl pr cint of lltt l l llt but a ahOuld bl undeutood the t if there were the bullbullbullbull bullaaoUnt


JJi rrlrI

Mintz lAvin Cohn Ferris Glovsky and Popeo PC

Mr Jtichard G NcAll itter Aoltll a ltllbullbull s

q~un evidence ot PCI dispoul at the 1Ltt attribuUble to the PllPI 11 thect ia foe others thil cond i t i on would bt intolerable and a hiq~hly illproper exerc i ll of entorcbullbullbullnt authoray

Pinally John and ftobert bullharley individually ere pla l ntLth

~middot=~XA fJf~l~ii~~dt~Atnbullc~t ~~== ~ drop their claibulla even U a were reaaonabll and proper to call on Grant Gear to do ao

Gnnt Gear 11 not trylnt to prtllrYI itl claibullbull attillt flh to IHII a wiflldhll but to protect it11U bullbullbullinat the very real ri11l1 that rbullbullbullin even if it Httltl with the fHtnl and etate bulloMCftMnta we recotnilt that in addition to diHatro a acenariol for Grant Gear there ere conceibullablt ecenarioa that could t-enefit Grant Geu in CN~Nriaon to the tobullernaent are prepared to diiCtlll etneturint Crant Qearl Claial tO ICCOM4Ue ltICb lcenar i oe

lut Grant Gear cennot enter into bull eatt 1ebullent that co11ld Jttobulli OMPletely hollow relief

lJUG cc John r tltltley

loMrt J IIYrley Nichael 1 Gardener Larry a lahite bullrtaret A lbeehan Joyce aechtecbafte n J ane OOWnint

  1. barcode 577856
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 577856
Page 5: LETTER REGARDING ISSUES WITH DRAFT ADMINISTRATIVE … › work › 01 › 577856.pdf · Mintz, Lovin, Cohn, Ferris.Glovslty and Popoo, P.C. Me. aichard c. MeAl litter Aptil U, 1911

Mintz lAvin Cohn Ferris Glovsky and Popeo PC

Mr Jtichard G NcAll itter Aoltll a ltllbullbull s

q~un evidence ot PCI dispoul at the 1Ltt attribuUble to the PllPI 11 thect ia foe others thil cond i t i on would bt intolerable and a hiq~hly illproper exerc i ll of entorcbullbullbullnt authoray

Pinally John and ftobert bullharley individually ere pla l ntLth

~middot=~XA fJf~l~ii~~dt~Atnbullc~t ~~== ~ drop their claibulla even U a were reaaonabll and proper to call on Grant Gear to do ao

Gnnt Gear 11 not trylnt to prtllrYI itl claibullbull attillt flh to IHII a wiflldhll but to protect it11U bullbullbullinat the very real ri11l1 that rbullbullbullin even if it Httltl with the fHtnl and etate bulloMCftMnta we recotnilt that in addition to diHatro a acenariol for Grant Gear there ere conceibullablt ecenarioa that could t-enefit Grant Geu in CN~Nriaon to the tobullernaent are prepared to diiCtlll etneturint Crant Qearl Claial tO ICCOM4Ue ltICb lcenar i oe

lut Grant Gear cennot enter into bull eatt 1ebullent that co11ld Jttobulli OMPletely hollow relief

lJUG cc John r tltltley

loMrt J IIYrley Nichael 1 Gardener Larry a lahite bullrtaret A lbeehan Joyce aechtecbafte n J ane OOWnint

  1. barcode 577856
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 577856