issue8 term 1 2015

  Ko te Mana te Mea Nui – Honour Above A ll Ph 06-3876860 Fax 06-3876129 Email [email protected] Web Ruapehu Road, Waiouru T erm 1 Issue 8 March 26th 2015 Kia Ora Everyone, One more week left at school and as usual we are full steam ahead. Yesterday was the Inter-school Raetihi Athletics competition, Stacey took our team of 27 competitors. As always this was a v ery well ru n and enjo yable e vent. Our kids all did very well, with many of our students placing in the top three and winning their even ts. Raetihi h ope to have the results to us tomorrow so we will post them online. Raetihi is also putting together a Waimarino Cluster Athletics team to go to the Hunterville Athletics competition next week. If you r child has qualified we will get a notice to you as soon as we know . With the term coming to an end w e have some fun events lined up. On Monday we are having a Dr Seuss dress up da y to celebrate the junior schoo ls’ learning this term. The rest of the school has been invited to participate so if you are keen, you can send your kids dressed in some cool Dr Seuss outfits. On Tues day we have a visit from Linton Camp Junior School, who are coming to share lunch and have a play . They will be here from 12.40pm until 1.30pm. If you wish to join us as well and ca tch up with friends you are most welcome. Also if you know any s oldiers in camp who happ en to have any kids a t Linton in the junior school, please let them know they are most welcome to come down for a visit. Wednesday is our click card reward lunch, if your child has earned either a blue or green click card they will bring home a voucher on Monday with their reward d etails. On Thursda y is the click card reward swim, this is for students who h ave earned a either a red, blue or green click card. We will leave for the pools at 1 1am, and be back at school for lunch. If you are free we would appreciate he lp with supervision, both with walking to and from the pool and or at the pools themselves. Finally we will end the term on Thursday with an assembly at 1.30pm to give out certificates for swimming and athletics. This will be a short one for half an hour before scho ol closes at 2pm. Finally in other school news our BOT Elections have been declared and I am please to welcome David Milner and Rochelle T auporo-Duncalf to t he Board. Ka kite ano Marama

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Ko te Mana te Mea Nui – Honour Above All

Ph 06-3876860 Fax 06-3876129 Email [email protected] Web Road, Waiouru Term 1 Issue 8 March 26th 2015 

Kia Ora Everyone,

One more week left at school and as usual we are full steamahead. Yesterday was the Inter-school Raetihi Athleticscompetition, Stacey took our team of 27 competitors. As alwaysthis was a very well run and enjoyable event. Our kids all didvery well, with many of our students placing in the top three andwinning their events. Raetihi hope to have the results to ustomorrow so we will post them online. Raetihi is also puttingtogether a Waimarino Cluster Athletics team to go to theHunterville Athletics competition next week. If your child hasqualified we will get a notice to you as soon as we know.

With the term coming to an end we have some fun events lined up. On Monday we are having a DrSeuss dress up day to celebrate the junior schools’ learning this term. The rest of the school has beeninvited to participate so if you are keen, you can send your kids dressed in some cool Dr Seuss outfits.

On Tuesday we have a visit from Linton Camp Junior School, who are coming to share lunch and have aplay. They will be here from 12.40pm until 1.30pm. If you wish to join us as well and catch up withfriends you are most welcome. Also if you know any soldiers in camp who happen to have any kids atLinton in the junior school, please let them know they are most welcome to come down for a visit.

Wednesday is our click card reward lunch, if your child has earned either a blue or green click card theywill bring home a voucher on Monday with their reward details. On Thursday is the click card reward

swim, this is for students who have earned a either a red, blue or green click card. We will leave for thepools at 11am, and be back at school for lunch. If you are free we would appreciate help withsupervision, both with walking to and from the pool and or at the pools themselves.

Finally we will end the term on Thursday with an assembly at 1.30pm to give out certificates forswimming and athletics. This will be a short one for half an hour before school closes at 2pm.

Finally in other school news our BOT Elections have been declared and I am please to welcome DavidMilner and Rochelle Tauporo-Duncalf to the Board.

Ka kite ano


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Week Transport Fundraising School Events Classroom -  Office


8  Louise HardieEd HardieMeaghanSayersNatalie Bethell

Nadine StaceKeryn PaekauVernon RudolphLouiseTweeddaleStacey RataLiz Mildon

Stephen SalmonJoseph CallaghanPip BlissLucy Alabaster Moana King

Gail Webb

 Alex McCarthySteve & Nat Bethell Amie Vine

Junior School Dr Seuss Day Monday 30th March. Come dressed up as oneof the characters. Have Dr Seuss food in yourlunch box. Be ready to rhyme and say

nonsense!Senior students can come dressed up if youdare!

Dates to remember


Mon 30th Junior School Dr Seuss DayTues 31st Real Art Road Show

April Thurs 2 nd  Last Day Of Term One School Closes At 2.00pm

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Lunch orders

We have a new and delicious product added to the lunch menu: Lasagne square $3.40 or in a combo$6.00 with apple and drink.

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