in this issue - · bilderberger meeting –18 more on financial meltdown –19...

2011-10 Issue No. 665 $3.00 In This Issue Reproduction and sharing is permitted but no alterations except with permission from CAC East Coast Earthquake and Hurricane Irene -- 2 Coming Financial Upheaval and Changes –4 Trust and Believe All Will Be Well –6 Human Animal Hybrids –7 Danger of Antidepressants –8 Chinese Eye Medicine –9 Clean Your Intestinal Tract! -9 Egg Whites to Heal Burns? -10 Cancer in Body Scanner Operators –11 Chemtrails in Calgary –12 More on Nuclear Meltdown –13 Who is Rupert Murdoch? -15 Riding to Hell in a Handcart –16 The Law of Love –17 Bilderberger Meeting –18 More on Financial Meltdown –19 Obama to Blame for Deficit? -21 Manifesting and Fear –22 Lifting the Veil –23 Puzzling Over Multiple Realities - 25 Receiving Prayers –26 Stay in the Eye of the Hurricane –27

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Issue No. 665


In This Issue

Reproduction and sharing is permitted but no alterations except with permission from CAC

East Coast Earthquake

and Hurricane Irene -- 2

Coming Financial Upheaval and Changes –4

Trust and Believe All Will Be Well –6

Human Animal Hybrids –7

Danger of Antidepressants –8

Chinese Eye Medicine –9

Clean Your Intestinal Tract! -9

Egg Whites to Heal Burns? -10

Cancer in Body Scanner Operators –11

Chemtrails in Calgary –12

More on Nuclear Meltdown –13

Who is Rupert Murdoch? -15

Riding to Hell in a Handcart –16

The Law of Love –17

Bilderberger Meeting –18

More on Financial Meltdown –19

Obama to Blame for Deficit? -21

Manifesting and Fear –22

Lifting the Veil –23

Puzzling Over Multiple Realities - 25

Receiving Prayers –26

Stay in the Eye of the Hurricane –27


CAC Hotline Message, August 24, 2011, Will Berlinghof Interpreter, Joan Mills, questioner and energizer.


Chinese Warn United States Elite to Get Their Act Together and Pay Their Debts

QUESTIONER: This is a question from Lloyd. He writes, "A 5.8 earthquake occurred in Virginia on August 23, 2011. Question: was this quake strictly Mother Earth releasing tension or were there other factors at work here?" Your comments please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness immediately says this was not a natural event, a natural release by Mother Earth. It was rather the use of HAARP technology to attack the United States of America. It is seen that this was HAARP technology in the hands of the Chinese and it was a response to American politicians to warn them and to indicate to them that China is not pleased with the antics of the American political leaders, especially concerning the paying of their debts. This warning shot across the bow, if you will, and was delivered by the Chinese HAARP technology in conjunction with working the energies on the New Madrid fault line.

While the New Madrid fault lines were not triggered, what is seen by this Awareness is that they were first targeted. This created a tension along and throughout the template of the landmass extending eastward from the New Madrid fault line. It was made taut as a drum skin is tightened and then a shot to the center of this template was delivered, and just like a drum skin hit with the drumstick, it then created a vibration that traveled all along the template to Washington DC where the politicians and the powerbrokers are hard at work to achieve their nefarious plans.

Of course other areas along that whole taut template also experienced the vibrational shaking of the tectonic template that was hit by the HAARP blast. It is also seen that the HAARP blast at the New Madrid fault line was lower in its intensity than what hit in the middle near Richmond, Virginia in the state of Virginia, and thus is the reason why this vibration occurred in an area that would not traditionally be prone to earthquake activity. In other words, in that stable bedrock of the plateau of the landmass beyond the fault line itself is a degree of relative stability that does not often see such results, such earthquake results. It could have been greater but it was not the intent of the Chinese to cause great damage.

It was, as this Awareness says, a warning shot across the bow to tell the politicians and the powerbrokers in Washington DC to get their act together, to remember that the Chinese now have this technology as well, and that they have researched and figured out ways to reach their enemy even in their alleged places of safety, such as Washington DC, and that they are not as safe as they think they are. Largely speaking, the threat was noted in Washington but it is not seen that they will take this threat seriously, for it is still believed by those powerbrokers, those politicians in the pocket of the Elite cabal of power, that they can do what they wish.

They are not concerned with the death of thousands of others should the Chinese escalate their efforts and create an even stronger event, for they simply think that they can move away from the danger, that they will receive sufficient warning when it is time, and that they can avoid the repercussion of their actions on behalf of the Elite cabal. This is seen as what is behind the Chinese action of reciprocity… the word that this awareness… this Awareness is not clear here but It is trying to say that the actions of the politicians and the powerbrokers initiated a response by the Chinese, a warning and this is what this event was about.

QUESTIONER: I see. Was the new Madrid fault line compromised? Bottom line, was that compromised in any way by this action?


COSMIC AWARENESS: Any time that a fault line is interfered with or acted upon it creates a new level of tension in that fault line. Therefore, it is right to say that to a degree it was compromised, and it was made more susceptible to deeper actions of Mother Earth as she moves around, as she shakes, rattles and rolls. Fortunately, this Awareness can say that while there is a compromising effect through those actions of the Chinese as they shot the HAARP beam into the New Madrid fault line, it was not strong enough that it will cause an imminent release of the fault line. But if more actions of this nature are directed towards the New Madrid fault line, it could indeed trigger a much deeper much more powerful earthquake event.

QUESTIONER: I see. Going back to the politicians in Washington, are they aware that they have been given a warning to smarten up?

COSMIC AWARENESS: Indeed, at least those in the inner sanctum are aware. Those who are junior members of Congress or the Senate are often kept in the dark of such matters. They are there because they are being benefited by their presence in Washington, benefited in the sense that many of the politicians are not there to serve the people and they benefit from serving these powerbrokers, these political masters, the Elite Cabal. Many may not exactly know who these individuals are but they have a good idea, and therefore even if they are not 100% aware what this was about they do know this was a message of some sort and even the most junior and the most naï ve will be clued in soon as to what happened and why.

Hurricane Irene Also Part of the Secret HAARP Weather War

QUESTIONER: I see. Just one more question: Hurricane Irene is quite active right now on the East Coast. Is this involved with all of this, this previous earthquake?

COSMIC AWARENESS: It is seen that this is being manipulated as well through HAARP technology, through the heating up of the Gulf of Mexico and the Eastern seaboard, and the actual energies of HAARP being used to create stronger events that can be directed at specific regions and even specific targets. It is seen that there will be a targeting of certain cities along the eastern seaboard, especially along the Florida-Louisiana coastline, even towards Texas again, for the purpose of showing the might of those who control this HAARP technology. It is also seen that there are to be major storm events all along the eastern seaboard. This has already begun, and there have already been mass storms along the eastern seaboard, even into the states beyond the seaboard: Pennsylvania and Ohio as well as other states, such as Virginia and Carolina.

Expect more of this, and expect a strong hurricane season this year as it is gearing up, as the Powers That Be are becoming more open in their opposition to their enemies. It must be remembered this too is part of the unfolding events, and rather than energizing this too much, to be aware of these events. Even if one is in the regions where such events are unfolding, stay strong and positive, and do not go into the angst or fear of the matter. See yourself, your family, your home, and even your local region safe under a dome of light, a bubble of spiritual energy, and see it as a safe and centered place where all will be well. This will do much to prevent these unleashings of nature against the populace from causing personal harm or having personal ramifications.

QUESTIONER: I see. Sort of like visualizing a white light bubble surrounding everything? Is that what you're referring to?


COSMIC AWARENESS: Indeed this is so. To start the visualization with oneself first, to see the bubble forming around them, then to see beloved family members, pets, and others who are close to the entity being included in this bubble, expanding the bubble then to one's house and lands, and one's specific region. It is to be remembered that this is more effective in some ways than to simply be afraid of what is happening, and to be fearful that you are going to be hit by such events. Also, this Awareness must say that such a bubble of protection is the strongest in a small concentrated bubble than trying to protect the whole city, the whole state, or the whole country.

For these events will be unleashed at this time, it is part of the unfolding that is occurring. Stay centralized to oneself and one's immediate family and location. This would be the strongest level of protection that one can achieve. But if one feels they need to extend, then to send out energies through the High Self to the Divine Spirit and ask for the Divine Spirit's cooperation and assistance at this time, allowing of course the Divine destiny of each and every individual who is in the regions being affected to occur. It is all part of a bigger plan. Is this clear?

QUESTIONER: Yes it is and I thank you, I appreciate the information. (The Law of Gratitude is given)

CAC General Reading, August 5, 2011, Will Berlinghof Interpreter, Joan Mills Questioner & Energizer, Lloyd

Arrd, Energizer.


QUESTIONER: Does Awareness have an opening message or any topic It wishes to discuss please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness indeed has an opening message at this time. Recent events in the stock market have shown the instability of the financial markets as they respond to the emotional energies that are now surfacing, emotional energies that have much to do with the situation on planet Earth, and the situation in the United States of America and the actions of your government of late. Many are starting to understand the depth of the problems that are in existence at this time, not only in the United States, but also throughout the world.

The European Union is also facing major financial issues and as such all of these factors are coming together to create the drop in the market of late. But it is not the drop in the economic situation of the planet that this Awareness wishes to truly talk about; It is simply using this as a reference point for that which It truly wishes to speak about. The situation has caused much panic, much fear, and many are scrambling at this time. This Awareness wishes to emphasize yet again how the situation of the world and the situations that individuals find themselves in their own personal levels are such that it is easy to panic.

It is easy to believe the negative messages and events that are taking place. For example, with the drop in the market many may see this as a reason to unload all of their stocks and bonds and other financial investments, but it is simply a moment of readjustment at this time. However, if one gives into the deeper fear then one will act in a panicked way. What is becoming more and more obvious and will continue to become even more obvious in the months ahead is that the world truly is in a very tenuous place and much is ready to crash down and burn.

These will be the most challenging of times, for many of the assumptions that people have based their lives upon will be challenged at this time, not only in financial situations but in all matters that have put the power of the individual outside of themselves. At this time many may find themselves, for example, being personally challenged with health issues and they may even be quite extreme in nature.


Understand the Power of Fear, Stress and Anxiety

While this Awareness could never say, "Do not seek medical attention!" It can say, " Always understand that there is a very strong emotional component underlying all health issues and if one is diagnosed with a disease or illness that is indeed serious, do not simply go into absolute panic, do not simply believe the worst case scenario but hold what it is important at this time to understand that when one puts the power of their own personal beliefs in a negative result forward it is more than likely that this is what they will experience."

One must be as positive as possible even in these difficult times, even when one is personally challenged with health issues, financial issues, work issues, and personal issues. One needs now more than ever to understand the power and potency there is in fear, in doubt, in stress, and in anxiety. When one gives in to such levels of fear, stress and anxiety and doubt, one will drastically affect their lives in the most negative of ways.

The Divine Plan is Unfolding

As these times bring about tremendous upheaval and change, the propensity for most will be to cling even tighter to old thoughts, beliefs and patterns, and yet now is the time to do exactly opposite: to trust that there is purpose, there is reason, and there is understanding behind the events that are happening. Powers greater than the physical authorities of the planet are involved and nothing happens without reason.

It is not a series of random events that have no meaning or purpose that is happening now, but rather events that are unfolding either by Divine plan or through the manipulations of those in power. Ironically, what those in power do not truly or fully understand is even their actions are part of the Divine plan which is very much about the ending of the experiment that has been current for the last 10,000 years in this 3rd dimensional reality and the shifting of consciousness so that new experiments can happen.

This means that as the old ends there will be instability and there will be upheaval. This is always so, when that which was current comes to completion, and goes through that which is known as the death cycle and then is reborn, that which will replace this current planet and how it is, is a planet of two distinct natures. What this Awareness has called Planet A will be of a nature where higher spiritual awareness and understanding, greater cooperation with that which is the consciousness of Mother Earth, as well as a greater harmony in humanity. It will still have many challenges but it will at least be moving towards a cooperative solution on all levels. There will be many versions of Planet A, but all will have that common denominator of cooperation, trust, belief, faith and harmony. No matter what version one follows, it will still lead to spiritual evolution and the expansion in consciousness.

Planet B will have those scenarios that continue to focus the individuals into the most physical of realms, where physicality takes an even greater precedence than it does at this time. Basically, that which is known as Planet A/B is in existence at this moment, a planet that has aspects of both A and B. It has the high spiritual understanding of some but is mostly controlled by those who are in power who have a darker agenda. On Planet B these beings and this theme will take precedence and all reference to any spiritual connection will be dismissed and it will simply be a physical existence that is experienced by those who choose that path. Many, of course, will choose in these times of upheaval to end their existence and to return back into Spirit so that they can make new choices once again, and they can either choose to have an experience of the enlightened path that Planet A will travel or that path that will lead into deeper physicality and struggle.

This has been spoken of previously by this Awareness. It is simply seeking to emphasize yet again how important it is at this time where the events are starting to shake loose, when the events that are to


unfold in the next few months occur, that one still remembers that the choice will be up to each and every individual. The events that are ready to occur mark the beginning of the end and they will be significant enough to cause many to question old beliefs, understandings and assumptions. They will be strong enough to make them question their governments and authorities, their religions and religious leaders, their schooling and the teachings they received through their educational systems.

The Choice is Still Yours To Make!

All will be up for question as many seek to understand the true purpose of their journey. Many may not accept the spiritual path, for they will find it too difficult to let go of the old ways, the old expectations and beliefs which they have invested so much energy in, so much time and so much money in. They simply will not believe what is being presented to them as an alternative path. It becomes then a choice of whether one is open to what is being presented or whether one will choose to continue to believe that which the Powers That Be have been presenting for so long.

Be not surprised that many you might expect to join you on that expansion of consciousness and the elevation of awareness, choose rather to cling desperately to their old ways, their old beliefs. This period of time from the end of October in particular to that time of December 21, 2012 will be the most crucial time of all for many. Indeed, this Awareness would say all humans must make a choice as to whether they choose the spiritual path and the path towards enlightenment, or they choose to burrow deeper into the physical realm, the physical consciousness, not willing to let go of old beliefs and assumptions.

Fear and Anxiety Are Natural in such a Case

The readers must understand that what is the most crucial of all, as you question the events that are unfolding around you, is that you question yourselves when you start to go into panic, into fear, into that reactionary state that comes often when that which is known suddenly is altered, suddenly is changed almost in the blink of an eye. Be aware when this occurs and that the fears you might experience are the results of what has been known for so long being released, and it is natural to go into some fear and anxiety; this is not the problem.

The problem is if you choose to stay in that place of fear, stress and anxiety; if you choose to cling to the old ways that are so entrenched in many. For example, if one is told that they have a terminal illness - will one simply believe the authorities that have pronounced this? Will one continue to accept only the treatment of the of the allopathic medical system and the beliefs that surround it, or will one be able to expand and understand that even in those places of health challenge, for example, there are old set beliefs and patterns, old anxieties and fears that must be looked at and challenged?

It is to be remembered that death itself is but a transition; it is not a sentencing to something harsh and extreme. This is only one example, and there will be many other examples. Nor will all suddenly be declared to have a terminal illness. Therefore, this Awareness does not wish the members to simply focus on this, for it is only one example. But equally, if an example presents itself, such as a loss of one's job and the securities one has lived for and saved for all of their lives - do you have the ability to say, "I cannot afford to go into doubt, into fear, into anxiety and stress. I choose to understand and believe that this too is with purpose, this too is by the Divine Intent and that my beliefs around this must change to accept that I and my loved ones will be guided to that which is the correct situation, even if at first I must go through upheaval and change? “

Trust and Believe All Will Be Well


It is this attitude that will guide you through times of change, times of stress, and times of upheaval; and as things collapse around you, as presented most recently in the latest stock market decline, that you simply grab hold, lock your feet down into a secure position and trust and believe that it will all work out, for indeed it will. This is that which this Awareness promises. It is more up to each and every individual now to find their way through those unfolding upheavals that are about, and have already begun to present themselves. Remember always, this is a time of great promise, great joy, and great potential. It simply relies on each and every individual choosing to have this as their experience, rather than focusing on all the negative energies that will be out there, and that will be unfolding. It will be too easy to focus on the negative if everyone around you is losing their heads to their fear and panic, and it is for this reason that this Awareness felt the need at this time to talk further on this matter. Trust and believe and all will be well.

QUESTIONER: A side question please, as you are talking of 10,000-year periods. Is this applicable for both Planet A and Planet B, that such would be the case? In other words, each would have their own 10,000-year experience or of the experiment?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness was talking of the common history that the Planet A/B has had, modern history covering approximately a 10,000-year period. It is not in reference to 10,000 years ahead for each planet. That is another matter altogether. This common heritage or history has been one where those powers that are now in control, the Orion/Reptilians, have had much influence and effect and it is this period of time that this Awareness was referring to.

This completes the opening message at this time.


Medical Science Violating the Laws of Nature

QUESTIONER: Carrying on with the questions, the first one is from Larry Kell. He writes concerning the mad UK scientists creating human animal hybrids: cybrids and chimeras. The commentary is, "In the latest example of so-called medical 'science' violating the laws of nature, UK scientists secretly created 150 human animal hybrid embryos known as cybrids and chimeras. They included animal eggs fertilized with human sperm. Whistleblowers raised the alarm and warned that this line of research could lead to a runaway Planet of the Apes scenario. Are there any ramifications likely of this particular action? Your comments please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This is an action that in some ways is more prevalent than realized. It is to be remembered that there is much secret research being done, secret experimentation. The whistle blowing on this one project of the UK scientists is not the only project in the world where such genetic manipulation and such a hybrid experiment is underway. The United States of America also has such experiments underway and has had so for many decades already. China has such experiments underway and there are other countries in the world as well that are experimenting. The Europeans are seen to also be involved. Those scientific experiments in the UK are part of a European experiment program.

The importance here is to recognize that the technologies and the scientific results that are achieved from such experimentation, when and if announced to the public, are usually at least one decade behind the efforts of the secret governments. For example, when the clone of the sheep Dolly was revealed, human cloning had already been taking place for more than 20 years and the advancements that have


actually happened are far in excess to what is announced. This is so even with this European/UK experiment in hybrid breeding of human and animal embryos and sperm. This Awareness simply says it is one of many scenarios that will be part of Planet B.

This Awareness does not necessarily recommend much concentration on this matter, more recognition that this is not simply an experiment by a handful of eccentric mad scientists, but a concerted effort by those in power to create creatures that will be suitable in the times to come, to serve the master race, the Elite who will see themselves as needing such servants. In a way, it is to try to duplicate the plan of thousands and thousands of years ago when genetic manipulation and engineering produced modern Homo Sapiens who were originally created to do heavy work for the then leading race of the times.

Over a period of time the experiment went wrong for the Masters and the subjects became more and more self-aware and societies formed that involved democratic principles and higher Divine Spiritual Principles, until it has finally reached a stage where those who once knew the exclusivity of their servant race no longer have this same exclusivity, even though they still are very much in charge.

This can be seen in the recent machinations of the American government where the concerns and interests of the rich were protected before and beyond the concerns of ordinary citizens. This exclusivity is that which has always been protected by those in the power Elite, and it is seen by those Elite that the times coming will destroy many of the experiments from thousands of years ago, what is now humanity, and it is therefore felt there is a need to create a new slave race and one of the ways that was chosen was this hybrid breeding program and genetic engineering as well.

While this is the scenario that Larry Kell is asking about, it is, as this Awareness said, simply one of many scenarios and while one can have awareness of this, one does not need to focus on this, one simply needs to see it as part of the machinations that have long been underway and held largely in secret from the masses.

QUESTIONER: This is similar to the Atlantean episode some 10,000 years ago, is that correct?

COSMIC AWARENESS: Previous to 10,000 years ago, prior to the ending of Atlantis, such experimentation was taking place, for at that time too the civilization that was the Atlantean civilization had also been infiltrated by the Orions and reptilians and certain powers were taken over where they lead the civilization to their destruction, this is so.


The Fear Factor in the Medical Industry

QUESTIONER: We carry on now with antidepressants discussed in the last session and there's something else here: "Antidepressants increase the risk of breast cancer. Women who take an SSRI- Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor-antidepressants have a higher risk of developing breast cancer, according to a meta-analysis of 61 separate studies." Is this true please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: It is true that many of the prescribed drugs and allopathic medicines and medications that are given have serious side effects. The Powers That Be that also control the medical industry favor this, for it allows them to produce more and more medicine to treat the effects of the original medicines or drugs used. And of course as a supplier of such drugs this is a favorable situation for it keeps you in business, keeps you flush and in the black.

Therefore this is simply one example of how prescribed drugs, be it Prozac or any other prescription drug have side effects that are very detrimental to individuals. This has much to do with the synthetic quality of drugs and how the resonance that is created in the human body does not agree with the


resonance of the synthetic drugs. In other words, the human body is such a finely tuned piece of biomechanical equipment that when drugs are used that disrupt that sensitivity, the resonance often disrupts parts of the body, organs of the body, and as a result side effects occur. This is but one example of many.

While this Awareness speaks of this as a serious matter, this Awareness cannot be seen to say that It is suggesting people throw their drugs away, for if their belief system is still very much oriented to allopathic medicine and to the authority of doctors and the medical system that exists now, then the drugs that are used, even if they do have serious side effects, are drugs that are believed in. And in that belief, if the belief is strong and pure, even synthetic drugs can have a positive effect.

Therefore, this Awareness is not saying to simply throw the drugs away but to consider the power of these drugs, the power of the belief in allopathic medicine and the approach taken, to perhaps start to open up to naturopathic methods and alternative approaches. One must come to their own realization of that which they are experiencing as they pursue medical pharmaceutical drugs and treatments and ultimately come to their own resolution. It is one of those very deep-set belief systems in the human mind that has been manufactured over the decades as allopathic medicine took over from more natural approaches to the treatment of human illness and disease.

QUESTIONER: That's true. That's where the fear factor also comes into it, isn't it?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness understands how fearful it is when one is diagnosed with an illness. One does not normally automatically throw away what the doctor is saying, but due to fear will more likely follow the lead of the doctor and the medical industry in how to treat this illness. This Awareness simply asks that when one has such an experience, if this is so for individuals, that they remember there is a deeper more Divine power behind all and that they go deep within themselves to understand the significance of the illness they have called into their lives and then make the choices that are right and appropriate to them, even if that choice is to use allopathic medicine. Is this clear?


QUESTIONER: Yes it is, thank you, and very helpful as well. There are 2 more true/false ones. The first one is Clear Vision: two principles for eye rejuvenation. Oriental medicine teaches us that the opening of the liver channel is in the corner of the eyes. The liver channel runs vertically from the bottom to the top of the body and opens in the eyes. Is this true or is this fabrication please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: Chinese medicine is based on that which this Awareness was calling natural medicine or traditional medicine. It did indeed study such things as the flow of energy through the body from organ to organ and throughout the system itself. They have charted these energy flows, these are that which are known as the meridian lines of the body's flow of energies and they indeed have established a connection of the liver with the eyes and the health of the eyes. Therefore this Awareness does say that this is correct and accurate.

Hippocrates Proclaimed All Disease Begins in the Gut

QUESTIONER: Thank you. One more true/false question. The gut strongly influences both physical and mental health. Over the past few years a few pioneers of Western medicine have connected most health problems to an unhealthy gastrointestinal tract. Hippocrates proclaimed all disease begins in the gut. Is this correct please?


COSMIC AWARENESS: The gut or the colon. The entity that previously channeled for this Awareness, Edgar Cayce, also maintained that all disease originated in the colon and it is true that the colon, the gut, has much to do with the toxicity of the body. When one has a slow and sluggish gut, when one has a slow and sluggish metabolism, and the movement of the body's elimination materials can be compromised, this creates a buildup of toxicity, not only in the gut but also throughout the system. Therefore, it is essential that the colon, the gut, be cleansed and kept clean.

The use of cleansing is a very important matter that would help many as they seek general health and well being, but in particular when they seek to cleanse the digestive tract, the colon, the gut. There are many types of cleanses, some extreme, some less extreme, but the importance is that each and every individual understands that as the colon slows down, as the digestion backs up, that this can have serious effects on the entire body over the years, and that each understands that there is a need to reassess the way one eats, what one eats, how one eats.

Each and every individual has a different metabo-lism, a different status when it comes to the colon. But a general understanding of the need to cleanse the body, to do cleansing, would indeed benefit one and all. For those who have extreme problems this Awareness has presented the Master Cleanser in the past as something that has great benefit.

The presentation of this cleansing technique is still that which this Awareness endorses, but there are other techniques as well. This Awareness would suggest that many who have severe problems, or slow digestion, see the individuals in their vicinity, such as naturopaths, such as homeopaths, who have a different understanding of the body than allopathic doctors and allopathic medicine holds, and that they perhaps seek such alternative health experts out to assist them in cleansing the digestive tract, the colon, the gut. Many will find that this is of great benefit and assistance to them, even if for short periods of time they must endure difficult times during a cleanse. But to understand that the ultimate result, the end result, will indeed make those difficult times one might go through, through cleansing, well worth it.


QUESTIONER: Indeed, thank you for the information. We have one from Vikki. It concerns egg whites for burns. "A young man sprinkling his lawn and bushes with pesticides wanted to check the contents of the barrel to see how much pesticide remained in it. He raised the cover and lit his lighter; the vapors inflamed and engulfed him. He jumped from his truck screaming. His neighbor came out of her house with a dozen eggs, yelling: bring me some eggs! She broke them, separating the whites from the yolks. A neighbor woman helped her to apply the whites on the young man's face. When the ambulance arrived and when the EMTs saw the young man, they asked who had done this. Everyone pointed to the lady in charge. They congratulated her and said: 'you have saved his face'. By the end of the summer the young man brought the lady a bouquet of roses to thank her. His face was like a baby's skin." And it carries on: "Healing Miracle for Burns: Keep in mind this treatment of burns method is included in teaching beginner firemen. First aid consists of spraying cold water on the affected area until the heat is reduced and stops burning the layers of skin. Then spread egg whites on the affected area. One woman burned a


large part of her hand with boiling water. In spite of the pain she ran cold faucet water on her hand, separated two egg whites from the yolks, beat them slightly and dipped her hand in the solution. The whites then dried and formed a protective layer. She later learned that the egg white is a natural collagen and continued during at least one hour to apply layer upon layer of beaten egg white. By afternoon she no longer felt any pain and the next day there was hardly a trace of the burn. Ten days later no trace was left at all and her skin had regained its normal color. The burned area was totally regenerated thanks to the collagen in the egg whites, a placenta full of vitamins. This information could be helpful to everyone." Do you have any additional comments on this please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: Largely this Awareness supports this article and the information provided. The egg white not only seals the burn from air but it has properties as stated, vitamins and other properties that are helpful in the skin being fed and restored, allowing healing. Therefore, this Awareness, as It has said, supports this article. It simply wishes to add there are certain other materials that will do something similar, the juice of aloe vera, for example, also seals the affected area and allows a certain degree of rejuvenation as well, although egg whites are seen in more drastic burns as a better solution.

Cancer in Body Scanner Operators:

TSA Launches Cover-Up

QUESTIONER: Thank you for the confirmation; it's very much appreciated. We have something - again a true/false one.

Cancer Surges in Body Scanner Operators, TSA Launches Cover-Up, and this again is Vikki's question. Freedom Of Information Act documents reveal how large numbers of workers have been falling victim to cancer strokes and heart disease. Is this correct please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This is correct.

The Safety of the New X-Ray Machines

QUESTIONER: Thank you. Fearful of provoking further public resistance to naked airport body scanners, the TSA has been caught covering up a surge in cases of TSA workers developing cancer as a result of their close proximity to radiation-firing devices, perhaps the most shocking revelation to emerge from the latest FOIA documents obtained by the Electronic Privacy Information Center. A question that comes to mind is: if this is happening at airports with the scanners, those who are involved with x-ray machines and the like, are they also so affected?

COSMIC AWARENESS: When the x-ray equipment was first developed there was indeed a high level of cancer as a result of repeated exposure to the technicians who operated the equipment. With time it was learned that they needed to shelter themselves with lead, and therefore the technicians are much safer now from the radiation effects that x-rays once provided and still to some degree provide. But the techniques and procedures of the x-rays that are used now are much different and the occasional x-ray is not seen by this Awareness as highly detrimental to an individual, and using the proper safety protocols by the technicians, ensures that they will also not be deeply affected. If and when they disregard such safety protocols then there is a danger to them to develop cancer due to the radiation involved.

The scanning devices at airports around the world, even the full body scanning, are not entirely dangerous to individuals upon occasional use but can indeed, as the article has stated, prove to be very


harmful to those technicians using these devices, for they have not yet understood the need to protect themselves from the radiation involved. They are in situations similar to the early times with x-rays when many fell ill due to the radiation of the x-rays. It should tell all that the technology involved, the radiation involved, can be detrimental to those who have multiple exposures over a period of time, and indeed sanity would dictate that such devices be scrapped.

Of course these devices have been implemented for reasons other than the personal security that is often proclaimed as being the reason for such devices and the introduction of these types of radiation into the bodies of those scanned, so that they may interact with other factors that are simultaneously occurring in the world, can produce reduced immunity in the body. Other factors such as the chemtrails and the elements and viruses that are contained within chemtrails, and elements such as nutrition and the decline in nutrition and the additives that are used in prepared foods, all of these are designed to combine in various ways, affecting the immune system of humanity, of the men and women and children of developed countries in particular.

Ironically enough, Third World countries where such high use of technology and food additives, etc. is not the case, have in some ways purer situations. The unfortunate truth, however, is that they also have much less food, often much less sanitary conditions, and therefore are at risk due to this. But in terms of the risk that the Western peoples experience on a daily basis, many in the Third World countries do not have to fear such devices and such outcomes.

QUESTIONER: So basically then, the people in the Western world, if they have to have x-rays, say for dental or annuals or any other reason, broken bones whatever, then this in a sense weakens their immune system?

COSMIC AWARENESS: Not by itself. As this Awareness has said, modern x-rays have reached a level of safety that is not… that does not make the situation a dangerous situation for an individual who needs an x-ray or a few x-rays. It is when the x-rays are more prevalent or the devices at the airports used often and individuals stand in the radiation of these devices, these body scanning devices, for example, that the radiation will build up and react with other factors that are also occurring.

It is not accidental that the weight of the peoples in Western countries has risen over the years because the body no longer is being given food that is nutritious. Their bodies' systems are breaking down, backing up the colon and digestion seriously compromised, fat being the result. Given the chemtrails and the use of chemicals that also become ingrained in the system, in the body, this can add to the problem, and when all these factors come together a general reduction in the health and vitality of the people occurs, especially in people who are not active, who do not use physical exercise or movement to any great degree. This Awareness is simply saying that all of these factors have been designed to interact with each other to create the bigger problem. One thing alone, such as an occasional x-ray or even a series of x-rays, is not in and of itself dangerous. Is this clear?

Chemtrails in Calgary

QUESTIONER: Yes it is and I thank you for that. You had mentioned chemtrails a couple of times. When talking with the Interpreter last night he mentioned that Calgary is still receiving chemtrails, although here in Washington State the sky is absolutely blue and there are no chemtrails whatsoever. Is there any particular reason for that?

COSMIC AWARENESS: The city of Calgary is a very important city, not due to its present economic situation but rather due to the fact that the third eye chakra exists within the boundaries of the city on that land mass known as Nose Hill. The third eye chakra is that which is scheduled to open soon in these


times to allow the intuitive psychic spiritual energies to flow more strongly in this area, and throughout the world as well, but that part of the targeting of Calgary has been to keep the general level of consciousness suppressed. It also has to do with the bringing forth of illness so that many who might be spiritually inclined are sidetracked due to illness and disease, rather than pursuing spiritual awareness or adding to the spiritual energies of the city.

Saying this, however, this Awareness must also say that this has not been entirely successful and that there are many spiritually aware individuals in this city who are ready to wake up beyond even those levels they are presently at and that the opening of the third eye chakra will not be impeded due to chemtrails. Is this clear?


More on Nuclear Meltdown

QUESTIONER: Yes it is and that's good to know. Thank you for the additional information. Carrying on, we have something from Chris Lock. He writes concerning the 10 Million Voices Anti-Nuclear Petition, the voices of 10 million anti-nuclear petition movement launched in Japan. A group of Japan's most prominent public intellectuals have launched a movement to amass 10 million signatures calling for an end to Japanese nuclear power, with momentum picking up. The question is, can there be a positive resolution of this matter? Your comment please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: Indeed this Awareness does see a positive resolution of the matter. It must be remembered and even known that there are solutions to the problems of radiation and that there are government offices and bureaus that hold these solutions that they are not releasing to the public. This is based mainly on extraterrestrial technology and science, but that it also is so that part of the greater plan is the eradication of billions of human lives, and that is one reason why radioactive power plants, nuclear power plants, are still popular throughout the world and supported by the governments of the world. They are there to not only provide energy but are also there to, unfortunately, exterminate millions, even billions, of individuals when the time is right.

The situation in Japan with the destruction of the Fukushima reactor and the pollution of the lands around the reactor, indeed the radioactive situation generally in Japan is that which of course has triggered this movement, the 10 million voices that are coming together to be heard. This Awareness sees this as that which can have a powerful social effect on the government of Japan, but It also sees this as a seed that is being planted to invoke a worldwide response. Indeed, that worldwide response has already begun.

The country of Germany recently announced that it will be reviewing with the intent of suspending nuclear power in the country of Germany. This country is taking a lead but it is seen others will begin to follow and that the 10 million voices is seminal to a worldwide conscious awareness of the danger of nuclear power and awakening from the lies and deceptions that have so long been fed to the masses as to the safety of nuclear power.

It is seen also by this Awareness that when the biggest shifts of all come and the planet has gone through that process of Ascension, that such situations as currently exist in the Japanese countryside around Fukushima will be healed, will be resolved, will be neutralized, and that the radioactivity will be neutralized. This is part of the time ahead where those problems that have been created by the Powers That Be with the intent and desire to kill off masses of people will be reversed and new solutions presented.

Free Energy in the Air Can be Tapped & Released


For example, there are alternative energy solutions that are ready now to come forward: cold fusion, for example, and Tesla technology that will tap the orgone energies that are available, and free energy. All of this will replace nuclear energy which in the future, and the not-too-distant future this Awareness would add, will be seen as prehistoric, barbaric ways that mankind played with at a very unenlightened time. The movement is seen to be a powerful voice, not only for the people of Japan but for the people of the planet as they wake up to what nuclear power truly was about.

QUESTIONER: Thank you. I have 2 questions, possibly 3. Will the nuclear power plants in both the US and Canada also be dismantled in the near future?

COSMIC AWARENESS: Not until after that process of Ascension and only on the Planet A theme.

QUESTIONER: Thank you. The other question was orgone energy. Are you referring to the mounds that you have discussed recently in other readings?

COSMIC AWARENESS: Orgone energy was produced on those mounds, through those mounds, but this Awareness is speaking more specifically to that which is the free energy in the air itself. It can be tapped and released in a safe, nonpolluting, nonthreatening way.

QUESTIONER: Very good and that differs obviously?

COSMIC AWARENESS: It does differ somewhat.


Avoiding Such Events by Energizing a Different Timeline

QUESTIONER: Thank you. There is another related question from Susan Lafleur. She talks about Nebraska flooding and nuclear power plants. She writes, "There seems to be flooding and nuclear power plants in Nebraska that are in danger of melting down. The only news coverage at all is in Nebraska. Is it true that we may have in the US larger nuclear disasters than Japan, where people should be going on vacation outside of their respective states and when they should go?" Is that true please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: All that this Awareness can say to that is that it is part of the plan by the Powers That Be to explode certain plants, to create meltdown situations in certain plants that will spew out nuclear radiation, and that this is part of a plan that may not come to pass, especially with enough attention. But even with this possibility that it may not come to pass, this Awareness wishes to remind all that in the creation of their reality, in the creation of the timeline they wish to partake in, that they hold very fast to that understanding that they will not be participating in this reality, in a reality where such events take place, but rather see the future as one where such events were avoided, were canceled and never took place, rather than to focus on the negativity of this event and hold it to be the truth. Hold rather that this may have been the plan but it simply did not manifest.

This will put you into a timeline where the experiencing of such an event never took place, was not needed, and you will find that the reality you are then experiencing will exclude such an event. This Awareness realizes that what It is saying in this matter, and in other things it has said about one's belief, will often be targeted by those who deny that mankind or womankind has such potent power to create


their reality, but this is also indicative of individuals who have not progressed far enough along to understand the greater complexity of reality, that goes well beyond simple physical rules and regulations, beyond the physics that are now believed in, to be the physics of reality that so many believe in.

It is for this reason that many will be challenged by the events because those rules and laws of physics that are so adhered to are in the process of altering, of changing. Therefore, even though that which this Awareness offers in Its advice not to focus on negative events and predictions but to hold alternative thoughts of the realities that one wishes to experience, may be questionable by many, and may be denied by many. Why not still try to hold this as a possibility, of energizing this? One has nothing to lose by doing so, but if one energizes the negative scenarios, the physics of reality that are held now, one will more likely experience the negative effects. One simply needs to realize that reality as it has been held for so long is in the process of breaking down and all the old rules and laws that many still hold to be so are in the process of themselves breaking down and changing.


QUESTIONER: Thank you, that's wonderful. It's really going to help. Have one last one, it's from Chris Lock and he asks: "Who is Rupert Murdoch? It's recognized he's the news corporation chairman and CEO, but in reality he does not appear to have an honorable reputation. In other words, massive scandals, front man of a criminal conspiracy, his organizations, controlling politicians… Is all of this a conspiracy to blacken his name or is it in fact not true?" Your comment please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness would simply say that Rupert Murdoch is one of the head leading proponents of the Elite Powers That Be. There is seen to be much reptilian energy around this individual and he has been sanctioned at the very highest levels to be the czar of the media and the man most responsible for the manipulation and control of the censorship of the media throughout the world. This conspiracy in this matter of this individual is indeed so. He is one of the highest of the Elite that is active and out there. Much about him is indeed still kept secret from the masses, but this event of recent times has brought him to public attention.

There is a war amongst the Elite and the families of the Elite at this time and several have been casualties of this secret war. Conrad Black, Dominic Strauss Kahn, and now Rupert Murdoch are all members of the Elite that were rogue members to some degree or who were considered to be threats to others of the Elite families and were targeted and attacked most publicly. When such individuals fall upon the swords as they have done, where they have been brought into the public attention, there is usually a reason behind this and part of the reason behind the attack on Rupert Murdoch has been to take him out of power.

There are others ready to step into power that are less visible than he was. It was thought he was too egotistic, too preoccupied with his own power, that he had become a risk to the secret plans of the Elite and thus a risk generally. Attacking him publicly, diminishing him and ridiculing him in public opinion, was seen as a way of bringing him down and destroying his power. This has yet to totally occur but one thing is certain: he is more obvious now than he once was. He is seen to be evil by many and knowledgeable about the events of hacking and other nefarious practices by his media groups and is not seen by many as innocent any longer and his power base has been seriously compromised as a result.

QUESTIONER: Is this a similar situation with Conrad Black?

COSMIC AWARENESS: Indeed this is so. This individual also was seen to become too big for his britches, his ego too big for the room, and he was seen to be someone who was attracting too much


attention. Then again, he also went against certain of the Elite who had more power than he and they decided to bring him down a notch as well.

QUESTIONER: Several notches.

COSMIC AWARENESS: Indeed, several notches.

QUESTIONER: Thank you, it was an excellent session. Do you have a closing message please?


COSMIC AWARENESS: In these interesting times, as this Awareness so often calls them, the changes that are coming, even harsh and difficult as they may be on personal levels, are necessary for the change that is coming to occur. The American people, and indeed generally the people of the Western world, have been lured into such a deep somnolent state, a state of being asleep, that events of most serious levels must occur now to shake them awake. Unfortunately, many of those events that will occur in the next few months and beyond will also bring great catastrophe to many.

It must be understood that even though many may choose to leave the planet at this time that all are not abandoned, all are brought back into the body of the Divine, back into the fabric of Spirit, and this is simply the way that they had chosen before they entered into this physical reality. Their purpose and reason was to be part of the great shift and change, even if it meant to leave en masse with the many thousands, even millions, that may well soon depart this planet. Their contribution is to help free the many who will survive so that they may see the matters differently than they have ever seen before.

As one's world is broken apart, as events unfold that seriously alter one's previous reality, there is always new opportunity for growth, healing and development. This is why the events that are ready now to finally occur cannot be seen as horrendous, horrible events that a merciless God has inflicted upon humanity, a punishment upon humanity. For it is not this at all, but rather part of that unfolding of a higher purpose, each individual being part of that higher purpose, each nation being part of that purpose and indeed the planet itself being part of that higher Divine purpose.

Therefore, when all is breaking apart and it appears that one is riding a handcart to hell, remember to enjoy the ride, remember that it is not a handcart to hell at all but rather the swift shifting of reality. As one reality breaks apart, a new reality will begin to form to replace that which has broken apart, and that one always has the choice, indeed the responsibility, to choose the highest possibility to experience and not the lowest, the most negative or the darkest.

God Itself is behind the changes and these changes are coming through because of the great love of the absolute God Force, and that it is not for punishment purposes. It is not for the purpose of inflicting great pain and anguish but rather to uplift all, to make possible the new reality, the Ascension of humanity and the planet.

This completes this closing message.

QUESTIONER: Thank you, that was excellent. It was a terrific session.

CAC General Reading, August 21, 2011, Will Berlinghof Interpreter - Joan Mills, questioner and energizer;

Lloyd Arrd, energizer.


QUESTIONER: Does Awareness have an opening message or any topic It wishes to discuss please?


Part of the Way Forward and Good on a Daily Basis

COSMIC AWARENESS: At this time this Awareness wishes the energizer to read the Law of Love for the membership at this time. It is to be part of the opening message from this Awareness.

QUESTIONER: Certainly. The Law of Love is that law which places the welfare and the concern and the feelings of others within self. The Law of Love is that close affinity with all forces that we associate with as good. The Law of Love is that force which denies the existence of evil in the world; that resists not. Love is the path of least resistance.

COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness asked specifically that the Law of Love be read today, for it is part of the way forward in these interesting times. If one remembers the Law of Love and uses it on a daily basis one will begin to understand the very principles this Awareness was speaking of over the last several months, especially the matter to do with being in fear, subscribing to the events that are being portrayed on the media, through the news, the radio, television and the newspapers, through the examples that are occurring in your country and on the planet itself.

This Awareness asks through the Law of Love that one takes within themselves the understanding of the all, of that which is positive, that which is good, that they begin to make this the center-point of their being, focusing on this. As this Awareness suggested, one focuses as being in the center of the hurricane, in the eye of the hurricane, and not in the turbulence of the winds and storm that rage around the center. By taking in the Law of Love, making it one with oneself, one indeed goes to that place of positiveness, that place of unconditional love.

Furthermore, if one denies evil, resists not, then one can see that which is playing out around them. They do not deny that which is occurring, they simply observe it, they resist not; therefore, they cannot take this within themselves. This is what this Awareness has often spoken of, as not identifying with the fearful conditions that are currently in effect and that will proceed accordingly in the time ahead. As one resists not and simply lets this evil force, this dark energy, this ignorance that humanity plays in to simply wash over and wash by, then they are not picked up by that wave of negativity. They do not dive into the waters of fear and as such each and every individual can thus understand the truth of the words of the Law of Love.

This is a very deep and powerful statement from the Divine as to how to proceed in life generally but indeed in life at this time, as that which has been the social fabric, the way of things has broken down considerably and will continue in the months ahead. This concludes the opening message from this Awareness at this time.

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QUESTIONER: Thank you. Our first topic concerns politics. It comes from Lloyd; it's with regard to the Benjamin Fulford report. This is a few months back, June 20, 2011. It reads: "The Bilderberger meeting was canceled halfway through because prominent participants, including Kissinger, faced imminent arrest. Following this, two prominent Bilderbergers, Joseph Ackerman, CEO of Deutsche Bank and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands contacted the White Dragon society and offered to cooperate in setting up the new financial system." Is there truth to this Fulford report and is there an update on this situation that can be shared please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: It seems to this Awareness there is indeed accuracy in this report, although it is not quite as described. It is that the Bilderberger session was to be raided, certain arrests taking place, but this has been more due to the internal conflict within the organization and the Elite themselves. This Awareness points to two arrests that recently occurred, one being an arrest and one being a calling to explain the actions of his organization, his corporate organization. This Awareness is referring to Rupert Murdoch and the activities of his press corps, his media corporation, especially in England. He has been doing the activities that he was called on to the carpet for many, many years already. Why was it that suddenly this issue became such an issue? It was because he was being targeted by others that opposed him, for he is a most powerful individual in the New World order movement and a key pin to disseminating information, putting information out, controlling the minds and the souls of the populace of the world, keeping them ignorant, keeping them asleep.

Normally this individual would not have been so targeted and he would have remained the enigma that he has so long been. The fact that such a powerful individual was called forward and made to publicly testify attests to the situation that is occurring at this time: a breaking down of the Elite, their struggle to work together being shown here, for it is indeed a struggle. The other individuals this Awareness was also referring to when it mentioned two arrests were Conrad Black and Dominic Strauss Kahn. The case of Conrad Black has been taken back to the courts, the law that arrested him in the first place being be rewritten to allow him to be released earlier. The point however is that he had fallen into disfavor from the royal family and others from the European Rothschild Elite and needed to be put in his place and punished. This was done, for these members of the Elite families do not suffer such outrage and indignity without this being sanctioned by others in even greater positions of power.

The entity Dominic Strauss Kahn is another example. He who was once the head of the World Bank indeed had certain plans that he was driving through, but they were opposed by those who have a secret agenda. Because he could not be stopped in the unofficial way he was targeted and arrested. The charges, although not entirely unfounded, were trumped up, for this individual, like Conrad Black, and like Rupert Murdoch, had been getting away with such things for many, many years. It was because of the fractionalization of the Elite themselves - their power structure fracturing, coming apart, different factions pressing different agendas - that caused him and the others to be arrested, and to be brought into public scrutiny.

This bodes well for the planet, for as long as these individuals are at war amongst themselves, the Bush/Windsor conflict being another example, then they are not acting in total unity and the design, the plan, one of the major designs indeed, will not have the coherence and strength to it that it might otherwise have had, their plan for the future. Saying this, ultimately in some ways this could also be seen, the disruptions, the upheaval, as the squabbling within a family but often, even though there may be infighting within the family, that when it comes down to the family being attacked by an outside agency there is often a reconciliation and a reintegration of the family, proving that even though these squabbles are internal the family itself will still respond to outward threat.

The outward threat is now coming towards them in the form of the Galactic Federation forces that are currently heading towards the planet, and even though there is that which is the squabble amongst the different members of the family, the family itself will still hold strong. It is simply that these squabbles


do create a bit of disorientation, which could prove to be advantageous in the times ahead. Thus, in terms of the Fulford report, it is indicative that part of the Elite are seeing things differently, Queen Beatrix being one of them, Ackerman another and they are seeking other solutions. But they are still holding that the original plan of the Elite be that which is the most important of all. They are simply seeing other ways of making sure that it still goes according to plan. Is this clear?

Kissinger's Double Was Arrested, Not the Original

QUESTIONER: Yes it is. Was Henry Kissinger actually arrested?

COSMIC AWARENESS: It is seen that one of his many doubles or clones was arrested but the actual original was not, he is still safe. The matter of his arrest is being kept secret for certain reasons. This Awareness is not about to go deeper into this. It is not likely that this arrest, even if it was of a clone, will be widely publicized or made available to the public.

This Awareness simply wishes to say in some ways it was as much a warning to Henry Kissinger to play ball, to stay online, for he is a bit of a maverick in the organization and he feels he has more power than the others feel he has. Indeed, this is part of what was occurring with the others this Awareness mentioned. They were exceeding themselves and the family, if you will, wanted to pull their strings to yank them back. This is also somewhat the case with Henry Kissinger and why the false arrest.


More on Financial Meltdown and Collapse

QUESTIONER: The next question came from Vikki. It concerns the Federal Reserve audit and the commentary reads, "The first ever GAO (Government Accountability Office) audit of the Federal Reserve was carried out in the past few months due to the Ron Paul- Alan Grayson amendment to the Dodd-Frank bill, which passed last year. Jim DeMint, a Republican senator, and Bernie Sanders, an independent senator, led the charge for a Federal Reserve audit in the Senate, but watered-down the original language of the house bill, which was HR 1207, so that a complete audit would not be carried out. Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan and various other bankers vehemently opposed the audit and lied to Congress about the effects an audit would have on the markets. Nevertheless, the results of the first audit in the Federal Reserve's nearly 100-year history was posted on senator Sander's webpage earlier this morning."

The question: What was revealed in the audit was startling: $16 trillion had been secretly given out to US banks and corporations as well as foreign banks everywhere from France to Scotland. From the period between December 2007 and June 2010, the Federal Reserve had secretly bailed out many of the world's banks, corporations and governments. A list of the institutions receiving these monies is available if requested. The resultant question: How will the result of this action play out? Are there any thoughts?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness suggests it will not play out, for it will never be given the attention and notoriety it deserves. It will stay hidden in the back pages of the newspapers and simply be omitted altogether from the evening newscasts. It must be remembered that the Federal Reserve, as all national banks, are not government owned but private institutions. It must be also remembered that those who are in charge, those who control the banking system of the world, are those who hold the


power in the world. They see the transference of trillions of dollars as just transference of money from one of their branches to another of their branches. It is seen by them, those who are the Elite, those who are the Powers That Be, those who are in charge, that they have every right to move their money wherever it needs to go as they prop up the world's banking system, that which is owned by them in the first place, forestalling the ultimate effect, which is the total collapse of the banking system and the world economy.

They are not quite ready for this stage to occur, therefore they have to prop up the banks of the world, their own branches, so that they can perpetuate things until they are fully ready to collapse the world's economy and cast the entire world into an economic depression unknown of at any other time in the Earth's history. They simply do what they will with the money that they feel is theirs rightfully and it does not matter what Congress says, it does not matter if they are audited, they will do as they wish. However, saying this, the objections that were brought forward by such as Greenspan and others was because they did realize there is some danger in allowing this information to be made public, for those who have the zeal, those who are unimpeded and disconnected from the corruption, and those who have not been bribed, such as Ron Paul, will make something of this.

It is for this reason that Ron Paul is so silenced. For example, in the Iowa straw poll, even though he placed second there was virtually no mention of him, as if he had not even competed in the straw poll, and others who had far less of a return, far less support, were touted as front runners while he himself was completely shut out of the media. This is because those in power both in government and beyond simply do not wish him to get such attention. Yet they are afraid that if he pushes this many will listen, for he does actually have the ear of the nation more so than the other candidates, and therefore he is somewhat of a threat. Unfortunately, this Awareness sees that if he pushes too hard they would simply eliminate him in a convenient accident and Ron Paul himself knows this and thus he does not push it quite as much as he could. This is of course wise of him for it is seen that this individual still has a strong role to play in the future and it would be ill advised for him to create a situation that would provoke an attack on his person and that of his family as well. This completes the answer.

QUESTIONER: Thank you. A silly question: if the financial system is going to collapse, what are they going to do with all this money, how can they use it if there's no availability to use it?

COSMIC AWARENESS: For them it is not about money and has not been about money for many, many decades, even hundreds of years. It is about power. It is about setting up the power structure so they are in ultimate power. The collapse of a monetary system will not affect them for they already have the power which can be translated into material properties, material acquisitions. But more than that, it places them at the top of the pyramid, and those below are those who would suffer. Those who are still tuned in and are tied into the economic system will most suffer when their form of personal power, that being their assets, are suddenly taken from them, and suddenly of no value. They will no longer be able as a group to come together in a cohesive way, using their power to buy votes, using their money to provide opposition to those in control.

There are many who still subscribe to the economic system and believe it is the only way forward. They do not understand what money is truly about. For those in power it is to maintain power, and it is to give power. Thus, those who would perhaps have some way of opposing the dictators through their combined resources, will be heavily affected, if not dispelled and destroyed altogether, because the economic systems that they have worked with and relied on all of a sudden disappear.

The masses who know only how to exist using money to buy, will be suddenly imprisoned, for they will be completely reliant on those above them to provide them the foods and supplies and the shelter needed to survive. They will become enslaved because of the collapse of the economic system to those


who have power, and those who have power are those at the top. Is this clear?


The Blame Can Be Shared with Various Other Rascals

QUESTIONER: Yes, I understand, thank you for the information. There is another one about the national debt of over $3 trillion. Anyway, it's from LF, it regards The Deficit Is Not the Fault of Obama. Greg Palast, Truthout: "Let's talk about how we ended up in this pickle, bucking up against the debt 'ceiling'. From 2001 to 2008, a Republican president took an annual surplus of $86 billion left for him by Bill Clinton and ran up the budget deficit to over half a $trillion in a year ($642 billion in 2008). Altogether, George W. Bush blew up the national debt by over $3 TRILLION, then left the bills to Barack Obama". Is this true?

COSMIC AWARENESS: Indeed this is true. But what must also be recognized here is that Barack Obama absolutely understood what he was getting into and he was put into place to further up the debt to create a multiple 2 digit trillion dollar debt load beyond $3 trillion up to $14 trillion. He inherited, this is true, but also working for the Elite, he has made the problem even more severe, more drastic and more pressing. Yet one could most definitely say it was not his fault, if one truly wished to turn a blind eye and not hold this president also accountable.

Other presidents, such as George Bush, should indeed also be held accountable but do not deny or overlook the fact that the situation has become much worse under the current president's rule. It does not help that you have also a fractionalized Congress and a government that is blatantly not there for the people, but for their masters, those who are in charge, those who number even less than the 2%, and this is also part of why the dilemma is so extreme. Ironically and paradoxically, there need be no debt whatsoever if it was finally recognized who is in charge and how they control, how they manipulate. If the Powers That Be were taken out of power, if the private banks, including the Federal Reserve and all other banks were dismissed and dispelled, then the deficit would no longer exist, the debt would disappear.

If all governments the world over started to print their own money instead of borrowing money from the private banks they would take control of their own countries, the debt that is owed to the private bankers, to the Powers That Be, to the Elite, would no longer exist for it would be seen and understood it is a way to enslave the populace of the world and of the United States of America. And if the true governments came to power that were genuinely for the people and by the people, then the present economic concerns would literally disappear overnight, for the truth would come out and those who have been responsible for the control and manipulation of the present governments, the present economic systems, the banks, etc. would be dealt with and the crisis ended.

It is not seen as likely that this will occur overnight. It may take some time but as consciousness begins to shift, especially with the major events that are ready to unfold, such as First Contact, such as new sources revealing the truth coming forward and being deemed as credible; as these events start to occur, and as certain geophysical events occur that destroy the government by exposing them as fraudulent, even though it may cost many lives, as all of these events start to come, that which is the ultimate power control that the Elite have, that iron grip that is held on the throat of the nation and of the planet will be loosened, will be slackened as individuals start to awaken more and more, because the energies in consciousness are expanding, and are opening up daily.

The Power over the Sleeping Masses Will Finally be Broken


As these events are approached and as certain other events have already been completed, the power that is held over the masses that are still largely asleep will finally be broken by those wishing to partake in a more egalitarian government, a government that is there for the people, that is government by the people. This is also part of the Ascension process, the moving towards the consciousness of Planet A, enlightenment, awareness and true liberty. This is all that which needs to be focused on, and not the actual machinations of those corrupted ones who have so long been in charge and who have a plan for the planet that involves its complete and entire enslavement.

This Awareness always reminds one and all to look on the bright side of things, to deny evil but not to resist, to allow it to flow by, as one in charge truly of their own destiny, and by not subscribing completely and totally to the plans of others, one reclaims one's own power, one's own ability to be in charge of one's own life. This too is part of expanded awareness and expanded consciousness; it is also part of Ascension.

QUESTIONER: Thank you, that was very helpful, something to look forward to.

COSMIC AWARENESS: It is always something to look forward to indeed.


QUESTIONER: We change topics now to philosophy or types of philosophy. There was something from Don R. regarding manifesting. He writes, "I've read a lot about making things happen by visualizing it intensely - and it can actually happen! A January 16, 2011 article in the Parade Sunday magazine concerning Cynthia Stafford visualizing exactly $112 million may be an example of manifesting by visualization. When she found out about being the sole winner she sat in silence for a moment because it confirmed how powerful our minds can be. Maybe one day everyone will be able to do this?" Your comments please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness does say to one and all that such levels of manifestation are indeed possible for all. This individual simply managed to truly tap into her own ability to transit from the belief systems of the planet at this time to her own inner conviction and beliefs that she could indeed win a large amount of money. In a way there is not seen to be any difference between manifesting $112 million versus $12. All that truly differentiates this is an individual's ability to believe that they can manifest $112 million into their lives. For most this is so beyond their belief system, so impossible and so unachievable, that they will not manifest it, and they will not bring it into their lives. It is that which they toy with and play with, that being, "Would it not be grand to win so much money?"

But for most, they hold that this is simply not a possibility, and not available to them. If they were to say that they believed they could manifest $12 because this is more within their belief system, then it is likely that they may experience this instead and $12 may be given to them by a friend or come to them through other means. It is not that $12 is easier to manifest, it is simply the belief that it is easier to manifest, it is simply the belief that it is easier to achieve $12 versus $112 million that makes this an acceptable reality to manifest. This individual somehow exceeded herself, somehow broke through that wall of collective mind thought that would have restricted her normally, and achieved such a pure state of acceptance that she could manifest this amount, that she could bring a large amount of money into her life, that she quite literally left behind all of those restrictions of belief that would have prohibited her achieving this, that would have blocked her manifesting this amount of money. She herself was stunned that she had managed to do this so well and almost could not believe it after the fact, although by then she had the money as evidence of her success.

Therefore, in accordance to that which this Awareness has already spoken of and other sources have spoken of, if one actually manages not only to visualize this amount of money, or any amount of money,


and one manages to break free of the constraints of belief that would condemn achieving it, then one can be free, and is free, to manifest anything in their lives - be it money, be it relationship, be it material substances, material goods and properties, be it whatever it is that one would wish to manifest. They must go beyond the confining beliefs that constrain what can occur, what can happen, and simply know, know that they can achieve whatever results they wish.

This is part of the breaking through of the collective web of consciousness that defines this physical planet. It is part of that which is ready to come apart more and more. Many, for example, are afraid of the times coming, for they see it as a time of breakdown, where all will be destroyed, there will be gross inconvenience and hardship, that food will not be available, that housing will be destroyed, and that catastrophes will happen. As one gives energy to these beliefs, this knowing, that one of course brings it into their lives, but as one understands that one has the capacity to achieve that which is imagined, that which is believed, that which is known as possible, then one does not have to worry about the future, even if everything that supports the systems that are currently in place break down - the banking, the transit system that provides food from one location to another, the trucking companies, the logistics of running society, the infrastructure of all cities, towns and nations - even if it all breaks down, if one has finally found their power to manifest reality, then they will always be able to call into their lives that which is needed, that which is required, sometimes most directly as in manifesting it in front of themselves right before their eyes, sometimes through indirect means by others providing that which is being asked for.

The present fears that are held, the thought that when everything breaks down individuals will be terribly inconvenienced, to say the least, can indeed dissipate and disappear. Society has not reached that level, and individuals in a collective mass have not reached that level. All that can happen at this time, and all that is relevant at this time is not the collective majority achieving this, but individuals coming to awareness, coming to an understanding. It is the individual who stays at the eye of the hurricane, who stays centered and positive, who holds higher concepts and truths, and who can manage these acts of manifestation.

Then if one wishes to manifest $100 million or $100, one can do so. If one wishes to manifest a dinner in front of them, food in the fridge, one can do so. If one manifests from within, then that which is expressed in the external will be so. This is part of the lessons that are now starting to be taught and there are teachers who have these truths within themselves, who will teach others these truths, especially as the energies of consciousness shift even further as they manifest new levels of perception and understanding. This too is all part of that which lies ahead. It is not simply the destruction of the planet that lies ahead and of society and cultures, but also the new truths that are the eternal truths that have always been the truth that will be rediscovered and re-implemented. This Awareness is complete.


Breaking Through the Lies You Have Accepted as Truths

QUESTIONER: Thank you, that again was excellent. We have one here also on manifesting from Pamela Knutson. She writes, "Issue 2010 for August says that there are many possible scenarios available where we can choose what to energize and that will be what we experience. The problem is that this is very hard to believe. I can accept it intellectually, but not yet more deeply. It is about manifestation, the 'every 4 quadrillionths of a second' thing. The readings have reminded us how much work it is to manifest. Manifesting does not go along with freaking out in certain situations. Sometimes it is very difficult not to freak out." Your comments please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: The commentary of this individual expresses that which this Awareness was


speaking of a moment ago. This is what differentiates those who are successful in manifesting in their lives and those who are not. The individual who manifested $112 million exceeded her own wildest expectations because in her own way somehow she managed to lift the veils of the paradigms of truth that dictate society's beliefs about manifesting, especially large amounts of money. Because she could do it for this, she will be able to do it for many other things and she will become a teacher to those who seek to manifest.

The comments of the entity in this question, and in this newsletter that she has presented to this Awareness are valid, in that it is still hard for individuals to break through that veil. It is good to see examples of individuals who have done it and who are doing it, but ultimately each individual must face their own wall of disbelief, their own barrier that they must somehow get beyond. Part of the good news is that consciousness, especially as the release of the third wave of Ra-Ta consciousness was released in the spring, is building up in the deeper consciousness of humanity. More and more are being brought to this point, this place of questioning the beliefs that have been so long held.

New truths are starting to emerge, new teachers coming forward, and events are unfolding that will bring matters to a head, and will help individuals manifest easier than it is at this time. This Awareness states that everything that is on this planet occurs through a manifestation process in slow motion. The teachings are not that the individual is manifesting their reality at this moment, but quite the opposite: that the individual is a victim, that the individual has no personal power, and that the individual must play the game as defined by those in charge in order to acquire anything on this planet.

There are certain ways one can gain prestige, one can gain wealth, and one can gain power, but it is within the confines of the game itself as dictated by those in power. Ultimately the messages of the entity known as Jesus, where he commanded all to look within, to visit the mansion of his Father that has many, many rooms, will be truly understood, for the teachings that they presented, the teachings show that the answers are all within, that the connection to Spirit is within, the rooms of the Divine are within, and thus many will start to understand a new way, especially if it is shown to them, especially if others start to live it, especially if human consciousness starts to expand and open as it is beginning to do.

The fact that this individual saw last year that it was hard for her to go beyond just an intellectual understanding of how manifestation works is one thing. If she were to speak of this matter a year later it might be that she has already seen a shifting and that a change has happened. With the unfolding events that are happening at this time many will start to look at the matters differently, especially as their corrupt leaders become even more obvious and the events on the planet even more outrageous. Many will simply start to understand from within because their level of conscious awareness has risen to a point where they finally can look from within at this matter.

The truth they have so long accepted and that their worlds have been built upon no longer has validity, for it is based on lies and deceit. As the individual tunes into the raising consciousness of the planet herself they will find that they will go along for a ride that they had long planned for but simply were still too asleep to do. As they begin to awaken, more and more will awaken as a result, for as more become aware of the underlying truth and the principles that underlie all, then it is like a wildfire that will spread to many. Do not feel lost or betrayed because one still is finding it difficult to manifest. Live in the trust and hope that the world is expanding, that consciousness is rising, that there are new truths that are starting to be brought into public attention or public concern and that things are indeed improving.

Work on yourself, go deep into your own subconscious, look at your beliefs, ask why it is that you believe something cannot happen, and will not happen. Ask yourself, "Where did this belief come from, how was it established?" and then refute it, deny it, and dismiss it. Open up to new possibilities, for by opening to the new possibilities one allows those possibilities and the energy they contain to become part of one's self, to integrate into the greater fabric of one's consciousness, and each time a small step is


made one is brought closer to that time where they will finally break through their barriers and walls of belief and go beyond them and manifest their destiny. This Awareness is complete.


QUESTIONER: Thank you, that really explained it in depth and I'm sure Pam will be quite pleased with the response, thank you. There's one more from her. It concerns multiple realities. She writes, "I continue to struggle with the idea of multiple realities; it puzzles the mind. Sometimes it feels like Awareness is waffling, though I know that this is because of my lack of understanding, and other times there is no apparent waffling; for example, in the latest newsletter the discussion of Elenin. This is spoken of as if it is a real (for lack of a better word) reality that has a more general validity, not being simply one of the multiple realities of countless people. Can this whole concept of multiple realities and more general realities applying to all be further clarified please?" Your thoughts?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness uses the image of a public library. As one steps into the library there are many books and CDs available to the individual to be read. One can read a good work of fiction; one could take up a book that is factual in nature. It could be understood that those books represent many different thoughts of the authors and individuals who composed them. Another way of also understanding it is that each and every book is a different reality, a different line of reality. They represent multiple realities, all contained in one building. If one is interested in a certain subject matter, one can go to that section that contains books of the subject that the individual is interested in.

Freud is Limiting-Jung is More Expansive

If one is interested, for example, in psychiatry, especially Freudian psychiatry, one could go to the section of books available and read about Freud and his theories and his beliefs. One could totally ascribe to them, one could say that his ideas alone are valid and worthy and never go to any other books by any other psychiatrist, such as Jung or others, and seek out alternative thoughts and interpretations. One could be said to be living a reality based simply and solely on the thoughts of one individual who has since been shown to not be entirely valid, although many of his thoughts were very revolutionary at the time and helped break down old patterns of beliefs, especially Victorian thoughts and beliefs. Still, if one chooses only to be Freudian in their outlook and their beliefs, and to live their life based on Freudian thought, one could be said to be experiencing only one reality, one line of thought and beliefs.

If one wishes to be more expansive one might read Jung, one might read go into another section and read the works of the great philosophers. Might one not also go to a section that is about something more practical, such as auto mechanics, automotive information and learn how to fix a car? Could not one go into a fictional section and read a good book of fiction and experience yet another level of reality based on the writings one is reading? All of these are to be understood as versions of truth interpreted by one individual or a group of individuals, presented in such a way that others can share. Such is the case in the planetary consciousness at this time. Each individual on the planet is a unique book, if you will, a unique experience of reality and each will see reality in a unique and individual way.

Many will group together to share their common belief systems, some radical, some extreme, and some very practical. Others will choose to live individual isolated lives, for they are not drawn to the common thoughts, the common beliefs of others. Their realities, their way of interpreting their universe will be individual, indeed, but will still have the basis of the beliefs that they have been handed, the mindsets that they have been given. Ultimately, the multiple nature of consciousness is expressed through the many individuals, each having their own unique experience, each being their own unique book. They are


all contained on one planet at this time and that planet is constrained to a paradigm of beliefs that has been handed down to it by the manipulators and controllers.

One could also go even beyond them and say that there is a Divine Plan as well. One can tune into that Divine Plan, have another perspective of reality, understand it from a different viewpoint altogether, and exceed the limitations of the other realities that are on the planet. Thus it is possible for one to become familiar with other interpretations of reality, other belief systems, other conceptualizations of what is true and real and what is not. One must finally come to that expanded awareness and consciousness to free oneself from the orthodoxy of beliefs that hold so many prisoners. This Awareness hopes that this is a deeper explanation for the individual Pamela Knutson and that this explains this matter to her and to others as well.


QUESTIONER: Thank you. A final question from J McKelvey. He writes, "I've joined a prayer group and am curious about how you receive prayer? There is much talk about prayer for others but what about the receiving of prayer and how that works? I had a dream where there were all these unopened beautiful boxes of light around someone, and was given the impression these were unopened prayers for that person. Just curious about the nuts and bolts of receiving prayer." Your comments please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness applauds this individual for presenting this concept of receiving prayers, for it is so much the norm that one makes prayers for things, says prayers for others, says prayers to redeem oneself for their sins, that one very seldom considers the concept of receiving prayers. Another way of understanding this concept is that one allows the energies of others' thoughts and well wishes and intentions to be received by the individual. Many do not open themselves to receive the energies, the prayers of others or the prayers of the Divine and of Spirit and the High Self. Thus, they are islands with no way to be approached, isolated and alone.

If one understands that one can send energetic thought and prayer to another and one simply opens their heart to these prayers, to these energies, one does indeed receive those energies. Much is occurring that is starting to help individuals understand this, but from another angle there is that healing work known as Reiki healing. This is a form of energetic healing. The individuals participating are the receiver and the sender of the energy. It would be perhaps more accurate to say the individual who allows the energy to pass through them is more a conduit of the energy than a center, but still the energy passes through that Reiki practitioner to the receiver of the energies.

The energy is as effective as the one who receives it allows it to be. In other words, if one can receive Reiki healing or any other form of energetic healing with an open mind and an open heart and allow this energy to flow through the sender of the energy, the conduit of the energy, then one will benefit from receiving the energies transmitted to them. Thus they will receive a benefit. They will receive results on some level. It is similar to the projected thoughts and prayers of others to one. They can indeed be seen as boxes containing the light or the energy of the prayer ready to be opened, enjoyed and indeed integrated into an individual.

What is Most Important is a Willingness to be Open and to Receive

What will define this most of all is the individual's intent to receive, his or her openness and willingness to receive. Often there are reasons why the individual does not feel deserving of prayers and thoughts and energies and automatically blocks them. Then they could also say they do not receive the


energies of others, the energies of prayers, never recognizing that it is they themselves, often through a guilt or a sense of guilt, that has blocked them from receiving the energies. Often those very religions that teach prayer also effectively teach how to block the reception of prayer, and when this occurs, even though they pray for others, they do not allow the healing effect of prayer to be received by themselves.

This is an individual matter that one could look into if they feel they are not receiving the prayers of others. It is not because others are not sending the energies, or that the Divine and Spirit are not sending Divine Energy, Love and Understanding. It is because the individual has become an island, isolated and separated from the mainland, and does not allow the flow of energy, the flow of the prayer to be received by them. This is an individual matter but each and every individual on the planet is available to receive the Light of God and the Divine Energy of Prayer from all sources.


QUESTIONER: Thank you. Is there a closing message please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: Indeed there is a closing message at this time. This Awareness in Its discussions has always sought to help others, sought to help all understand the nature of their own being, to help them understand that they are the center of their universe, the center of their hurricane, if you will, and the energies that swirl around them are those energies that can affect them deeply if they jump into the tumultuous energies. It is time for all in their realization of how they create their reality also to understand how they create their difficulties and their problems, and to understand that as it is seen as a matter outside of themselves that affects them, that imprints them, that impacts them, and that has power over them.

They begin slowly to learn that this is illusionary, that this is a deceit, and as long as one ties into such beliefs one does not find that within themselves which is their core, their center, their essence. In these times of challenge it is also to be seen and understood as the perfect time to begin this inward process.

While many may be distracted by the events outside of themselves that are so real and imposing, they do not find the time to look within. Others will use such disruptive events as their opportunity to begin looking within themselves. This Awareness stated several years before that ultimately events must transpire that will so shake up a society, a nation, a world, that it commences a process of internalization where many go within, asking the deeper and more powerful questions because the truth of their reality has been so shaken up and destroyed that they have no foundation any longer upon which to build their life and their reality.

Thus it is when it appears that the world around one is being shaken down and destroyed, one does not go into that energy, that negative force, but rather separates from that and goes within to find the inner connection, the inner answers to the questions that will be popping up, that already are popping up, and are presenting themselves.

As one realizes their true nature and their true connection to Spirit, one will understand that by partaking in an illusionary reality that is defined as being true and right and correct, one of course cannot truly manifest their own reality based on their spiritual connection and the truth that comes from within. They will be spun by the events that surround them and taken to those levels of experience that may indeed still be theirs to be had; or one can sidestep this, one can understand that one does not need to be devastated and destroyed, as one can go within, one can connect within.

At the same time the energies of the Divine are increasing, Spirit is becoming more manifest on the planet and it is not simply an intellectual curiosity being satisfied that is occurring, but an actual event of participation in the unfolding of the new Divine Energies that God Itself is sending to humanity for the benefit of one and all. Not all will travel the same path, for each has their own destiny in the end, but


those who are asking such questions, those who are seeking the answers from this Awareness and other sources are those who are developing their inner capacity to connect with the Divine and to expand their multidimensional natures by becoming aware of them.

These are indeed exciting times, full of new opportunity there for the taking and God and Spirit will not abandon anyone in the times ahead. One must simply open up and receive the Divine Essence, Light and Unconditional Love that is there for one and all to receive. This is the promise of the Divine, and this is the promise of God to all Its children, one and all.

QUESTIONER: Thank you, that was beautiful.

The Law of Gratitude is that sense of understanding that energies, which have been given, receive a certain reward. Energies, which have been given, move out on that curved and unequal line and when extended far enough can only return to their source bearing gifts. Thank you.


These are way beyond a ‘reading’, it’s a life experience. Personal Cosmic Awareness

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WHAT IS COSMIC AWARENESS? COSMIC AWARENESS is the Force that expressed Itself through Jesus of Nazareth, the Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Edgar Cayce and other great avatars who served as "Channels" for the "Heavenly Father" and who speaks again today as the world begins to enter the "New Age" of spiritual consciousness and awareness. Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been communicating through carefully trained channels. This information is for those who desire to help in bringing in the New Age. Throughout the thousands of "Readings" given through these various channels, Cosmic Awareness tells us not to believe anything, but to question, explore, doubt, and discover for yourself, through your own channel what is the Truth. Cosmic Awareness will only "indicate" and "suggest". Neither C.A.C. or any of the Interpreters is responsible for anything Cosmic Awareness states in any of these readings, nor does C.A.C. or the Interpreters necessarily agree with the statements of Cosmic Awareness. The Interpreters interpret the energies as they see them in trance levels and are not personally responsible for what is said. The Interpreters published herein have no connection with, nor control over the editorial comments and material, including illustrations. This is entirely the responsibility of the editor. Members of C.A.C. are invited to send in questions of general interest to ask Awareness for possible publication in this newsletter.

All this has happened and hundreds of millions of lives have been severely affected because of the claim that there was ‘no alternative’ to bailing out the banks that had caused the problem. But the people of Iceland have shown

that this is nonsense. You would have heard a great deal about Iceland in 2008 when its banking system suffered a monumental and extraordinary collapse. It was, relative to the size of the Icelandic economy, the biggest banking crash in economic history.

You hear very little about Iceland today because of the way its population of 320,000 dealt with the enormous challenges they were suddenly facing. Don’t mention Iceland - Shhhhhh! There is nothing more dangerous to ‘no alternative’ than another al-ternative that works … the threat of a good example.

So Iceland? Schtum.

Today, just three years later, Iceland’s economy is recovering from the biggest comparative banking collapse in history because … they didn’t bail out the banks - they let them fail. Those who caused the problem took the consequences. This was the result of the Icelandic people refusing to take the hit for the mess the banks had created.

It was not the Icelandic people who chose to invest in the seriously dodgy foreign investor accounts pro-moted by Iceland’s private banks offering a better rate of return - it was the overseas investors. Why should those who didn’t own the banks repay the losses of private owners and investors in those banks? That was the stance of the Icelandic people and they were not budging. - David Icke

My next life

I want to live my next life backwards! You start out dead and get that out of the way right off the bat. Then, you

wake up in a nursing home feeling better every day. When you are kicked out of the home for being too

healthy, you spend several years enjoying your retire-ment and collecting benefit checks.

When you start work, you get a gold watch on your first day. You work 40 years or so, getting younger every day until pretty soon you're too young to work. So then, you go to high school: play sports, date, drink, and party. As

you get even younger, you become a kid again.

You go to elementary school, play, and have no respon-sibilities. In a few years, you become a baby and every-

one runs themselves ragged keeping you happy. You spend your last 9 months floating peacefully in luxury, spa-like conditions: central heating, room service on

tap. Until finally... You finish off as an orgasm.