twin flame money manifesting


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Post on 16-Mar-2022




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The Twin Flame Money Manifesting Formula

As twin flames, the ability to effortlessly attract money continuously improves your lives dramatically. 

Do you ever dream of the things you and your twin flame could do if money wasn’t an issue?

There’s nothing worse than stressing over finances. I’ve experienced it, and it can have a detrimental effect on your relationship with your twin flame.

In the social media age, it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing your financial situation to others. How do some people seem to manifest money effortlessly, while others struggle to make ends meet? 

Is there an element of luck involved? 

Or can anyone learn to be a money magnet? 

The truth is, manifesting money is a skill that you and your twin flame CAN learn!

After reading this comprehensive guide, you’ll know exactly how to manifest money with little effort. These tips are specifically for you and your twin flame to follow together. 

In this guide I will cover:

• What is money manifestation for twin flames? 

• 5 steps for twin flames to manifest money easily

• 20 powerful money affirmations for you and your twin flame

Are you ready to enjoy financial freedom with your twin flame? 

Let’s get straight into it!

What is twin flame money manifestation?The process of manifesting money means bringing abundant wealth into your possession, by using the shared powers of thought, belief, and feelings. It is based on the premise that everything, including money, is essentially energy. 

When you learn to manifest money with your twin flame, the process is multiplied twofold, making it easier and much more powerful!


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“Reality is nothing but waves of the possibility that we have “observed,” into form.”

— Pam Grout

5 Steps for Twin Flames to Manifest Money QuicklyBefore we get into the steps that you and your twin flame can follow to manifest money, you must understand your power as a deliberate creator. All humans are blessed with this ability, and it’s well within your grasp to achieve the financial abundance you both desire!

In every moment of your life, you are already manifesting.

Your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs bring events into your life and have resulted in how your life looks like right now. By changing what you think, you can change your life.

Everything that you have in your life today is a result of the manifestation process. The vibrational frequency you have held and the thoughts you think on a regular basis create your life as you know it.

You even manifested your relationship with your twin flame.

Now it’s time to change your beliefs surrounding money, and start manifesting the wealth that will allow you and your twin flame to live the life you desire. 

1: Say goodbye to limiting beliefs One of the main causes of financial troubles is the limiting beliefs that we pick up in our childhood regarding money. These include common sayings like:

• It’s better to be happy than rich

• Money is the root of all evil

• Money can’t buy happiness

It’s a good idea to have a conversation with your twin flame, and discuss some of the beliefs that you were subjected to. 

Unless you both change the beliefs on the inside, you will not manifest money in your external worlds. 

A good exercise to do is both write down all of the negative beliefs you can think of that you have been told about money and finances. It’s a good idea to meditate together beforehand, to reach a place of neutral vibration. 


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Then, you can come up with a plan that you can both do daily to remove these limiting beliefs. 

Here are some suggestions that worked for me.

• Listen to hypnosis for removing money blocks every night before you go to sleep  

• Meditate and visualize your bank account full of money

• Talk to each other about the things you would like to do if money wasn’t an issue

• Write each limiting belief down on a piece of paper and burn them one by one. Feel how they are leaving your body

• Create a list of affirmations, such as “I am a money magnet”, ”I attract money, easy and effortlessly” etc. Read it out loud every morning, and FEEL the abundance you have in your life (more on this later in the blog article).

• Write in a gratitude journal every morning what you feel grateful that HAVE in your life. It could be something as small as having a roof over your head, or how blessed you are that you can afford the coffee you’re sipping on every morning

2: Fake it until’ you make itThis powerful practice is embedded in the Law of Attraction. 

For you and your twin flame to experience financial abundance together, you need to ACT as if it is already yours. 

If you’re unfamiliar with the Law of Attraction, this might seem like a strange thing to do, but I promise, it’s extremely powerful. 

If you both play a little game of role-playing and are willing to use your imaginations, you can speed up the manifestation of money drastically. 

Ask each other the following questions:

• How does a rich person interact with others?

• How does someone who is financially free treat their twin flame? 

• What small decisions does a money manifesting ‘master’ make daily? 

It may feel a little weird at first... 


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But the more you and your twin flame imagine what it would feel like to have financial abundance, the more you will begin to act in the required way to manifest it on the physical plane. 

Everything is energy vibrating at a certain rate. When you feel rich, you are holding the vibration of abundance in your subconscious. The more you do this, the more it will become normal for you and your twin flame, and the less negativity will occur in your thought patterns. 

So what actions can you and your twin flame start taking today, to speed up the manifestation of money? 

Here are some suggestions to try together:

• Choose a charity that you both care about, and make a donation

• Go out and give some money or food to a homeless person, have a chat with them 

• Start dressing like a couple who have achieved financial freedom. Wear your best clothes all of the time, and start taking your appearance seriously no matter where you are going together

• Use the technique of writing yourselves a check, and keeping it nearby

3: Raise your vibrations togetherYour vibration can be thought of as your energy field, and the energetic reactions going on in your body.

As twin flames, your collective vibration is akin to your energy field. It is influenced by the thoughts you both think, the emotions you feel, and the ideas you entertain.

When you argue with your twin flame, both of your vibrations are lowered as a result. On the other hand, when you complement each other and feel good, your vibration raises. 

The higher your collective vibration is, the easier it is to manifest the things you both desire. 

For this reason, you should be mindful of the way you interact with your twin flame. Helping each other to feel goodwill speed your ability to manifest money into your lives. 

It’s important to avoid things that lower your vibrations. If something makes you or your twin flame feel negative emotions, you should limit it as much as possible. 


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Here are some joint activities you can both do to raise your vibrations quickly: 

• Make some time in the morning for a joint meditation. 10 minutes is enough, and just try to be still and observe your thoughts. Discuss the experience together afterward. 

• Go out into nature and ground yourselves

• Cook healthy meals together. The foods you both put into your bodies will seriously affect your vibration, so stick to fresh foods that make you feel alive!

• Start jogging, swimming, cycling, or doing yoga with your twin flame 

• Take cold showers (together if you’re brave!)

4: Set goals together, and take action!The beautiful thing about finding your twin flame is that you get to share your innermost desires and dreams with them.

This is one of the most intimate aspects of a twin flame relationship. You feel good if you see your partner progressing, and vice versa. 

The subject of manifesting money seems to be split between two schools of thought.

There’s the hustle philosophy, which focuses on hard work and a grim determination. Then there’s the more spiritual advice, which leans towards less effort and more inner work. 

You and your twin flame need to strike a balance between the two. 

If one of you is overworking, and becoming burned out, it is the other’s responsibility to help them achieve balance again. 

Likewise, if one of you is spending too much time visualizing and planning, the other should encourage them to act on their desires. 

The key to manifesting money is taking small steps continuously. Success is defined by the seemingly unimportant, minuscule actions. But these add up to something bigger. 

Regularly sit down with your twin flame and assess your plans of action. This will keep you both on track, and hold you accountable so that you can start manifesting money together much faster. 


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5: Feel the loveThe highest vibration of all is the love frequency. The most powerful way to attract money fast is by being in the vibration of love when you think about money.

As you’ll probably know if you’ve been lucky enough to meet your twin flame, there is no higher state of vibration than love. 

Love has its frequency that is more powerful than any other human emotion. 

When you look at your twin flame, you probably feel a deep sense of love and joy. Use this feeling and channel it into the manifestation process for money. 

How should you and your twin flame approach this? 

• Visualize surprising your twin flame with a gift that they would love to receive

• Create a vision board together. Find pictures of your ideal future home, vehicle, pet… anything you both desire. Stick it on a board and look at it together often. 

• When you experience a negative thought towards your twin flame, transform it into a loving thought. This requires a lot of self-awareness, but being open with each other is a great way to monitor thought patterns. 

• Even when you’re doing something you don’t particularly like, hold the vibration of love. We can find at least one thing to feel good about in any given subject or situation. 

Here are 20 money affirmations for you and your twin flame to use:

1. We are open to the possibility of receiving wealth

2. We choose to live a rich and fulfilling life

3. The more money we earn, the more generous we become 

4. We are open receivers of the abundance life offers us

5. We will stay true to our dreams and manifest them together 

6. We are worthy of financial abundance 

7. Money comes to us in increasing quantities through multiple sources


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8. Our actions create prosperity 

9. We are ready to receive the money that life brings us

10. Making money allows us to positively impact the world around us 

11. Money flows freely to us 

12. Our businesses are growing with every moment 

13. Money expands our possibilities 

14. We are worthy receivers of all the money we desire 

15. The more we give, the more we receive. The more we receive, the more we give. 

16. Money allows us to make a real difference to the people we love 

17. Together, we are a money magnet 

18. Every dollar we spend comes back to us multiplied 

19. Money is a tool that we use to better ourselves 

20. We are the masters of our wealth!

ConclusionNow that you’ve read through my ultimate guide for twin flames who want to manifest money effortlessly, it’s time to implement the tips into your lives. 

You already have an advantage. Being with your twin flame means that your manifesting powers are doubled when you are both vibrating at a high frequency. 

Remember, to focus on the small things. It’s the daily habits that you and your twin flame build that will ultimately lead you to financial freedom. 

I hope this has inspired you and your twin flame to share the beautiful process of manifestation. 

You are powerful and can achieve anything you set your mind to.

You ARE already abundant and you can attract more of it.

You CAN attract money.

You CAN become rich.


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You CAN earn money doing what you love. And you don’t need to be stuck in a boring job to achieve it.