inhibition of acetylcholinesterase by linalool

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    G.S. Gill research Institute, Guru Nanak College, Chennai - 600 042, Tamil Nadu, India.

    email: [email protected]


    Monoterpenoids from plants have been shown to be an alternative to synthetic insecticides against

    various insects. Inhibition of Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity has been opined as a possible

    mode of action of monoterpenoids recently. However, it is necessary to gain knowledge of the mode

    of binding of the monoterpenoids in the target region so as to facilitate an understanding of theevolution of novel molecules for pest management. In the present study, the interaction of

    monoterpene linalool with the AChE ofAedes aegypti (L.), Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) and

    Spodoptera litura (F.) belonging to three taxonomic orders, Diptera, Coleoptera and Lepidoptera

    respectively were studied using bioinformatics tools. The three-dimensional structure of the AChE

    (targets) from the insects was modelled using the MODELLER9v8 software. The molecular

    interaction of the linalool (ligand) with the modelled targets were analysed using the docking

    concepts by iGEMDOCKv2.1 software. The interactions represent the conserved interacting

    residues that often form binding pockets with specific physico-chemical properties to play the

    essential functions of the target. Application of Tices Rule to evaluate the insecticidal property of

    linalool, revealed that, there was no violation of the rule and linalool could be a potent insecticide.

    The interaction of linalool with the targets was stable and the formation of intermolecular complex

    could disturb the AChE.As per the calculated fitness energy scores, the interaction of linalool with

    the AChE of these insects was in the following order:A.aegypti >L.decemlineata>S.litura. The

    results presented here indicate linalool to be a potent insecticide and details of the molecular

    interaction indicate that their effect varied with the species of target insects.

    Key words:Monoterpenoids, linalool, AChE,Aedes aegypti, Leptinotarsa decemlineata, Spodoptera

    litura, molecular modelling, docking.

    The evolution of insecticide resistance in insects

    tends to be rapid because selection is strong,

    populations are large, and generation times are short.

    Serious problem of genetic resistance in insect

    species, widespread environmental hazards,vertebrate toxicity and increasing cost of currently

    using synthetic pesticides have directed to the

    designing of effective biodegradable pesticides from

    plants (Glenn et al.,1994; Ewete et al.,1996;

    Guedes et al.,1997). Over 2000 species of plants

    are known to possess some insecticidal activity, by

    containing either antifeedant, repellent or insecticidal

    compounds (Bouda et al.,2001; Klocke, 1989).

    A chemical class conspicuous among plant

    secondary compounds and containing chemicals

    acting against insects are the terpenoids (Mabry and

    Gill, 1979). The cyclic monoterpene, pulegone,

    an irritant commonly found in mint oils, deters

    feeding by the slug,Ariolimax dolichophallus

    (Mead) and by the fall armyworm, Spodoptera

    frugiperda(J.E. Smith) and repels the German

    cockroach, Blattella germanica (L.) (Gunderson

    et al., 1985).

    Acetylcholinesterase (AChE; EC is a

    key enzyme of the cholinergic system because it

    regulates the level of acetylcholine and terminates

    nerve impulses by catalyzing the hydrolysis of

    acetylcholine. Its inhibition causes death, so

    irreversible inhibitors have been developed as

    insecticides such as organophosphates and

    carbamates (Aldridge, 1950). The first case of AChE

    with a reduced sensitivity to pesticides was explained

    by Smissaert (1964). There are huge number ofstudies that are related to the AChE inhibitory

    activity of monoterpenes, p-menthane skeleton in

    * Corresponding author

    Insect Pest Management, A Current Scenario, 2011 (ed. ), Dunston P. Ambrose,Entomology Research Unit , St. Xavier s College, Palayamkottai, India, pp.340-345.




    MenthasppL. (Miyazawa et al.,1997) and oils ofMelissa officinalisL. andRosmarinus officinalis

    L. (Perry et al.,2000; Perry et al.,1996). Linalool,

    a monoterpene compound reported to be one of

    the major volatile components of the essential oils

    of several aromatic species. A number of linalool

    producing species are used in traditional medicine

    systems to relieve symptoms and cure a variety of

    ailments, both acute and chronic (Peana and Moretti,

    2002). The linalool has various remarkable toxicity

    properties against insects (Lopez, 2010).

    In the present study, we analysed the binding

    interaction of linalool with the AchE of three pests

    belonging to different orders viz., Spodoptera litura

    (Fab.) (Lepidoptera),Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera)

    and Lept ino tarsa deceml ineata (Say)

    (Coleoptera). The main aim of the present study is

    in exploring the binding affinity and binding site

    variations of linalool in the AchE of insect pests using

    insilico approaches. Applying rational methods in

    designing insecticides will be useful to overcomeproblems in conventional methods.


    Target sequence collection

    The acetycholinesterase protein sequences ofL.

    decemlineata (AAB00466.1), A. aegypti

    (ABN09910.1) and S. litura(ACR47975.1) were

    collected from the NCBI database.

    Ligand search

    The structure of Linalool (3,7-dimethylocta-1,6-

    dien-3-ol; C10


    O) was downloaded from the

    PUBCHEM database using the search option. The

    insecticidal property of the ligand molecule was

    evaluated using the physico-chemicals properties of

    the compounds using Tice rules (Tice, 2001).

    Template selection and Molecular modelling

    BLASTP program was used to select the correcttemplate for modelling the target structures.

    Molecular modelling was done using the

    MODELLER9v8 software. MODELLERimplements comparative protein structure modeling

    by satisfaction of spatial restraints (Sali et al.,1993;

    Fiser et al.,2000). The python script model- was used to generate five models using

    the template. The stereo quality of the generated

    models was checked using the ProSA and

    Ramachandran plot using the tool RAMPAGE

    (Lovell et al.,2002). The modelled structures were

    visualized using RASMOL (molecular graphics

    visualisation Program).


    The molecular interaction and the post dock

    analysis were done using the default parameters in

    iGEMDOCKv2.1 software (A Graphical

    Environment for Recognizing Pharmacological

    Interactions and Virtual Screening). GEMDOCK

    uses an empirical scoring function and an

    evolutionary approach. The GEMDOCK energy

    function consists of electrostatic, steric, and

    hydrogen-bonding potentials (Yanget al.,2004).


    The exact template for modelling the target

    structure was short listed from BLASTP results using

    the E-Value and the sequence identity between the

    target and template (Table 1). There are five models

    generated from the MODELLER software. Among

    the five models, the top model was traced based on

    the DOPE (Discrete Optimized Protein Energy)

    score and GA341 score. GA341 score was used

    to assess the overall fold quality of the modelled

    structure. The models which have less DOPE score

    was considered as the top model (Table 2, Figure

    1). The ProSA results showed that the modelled

    structure relies on the energy values of the template

    (Figure 2). The Ramachandran plot showed that the

    most of the residues present in the modelled

    structures fall under the favoured region of the plot

    (Table 3, Figure 3).

    The structural properties of the linalool strictly

    followed the Tice rules (Table 4). Thus, the linalool

    could be a potent insecticide. The iGEMDOCK




    results showed that the linalool have best interaction

    with the AChE of the selected targets. Among the

    three targets, the fitness energy value showed that

    the intermolecular complex of acetylcholinesterase

    ofA. aegypti with linalool had best interaction

    compared to S. litura andL. decemlineata(Table

    5). Since molecules in nature have a tendency to be

    found in their low energy form, the final configuration

    of intermolecular complex should also be of low

    energy (Pyne and Gayathri, 2005). The interaction

    between the target and the ligand is due to van der

    waals and Hydrogen bond interaction. Inhibition of

    AChE activity by monoterpenoids were examined

    against various pests (Lopez et al.,2009; Jukic et

    al.,2007). Majority of the monoterpenoids such as

    fenchone, S-carvone and linalool tested showed high

    inhibition of the enzyme AChE (Lopezet al.,2009).

    The post dock analysis explored the amino acids

    involved in the intermolecular complex formation. A

    common structural feature of terpenoids is theirhydrocarbon skeleton, which in turn confers upon

    them a common property of hydrophobicity. Many

    hydrophobic compounds are associated with

    protein deactivation and enzyme inhibition, and

    one enzyme particularly susceptible to hydrophobic

    interactions is AChE (Hansch and Deutsch, 1966).

    The docking results showed that linalool binds to

    the target site at the hydrophobic region which

    consist of hydrophobic amino acids, PHE, ILE,

    TRP, LEU, GLY, SER, TYR. The results

    showed that in all the targets (AChE of S. litura,A.

    aegypti and L. decemlineata) GLY was the

    common amino acid involved in the interaction.

    Other than GLY, there were few more amino acids

    such as GLU, ILE, TRP found commonly in the

    interaction profile of A. aegypti and L.

    decemlineata (Table 5, Figure 4).The binding

    pocket comparison showed that the linalool binding

    to the AChE inA. aegypti andL. decemlineata

    were similar with overlapping amino acids in

    comparison to S. litura. Further in-vivostudies on

    the action of linalool against the AChE ofA. aegypti,

    L. decemlineata and S. litura could offer clearer

    understanding of the insecticidal activity of linalool.


    The above findings based on bioinformatic tools

    prove that linalool has effective insecticidal property

    againstA. aegyptii,L. decemlineataand S. litura.

    It inhibits acetylcholineesterase and the interaction

    of ligand with the receptor.

    Table 1. Templates used for the modelling of target structures.



    Aedes aegypti

    Spodoptera litura




    Id ofthe template

    Sequence identity between

    target and template


    Chain A, Native


    from Drosophila


    1QO9 0.0 59%

    Chain A, Fasciculin




    1KU6 5e-151 49%

    Chain X, ACheE incomplex with a Bis-



    2W6C 46%3e-107




    Table 2. DOPE and GA341 scores of the top models obtained from MODELLER.

    Target: Acetylcholinesterase Dope score GA341 score

    Leptinotarsa decemlineata -70433.67969 1.00000

    Aedes aegypti -68614.414063 1.00000

    Spodoptera litura -48003.48047 1.00000

    Table 3. Stereo quality of the top models using Ramachandran plot.

    Target: Acetylcholinesterase Residues in favoured Residues in Residues in

    region (%) allowed region (%) outlier region (%)

    Spodoptera litura 94.6 5.1 0.3

    Leptinotarsa decemlineata 92.2 5.6 2.2

    Aedes aegypti 93.1 4.7 2.1

    Table 4: Molecular property analysis of linalool.

    Parameters Tice rule Linalool

    Molecular Weight




    (A) (B) (C)

    Figure 1. Three-dimensional structure of acetylcholinesterase modelled using MODELLER: A) Spodoptera

    lituraB)Aedes aegypti and C)Leptinotarsa decemlineata.

    (A) (B) (C)

    Figure 2. Energy plot of acetylcholinesterase generated by the tool ProSA. Light and dark lines indicate the

    templates and targets: A) Spodoptera lituraB)Aedes aegypti and C)Leptinotarsa decemlineata.

    (A) (B) (C)

    Figure 3. Ramachandran plot of acetylcholinesterase: A) Spodoptera lituraB)Aedes aegypti and C)

    Leptinotarsa decemlineata.

    (A) (B) (C)

    Figure 4. Interaction of linalool with the AChE of A) Spodoptera lituraB) Aedes aegypti and C) Leptinotarsa





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