jalandhar city - mayor world homework grade...rewrite the following sentences in present perfect...

GRADE VII (HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK 2017-18) ENGLISH a) Worksheet Attached. b) Story Time: Read the prescribed book ‘Merchant of Venice. Write your favourite scene from the story. Write few lines on your favourite character from the story. Give wings to your imagination to present your work. Note: Child’s efforts will be appreciated. HINDI ilaKa[- saundr krnaI AavaSyak hOM.ihndI ka^pI maoM kaya- kroM. 1 vaNa- ivacCod kro M : AaivaYkar, Ajau-na, mahaBaart, inaraSaa 2 dao dao pyaa-yavaacaI Sabd ilaiKe : ASva, AmaRt, [- Svar, kmala, iknaara 3 ivalaaoma Sabd ilaiKe : Aajaa,dI, Aaraoh, ]Qaar, [cCa, ]ga` 4 ]psaga- lagaakr dao dao nayao Sabd ilaiKe : Anau , Ait, Ana, ]p,ibana 5 mauhavaro Aqa- ilaKkr vaa@ya banaaeM : iktabaI kID, a, dao TUk baat krnaa, haqa malanaa, rMga maoM BaMga, KUna ka Pyaasaa. 6 ‘baala Eama’ tqaa ‘tajamahla ’ pr 100 SabdaoM maoM Anau cCod ilaiKe, . 7 sama$pI iBannaaqa-k SabdaoM ka Aqa- ko Anausaar vaa@yaaoM maoM p`yaaoga kIijae: AMtr-AMdr, kula-kUla, Atla-Atula, laaO Tnaa-laaoTnaa. 8 ‘poprmaoSaI’ @yaa hOº poprmao SaI kI vastu banaanao kI kaOna saI ivaiQa hOº [sasao @yaa¹@yaa vastueM banaa[- jaa saktI hOM.ku C poprmao SaI sao banaI vastuAaoM ko ica~ lagaakr [sa ivaiQa ka vaNa-na kIijae. PUNJABI 1. Awpxy im~qr/shylI nUM grmIAW dIAW Cu~tIAW ie~kTy bqIq krn dw pRogrwm ilKo, jo qusIN iksy phwVI qy guzwrnw cwhuMdy ho[ 2. smwrt istI ikho ijhI hoxI cwhIdI hY ies qy iek pYrHw ilKo[ 3. hyT ilKy SbdW dy smwnwrQk Sbd ilKo:- shI, dosqI, DrqI, bhwdr, loB B'N^ T[gZo fdZsk frnk ezw gzikph dh ekgh ftZu eo' . MATHEMATICS Worksheet Attached. JALANDHAR CITY

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a) Worksheet Attached. b) Story Time: Read the prescribed book ‘Merchant of Venice. Write your favourite scene from the

story. Write few lines on your favourite character from the story. Give wings to your imagination to

present your work.

Note: Child’s efforts will be appreciated.

HINDI ilaKa[- saundr krnaI AavaSyak hOM.ihndI ka^pI maoM kaya- kroM.

1 vaNa- ivacCod kroM : AaivaYkar, Ajau-na, mahaBaart, inaraSaa

2 dao dao pyaa-yavaacaI Sabd ilaiKe : ASva, AmaRt, [-Svar, kmala, iknaara

3 ivalaaoma Sabd ilaiKe : Aajaa,dI, Aaraoh, ]Qaar, [cCa, ]ga`

4 ]psaga- lagaakr dao dao nayao Sabd ilaiKe : Anau, Ait, Ana, ]p,ibana

5 mauhavaro Aqa- ilaKkr vaa@ya banaaeM : iktabaI kID,a, dao TUk baat krnaa, haqa malanaa, rMga maoM BaMga, KUna ka Pyaasaa.

6 ‘baala Eama’ tqaa ‘tajamahla ’ pr 100 SabdaoM maoM AnaucCod ilaiKe,.

7 sama$pI iBannaaqa-k SabdaoM ka Aqa- ko Anausaar vaa@yaaoM maoM p`yaaoga kIijae: AMtr-AMdr, kula-kUla, Atla-Atula, laaOTnaa-laaoTnaa.

8 ‘poprmaoSaI’ @yaa hOº poprmaoSaI kI vastu banaanao kI kaOna saI ivaiQa hOº [sasao @yaa¹@yaa vastueM banaa[ - jaa saktI hOM.kuC poprmaoSaI sao

banaI vastuAaoM ko ica~ lagaakr [sa ivaiQa ka vaNa-na kIijae.

PUNJABI 1. Awpxy im~qr/shylI nUM grmIAW dIAW Cu~tIAW ie~kTy bqIq krn dw pRogrwm ilKo, jo qusIN iksy phwVI qy

guzwrnw cwhuMdy ho[ 2. smwrt istI ikho ijhI hoxI cwhIdI hY ies qy iek pYrHw ilKo[ 3. hyT ilKy SbdW dy smwnwrQk Sbd ilKo:- shI, dosqI, DrqI, bhwdr, loB B'N^ T[gZo fdZsk frnk ezw gzikph dh ekgh ftZu eo'. MATHEMATICS Worksheet Attached.



SOCIAL SCIENCE Make a project on:

(a) The Architecture Splendour of Hampi (b) A Gateway to the West: Surat (c) Fishing in Troubled Waters: Masulipatnam

NOTE: Kindly refer the text book only.


1. Memorise symbols and formulas of elements and compounds from the sheet given. (Worksheet


Name ____________ GRADE VII Subject: English (HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK 2017-18)

Note: Paste/stick these worksheets in your English notebook.

Q1. Complete the sentences with appropriate adverbs.

Hint: Not every adverb is needed.

Slowly carefully beautifully well loudly carelessly easily excitedlyfinally s

uddenly quickly quietly

1. Come here ____________. You have to see this!

2. We knew that she had got the job when we saw her _________ talking on the phone.

3. He ______________ put the vase on the table. It fell to the floor.

4. Sharon is throwing a party on Saturday. She ___________ finished her PhD.

5. Let’s walk ________________. I don’t want to be the first one at the meeting.

6. Alex _____________ put up the bookshelves. It was too difficult for me to do on my own.

7. Everything happened so ______________. We had to move to California in less than a month.

8. Why does he always have to talk so ____________? You can hear him in the next room!

9. Although she speaks five languages, she did not do ___________ on the translation exam.

10. I was so surprised. His new apartment was _____________ decorated.

Q2. Complete the sentence using an adjective or adverb.

To make adverbs we often add –ly at the end of an adjective (words that describe a noun)

Example: beautiful (adjective) girl (noun)

beautiful + ly = beautifully (adverb)

1. He’s always in a rush. I don’t understand why he walks so ____________ (quick/quickly).

2. I prefer studying in the library. It’s always_______________ (quiet/quietly).

3. Michael __________ (happy/happily) took the assistant job. He had been looking for a position

all summer.

4. Marta dances _____________ (beautiful/beautifully). She’s been taking ballet since she was five

years old.

5. They speak French very ____________ (good/well). They lived in France for two years.

6. My neighbor always plays ___________ (loud/loudly) music on the weekends. It’s so annoying.



7. Please be __________ (careful/carefully) in the hallway. The walls have just been painted.

8. Dan is very smart, but he is not a very___________ (good/well) student.

9. He reacted __________ (angry/angrily) to the news. I have never seen him so upset.

10. We didn’t ______________ (complete/completely) understand the teacher’s instructions. Most of

us did not finish the assignment.

Q3. Rewrite the following sentences in present perfect tense and then as negative and interrogative


1. She lost her car keys.

Affirmative ___________________________________________________________

Negative ___________________________________________________________

Interrogative __________________________________________________________

2. Tom draws funny cartoons.

Affirmative ___________________________________________________________

Negative ___________________________________________________________

Interrogative __________________________________________________________

3. Maya, Jai and Rea are eating ice cream.

Affirmative ___________________________________________________________

Negative ___________________________________________________________

Interrogative __________________________________________________________

4. They were washing the car.

Affirmative ___________________________________________________________

Negative ___________________________________________________________

Interrogative __________________________________________________________

5. You will finish your work.

Affirmative ___________________________________________________________

Negative ___________________________________________________________

Interrogative __________________________________________________________

Q4. Fill in the gaps using singular and plural verbs:

1. My father _____________ (read) two newspapers every day.

2. I ____________ (visit) my primary school teacher on every teacher’s day.

3. My uncle usually _____________ (drink) two glasses of orange juice after dinner.

4. My uncle _____________ (always /run) three kilometers every morning

5. Our teacher _____________ (give/usually) us worksheets for the weekends.

6. My mother ___ __________ (be/always) a careful driver.

7. My grandfather _____________ (eat /never) fast food.

8. My father _____________ (have /always) a bath in the mornings.

Q5. Rewrite the following sentences by changing the gender. You will have to make some other

changes, too.

a) Her husband is a teacher. _______________________________________

b) The lion sprang at the cow. ______________________________________

c) The bridegroom is the son of a Count.______________________________

d) The Duke wants to see his daughter. ________________________________

e) My mother is a doctor but her brother is an


Q6. Fill in the missing blanks by reading their definitions.

1. Someone who makes movies: p__ __ d __ ___ __ r

2. Someone who plays music: m __ __ __ c __ an

3. Someone who announces and

plays music on the radio: r __ __ i__ j __ __ k__ __ __

4. Doctor who treats heart diseases: c __ __ d __ __ l o __ __ __ t

5. Someone who sails: s __ __ l__ __

Q7. Find a homophone for each of the words below and make sentence using both the words.

word homophone sentence








Subject: Mathematics HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK Grade VII Assignment

"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving." - Albert Einstein

General Instructions:

Submit your work in a separate thin notebook.

Present your work neatly.

Work out the rough calculations if required on the right side of the notebook.

Q1. Find the product using suitable rearrangement.

(a) (18) × (10) × 9 (b) (20) ×7 × (5)

(c) (1) × (4) × (6) × (5) (d) (40) × 4 × 125 Q2. Find the product using suitable property.

(a) 36 × (56) + (56) (b) 8 × 48 × (125)

(c) 7 × (48 + 2) (d) (45) × (108)

(e) 725 × (35) + (725) × 65

Q3. A cooling machine lowers the temperature of a room at the rate of 3C per hour. The present

temperature of the room is 30C. What will be the temperature of the room after 12 hours? Q4. In a competitive examination, containing 24 questions, 5 marks are awarded for every correct answer

and (2) marks are awarded for every incorrect answer and 0 marks for questions not attempted. (a) David attempts 8 correct and 16 incorrect answers. Find his score. (b) Raveena attempts 16 correct and 8 incorrect answers. Find her score. (c) Hamid attempts 4 correct and 12 incorrect answers. It he attempts 16 questions out of 24 questions, what is his score ?

Q5. An electrical company earns a profit of Rs. 80 on every colour TV and loss of Rs. 60 on every refrigerator. (a) The company sells 5000 pieces of colour T.V. and 400 pieces of refrigerator in a month. What is

its profit or loss? (b) Find the number of T.V. it must sell to have neither profit nor loss, if the number of sold

refrigerator is 4000. Q6. Evaluate:

(a) (36) ÷ (3 + 6) (b) (50) ÷ 50 (c) 420 ÷ {20 + (8)}

(d) (46) ÷ {10 + (8)} (e) {(48) ÷ 12} ÷ 2 (f) {(168) ÷ 12} + {(4) ÷ 2}

Q7. In a test (+5) marks are given for every correct answer and (1) marks are given for every incorrect answers. (a) Rohit answered all the questions and scored 30 marks though he got 10 correct answers.

(b) Joy also answered all the questions and scored (14) marks though his 8 questions were correct. Find the number of question incorrectly attempted by each one of them.

Q8. In a class test, containing 20 questions, 6 marks are awarded for every correct and (2) for awarded for every incorrect answer and 0 for answer not attempted. (a) Rita gets 9 correct answers and 11 incorrect answers. Find her score. (b) Sumit scored 36 marks though he got 8 correct answers. How many question had he

attempted incorrectly?



Q9. Rishabh wants to frame a picture. The picture is 5

34 cm wide. To fit the picture in the frame, it should

not be more than 2

14 cm wide. How much the picture should be trimmed?

Q10. Sabeena had 4

315 m long ribbon. She cut it into two pieces such that the length of one piece is



m. Find the length of other piece.

Q11. Nitin bought 200 packets of sweets. He gave 4

1 of them to his friend Rahul. Find the number of

packets left with him.

Q12. Sweeti covered 7

2 of the running track by walking and rest by running. If the length of the track is

630 m, then find the distance covered by running.

Q13. A bus covers a distance of 4

360 km in an hour. Find the distance covered by bus in


22 hours.

Q14. Length of a rectangular field is 4

15 m and breadth is


11 m. Find the area of the rectangular field.

Q15. 2

1 of 400 is

(a) 200 (c) 100 (c) 800 (d) None

Q16. If Reena paints a blackboard in 6

5 minutes, how much time will she take to paint 6 such blackboards?

(a) 10 (b) 6 (c) 1 (d) 5

Q17. A 20 litre bucket is 5

3 full of milk. The amount of milk in the bucket is

(a) 12 litre (b) 20 litre (c) 25 litre (d) 9 litre

Q18. Which of the following is not equivalent to 3/5 ?

(a) 10

6 (b)


4 (c)


12 (d)



Q19. Find the Product (a) 23.09 × 27 (b) 7.05 × 2.5 (c) 2.45 × 3.11

Q20. Write the product in the blank space. (a) 8.7 × 100 = …… (b) 3.756 × 10 = …… (c) 37.52 × 100 = ….. (d) 40.07 × 10 = ……

Q21. A cab covers a distance of 16.25 km in a litre of petrol. Find the distance covered by A in 3.5 litres of petrol.

Q22. Fill in the blanks : (a) 48.5 ÷ 10 = …. (b) 32.75 ÷ 10 = …. (c) 4.008 ÷ 100 = ….. (d) 23.962 ÷ 100 = ….

Q23. Divide : (a) 0.72 by 8 (b) 6.15 by 15 (c) 456 by 2.28 (d) 0.767 by 0.13

Q24. Divide : (a) 0.005 by 0.25 (b) 0.24 by 0.8 (c) 31.25 by 0.05 (d) 9.424 by 1.9

Q25. Sarita has 18.24 m of ribbon. She has to divide it equally among six of her friends. Find what length of ribbon each of her friend will get ?

Q26. Solve the following equations: (i) – 16 = - 5 (2 – p) (ii) 10 = 4 + 3 (t + 2) (iii) 28 = 4 + 3 (t + 5) (iv) 0 = 16 + 4 (m – 6)

Q27. Set up equations and solve them to find the unknown numbers in the following cases: (i) Add 4 to eight times a number, you get 60

(ii) When I subtracted 11 from twice a number, the result was 15.

(iii) Atul thinks of a number. If he takes away 7 from 5

2 of the number, the result is



Q28. Laxmi’s father is 49 years old. He is 4 years older than three times Laxmi’s age. What is Laxmi’s age? Q29. Irfan says that he has 7 marbles more than five times the marbles Parmit has. Irfan has 37 marbles.

How many marbles does Parmit have? Q30. Give equation for the following statements:

(i) One – third of a number plus 5 is 8. (ii) If you add 5 to one – third of z, you get 35. (iii) Seven times n plus 8 gives you 78. (iv) Three – fourth of a number minus 5 leaves 7. (v) If you add a number and 15 and divide the sum by 8, you get 5.

Subject: Science HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK Grade VII Assignment