leadership, presented at lehigh university

© 2013 Joe Hessmiller Leadership is Simple The Challenge is Effective Followership

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Page 1: Leadership, Presented at Lehigh University

© 2013 Joe Hessmiller

Leadership is SimpleThe Challenge is Effective Followership

Page 2: Leadership, Presented at Lehigh University

Joe Hessmiller

• Director, CAI • Over 30 years in IT; analyst, programmer,

project manager, business development, business unit manager, CIO.

• Worked with – and learned from - dozens of executives and managers from F500 corporations, large government agencies and the military in US and UK.


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Objective for Presentation

1. What Is Leadership?

2. What Is Followership?

3. Where Do You Start?

4. How To Get Others On Board?


Why is this important?

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What Is Leader?

• • • • • •

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What Is Leadership?

Dave Ulrich & Norm Smallwood, “What Is an Effective Leader?”, RBL Group, 2009

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Traditional Leadership Proficiency Basics…

Dave Ulrich & Norm Smallwood, “What Is an Effective Leader?”, RBL Group, 2009

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…Are Nothing WithoutLeadership Differentiation

“Leaders need to have the Leadership Code building blocks to be effective and they need to know their organization’s unique brand…”

Customize Your Style to the Organization

Dave Ulrich & Norm Smallwood, “What Is an Effective Leader?”, RBL Group, 2009

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But, Remember Collins “Bottom Line” Leadership Key: The Hedgehog Concept

• What Can You Be “Best in the World” At?• What Is Your Denominator?• What Are You Passionate About?

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What Is Follower?

• • • • • •

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Warren Bennis: No Leadership Without Followership

“…the longer I study effective leaders, the more I am convinced of the underappreciated importance of effective followers..”

Warren Bennis, Distinguished Professor of Business Administration at the University of Southern California School of Business Administration, THE

DILEMMA AT THE TOP; Followers Make Good Leaders Good, 1989

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Leaders Need Effective Followers

“Executives who ignited transformations from good to great did not first figure out where to drive the bus, then get the right people to take it there. Instead, they got the right people on the bus and then figured out where to drive it.”

Jim Collins, “Good to Great”, 2001

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Follower Types

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10 Rules of Effective Followership

1. Be Coachable

2. Anticipate Needs

3. Seize the Initiative

4. Offer Solutions, Not Problems

5. Be Goal Driven, Not Interrupt Driven

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6. Do More Than Expected, But Not More Than You Should

7. Earn Trust Through Consistent Dependability

8. Communicate Proactively and Honestly

9. Be Loyal

10.Be Compassionate

10 Rules of Effective Followership

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Another Point of View…Follower Relationship Dynamic

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Performance Initiative

• Working Effectively With Others• Embracing Change• Doing the Job (Competence)• Seeing Oneself As A Resource

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Relationship Initiative

• Building Trust• Communicating Courageously• Identifying with the Leader• Adopting the Leader’s Vision

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Enough “Theory” Where Do You Start?• • • • • •

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Leadership Skill Cycle










Results Problems








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Start Making Things Happen and Sustaining the Change





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The Causes of Project Failure Are Known.

Where to Start? Focus on the Conditions for Success


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Show Your Care About Monitoring the Key Data• Results Data – data that measures

attributes of the product to be delivered.– Costs, Times, Quantities, Quality

• Conditions Data – data that measures the attributes of the process that produces the product to be delivered.– Capability, Commitment, Collaboration

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Be Prepared to Communicate Through Common Understanding

Automotive Engineers Long Ago Defined the Critical Measures for Safe, Effective Engine Operation.


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The Basic Automobile Dashboard

Automotive Gauge



Fuel Level



Oil Pressure

Oil Temperature

Water Pressure

Water Temperature



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What Questions Are We Asking?

Automotive Gauge Asks the Question

Odometer How far have we gone?

Clock How much time has it taken?

Fuel Level How far can we go?

Speedometer How fast are we going now?

Tachometer How intensely is engine working?

Oil Pressure Do we have enough ‘lubrication’ to keep parts working well together?

Oil Temperature How smooth are interactions?

Water Pressure Do we have enough coolant to keep the engine producing?

Water Temperature How effective is the coolant in keeping the engine cool?

Voltmeter Is enough energy being applied to the other important systems?


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What Measures What?

Automotive Gauge Asks the Question To MeasureOdometer How far? Deliverables Delivered

Clock How long? Duration

Fuel Level How much further? Input Units Available

Speedometer How fast? Deliverables per Unit of Time

Tachometer How intensely? Effort Intensity

Oil Pressure Do we have enough lubrication to smooth interactions?

Supply of Lubricant to Smooth Interaction Between Components

Oil Temperature How smooth are interactions? Ability of Lubricant to smooth Interaction Between Components

Water Pressure Do we have enough coolant to keep the engine producing?

Supply of Coolant to dissipate excess engine heat

Water Temperature How effective is the coolant in keeping the engine cool?

Ability of Coolant to dissipate engine heat

Voltmeter Is enough energy being applied to the other important systems?

Ability to Support other Control and Comfort Systems


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Relating to the “Real World”

To MeasureAutomotive Metric Service Measures

Deliverables Delivered Miles Service Level Achieved, Function Point Delivered

Duration Hour Hour

Input Units Available Gallons Resource Hour

Deliverables per Unit of Time Miles Per Hour Earned Value Per Clock Hour

Effort Intensity RPM Hours Worked Per Week/Available Hours

Supply of Lubricant to Smooth Interaction Between Components

PSI Stakeholder Interaction Satisfaction

Ability of Lubricant to Smooth Interaction Between Components

Degrees Number of Open Issues from Stakeholder Interactions

Supply of Coolant to dissipate excess engine heat

PSI Duration to Close Issues

Ability of Coolant to dissipate engine heat

Degrees Number of Escalated Issues

Ability to Support other Control and Comfort Systems

Volts On Time Process Deliverables (Status, Reporting, Training)


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The World Is Increasingly Complex. Simplify It. Lead It.


Good Luck. We’re Counting on You.