jy testimonials

"I am an experienced cameraman and DoP,well travelled (106 countries so far and a current I visa). I have shot pretty much most things over the years. I have attached my CV, some links and some testimonials. I hope to hear back from you. I own a large number of camera and sound kits too and have shot on most camera formats. I own Sony F5/F55, Canon C300, numerous ENG cameras, Canon 5d's, Sony A7S, PXW X70's. Feel free to ask any more questions, I will be very happy to answer them or come to meet you face to face for a chat. all the best, Jonathan "I have worked with JY for over fifteen years and he is invariably my first choice. In edition to being a first rate cameraman with a tremendous eye he is an exceptional organiser and administrator with sound editorial judgement. I cannot recommend him highly enough." Toby Sculthorp, Executive Producer Keo Films "Jonathan is a tour de force. For the last 6 years he's filmed over 20 programmes for me, each one looking as fabulous as the next. He's resourceful, courageous, thoughtful and engaging. Jonathan, with inexhaustible energy, continues to deliver beautiful shots whilst never missing the action nor forgetting the editorial intent of the piece. He's also excellent company. Hire Jonathan, you won't be disappointed." Matt Bennett, Executive Producer / Director "I have been working with Jonathan for over a decade. While the images he acquires speak for themselves, it's also worth noting that he always goes the extra mile to ensure that you are using the right kit, in the right location at the right time. Jonathan takes an interest in the whole production and almost always adds something to the shoot that you haven't thought of. He's also an excellent sounding board for bouncing editorial issues off, bringing to bear his vast experience of filming in

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Page 1: JY testimonials

"I am an experienced cameraman and DoP,well travelled (106 countries so far and a current I visa). I have shot pretty much most things over the years. I have attached my CV, some links and some testimonials. I hope to hear back from you. I own a large number of camera and sound kits too and have shot on most camera formats. I own Sony F5/F55, Canon C300, numerous ENG cameras, Canon 5d's, Sony A7S, PXW X70's.

Feel free to ask any more questions, I will be very happy to answer them or come to meet you face to face for a chat. all the best, Jonathan

"I have worked with JY for over fifteen years and he is invariably my first choice. In edition to being a first rate cameraman with a tremendous eye he is an exceptional organiser and administrator with sound editorial judgement. I cannot recommend him highly enough."

Toby Sculthorp, Executive Producer Keo Films

"Jonathan is a tour de force. For the last 6 years he's filmed over 20 programmes for me, each one looking as fabulous as the next. He's resourceful, courageous, thoughtful and engaging. Jonathan, with inexhaustible energy, continues to deliver beautiful shots whilst never missing the action nor forgetting the editorial intent of the piece. He's also excellent company. Hire Jonathan, you won't be disappointed."

Matt Bennett, Executive Producer / Director

"I have been working with Jonathan for over a decade. While the images he acquires speak for themselves, it's also worth noting that he always goes the extra mile to ensure that you are using the right kit, in the right location at the right time. Jonathan takes an interest in the whole production and almost always adds something to the shoot that you haven't thought of. He's also an excellent sounding board for bouncing editorial issues off, bringing to bear his vast experience of filming in pressured or dangerous situations. He never, ever loses his cool even if everyone else is. Moreover he has an encyclopaedic knowledge of technologies, locations and customs the world over"

Leo Telling, Series Producer, BBC

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"I have now been working with Jonathan Young for around 15 years on a wide variety of films from the toughest current affairs to glorious travelogues with TV explorer Simon Reeve.The man is brave, tough, reliable and talented. Over the years Jonathan has developed his great eye to the level where he can shoot pictures to compare with any documentary cameraman in country.When you combine that with the willingness, not to say total enthusiasm, to work in tough environments under any conditions, I think you are talking about a unique package.! I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Jonathan's work to anyone"

Sam Bagnall, Executive Producer , BBC

“Jonathan is a first class cameraman. He worked with me on a complicated film in difficult circumstances and brought experience, quality and a first class attitude. More than just a top end shooter he brings his experience to the whole production. A proper, team player.”

Eoin O’Shea, Director

"I've spent many, many months of my life travelling and working with Mr. Young, and as I'm not mad about spending large chunks of my life with folk who aren't pleasant, I'm delighted to say he's an absolute diamond to be with, a wonder to work with, and a cameraman with outstanding vision and stamina. He also makes places and people -- even presenters -- look fantastic. And you can't ask much more than that."

Simon Reeve, Presenter

"JY, you were exceptional, it really was brilliant work on camera, and I don't say that kind of stuff lightly, not being a darling type. I was bowled over by your insight into the art, the people, the meaning of the whole piece - very rare for every element to be done so sensitively and creatively, and it shone through in every inch of the film."

Andrew Graham Dixon, Presenter

"Just a wee email to thank you for your camera work in assisting with our recent corporate video production.It is always great to work with such a professional as well as someone who is able to manage three countries in three days and still keep his sense of humour.From predawn shots ashore and onboard our vessels, to aerial shots from helicopter and car by day, I am always impressed by the quality of your work, the angles and types of shots you suggest."

Ian J AitchisonGroup Communications OfficerNYK Group Europe Ltd,

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“We just wrapped up with Jonathan yesterday and it was a great collaboration. Thank you for the recommendation, he was perfect for the job, which turned out to be a real bear. Beyond being a very talented DP with a superb package of gear, he was all over the pre-pro with us, making sure we were thinking about all the variables and even finding extra crew at the very last minute. We were very lucky to have him. And the clients loved him too.”

Robin Lewin, Exec Producer / Creative Director Authentica Media, LA

"The rushes came through last night, the feedback from the clients was excellent - they are all very happy with all the material .....For me personally as the producer- it was a pleasure working with you ... talent, understanding AND pragmatism are hard to come by from many commercials directors / DOP's" ..."

Dougal Meese,Producer, Independent Films "RAF Reserves - Reaper Ad' Client for COI / DKLW agency

"Conan O'Brien and our writers are always concerned when working with a new crew as so much of our comedy is visually driven and thus in the hands of the cameraman. With Jonathan we need not have those concerns. The long shooting days, the last minute requests, extreme weather, did not faze Jonathan. Nor was he fazed while filming riding backwards on dog sleds and snow mobiles. Never did we hear "it can't be done."Everyone on our show were most impressed with the Finland Special and the ratings. I wanted to convey Conan's appreciation for Jonathan's contribution on this trip. Clearly, when CONAN is next out of the country, it is Jonathan Young we will want behind the camera."

Geoffrey Addeo, NBC , Late Night With Conan O'Brien

"The first thing to say about Jonathan is that he is brave and extremely enthusiastic. No task is too difficult and he welcomes new challenges with genuine zeal and interest.He works fast and always gets the most out of any location or situation, giving you great options in the edit. His shots are beautiful even in the hardest of environments and time limited situations.He is great at following actuality and puts any contributor at ease but most of all he is a huge support on any shoot, a brilliant source of ideas and fun to work with."

Marta Shaw , Producer , Ross Kemp "Extreme World"

"Jonathan and I have worked together many times over the last 15 years. I have found his enthusiasm second to none, his desire to go the extra mile unflagging and his end product always first class. A man you would want with you in a tight spot. I cannot recommend him highly enough. "

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Mike Radford, series producer

I’ve worked with Jonathan, producing and directing and series producing, under a wide variety of often difficult and extreme conditions. We crossed the Sahara for the BBC series ‘Tropic of Cancer’ (for which Jonathan was nominated for an RTS award) and filmed in India during the sweltering weather that precedes the monsoon, worked in the war-torn Democratic Republic of Congo for Sky 1’s 'Ross Kemp: Extreme World’, and with Martin Clunes on a film about lions on the Kenya/Somali border for ITV. Last year we worked together on a BBC series, ’Sacred Rivers with Simon Reeve’ about the Nile, the Ganges and the Yangtze, which saw Jonathan shooting in Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt.

I’ve always found Jonathan to be an broad pair of shoulders - cool under pressure, never fazed by even the most challenging conditions and capable of repairing virtually any piece of kit even in the most remote location. But perhaps, more importantly, his camerawork is always first class. As well as having an extremely good eye for pictures his coverage of any given sequence is extremely thorough (a technique he refers to as “squeezing the lemon”) so you are always left with plenty of options in the edit and are never wanting for shots.

Overall his skill, good-humour and experience make an invaluable contribution to the morale of the team even on the toughest of shoots. I would highly recommend him as a cameraman, colleague and travelling companion.

Dominic Ozanne, Series Producer and Director

Dear Jonathan, you know that over the past 10 years I have always called on you before anyone else, each time hoping - often in vain - that you weren't already booked. As directors we fight over cameramen like you, professional, brave, hugely talented and always delivering amazing pictures and sound, no matter how tough the environment or limited the time.

But there is much more to you, Jonathan, than the extraordinary professional. As a woman director working in an environment that is undoubtedly male dominated, at least in the field, and in the tough macho world of organised crime, conflict, death and destruction that we have often inhabited together on our shoots, you have never displayed an ounce of machismo, of roughness, of misplaced pride.

You have consistently helped me, advised me, and, I dare say, even tolerated me with a patience and a maturity that is a gem to find. I've also consistently enjoyed the rare breaks that we’ve been able to afford during our rough rides, because you are a modern day Renaissance man to me, equally at ease among the Mexican narcos, the gangs of Chicago and the sophisticated world of arts, culture and fine food.I have learnt hugely from you. Lucky who gets to work with you next. I hope it’s me!

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Elena Cosentino, Director





Jonathan Young - Show Reel - Documentary Lighting Cameraman
