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Comprehensive - District Agriculture Plan (C-DAP) JAUNPUR [ District Planning Committee Jaunpur (Uttar Pradesh)

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Comprehensive - District

Agriculture Plan




District Planning Committee Jaunpur (Uttar Pradesh)

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Comprehensive - District

Agriculture Plan




District Planning Committee Jaunpur (Uttar Pradesh)

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Executive Summary i - viii

Chapter -1 Introduction 1-7

Chapter -2 Agriculture Profile – Uttar Pradesh 8-31

Chapter -3 Farm Profile of the District 32-40

Chapter -4 Constraints, Potential, Strategies and Vision for Farm Sector 41-46

Chapter -5 Proposed Programme in Crop Sector 47-85

I Agriculture 47-74

A. Soil Management and Land Use Project 47-55

i. Enrichment of Organic Carbon Content Using Green Manuring

ii. Establishment of Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) System

iii. Recycling of Agri-Waste and crop residues through NADEP and vermicompost for Soil Nutrition and Moisture Conservation

iv. Management of Sulphur Status in Soils of Intensive Agriculture System to maintain Sulphur availability to plants

v. Establishment, Renovation and Strengthening of Soil and Fertilizer Testing Laboratories and Soil Health Card Programme

a) Soil testing & fertilizer testing laboratories

b) Soil Health Card Programme



i. Efficient use of Water

ii. Tubewell under Minor Irrigation

iii. Natural Resource Management

a. Watershed Development programme

b. Ravine Stabilization

c. Improvement of Water Logged Area

d. Macro Watershed Development Programme

iv Energization of Private Tube wells

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i. Establishment of Seed Treatment and Demonstrations Units at gram panchayats level for early and high germination rate to increase crop yield

ii. Programme on Promotion of Cultivation of Oilseeds for Improving Productivity

iii. Promotion of Summer / Winter Pulses on Sustainable Basis to Optimize the Farm Profitably

iv. Strengthening of State Seed Production Farms


i. Customized Farmer Trainings and Application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

ii. Publication and Mass Campaign for resource development of agri and allied sector using ICT

iii. Establishment of Integrated Farmers Training Center$ (IFTC)

at District Level

iv. Knowledge Dissemination at Field Level by Subject Matter Specialist (SMS)

v. Training Cum Demonstration of Integrated Pest Management In Major Crops to Decrease the Pesticide Load in Food Chain

vi. Farmers Training for Seed Production at Krishi Vigyan Kendra

vii. Farmers Study Tour within and outside the State for exposure and Motivation towards Commercialized Agriculture


i. Establishment of farm mechanization centers at Panchayat Level to Minimize the Energy loss of Human resources


i. Establishment of Tissue Culture Laboratory for Banana




i. Promotion of Protected Cultivation of Vegetable Crops under Low Tunnels for Early Production of Vegetables

ii. Augmentation of Quality Seed Potato Production at Farmers Field Using 'Seed Plot Technique'

iii. Demonstration and Supply of healthy Nursery in Vegetable Crops

iv. Development of nutritional kitchen garden for Balanced Nutrition at Village Level and Involvement of women in Horticulture

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i. Promotion of Bee Keeping for Honey Production and Processing for Price Realization


i. Promotion of High Density Planting In Mango and Guava Fruit Crops


Development of Facilities for Marketing of Agricultural Produce 84-85

i. Promotion and Establishment of Maize Processing Unit

ii. Fruit Preservation Unit

Chapter - 6 Summary of Crop Sector 86-89

Chapter - 7 Proposed New Programme in Livestock Sector 90-98

A Animal Husbandry 90-95

i. Programme for year round production of Green Fodder to Provide Balanced Nutrition to Cattle

ii. Strengthening of Animal Insemination Centres

iii. Poultry Development

iv. Goat and piggery development

v. Livestock Disease Surveillance and Quick Alert System

vi. Training of farmers in Animal Husbandry

B. DAIRY 95-96

i. Programme for Quality and Hygienic Milk Production

ii. Dairy Training Workshop for Women

iii. Purchase of Milk from Cooperatives

iv. Infrastructure and Water Management of Dairy and Cost of Milk Collection


i. Demonstration and Training of Fish Culture

ii. Development of New Hatcheries for production of fingerlings

iii. Renovation and improvement of GOOJAR TALL

D. Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation of C-DAP 99

Chapter – 8 Summary of Livestock Sector 100

Annexure I Matrix for Convergence Opportunities 101-102

Annexure II List of the on-going projects in district Jaunpur in the field of agriculture and allied sector


Annexure-III Copy of approved letter from DPC 106-110

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Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan Jaunpur


Executive Summary

Concerned by the slow growth in the Agriculture and allied sectors, the

National Development Council (NDC) in its meeting held on 29th May, 2007

resolved that agriculture development strategies must be reoriented to meet

the needs of the farmers. The NDC in its resolution advised the State

Governments to prepare Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan (C-DAP)

that will fully utilize available resources and will include allied Agriculture


C-DAP, Jaunpur is an innovative way to draw up plans for Agriculture

sector more comprehensively, taking agro-climatic conditions, natural

resource issues and technology into account and integrating livestock, poultry

and fishery more fully. Accordingly, the C-DAP for district Jaunpur has been


District Jaunpur lies in eastern plain region with total geographical area

of 4,038 sq. km. The district has 21 developmental blocks, 218 nyay

panchayats and 3,269 inhabited villages. The main rivers of the district are

Gomti and Sai. Net irrigated area is 2.5 lakh ha. The net sown area of the

district is 2.79 lakh ha with cropping intensity of 154.4%. The total rainfall of

the district is 987 mm. The district has 3 rural markets, 231 rural godowns and

19 cold storages. The main crops of the district are paddy (rice), wheat,

maize, sugarcane and vegetables and other crops of the district are mango,

guava, cauliflower, sweet potato, cabbage, green pea, tomato and onion. The

total livestock population in the district is 7.36 lakh in which total population of

breedable cross-bred cows is 19,600, breedable desi cows is 1,48,223 and

breedable buffaloes is 2,05,964. The total milk production is 1861 lakh litre per

annum and total number of milk societies is 58.

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Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan Jaunpur


Major constraints of the district are improper soil health due to depletion

in nutrients, carbon and sulphur in soil. There is problem of water logged area

and inefficient availability and usage of water. Farmers do not have enough

knowledge about latest technology. There is lack of good quality seeds and

planting material and farm machinery. There is urgent need to promote

horticulture and infrastructure. As far as livestock sector is concerned, the

district has good potential. There are 0.19 lakh breedable cross breed cows,

1.48 lakh breedable desi cows and 2.05 lakh breedable buffaloes in the

district, also there are 647 private ponds of area 416 ha and 3585 ponds of

Gram Panchayat covering area of 2388 ha and thus fisheries can be

developed in the district.

Interventions have been proposed in this C-DAP for soil health by

enrichment of soil carbon content by green manuring, demonstration of INM

system, recycling of agri waste through vermi compost and sulphur

management techniques. Soil and fertilizer testing lab will be strengthened

and soil health cards will be issued for monitoring soil health. There are

programmes for improvement of water logged area and water shed

development as well as ravine stabilization. Installation of tube wells is

planned to maximize water usage. For providing quality seeds and planting

material, seed treatment units and seed production farms will be established.

Farmers training centres and application of ICT will be used for technology

dissemination. Krishi Vigyan Kendra and subject matter specialist and study

tours will be encouraged. Farm mechanization centres will be established at

panchayat level to provide machinery to farmers. For horticulture

development, tissue culture labs for banana will be set up, protected

cultivation of vegetables will be promoted, seed plot technique for potato seed

production will be augmented, kitchen garden and vegetable nursery will be

initiated. There are plans for high density plantation of mango and guava.

Bee-keeping will be promoted for entrepreneurship development. Post harvest

technology such as maize processing unit and fruit preservation unit will be


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Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan Jaunpur


As far as animal sector is concerned, there are programmes for

production of green fodder for animal nutrition and training of farmers about

animal husbandary. Artificial insemination centres will be strengthened. There

are plans for development of goatery and piggery. Livestock disease

surveillance and quick alert system will be initiated. For development of dairy,

there are programmes to promote milk co-operative and infrastructure. Dairy

training workshop will be conducted for women. For fisheries development, it

is planned to renovate village ponds (goojar tall) and to develop new

hatcheries. Demonstration and training of fish culture will be started for


The total cost of the projects proposed in C-DAP for the district is Rs.

10528.60 lakh. The details of the project plan are given in Appendix – I.

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Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan Jaunpur




S.No. Name of Programme Outlay












1 Soil Management and Land Use Project

Enrichment of Organic Carbon Content Using Green Manuring

312.50 62.50 62.50 62.50 62.50 62.50

Establishment of Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) System

376.25 75.25 75.25 75.25 75.25 75.25

Recycling of Agri-Waste and crop residues through vermicompost for Soil Nutrition and Moisture Conservation

157.50 31.50 31.50 31.50 31.50 31.50

Management of Sulfur Status in Soil of Intensive Agriculture System to Maintain Sulfur Availability to Plants

275.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00

Establishment, Renovation and Strengthening of Soil and Fertilizer Testing Laboratories and Soil Health Card Programme

a) Soil testing & fertilizer testing laboratories 47.00 35.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 4.00

b) Soil Health Card Programme

231.80 54.36 44.36 44.36 44.36 44.36

3 Efficient Use of Water Resources and Management

Efficient use of Water 68.53 68.53 - - - -

Tubewell Under Minor Irrigation

63.75 63.75 - - - -

Natural Resource Management

a Watershed Development 750.00 150. 00 150. 00 150. 00 150.00 150.00

Appendix – I

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Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan Jaunpur


programme 00

b Ravine Stabilization 1500.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00

c Improvement of Water Logged Area

250.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00

d Macro Watershed Development Programme

79.60 15.92 15.92 15.92 15.92 15.92

Energization of Private Tube wells

1035.0 347.00 172.00 172.00 172.00 172.00

4 Seed and Planting Material

Establishment of Seed Treatment and Demonstrations Units at Gram Panchayats Level for early and high germination rate to increase crop yield

61.35 12.27 12.27 12.27 12.27 12.27

Programme on Promotion of Cultivation of Oilseeds for Improving Productivity

95.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00

Promotion of Summer / Winter Pulses on Sustainable Basis to Optimize the Farm Profitably

237.50 47.50 47.50 47.50 47.50 47.50

Strengthening of State Seed Production Farms

43.50 40.0 1.00 1.00 1.50


5 Technology Dissemination

Customized Farmer Trainings and Application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

397.50 121.50 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00

Publication and mass campaign for resource development of agri and allied sector using ICT.

200.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00

Establishment of Integrated Farmers Training Center

$ (IFTC) at

District Level

1410.00 600.00 210.00 220.00 230.00 150.00

Knowledge Dissemination at Field Level by Subject Matter Specialist (SMS)

555.90 111.18 111.18 111.18 111.18 111.18

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Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan Jaunpur


Training and Demonstrations of integrated pest management in major crop to decrease the pesticide load in food chain

52.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50

Farmers Training for Seed Production at Krishi Vigyan Kendra

25.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00

Farmers Study Tour within and outside the State for exposure and Motivation towards Commercialized Agriculture

157.50 31.50 31.50 31.50 31.50 31.50

6 Farm Mechanization

Establishment of farm mechanization centers at Panchayat Level to Minimize the Energy loss of Human resources

708.50 138.40 138.40 138.40 138.40 154.90


1. Establishment of Tissue Culture Laboratory for Banana

45.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00


1 Programme for Small and marginal farmers and women Empowerment

Promotion of Protected Cultivation of Vegetable Crops under Low Tunnels for Early Production of Vegetables

62.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50

Augmentation of Quality Seed Potato Production at Farmers Field Using 'Seed Plot Technique'

64.52 12.904 12.904 12.904 12.904 12.904

Demonstration and Supply of healthy Nursery in Vegetable Crops

42.00 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40

Development of nutritional kitchen garden for Balanced Nutrition at Village Level and Involvement of women in Horticulture

32.75 6.55 6.55 6.55 6.55 6.55

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Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan Jaunpur


2 Entrepreneur Development Programmes

Promotion of Bee Keeping for Honey Production and Processing for Price Realization

35.00 25.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50

3 Commercial Fruits

Promotion of High Density Planting In Mango and Guava Fruit Crops

149.60 29.92 29.92 29.92 29.92 29.92


Promotion and Establishment of Maize Processing Unit

50.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00

Fruit Preservation Unit 24.00 13.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 2.50

Sub Total 9596.55 2612.934 1748.654 1759.654 1769.654 1705.654

D. Livestock Sector

1 Animal Husbandry

Programme for year round production of Green Fodder to Provide Balanced Nutrition to Cattle

84.00 16.80 16.80 16.80 16.80 16.80

Strengthening of Artificial Insemination Centre

7.00 7.00 - - - -

Poultry Development 26.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25

Goat and Piggery Development and Goat Breed Improvement

296.60 59.32 59.32 59.32 59.32 59.32

Livestock Disease Surveillance and Quick Alert System

35.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00

Training of farmers in Animal Husbandry

19.70 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94

2 Dairy

Programme for Quality & Hygienic Milk Production

58.50 11.70 11.70 11.70 11.70 11.70

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Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan Jaunpur


Dairy Training Workshops for Women

21.00 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20

Purchase of Milk from Cooperatives

208.00 41.60 41.60 41.60 41.60 41.60

Infrastructure and Water Management of Dairy and Cost of Milk Collection

20.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00

Fisheries Development

3 Demonstration and Training of Fish Culture 21.00 10.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

Development of New Hatcheries for production of fingerlings

100.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00

Renovation and improvement of GOOJAR TALL

10.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

Sub Total 907.05 192.81 180.81 177.81 177.81 177.81

4 Planning, Monitoring And Evaluation of DAP

25.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00

Grand Total 10528.6 2810.744 1934.464 1942.464 1952.464 1888.464

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Comprehensive-District Agriculture Plan Jaunpur


Chapter - 1


The impact of the farm sector on the socio-economic fabric of the country

can be realized from the fact that still sixty percent population of the country

depends upon this sector for their livelihood. The sector contributes around 18.5

percent of the GDP.

While the Indian economy had been growing at a rate of 6 percent per

annum since 1993, the growth rate has increased to 9 percent during the last four

years. This is in stark contrast to the growth rate of the agricultural sector which

had witnessed sharp deceleration during the period of last one decade. The

sectoral growth rate plummeted from a 3.62 percent per annum during the period

of 1984-85 to 1995-96 to less than 2 percent in the subsequent period of 1995-96

to 2004-05. Agricultural growth was slightly above two percent during 2006-07,

yet much lower than the targeted growth rate of 4 percent. In brief, Indian

agriculture is in crisis and the growth rate is not keeping pace with the growth rate

of the other sectors of the economy. To address this vital issue, the concept of

Comprehensive - District Agriculture Plan (C-DAP) has emerged with the basic

objective of grass root planning depending upon the felt need of the people

covering entire farm sector.

Planning and development process in India is constitutionally a state

subject and central government's role is restricted to formulating policy guidelines

and providing financial resources for the sector. The basic principle of planning is

to rely on the people who are the end user. The planning should be for the

people, by the people and of the people, rather than the planning by the policy

makers and administrators.

In order to prepare a developmental plan, it is necessary to assemble a

profile of the district. This will lead to an understanding of the development

perspectives of the district vis-à-vis the Vision of growth in different sectors and

related milestones. The SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and

Threats) analysis is a strategic planning method which is often used in planning

process through identification of the attributed that are helpful streamlining the

agricultural development programme of a district, the attributes that may limit in

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Comprehensive-District Agriculture Plan Jaunpur


achieving the objectives of development, the internal attributes that are helpful in

supportive to achieve the objective and finally the external attributes that may

cause damage to the objective. The Agricultural Planning Units should broadly

follow the SWOT analysis as the central tool for developing the document.

Agriculture Planning requires much of technical support from experts in

agriculture and allied sectors. Therefore, Agriculture Planning Units [District

Agriculture Planning Unit (DAPU), Block Agriculture Planning Unit (BAPU),

Village Agriculture Planning Unit (VAPU) and at different levels of local bodies

need to be constituted involving a group of experts from various disciplines

relevant to the needs of the area. These units should assist the Panchayat Raj


A vision document needs to be prepared based on collective imagination

for wellbeing of local community through realizing the potential for agricultural

growth. The vision for development of agriculture should flow from the collective

aspiration of all the stakeholders of the area. Schemes and programmes

operating in the area are not necessary only basis for preparation of the vision

document. Vision should also be supported by the strategy of the plan.

The objective of the district planning is to design an integrated

participatory action plan for the development of local area in general and

agriculture and allied sectors in particular. The objective of co3mprehensive

district agriculture plan (C-DAP) is to evolve an action plan for achieving

sustainable agricultural growth with food security that will improve farmers

income. It must be ensured in the process that in the plan is based on agro-

climatic conditions, availability of technology, trained manpower and natural

resources; the local needs and priorities in agriculture and allied sectors are

reflected; productivity gaps in all such sectors are reduced and returns to the

farmers are maximized; leading to quantifiable qualitative changes in agriculture

and allied sectors.



Primary data was collected through participation of stakeholders through

Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) tools, conducted at Nyaya Panchayat and

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Comprehensive-District Agriculture Plan Jaunpur


block level. Strategic Research and Extension Plans (SREP) prepared by

Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) of the district were also

consulted. Information collected from district offices of the line departments was

integrated with the results of PRA and SREP.

I. Formation of Three tier Planning Unit;

a. District Agriculture Planning Unit (DAPU) b. Block Agriculture Planning Unit (BAPU) c. Village Agriculture Planning Unit (VAPU)

These three units have been constructed using the local representatives of

that particular area and trained them to make the format and gathering the


II. Resource Mapping

1. Manual by format designing and approval

a. Development of format to gather information on grass root level covering agriculture and allied sector along with entire social, economical and developmental information of the block/village/ district.

b. Survey by block/village resource person at block/village level to gather information on available resources and make them use in the planning process.

2. Use of information technology in Resource Mapping

a. Use of innovative software for transmitting field data direct from field to on line monitor

b. Data Capturing: Providing village & block resource persons with mobile hand sets carrying e-forms for capturing and transmission of data

c. Use of mobile hand sets for sending data from field to central computer

3. ICT enabled service was also used for transmission of the results of PRA


III. Financial Mapping

The resources available for the development of district under different central

sector and states schemes were also considered and the funds available was

tried to be converged along with new intervention to get visible effect and real


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Comprehensive-District Agriculture Plan Jaunpur



Based on PRA, primary data and secondary data, the district profiles of individual

districts were prepared. The core committee of experts, along with field officers of

the line Departments from the districts analyzed the data and identified the

constraints and potentials in the existing agricultural potential pattern of the

district. Based on the SWOT analysis, vision for each district was developed and

the strategies to boost farm production and profitability of farmers for each district

were worked out.

a. Formulation of new 3interventions based on the constraints, potential, vision and felt need emerged from PRA and PRI approach along with the discussion and meetings conducted

b. The plan has been developed by involving farmers and line department of the district. The plan has been emerged from the bottom-up approach depending upon the local need and the people aspiration.


Programmes both in crop

sector and livestock sector

were developed for obtaining

holistic growth of farm sector

as per the information

gathered at various level of

planning units (DAPU, BAPU

and VAPU) of each district

and its convergence with

resources available from

central sector schemes such

as NREGS, BRGF and other central/state sector schemes was assessed. The

plan documents were consulted for knowing the targets fixed for farm sector

growth. Each programme was discussed in detail by the panel of experts, garm

Integrated approach to be followed for development of district

Collect reliable data Identify sources

Analysis and Interpretations

Capacity building& handholding of PCs,

APUs & others

List needs, Prioritize & action points

Formulation of projects

Development PlanFin. Requirement & sources

Delivery mechanism

Monitoring & evaluation System

Collect reliable data Identify sources

Analysis and Interpretations

Capacity building& handholding of PCs,

APUs & others

List needs, Prioritize & action points

Formulation of projects

Development PlanFin. Requirement & sources

Delivery mechanism

Monitoring & evaluation System

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Comprehensive-District Agriculture Plan Jaunpur


pradhan and line department officials before its inclusion in the Comprehensive-

District Agriculture Plan (C-DAP). Although financial requirements are also given

in each of the proposed projects, these were adjusted depending upon the size of

the district, number of blocks in the district and other relevant specific features,

constraints and potentials that exist. The report so prepared has been arranged in

the following chapters:

District Agriculture Profile

Constrains, potentials, strategies and vision 3for farm sector of the district

Proposed major programmes in crop sector

i. Crop Husbandry including Horticulture ii. Irrigation water management iii. Rain water harvesting, conservation and its use iv. Women Empowerment v. Entrepreneur Development vi. Village Artisen vii. Sustainable Management of Natural Resources viii. Agriculture Marketing and Cooperation ix. Food Storage x. Soil and Water Conservation xi. Rural Infrastructure xii. Technology Dissemination to farmers

Summary of crop sector

Proposed major programmes for the district in livestock sector

i. Dairy Development ii. Poultry development iii. Goat and piggery sector iv. Fisheries development v. Livestock disease surveillance and quick alert system

Summary of livestock sector

Details of the ongoing scheme and budget allocation

Budget summary of the Comprehensive - District Agriculture Plan at a glance

Convergence Opportunities


District-wise modification as well as fine tuning of Comprehensive-District

Agriculture Plans in consultation with Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRI).

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Comprehensive-District Agriculture Plan Jaunpur



The plan developed was discussed with the members of ATMA and officials of

line departments for final planning process. Comprehensive-District Agriculture

Plan was discussed, amended and approved by ATMA before its presentation

and approval by District Planning Committee (DPC), the final approving authority

of C-DAP.

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Comprehensive-District Agriculture Plan Jaunpur


Chapter - 2


Amongst all the states of India, Uttar Pradesh has the highest number

of farm holdings i.e. over 20 million, spread across varied agroclimatic

conditions and soil types. Agriculture is the most crucial sector for economic

development of the state. It contributes the highest share of about 33% to the

total income of the state. A vast majority of the population in the State relies

mainly on agriculture for its livelihood.

The State has significant bearing on the Agricultural performance at the

national level. It produces about one fifth of the total food grains in the country,

which is the highest among all states. About one third (34.71%) of all wheat

produced in the country comes from Uttar Pradesh. Similarly around 45%

(44.62%) of the country's sugar cane is produced in Uttar Pradesh. Evidently

the State‟s agriculture has a paramount role to play in the food production and

food security of the country. The contribution of U.P. in the total production of

the country in respect of major crops is given in Table 2.1.

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Table 2.1:Contribution of Uttar Pradesh to the Production of Some Agriculture

Commodities, 2005-06

Name of Crops

Production in Lakh tons Contribution

of U.P. % India U.P.

Total Food grain 2086.00 404.10 19.37

Rice 917.90 111.30 12.13

Wheat 693.50 240.70 34.71

Jowar 76.30 2.40 3.15

Bajra 76.80 12.50 16.28

Maize 147.10 10.50 7.14

Total Pulses 133.80 22.30 16.67

Gram 56.00 6.60 11.79

Arhar 27.40 3.80 13.87

Lentil 9.90 5.00 50.15

Total Oilseeds 252.90 9.40 3.72

Groundnut 79.90 0.90 1.13

Rapeseed/Mustard 81.30 9.10 11.19

Sunflower 14.40 0.20 8.39

Sugarcane 2811.70 1254.70 44.62

Potato 239.10 99.90 41.78

Source: Official website of Govt. of India and Uttar Pradesh

2.1. Agro climatic zone wise proportion of districts

The state is divided into nine zones. The detailed coverage of districts is given

in Table 2.2.

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Table 2.2:Agro-climatic zones of Uttar Pradesh, 2005-06

S.No. Agro Climatic Zone Districts


Tarai and Bhabar

Saharanpur (58%), Muzaffarnagar Nagar (10%), Bijnor

(79%), Moradabad (21%), Rampur (40%), Bareilly (19%),

Pilibihit (75%), Shahjahanpur (6%), Khiri (39%), Bahraich

(47%), Shravasti (71%)

2 Western Plain

Saharanpur (42%), Muzaffarnagar Nagar (90%), Meerut,

Bagpat, Gaziabad, Gautam Budha Nagar, Buland Shahar

3 Mid Western Plain

Bareilly(81%), Badaun, Pilibihit(25%), Moradabad (79%),

Jyotibaphule Nagar, Rampur (60%), Bijnor (21%),

4 South Western Agra, Firozabad, Aligarh, Hathras, Mathura, Mainpuri, Etah



Shahjahanpur (94%), Kanpur Nagar, Kanpur Dehat, Etawa,

Auraiya, Farrukhabad, Kannauj, Lucknow, Unnao,

Raibareilly, Sitapur, Hardoi, Khiri(61%), Fetehpur, Allahabad

(58%), Kaushmbi

6 Bundelkhund

Jhansi, Lalitpur, Jalaun, Hamirpur, Mahoba, Banda,



North East

Gorakhpur, Maharajganj, Deoria, Kushi Nagar, Basti, St.

Kabir Nagar, Siddhartha Nagar, Gonda, Baharaich(53%),

Balrampur, Shravasti (29%)



Azamgarh, Mau, Balia, Pratapgarh, Faizabad, Ambedkar

Nagar, Barabanki, Sultanpur, Varanasi, Chandauli, Jaunpur,

Gazipur, St.Ravidas Nagar (86%)

9 Vindhyan

Allahabad(42%), St. Ravidas Nagar (14%), Mirzapur,


Source: Official website of Govt. of India and Uttar Pradesh

Note: Percentages in parentheses indicate the portion of district falling in

respective agro-climatic zone.

2.2. Productivity Status of Agro-Climatic Zones, 2006-07

Productivity of different crops in different zones pertaining to the year

2006-07 is indicated below.

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2.2.1. Cereals

The average productivity of food grains in the state is 20.77 quintals

per Ha and in case of cereals; it is 22.90 Q/Ha. The food grains productivity

varies in different agro-climatic zones from 10.51 Q/Ha (in Bundelkhand zone)

to 30.49 Q/Ha (in western plain zone). Similarly in case of cereals it varies

from 16.19 Q/Ha (in Bundelkhand zone) to 31.40 Q/Ha (in western plain

zone). The zone-wise details are presented in Table 2.3.

Table 2.3: Zone-wise Productivity of Cereal Crops, 2006-07




Zones Food




Rice Wheat Jowar Bajra Maize

1 Tarai &


23.76 24.82 20.82 30.12 10.87 11.06 10.02

2 Western


30.49 31.40 22.36 35.61 8.08 12.43 18.58

3 Mid- Western


23.73 24.65 19.98 30.26 10.73 13.44 14.97

4 South



23.54 24.30 22.98 28.57 11.37 15.70 19.10

5 Mid-Plain/


22.23 24.00 19.52 29.10 12.08 14.92 13.03

6 Bundelkhand 10.51 16.19 8.20 19.11 8.41 13.61 9.19

7 North

Eastern Plain

22.20 21.09 17.42 25.87 11.94 16.48 9.77

8 Eastern Plain 20.37 21.41 17.82 25.91 --- 12.02 11.73

9 Vindhyan 16.22 17.64 18.27 19.94 11.71 9.30 6.30

10 Uttar


20.77 22.90 18.78 27.66 10.29 14.55 13.26

Source: Official website of Govt. of India and Uttar Pradesh

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2.2.2. Pulses

The average productivity of pulses is 7.25 Q/Ha in the state. It varies in

different agro-climatic zones from 6.57 Q/Ha (in Bundelkhand zone) to 8.09

Q/Ha (in mid central plain). The zone-wise details are presented below in

Table 2.4.

Table 2.4:Zone wise Productivity of Pulses in 2006-07


S.No. Zones Total

Pulses Arhar Gram Pea Lentil Urd

1 Tarai & Bhabhar 7.18 6.70 7.44 9.67 7.22 7.38

2 Western Plain 7.91 9.55 7.30 9.67 5.66 5.61

3 Mid- Western Plain 7.61 6.92 7.30 9.67 7.68 6.63

4 South West. Semi-

Dry 7.45 8.31 8.31 9.67 9.05 5.61

5 Mid-Plain/ Central 8.09 8.22 10.66 12.13 7.68 5.13


6 Bundelkhand 6.57 6.40 6.22 9.36 5.52 5.40

7 North Eastern

Plain 7.98 6.20 7.39 9.67 8.68 5.47

8 Eastern Plain 8.02 7.66 8.62 9.95 8.47 5.61

9 Vindhyan 7.94 6.90 9.59 10.38 6.88 4.89

10 Uttar Pradesh 7.25 7.49 7.42 9.67 7.05 5.61

Source: Official website of Govt. of India and Uttar Pradesh

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2.2.3. Oilseeds

The average productivity of Oil seeds is 8.36 Q/ha in the state. It varies

in different agro-climatic zones from 3.74 Q/Ha (in bundelkhand zone) to

13.03 Q/Ha (in south-western semi dry zone). The zone wise details are

presented below in Table 2.5. The target for average annual growth rate of

agriculture sector during the 10th Plan was 5.1 percent. However, the

achievement was only about 2 percent. A lower growth rate of this order is

indicative of the fact that there was „something‟ missing in the efforts and

strategies for agriculture development. The past growth rates in the agriculture

sector show that the state achieved a growth rate of 5.7 percent during the

Fifth Plan. Thus, the State has potential for achieving much higher growth in

this sector. It is in this background that a growth rate of 5.7 percent has been

envisaged in agriculture sector during Eleventh Plan.

Table 2.5:Productivity of Oil Seeds, 2006-07


S. No. Zones Total Oilseeds Rapeseed/ Mustard

1 Tarai & Bhabhar 8.13 8.67

2 Western Plain 9.69 9.78

3 Mid- Western Plain 9.26 10.04

4 South West. Semi-Dry 13.03 13.17

5 Mid-Plain/ Central 8.02 9.28

6 Bundelkhand 3.74 4.49

7 North Eastern Plain 8.26 8.42

8 Eastern Plain 10.39 11.68

9 Vindhyan 5.05 5.46

10 Uttar Pradesh 8.36 10.22

Source: Official website of Govt. of India and Uttar Pradesh

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As per 2000-01 Agriculture Census, there is a predominance of

marginal and small farmers in the State, small farmers and marginal farmers

account for 76.9 % and 14.6% of the total holdings respectively. This group of

small and marginal farmers own 61.2% of the total land area. Average size of

holding is only 0.83 ha. per farmer. However, the average size of holding of

marginal farmers is 0.40 hectare.

2.3. Land Use Pattern

The land use pattern (2005-06) in the State has been indicated in the

Table 2.6. The total cultivated area of the state is 166.83 lakh ha. And the

gross cropped area is 255.24 lakh ha. The cropping intensity in the state is

153 %. The area sown during rabi is more as compared to area sown in

kharif. The area under sugarcane which is an annual crop is 0.38 lakh ha.

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Table 2.6:Land use pattern, 2005-06

(lakh ha)

Source: Official website of Govt. of India and Uttar Pradesh

2.4. Seed Replacement Rate (SRR)

Seed is one of the most vital inputs responsible for higher production

and can contribute 10 to 15 percent increase in production. The seed scenario

in U.P. during the Tenth Five Year Plan Period has been quite encouraging in

case of cereals especially paddy and wheat. An encouraging trend has been

noticed in the Seed Replacement Rate also during the Tenth Five Year Plan

which is evident from the Table 2.7.

S. No. Particulars Uttar Pradesh

1 Reporting Area 242.01

2 Forest 16.88

3 Barren Land 5.30

4 Non Agri. Use 6.49

5 Culturable Waste 4.54

6 Pastures 0.64

7 Misc. Trees etc. 0.44

8 Current Follow 12.17

9 Other Follow 5.74

10 Net Area Sown 166.83

11 Area Sown more than Once 88.41

12 Gross Cropped Area 255.24

13 Cropping Intensity 153.00

14 Kharif 118.57

15 Rabi 128.39

16 Zaid 7.91

17 Area Under Sugarcane (annual crop) 0.38

18 Gross Cropped Area 255.24

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The recommended seed replacement rate in case of self pollinated

crops is 25%. In case of hybrids e.g. maize, bajra etc and in case of cotton

where Bt hybrids have been released, the replacement should be total. As

such the SRR, in case of almost all the crops needs improvements.

Table 2.7:Crop-Wise Seed Replacement Rate during Xth Five Year Plan



Name of


Xth Plan

Target of












1. Paddy 21.83 15.90 17.25 17.90 20.29 20.54

2. Maize 19.46 7.80 10.90 14.03 12.28 18.67

3. Bajra 51.25 17.70 35.90 41.78 50.54 53.47

4. Jowar 11.36 4.90 5.60 8.28 10.57 14.95

5. Urd 12.40 8.80 10.90 11.45 11.20 9.86

6. Moong 20.00 16.20 15.30 18.99 23.06 56.83

7. Arhar 18.89 13.20 13.50 15.06 18.23 17.62

8. Groundnut 4.17 1.50 2.60 3.57 3.96 3.08

9. Til 9.80 2.50 2.90 5.32 8.84 10.46

10 Soyabean 34.05 13.10 23.90 32.27 31.68 15.18

11. Sunflower 73.33 100 72.60 51.73 14.13 61.93

12 Cotton 72.00 73.80 60.60 39.36 64.00 66.16

Kharif 16.00 17.03 17.09 19.06 19.48

13 Wheat 23.82 16.42 16.88 18.97 21.40 24.14

14 Barley 20.00 11.03 12.09 13.93 18.78 24.60

15 Gram 12.50 8.16 9.14 11.07 11.50 14.36

16 Pea 23.98 9.49 12.90 14.12 23.91 20.96

17 Lentil 12.50 7.08 11.25 0.73 12.42 123.1


18 Rai/Sarson 53.00 38.18 52.87 85.00 52.00 58.38

19 Toria 100 64.96 91.48 23.92 103.00 86.48

20 Linseed 7.50 2.28 4.77 0.44 6.65 8.64

Rabi 16.5 18.14 18.14 20.67 23.29

Annual 15.06 17.91 17.58 18.86 22.46

Source: Official website of Govt. of India and Uttar Pradesh

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2.5. Soil Health, Consumption of Fertilizers

It has been observed that soil health has deteriorated sharply during

the last few years. Indiscriminate and imbalanced use of chemical fertilizers,

especially urea along with chemical pesticides and unavailability of organic

manures has led to considerable reduction in soil health. Hence restoring soil

health has emerged as a major challenge before the farmers and the State.

The State Government is taking steps to check the rapid deterioration in soil

health in several areas.

Although use of chemical fertilizers is very low in comparison to

agriculturally advanced neighboring states like Haryana and Punjab and it is

even below the national average, yet consumption of chemical fertilizers is

increasing constantly and there is an imbalance in their usage which has

caused the deterioration in soil health.

The recommended fertilizer use in terms of NPK ratio is 4:2:1. When

the nutrients are supplied to the field in the ratio of 4:2:1, maximum

productivity is obtained. The pattern of fertilizer consumption in the state

shows that the NPK ratio is gradually narrowing. During 2001-02 the ratio was

25.2: 7.6: 1. It has tapered down to 10.7: 4.0: 1.0 indicating the efforts at

balanced use of fertilizer (Table 2.8).

Table 2.8:Consumption of Fertilizers in 10th Five Year Plan

Year Consumption (kg/ha)

NPK Ratio N P K

2002-03 93.10 28.60 5.60 16.6 : 5.1 : 1.0

2003-04 93.10 30.10 6.00 15.5 : 5.0 : 1.0

2004-05 104.00 32.00 8.00 13.0 : 4.0 : 1.0

2005-06 107.00 34.00 8.00 12.5 : 4.25 : 1.0

2006-07 107.00 40.00 10.00 10.7:4.0:1.0

Source: Official website of Govt. of India and Uttar Pradesh

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2.6. District-wise Status of Irrigation

The state average of irrigated area is 79% but there is a wide variation

in districts. The district wise irrigated area varies from 29% to 100%.The

districts have been categorized in different slabs indicating the extent of

irrigation as presented in Table 2.9.

Table 2.9:Irrigation status of different districts of U.P., 2006-07

S.No. Slab No. Name of Districts

1 90 %



22 Saharanpur, Muzaffarnagar, Meerut, Bagpat,

Mathura, Shahjahanpur, Aligarh, Hathrus (100%) ,

Firozabad, Mainpuri, Etah, Bareilly, Badaun,

Pilibihit, Kannauj Moradabad, Ajamgarh, Lucknow,

Faizabad, Ambedkernagar, Chandauli.Gaziabad,

2 80-90%

23 Bulandsahar, Bijnor, J.B. Fulenagar, Rampur,

Farrukhabad, Etawa, Auraiya, Pratapgarh,

Varanasi, Gazipur, Jaunpur, S. Rabidasnagar,

Mau, Gorakhpur, Maharajganj, Deoria, S.

Kabirnagar, Unnao, Raibareilly, Sitapur, Hardoi,

Sultanpur, Barabanki.

3 70-80% 9 G.Budhnagar, Kanpur Dehat, Allahabad, Lalitpur,

Balia, Khushinagar, Khiri, Gonda.

4 60-70% 6 Kanpur Nagar, Fetehpur, Kaushmbi, Jhansi, Basti,


5 50-60% 2 Jalaun, Mirzapur,

6 Less


50 %

8 Mahoba, Banda, Chitrkoot (29%), Hamirpur,

Sonbhadra, Balrampur, Baharaich, Shravasti.

Source: Official website of Govt. of India and Uttar Pradesh

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2.7. Agriculture Extension

Dissemination of technical knowledge is a very important task.

Agriculture Universities and other agencies are involved in the development of

new techniques for the benefit of farmers in improving crop production. The

knowledge of such techniques has to be transferred to the farmers who are

the ultimate users. Through agriculture extension, this information is being

disseminated to the farmers. For this purpose, Agriculture Technology

Management Agency (ATMAs) has been set up in 32 districts of U.P. and it is

proposed to cover the entire state in the near future. ATMA provides a strong

platform for convergence of all extension activities for holistic development of

agriculture sector. ATMA has proved to be an effective medium of extension

where programmes have been prepared in consultation with stake holders

and implemented with their participation.

2.8. Horticulture

Uttar Pradesh has diverse agro-climatic conditions and with its vast

agricultural & natural resources, it is facilitating production of various food

crops like fruits, vegetables, spices, medicinal and aromatic plants etc. The

state is fourth in the country with a cultivated area of 15.91 Lakh hectares

under vegetables. The state accounts for 16% of India's total population and

produces 15% of the country's vegetables i.e. 266.06 Lac ton. UP ranks the

second largest producer of vegetables among all states. Major vegetables are

potato and peas (leading state), sweet potato (second among states),

cabbage (sixth among states). U.P. contributes 40-45% of the potato

production of the country.

Similarly, UP ranks third in production of fruits among all states in the

country. Major fruits grown in the state are Mango (leading state in India in

terms of production), Guava (ranked fourth in India), Banana and Litchi. The

overall productivity of fruits in the state is 10.79 tons/ha against national

average of 11.9 tons per hectares. The important spices produced in Uttar

Pradesh are onion (sixth among states), turmeric, chili, garlic, fennel,

fenugreek and coriander.

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Nearly 72% of the total population of the state is engaged in cultivation,

out of which approximately 80% farmers are in the small and marginal

category. To boost the required horticultural development in the state different

schemes / programmes under state / centrally sponsored schemes are being

implemented. There is a good scope for vegetables and fruit production in the

state, especially quality production through organic farming.

During the Eleventh Five Year Plan period (2007-12), the growth rate of

this sector has been fixed at 10%. To achieve this growth rate, the department

is implementing various developmental schemes i.e. introduction of new

varieties of fruits, adoption of hybrid varieties of vegetables and spices of high

quality, adoption of new horticultural techniques, production of European

vegetables, adoption of new techniques to increase production of flowers and

medicinal plants, establishment of high-tech model nurseries, apiculture,

mushroom cultivation, establishment of distillation units for flowers and

medicinal & aromatic plants, onion stores units and the establishment of semi-

processing and processing units in the state. Recently organic farming has

caught the fancy of the farmers and thus effort needs to be encouraged for

production of chemical free fruits and vegetables with a provision of reliable

traceability in order to improve nutritional security of the country.

2.9. Sugarcane

Sugarcane is another important crop in the State. Almost half of the

total sugarcane area in the country is in Uttar Pradesh. About 30 percent

sugar production in the country is contributed by the State, yet at 58.2 tonnes

per hectare, productivity is much below the all India average of 66.9 tonnes

and average sugar recovery is almost 75 percent of all India average. Major

challenges facing the sugarcane sector in U. P. are (i) Limited availability of

water for irrigation; (ii) Depletion of soil fertility; (iii) Increase in the prices of

fertilizer herbicides and pesticides; (iv) Price escalation of petroleum products;

and (v) Limited availability of farm labor.

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The state is implementing intensive Cane Development Programmes

including improved seed production programme, Soil and Seed treatment,

and Ratoon management

2.10. Animal Husbandry

Uttar Pradesh has a livestock population of 585.31 lakh heads

excluding poultry per 2003 Animal census. The cow population stands at

185.51 lakh heads which comprises 16.34 lakh crossbred and 169.17 lakh

indigenous breeds. Likewise, the State has 229.14 lakh buffaloes. Sheep

population stands at just 14.37 lakh. Although sheep wool constitutes the

most important raw material for the carpet industry in the State, yet its

population is showing a declining trend. Similarly, the goat population is just

129.41 lakh although it is called the poor man‟s cow. There are only 22.84

lakh pigs – the most proliferate, low input and high output animal and its

population is also decreasing over the years. Poultry population is also

meager at just 117.18 lakh birds although the State is a major consumer of

poultry products. Further, virtually no growth has been recorded in poultry

population in the State. Out of 414.65 lakh cattle & buffaloes in the State,

there are only about 173.82 lakh breedable animals. Out of 173.82 lakh

breedable cows and buffaloes, only 117.81 lakh (68 percent) are milching


Table 2.10:Livestock population in the State

Livestock Population (000) Percent Increase/Decrease

Category 1997 2003

Crossbred cattle 2105 1634 -22.38

Indigenous cattle 17911 16917 -5.55

Total cattle 20016 18551 -7.32

Buffaloes 18996 22914 20.63

Total Bovines 39012 41465 6.29

Sheep 1905 1437 -24.57

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Goats 11784 12941 9.82

Pigs 3135 2284 -27.15

Camels 31 16 -48.39

Others 545 388 -28.81

Total Livestock 56412 58531 3.76

Source: Official website of Govt. of India and Uttar Pradesh

Total poultry population in the state is about 11.71 million birds. Over

the period of 10th plan, fowl population has decreased by around 3.5 per cent

the total poultry by 3.3 per cent in the State. Ducks and other birds have

shown an increase of 2.5 per cent during the period - over 60 per cent of them

comprising indigenous fowls in the backyards of rural households. Poultry

production in Uttar Pradesh consists of two distinctly different streams: the

organized poultry industry made up of exclusively of commercial hybrid birds

and the backyard system with indigenous fowl in the rural areas. Organized

poultry industry in UP is stagnant and over half of the eggs and poultry meat

consumed in the state is imported from States as far away as Andhra Pradesh

and some from neighbouring Punjab and Haryana. While the state‟s

neighbouring States (Punjab and Haryana) have a successful and flourishing

poultry industry and account for nearly 40 per cent of the table eggs and

broiler import into the State, UP itself has lagged far behind in organized egg /

broiler production. Overall Uttar Pradesh stands 1st in milk production, 5th in

wool production, 7th in egg production and 1st in meat production in the


2.10.1. Livestock Production

The livestock of the state contributed to the State‟s economy by

producing 180.946 lakh metric tonnes of milk, 8135.1 lakh eggs, 14.61 lakh kg

3wool and 2002.31 lakh kg meat in 2006-07. Uttar Pradesh is the largest milk

producing state in the country since last many years. Per capita availability of

milk in U.P. is 290 gm while the national average is 245 gm/day against the

minimum requirement of 280 gram per day per capita as recommended by

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ICMR. Yet, there is good scope for breeding of cows, especially cross-bred

cows for increasing productivity and production of milk.

2.10.2. Meat Production

The state also plays a vital role in meat production in the country. Uttar

Pradesh is the largest meat exporter in the country with the exports worth

Rs.200 crores. Meat production status of U.P. is given in Table 2.12.

Table 2.11:Milk Production in U.P., 2006-07

.Category / Animal Total milk production

(lakh Litres)



Buffalo 124.139 68.61

Cow 46.276 25.57

Goat 10.531 05.82

Total 180.946 100.00

Source: Official website of Govt. of India and Uttar Pradesh

Table 2.12:Meat Productivity and Production in U.P., 2006-07



Av. meat productivity

(Kg. /animal)

Total meat


(lakh Kg)



Buffalo 120.759 1475.577 73.69

Goat 16.133 327.921 16.38

Sheep 16.554 52.620 02.63

Pig 44.507 146.191 07.30

Total 2002.309 100.00

Source: Official website of Govt. of India and Uttar Pradesh

2.10.3. Availability of Fodder

The state has negligible pasture facilities, inadequate green fodder and

concentrate feed availability. Only about 4 per cent of agricultural land is

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Comprehensive-District Agriculture Plan Jaunpur


under fodder crop production. Fodder requirement & production status is

given in Table 2.13. There is, thus a dire need for improving the productivity of

fodder crops and expansion of area under green fodder. For this purpose the

fodder seed production facilities in the State need strengthening.

Table 2.13: Requirement and availability of fodder, 2006-07

Commodity Requirement

(Lakh MT)


(Lakh MT)


(Lakh MT)



Green Fodder 933.06 617.62 315.44 33.80

Dry Fodder 571.19 548.60 22.59 03.95

Compounded Feed 120.85 63.25 57.60 47.66

Source: Official website of Govt. of India and Uttar Pradesh

2.11. Fisheries

Importance of aquatic resources in our economy is well recognized.

The need for protective food production has assumed vital importance.

Hence, use of aquatic resources for developmental purpose such as

aquaculture and fisheries at par with the terrestrial resources for agriculture

and animal husbandry, has attracted considerable attention in recent years.

As a result of intensive efforts, aquaculture has become one of the fastest

growing food production sub-sectors over the past two decades in India.

Distribution (percentage) of aquatic resources of Uttar Pradesh is detailed in

Table 2.14.

Table 2.14: Aquatic Resources in the U.P., 2006-07

Resource Percentage

Rivers &Canals 62%

Large & Medium Reservoirs 12%

Ponds 14%

Lakes 12%

Total 100%

Source: Official website of Govt. of India and Uttar Pradesh

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Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-12) has laid down the monitorable

targets for fisheries sector (Table 2.15) and the salient features of this

programme are as under:

1. Growth rate to be increased from 7.4% to 13%.

2. Enhancement of productivity from 2.8 t/ha/yr to more than 4


3. Increase in total annual fish production from 2.90 lakh ton to

5.32 lakh ton.

4. Increase in seed production capacity to get about 150 crore

standard fingerlings from present 120 crore.

5. Diversifications of fish culture activities for a variety of aquatic

products e.g. prawn, catfish, ornamental fish

The table 2.15 gives year wise details of physical targets during 11th


Table 2.15: Annual Physical Targets during Eleventh Five Year Plan

Source: Official website of Govt. of India and Uttar Pradesh


2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Pond area lease (ha) 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000

Improvement and construction of ponds (ha)

12000 12000 12000 12000 12000

Fish seed production


126 132 138 144 150

Establishment of hatcheries (No.)

69 31 33 27 27

Seed rearing units 75 192 169 210 170

Training of

fishermen (No.)

8000 8000 8000 7700 7700

Fish productivity (kg/ha/yr) 2950 3100 3250 3500 3800

Fish production (lakh ton) 3.44 3.78 4.19 4.75 5.32

Organization of coop. societies

140 140 150 160 200

Fish development through co-operatives (ha)

3000 3000 3000 3000 3000

Development of water logged area (ha)

3810 3251 3251 3251 2692

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Comprehensive-District Agriculture Plan Jaunpur


2.13. Resources Available Through Convergence

In view of the resource crunch, loan assistance from NABARD under

RIDF is being obtained since 1995-96 with the condition of their utilization in

three years from the year of sanction. Further, Central Loan Assistance under

Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP) is also being provided by

Government of India for early completion of the on-going projects, on which

substantial expenditure has already been incurred. At present, as per modified

guide lines for the accelerated irrigation benefits programme effective from

December 2006, the central assistance will be in the form of central grant

which will be 25% of project cost. The balance cost of the project as the

state‟s share is to be arranged by the state government from its own


Major and medium projects as well as Extension, Renovation &

Modernization (ERM) of irrigation projects are categorized for assistance as

(a) having investment clearance of the Planning Commission (b) are in an

advanced stage of construction and can be completed in the next four

financial years (c) are not receiving any other form of financial assistance.

Components of the projects not receiving any other form of financial

assistance can also be considered for inclusion in the programme.

2.14. Minor Irrigation

Ground Water Department is the nodal organization at the State Level,

entrusted with the responsibilities of survey and investigation for the

assessment of ground water resources and assisting the user departments in

the ground water development, management, augmentation, conservation &

regulation of ground water resources of the state covering 820 blocks.

The proposal for 11th Five Year Plan (2007-12) was formulated

considering the problem arising out of indiscriminate use of ground water, its

declining trend & developing scarcity areas. Keeping in mind, the ground

water regime (quantitatively and qualitatively) problems arising out of over-

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Comprehensive-District Agriculture Plan Jaunpur


exploitation, causing declining ground water level and water logging, soil

degradation due to shallow water table and excessive use of chemicals in the

fields, the programmes of ground water development are being

planned/proposed in such away, so as to provide permanent and sustainable

solutions to the ground water problems in the State.

The following ground water survey programmes are proposed to be

carried out during financial year 2008-09. Detailed specific programmes and

financial requirements are summarized below-

Ground water Resource Estimation and Strengthening of Ground water


Monitoring of Ground water Level on hydrograph stations network

(Observation well / Piezometer)

Construction of Piezometers

Estimation of Ground Water Resource

Micro Study in Over Exploited / Critical Blocks

Quality Assessment / Monitoring of Ground Water

Procurement of Drilling, Survey and Monitoring Equipments

2.14.1. Rain water harvesting: In this scheme Roof top rain water

harvesting, ponds and percolation tanks will be constructed for study

purpose on model basis. Inter departmental co-ordination for

monitoring and implementation of Rain Water Harvesting / Recharging

activities in the State. Impact assessment of rain water

harvesting/recharging activities and schemes on ground water regime

(ground water level and quality) are to be carried out. An outlay of Rs.

96.00 Lakh is proposed for this work.

2.14.2. Construction of Shallow Tube-Well for Small/Marginal farmers:

The major interventions/ facilities for construction of tube wells

provided “Free Boring Scheme” is given in Table 2.16. The salient

features of scheme are:

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Construction of “Medium Deep Tube-Well” in alluvial areas of

State where water bearing strata is between 31 to 60 metre.

Construction of Deep Tube Well for deep and difficult areas

of state having water bearing strata deeper than Sixty metre.

Construction of Blast Well /Deepening of Well in rocky areas.

Boring by In well Rig/Wagon Drill in rocky areas.

Artesian Well Scheme (Mainly for Jalaun Distt.)

Ground Water Recharging/Check dam Scheme in which

Renovation of Ponds and construction of check dam is


Table 2.16: Status of facilities provided for minor irrigation works, 2006-07


Name of Works Eligibility Criterion

Average of project cost

Detail of Subsidy Provided

1 Free Boring

A- Boring Small/ Marginal Farmer

Rs. 8000/- 1- General Category (1) Small Farmer 3000/-

(2) Marginal Farmer 4000/

2- Small/Marginal Farmers of SC/ST 6000/-

B- Pump set (5 Hp)

Rs. 18,000/-

1- General Category (1) Small Farmer 2800/-

(2) Marginal Farmer 3750/-

3- Small/Marginal Farmers of SC/ST 5650/-

2 Medium Tube Well

Farmers of All Categories

Rs. 1.70 Lakh

50% cost of the Tube well with maximum Rs. 75000/- & for water distribution system of cost with 50% maximum Rs. 10000/- Total Rs. 85,000/-

3 Deep Tube Well Farmers of All Categories

Rs. 3.30 Lakh

50% cost, maximum Rs. 1.00 lakh.

4 Artesian Well Farmers of All Categories

Rs. 12,000/-

50% cost, maximum Rs. 5000/-

5 Blast Well Farmers of All Categories

Rs.1.20 Lakh

50% cost, maximum Rs. 50,000/-

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6 Boring by In well Rig Machine

Farmers of All Categories

Rs. 50,000/-

50% cost, maximum Rs. 7500/-

7 Deepening of Well in Rocky Area

Farmers of All Categories

Rs. 122/- per hole

50% cost, maximum Rs. 20/- per hole.

8 Surface Pump set (Rocky area of Bundle khand & Allah bad District)

Farmers of All Categories

Rs. 20,000/-

25% cost, maximum Rs. 3000/-

9 Construction of Check dam

Community Work

Rs. 10.00 Lakh.

Cent percent Subsidy.

10 Renovation of Tank

Community Work

Rs. 03.00 Lakh

Cent percent Subsidy

Source: Official website of Govt. of India and Uttar Pradesh

Availability of Ground Water: As per available data Zone-wise ground

water recharge, exploitation and stage of development in different regions of

the state is given in Table 2.17. Although overall water balance situation

appears to be positive yet, 37 blocks at present are over-exploited, 13 blocks

are critical and 88 blocks are semi-critical and 675 blocks are in safe

categories as per stage of ground water development. The available ground

water balance in the State is 2.13 million hectare-meter (M ha-m) and out of

this 1.95 M ha-m is available for irrigation purposes.

Table 2.17: Annual Ground water balance in U.P., 2006-07

S.No. Zone

Ground Water


(M ha-m)

Ground Water


(M ha-m)


Ground Water

(M ha-m)

Stage of



1 East 2.54 1.68 0.86 66

2 West 2.58 2.05 0.53 79

3 Central 1.45 0.96 0.49 66

4 Bundelkhand 0.44 0.19 0.25 43

Total 7.01 4.88 2.13 * 69

Source: Official website of Govt. of India and Uttar Pradesh

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Irrigation Potential Created:

The irrigation potential from Minor Irrigation works at the start of 1st five

year plan was only 14.44 lakh ha. As per 3rd Census of Minor Irrigation

Works Conducted by Govt. of India in the base year 2000-01, the actual

irrigation potential created through Minor Irrigation Works came to 158.97

lakh hectares. The position expected at the end of 10th Five Year Plan,

after taking into consideration the depreciation of minor irrigation works at

1% as per 3rd Census of Minor Irrigation works, is given in Table 2.18

which brings out that the State has made considerable progress through

various five year plans and the 10th plan provided a boost to the

development efforts; yet, there remains a tremendous scope for further

development in every sub-sector of the agriculture sector including crops,

horticulture, animal husbandry and pisciculture. The eleventh plan effort

based on district level development plans is envisaged to boost the

sectoral growth significantly.

Table 2.18: Irrigation potential of U.P.

S. No. Year Irrigation Potential

Created (Lakh ha)


(@ 1%)

Net Irrigation

Potential (Lakh ha)

1 2000-01 - - 158.97

2 2001-02 3.61 1.58 161.00

3 2002-03 3.83 1.61 163.22

4 2003-04 2.92 1.63 164.51

5 2004-05 3.41 1.64 166.28

6 2005-06 4.00 1.66 168.62

7 2006-07 3.95 1.68 170.89

Source: Official website of Govt. of India and Uttar Pradesh

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2.14.6. Over All

Thus the state has made considerable progress through various five

year plans and the 10th plan provided a boost to the development efforts; yet,

there remains a tremendous scope for further development in every sub-

sector of the agriculture sector including crops, horticulture, animal husbandry

and pisiculture. The eleventh plan effort based on district level development

plans is envisaged to boost the sectoral growth significantly. The

Comprehensive - District Agricultural development plan for district Jaunpur is,

therefore, drawn by the state for consideration of the Planning Commission for

the assistance under Additional Central Assistance Scheme in the following

pages of the document.

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Chapter - 3


The district of Jaunpur lies in Eastern Plain agroclimatic region. The

total geographical area of the district is 4038 sq km, which is divided into 21

developmental blocks, 218 nyaya panchayats and 3269 inhabited villages.

Major rivers of the district are Gomti and Sai.

The economy of Jaunpur district is predominantly agriculture based,

where 87 percent population is small and marginal. Net cultivated area is

2,91,303 hectare, and out of which 2,27,559 hectare area is net irrigated.

The main profile of the district is given in Table 1.

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Comprehensive-District Agriculture Plan Jaunpur


Table 3.1: Jaunpur District Profile at a Glance

S.No. Item Characteristics Value

1 1.1 Geographical area (Sq km) 4038

1.2 Forest (ha) 5500

1.3 Net sown area (000 ha) 2,79,074

1.4 Area sown more than once (000 ha) 174,000

1.5 Cropping intensity (%) 154.4 %

1.6 Fallow land (ha) 53,996

1.7 Land not available for cultivation (ha) 45,340

2 Administrative

2.1 No of blocks 21

2.2 No of Nyaya Panchayat 218

2.3 No of villages inhabited and electrified 3098 villages electrified out of 3290 inhabited

2.4 No of villages with potable water supply 3290

3 Rainfall (mm) 987

4 Agro-climatic region and zone Eastern Plain

5 Population (ooo)

Male (000)

Female (000)




6 Literacy Total (%)



59.8 %

76.2 %

44.1 %

7 7.1 Nationalized bank branches 95

7.2 Regional Rural Banks 84

7.3 Cooperative Banks 37

7.4 Cooperative and Village Development Bank 5

8 8.1 8.2


Small & marginal farmers



8.3 Agricultural labourers 87,364

8.4 Household/cottage industries 64,104

9 Irrigation

9.1 Net irrigated area (ha) 2,50,610

9.2 By channels (ha) 67,112

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9.3 Tube wells (ha) 1,83,480

9.4 Other (ha) 18

10 Chemical fertilizers ( kg per ha) 114

11 Agriculture support facilities

11.1 Seed and fertilizers stores 334 / 719

11.2 Insecticides stores 139

11.3 Rural markets/ mandis (No.) 3

11.4 Rural Godowns 231

11.5 Cold Storage 19

12 Dairy animals

12.1 Cattle (cows) 1,87,423

12.2 Buffaloes 2,05,964

12.3 Sheep/goat/ pigs 2,96,098

12.4 Poultry birds 3,68,674

The main crops of the district are paddy, wheat, maize, sugarcane, and

vegetables. Total cropped area of the district is 4,27,985 ha, of which 2,03,472

ha under kharif crops and 2,17,393 ha covered by rabi crops.

Table 3.2:Distribution of Operational Holdings

Farm size


Operational holdings Area operated

Number % ha %

Up to 1 587420 89.72 195656 61.40

1 - 2 48863 7.46 66226 20.79

2 - 4 15690 2.39 41708 13.09

4 - 10 2687 0.41 14175 4.45

Above 10 65 0.01 849 0.27

Total 654725 100 318614 100

Predominant Economic Activities: Agriculture, carpet industry, silk saree

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Table 3.3:Area, Production and Productivity of major crops in district


(in q/ha)

S.No. Crop Area (ha) Production (MT) Productivity (q/ha)

1 Paddy 140587 269063 19.14

2 Wheat 196983 469589 23.84

3 Barley 669 1095 16.37

4 Sorghum 3233 4714 14.58

5 Bajra 5289 6611 12.50

6 Maize 45487 66948 14.72

7 Urd 5818 4579 7.87

8 Moong 711 485 6.82

9 Gram 5642 5385 9.55

10 Pea 6005 10148 16.9

11 Arhar 10211 9341 9.15

12 Pulses 28535 30053 10.53

13 Mustard 2037 2338 11.48

14 Sugarcane 9927 475622 479.12

15 Potato 9969 182762 183.3

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Table 3.4: Details of Fertilizer availability through different sources in district


( in MT)

S.No. Block Nitrogen Phosphorus Potash Total

1 Suithkala 1884 606 150 2640

2 Shahganj 2327 869 150 3346

3 Khuthan 1868 607 100 2575

4 Karanjakala 1764 527 105 2396

5 Badlapur 1914 476 152 2542

6 Mahrajganj 1667 452 95 2214

7 Baksha 1768 197 105 2070

8 Sujanganj 1608 447 97 2152

9 Mungra Badshahpur 1863 322 85 2270

10 Machhalishahr 1784 606 75 2465

11 Mariahu 1709 547 111 2367

12 Dharampur 1628 417 150 2195

13 Ramnagar 1802 499 105 2406

14 Muftiganj 1964 647 65 2676

15 Jalalpur 1614 546 150 2310

16 Kerakat 1668 447 105 2220

17 Dobhi 1564 432 97 2093

18 Barsathi 1578 447 95 2120

19 Rampur 1894 491 65 2450

20 Sirkoni 1923 482 115 2520

21 Sikrara 1580 538 96 2214

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Table 3.5: Block wise details of area under different crops

(in Hectare)

S.No. Block Paddy Wheat Maize Bajra Arhar Gram Pea Pulses

1 Suithkala 5789 8995 1123 242 560 250 345 1238

2 Shahganj 7815 12854 1311 238 412 195 450 1136

3 Khuthan 4669 7713 1872 212 530 275 421 1310

4 Karanjakala 5241 6768 2938 242 418 195 190 949

5 Badlapur 5362 11153 3292 265 570 510 540 1805

6 Mahrajganj 6264 9260 2122 285 498 305 330 1288

7 Baksha 3503 9906 3780 237 435 470 270 1369

8 Sujanganj 9950 11948 1506 335 459 204 220 1488

9 Mungra

Badshahpur 12129 11995 743 192 497 109 251 1115

10 Machhalishahr 13036 13734 1097 219 456 190 280 1266

11 Mariahu 8579 11031 2147 281 421 212 242 1214

12 Dharampur 8384 10836 1428 221 510 330 347 1852

13 Ramnagar 4833 7310 3883 296 415 250 236 1169

14 Muftiganj 3781 5666 3168 238 295 134 190 735

15 Jalalpur 7573 8926 1726 258 595 272 312 1793

16 Kerakat 5884 8893 1446 268 460 460 363 2241

17 Dobhi 5567 7468 1735 257 475 210 181 1074

18 Barsathi 6559 7853 1742 290 670 239 296 1562

19 Rampur 6266 8640 2189 276 512 258 162 1250

20 Sirkoni 6778 8484 2714 245 530 241 185 1306

21 Sikrara 2237 6663 3190 192 425 231 185 1165

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Comprehensive-District Agriculture Plan Jaunpur


The district of Jaunpur has a prominent place in fruits and vegetable

cultivation. Horticultural crops covered 11600 hectares area. Major fruit crops

are mango, guava, aonla, citrus, caronda, and in vegetable crops, the district

is one of leading district of eastern Uttar Pradesh. The district is covered

under National/State Horticulture Mission. There is 7061 ha of culturable

waste land is available in the district, which can be used for horticulture


Table 3.6:Area, production and productivity of major fruits and vegetable

S.No. Crop Area (ha) Production (MT) Productivity


1 Mango 2360 22462.48 9.518

2 Guava 2208 20783.90 9.413

3 Aonla 510 - -

4 Muskmelon 47 1222 26.000

5 Cauliflower 45 906 20.133

6 Brinjal 21 641 30.524

7 Sweet potato 107 1243 11.617

8 Cabbage 190 5930 31.211

9 Green pea 3409 24423 7.164

10 Tomato 30 855 28.500

11 Onion 826 9821 11.890

Milk is an important component for complete diet, which proves the

importance of development of dairy sector. In the district more than 90 percent

of land holding are small and marginal. Total livestock population in the district

is 7.36 lakh, and to cater this number of population 147 veterinary hospitals

are required. But in the district only 34 veterinary hospitals and 41 animal

service centres, 59 artificial insemination centres.

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Comprehensive-District Agriculture Plan Jaunpur


Fish is a good source of protein available on reasonable price, and also

good source of income for fish farmers. In the district there are 647 private

ponds of 416 ha area and 3585 ponds belong to gram panchayat of 2388

hectare area, with production of 2500 MT annually, productivity level is around

30 quintals per hectare. A fish seedling production unit is established in the

district with a capacity of 100 lakh seed production.

Table 3.7:Dairy Profile of Jaunpur District

1. Population of breedable Cross bred cows 19,600

2. Population of breedable Desi Cows 1,48,223

3. Population of breedable Buffaloes 2,05,964

4. Total Milk Production (000 MT/Day) 5.0

5. Total Milk production (000MT/Year) 1861

6. Animal Service Centres 41

7. Artificial Insemination Centres 69

8. Number of Milk Societies 58

9. District level chilling facility 1 (25,000

litre /day)

The scenario of dairy is not so good in Jaunpur, though potential does

exist to improve this sector.

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Comprehensive-District Agriculture Plan Jaunpur


Chapter - 4


High population density in the district and agriculture based economy

are main characteristics of the district. The land holdings are fragmented into

small and marginal farmers. The total land holding in the district is estimated

at 318614 ha of which the marginal and small land holdings together account

for nearly 96 %. Although economic development of the district is mainly

dependent on agriculture, this sector alone is not able to absorb the huge

unemployed force, small and marginal farmers need full time employment

which can not be provided unless additional sources of income generation in

allied agricultural and non -form activities are undertaken by them. Cropping

intensity is already 154.4 %. Therefore, activities like dairy, poultry, bee-

keeping, mushroom cultivation, inland fisheries, artisan based traditional

cottage and tiny industries etc. have to be encouraged and strengthen.

The district has good scope for development of animal husbandry,

fisheries, horticulture and its commercialization and introduction of

vermiculture and cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants.

The sum up of constraints limiting the growth and productivity of

agriculture in Jaunpur district are:

4.1. Soil and Land Related Constraints

Problem of usar soil

Large Area under fallow

Deficiency of macro and micro nutrients

Low Organic Carbon due to low incorporation of crops


4.2. Water, Power and Water Use Efficiency Related Constraints

Irregular power supply during summer

Only forty nine percent of ground water has been exploited.

Water unavailable in tail end of the canals

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4.3. Planting Material Related Constraints

Low SRR of improved varieties in paddy and wheat

4.4. Constraints Related to Adoption of High Value Crops

Inadequate number of markets

Poor post harvest handling and stores facilities for vegetables.

4.5. Technology Related Constraints

Unawareness for good agronomic practices among farmers

Insufficient staff for technology transfer.

Non availability of diagnostic plant clinics.

4.6. Infrastructure Related Constraints

Inadequate number of marketing facilities

Inadequate stores facilities

Lack of hinterland rural network.

Table 4.1:Strategy to achieve higher growth rate in crop sector in district


Item Present trends /


Constraints Strategy

Wheat Total area under wheat is

196983 ha and production

is 469589 MT with the

productivity of 23.84 q/ha.

Potential to increase

productivity up to 30 q/ha

in next five years.

Poor seed

replacement rate

Low and imbalanced

fertilizer consumption

Faster seed

replacement with

superior varieties,

Balanced use of


Use of organic


Demonstration for

transfer of crop

production technology

Weed management

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Seed treatment

Farmer trainings to

adopt new


Rice Rice is major crop of the

district with an area of

140587 ha and production

is 269063 with productivity

of 19.14 q/ha.

This is major rice growing

area and potential to

increase productivity up to

25 q/ha.

Poor SRR

Poor water



fertilizer use

Improve water

management or follow

Ridge and furrow

System of cultivation.

Weed management

Supply of improved

and quality seeds

Demonstration for

transfer of crop

production technology

Promote INM

Maize Total area under crop

45487 ha and production

is 66948 MT with

productivity level of 14.72

q /ha.

Potential to increase

productivity level up to 20

q /ha.

Poor seed

replacement rate

Poor irrigation

during summer

Low fertilizer


New composite and

hybrid varieties with

high SRR.

Appropriate on farm

water management


Demonstration for

transfer of crop

production technology

Use of INM

Pulses Area, and production of

pulses is better in the

district and covered in an

area of 28535 ha. Pea,

Arhar, and gram

contributed maximum


Productivity (10.53 q/ha) is

3low. Potential toincrease

Poor SRR and



Poor technology


Better seed

replacement ratio

through subsidized

seeds of improved


Demonstrations for

transfer of crop

production technology

Extension activities to

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Comprehensive-District Agriculture Plan Jaunpur


productivity up to 15 q/ha. be intensified

Improve marketing






There is potential to

increase area, production

and productivity of mango,

guava, aonla and



availability of

genetically pure


Poor knowledge

about healthy

nursery raising

Poor timing of

produce for


Provide mini kits of

high quality seeds

particularly hybrids for

nutritional kitchen


Train farmers for

healthy nursery

raising of tomato,

capsicum, brinjal,

chillis, cole crops.

Encourage protected

cultivation in low


High density planting

of mango and guava





More than 96 % farmers

are small and marginal.

There is potential to

increase their income

through development of

dairy and livestock sector,

and vegetable production.

Farmers cannot

practice mechanized


Establish Agri-service

Centres for making

available farm

machinery on custom

hiring basis.

Provide capital subsidy

support for vocations

like Bee keeping and

vegetable production


diversification to

animal husbandry and


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Comprehensive-District Agriculture Plan Jaunpur



and Dairy


Though the district has

good potential in this

sector but yield of the

animals are low.

Unavailability of

good breeds of


Fodder concentrate

are not available.

Negligence of private

sector in dairy sector.

High breeds of animals

should introduced.

In every block there

should be 2-3 good

bred of bulls be

available to increase

success rate of

artificial insemination

from 30 % to 90 %.

Commercial dairy.

Make sure availability

of fodder and

concentrates during

the summer months.

Mini milk processing


Disease management

Fisheries The district has 4232

ponds of 2804 ha area

under fisheries, which

produces 2500 MT of fish

with productivity of 30


The district having good

potential of fisheries.


availability of fish


Insufficient staff for


There is need to

encourage fish seed


Awareness for


development of

fisheries sector.

Establishment of fish



Planning at grass root level requires participatory appraisal of different

schemes to be implemented. Survey of different blocks of Jaunpur shows

people aspiration and expectation in the coming years as under:

Improvement in irrigation through better power supply.

Increase in productivity of wheat, paddy and pulses, and horticultural


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High quality planting material especially of fruits, vegetables and food


More processing units for fruits and vegetable crops

Capital support to small and marginal farmers for developing allied


Fodder and concentrates availability for cattle.

Efficient marketing structures for agricultural and allied sector products.

More number of commercial dairies in the district encouraged to

include value added activities like ghee, paneer, etc.

Development of dairy clusters and dairy processing units and these are

covered with milk routes.

The depletion of soil health is a serious problem and adoption of

organic farming is likely to result in sustainable productivity.

The strategy will be to increase the productivity mainly of rabi crops

and pulses. It will be mainly achieved through high quality seed and planting

material, as well as timely supply of various inputs and balanced fertilizer use.

There is an acute shortage of cold stores, and sorting and grading facilities for

fruits and vegetables.

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Chapter – 5


So as to tap the existing potential both in crop sector and animal

husbandry, there is a necessity to increase the allocation of funds to the

ongoing schemes in different line departments, essentially because most of

other central sector schemes in farm sector do not fully address block/

panchayat level needs and the available resources are thinly spread over

large areas.

However, there is a necessity to monitor and evaluate all the existing

schemes/interventions and modify the annual plan for the agriculture sector

accordingly. Such funds may be set apart for restructuring and assessment of

new schemes on annual basis. As per existing farming situation in the State,

there exists untapped potential both for increasing cropping intensity and

productivity. With the programmes/ interventions proposed hereunder and

support to existing schemes, it should be possible for the state to achieve the

targets of the 6 percent annual growth rate in crop sector and 12 percent

annual growth rate in livestock, dairy, poultry and fisheries sector. Various

interventions/programmes proposed to be taken up in the district for this

purpose are outlined as follows



Deteriorating soil health is a serious problem in Jaunpur. Not only the

organic matter is low but also imbalance of major nutrients NPK and

micronutrients have telling effect on crop yields. To overcome the problem

following programmes are suggested in project mode.

The soils of entire region are poor in organic carbon. The large part of

cow dung is being used as fuel and not for farmyard manure. To improve

upon the soil health and nutrient imbalances, two components are proposed:

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Improving soil health through green manuring

Demonstrating nutrient management through Integrated Nutrient

Management (INM) System

In Jaunpur district above two components are proposed to be run as per

the outlined budget given below:

(i) Enrichment of Organic Carbon Content Using Green Manuring

To make the productivity sustainable good soil health is very important.

At present the organic carbon is very low in the soils of Jaunpur. Growing and

incorporation of legumes, green manures are required. Daincha, sunhemp,

cow pea can both fix nitrogen as well as add organic carbon

It is proposed the government may provided seed of green manures to

6 lakh farm holdings in a span of five years. Accordingly, 1, 25,000 farm unit

will be covered each year. Each holding will be provided with green manure

seeds worth Rs 100.00 and government will bear a subsidy of Rs 50.00 per

holding. The seed grown by first 1,25,000 farm units in the first year will be

purchased by the government for the distribution among the next farm unit in

subsequent years.

(ii) Establishment of Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) System

Balanced use of plant nutrients is essential for sustainable

intensification of agriculture. The goal of INM is to promote balanced use of

plant nutrients, so as to increase crop productivity in an efficient manner. Ten

demonstrations of one acre each will be conducted in every block for which an

amount of Rs. 5000 per demonstration is needed. It is also proposed to

provide assistance for application of micronutrients @ Rs. 500 per ha as INM

package to the farmers. Budget estimates for district are given in Table 5.1.

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Table 5.1:Plan for Improvement in Soil Health

(Rs. lakh)


o. Item Unit cost










5th Total


Green manuring

Supply of green

manure seed

1,25,000 farm

units per year @

Rs. 50/ farm unit

62.5 62.5 62.5 62.5 62.5 312.5


Integrated Plant



@ Rs. 5000 /

demonstration 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 26.25

Support to pulse

production @

Rs 1250 per ha,

area under

pulses 28000 ha

70.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 350.00

Total 137.75 137.75 137.75 137.75 137.75 688.75

(iii) Recycling of Agri-Waste and Crop Residues through Vermicompost

for Soil Nutrition and Moisture Conservation

During the Green Revolution, emphasis of the farmers got centered on

high yielding varieties and chemical fertilizers and pesticide use. Necessity of

incorporation of organic matter in the soil was put to back burner and was

considered inconsequential.

This has resulted in very low organic carbon content in the soil. Humus,

which holds nutrients and water, was eroded to lowest level resulting in

inefficient use of fertilizers and creating moisture stress repeatedly, causing

increase in cost of production due to high-energy use for irrigation and yield


In general every farmer has reasonable quantity of Agri-waste either as

dried weed mass, tree leaves, cattle dung, folder waste and organic house

hold waste.

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Farmers need to be incentivised to convert above Agri waste to high

value organic manure, which will improve productivity and decrease irrigation

frequency by retaining soil moisture for long periods. This will also increase

the chemical fertilizer use efficiency to reasonable extent.

Five vermicompost units are proposed to set in each block per year

with unit cost of Rs 60000.0 or 50% subsidy Rs 30000.0. In five year a total of

525 units are proposed.

Table 5.2: Budget estimates for Recycling of Agri-Waste and crop residues

through vermicompost

Particulars No. of


Years/ Cost in Lakh TOTAL

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

Vermicompost 105 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 157.5

TOTAL 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 157.5

Over the period due to improvement in fertilizer use efficiency and

lesser irrigation frequency, cost of production will be reduced and productivity

will be improved and sustained.

(iv) Management of Sulfur Status in Soil of Intensive Agriculture

System to Maintain Sulfur Availability to Plants

In intensive agriculture with high yielding varieties, status of sulphur in

the soil has depleted. Wheat and oilseed crops needs sufficient quantum of

available sulphur during the crop life to give optimum production.

Sulphur is essential element for growth, physiological functioning,

production and resistance to environmental stress and pests. Sulphur can be

supplemented in the soil either with crude pulverized sulphur (micronised) or

incorporation of gypsum. Sulphur oxidizing bacteria slowly release this

sulphur. Naturally occurring Sulphur oxidizing bacteria load in the soil is

usually very low hence availability takes quite long period.

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Third source of sulphur supplementation is phosphogypsum available

as byproduct available in fertilizer industry.

It is suggested that phosphogypsum, along with virulent sulphur

oxidizing culture can be incorporated in the soil at the rate of 2.5 MT/ha, in the

kharif season. This incorporation will normalize the pH to a reasonable extent

and also make available required quantum of sulphur to current kharif crop as

well as to rabi crops.

Cost of treatment per hectare:

MT phosphogypsum per ha costing @ Rs.2200/MT/year = Rs.5500 per


Table 5.3:Plan for Budget Estimate (per district)

(Cost in lakh)

Particulars 1st











Area (ha) per district per year 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 5000


Quantity per ha @2.5 MT

2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 12500

Cost@ Rs.2200/MT 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 275.0

(v) Establishment, Renovation and Strengthening of Soil and Fertilizer Testing Laboratories and Soil Health Card Programme

a) Soil testing & fertilizer testing laboratories

It is prime need to maintain the soil health in terms of available macro

and micronutrients in the soil. Therefore, every farmer must be aware about

the soil fertility status of their farms viz, soil pH, organic carbon, electrical

conductivity (EC), major, secondary and micronutrients in the soil. This is only

possible if the soil testing laboratories are established at district level and are

well equipped with latest and ultra modern soil testing equipments like Atomic

absorption spectrophotometer etc so that, the farmers of the district may get

quick and correct result of supplied soil samples.

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Upgrading and strengthening the soil-testing lab, is one of the

important aspects, under the anticipated scheme. The purchase of Atomic

absorption spectrophotometer for accurate estimation of micronutrients is

proposed. Repair and replacement of old and obsolete lab equipments and

furnishing should also be considered. The following budget provision is

proposed to be made available at each laboratory located at district level.

Table 5.4:Budget estimates for soil and fertilizer testing laboratories

S. No. Item Ist IInd IIIrd IVth Vth Total


1 Purchase of Atomic absorption

spectrophotometer (for Macro &

Micro nutrients) and allied


25.0 - - - - 25.0

2 Furnishing, repairing and

maintenance. 10.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 22.0

Total 35.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 47.0

b) Soil health card programme

It is proposed to issue soil health cards to all the land holdings clubbed

in clusters. The details of the scheme are given here under.


For providing, a scientific solution for soil and crop management and

generation of farmer‟s database with respect to various parameters

and actions for the development of the district/ state.

Increase in productivity by adoption of scientific management of soil


Decrease the cost of production due to optimum use of fertilizer, as per

recommendations made based on soil testing.

Quality production and better prices.

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Maintain Soil Health and check soil and water pollution.

Strengthening Agriculture Information System.

Data can be utilized for Center/ State Policy formulations.

Soil health card will have the following information

Code No.

Name of the Farmer


Tehsil/ Block


Plot No.

Operation Holding Size

Soil Fertility Status: pH, EC, OC

Available major nutrients: N, P, K,

Available Micronutrients S, Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe, B, Mo, Mg

Mechanical Analysis: Sand, Silt, Clay

Soil Texture

Fertilizer Recommendations: Crops, Compost, Bio-Fertilizers, others

Benefits: Benefits to Farmers/ State Govt/ Central Govt

Increased productivity.

Decrease in cost of production.

Conservation of soil health.

Policy making & planning.

Sustainable development of environment.

Integrated soil health development.

Improvement in socio- economic status of the people.

Increase in per capita income.

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Table 5.5:Budget estimates for soil health card programme

S.No. Head Unit







Year wise Cost (Rs Lakh) Total









1 Soil Health Card:

Plastic card,

10x5 cm


Lab Test Report writing

Delivery Cost etc.

20 3,25,000 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 65.0

2 Soil Sample Collection

Soil sample packing,

levelling, transportation,

data sheet, booklet etc


3,25,000 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 13.0

3 Soil Testing

One representative

sample per farmer NPK,



5 sample/ block

















4 Hardware & Software

system at District

Level(Bar code, Hardware,

Software integration,

Traceability system

installation, maintenance



_ 10.00 _

_ 10.00

5 Man Power:

District Manager

Block Incharge

Data Entry































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6 Trainers Cost

5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 25.0

7 Misc. Expenditure 5%

9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 45.0

G. Total

54.36 44.36 44.36 44.36 44.36 231.8


Since the availability of water supply is the major constraint in the

district there is an urgent need to promote water conservation and efficient on

farm water management practices to improve the productivity per unit of water

consumed. Under this programme the following components are proposed:

(i) Efficient use of Water

It is proposed to distribute sprinkler and HD.P.E. pipe sets for efficient

use of water in crops and to check water loss. The budget of the project is Rs

137.06 Lakh, on which a subsidy of 50% will be provided, which cost around

Rs 68.53 lakh. The project is suggested and Approved by ATMA and District

Planning Committee.

(ii) Tubewell Under Minor Irrigation

For alluvial areas 75 medium tube well are proposed under Minor

Irrigation at 50% subsidy cost of Rs 85000 each. The cost of the project is

Rs. 63.75 lakh. The project is suggested and Approved by ATMA and District

Planning Committee.

(iii) Natural Resource Management

Limits to further expansion of surface and groundwater irrigations

through big dams and tube wells are being reached and irrigated agriculture is

hitting a plateau. On the other hand, rainfed areas accounting for 55% of the

cultivated area, have suffered neglect in the past. But, it is these areas which

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have high untapped yield and income potential. Much of the natural resources

in these areas are fast degrading. The agriculture economy, especially in the

low potential dry land regions, is seriously affected by degradation of the

natural resources. Technology fatigue, soil fatigue, declining fertilizer

response rate, depleting water resources, declining irrigation potential and

capital stock, and increasing agro-climatic aberrations are the key factors

behind the deceleration in agriculture growth. Natural resources management,

therefore, has a strong bearing on all these factors behind the farm economy.

It is therefore crucial to recognize that investment on farm production and

livelihood support systems would not sustain until are properly converged with

natural resources development. In the district large area is affected by

ravenous problem (Wasteland Atlas-2003 published by DoLR, MoRD) which

is being increased regularly through a dynamic process. Very little effort has

been made to develop these areas which are socially and economically back

word and have potential for economic returns as well maintaining the eco-

system. Though Government has made large investment for watershed

development, yet the benefits of these intervention are not utilized to their full

potential level due to lack of appropriate watershed plus strategies like

promotion of production based activities, farming system improvements, lively

hood support activities, small agro-based entrepreneurships, storage, post

harvest, market support etc. These watersheds can be brought to their

potential level by promoting economic activities utilizing the developed natural


In view of above following projects area proposed :

a). Watershed Development programme: Treatment of arable land, non

arable land and drainage-lines

The project covers the budget for soil and water management by

different soil conservation activities. The cost of the project is Rs 750.0

lakh. The project is suggested and Approved by ATMA and District

Planning Committee.

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b). Ravine Stabilization: Protection of table land through land leveling

and peripheral bunding, Development of shallow ravines for agriculture

production, development of medium ravines for economic returns

through horticulture, afforestation, pasture development.

The project is proposed to check and to improve Gomti and Saee

ravines by different bunds and dams, spill ways Kachcha and Pukkaa.

The cost suggested is Rs 1500.0 lakh. The project is suggested and

Approved by ATMA and District Planning Committee.

c) Improvement of Water Logged Area

Under the project it is proposed to improve the water logged area of

the district by different soil conservation activities. The project cost is

Rs 250.0 lakh. The project is suggested and Approved by ATMA and

District Planning Committee.

d) Macro Watershed Development Programme

This project Macro Watershed Development Programme is

particularly designed for Jalalpur block of the district. The project cost is

Rs 79.60 lakh. The project is suggested and Approved by ATMA and

District Planning Committee.

(iv) Energization of Private Tube wells

It is suggested to provide 50% subsidy for energization of private

tubewells @ Rs 7.0 Lakh/block/year. The beficiaries of the project are to SC/

ST/ Women/ Small and Marginal farmers. The provision is also kept for

infrastructure development and renovation of power station.

Table 5.6:Budget estimates for energization of private tubewells

S.No. Items Unit Cost

(Rs Lakh)











Total Cost

(Rs Lakh)


of private



147 147 147 147 147 735.0

1 200 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 300.0

2 347 172 172 172 172 1035.0

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Deliverables of the project

25% water saving by installation of underground water conveyance


Land saving up to 0.1 ha per hectare which otherwise would be wasted

under channels

Increase in cropping intensity by 15 percent taking the present cropping

intensity from 154 % to 177 %, thereby bringing 15 % increase in


Reduction in the Usar area.

Increase in productivity on account of water availability at critical


Increase in area under high value crops and profitability of small and

marginal farmers.

Improvement in quality of produce

Improvement in profitability through proper sowing time

Reduction in cost of cultivation due to 25% reduction of diesel cost

Reduction in weed and rodent problem


Seed is the most crucial agriculture input for improving the

production and productivity of crops. Better seed replacement ratio coupled

with proper seed treatment can largely contribute to improvement in the yield

of crops per unit area. Similarly availability of high quality planting material for

horticulture crops can improve their productivity. The following interventions

are proposed to be taken up under this programme:

(i) Seed Treatment Demonstrations at Gram Panchayats Level for

early and high germination rate to increase crop yield

The concept of seed treatment is the use and application of biological

and chemical agents that control or contain primary soil and seed borne

infestation of insects and diseases which pose devastating consequences to

crop production. Seed treatment ensures crop safety, leading to establishment

of healthy and vigorous plants resulting in better yields.

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The benefits of seed treatment are as follows:

1. Increased germination

2. Ensures uniform seedling emergence,

3. Protect seeds or seedlings from early season diseases and

insect pest.

4. Thereby improving crop emergence and its growth.

5. Improved plant population and thus higher productivity.

Presently, 70% requirement of seed is met from the farmer‟s own stock

which goes for sowing without seed treatment. The demonstrations and

training on seed treatment will be provided at gram panchayat level, and each

year 20% gram panchayat in a district shall be covered. The demonstrations

will be conducted in 1/4th hectare area and the farmers will be trained

simultaneously on the techniques of seed treatment.

Table 5.7:Budget estimates of Seed Treatment Demonstrations at Gram

Panchayat Level

S. No.

Items Cost Cost (Rs. Lakh) Total (Rs. Lakh) 1st

Year 2nd Year

3rd Year

4th Year

5th Year

1. Seeds One demonstration for each gram panchayat. 1/5th gram panchayat will be covered each year of one acre area

3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 15.15

2 Fungicides @ Rs. 50 / Demo

Do 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.75

3 Seed treating Drums one for each gram panchayat

1/5th of the gram panchayat will cover each year.

Rs. 1000 per

3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 15.15

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4 Operational Charges/ demonstration

Rs. 2000 / demonstration

6.06 6.06 6.06 6.06 6.06 30.3

TOTAL 12.27 12.27 12.27 12.27 12.27 61.35

(ii) Programme on Promotion of Cultivation of Oilseeds for Improving


India imports heavily the cooking oil. In order to save the foreign

exchange, increase the availability of cooking oil at reasonable price it is

urgently required to improve the productivity of oil – seed crop production.

In most cases the oil seed crops like groundnut, mustard, rye are grown in

arid/ semi-arid areas. Use of fertilizer, particularly phosphatic fertilizer is very

low. In case of mustard there is scope of introduction of hybrid seed to

increase the productivity. Early stage mortality in case of mustard, is too

heavy on account of lack of pest control. Keeping the above agronomical

status in order to incentivise the farmers to increase the area of oil seed

following schemes 9are suggested:

Unit Incentives:

S.No. Unit Amount

1 INM subsidy/Ha 50% upto Max. Rs.1250/Ha

2 IPM 50% or upto Max. Rs. 750/Ha

3 Distribution of Portable


50% or upto Max. Rs. 7500/Ha

The district Jaunpur should Target 1000Ha of new oil seed area either in

existing farmers field or at New farmers/ New pocket area.

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Table 5.8: Budget estimates for Cultivation of Oilseeds

S.No. Particulars Years/Area

200 200 200 200 200 1000 ha

1 INM/@1250/Ha 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 12.5

2 IPM/@Rs.750/Ha 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 7.5

3 Sprinkler Set@ Rs.7500 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 75.0

TOTAL 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 95.0

Those farmers who are already availing the benefit under NFSM scheme will

not be entitled for additional incentives.

(iii) Promotion of Summer / Winter Pulses on Sustainable Basis to

Optimize the Farm Profitably

India in general and U.P in particularly needs to increase the availability

of Pulses, as important nutrients contributor, increase in Cropping intensity

and Profitability. The Pulse crop additionally contribute availability level of

Nitrogen as well as increase the soil organic carbon if residues are

incorporated in the soil. It is proposed to address the enhancement of area

and yield for Pulses under NFSM norms. However, two different basis will

have to adopted in the efforts.

In existing Pulses pockets, farmers should be given target of putting

50% more area under pulses. Over the last record on increased area

farmers should be provided incentive area farmers should be provided

incentive as per NFSM norms

In the pockets or farmers where Pulses are not taken incentive to

pursue to opt for Pulses cultivation.

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Unit Incentives:

S.No. Unit Amount

1 INM subsidy/Ha 50% upto Max. Rs.1250/Ha

2 IPM 50% or upto Max. Rs. 750/Ha

3 Distribution of Portable sprinkler 50% or upto Max. Rs. 7500/Ha

2500 ha of new pulse area either in existing farmers field or at New farmers/

New pocket area will be undertaken for this project

Table 5.9:Cost estimates for Summer and Winter Pulses.

(Rs.in Lakh)

S.No. Particulars Years

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Total

Area 500 500 500 500 500 2500 ha

1. INM @1250/Ha 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 31.25

1 IPM/@Rs.750/H


3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 18.75

2 Sprinkler Set@


37.50 37.50 37.50 37.50 37.50 187.5

TOTAL 47.50 47.50 47.50 47.50 47.50 237.5

Those farmers who are already availing the benefit under NFSM

scheme will not be entitled for additional incentives.

(iv) Strengthening of State Seed Production Farms

Seed is one of the very important component of crop production which

is directly related to increase 15-20% productivity per ha of crops like Wheat,

Paddy, Pulses and Oil seeds etc. In U.P state almost every zone has their

foundation seed production farms. But under present situation the

strengthening of seed farms is urgently required to meet out the farmers seed

requirement up to some extent. Most of the state seed production farms are

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having very poor infrastructure. Therefore, the quality and quantity of the seed

produce by the farm is affected by this and that way. Therefore, under the

proposed scheme XI th five year plan to provide financial support will be

proved worthy to develop farm infrastructure. The provision of budget during

XI th Five Year Plan is to be made available strengthening and maintenance

of seed production farms under different heads are mentioned below.

Budget (Lakh)

S.No. Items Year

1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total

1 Tube well, Farm machinery & maintenance

9.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 10.50

2 Seed processing equipment & maintenance

6.00 0.25 0.25 0.50 7.00

3 Seed storage & maintenance

10.00 0.25 0.25 0.50 11.0

4 Cost of boundary wall

15.00 - - - -

Total 40.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 43.50


The extension structure of the district is deficient in staff as well as the

present status of extension services in Uttar Pradesh is not based on

information and communication technology. It is required that for reaching out

every farm unit a new programme i.e. based on information and

communication technology be adopted. The outline of the programme is given

here under:

(i) Customized Farmer Trainings and Application of Information

and Communication Technology (ICT)

In order to provide training to the farmers which are need based and

location and weather specific as linked to marketing and timing of crops. It

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is proposed to set up integrated farmer training centres at block level.

These centres will be used for organizing the trainings in crop production,

safe and efficient use of agriculture machinery, efficient use of pesticides,

dairy, animal health and allied agriculture occupations. One such centre is

proposed to set up at a cost of Rs 2 crore. For organizing the trainings for

farmers of each block, it will cost Rs. 7.5 lakh per block per annum and

Rs. 157.5 lakh for five years (Table 5.15). This will take care of on farm

extension activities for all blocks in the district.

Table 5.10:Budget estimates for Customized farmers training at block level

based on ICT

Cost Component

Unit Cost per block (Rs. lakh)

Cost per district (Rs. lakh)

Annual Cost (Rs. lakh) Total (Rs. lakh)

1st Year

2nd Year

3rd Year

4th Year

5th Year

Man power cost

1. Block Executive 1.20 25.20 25.2 25.2 25.2 25.2 25.2 126.0

2. District Executive - 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 9.00

T.A. & D.A. 1.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 105.00


1. Weather recorder 0.50 10.50 10.50 - - - - 10.50

2. Computer with

accessories – 2 1.00 21.00 21.00 - - - - 21.00

3. Video phone,

GPS, etc 1.00 21.00 21.00 - - - - 21.00


charges and


1.00 21.00 21.00 21.0 21.0 21.0 21.0 105.0

Total 7.50 121.50 69.0 69.0 69.0 69.0 397.5

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(ii) Publication and Mass Campaign for Resources Development of

Agri and allied Sector using ICT

The publication training and mass campaign system has a vital role in

the overall development of agriculture and allied sector. However, present

agriculture extension system is not designed to meet out the integrated

requirement of the farmers. According to the multidimensional needs of the

farmers, the publication awareness and mass campaign with the full support

by training will provide extra and latest information to the farmers in their

respective fields as and when required. Therefore, to make timely available

and proper use of printing materials and electronic media related to every

modern technology can be passed on very quickly up to the grassroot level

(learning by doing and seeing by doing ) and to cover every village of the

entire district and state.

Financial :

Under the above mentioned project a provision has been made of Rs 2

crores for 5 years (XIth Five Year Plan) ie. 40 Lakh per annum for


(iii) Establishment of Integrated Farmers Training Center$ (IFTC) at

District Level

The Agro-technologies are being upgraded all over the world constantly to

optimize the production in the ever-changing climate. Significant

improvements have taken place in varieties, seed technology, fertilizer use,

better water management practices and efficient management of pest and

diseases, but these have not yet reached the farmers. Therefore, there is a

need to start integrated farm training centres where the farmers can be

trained and demonstrated with the latest technologies in all components of

farming i.e. crop husbandry, dairy, animal breeding, poultry, fisheries and

other ventures such as bee keeping, mushroom production, post harvest

handling and marketing. This way transfer of technologies from lab to land

can be executed at nominal cost. These integrated farm-training centres may

be started at commissionary level with following components.

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Budget for Integrated Farm Training Centres

Training Units


Crop husbandry Precision farming

Natural resource management training

Seed and planting material unit

Crop protection unit

Farm management and marketing unit

Organic farming unit

Post harvest management unit

Animal husbandry

Fisheries and poultry

Dairy unit

Cattle and livestock improvement unit

Veterinary unit

Fisheries unit

Poultry unit

Entrepreneurial ventures Bee keeping

Mushroom production

Home scale food preservation



Following Infrastructure will be required at each training centre

1. Hostel for training participants- 30 rooms with the facility to stay 4 persons

per room.

2. Halls for training- 4 numbers.

3. Demonstration units- 50 numbers.

4. Fifty staff quarters.

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Table 5.11:Budget Estimates for Integrated Farm Training Centre (IFTC)

(Rs. In Lakh)

Items Year 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Total




100* 100 * 100 * 800

Management &

operational cost 100 110 120 130 150 610

Total 600 210 220 230 150 1410

* Maintenance and up gradation cost of the training units

** The Integrated farm training centre will be setup in the existing

Agriculture Deptt., Farm

$ Integrated Farm Training Centre can be administered by Department of

Agriculture wherever possible it can be accommodated at Agriculture Farm

or may be established at KVK/KGK along with their trial and demonstration


Trainee farmers shall be provided with subsidized lodging and boarding during

their training period which is included in the proposed management budget.

(iv) Knowledge Dissemination at Field Level by Subject Matter Specialist


Farmer currently, in general gets the knowledge from mouth publicity

and in most of the cases such information may not have solid scientific base.

The information which reaches to the farmers through such hearsay basis is

not reliable and correct. For adoption of upgraded technologies at farm level,

farmers need presence of subject matter specialist in their close vicinity for

periodical guidance, field visit and capacity building, for realizing the

superiority of technology being adopted. It is therefore, proposed to create a

wide spread network of subject matter specialists in all the districts of UP, to

achieve fast dissemination of agriculture technologies at the field level.

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It is proposed to place one subject matter specialist for every two

Nyaya Panchayats. The total expected budget for this programme is

estimated as under:

Unit cost:

Salary: Rs. 5000 per month

TA and Mobile phone expenses- Rs 3500

Table 5.12:Budget estimates for Farmer Field Level Knowledge

Dissemination Centre

No. of SMS (one for two nyaya panchayat)

Financials for One year (Lakh)

Financials for Five Years (Lakh)

109 111.18 555.90

(v) Training cum demonstration of integrated pest management in

major crops

Control of pests and diseases based on chemical insecticides &

fungicides have played havoc with soil health, environment and quality of food


Chemical control has led to following disadvantages:

Constant increase in the cost of pest control due to increase in the

cost of pesticides.

Pesticidal resistance developed in pests & disease causing


Minor pests are becoming a serious problem in certain situations.

Heavy residue problems in fresh produce and food products.

Mortality of friendly parasites & predators.

Contamination of soil, water and human and animal food chain.

In order to save the soil, sub-soil-water, air, humans and animals from this

situation, it is essential that Integrated Pest Management programme should

be introduced at mass scale, particularly in cash crops described above.

Introduction of Integrated Pest Management will include following steps:

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Farmers training:

Utility of IPM concept.

Cultural method.

Mechanical method.

Biological & Physical Method.

Agronomical practices.

Time of sowing to reduce the incidence of Pests & diseases.

Mixed Cropping.

Border catch crop.

Mixed catch crop.

Usefulness of Bio-pesticides.

Useful tool of Bio-pesticides like Beauria basiana, Verticilium,

Metarhizum, Trichoderma, Pseudomonas etc.

Use of botanicals, like Neem and its various parts, karanj etc.

Herbal based insecticides like fermented cow dung + Cow urine +

Leaves of Neem, Ipomea, etc.

Use of other tools like sex pheromones, light traps, trench method etc.

It is proposed to go in for training cum demonstration of IPM technology on

the farmer‟s field and following financial norms may be adopted:

Two training cum demonstrations per block in one year @ Rs. 20,000

per training and Rs. 5,000 for inputs. For demonstration minimum size of area

should be half of an acre.

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Table 5.13:Budget estimates for Training cum demonstration of integrated

pest management

Item Unit cost

No. of units

Cost per year Total cost

1 2 3 4 5

Training and Demonstrations

0.20 2 / block / year

No. 42 42 42 42 42 42.00

Cost 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4

Inputs 0.05 2 / block / year

No. 42 42 42 42 42 10.5

Cost 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1

Total 0.25 52.5

(vi) Farmers Training for Seed Production at Krishi Vigyan Kendra

KVK/ KGKs are very prestigious units in the district, which provide

latest production technology to the farmers by different ways. To provide latest

information and training to the farmers, it is necessary that KVK/ KGK are kept

up to date, so that, farmers can utilize their services and advise and adopt

latest techniques on their own farms.

Therefore, strengthening of KVK/ KGK located in the state under

present situation is very important to increase the productivity of state in

agriculture sector. The following budget provision has been made for

strengthening the KVK/KGK in the district under the anticipated plan.

Table 5.14:Budget estimate for Farmers Training at Krishi Vigyan

Kendra/ Krishi Gyan Kendra (Lakh)

S. No. Items

Year Total (Rs. lakh) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

1 Strengthening of lodging

and boarding facilities for


15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 75.000

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2 Upgradation of audio visual

facilities &


1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00

3 Organization of Trainings 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 20.00

Total 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 100.0

Final budget approved by


5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 25.00

Deliverables of the project:

A major constraint in increasing the production and productivity is poor

transfer of technology to the farmers as well as lack of on farm trials.

The present programme on technology dissemination ensures that

latest technology reaches the each and every farm unit in the district /

state. This Herculean task shall be possible through application of

information and communication technology. It is expected that farmers

profitability will atleast be enhanced by 25%, simply by adopting latest

techniques and technologies in crop sector

The global vision of farmers regarding modern agriculture shall be


The farmers shall access market information, costly farm machinery

and latest know how.

The demonstrations on farmers‟ fields shall not only result in higher

production directly, but shall also trigger a chain reaction in adopting

new technologies by others.

The heavy investment in research and education shall be translated

into real production.

(vii) Farmers Study Tour within and outside the State for exposure

and Motivation towards Commercialized Agriculture

In order to induce competitive instinct in the minds of farmers of lesser

developed areas, it is essential to expose them to well develop pockets of U.P.

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at first stage. These visits will strengthen the confidence of farmers in new

technologies and see the practical adoption of new technologies. Personal

interaction and listening to success stories from horses mouth will change the

mind set and to adjust the changes in their own package of practices. In

Jaunpur the progressive farmers should be included in the proposed study

tour. Various agriculture segments for improvement can be selected like: Fish

culture visit from West to East U.P, Higher production of potato from all over

up to Kannauj/ Siddharthnagar/ Agra, better mechanization of farms in West

U.P from all over U.P.

Additionally farmers could also visit other states viz., Maharashtra &

Valsad (Gujarat) to see the organsed mango cultivation, Nasik for grapes,

onion, Stara for ginger cultivation, Dairy- Haryana/ Punjab/ Gujarat


Budget for study tour in U.P- 250 farmers/ block every year i.e., 1250

farmers/ Block in 5 years

Cost of each (two days) visit Rs. 400/ farmer including Transportation &

Lodging/ Boarding

Total Budget/Block - Rs. 5 lakh / Block/ 5 Yrs

Total cost for the district with 21 blocks (Jaunpur): 105.0 lakh for 5


Out of State Study Tour

50 per/block @ Rs. 50,000/ per visit inclusive of transport, lodging &

boarding expenses

Total Budget- Rs. 50,000/ Block/ Yr

Rs 2.50 lakh/ Block/ 5 Yr

Total cost for the district with 21 blocks (Jaunpur): 52.5 lakh for 5


Grand Total Rs.157.5 lakh/21Block/ 5Yrs for Farmer Study Tour

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Farm mechanization plays very vital role in timely and precision

performance of different farm operations. In areas of intensive agriculture i.e.

where two or more than two crops are taken in a year use of machinery can

greatly enhance the productivity by timely performance of various agricultural

operations and thereby improving the input use efficiency. But, this is the most

capital-intensive agricultural input. The various interventions proposed under

proposed scheme are as follows:

(i) Establishment of farm mechanization centers at Panchayat Level to

Minimize the Energy loss of Human resources

Interaction with village panchayats in the district revealed that there

was need to make available farm machinery to small and marginal farmers.

However, they cannot afford to purchase costly farm machinery as it will not

be economical for their smallholdings. Further lack of farm machinery at small

farms brings drudgery on farm women. To meet the requirement, village level

cooperative societies or farmers clubs, or entrepreneur should be encouraged

to purchase the machinery which may be subsidized @ 50% of the cost and

made available to the farmers on custom hiring basis.

S. No. Machinery @ Cost (Rs lakh)

1. Bed Planter 0.50

2. Zero seed Drill 0.33

3. Potato Planter 0.45

4. Rotavator 0.76

5. Ridger 0.25

6. Leveler 0.07

7. Tractor 4.50

Total 6.86

There are 218 Nyaya Panchayats in district Jaunpur and it is proposed

to provide one such unit to 138 Nyaya Panchayat @ 75% subsidy. It is

suggested to cover 27 Nyayya panchayat in the first four year and 30 Nyaya

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Panchayat in the fifth year of the plan. So that at the end of five year a total of

138 Nyaya panchayat will be benefited.

Table 5.15:Estimate for establishment of Agro-Service Centre at Nyaya


Item Year 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year





1 Set of Farm Machinery 138.4 138.4 138.4 138.4 154.9 708.5


Deliverables of the project:

Shall help in mechanization of small and marginal farms at marginal


Reduce drudgery on women

Shall ensure crop sowing at optimum soil moisture on large tracts

Increase efficiency and thus profitability of farm sector.


(i) Establishment of Tissue Culture Laboratory for Banana

So as to meet the shortage of elite planting material in banana,

the upcoming crops, it is suggested to standardize their mass propagation for

supply to the farmers. The research & development may be taken up by Uttar

Pradesh Council of Agricultural Research as per Outline below:

A tissue culture banana plant is proposed to be planted in 15 ha / years

with 100 % subsidy on planting material @ of Rs 60000 for 75 ha in five years

will be provided. The total cost of the project is Rs 45.00 lakh as

suggesyed and approved by ATMA and DPC.

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(i) Promotion of Protected Cultivation of Vegetable Crops under Low

Tunnels for Early Production of Vegetables

Majority of farmers in Jaunpur are small and marginal and their holdings

are uneconomical. If provided with capital support and know how, they can

compliment production of cucurbits out of main season in protected structure

like low tunnels. The cost of material for erection of low tunnels including

plastic for one ha is Rs. 50,000. Small and marginal farmers have very small

holding and it is expected that not more than 500 sq mt area shall be put

under plastic tunnel at one time. Accordingly, the government should support

50 % cost of 500 sq mt per farm unit i.e. Rs. 1250 per farm unit. Every year

1000 farm units shall be covered and by the end of 5 years 5000 farm units

will be covered in Jaunpur.


To start early crop of vegetables when the season is still cool

To help off-season production of vegetables for higher profits

The productivity of vegetables is very high, this will increase cash flow

to farm women

Insect – pest and disease management can be done more efficiently

Vegetable being high value crops, a better protection from weather

conditions ensures crop safety and safeguards against crop failures.

Higher vegetable production leads to better nutritional security

Use of low tunnels for raising nurseries of winter vegetables under

protection ensures production of quality planting materials and

safeguard for expensive composite seed.

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Table 5.16:Budget estimates for protected cultivation of high value crops (low


(Rs. In Lakh)

Items Unit Year 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Total

Farm units to

be covered

each year


1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 5000

Cost to be

borne by the


per farm unit



12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 62.50

Total 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 62.50

(ii) Augmentation of Quality Seed Potato Production at Farmers Field

Using 'Seed Plot Technique'

Area under potato in Jaunpur is 9969 hectares in 2005-06. producing

1.82 lakh metric tonnes with productivity little over 18.3 t/ha. There is a scope

of further increase the productivity to 30 t/ha on sustainable basis, provided

assured seed replacement with quality seed of standard varieties is made. In

the first year of the scheme 5 blocks will be covered and in the next year 4

blocks will be covered, so that by the end of 11th Plan the entire potato area is

under Improved varieties. Hence the support will be utilized in the first two

years of the project.

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Table 5.17:Financial outlay of the project

S.No. Particulars


Required of


seed (q)

Cost of


Seed / q in


Total Cost

(Rs. Lacs)

Total Cost

after 50 %



Providing subsidized

foundation seed during


4200 1650 69.3 34.65


Plant protection for

raising seed in seed

plot technique.

- - 3.02 1.51


Technical know how

and operational


- - - 3.36


Seed distribution of

Garlic, Shimla mirch

and Turmeric

- - 50.00 25.00

Total 64.52

(iii) Demonstration and Supply of Healthy Nursery Raising in

Vegetable Crops

Vegetable crops including onion, cole crops, capsicum, chillies, tomato

and brinjal are raised through nursery. All these crops are high value and

highly productive. They suit to small and marginal farmers and especially it is

the women who take care of vegetable production. Healthy nursery of these

vegetables ensures the success of vegetables production venture. It is

therefore proposed to train the farmers on the practices of raising healthy


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To raise healthy nursery of the high value crops through high quality

seed to ensure crop success.

To provide quality-planting material and costly seeds i.e. hybrids.

To boost the income of small and marginal farmers.

To increase cash flow to farm-women through raising quality nursery of

vegetables crop for own use and for sale to other farmers.


Small raised beds of 3 meter x 1 meter x 10 cm are prepared. Well

rotten FYM or vermicompost is added to each bed. The beds are drenched

with formalin solution (1 part formalin and 7 part water). After doing so the

beds are covered with polythene sheets and left as such for one week, so

that, formalin fumes get deep in to the soil and it is sterilized properly. The

covering with polythene also ensures solar sterilization of soil. After one week

the polythene is removed and the soil is raked number of times for at least

one week, so that, formalin fumes are completely driven out. As a check, a

handful of soil is taken out from the bed and smelled to feel if there are any

fumes of formalin smell left in the soil. Just in case, if the soil still smells of

formalin it should be left for another two- three days and further raking of soil

may be done. Normally, it takes 2-3 weeks time to prepare the nursery bed

and sterilized them for sowing of seeds. Therefore, bed preparation

programme should be started at least three weeks in advance of actually

planting the seeds in nursery beds. Since the vegetable seeds particularly

hybrids are very costly, healthy nursery is very important. Further, it should be

kept in mind that the seeds are sown in line and it should not be congested. If

required low plastic tunnels can be prepared to protect valuable nursery


The cost of raising ten nursery beds each of 1m x 3m diameter is given here


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Cost of inputs i.e. hybrid/OP seeds, formalin, FYM, vermicompost,

fertilizers, polythene sheets, polytunnels………………..Rs. 5000.

Fifty man days for preparation of beds and nursery-raising for one

month……………………………………………Rs. 5000.

Total: Rs. 10,000

It is proposed to carry out 4 demonstrations per block per year i.e. 5 in

the summer vegetables and 5 for cool season vegetables.

Table 5.18:Budget estimates for training and demonstration of healthy nursery-raising in vegetable crops

Item Unit cost No. of


Cost per year (Rs. In Lakh) Total cost

(Rs.in Lakh)

1 2 3 4 5

Demonstrations @ Rs 10,000 (including seed cost)

4 Demonstrat

ions per block

No. of demonstration

84 84 84 84 84

Total Cost 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 42.00


It will boost vegetable production particularly of tomato, capsicum,

chilies, brinjal, cauliflower, cabbage, knol khol and onion.

Lower the cost of production due to less disease attack.

Help to produce safe vegetables free of pesticides.

Increase farmer profitability.

Encourage women to produce and sell vegetable nursery of high


Encourage nutritional kitchen gardens and provide high quality planting

material of recommended and hybrid vegetables to small and marginal


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(iv) Development of Nutritional Kitchen Garden for Balanced Nutrition at

Village Level and Involvement of Women in Horticulture

Rural people particularly women and children suffer from lack of

vitamins and minerals. Nutrition garden can play an important role to solve

this problem, besides this, nutritional garden also ensure economical and

nutritional security. On an average eight member family shall require 2.4 kg

vegetables and 800 g fruits per day. This production can be obtained from 500

sq mt area. Five villages from each block of the district will be selected and

one kitchen garden will be laid out in each village each year. They will be

provided with input and training to raise the kitchen garden. Besides seed kits

of summer and winters vegetables, three fruit trees (amrapali, papaya, citrus

and guava) shall also be distributed to each block. The budget estimates are

given in Table 5.19.

Table 5.19:Budget Estimates for Kitchen Garden in Jaunpur.

(Rs in lakh)

Item Year 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Total

Demonstration of Nutritional Kitchen Garden

No. 105 105 105 105 105 525

Cost @ Rs. 5000 including inputs

5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 26.25

Distribution of Seed Kits

No. 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 5,000

Cost @ Rs. 50 for summer Rs. 50 for winter

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00

Fruit plants (including carriage and planting)

No. 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 5000

Cost @ Rs. 30

0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 1.5

Total Cost 6.55 6.55 6.55 6.55 6.55 32.75

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(i) Promotion of Bee Keeping for Honey Production and Processing for Price Realization

There is a need for installations of Comb foundation mill for sheet

production, for this an amount of Rs. 25 lakh and operational charges at Rs.

2.5 lakh per year shall be made available. The basic sheet of comb production

shall be made by cooperative societies.

Table 5.20:Budget Estimate for Programme for Small and Marginal Farmers (Rs in lakh)

S. No. Item Year












Protected cultivation of

High value crops (low


12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 62.50

2 Nutritional Gardens 6.55 6.55 6.55 6.55 6.55 32.75

3 Bee Keeping 25.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 35.00

Total 44.05 21.55 21.55 21.55 21.55 130.25

Deliverables of the project:

Farm sector in Jaunpur is based on small peasantry with 93%

holdings being small and marginal.

The only way to make these holdings economically viable is through

capital support to cottage scale ventures, such as; bee keeping,

vegetable growing etc

It is expected that by adopting above ventures farm income shall be

supplemented to the tune of 30%, if adopted properly.

Increase in self employment

Increase of cash flow to farm women

Increase in entrepreneurs in agriculture

Exposure to marketing competition

Nutritional kitchen garden shall help provide nutritional food security

particularly to women and children

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(i) Promotion of High Density Planting In Mango and Guava Fruit Crops

Although India is the largest producer of Mango and guava, however

yields are very poor varying from 6.2 tons/ha in mango and 11.0 ton/ha in

guava. The main reason for low yields are wide spacing, low penetration of

improved varieties and poor management practices. Even countries like

Brazil, Mexico and Egypt harvest yields up to 9.2 tons/ha to 16.0 tons/ha in

mango. It is a common practice to plant mango at a spacing of 10m × 10 m

and guava at a spacing of 8m × 8m between rows and between plants within

rows. With the wider spacing it takes 7-10 years to fill the space between


Thus there is tremendous scope for increasing orchard productivity by

increasing planting density. Along with high planting density, early height

control and canopy management are essential to control vegetative growth

and to achieve desired results. Research work on high planting density in

mango at GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pant Nagar and

on Guava at Central Institute of Subtropical Horticulture, Jaunpur has given

very encouraging results. Even in countries like Israel and South Africa, tree

size control by topping, hedging combined with high density planting is

commonly adopted.

a) Mango: Planting density of 2.5 m × 2.5 m, 2.5m × 5.0m and 5.0m ×

5.0m were investigated at GBPAUT, Pantnagar in both Dashehari and

Amrapali varieties. Yields up to 20 tonnes/ha in Amrapali and 25

tonnes/ha in Dashehari were obtained with highest planting density. For

commercial application planting densities of 5.0m ×3.0 m for Amrapali

and 5.0m × 5.0m for Dashehari can be easily adopted. Such planting

densities can easily result in the yield of 18-20 tons/ha in fully grown


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b) Guava: For Guava, researches conducted at Central Institute for

Subtropical Horticulture at Jaunpur have found that a spacing of 6.0m ×

3.0m has been found most favourable. In this case also, yields of the

order of 15-16 tons/ha can be easily obtained with Allahabad Safeda


High Density Planting

S.No. Crop Spacing Planting Density/ha


Amrapali 5.0m × 3.0 m 666

Dashehari 5.0m × 5.0m 400


Allahabad Safeda 6.0m × 3.0m 555

Assistance norms under NHM

High density planting is also being advocated under NHM with an

estimated cost of Rs. 75,000 and assistance is proposed at 75% of the cost

i.e. Rs. 56250.

Financial Assistance under the proposed Programme

Financial assistance for cultivation of high density planting under the

proposed programme shall be given as per NHM norms which are given

above. Additional programme, other than proposed under NHM can be taken

up depending upon the requirement of the district.

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Table 5.21: Budget estimates for high density planting in mango, guava

papaya and pomegranate.


Unit cost Area












(Rs. In


Cultivation of


Cost @ Rs.

Rs. 75000,

75% subsidy

105 ha;



11.81 11.81 11.81 11.81 11.81 59.05

Cultivation of


Cost @ Rs.

Rs. 75000,

75% subsidy

105 ha;



11.81 11.81 11.81 11.81 11.81 59.05

Cultivation of

Papaya &


Cost @ Rs.

Rs. 75000,

75% subsidy

- 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 31.50

Total 29.92 29.92 29.92 29.92 29.92 149.60




For value addition to the agriculture produce as well as to reduce

the post harvest losses there is a need to improve the marketing

infrastructure both for the field and horticultural crops. This will not only

help in improving the income of the farmers but will also help in

improving the shelf life of horticultural produce.

i) Promotion and Establishment of Maize Processing Unit

Cost of one maize processing unit assumed to be 100 Lakh. 25% subsidy

will be provided for two units in the district.

Total budget = 50.00 lakh

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Table 5.22:Financials of Maize Processing Unit

S.No. Item Year 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Total


Establishment of

Maize Processing


10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 50.00

Total 50.00

(ii) Fruit Preservation Unit

For the enhancement of better use of Tomato and other fruit. A fruit

processing unit is proposed in signified area for which Rs. 20 lakh for

machines and establishment and Rs. 4 lakh for maintenance as on 100%


Table 5.23:Financials for Fruit Preservation Unit

S.No. Item Year 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Total


Establishment of

fruit Processing


12.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 20.00

Maintenance cost 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.50 4.00

Total 13.00 3.00 3.00 2.5 2.5 24.00

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Chapter – 6


Jaunpur is agriculturally dominated district, of the total population of

nearly 16 lakh, out of which about 2-3 lakh are cultivators. District has a net

cultivated area of 1.48 lakh hectare. Lack of irrigation during summers, low

productivity, small holding and potato based production system are the

characteristics. People aspire for better power supply, quality seed, improved

irrigation, better technology dissemination, market information, development

of dairy. The growth in crop production is stagnant, though potential exist to

accelerate it to 4 percent.

The following programmes in crop sector are proposed to meet the

aspirations of people.

S.No. Name of Programme Budget estimated (in lakh)

A. Agriculture

1 Soil Management and Land Use Project

Enrichment of Organic Carbon Content Using Green Manuring


Establishment of Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) System


Recycling of Agri-Waste and crop residues through vermicompost for Soil Nutrition and Moisture Conservation


Management of Sulfur Status in Soil of Intensive Agriculture System to Maintain Sulfur Availability to Plants


Establishment, Renovation and Strengthening of Soil and Fertilizer Testing Laboratories and Soil Health Card Programme

a) Soil testing & fertilizer testing laboratories 47.00

b) Soil Health Card Programme 231.80

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2 Efficient Use of Water Resources and Management

Efficient use of Water 68.53

Tubewell Under Minor Irrigation 63.75

Natural Resource Management

a) Watershed Development programme 750.00

b) Ravine Stabilization 1500.00

c) Improvement of Water Logged Area 250.00

d) Macro Watershed Development Programme


Energization of Private Tube wells 1035.00

4 Seed and Planting Material

Establishment of Seed Treatment and Demonstrations Units at Gram Panchayats Level for early and high germination rate to increase crop yield


Programme on Promotion of Cultivation of Oilseeds for Improving Productivity


Promotion of Summer / Winter Pulses on Sustainable Basis to Optimize the Farm Profitably


Strengthening of State Seed Production Farms


5 Technology Dissemination

Customized Farmer Trainings and Application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)


Publication and mass campaign for resource development of agri and allied sector using ICT.


Establishment of Integrated Farmers Training Center$ (IFTC) at District Level


Establishment of Agri Knowledge and Market Information Centres


Knowledge Dissemination at Field Level by Subject Matter Specialist (SMS)


Training and Demonstrations of integrated pest management in major crop to decrease the pesticide load in food chain


Farmers Training for Seed Production at 25.00

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Krishi Vigyan Kendra

Farmers Study Tour within and outside the State for exposure and Motivation towards Commercialized Agriculture


6 Farm Mechanization

Establishment of farm mechanization centers at Panchayat Level to Minimize the Energy loss of Human resources


7 Establishment of New Laboratories

Establishment of Tissue Culture Laboratory for Banana



1 Programme for Small and marginal farmers and women Empowerment

Promotion of Protected Cultivation of Vegetable Crops under Low Tunnels for Early Production of Vegetables


Augmentation of Quality Seed Potato Production at Farmers Field Using 'Seed Plot Technique'


Demonstration and Supply of healthy Nursery in Vegetable Crops


Development of nutritional kitchen garden for Balanced Nutrition at Village Level and Involvement of women in Horticulture


2 Entrepreneur Development Programmes

Promotion of Bee Keeping for Honey Production and Processing for Price Realization


3 Commercial Fruits

Promotion of High Density Planting In Mango and Guava Fruit Crops



Promotion and Establishment of Maize Processing Unit


Fruit Preservation Unit 24.00

Total 9596.55

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Chapter – 7


The livestock sector is an important sector of agricultural economy of

the State and accounts for about one forth of the net State Domestic Product.

The opportunities in improving the performance of this sector are much more

as compared to crop sector as the farmers are already practicing dairy and

backyard poultry to supplement their income. In view of the large population of

the milch animal in the district, a small improvement in their productivity can

make a substantial contribution in improving the growth rate of this sector. The

target growth rate of 12% during the XIth five year plan is achievable with

appropriate allocation of resources for development of this sector.


To increase the productivity in animal sector the major contribution

rests on the genetic up-gradation of livestock. So far as Dairy Development is

concerned, induction of additional milch animals and transforming the

backyard dairy units into commercial dairy farms with minimum ten animals is

required. Farmers training for better herd and milk management need to be

done through latest techniques and farm practices.

(i) Programme for year round production of Green Fodder to Provide Balanced

Nutrition to Cattle

It has been realized that seed is the most limiting factor in fodder

production. The fodder crops being very shy seed setters, sufficient quality of

good seed is not available. In the present situation, the berseem seed costs

approximately Rs. 100 /kg and 20 kg seed is needed for one hectare.

Accordingly following norms for fodder seed production and seed acquisition

by the government for further distribution may be followed.

Barseem seed may be distributed to registered farmers having mixed

farming system @ 4 kg / farmer costing Rs 400. Four hundred farmers per

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block will be covered each year with 50% subsidy. The cost to be borne by the

government is Rs. 40,000 per block per year (Table 7.1).

Table 7.1:Incentive for fodder Seed Production

(Rs.in Lakh)

Item Unit cost No. of units



Cost per year Total















of barseem


Rs 400/ kg @ Rs 40,000

per block per


No. 21 21 21 21 21 84.0

Cost 16.8 16.8 16.8 16.8 16.8

Total 84.0


It will support the dairy farming in the district.

Farmers shall be incentivised to produce their own seed.

It will improve the soil fertility.

It is self sustaining scheme and the seed of green fodder will remain

available even after the termination of the scheme.

(ii) Strengthening of Artificial Insemination Centres

For genetic upgradation of milch and other cattle, it is proposed that

Artificial Insemination (AI) centres be upgraded, particularly for storage under

liquid nitrogen and other facilities. For this an amount of Rs 7.0 lakh be

provided to Jaunpur.

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Table 7.2:Budget estimates for Strengthening of AI Centres

Item Unit


Cost per year Total cost











Facilities for

storage under

liquid nitrogen and

replacement and

repair of other


Rs 7.00


No. 7.00 - - - - 7.00

Total 7.00

(iii) Poultry Development

There are estimated 3,68,674 poultry birds in the district. There is some

potential to develop poultry but not much due to marketing problems. Small

poultry units need to be encouraged to help small and marginal farmers.

Table 7.3:Unit cost to encourage poultry

Activity Unit Size


No. of


Financial outlay

(Rs lakh)





(Rs lakh)



500 42 21.00 25 % 5.25

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Table 7.4:Budget estimates to promote poultry sector:


Number and Cost of Units Year wise to Government (Rs Lakh)

1st Year

2nd Year

3rd Year

4th Year

5th Year Total



Poultry units


42 42 42 42 42 210

Subsidy cost 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 26.25

Total 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 26.25

(iv) Goat and Piggery Development and Goat Breed Improvement

It is proposed to provide 50% subsidy on cost of improved breeds of goats

and pigs only to BPL farmers. The cost proposed is Rs 59.32 Lakh per year

for all 21 blocks. The total cost of the project is Rs 296.60 lakh for five year.

The project is suggested and Approved by ATMA and District Planning


(v) Livestock Disease Surveillance and Quick Alert System

Indian cattle industry is an integral part of Indian agriculture and

contributes to the well being of its people. Population estimates show that

India shall have to provide food for 1.5 billion people in 2010. Interestingly,

India has an equal percentage of livestock population.

Livestock disease Surveillance

It is well recognized that veterinary diseases pose significant threat

both to the animals and human beings. Livelihood of millions of farmers is

dependent on health of livestock. Besides, animal diseases have also become

a serious threat for contamination of human food chain. Entire farm

economics can run into huge losses due to emergence of diseases such as

foot and mouth, rinder pest, bird flu etc to cite a few. There is a need for

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developing a system of animal disease surveillance and its on-line reporting

so that the spread of diseases can be contained before reaching epidemic

proportion. This will help save huge losses to livestock wealth in particular and

farming system in general.


The various objectives of this project are as follow:

1. Development of electronically managed Disease Surveillance System,

through customized online data management systems.

2. Development of risk assessment and risk management tools for various

endemic diseases

The overall mission of this project is to thoroughly revamp the

Livestock husbandry so as to erase the stigma of poor hygiene and

elevate it to the global standards in production, processing and

marketing of Livestock derivatives.


Duration of Project: 5 Years

Cost per Block per Year = 2.5 lakh*

*Cost consists of Veterinary Doctor Expenses, quick alert system, GPS,

quick Alert SMS System

Table 7.5:Budget estimates for Livestock disease Surveillance

Cost Component Year 1st

Year 2nd

Year 3rd

Year 4th

Year 5th

Total (Lakh)

Veterinary Doctor Expenses, quick alert system, GPS, quick Alert SMS System

Cost per Block (Rs. in Lakh)

2.5 2.5 2.7 2.8 3.0

Cost per District (Rs. in Lakh)

52.5 52.5 56.7 58.8 63 283.5

Budget suggested and

approved by ATMA and


7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 35.0

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(vi) Training of farmers in Animal Husbandry

In 5 years, 197 camps will be organised @ Rs. 10000/- each camp

Total budget = 19.70 lakh

Project is added in C-DAP as suggested and approved by DPC


(i) Programme for Quality & Hygienic Milk Production

Production of clean milk is as important as the production of milk

itself. The bacteria in the milk multiply because of the hot environment and

dust, dirt and other foreign matter and adulteration. Unhygienic state of

utensils used for the storage and transportation of milk adds to the problem.

Therefore, there is a dire need to maintain the quality of milk by creating

facility of cooling the milk at the source immediately on milking and educating

the milk producers and milk handlers to maintain proper sanitation and

hygiene. For the cooling of milk at the dairy farm level, Bulk Milk Coolers are

needed to be made available, but the investment is quite high, which cannot

be afforded by the milk producers themselves. There is urgent need to

maintain quality of milk by creating facility for cooling the milk at source. For

cooling the milk at dairy farm level bulk milk coolers are needed to be made


There is an urgent need to provide this facility to all milk producers

of the district. It is proposed to provide 42 bulk milk coolers of 2000 litres

capacity two per block in the district. Each unit costing 8.0 lakh, with 25% cost

to government. It will cost to Rs. 84.0 lakh. Although the budget suggested

and approved by ATMA and DPC is Rs 58.5 lakh

(ii) Dairy Training Workshop for Women

The first step will be to sell the idea of dairy farming aggressively in the

target area. This will be done by holding One day Dairy Training workshops

extensively in the district so as to cover the entire area repeatedly. These will

be high tech camps wherein the requisite message will be passed across the

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audience in a very cordial, conducive and friendly environment. Dairy training

workshop will be conducted to encourage and equip with knowledge to

prospective dairy farmers and 50 percent target beneficiary should be women.

It is proposed to hold 105 such workshops in the district. An expenditure of

Rs. 20,000 per workshop will be incurred. It will cost Rs. 21.0 lakh.

(iii) Purchase of Milk from Cooperatives

The project is proposed to maintain the payment of milk cost to the farmers

regularly. The milk will be purchased from cooperatives twice in a month. The

project cost is Rs 208.0 Lakh. The project is suggested and Approved by

ATMA and District Planning Committee.

(iv) Infrastructure and Water Management of Dairy and Cost of Milk


The project is suggested and Approved by ATMA and District Planning

Committee. The cost of the project is Rs 20.0 lakh.

Table 7.6:Total Requirement of Funds for Dairy Development programme

(Rs.in Lakh)

S.No. Programme Unit Cost

1st Year

2nd Year

3rd Year



5th Year



Dairy Education, Training & Extension

(I) Dairy Training workshops

4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 21.0

2 Hygienic Milk Production Programme*

- 11.7 11.7 11.7 11.7 11.7 58.5

3 Purchase of Milk from Cooperatives

41.6 41.6 41.6 41.6 41.6 208.0


Infrastructure and Water Management of Dairy and Cost of Milk Collection

4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 20.0

Total 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 307.5

*The budget given is suggested and approved by ATMA and DPC.

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There is a good scope of combining fisheries activity, as the district has

substantial number of water bodies in the form of river, lakes and ponds.

Ponds can be constructed under the Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme

and subsequently fish can be taken up in them. The district has tremendous

potential to increase numbers of pond, tanks and total coverage area under


(i) Demonstration and Training of Fish Culture

Now a day‟s fish culture is developing at very high rate in India

especially in rural areas, because most of the people are habitual to relish fish

food along with rice. The fish farming is also providing an extra income to the

poor and small farmers. Another advantage of fish culture is that, it increases

the level of underground water and ensure judicious utilization of rain water.

Therefore, the demonstration on fish culture in each block of the state

would provide a technology of fish cultivation along with various advantages

like nutrient support, extra income, increase underground water level etc. The

budget provision proposed under the scheme at block level for development

of demonstration units is given in Table 7.9.

Table 7.7:Budget estimates for demonstration of fish culture

S.No. Items Year

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Total

1 Digging of Ponds, Lining, Pumping set and boring,

culture and net etc.

10.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 21.0

TOTAL 10.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 21.0

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(ii) Development of New Hatcheries for production of fingerlings

It is proposed that Rs. 10.00 lakh per hatchery be provided to the

department of the fisheries for developing new hatcheries. Ten new hatcheries

are required to be developed in the district at a total cost of Rs. 100 lakh

under the scheme.

Table 7.8:Budget estimates for Fisheries development:

Activity Unit Cost (Rs.in lakh)

Number of Units Year Wise Total (Rs. in lakh) 1st











on Fish Culture 10.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 21.0


of new



No. 2 2 2 2 2

Cost 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 100.00

Total 30.0 25.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 121.00

(iii) Renovation and improvement of GOOJAR TALL

Total budget= 10.00 lakh

Project is added in C-DAP as suggested and approved by DPC

S.No. Item Year 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Total


Renovation and

improvement of


2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 10.00

Total 10.00

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Annual assessment and Restructuring of Comprehensive District Agriculture

Plan @ Rs 5 lakh per year, which costs Rs 25 lakh

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Chapter - 8


S.No. Name of the programme Budget estimated (in lakh)

1 Animal Husbandry

Programme for year round production of Green Fodder to Provide Balanced Nutrition to Cattle


Strengthening of Artificial Insemination Centre


Poultry development 26.25

Goat and Piggery Development and Goat Breed Improvement


Livestock Disease Surveillance and Quick Alert System


Training of farmers in Animal Husbandry 19.70

2 Dairy

Programme for Quality & Hygienic Milk Production


Dairy Training Workshops for Women 21.00

Purchase of Milk from Cooperatives 208.00

Infrastructure and Water Management of Dairy and Cost of Milk Collection


Fisheries Development

3 Demonstration and Training of Fish Culture 21.00

Development of New Hatcheries for production of fingerlings


Renovation and improvement of GOOJAR TALL


Sub Total 907.05

4 Planning, Monitoring And Evaluation Of C-DAP 25.00

Grand Total 932.05

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Annexure I


S. No.

Area of Farm Sector Addressed

Name of C-DAP Programmes into which convergence is proposed

Name of Central Sector Scheme

Estimated Budget of Proposed Schemes programmes (Lakh)

1 Land, Soil Health & Fertility

Enrichment of organic carbon content using green manuring

Strengthening of Soil health (New scheme w.e.f. 2008- 09)


Establishment of Integrated Nutrient Management System


Soil Health Card 231.80

Recycling of Agri Waste and Crop Residues through Vermicompost

Integrated Nutrient Management (INM)


Setting –up of new soil testing laboratories

Project on Balanced Use of fertilizer


2 Seed and Planting material

Establishment of Seed treatment and Demonstration units at gram panchayat level

Beej Gram Yojana (100 % CS)


3 Production Technologies

Programme on promotion of cultivation of Oil seeds for Improving productivity

Integrated scheme of Oil Seeds, Pulses, Oil Palm and Maize (ISOPOM) (75% centre:25% Sate)


Programme on Promotion of Cultivation of Summer/Winter Pulses for Improving Productivity


Programme on Promotion of Cultivation of Summer/Winter Pulses for Improving Productivity

National food Security Mission (NFSM)


4 Horticulture & Plantation

- - -----

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Comprehensive-District Agriculture Plan Jaunpur


5 Technology Dissemina


Farmers Study Tour Within and Outside the State for exposure

Agriculture Technology and Management Agency (ATMA)


Farmers training and Demonstration at KVK


Farmers Study Tour Within and Outside the State for exposure and Motivation towards Commercialized Agriculture

Farmers Welfare Scheme (Kisan Hit Yojana)


Knowledge Dissemination at farmers field level by Subject Matter Specialists (SMS)

Support to extension programmes for Extension Reforms (90 CS: 10% State)


6 Post Harvest and Marketing

Improvement and creation of new market facilities for marketing of Agricultural Produce Practices

Backward Region Grant Fund (50 % funds from proposed scheme and 50% from BRGF)


7 Dairy Programme for quality and hygienic milk production

Clean milk production (100%)


Dairy Training workshop for women

Mahila Dairy Project (100% CS)


8 Animal Husbandry & Veterinary

Artificial insemination National Project for Cattle and Buffalo Breeding (NPCBB)


Livestock Disease Surveillance and Quick Alert System

Livestock Health & Disease Control (LH & DC); Directorate of Animal Health Scheme


Programme for year round production of Green Fodder

Feed and fodder development


9 Farm Mechanization

Establishment of Farm Mechanization Centres at Panchayat Level

Agriculture Mechanization (MMA)


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Comprehensive-District Agriculture Plan Jaunpur


Annexure II

List of the on-going projects in district Jaunpur in the field of agriculture and allied sector

Sector/ Subsector Project

Expenditure Incurred

(Rs in lakh) Source of

Funding 2007-08 2008-09


Crop production ISOPOM 36 40 Centrally


Farmer Friend Scheme 86.167 206.5664 State - Sector

Timely Reporting Scheme

(T.R.S.) 3.925 2.96



Krishak Istar Par Parmanit Beej

Utpadan 2.076 -

State – Sector

Pramanit Bejon Per Anudan 18.31 40

Computerization 0.2 0.51 State - Sector

Data Bank 11.295 3.755

State – Sector Takniki Prabandhan 8.82 20.37

Keet Rog Niyantaran 44.355 76.486

Rabi Dalhan Utpadan 8.86 44.544 State - Sector

Crop Yield 0.075 - Macro -Mode

Niji Kshetron me Prasar Sewano - 8.88 State – Sector

Special Jute Programme 1.878 1.67 Centrally


Dev of extension services in

Private Sector 13.356 - State - Sector

Demonstration of New

Development Agril. Equipment 0.43 -



Transfer of Technology 2.3713 2.3684 Macro -Mode

Strengthening of Deptt Press - 2.869 Central


Agriculture Engineering 7.12 14.28 Macro -Mode

Agriculture Engineering (Rice) - 7.8655

Seed Treatment - 0.248 State – Sector

Beej Gram Yojana - 8.8798 Centrally


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Comprehensive-District Agriculture Plan Jaunpur


Boosting Cereal Production

(Rice) 5.73 4.6566



NWDPRA Barani - - Micro Mode

Central Sector

Natural Resource

Management Rain Water management 305 847 State - Sector

Kisan Hit 584.2 349.25 State - Sector

Krishi Kshetra Hetu Kushal Jal

Prabandhan 61.11 54.82 State - Sector

Mrida Swastha ka

Sudharanikarn 47.745 75.7 State – Sector

Javik Khad Prasar 6.3918 - Micro Mode

Central Sector

Bhoomi Sena Yojana 26.22 - State - Sector

Minor Irrigation Dr. Ambedkar Gramin Samagr

Vikas Yojna - 5.7

Ground Water Recharging - 73.34

Horticulture Strengthening of Horticultural

production - 3.9

State Horticulture Mission 15.799 22.5

Micro-irrigation programme 1.9 2.3

Horticultural development

programme - 5.4


HUSBANDRY Rinder Pest Programme 0.18 0.12

Control of Livestock Disease 0.69 1.36

Scheme on Artificial

Insemination 4.42 8.20

Scheme on infertility of animal 0.07 0.09

Facility of Sheep Breeding 1.29 0.19

Goat Rearing 10.00 5.00

Goat Breeding 0.20


Training of Livestock Owner 0.65 0.64

Livestock Statistics 1.84 1.59

Livestock census Programme 0.22 15.23

Establishment of Livestock

Hospital 31.79 -

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Comprehensive-District Agriculture Plan Jaunpur


Strengthening of Livestock - 28.44

Extension Education Programme - 3.44

Disease Investigation 9.00 8.06

Artificial Insemination 3.18 6.62

Paravet Training - 8.26

Backyard Poultry 4.14 5.45

Integrated Piggery Development 10.00 8.00

Pig Breeding Prog 0.60 0.89

Integrated Goatery 5.00 9.00

FISHERIES Fish farmers development

agency 20.02 0.44

75% central +

25% state

National Scheme of Welfare of

Fishermen 2.5 7.25

50% central +

50% state

National Fishermen insurance

Scheme 7 7.14

50% central +

50% state

Fisheries development through

Cooperatives - 1.05 100% state

Strengthening of Labs 0.5 - 100% state

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Annexure III


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Comprehensive-District Agriculture Plan Jaunpur


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Comprehensive-District Agriculture Plan Jaunpur


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Comprehensive-District Agriculture Plan Jaunpur


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Comprehensive-District Agriculture Plan Jaunpur