issue december 2013

CONTACT Nursing and Midwifery Office – GPO 825, Level 2, 11 Moore Street, Canberra, ACT 2601 Phone: 02 6244 2147 Fax: 02 6244 4630 Email: n&[email protected] Nursing and Midwifery Office Newsleer Issue 17 | December 2013 From the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer 1 New look for Nursing and Midwifery Office 2 New opportunies for ACT Enrolled Nurses 3 Advanced Pracce Nurse 3 The Enrolled Nurse Inaugural Forum 2013 - At the Heart of Paent Centred Care 4 Naonal Nursing Forum: Success through Synergy 5 Community Nursing and Midwifery Symposium 6 Student Clinical Placement Unit 6 Nursing and Midwifery Scholarships Update 7 Personal Classificaon Level 2 7 News from the Research Centre for Nursing and Midwifery 8 2013-2014 Pracce Development Scholarship Recipients 8 From the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer Season’s greengs everyone According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, while both male and female reindeer grow antlers in the summer each year, male reindeer drop their antlers at the beginning of winter, usually late November to mid-December. Female reindeer retain their antlers ll aſter they give birth in the spring. Therefore, according to EVERY historical rendion depicng Santa’s reindeer, EVERY single one of them, from Rudolph to Blitzen, had to be a girl. We should have known... ONLY women would be able to drag a fat man in a red velvet suit all around the world in one night and not get lost. OK, that’s my Christmas joke done and dusted for another year!! On behalf of the Nursing and Midwifery Office I would like to wish you, your families and loved ones a very special Christmas. I would like to thank all nurses and midwives for your personal contribuon during 2013 and for your connued commitment to our services to paents and clients. I am parcularly mindful of those of you who will be working over the Christmas period. Thank you again for your efforts and I know you will connue to do all you can to deliver safe and quality care. As you well know, these can be challenging mes in our health system. The connued delivery of safe and quality services to paents and clients is dependent, more than ever, on the professionalism and extra commitment of our nursing and midwifery staff. Thank you all once again. 2013 saw the Internaonal Council of Nurses hold its quadrennial congress in Melbourne, the first me since 1964 and we were fortunate to send almost 100 nurses and midwives and for a number of our staff to present papers, posters and symposia. How proud I was as Chief Nurse to have the ACT represented so well at such a presgious event. It was noted. Also in 2013, the Australian College of Nursing held its inaugural Naonal Nursing Forum in Canberra and again, we were well represented and were silver sponsors for the three day event. These opportunies allow us to showcase the ACT and in parcular, the nursing and midwifery professions and demonstrates to the broader community, the unique opportunity of working in the naon’s capital during its 100 year birthday celebraons. As many of you know, ACT Health and the ANMF have worked together to negoate a new four year Enterprise Bargaining Agreement for public sector nurses and midwives and this is now at the point of sign off in preparaon for Connued on P2

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Page 1: Issue December 2013

CONTACT Nursing and Midwifery Office – GPO 825, Level 2, 11 Moore Street, Canberra, ACT 2601 Phone: 02 6244 2147 Fax: 02 6244 4630 Email: n&[email protected]

Nursing and Midwifery Office

Newsletter Issue 17 | December 2013

From the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer 1

New look for Nursing and Midwifery Office 2

New opportunities for ACT Enrolled Nurses 3

Advanced Practice Nurse 3

The Enrolled Nurse Inaugural Forum 2013 - At the Heart of Patient Centred Care 4

National Nursing Forum: Success through Synergy 5

Community Nursing and Midwifery Symposium 6

Student Clinical Placement Unit 6

Nursing and Midwifery Scholarships Update 7

Personal Classification Level 2 7

News from the Research Centre for Nursing and Midwifery 8

2013-2014 Practice Development Scholarship Recipients 8

From the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer

Season’s greetings everyone

According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, while both male and female reindeer grow antlers in the summer each year, male reindeer drop their antlers at the beginning of winter, usually late November to mid-December.

Female reindeer retain their antlers till after they give birth in the spring. Therefore, according to EVERY historical rendition depicting Santa’s reindeer, EVERY single one of them, from Rudolph to Blitzen, had to be a girl.

We should have known... ONLY women would be able to drag a fat man in a red velvet suit all around the world in one night and not get lost.

OK, that’s my Christmas joke done and dusted for another year!! On behalf of the Nursing and Midwifery Office I would like to wish you, your families and loved ones a very special Christmas. I would like to thank all nurses and midwives for your personal contribution during 2013 and for your continued commitment to our services to patients and clients. I am particularly mindful of those of you who will be working over the Christmas period. Thank you again for your efforts and I know you will continue to do all you can to deliver safe and quality care. As you well know, these can be challenging times in our health system. The continued delivery of safe and quality services to patients and clients is dependent, more than ever, on the professionalism and extra commitment of our nursing and midwifery staff. Thank you all once again.

2013 saw the International Council of Nurses hold its quadrennial congress in Melbourne, the first time since 1964 and we were fortunate to send almost 100 nurses and midwives and for a number of our staff to present papers, posters and symposia. How proud I was as Chief Nurse to have the ACT represented so well at such a prestigious event. It was noted.

Also in 2013, the Australian College of Nursing held its inaugural National Nursing Forum in Canberra and again, we were well represented and were silver sponsors for the three day event. These opportunities allow us to showcase the ACT and in particular, the nursing and midwifery professions and demonstrates to the broader community, the unique opportunity of working in the nation’s capital during its 100 year birthday celebrations.

As many of you know, ACT Health and the ANMF have worked together to negotiate a new four year Enterprise Bargaining Agreement for public sector nurses and midwives and this is now at the point of sign off in preparation for

Continued on P2

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voting early in the New Year I hope. Nurses and midwives will receive ongoing and additional benefits within the new Agreement, including pay increases and a night duty shift penalty increase. We also have improved career paths for ENs and RN / RMs with additional classifications in both categories of staff. I think that this new EBA places public sector nurses and midwives in the ACT at the forefront of benefiting from improved terms and conditions of employment and is testimony to the value we place on our health workforce.

You will read throughout this newsletter, about the many things that the Nursing and Midwifery Office (NMO), the Research Centre for Nursing and Midwifery Practice (RCNMP) and the Student Clinical Placement Unit (SCPU) have been achieving, most of it quietly and behind the scenes and I do want to take this opportunity to thank these terrific people for their efforts throughout 2013.

In 2014 we will celebrate our 10th year of Nursing and Midwifery Awards with a week of recognition in the ACT. For those of you who have been nominated in the past, you will already know of the great excitement associated with these awards and the gala dinner where winners are announced. I am hoping that 2014 will be our biggest year ever and plans are well underway to ensure this is the case. I hope we receive a nomination from every nurse and midwife; this would be absolute and deserving recognition for each and

every one of you. So start thinking about those nominations and submitting forms early next year. More information will follow regarding these events.

Also in October 2014 we will be hosting our third biennial RCNMP conference where nurses and midwives will have an opportunity to present their practice development initiatives as well as listen to international speakers talk about best practice and evidence based research. Again, it is events like this that raise our profile locally, nationally and on the international scene. We are doing excellent work here in the ACT and others should know.

So as 2013 draws to a close, I once again thank you all for your efforts, but we have much more to do. We need to ensure that patient care continues to be of a high standard and that we have mechanisms in place that confirm this or provide us with direction and support if this is not the case. We also need to ensure we have the skilled nursing and midwifery staff to deliver that care. Our scholarship funds continue to support the education and training of nurses and midwives and I urge you all to avail yourselves of these resources that support your professional development.

Please contact me on [email protected] with your thoughts and concerns. Working together, I am confident of our ability to achieve great things in 2014.

Season’s greetings


From P1

New look for the Nursing and Midwifery OfficeThe Nursing and Midwifery Office has recently commissioned new artwork to promote the activities of the office. There are three full length banners, two posters and an A4 page.

The bright, new design giving the Office a fresh, contemporary look had its first public viewing recently at the N&MO booth at the National Nursing Forum in Canberra where it was greatly admired.

Work is progressing on N&MO’s new modern, user friendly website which is hoped will be up and running by 2014.

From the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer

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New Opportunities for ACT Nurses and Midwives

Career Advancement for ENs: Personal Classification Level 2Commencing November 2013 the Enrolled Nurse Level 2 Personal Classification career advancement opportunity was made available to include ACT Health enrolled nurses. As part of the ACT Public Service Nursing and Midwifery Enterprise Agreement 2011-2013, ACT Health supports nurses and midwives by providing opportunities for career advancement.

Personal Classification Level 2 provides a career advancement opportunity for ACT Health Level 1 enrolled nurses who are permanently employed to be advanced to Level 2 based on their knowledge, skills and attributes.

Advancement to Personal Classification Level 2 is through written application and interview process to an Assessment Panel made up of ACT Health clinical registered nurses and midwives. One advancement round has been offered during 2013 with two advancement rounds being offered per calendar year thereafter.

Enrolled nurses considering application are encouraged to firstly attend an information session prior to submitting an

application. Information sessions will be held during the month prior to each application round at the Staff Development Unit, Building 5, Canberra Hospital. To attend you need to book in via Capabiliti.

Most excitingly, enrolled nurses throughout ACT Health have embraced this career advancement opportunity. The first information session was held during October and was well attended by enthusiastic enrolled nurses from across all avenues of the Directorate. Representation from Calvary Health Care ACT, Community, the Adult Mental Health Unit along with a large cohort from Canberra Hospital and Health Services attended.

Congratulations to our first round of applicants.

For further information with regard to the enrolled nurse Level 2 Personal Classification process please visit the ACT Health website by following this link: or contact the Nursing and Midwifery Office directly on: 6244 2147.

Advanced Practice Nurse/MidwifeA new classification of Registered Nurse/Midwife Level 3.1 now exists. This new classification is the Advanced Practice Nurse/Midwife.

Each division now has the opportunity to create and recruit to these positions where it is deemed clinically suitable and can be seen to enhance and fit the existing or planned model of care.

The Advanced Practice Nurse/Midwife is a registered nurse/midwife who has acquired the expert knowledge base, complex decision-making skills and clinical competencies for expanded practice.

The basis of advanced practice is the high degree of knowledge, skill and experience that is applied within the nurse-patient relationship to achieve optimal outcomes

through critical analysis, problem solving and accurate decision-making.

An advanced scope of practice is a level characterised by the increase in clinical skills, reasoning, critical thinking, knowledge and experience so that the practitioner is an expert working within the scope of established contemporary practice.

These roles with enhanced autonomy require advanced decision making skills and have been developed in response to increasingly complex care. The addition of these roles to the staffing mix will optimise the full scope of the Registered Nurse/Midwife role, incorporating advanced knowledge, skills and abilities which will in turn provide best practice models of care.

Please contact Julie Kussy, N&MO 62051417 for further information.

ACT 10th Annual Nursing and Midwifery Excellence Awards - 2014

Do you know a nurse or midwife who demonstrates exceptional practice?

Consider nominating them for an excellence award!

Nomination forms will be available on the Hub and on the Nursing and Midwifery Office website early in the New Year and will need to be submitted by early March 2014.

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The EN Inaugural Forum 2013 – At the Heart of Patient Centred Care


September saw the introduction of the Enrolled Nurse Forum. The inaugural forum took place on Thursday 19 September at the Canberra Hospital auditorium. The opening address by Ronnie Croome, ACT Chief Nurse was both informative and inspirational.

The forum was well attended by ENs from the ACT and regional New South Wales and provided an interesting, thought provoking program. The program content aligned with our organisation’s core values of; Care, Excellence, Integrity and Collaboration along with the 10 National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards. It also provided further professional development opportunities for the enrolled nurse to: engage in practice development opportunities integrating skill, knowledge and ethical behaviour, enhance leadership and communication skills and promote networking and a community of practice.

On the day the Canberra Institute of Technology Educators, Registered Nurses, Allied Health staff and Enrolled Nurses presented and facilitated various sessions. Topics included; Supporting Teamwork and Collaboration, The True Cost of Falls, MaskEd and My Career - so far.

The Top Poster prize was awarded to Ashleigh Mawhinney and Jennifer Brandon for their poster entitled ‘ALERT: Clostridium Difficile’. This poster can be viewed on ward 12B.

The positive feedback received highlighted the success and relevance of the program and the significance of the EN role ‘at the heart of patient centred care’. For example one EN wrote, “I feel as a professional group we were very well represented..... It was great to hear Ronnie Croome speak”.

Another EN wrote, “Thank for having this lovely day and caring for EN’s. The all day program was very beneficial and important to all of us girls & guys”.

It is envisaged that the forum will take place every second year. The organisers would like to thank all the volunteers and sponsors without whom the day would not have been the success that it was.

CIT’s Melissa Power(in cognito) and Lynette Jackson - MaskEd presentation

The poster judging panel: Narelle Boyd, Judy Gosper and Liz Renton

EN Co-ordinator and EN CDN Team: Tara Kuleas, Janine Davidson, Lydia Manen and Maxine Jordan

Samantha Hardie, Robyn Chen, Jane Chaseling & Karen Hopper

Overview of the Canberra Hospital auditorium - attendees preparing for the inaugural Enrolled Nurse Forum

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National Nursing Forum: Success through Synergy


The inaugural Australian College of Nursing National Nursing Forum was held at the Canberra Convention Centre from 20 to 22 October 2014 with the theme ‘Success through Synergy.’ The event was a resounding success and a credit to the conveners.

The ACT Nursing & Midwifery Office was a silver sponsor of the event which included premium booth space.

There was a constant flow of traffic at the booth which showcased the N&MO’s new banners and provided delegates with a ‘show’ bag containing many promotional goodies from ACT Health.

Ronnie Croome’s commitment to the continuing professional development of ACT nurses and her generous sponsorship made it possible for close to 100 delegates from ACT Health to attend providing an invaluable opportunity for networking, sharing and learning from nursing colleagues.

The conference began with a member’s only day on Sunday at which Carmen Morgan, Transitional Board President, breakfasted with invited guests and the Board.

Several workshops, including an early career nurse’s workshop, were held throughout the day which culminated in an ACN oration, Investiture of Fellows and an Awards Ceremony.

Robyn Moore, the charismatic Master of Ceremonies, officially opened the conference and Rosemary Bryant, the Commonwealth Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer, welcomed delegates from across Australia.

Dr Louise Mahler provided an entertaining and enlightening keynote address on how to use our voices to our best advantage and the messages we convey to our patients through body language.

Professor Philip Darbyshire followed with a confronting and thought provoking address relating to the Mid Staffordshire Trust scandal and the Francis Report and challenged delegates to consider the question could this happen here?

Dr Jane O’Malley shared her story of how data collection and relationships have been instrumental in establishing a dynamic health system in New Zealand and Professor Michael Carter enlightened us with some fascinating information about Nurse Practitioners in the US.

The concurrent sessions were many and diverse covering a huge range of topics from refugee health to pressure injuries; social media for students to working safe in the bush, Povbesity, E-health, organ donation and culturally competent nurses.

The conference concluded with a closing address, cocktails and dinner under the wings of ‘G for George’, the WWII Lancaster bomber on display in the Anzac Hall at the Australian War Memorial.

Below: The ACT Health, Nursing & Midwifery Office silver sponsorship booth

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Community Nursing and Midwifery Symposium


The 2013 Community Nursing and Midwifery Symposium, sponsored by the Nursing and Midwifery Office and the ACT Chief Nurse Ronnie Croome, was held on 16th October at the Vikings Club, Wanniassa and mc’d by Judy Perry, Manager Phillip Community Nursing who did a remarkable job. Joann Baumgartner from the Health Care Consumers Association gave a short presentation on her role as a Consumer representative and we appreciated her presence. 160 staff attended the function and $116 was raised for the Florence Nightingale International Foundation Girl Child Education Fund in donations.

The theme was based on the United Nations (UN) Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). These are eight goals that all 191 UN Member States have agreed to try to achieve by the year 2015. The UN Millennium Declaration, signed in September 2000 commits world leaders to combat poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation, and discrimination against women. The MDGs are derived from this. Further information on specific MDGs can be found at this link.

Presentations were based on how our work in the community is contributing to bridging some of the gaps identified by the UN. The wide variety of presentations made for an excellent and interesting afternoon.

Mary Brunton & Lauren Simon presented A Yellow Brick Road: The Maternal & Child Health Pathway to Practice which detailed the supportive pathway used to introduce a new MACH nurse to the role to help them gain knowledge and experience prior to working independently as a RN2 MACH Nurse.

Annette Wrightson, from Tuggeranong Mental Health, presented an enlightening paper on Utilising Natural Supports. Natural supports are those that come directly from people and communities rather than being provided through formal ‘paid’ forms of support. The presentation highlighted the importance of linking clients in to the community rather than services.

That Was Then and This Is Now-We are all in this together, Sally Haseler’s presentation, detailed the involved process of implementing the National Perinatal Depression Initiative in the ACT .

Kara The from Central Community Nursing presented a quality improvement project regarding the development of a drain management form designed to improved the consistency of documentation and clinical handover.

Paving the way to school for children with complex needs was presented by Narelle O’Connor, CNC School Health and detailed the Health Access At School (HAAS) model of care that supports delegation of healthcare interventions to school support staff where clinical judgement is not required.

Guest speaker Associate Professor Daniel Nichols wrapped up a very interesting afternoon with a philosophical view of clinical supervision. Daniel has studied and worked in Australia and France. He promotes clinical supervision as reflective practice within mental & general health.

The 2014 Symposium will be held in May as part of - International Nurses and Midwives week celebrations.

Acknowledgement goes to the symposium working group; Bronwyn Roberson, Marina Boogaerts, Isabel Munoz, Heather Manton and Leanne Albrecht.

Student Clinical Placement Unit (SCPU)The Student Clinical Placement Unit would like to extend a big “thank you” to all areas that have provided clinical placement opportunities for nursing and midwifery students in 2013. The ongoing commitment and contribution to student learning by clinical areas and their staff is invaluable and very much appreciated (especially by the students!).

The Student Clinical Placement Unit continues to plan and coordinate a diverse variety of clinical learning experiences within ACT Health facilities, for both undergraduate and post graduate nursing and midwifery students.

Planning for next year is well underway and we look forward to another busy and exciting year in 2014. For all enquiries regarding nursing and midwifery clinical placements please contact: [email protected] or call 02 61745887

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

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Nursing and Midwifery Scholarships – Update Dec 2013


2013 - Leadership and Management ScholarshipDuring 2013 the Leadership and Management Scholarship was introduced to support an eligible Registered Nurse or Midwife from each Division within ACT Health to complete a Graduate Certificate in Leadership and Management with the Australian College of Nursing.

This new scholarship initiative was implemented under the direction of ACT Chief Nurse, Ronnie Croome and is administered via the Nursing and Midwifery Office.

The prestigious scholarship is only available to Registered Nurses and Midwives with a recognised desire and aptitude for leadership and management and who have been nominated and have the full support of their Divisional Director of Nursing.

Scholarship covers the course fees for one nominee from each Division and is valued at $5750.00.

Congratulations to the following Registered Nurses who were the first recipients of the Leadership and Management Scholarship awarded during 2013:

Those receiving 100% course fee assistance:

• Gillian McIntosh (Division of Critical Care and Diagnostics)

• Deanne Cole (Division of Surgery and Oral Health)

• Cristee Cruz (Division of Medicine)

• Angela Edwards (Division of Rehabilitation, Aged and Community Care)

Those receiving 50% course fee assistance from the Division of Mental Health, Justice Health, Alcohol and Drug Service include:

• Peter Shiels

• Ciaran Bird

Feedback from the recipients (and soon to be graduands of this course) has been very positive.

Ciaran Bird reported that: “what I have learnt during 2013 can be directly linked to the new role I started this week as CNC Justice Health. I find that the theories discussed in the course have practical applications when dealing with staff and other stakeholders.”

Deanne Cole who is currently Acting CNC EDSU commented: “overall it has been a wonderful learning experience and I am very grateful for the opportunity to study with the assistance of the Nursing and Midwifery Office. I would recommend this course to anyone interested in developing their leadership and managerial abilities.”

2014 Scholarship recipient: Deanne Cole

Personal Classification RN Level 2 Personal Classification Level 2 positions provide an opportunity for ACT Health Level 1 RN and RM’s who are permanently employed, to advance to Level 2 based on their experience, knowledge, skills and attributes. Applicants apply through a generic process. To find the application package go to:

Advancement to Level 2 Personal Classification is through a written application and interview process. Four Advancement Rounds are offered annually.

Applicants may submit an application at any time to the Nurse Advisor - Career Advancement (address below) for inclusion in the next scheduled advancement round. Applicants not advanced in previous rounds may reapply.

Interviews will generally be held during the second week after applications close.

Applicants are invited to attend the “RN/RM Level 2 Personal Classification information Session” to assist them in completing the application process. Log into Capabiliti to book.

For additional information contact the Nurse Advisor – Career Advancement phone: (02) 62052370 or by email at [email protected]

Rounds for 2014

Round Information Sessions Application Closing1 16 January 21 February2 15 April 23 May 3 16 July 29 August4 8 October 21 November

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The staff members of the RCNMP wish all nurses and midwives the very best for the upcoming festive season. We would also like to encourage you to bring all your burning research and/or quality improvement questions to us so we can help you investigate them. Perhaps this could be your New Year’s Resolution for professional development? Probably easier and more likely to succeed than many others we make!

Highlights of 2013New appointment: In July Dr Marian Currie took over as the Acting Director of the RCNMP and was appointed as Adjunct Associate Professor at ANU.

Professional Development Scholarships (PDS): In 2012-2013 there were 12 Professional Development Scholarships awarded. The completed reports are available at in the Compendium. Seven scholarships were awarded for the 2013-2014 year.

Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI): In 2012 the JBI Clinical Fellowship Scholarship was established. Since then 4 RNs have fully completed the program and two others commenced this program in October. Advertising for new scholarships will begin in December. RCNMP and JBI are conducting a week of Comprehensive Systematic Review Training for 10 core staff members in early December.

International Council of Nurses (ICN): In May 2013 RCNMP staff attended the ICN 25th Quadrennial Congress held in Melbourne. Professor Violeta Lopez provided feedback to the ICNP Directors meeting about its work as an ICNP centre.

Research Activities: RCNMP involvement with other research projects encompasses areas such as sexual health, inpatient sleep study, pressure injury prevalence, midwifery and NICU, mental health and aged care. Details can be found at

Research and Practice Development Forums (RPDF): these forums are held monthly in the Canberra Hospital Auditorium. Come along; learn something new, support your colleagues and earn one CPD point towards your registration requirements.

Plans for 2014• Transition of the Centre from its association with the

Australian National University back to the University of Canberra.

• Appointment of a new Professorial / Executive Director for the RCNMP will be announced either later this year or early next year.

• Conference - “Setting an Agenda for Nurses and Midwives in the 21st Century” (Dates for your diary - call for abstract early 2014, conference 16-17 October 2014).

• Research training courses e.g. literature reviewing, research proposal development and data management and analysis

• PhD students: RCNMP has two graduating 2013. One from Oman and the other from Hong Kong. There are three ongoing students for 2014 and 1 newly enrolled student commencing in 2014.

• Attract more post graduate students – give some thought to being one of them!

Research opportunities - Two nursing students from the University of Canberra have been employed part-time this year as research assistants, assisting Lori Delaney with the Sleep Study. They have gathered data, interviewed patients and nurses, analysed the data they collected and have assisted in the writing of the draft research report.

During December/January RCNMP will have two Summer Vacation student nurses from University of Canberra and Australian Catholic University. They will assist with established research projects. The generosity of the Canberra Hospital Private Practice Fund has made this possible.

News from Research Centre for Nursing and Midwifery Practice

A/Professor Marian Currie

Practice Development Scholarship Recipients

2013-2014 Practice Development Scholarship recipients at a workshop day facilitated by Professor Deborah Davis and A/g Professor Daniel Nicholls

Back Row: Professor Deborah Davis, Kimberley Phelan, Wendy Burton, A/g Profesor Daniel Nicholls, Judith Barker Seated: Lori Delaney, Beth Forbes (Absent: Jenny McNamara)