integration of pbl methodologies into online learning courses and programs presented by: dr. roland...

Integration of PBL Methodologies into Online Learning Courses and Programs Presented by: Dr. Roland vanOostveen; Dr. Elizabeth Childs, Kathleen Flynn & Jessica Clarkson IADIS 2014

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Integration of PBL Methodologies into Online Learning Courses and Programs

Presented by: Dr. Roland vanOostveen; Dr. Elizabeth Childs, Kathleen Flynn & Jessica Clarkson

IADIS 2014

AEDT Online Pedagogical Model(Modified from Garrison, Anderson & Archer, 2000)

Problem Orientation / Learner Control

Problem orientation with respect to learning control (Modified from Lock, 1990).

TCU Framework

SAMR Model

We've grown used to showing up to tutorials and being poked with questions and then we poke back with questions and then poke each other with questions right and I think a lot of us really appreciate that environment, it allows us to think all over the place - to think in the areas that we already have pieced together and when someone mentions something that we haven't quiet pieced together...

so if you are going to do PBL, you have got to just roll up your selves and do it. You can’t just be a fly on the wall and pretend that this is all just going to assimilate into your body and you’ll be stronger, wiser, more crafty, so I think you just have to get in there and do it.

If it is going to be truly community space, then it needsto be shared.

...that its a learning community, everybody is an equal role, that you're modeling with your TAs the same thing that you are modeling with your students, the same things that you are modeling... that its a whole community of constructive feedback and everybody is a learner in this communityin some way

I think the wiki is perfect because Ithink each of us could contribute a little, I think grads could contribute a little...

WebKF [Knowledge Forum] ... really did help to extend and jump back and forth and build and build and build and you could see those trailing thoughts and I found that Blackboard is a really cold environment - that's how I would describe it and it cut those conversations off...

facilitate that kind of a sharing of experience ...that could be done with informal meetings that they could set up ...make some little video or something that then can be shown to the next group and then build and build and build on that so we have a library of experience.

some professors are still struggling with the idea of handingover control

...the interaction thatgoes on in tutorial...the flexibility has been great, absolute pleasure to do those assignments... people areproducing really quality work, lot of thought provoking things.