introduction to pavement preservation preventive maintenance

Introduction to Pavement Preservation Preventive Maintenance

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Post on 12-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Introduction to Pavement Preservation Preventive Maintenance

Introduction to Pavement Preservation Preventive Maintenance

Page 2: Introduction to Pavement Preservation Preventive Maintenance

Learning Outcomes1. Explain the concept of Pavement

Preservation and preventive maintenance treatments

2. Discuss the importance of treatment timing

3. List the benefits of a pavement preservation program

4. Describe a good candidate pavement for preventive maintenance

Page 3: Introduction to Pavement Preservation Preventive Maintenance

Pavement Preservation Concept

Keeping good roads in good condition!Keeping good roads in good condition!Upgrading Fair roads to good condition!!Upgrading Fair roads to good condition!!

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Coordinated Pavement Preservation/Rehabilitation


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Pavement Preservation

Pavement Preservation is a cost-effective set of practices that extend pavement life and improve safety and motorist satisfaction while saving public tax dollars.

Pavement Preservation is "a program employing a network level, long-term strategy that enhances pavement performance by using an integrated, cost-effective set of practices that extend pavement life, improve safety and meet motorist expectations."

Without Adding Additional Pavement Structure

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Pavement Preservation

Pavement Preservation is "a planned strategy of cost-effective treatments applied to structurally sound pavements that preserves the system, retards future deterioration, and maintains or improves the functional condition of the system (without significantly increasing the structural capacity).

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How do preventive treatments differ from routine/reactive treatments?

Similar treatments…different TIMING!

Planned Age of pavement or surface Condition of pavement

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Routine Maintenance

Reactive in nature Fixing a defect once it occurs Main purpose is to keep traffic moving Performed in harsh conditions Poor performance and greatest ire from travelling public

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Applying the Right treatment to the Right pavement at the Right time.

1. Preserves the system2. Retards future deterioration 3. Maintains or improves functional condition of the system.

Pavement Preservation

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Pavement Rehabilitation

Resurfacing, restoration, and rehabilitation work undertaken to restore serviceability and to extend the service life of an existing facility.

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Pavement Reconstruction

Construction of the equivalent of a new pavement structure

Complete or partial removal and replacement of the existing pavement section including new and/or recycled materials.

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Pavement Condition vs. Time





Pavement Rehabilitation

Pavement Preservation

Pavement Reconstruction

Do Nothing

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Proactive Approach Applies low-cost preventive treatments

5 to 7 year of remaining life

Timing is critical

Good to Fair Condition

Minimal or NO structural damage

Once structural damage has occurred then preventive maintenance treatments are of little value.

Applying PP treatments to unsuitable pavements has been its biggest barrier to gaining widespread acceptance for the PP concept.

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Past Failures Individual Vendor applying the Wrong Treatment on the

Wrong Pavement at the Wrong Time. “Snake Oil” Salesmen – Cure All Premature Failures

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Failing to Learn

... or learning from failure

Over-applied band-aid crack sealant leads to moratorium in New York

Cracked windshield claims lead to bans (many agencies) Claims in Michigan lead to restrictions on double chip

seals and microsurfacing

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Pothole Advantages?Pothole Advantages?

Slows down traffic!Slows down traffic!Slows down traffic!Slows down traffic!

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Benefits of Pavement Benefits of Pavement Preservation?Preservation?


Preventive Maintenance

Maintenance and Rehabilitation

Pavement Age, years











5 10 150

Minimum recommended condition

Pavement performance curve

Change due to a preventive maintenance treatment

Extended pavement life due to preventive maintenance


Preventive Maintenance

Maintenance and Rehabilitation

Pavement Age, years











5 10 150

Minimum recommended condition

Pavement performance curve

Change due to a preventive maintenance treatment

Extended pavement life due to preventive maintenance


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Time or Traffic



t C



Pavement PreservationPavement Preservation



Importance of Treatment Timing

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Preserving the Investment Keep water out! Keep water out! Keep water out! Reduce debris infiltration into joints or cracks Slow aging effects of bituminous pavements Minimize dynamic loads

The rougher the pavement surface, the higher the impact of dynamic vehicle loadings

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Maintain good rideability Maintain good surface friction Minimize potentially dangerous surface


Maintaining High Level of Service

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Impact on Distress Prevent or slow some distresses from occurring Correct minor surface deterioration

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HMA Problems Reduced/Slowed with Pavement Preservation Oxidation/raveling Block cracking Edge cracking Crack deterioration Roughness Potholes

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Minor rutting Raveling Bleeding/flushing Surface friction loss Roughness

HMA Problems Corrected with Pavement Preservation

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PCC Problems Reduced/Slowed with Pavement Preservation Loss of fines (pumping) Corner breaks Joint faulting Joint spalling Crack deterioration Roughness Blow-ups

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Evaluating Pavements for Pavement Preservation Condition Friction Roughness Ability to carry loads

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Good Candidate Pavements for Pavement Preservation No structural failures Minimal distress (extent and severity) Relatively young in age Minor functional problems Few historical problems with similar projects

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When is it too late for Pavement Preservation?

HMA Problems PCC Problems Potholes Severely deteriorated

cracks Delamination Unstable rutting

Blow-ups Corner breaks Severely deteriorated


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Pavement Preservation Treatments

Crack Sealing Surface Treatments/Seals Chip Seals Micro Surfacing Thin Overlays Cold/Hot In-place Recycling

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Pavement Preservation

If Right preservation treatments are applied at the Right time on

the Right road,

the pavement will have a longer service life, at less cost.

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Pavement Preservation