jaws interview analysis


Upload: ashleighravenscroft

Post on 06-Dec-2014



Entertainment & Humor

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Page 1: Jaws interview analysis
Page 2: Jaws interview analysis

Camera WorkCamera Work• Interviewee's appear on

either the left or right hand side of the camera/frame and alternate between shots and the interviewee doesn't look directly at the camera lens as he/she would look at the interviewer off camera.

• In the interviews various shots are used including: medium, medium close ups and close up shots are used.

Page 3: Jaws interview analysis

GraphicsGraphics Graphics appear in the

bottom left or right hand side of the frame, they give the name of the Interviewee and their relation to the topic to anchor the meaning of the interview. The typography used connotes the topic that is been talked about, e.g. the colour blue reflects the topic of the ocean.

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The background is kept relevant to the topic or interviewee as it reinforces the context by having images from ‘Jaws’ behind the interviewee’s.

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• The clothing is kept casual to stay relevant to the topic of ‘Jaws’.

• The lighting is lit from the front; it creates a water effect which connotes the theme of ‘Jaws’.

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EditingEditing• Relevant cut aways are

what are put into the interviews to break up the interview to create a smoother flow with relevant illustrations and what is shown is always suggested by what has been said.

• Jump Cuts are used to cut away from the interview and cover any breaks in the interview.