july 2015 web - u3asites.org.uk · sad to see how jason donovan has aged when we saw ... marilyn...

July 2015 Thatcham Newsletter Reg. Charity No. 1112006 www.u3asites.org.uk/thatcham Newsletter sponsored by Greenham Common Trust 10th Anniversary Celebration

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July 2015

Thatcham Newsletter Reg. Charity No. 1112006

www.u3asites.org.uk/thatcham Newsletter sponsored by Greenham Common Trust

10th Anniversary Celebration

Chair’s Letter So I come to the end of another year, this time my last one, and what a year it’s been! We have had many excursions, including a holiday in Suffolk exploring Constable Country, and a rather damp day at Longleat. The weather was much kinder for our recent trip to Portsmouth, where we explored the Mary Rose, took a boat trip around the harbour, and indulged in a little retail therapy! The theatre trips were also well attended and varied. Sad to see how Jason Donovan has aged when we saw him in ‘The King’s Speech’!

Our groups continue to thrive, and there may be a new one in the offing – watch this space. The groups have now taken over the task of providing tea and coffee for our open meetings. This is after 10 years of Ernie and Joan Prince undertaking this important function. We thank them both sincerely for their long and excellent service.

We have had splendid study days – the highlight of the summer was our visit to Silchester where Professor Mike Fulford personally showed us around the final ‘dig’ of the current series, and explained to us the workings and the significance of features we would never have noticed on our own. This was followed by a wonderful day of Light British Classical music, tutored by Terry Barfoot, a renowned expert in the field. Nik Stoter’s singing day was also enjoyable and uplifting.

Our speakers have also been brilliant; informative, entertaining and varied. Numbers attending the meetings have grown steadily over the past year. Thomas Plant was a particular ‘hit’ and kindly valued members’ items which they brought along. Thanks to Richard Hyland who has been organising the programme since the beginning – a worthy successor has now been found.

April was our 10th birthday, and boy did we celebrate! We had cake, wine, and reflected on how far we had come since we were just a twinkle in Professor Peter Jarvis’ eye. The mayor, Gary Johnson, attended and was once again surprised at how young and fit we all are!

Jane Head is leaving the committee this time – she has been a stalwart of the committee for many years in various capacities, though luckily she is willing to continue organising the social events she runs so well. Marilyn Downing has been circulating information to you all for a couple of years now, and she has also decided to step down. Doreen Hodgkin has made a great job of being secretary for the past year, but it is not a task she has enjoyed, as I’m sure she would tell you! She is being succeeded by Ann Walter. Thank you to all of them for their invaluable services.

Standing for election to the committee we have Ed Clarke, Bob Wetten, Valerie Jackson and Paul Shave. Jobs will be officially allocated after the AGM.

Lynette Harper came forward in the nick of time to volunteer to be the next chairman, excellent news! She was actually one of the first people I approached when we were looking for a successor, and I know she will do a brilliant job. As the committee is ‘full’ without me, I will volunteer to be co-opted by the committee, as 2 extra members are allowed to join in this way. If I am co-opted I will support Lynette as vice chair, chair meetings in her absence, and leave at the next AGM. Thank you all for your support and kindness during my chairmanship; it has been a pleasure working with you all. Julie Wall

Photo by Ann Walter

Art Group 1

Through June we have been trying our hand at Pets ( Dogs or Cats), not a very good subject to paint. Our topic for July is water. We meet alternate Tuesdays in the Coffee Shop at the Baptist Church.

Contact: Pat Howard

Computing Skills Group

Numbers of people coming to the computing sessions have been dropping for some time. I cancelled the session at Kennet School on 5th June through lack of interest. We have two more sessions booked, July 3rd and 17th before the end of term.

Art Group 2

We have had some new members join us recently and in our spacious room at the Baptist Hall we have plenty of room for a few more. Many start with the group saying they can`t paint or draw, a sentiment which, after a little practice, is usually disproved. There is no need to bring paper and paints to a first session as these are provided to start with. It is a friendly group and a variety of good quality work is being produced. I will be away for the next session on June 25th.

Contact: David Nicholls

Since there are only 2 or 3 people coming regularly it is not sensible for all the helpers to come. We hope the low numbers mean that we have taught people what they need to use whatever type of computer they have. I am going to put the group into 'hibernation' and it will be on the programme card saying that. I will remain as the contact for the group unless someone else would like to take over.

Contact: Ann Walter

Craft Group

The Craft Group meet on the 3rd Friday of the month, 2pm at the Thatcham Baptist Church. We do try to look at Crafting as a whole – not just knitting and cross stitch. In February we had a welcome return, Elaine Erskine showed us how to make a pack of stamped cards, and the envelope and box also! March saw us knitting Easter chicks, and we enjoyed starting and completing the project in the class. Some of the faster knitters achieved more than one chick! All they needed was a cream egg, and they were a lovely gift. Rosie Price from the Braiding Society came to our April meeting, and brought some kits for those who would like to give this ancient craft a try. Rosie is so enthusiastic about Braiding, some of us caught the bug (me especially!). I attended a Braiding Society day on Sunday 14th June and had a great time, I think I am hooked!

If you have an interest in craft why not come along. If there is a craft you would like to know a little more about just let me know. If, however, you just want to bring your current “work in progress” along and meet with like-minded people you are very welcome.

Contact: Jen Fielding

Gardening Group

The Gardening group are now well into our 2015 programme. The year began with interesting and varied talks from Brian Davis on Madeira, Christie Leary on Hanging baskets, and Gwen Barton talking about her time in Sierra Leone. We have now started our summer programme of garden visits. Our first visit of the year was to Wickham House, where the owners made us very welcome.

Quills – Creative Writing

Although we are a very small group, there has been a lot of output. We have been inspired by first lines, pictures and music to name but a few ideas that have been put to the group. It is always surprising at the different ideas that spring from just one little prompt, and there have been some outstanding pieces written. The really nice thing is that we all encourage each other. No one has to read their piece if they do not want to and if we don't finish something it is not the end of the world, and sometimes we find ourselves writing about something quite out of context. It is the fact that we write that is important. New members are always welcome. Come and try us. We chat quite a lot too!

Contact: Catherine Hamblin

Discussion Group 1

The original Discussion Group continues to meet in members’ houses so we are limited on numbers but please contact me for up to date information should you wish to join our friendly and supportive group. Our monthly meetings have covered topics as diverse as How to Stop the Migrants coming to Europe from Northern Africa and How to get Customer Satisfaction from Companies when issues arise with Products and Services (e.g Insurance Claims and Faulty Goods). Interesting, lively and thought provoking conversations have taken place which have changed my views on matters several times over the last few months.

Contact: Hilary Beckingham

Discussion Group 2

We continue to meet regularly and have friendly discussions on various topics.

Contact: Joan Prince

We were given a very interesting tour of the garden and a lovely tea - served a little early when the heavens opened! It failed to spoil our enjoyment of this beautiful garden however.

Our next visit was on 26 June when we made a return visit to Houghton Lodge. Several members had recommended this and we had a good turn out! Our July visit will be to Englefield, and in August Karen Eggleton has kindly offered to host our Summer tea party in her garden.

We now have a replacement for Jean Bellinger as Treasurer for the group. Rita Bottomley has kindly offered to take over the role. Many thanks, Rita! We are also losing Carole Offer from the Convener team. Carole has now moved out of the area, although she is hoping to return occasionally to participate in the visits. We wish her all the best in her new home.

Is there any other member who would like to join the team to plan next years programme?

Contacts: Valerie Jackson Celia Roberts Mary Parker


The family history group continues to find interesting facts about our ancestors. We have spaces available and would welcome any new members, beginners or improvers who wish to join in our lively meetings.

Contact: Isabel Trent - 01635 827928 E-mail: [email protected]

Kindle Book Club

In March, the Kindle Club celebrated it’s first birthday with tea and home-made cake, while discussing our latest read.

We’ve also tried some new genres recently, including science fiction and historical fiction - these were not always to everyone’s taste, but we agreed that it was good to try something new and to extend our reading repertoire. The titles we’ve read include: “The Legacy of Elizabeth Pringle’ by Kirsty Wark, ‘Becoming Human’ by Eliza Green, ‘The Thief Taker’ by C S Quinn and ‘Iris & Ruby’ by Rosie Thomas. If you see any of these titles in your local bookshop or library, why not try them and let us know what you think?

Our June meeting was postponed, due to members’ holiday commitments, but we are looking forward to meeting again in July. Do come along if you would like to try us out. Contacts: Deborah Buckland Sue Gammer

Knitting and Cross-stitch

We continue to work on our own projects with much laughter and talk whilst helping each other and passing on tips.

Contact: Ann Hazelby


Contact: Dorothy Goode

Bon Appetit Luncheon Club

As I mentioned in my last report, we went to the Robin Hood Toby Restaurant in February and had a very good meal at a very reasonable price. We went a bit further afield to the Craven Arms for our March meal which was most enjoyable. In April we celebrated the 10th Anniversary of Bon Appetit at the Spotted Dog; most of the original members are still regular diners but we did raise a glass to those who are no longer with us for whatever reason. We went to the Winning Hand in May to start off our eleventh year and in June we had an excellent meal at the Newbury College Catering Department Restaurant which had been recommended by two of our members. The meal is cooked and served by Catering students under supervision and is excellent value for money. So quite a variety of venues, but all worth a return visit in the future. As always my thanks to my loyal members for their support.

Contact: Elaine Fletcher

Second Helpings Luncheon Club

In early December we shared a superb early Christmas lunch at The Crickets, in January, with the turkey and trimmings only a memory, we met at Mandarin Court for something a little different, then in my absence in February, Andy and Ted were hosts at The Swan. We were all delighted with our visit to Villa Roma in the High Street in March, April found us at the White Hart enjoying the usual generous portions for reasonable cost, then it was just round the corner in May for another good lunch at The Old Chequers. We visited The Mill in June, another good experience and now we are looking forward to our taste of Indian cuisine at Spice in July. In August and September we are going a little further afield to the Berkshire Arms and the Toby in Newbury, then it will be back to Thatcham to continue our visits to our local pubs and restaurants.

Contact: Jane Head

Third Course Luncheon Club

We meet the third Thursday of the month. I have been away a couple of times and the group have been ably managed by Peter Lavarack and Dennis Rowan. We have been to various venues again, the Bowlers Arms at Falkland Cricket Ground, also The Cottage at Bucklebury and last month we went to The Star at Kingsclere. We hope next month to visit the Rising Sun at Stockcross to support a new venture. We do have a couple of places if anyone is interested in joining us.

Contact: Karen Eggleton

The Munchers Luncheon Club

We have enjoyed our monthly get-togethers and have visited a variety of eating places in Newbury, Thatcham and Bucklebury. We have pretty lively lunches which are well attended. We meet on the 4th Friday of each month so if you would like to join us we shall be pleased to see you.

Contact: Ann Minks

Tuck In Luncheon Club

We continue to enjoy our lunches and each others company at both old and new venues. We still have a few spaces available if anyone would like to join us. You can be assured of a warm welcome. Contacts: Sue and John Gammer

Mah Jong

We meet in the dining room at Nevil Court on the first and third Wednesday of the month from 2.15pm - 4.15pm. We are a friendly, cheerful group, who enjoy the challenge of playing MahJong. New members are always welcome, whether you have played before or would like to learn the game.

Contact: Marilyn Downing

Music Appreciation Group

In March, Richard led the session with an assortment of pieces by Vaughan Williams, Hindemith, Walton and also Elgar’s Enigma Variations. David ended the session with J S Bach’s Oboe Concerto. Our April meeting started with a recording of Victoria de los Angeles singing Habanera from Bizet’s Carmen followed by Dvorak’s New World Symphony. Richard then introduced us to Monteverdi’s 1610 Vespers which was very innovative and much ahead of it’s time. Our afternoon ended with Tchaikovsky’s Serenade for Strings. In June we heard the final movements of Monteverdi’s Vespers with interesting and unusual parts and orchestration. This was followed by John Ireland’s Piano Concerto. This had excellent orchestration with jazzy sections. We concluded with two different guitar CD’s - John Ogden playing his variations of Cavatina and Gymnopedie No 1, and a piece from a collection of Welsh songs, called Hiraeth (meaning Longing) by the young guitarist who played at the Blue Coat School. (Report by Lesley Saward) Contact: Richard Hyland

Snaps Photography Group

Once again it is great to report the continuing enthusiasm of our regular members and to welcome additional new members. On a hope and a prayer that the climate would not produce a sudden burst of winter, and that spring would not end the snowdrop show before WE got there, a pleasant morning was had at Welford among the snowdrops in February. We had a visit to the refurbished museum in March, a morning in the churches of Newbury in April and a trip through the bluebells at Bowdown Woods in May.

We now have a programme arranged until October which has begun when last week we explored the Woolhampton lake district! Other visits include a trip to a butterfly sanctuary at Swindon, Long Parish, Thatcham allotments and Stanford Dingley. It is quite amazing that our cameras take so many of us to so many places never previously visited and many of which we were totally ignorant! Thanks to everyone for their ideas and support.

Contacts: Iain Dunn Tony Collie

The group at Bowdown Woods

Play Reading Group

The Play Reading group continues to meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 2pm. The group is still full. Please contact me if you are interested in joining and you will be put on the waiting list.

Contact: Judy Benwell

Rummikub Group

Second Wednesday afternoons of the month 2.15pm to 4.15pm at Nevil Court.

We continue to enjoy our Rummikub games afternoons at Nevil Court. We usually have 12 or 13 people attending and so have plenty of room for new joiners. The emphasis is on having fun and, between us, we are happy to pass on how to play to anyone who has not played before. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Contact: Wendy Jarvis


The scrabble group continues to be well attended for our monthly meetings at Nevil Court. You do not need to be an expert player, all levels of players are very welcome.Scrabble, snacks and socialising make for an enjoyable afternoon.

Contact: Angela Robinson

Songsters Singing Group

Songsters singing group meet on the first and third Monday of each month at 2.30 p.m. We meet in our pianist's home and space is therefore restricted and we are unable to take any new members at present.

Contact: Rita Bottomley

Adagio Singing Group

We continue to welcome new members to our group but sadly have had to say goodbye to a couple who have relocated. A number of our members have attended various singing workshops including the one run by Nik Stoter. In March, three of us attended the national U3A West End Sing Out at the Playhouse Theatre in London. We are now proud owners of a CD of our performance at the end of the session. More recently, some of us attended a Les Miserables workshop in Charvil, a very enjoyable afternoon singing some well- known choruses from the show. We will continue to run our sessions throughout the summer so if you would like to join us you will be very welcome.

Contact: Lynette Harper

The order of play and tables in play is dependent on the number of players on the day with no sitting out. In 1997 Ronnie ‘’the rocket’’ O’Sullivan made a maximum 147 break in the record time of 5 minutes and 20 seconds (re. google search), we have been known to take up to 15 minutes to pot the first red for 1 point, to follow this by potting a colour is a bonus. New members always welcome, give me a call or just turn-up on the day.

Contact: Roy Lawson


We continue our slow exploration of the Spanish Language, but we are all enjoying the gentle journey. (And the tea, biscuits and chat along the way!!)

Contact: Jane Head

Theatre Group

Our last outing was in April to see the King’s Speech at Woking. Another good production with very good use of minimal scenery and members of the cast either bringing props on with them or removing them when they left the stage. The next theatre trip is in August to Oxford to see Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. It has very good revues so looking forward to a good performance.If anyone is interested in joining the group please contact me on the phone number below or at [email protected].

Contact: Valerie Jackson

Snooker - 50 Break

We meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 2-4pm at the Crucible Snooker Club, off Hambridge Road in Newbury. The emphasis is on fun and social gathering. Membership of the ‘snooker club’ is necessary following the first visit and equipment is available at the club at no extra charge.

Travel Group

We are well through our day trips this year - Imperial War Museum, Portsmouth Historic Dockyard, Beaulieu - with two more to go. On the 22nd July we will be visiting the Cotswold Wildlife Park and then in September, the National Trust property, Stourhead. We also have the residential to Yorkshire at the end of September but this is now full. Please make sure I have envelopes for you if you do not have e-mail, otherwise you will miss out! Our most recent trip to Beaulieu was great fun as you can see from the photo below! (More photos on website: www.u3asites.org.uk/thatcham)

Contact: Ann Allen

Photo of Pauline and Sonia by Isabel Trent


We have had a good year so far, there are 12 players who come regularly. It would seem they all enjoy themselves from the comments. Dot and I would like this opportunity to thank everyone who has brought milk bottle tops for the Air Ambulance - we have half a dustbin full!

Contacts: Bob and Dot Wetton

Walkers Group

The first time ever since we have been conveners of the Walkers Group, the May walk was cancelled due to heavy rain but we must report that two stalwart women did turn up and the first thing said was, “Are we walking in this?” The answer, you’ve guessed was “No!”. Three new members joined us on our pretty walk in June which was led by Linda and Lloyd and the sun did shine for us. We always welcome new walkers so don’t be shy come and join us on the second Thursday of the month at 2.00 pm. Contacts: Joan and Mike Collins

Vintner’s Dozen Wine Appreciation

Even in the middle of winter it is enjoyable meeting in friends’ homes to sample their selection of wines and one of the great pleasures is the variety of different types and styles of wine that they come up with. With summer now upon us we do occasionally enjoy our hosts’ hospitality and their fine wines in the garden, and with an annual bbq, weather permitting! As usual we meet every month on the first Monday of the month in a member’s home. Contact: Peter Lavarack

From the Editor Please could I have all contributions for the next Newsletter by Monday 26th October? Thank you.

Cheers Wine Appreciation

We are a group who enjoy an evening of friendly chat together on any topic with a taste of the host’s three bottle selection of wine. Although we freely make comments on the wine the main objective of the group is to have an evening to remember. At one of the recent evenings I arrived with a selection of sarongs that had been gifted to me by a visiting nephew, and the male members enjoyed helping the ladies 'to dress up'. We have two vacancies at the moment. The group is not for a wine connoisseur but over time this may change. Contact - Roy Lawson


We meet on the last Wednesday of the Month at 2.15pm in the Dining Room at Nevil Court. We are a friendly little group who enjoy a game of cards, a cup of tea and biscuits. Any one is welcome to join us.

Contact: Pat Howard

Members’ Secretary Report Yet another U3A year end is done and (almost) dusted. We sadly lost about 35 members in the transition which is par for the course and we will no doubt make up the numbers with new friends during the coming year. Ann-marie

Thatcham U3A Executive Committee from the AGM, June 2015.

These are the officers and members. The jobs which people will do have not been decided but will be discussed at the next Executive Committee meeting on Monday July 20th.

Officers: Chairman: Lynette Harper

Secretary : Ann Walter Treasurer: Sue Rutter

Vice Chairman : Julie Wall (to be co-opted)

Members who are part way through their term of office:

Ann-marie Riddle Gill Pittock

Peter Lavarack Phillip Green Tony Collie

New members of the Executive Committee: Bob Wetten Ed Clarke Paul Shave

Valerie Jackson

Member to be co-opted Ann Allen

If you want to contact any Committee members by email and you don't know their email address you can use the CONTACT page on the Thatcham U3A website and type a message on the form. u3asites.org.uk/thatcham Mark it to go to an officer or the Web Administrator and they will pass it on to the right person. Ann Walter

Our Second Singing Workshop

A bright April morning was a promising start to our second Singing Workshop with Nik Stoter. Back by popular demand, but delayed by the renovations to the Old Bluecoats School. The day started with a welcome cuppa and name labels. The group included people who had attended the previous study day and some who hadn’t. It was encouraging to see some men in the group too.

As previously, Nik began the session with some theory on voice production, information about some biological bits like larynx and diaphragm and useful information on how to protect our voices.

Very soon, we were launched into using those bits with breathing exercises and vocal warm-ups. These demanded agility of brain and mouth. Have you tried singing 1,2,3,4,5 to the tune of ‘Knees up Mother Brown’? Most of us found the tongue twisters easier to manage with our eyes closed…..it aids concentration! Some pitching exercises and the familiar round, ‘London’s Burning’ were next. We ended the session with an extract from the ‘Rhythm of Life’, three part harmony to make us feel good about ourselves.A well- earned coffee

break was followed by the Carpenters, ‘Sing, sing a song’ and ‘It’s getting better’ by the Mamas and Papas. Some harmony was included in both songs to provide musical challenge. Lunch followed. The lovely weather enabled some sun bathing and walks in the fresh air to get the blood circulating.

The post lunch session was followed by ‘I’m gonna wash that man’ from South Pacific. This split the participants into two groups, each singing a section alternately. Da Doo Ron Ron by the Crystals followed, with two separate harmonies. By this time we were in our stride and we learned it in record time! We even had time to briefly visit ‘I dreamed a dream’ from Les Miserables.

To round up the day we sang through all the songs we had learned. This provided us with a real sense of achievement, easily judged by the happy smiling faces all around. Nik is the kind of teacher who inspires confidence in your abilities and confirms that singing is for everyone. You are never too old to improve and you don’t need to read the dots on the page.

It’s all about ‘muscle memory’ Report by Lynette Harper and photos by Peter Lavarack

Speaker MeetingsAt the May meeting we had a fascinating talk from Phillip Brown, a violin and bow maker, who has a workshop and shop in Newbury. Philip specialises in restoration work of old instruments.

In June David Potter s p o k e t o u s a b o u t marquetry and showed us some of the beautiful things he has made.