it’s time to clean class : junior 1 teacher : rose wang

IT’S TIME TO CLEAN Class Junio r 1 Teacher Rose Wa ng

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Post on 24-Dec-2015




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Class : Junior 1

Teacher : Rose Wang


Word Bank Conversation

Useful Sentence


on Internet


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1. Desk 書桌

2. Chair 椅子

3. Eraser 橡皮擦

4. Pencil 鉛筆

5. Ruler 尺6. Calculator 計算機

7. Pen 筆

8. Student 學生9. Notebook 筆記本

10.Backpack 書包


ConversationT: Hi, class. It’s time to clean our classroom.

S: Yes, Sir. We’re ready. What do you want us to do?

T: First, sweep the floor. Second, mop the floor.

And be sure to put the garbage in the dumpster, not on or next to it.

S: Can you show me how to do garbage sorting?

T: Sure. Put newspapers in the recycling bin, put tin cans in the tin bin, and put aluminum objects in the aluminum bin.

S: Many thanks, Sir. I got it.


中 譯1. 我討厭打掃。2. 輪到你擦窗戶。3. 在老師來到之前我們要把房子打掃乾淨。4. 我需要你幫我打掃教室。5. 我常用特別的刷子來清潔馬桶。6. 請將這袋垃圾拿到垃圾筒去。7. 我們每天都打掃教室。8. 用報紙擦亮窗戶。9. 用濕布擦桌子


Useful sentences

1. I hate to do cleaning. 2. It’s your turn to wipe the windows.3. We’ve got to clean house before the teacher

gets here.4. I need you to help me clean the classroom.5. I usually clean the toilet with a special brush.6. Please take the bag of trash to the trash can.7. We sweep our classroom every day.8. Polish the windows with newspapers.9. Wipe the desk with a damp cloth.


The Garbage ProblemsThe Garbage Problems

I had a horrible experience yesterday morning. On my way out of the house, I tripped on a big pile of garbage outside my front door, fell into the dirty, smelly mess and ruined my clothes. I had to go back inside to have a shower and change my clothes. I was so angry because I could not understand how someone could leave so much garbage so close to my house.

There are several reasons why garbage is a big problem in our country. First, some people are lazy. Instead of making sure that their garbage is sorted properly and left in the appropriate areas, they dump it wherever they can. Second, many people are very wasteful. Our society uses far too much plastic and paper, which creates a lot of unnecessary garbage. Third, there are not enough garbage cans around the city. If someone has garbage in their hand, they may have to walk a long way before they find somewhere to put it. Unfortunately, a lot of people would rather throw their garbage on the ground than carry it around with them and dispose of it properly.

To solve these problems, we need to make people more aware of the consequences of their laziness and wastefulness. Then we would not have people falling over piles of garbage.


It’s time to … 的用法

• It’s time to …  是做…的時間了– Time to eat dinner.– Time to do your homework.– Time to brush your teeth.– Time to take a test.– Time to take a shower– Time to put on your pajamas– Time to go to school.– It’s time for you to learn English.

說明: It’s time to… 句子前面的 It’s 可省略

Useful sentence Pattern


Be sure to … 的用法• Be sure to… 大人提醒小朋友該做某些事情

– Be sure to call your teacher.– Be sure to do your homework.– Be sure to clean your room.– Be sure to dump the garbage.– Be sure to say “Hello” to Mr. Wang.

Useful sentence Pattern


Prepositions 介系詞1. On :表示位置或地方,作『在…上面』解。

例 : The pen is on the desk.

2. Next to :表示位置,作『在…的隔壁』解,相當 於 beside 。例 : The teacher is next to the board.

3. In :表示位置,作『進入…之內』解。


Resources from the Internet

Teacher’s Website :1.與 Clearning 主題有關的學習和站長學英文/Cleaning/cleaning.htm


Other Websites:1.網路英語教室 ( 國中六冊 ) 4. 哈星星英檢2.Kiz club (Stories) 5. 字母動畫秀3.英語歌及歌詞 6. 文法與寫作指南