lesson plan 6 primary level

I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE ALUMNO PRACTICANTE: López, Fernanda Emili E. Período de Práctica: Primaria Institución Educativa: I. F. D. Nº13 Dirección: Italia 144 – Zapala - Neuquén Sala / Grado / Año - sección: Cuarto Grado “A” Cantidad de alumnos: 17 Nivel lingüístico del curso: Principiantes Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: Direcciones. Clase Nº: 6 Fecha: 26 /11/14 Hora: 15.45 – 16.20hs Duración de la clase: 40’ Fecha de primera entrega: 18 /10/14 Teaching points: Give directions. Aims or goals: During this lesson, learners will be able to: Develop writing and speaking skills. Identify buildings. Give directions to get to a place. Language focus: Functions Lexis Structures Pronunciatio n R E Buildings: HOSPITAL /FIRE STATION/ LIBRARY Questions: Is there….?

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Post on 15-Aug-2015




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ALUMNO PRACTICANTE: López, Fernanda Emili E.Período de Práctica: PrimariaInstitución Educativa: I. F. D. Nº13Dirección: Italia 144 – Zapala - NeuquénSala / Grado / Año - sección: Cuarto Grado “A” Cantidad de alumnos: 17Nivel lingüístico del curso: Principiantes Tipo de Planificación: ClaseUnidad Temática: Direcciones. Clase Nº: 6Fecha: 26 /11/14Hora: 15.45 – 16.20hsDuración de la clase: 40’Fecha de primera entrega: 18 /10/14

Teaching points: Give directions.

Aims or goals:

During this lesson, learners will be able to:

Develop writing and speaking skills. Identify buildings. Give directions to get to a place.

Language focus:

Functions Lexis Structures Pronunciation






Is there….?

Are there….?

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-dream town

- opposite

- next to





- Give directions.




- How do I get to…?



/gəʊ streɪt ɒn/

Teaching approach? PPP method.

Materials and resources: flashcards, posters, slips of paper, video.

Integration of skills: Students will watch a map and will describe which buildings they see in it. They will also use prepositions to make sentences about where the buildings are. Then, they will watch a video and then they give directions to get from one place to the other.

Seating arrangement: Students will sit in pairs. Students’ desks will be separated in three queues in front of the blackboard.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: Some students may have problems understanding the different directions one must give to get to any place. For this reason, the teacher will exemplify and write on the board each of the directions for students to understand how to get to one place.

Potential problems students may have with the language: Students may have to use repeatedly the different directions so as to remember them. The teacher will show how to use directions and will have to show sts how to use them.

Assessment: Students’ learning process will be assessed orally through short questions. Students will have to give directions in different oral situations. They will be asked to answer some questions during the

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presentation of a video. Moreover, written production will be assessed when giving a specific direction.


Routine (7 minutes):

The Teacher will greet the students: “Hello, how are you today? Fine?” The teacher will accompany this question with an “ok” gesture.

Then, she will point to the window and she will ask the students. “What’s the weather like today? Is it sunny/windy/cloudy/rainy?” The teacher will show them pictures of the weather in case students do not remember them.

She will then ask them to write the date on their notebooks: “Please open your notebooks”. She will accompany all expressions with miming. She will encourage students to work on their own: “Write the dates, come on!”

She will bring a box of candies to the front of the class and will ask sts if they recognize them: For instance, she will show sts a lollipop, cookies and a chewing gum, and will ask, “What are these? Do you know” so as to elicit the word “CANDIES” from sts.

Transition: After students have identified the sweets, she will say “Today we will see a map of a city called Sweetie City”. The teacher will say that “Sweets” are candies and she will show the candies to sts.

Presentation (15 minutes)

The teacher will show students the following map and will say: “This is Sweetie city” She will write this on the board.

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source of this map: The Teacher’s Magazine (P.10) – Number 163

The teacher will ask sts: “What is there in Sweetie city?” She will ask some students to raise their hand so as to answer it correctly, students will receive a sample of this map since they will work with it in the rest of the lesson and the teacher will stick a poster of it on the board.

Students will be asked: “Is there a church / bank / library?” so as sts start paying careful attention to the drawings.

In this presentation the teacher will check comprehension of prepositions taught in the previous class. Therefore, she will ask: “Where is the church? Is it next to the park?” she will repeat the same type questions to different students.

Transition: The teacher will say “Well done!” and will change the mood of the speech, she will say “Our friend Mike went there and he got lost!”

Practice (20 minutes)

The teacher will show the following picture and will say: “Do you know what is to be lost?”

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The teacher will say: “Look at the map, it says ‘your friend is here’ and that is Mike! Well, Mike didn’t know how to get to the church, can we help him? He speaks only English”

The teacher will show sts the following pictures with the directions:

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The teacher will have signs and pictures so she will say: “If I go straight on…I do this” and she will mime the direction. She will continue: “If I turn right/left…I do this” and she will mime the direction. As she will have pictures and directions’ flashcards, she will mix them and ask sts: “Which picture shows GO STRAIGHT ON / TURN RIGHT / TURN LEFT?”

The game Simon says can be done to check sts’ comprehension of directions too: “Simon says… GO STRAIGHT ON / TURN RIGHT / TURN LEFT” and sts will have to mime the direction.

The teacher will present the following video to sts:

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9kDHZbYpPk

Although there are many words students will not understand, I think it could be interesting for them to understand what it means to “give directions”. This video shows 3 different situations with different buildings and they are repeated and then shown in a map. While watching the video, the T can retell some sentences from the video to check sts’ comprehension of directions.

Students will watch the video from 0’30 - Script:

First conversation:

Man with a map: Excuse me, I’m new here. Is there a bank on the corner of Bradley Boulevard?

Woman: Yes, go along this road until you come to the intersection of Bradley and Wilson. It’s at that intersection.

Man with a map: Is it far?

Woman: No, it will take you about three or four minutes to get there.

Man with a map: Thanks, you’ve been very helpful.

Woman: Don’t mention it! Good luck!

Then the video shows the map and repeats the direction given by the woman: “go along this road until you come to the intersection of Bradley and Wilson. It’s at that intersection.”

The teacher will stop the video and ask students: “How is the man?” and she will show the previous flashcard of the woman with the

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map to elicit “He is lost”. She will continue: “Where does the man want to go? Does he want to go to the police station?” And she will elicit “bank” from students. The teacher will ask: “Did you listen to what the girl says?” The teacher will repeat the direction by using miming and repeating it slowly and pointing to the map on the screen: “Go straight on until you come to the intersection (this will be mimed by crossing the fingers) of Bradley and Wilson”. The teacher will ask students to repeat the direction with her so as to pronounce correctly the phrase “Go straight on”.

Second conversation:

Thief: I’m lost. Do you know where the bank is?

Policeman: Yeah! Turn left here. Follow that road, about a mile. The bank is in the shopping centre. You can’t miss it.

Thief: I don’t get it. Could you repeat it again, please?

Policeman: Turn left at this intersection. Follow that road for about one mile. The bank is in the shopping centre.

Thief: So I turn left at this intersection, not the next one.

Policeman: That’s right.

Thief: Thanks.

Then the video shows the map and repeats the direction given by the policeman: “Turn left here. Follow that road, about a mile. The bank is in the shopping centre.”

The teacher will stop the video and ask students: “Who are they?” She will elicit “A POLICEMAN AND A THIEF”. In case students do not know the word thief, she will point to him on the screen and she will say: “He is a thief”. Then she will ask: “Where does the thief want to go?” to elicit the word “bank” from students. She will continue: “Did you listen to what the policeman says?” The teacher will repeat the direction by using miming and repeating it slowly and pointing to the map on the screen: “Turn left here”. The teacher will ask students to repeat the direction with her so as to pronounce correctly the phrase “Turn left” and she will ask students to signal this direction.

Third Conversation:

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Girl 1: Can you tell me where the bakery is?

Girl 2: Sure. Turn right here. Go down about four blocks. Then turn left. That is Warren Road. Go down there and you will see it on the left side of the street.

Girl 1: I’m sorry. I’m lost. Can you repeat that?

Girl 2: Turn right. Go down this road four blocks. Then, turn left at the intersection of Warren Road. Walk down Warren road and the Bakery is on the left side of the street.

Girl 1: Thanks, I got it now.

Girl 2: If you can’t find it. Just ask someone.

Girl 1: Thanks. You’ve been a big help.

Then the video shows the map and repeats the direction given by the girl: “Turn right here. Go down about four blocks. Then turn left. That is Warren Road. Go down there and you will see it on the left side of the street.”

The teacher will stop the video and ask students: “How is the girl?” and she will elicit “She is lost”. The teacher will ask: “Where does the girl want to go?” If students do not understand “bakery”, the teacher can show a picture of a bakery or what is done in a bakery for students to understand it. She will continue: “What did the other girl say?” The teacher will repeat the direction by using miming and repeating it slowly and pointing to the map on the screen: “Turn right”. The teacher will ask students to repeat the direction with her so as to pronounce correctly the phrase “Turn right”. Once again, students can mime this direction while saying it.

Now, the teacher can come back to Mike’s problem: “So Mike wants to go to the church, what can we say to Mike?”

The teacher will say: “Mike is on Sweet Avenue, how does he get to the church?” She will write the instruction (given in capital letters) on the board:

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GO STRAIGHT ON, (is this right?), TURN LEFT, (Where? What is the name of the street?), THE CHURCH IS ON YOUR.. (Where? Right or left?) RIGHT.

The teacher can help students giving one or two more directions but sts will have to write at least one of them alone: “Now it’s your turn to help Mike, give him directions to get to one of these places”

How do I get to the school?

How do I get to the library?

How do I get to the bank?

The teacher will monitor the activity and will check students understand how to do the activity.

Closure (3 minutes)

The teacher will ask students: “Who wants to read one of the directions?” Some students will read it in front of others and they will say goodbye to each other.