restivo- primary- lesson 1

Alumno Residente: Restivo Gisela Período de Práctica: Nivel Primario. Institución: Escuela Manuel Belgrano Dirección: Viamonte 860- Comodoro Rivadavia Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 3er grado Cantidad de alumnos: 20 Nivel lingüístico del curso: Principiantes Tipo de Planificación: clase Unidad Temática: Mi casa Clase Nº: 1 Fecha: 3/8/2016 Hora: 13.50 a 14. 50hs Duración de la clase: 60 minutos Teaching points: The house. Rooms Aims: During this lesson, learners will be able to: Develop their listening skills by listening to a story. Develop their speaking skills by asking and answering questions. Develop their communicative skills by expressing where people are. Identify and name rooms of the house. Language focus: LEXIS FUNCTION STRUCTURE PRONUNCIATION REVISION Adjectives: Colours, big, small, happy numbers 1 to 7 Describing NEW Kitchen, dining room, garden, bedroom, bathroom. Naming rooms and describing where people are. Where is...? She is in the...... Where are...? They are... Vowel /uː/ in bedroom, dining room Teaching approach: The lesson is based on the communicative approach Pedagogical use of ICT in class: In this lesson, there is no use of ICT in the classroom. The story was taken and adapted from Internet. Materials: Story, images of the story, poster with a house, cards with names of the rooms, image of Snow White and dwarfs, 20 worksheets of activities 1 and 2. Seating arrangement: Students are always sat in pairs, they share desks. I will respect their seating arrangement.

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Page 1: Restivo- Primary- Lesson 1

Alumno Residente: Restivo Gisela

Período de Práctica: Nivel Primario.

Institución: Escuela Manuel Belgrano

Dirección: Viamonte 860- Comodoro Rivadavia

Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 3er grado

Cantidad de alumnos: 20

Nivel lingüístico del curso: Principiantes

Tipo de Planificación: clase

Unidad Temática: Mi casa

Clase Nº: 1

Fecha: 3/8/2016

Hora: 13.50 a 14. 50hs

Duración de la clase: 60 minutos

Teaching points: The house. Rooms

Aims: During this lesson, learners will be able to:

Develop their listening skills by listening to a story.

Develop their speaking skills by asking and answering questions.

Develop their communicative skills by expressing where people are.

Identify and name rooms of the house.

Language focus:


REVISION Adjectives:

Colours, big,

small, happy

numbers 1 to 7


NEW Kitchen, dining

room, garden,



Naming rooms

and describing

where people


Where is...?

She is in the......

Where are...?

They are...

Vowel /uː/ in

bedroom, dining


Teaching approach: The lesson is based on the communicative approach Pedagogical use of ICT in class: In this lesson, there is no use of ICT in the classroom. The story was

taken and adapted from Internet.

Materials: Story, images of the story, poster with a house, cards with names of the rooms, image of Snow

White and dwarfs, 20 worksheets of activities 1 and 2. Seating arrangement: Students are always sat in pairs, they share desks. I will respect their seating


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Cooperative work: During the second activity, students will work in pairs. Both students will cooperate by

answering his/her classmates’ questions. Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: During the

observations, I discovered that students are really active and talkative. I think that they will find it difficult to be silent to listen to the story and to concentrate on their work. Therefore, before starting, I will encourage students to pay attention. In order to catch them, I will use colourful images and I will establish eye contact. Then, if they talk, I will stop the tale and ask for silence. Finally, during the written and oral activities, I will walk through the desks to check if they are working and to call their attention if they are not. Potential problems students may have with the language: Students may find it difficult to answer

questions in the first written activity. Therefore, I will help them with the first sentence by answering it orally. In addition, I include more words in the first sentence, so that they are able to follow it as a model. Assessment: what will be assessed and how: To check comprehension of the story, I will ask

questions about it. Then, during the activities, I will walk near students to see if they can solve the activities and to provide help when necessary. Finally, when, they finish solving the activities, I will ask different students to read their sentences, so that the whole class checks the activities.

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Routine (10 min)

I will get into the class and greet the students. I will explain that I will be their teacher

during that week and I will write my name on the blackboard. Then, I will give each of

them a card with their names, to put on their desks, so that I can call them by their names

without problems. Immediately after that, I will set some class rules. As they are not so

used to use English as the language of the class, and in order to be sure they all

understand, I will explain rules using Spanish. I will explain that they will have to use

English as much as possible and that at the end of the week there will be a prize if they

are able to use the language. I will also focus on the importance of being silent when the

teacher speaks and to respect their classmates when they participate in class.

Development (50 minutes)

Warm up (5 min)

I will use a story in order to present the target vocabulary. So, first, I will show them the

following image and ask them: “Who is she?” I expect my students to recognize her. T: “Very good! She is Snow White! Then, I will ask: “What colour is her dress?” EA: blue and yellow. T: Yes, it is blue and yellow!

Then, I will say: “Look at this picture. Snow White is with the dwarfs. Let´s count them! One, two, three...(while pointing at each of the dwarfs) I expect students to count with

me.” Good, they are seven dwarfs.

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Transition: “Are you ready to listen to their story?”

Presentation (10 min)

I will read the following story to the students and at the same time some images will be

shown. Visual resources will help students to understand.


Once upon a time there lived a lovely princess with fair skin and blue eyes. She was

so fair that she was named Snow White. Her step mother was jealous of Snow White.

And she wanted to kill her.

At this moment, I will show them the picture and ask: “Who is she?” pointing at the witch.

EA: mother. T: “yes, she is her step mother. She wants to kill her!” Then, I will go on


So, Snow White escaped. She ran to the forest. There, she found a very, very, small

house and went inside it. There was nobody there. In the dining room there were some

chairs. In the bedroom she found seven tiny beds. And In the kitchen, there was a

cooker so she cooked a delicious meal, she also cleaned the house.

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Finally, Snow white, tired, slept on the tiny beds in the bedroom. At night, the seven

dwarfs who lived in the house came home and found Snow White sleeping.

When she woke up and told them her story, the seven dwarfs asked her to stay with

them. They danced and sang to celebrate their friendship. They lived happily ever


Story taken and adapted from:

Images taken from: My First English Adventure 1- Pearson Longman 2009

When the story finishes, I will ask some questions to check the student´s comprehension.

I will ask: “Snow White arrives to a house, is the house big or small?” EA: small! T: “Yes, it

is a small house! Then, I will ask: “Who live in the house?” EA: dwarfs. “Yes, the seven

dwarfs live the house”. Now, look at this picture: “Are they happy?”, while showing the last

picture. EA: yes! T: “Yes, they are really happy!”

Transition: Fantastic! Now, let´s see the dwarfs’ house.

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PRACTICE (10 min)

In order to help students to storage new vocabulary, we are going to design a poster that

will be on the wall during the whole week.

I will take to the class a poster with a picture of a big house and furniture (a bed, a

cooker, a table) in the rooms. A tree and some flowers will also be drawn outside the


I will also take to the class some cards with the names of the rooms. The cards will be

stuck on the blackboard so that all students can read them

I will display the poster on the blackboard and I will say: “This is the dwarfs ‘house”


To begin with the practice, I will take an image of Snow White and I will “put” her in the

bedroom. I will say: “Look. Snow White is tired. She wants to sleep on the bed. So, where

is she?” I will make an emphasis on the word “bed” so, I expect students to discover the

room. However, if students do not remember the word, I will say: “She is in the bedroom.

Can you repeat?” Then I will name a student to stick the word “bedroom” on that room.

I will repeat the same action with the other four rooms.


The Dwarf’s ´House




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When, all the words are on the poster, I will use an image of the dwarfs to ask: “Where

are they?”. I will put them in the five rooms. At this stage, I expect students to answer

without problems because the new lexis is on the poster. I will focus their attention on the

structure: “They are...”. Therefore, if students ‘answer is “in the bedroom” I will say:

Right. They are in the bedroom.”

Once we finish with all the rooms, I will invite two students to display it on a wall of the

classroom where everybody is able to see it.

Transition: Nice house! Now let´s go on working!


Activity 1 (10 min)

In order to let students use the target vocabulary and structures, I will give them the

following activity. I will explain: “There are some pictures in the worksheet. Look at the

first one. Where is Snow White?” EA: in the kitchen. T: Yes, she is in the kitchen. So,

what you have to do is to complete the answer.

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Where is Snow White? Where is Snow


She is in the.................................. She


Where are they? Where are


They are in the...………………


When all the students have finished, I will call different students to say their answers. I

will say: “Cleo, look at the second picture. Where is Snow White?” I will encourage

students to read the whole sentence so that they produce chunks instead of isolated

words. When the student finishes reading, I will ask to the rest of the class: “Do you

agree? Is Cleo right?”

When we finish checking, I will copy the date on the blackboard and I will give them

some minutes to copy it and stick the activity on their notebooks.

Transition: You are fantastic! Great!

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Activity 2 (10 min)

I will give students a photocopy of house and I will ask them to draw Snow White in a room

and two dwarfs in another. I will tell them not to show their drawings. I will give them

some minutes to draw.

Then, I will say: “Now, you will work in pairs. You have to guess where Snow White and the

dwarfs are in your classmate´s picture. You will have to ask: Is Snow White in the

kitchen? And your classmate will answer yes or no.

To be sure they understand, I will write the questions on the blackboard and I will

demonstrate the activity with the poster of the presentation. I will put Snow White in the

garden and say: Is she in the bedroom? EA: no! After that, I will do the same with the

dwarfs: “are they in the bedroom”. In addition, as soon as they start working, I will walk

near them checking if they can do what they are supposed to do and providing help when


When they finish, I will ask them to write in the worksheet what they have found about

their classmates. In order to demonstrate I will say: “So, Mateo Where is Snow White in

Feli´s picture?” EA: bedroom. T: good! So write it here (pointing at the sentence)

When they finish, I will encourage them to stick the activity on their notebook.

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Activity: Draw Snow White in a room and two dwarfs in another room. Then ask your

classmate and complete the sentences.

In my classmate´s drawing Snow White is.................................................................

In my classmate´s drawing the dwarfs are.................................................................

Transition: Good work!

Closure (5 min)

In order to finish the class, I will congratulate the students. I will say: “Today you have

made an excellent work. Congrats!” I will greet them and ask them to put the school

things in their bags and to clean the classroom before the bell rings.

Note: Due to the fact that children have an extensive school time table, this lesson plan

does not include homework.

Lesson plan component

Excellent 5

Very Good 4

Good 3

Acceptable 2

Below Standard 1

Visual organization x

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Coherence and sequencing


Variety of resources – Learning styles


Stages and activities x

Teaching strategies x

Class. management strategies


Language accuracy x

Observations Minimum score: 21 / 35 Score: __21__ /35 = 6 Dear Gisela, Many aspects have been polished. Well done! Focus on checking understanding and getting students to actually use the language. Keep on working hard. Your tutors