the bilderberger group (in 2013 and beyond)

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  • 7/27/2019 The Bilderberger Group (in 2013 and Beyond)


    The Bilderberger Group (in 2013 andBeyond)

    The Bilderberg Group meeting in 2013 came about. For record, I disagree strong with the new NorthCarolina Voter ID Law and I disagree with stop and frisk over inside of New York City (the recentjudges decision as it relates to stop and frisk is a historic step in the right direction). We know theplace where it was held. The Hertfordshire police have said that the 2013 Bilderberg groupmeeting will take place at the Grove luxury hotel in Watford, United Kingdom early next month.

    This location is where over the 100 of the world's most influential power brokers meet clandestinely. Thisorganization has members to talk about global policy matters behind closed doors. This place has beenknown among Bilderberg sleuths for weeks. A Hertfordshire Police spokesman confirmed the event wastaking place but declined to comment on operational policing details, reports the Watford Observer.The spokesman added that the force would facilitate people who want to undertake peaceful protest.There is a security exercise which is expected to surround the hotel grounds and keep prying eyes away.This comes in the midst of the police's insistence that "peaceful" demonstrations will be allowed. TheBilderbergers know that if protesters are treated with animosity, then they will receive more negativemedia attention.The Observer said that the dates of the conference are from June 8-9, but it is expectedfor the attendees will leave on the morning of the 9th as routine. In 2010, former NATO Secretary-Generaland Bilderberg member Willy Claes admitted that the attendees are mandated to implement decisionsthat are formulated during the annual conference of power brokers. In 2009, Bilderberg chairman tienneDavignon even bragged about how the Euro single currency was the brainchild of the Bilderberg Group.In February of 2013, the Italian lawyer Alfonso Luigi Marra requested that the Public Prosecutor of Romeinvestigate the Bilderberg Group for criminal activity. He wanted to question the elitist organization's 2011meeting in Switzerland led to the selection of Mario Monti as Prime Minister of Italy. Even as recently as afew months ago, Honorary President of the Supreme Court of Italy and former Senior Investigative JudgeFerdinando Imposimato accused the Bilderberg Group of being behind terrorist attacks in Europe.

    Hundreds of thousands of human beings came to the Watford as a means to protest the Bilderberg Groupmeeting. The Bilderberg should be exposed for what it is. We know about the Left/Right paradigm in thatthe liberal establishment deals heavily in economics and diplomacy while the conservative establishmentdeals heavily with national security. The two establishments may disagree much of the time, but they also

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    need one another. If diplomacy fails, the State Department has to authorize the CIA and the Pentagon todo the dirty work. Invasions, coups, spy work, assassinations, drug trafficking, arms shipments - these areall not the expertise of the State Department completely. The AFIO or the Association of FormerIntelligence Officers and the OSS Society are some of the major groups of the Right paradigm's groupsthat are counterparts to the CFR, the Pilgrims Society, and the Trilateral Commission. Both groups (of theAFIO and the OSS Society) will invite former CIA directors, NSA directors, FBI directors, covertoperations veterans, generals, and admirals to join their organizations. Even Ross Perot was in an OSSSociety meeting in October 2, 2010. There was the controversial General John Singlaub at the 2012annual meeting. The OSS Society was founded in 1947 under the name Veterans of the OSS. It onlychanged its name to OSS Society in 1998. Porter Goss, Frank Carlucci, Michael Hayden, and others arefamous members of the AFIO.

    A Summary of the Bilderberg Groups Agenda

    The Bilderberg Group's agenda is ever known in the world. According to Paul Joseph Watson and others,the Bilderberg Group wants to unite more with Google as a means to make a technocratic revolution (incontrolling societies in an authoritarian, anti-democratic fashion). The local newspaper from the UKlocation insists in the stereotype that crowds of conspiracy theorists are ready to storm the Grove Hotel.The reality is that peaceful protesters are known to exist in all Bilderberg Group meetings. Not to mentionthat it is a conspiracy of the Bilderberg Group being organized by Westerners in 1954. The agenda of theelite is not only imperialism and the maintenance of economic inequality. It is the advancement ofthem or the elite to have a monopoly on the use of arms (including the elite having a monopoly ofadvanced forms of technology). The right of human self-defense and self-preservation are universal,God given natural laws. That principle has been accepted and known even before the Second

    Amendment was formed. Also, we know more about economics. We know that mainstream capitalismhave harmed societies for a long time. We know that the Stalinist version of Communism have harmedsocieties as well. For example, Goldman Sachs has been caught robbing and thieving the Americanpeople. The tragic, horrific events of Bangladesh document that slavery like wages, and horribleconditions will kill human life. Also, the super-rich are pretending to reduce the deficit by targeting theelderly and the poor in cutting $38 billion, but they are increasing the military budget by $700 billion in2011. See, we see that the financial meltdown was an event exploited by the powers that be in order forthem to send more trillions of dollars from taxpayers into the hands of Wall Street corporations and thesuper-rich elite in general. The small class of insiders now control most of the world's political andeconomic wealth after the worldwide economic meltdown & the bailout. That is why independent human

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    beings want alternatives to these murderous, archaic systems like cooperatives, Dirgism, or acommonwealth based society. Liberation is not found in the Republican or Democraticparties. It is found in independent human beings fighting for truth and real liberty.

    The Bilderberg Group wants to appear trendy and use philanthropic style forums as a means to advancetheir agendas. The 2013 Bilderberg Group meeting already came about in June 6-9, 2013 in the luxuryGrove Hotel in Watford, UK. The meeting included over 100 of the world's most influential power brokersin the fields of politics, academia, technology, business, and banking. Bilderberg according to sources aremerging with Google under the stewardship of the Google CEO Eric Schmidt. Eric Schmidt is a regularBilderberg attendee. There is Google's annual Zeitgeist conference. This conference has been based atthe Grove since 2007. It comes days before the Bilderberg Group meeting. Google is shown as a way forthe elite to control the global political and technological landscape. Paul Joseph Watson said that hotelmanagers and others in the Grove told him that this is Google's agenda. The London Independentdescribes the centers around Google Zeitgeist as a cuddlier version of the Bilderberg. Numerousactivities reveal about them.

    Now, the Bilderberg Group want to use Google to present themselves as liberal, feel good, andadvancing philanthropic actions. There are the forums of Google Zeitgeist and TED. We know that somein the Arab Spring used Google as a means to be involved in the Arab Spring. In Tunisia and Egypt,some of them or members of the Arab Spring attended the Zeitgeist conference at the Grove. Googleemployee Wael Ghonim used the social media services as a means to be involved in the revolution ofEgypt. Some folks in the Arab Spring were real. Others were backed by Westerners as ameans to allow the Muslim Brotherhood to rule Egypt under the guise of colorrevolutions. Google influences American and British governments. Eric Schmidt was acampaign advisor and a major donor to Barack Obama's Presidential campaigns. Ericwas offered reportedly the post of Treasury Secretary within the Obama administration. Inthe UK, Google representatives met no less than 23 times with the Conservative Party officials since thegeneral election of 2010. David Cameron addressed the inaugural 2006 Zeitgeist conference beforegoing on to become Prime Minister four years later. British Chancellor George Osborne paid a visit toZeitgeist just weeks before he also attended Bilderberg 2011 in St. Moritz, Switzerland. The Zeitgeist

    meeting and the Bilderberg meetings have merged their ties. The London Telegraph compared thepower of the Google confab to the World Economic Forum in Davos. Each meeting has folks ofglobal significance to talk and network.The Bilderberg Group groomed ex-U.S. President Bill Clinton.Clinton has given speeches at Zeitgeist including his fellow Bilderberg attendee Prince Charles. AnotherTelegraph report called Zeitgeist as, one of the most high-powered gatherings of business leaders,thinkers and those that are considered to generally shape the global future. Google databases areknown to track cars and various forms of communications globally. Google Glass can track human beingsas well. The Grove Hotel during WW2 was a secret wartime HQ for London, Midland, and ScottishRailway. It was named Project X. Eric Schmidt said that he wants Google to answer questions,and know where human beings are. He said that: "...We know everything youre doing andthe government can track you. We will know your position down to the foot and downto the inch over timeYour car will drive itself, its a bug that cars were invented beforecomputersyoure never lonelyyoure never boredyoure never out of ideas. In numerousspeeches, including those made at Google Zeitgeist, Schmidt has outlined his vision for a collectivist,permanently networked world in which individuality and privacy are ostracized and those who refuse tosign up to the new religion of transhumanism are shunned as sub-human savages. Many Bilderbergmembers share that vision of Google's Eric Schmidt. A source says that the 4 or 5 big conferences ofGoogle will happen at the Grove in May, June, and July. The Google Zeitgeist will come in the 227 roomhotel. Some will get in London hotels, because of the large guests and administrative staff. According tovarious sources, the Bilderberg 2013 meeting will deal with Iran's nuclear program, the Syrian war, thethreat of a global pandemic, ways to control the revolution of 3D printing, them losing control overinformation dissemination, smart cities to spy on human beings, ways to control what can be published on

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    the Internet, bailouts to build the euro, etc. The agenda of the Bilderberg Group is exemplified by thecomments of Bilderberg member Henry Kissinger. Wikileaks found out the quotation from the luminaryKissinger. He said that following: Before the Freedom of Information Act, I used to say atmeetings, The illegal we do immediately; the unconstitutional takes a littlelonger. [laughter] But since the Freedom of Information Act, Im afraid to saythings like that..." So, members of the elite have not changed their overall goal of a globalized

    society. They have changed some of their techniques in exploiting technology as a means to try to gettheir action rolling.

    The friendship Nancy and I shared with Kay Graham is one of the legacies of my government service that

    we cherish most. ... The Kay of the permanent establishment never lost sight of the fact that societies

    thrive not by the victories of their factions but by their ultimate reconciliations. Kay and I met in 1969 at

    the home of Joe Alsop, another member of Washington's permanent establishment."

    - July 23, 2001, Henry Kissinger, Eulogy for Katharine Graham of the Washington Post,

    located at

    June 6-9 was the time of the Bilderberg meeting. There are issues about social protests, war on terrorism,Iran, domestic spying, Syria, etc. Will Hutton is a British political economist. He called the BilderbergGroup as the high priests of globalization. We know that they want to discuss key issues. They readilywork together as a means to exploit the world's resources. The hotel where the meeting will take place atis called London's cosmopolitan country estate. Parts of Google can record the user's web movementsforever. It provides a permanent record. This spurns OECD Privacy Guidelines and EU data protectionlaw provisions. Back in 2004, Google acquired the CIA linked company called Keyhole, Inc. It has aworldwide 3-D spy in the sky images database. It is supported by the CIA funded firm of In-Q-Tel (it

    invests in high levels of information technology that serve American national security interests). So, weknow that Google has worked with the CIA on various endeavors for years. Sources show thatGoogle and Bilderberg are merging their interests. This will cause a huge network of powerfulindividuals that include bank heads, technology developers, CEOs of corporations, and PrimeMinisters. In his 2011 book How to Run the World: Charting a Course to the Next Renaissance, ParagKhanna Director of the Global Governance Initiative at the New America Foundation - outlines a visionfor the future in which mega corporations, NGOs and governments team up to govern the globe. As theAsia Times reports Apart from the usual government/institutional suspects, Khanna includes an array ofextra players in the new rulers of the world, mostly powerful NGOs such as the Gates Foundation. Theseplayers are particularly fond of the global conference circuit from the annual bash at in Davos of the

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    World Economic Forum (WEF) to the seductively mysterious Bilderberg Group. The nation state conceptto these globalists must be replaced of their power with the power from tax exempt foundations and megacorporations. Some corporations have more power than governments today. UN Secretary General BanKi-Moon told the Seattle Times in an interview that they want NGOs, philanthropies, and foundations likethe Bill Gates Foundations to have a role in international affairs. The Gates Foundation has infiltratedAmerican educational system. They work with the Obama administration as 4 high ranking officials in theWhite House came from the Gates Foundation. The Hybrid Age is an age where tax exempt foundations,corporations, and technocrats have huge influence in the society of nations. This age is characterized bythe advancements made in technology as well, which can track humans in an authoritarian fashion. In2010 the Forum for the Future presented a vision of the future in which mega-cities are run bysupercomputers and citizens lives are tightly controlled. The Forum for the Future is backed by Bank ofAmerica, Sony, the City of London Corporation, PepsiCo UK, Time Warner, and Royal Dutch Shell. Eachof these entities has representatives at the Bilderberg Group. The elite planned their "Planned-Opolis" for2040 too. They plan decades in advance (of mega cities, etc.). The use of computer chips to track theenvironment of cities relate to U City. There is a similar project called New Songdo going on in SouthKorea. U-cities are places where all major information systems (residential, medical, business,governmental and the like) share data, and computers (e.g., RFID, smart cards and sensor-baseddevices) are built into the houses, streets, bridges and office buildings. Bill Gates' Microsoft Corporationis playing a role in forming a technology for New Songdo. So, the global elite are pushing the globe to adystopia future in which all areas of life are ruled by their interests. It doesn't have to be this way. This is

    the technocratic agenda predicted by Brzezinski back in the early 1970's. A security firm will subjectBilderberg protesters with pat downs.

    The Bilderberg leader Henry Kissinger jokes about Hillary Clinton being President at an elite gathering.Hillary Clinton recently accepted the "Distinguished Leadership Award" and she lauds liberal globalorder. Kissinger joked that he wants Hillary Clinton should run for President in 2016. At least foursecretaries of state became president, said Kissinger in remarks at an Atlantic Council dinner. HillaryClinton is right to recently condemn the injurious North Carolina Voter ID law. I want to tell Hillary thatwhen she misses the office, when she looks at the histories of secretaries of state, there might be hopefor a fulfilling life afterwards, he added. Kissinger joked that he thought about all types of schemes to getaround Constitutional protection that prevented him from becoming President himself since he is a foreigncitizen. Kissinger was born in Germany and had a controversial political life to say the least.

    It is a known fact that the Bilderberg guests are protected by MI6, the CIA, Mossad, andGerman special forces including secret police.

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    Henry Kissinger, as researchers document, is a war criminal. The Wikileaks showed the KissingerCables. In term, the Bilderberger Kissinger is quotes as saying the following, Before the Freedom ofInformation Act, I used to say at meetings, The illegal we do immediately; the unconstitutional takes alittle longer." Henry Kissinger is a director of the Atlantic Council. This elite think tank is an offshoot of theBilderberg Group, which is ruled by mostly North American and European elites. In the gathering of theAtlantic Council, Kissinger presented Clinton with a Distinguished Leadership Award, a direct seal ofapproval for a Clinton presidential run. Upon accepting the award, Clinton stated: When I becamesecretary of state, I spent a lot of time thinking about my illustrious predecessors not primarily the oneswho went on to become president, she said. But about the extraordinary generation of those leaderswho were not just present at the creation but leading the creation of a liberal global order that providedunprecedented peace and prosperity along with progress on behalf of the values that we hold incommon. Kissinger for years, they have lauded the formation of a new world order or a global force ofgovernance on many times. Henry Kissinger is known to meet in the Bohemian Grove as well. TheBohemian Grove too has heads of international corporations, banks, and political leaders. Back yearsago, Hillary Clinton conceded his 2008 Democratic primary against Barack Obama at the time a secretmeeting was held with Obama. This was the time during the Bilderberg Group conference in Chantilly,Virginia. In December of 2012, the New Yorker Magazine David Remnick wrote that after attending a 3day conference at which the Secretary of State was a keynote speaker stated that "Hillary Clinton is

    running for President." Hillary Clinton is running for President, wrote Remnick, adding, Everyone had atheory of which they were one hundred percent certain. There wasnt much doubt about the ultimatedirection. 2007-8 was but a memory and 2016 was within sight. Shes running. Remnick has been theeditor of the New Yorker for the past 14 years and is also a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist. He hascredibility on this issue.

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    Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests ofthe United States characterizing my family and me as internationalists and conspiringwith others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economicstructure one world, if you will. If thats the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.

    -Bilderberger David Rockefellers Memoirs on page 405

    Profiles of Modern Bilderberg Group Attendees

    There are many major figures in the Bilderberg Group. The Bilderberg's Steering Committee has at leasta dozen prominent Americans. David Rockefeller is a member of the Advisory Group. David Rockefellerattended the recent 2013 meeting. We know about David Rockefeller's agenda. He wanted a one worldsystem by his own words in his Memoirs back many years ago. In her book Web of Debt, Ellen Brownquoted economist/geopolitical analyst Hans Schicht saying: What has been good for Rockefeller, hasbeen a curse for the United States. Its citizens, government and country indebted to the hilt, enslaved tohis banks. The countrys industrial force lost to overseas in consequence of strong dollar policies(pursued for bankers not the country. Now, it seems that the elite are shifting their power base intoyounger human beings.

    Roger Altman is a famous member of the Bilderbergers. Roger is a former Lehman Brothers partner. Heleft before its dissolution. He was Clinton's Deputy Treasury Secretary. He is a Bilderberg SteeringCommittee member. He is the founder and executive chairman of Evercore Partners. Its a prominentpredatory investment banking advisory firm. It specializes in mergers, acquisition, divestitures,restructurings, financings and other strategic transactions. It operates the old-fashioned way. Itrecommends leveraged buyouts, asset-stripping targeted companies, and leaving thousands ofemployees high and dry on their own.

    Bilderberger Jeff Bezos is Amazon's founder and CEO. Amazon is the world's largest online retailer.Earlier, he worked on Wall Street and for a New York based hedge fund. As of March 2013, Forbes

    estimated his net worth at $25.2 billion.Bilderberger Martin Feldstein is a Harvard University Professor of Economics. From 1982 to 1984, he wasReagan's Council of Economic Advisors chairman and chief economic advisor. He was the NationalBureau of Economic Research (NBER) President emeritus. It is an elitist organization. Many of itsmembers have been conservative Nobel economics laureates. Others served as White House chairmenof the Council of Economic Advisors. It ignores the protracted Main Street Depression, but it claims toannounce when recessions begin to end. In 2006, Feldstein was on Bush's Intelligence Advisory Board.In 2009, he served Obama in a similar capacity. Martin is also affiliated with the following groups of the

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    Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, and American Enterprise Group among others. Hehas been a board member of several major corporations.

    The controversial Timothy Geithner is a member of the Bilderbergers as well.

    Neo-con Robert Zoellick is a prominent neocon. He was a Project for a New American Century member.He advocated post-9/11 wars. He is a member of the Bilderberg Group as well. Paul Wolfowitzsucceeded Wolfensohn as World Bank president. Zoellick succeeded him. He served from 2007 to 2012.He formerly was a Goldman Sachs managing director, as well as Deputy Secretary of State and USTrade Representative under GW Bush. Under Reagan, he held various Treasury positions. He wasCounselor to James Baker, Executive Secretary of the Department, and Deputy Assistant Secretary forFinancial Institutions Policy. He was GHW Bushs Under Secretary of State for Economic and AgriculturalAffairs. He also served as Department Counselor. In 1991 and 1992, he was Bushs G7 summitrepresentative. He 1992, he served as White House deputy chief of staff. From 1993 1997, he wasFannie Mae executive vice president. He bears much responsibility for helping to inflate the housingbubble.

    Bilderberger James Wolfensohn was once World Bank President. He is a Bilderberger. The World Bankharms nations financially under the guise of structural adjustment harshness. The World Bank prioritizesprivatization of state enterprises, mass layoffs, deregulation, deep social spending cuts, wage freezes orcuts, corporate-friendly tax cuts, unrestricted Western corporate market access, trade unionism crushedor marginalized, and stiff repression targeting non-believers. In 2005, Wolfsensohn founded Wolfensohn& Company. Its a global emerging markets private equity firm. It advises governments and largecorporations doing business in emerging market economies. Since 2006, Wolfensohns also beenCitigroup International Advisory Board chairman. In 2009, he became a China Investment CorporationInternational Advisory Council member. In October 2010, he regained his Australian citizenship.

    Other notable Bilderberg attendees include IMF head Christine Lagarde, European President JoseManuel Barroso, former appointed Italian Prime Minister Mario (three-card) Monti, Britains Chancellor ofthe Exchequer George Osborne, Goldman Sachs International chairman Peter Sutherland, as well asnumerous other politicians, corporate bosses, investment firm heads, journalist insiders and others.

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    A Recap of the Federal Reserve

    Folks know all about the Federal Reserve. Human beings from across the political spectrumhave exposed the errors from the Federal Reserve. I would continue to clarify that I oppose theFederal Reserve completely and I want alternatives to occur as a means to grow our economysystems in the world. We know that the Federal Reserve has been involved in manycontroversial actions since its inception. It is no secret that corporate interests and the Pilgrim

    Society (with folks like Paul Warburg, Senator Nelson Aldrich, Henry P. Davidson, BenjaminStrong, and Franklin Vanderlip) influenced the development of the Federal Reserve. Massiveindustrial consolidation by a few oligarchic elites was the rule of the day, as J.P. Morganexpanded total control over railroad and banking interests, and John D. Rockefeller took controlof the oil market, and expanded into banking (in the late 19 th century and to the early 20thcentury). At the end of November 1910, Senator Nelson W. Aldrich and Assistant Secretary ofthe U.S. Treasury Department A. Piatt Andrew, and five of the country's leading financiers(Frank Vanderlip, Henry P. Davison, Charles D. Norton, Benjamin Strong, and Paul Warburg)arrived at the Jekyll Island Club to discuss monetary policy and the banking system, an eventthat led to the creation of the current, privately owned Federal Reserve. This nefarious meetingwithout massive public input at all has been documented in many books from Bill Stillsresearch, to the Creature from Jekyll Island book made by E. Edward Griffin.

    The Federal Reserve Act formed the modern Federal Reserve in December of 1913. The FED isthe modern central banking system in the United States. It can handle interest rates, certainprices, and other functions of the economy. It is made up of the Board of Governors, the FederalOpen Market Committee, 12 regional Federal Reserve Bank, etc. found in various cities ofAmerica. It acts as a central banking entity. According to the Board of Governors, the FederalReserve System " considered an independent central bank because its monetary policydecisions do not have to be approved by the President or anyone else in the executive or

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    legislative branches of government, it does not receive funding appropriated by the Congress,and the terms of the members of the Board of Governors span multiple presidential andcongressional terms..." This is from the horses mouth. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1928:"...Instrumentalities like the national banks or the Federal Reserve banks, in which there areprivate interests, are not departments of the government. They are private corporations in which

    the government has an interest..." So, the Federal Reserve readily serve the interests of privateinterests and not the people totally, especially the poor. The long-time Chairman of the HouseBanking and Currency Committee (Charles McFadden) said on June 10, 1932: "...Some peoplethink that the Federal Reserve Banks are United States Government institutions. They areprivate monopolies ." The Fed itselfadmitted(via Bloomberg): "...While the Feds Washington-based Board of Governors is a federal agency subject to the Freedom of Information Act andother government rules, the New York Fed and other regional banks maintain they are separateinstitutions, owned by their member banks, and not subject to federal restrictions..." For thatreason, the New York Fed alleged in the lawsuit brought by Bloomberg to force the Fed to revealsome information about its loans Bloomberg LP v. Board of Governors of the Federal ReserveSystem, 08-CV-9595, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York (Manhattan) that itwas not subject to Federal Freedom of Information Act. That is why the senior counsel of theFederal Reserve admitted in a court hearing in the Bloomberg lawsuit that the FED banks areindependent corporations and not agencies. So, select private interests control the FED. Eventhe Bank of International Settlements or the BIS is owned by 55 central banks. Private Banksown the FED and other central banks own the BIS. The FED having excess reserves and thefractional banking system are some of the many errors of the Federal Reserve.

    The Federal Reserve has even bailed out foreign banks, which is immoral and disgraceful to saythe least when we still have record poverty in the world. The Federal Reserve has shown policiesas a means to benefit the corporate not the interest of the rest of the people. A 2010 Fed auditalso revealed that of the $1.25 trillion of mortgage-backed securities the central bank purchasedafter the housing bubble popped, some $442.7 billion - more than 35% were bought from

    foreign banks. If central banks have cause huge errors and Wall Street still have record profits,then what are the alternatives? There are many. There is the cooperative commonwealthmovement that can decentralize power more to the communities of America. Some haveadvanced state banks or decentralize banks (sending debt free money to the populace. Debt freemoney is one alternative to fractional banking) that can give great credit to the communities ofAmerican society more directly. The state bank of North Dakota has been highly successful inthe world. There are the actions of a guaranteed annual income and other anti-poverty measuresthat can help humanity too. Some want Congress and the people (not the Federal Reserve) tohave a more direct role in the economic system of America.

    Inside of Detroit, the government still chooses the big banks over the American people onceagain. Ellen Brown have made mentioned of this reality as well. She writes about the derivativefinancial scheme acting like a risky casino. Congress has been manipulated by the mastermindsof Wall Street to preserve it or derivatives at all costs. The government was wrong to excessivelybailout out Wall Street mega banks, but the government refuses to bailout out Detroit in ahypocritical fashion. Detroit is filling for bankruptcy, because of deindustrialization andnumerous other reasons. Detroit reached its first settlement with creditors. The settlement waswith UBS and Bank of America, and though the precise terms will not be nailed down until thebankruptcy judge weighs in. So, Detroit is set to pay an estimated $250 million to terminate

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    a soured derivatives transaction from 2005. The banks 25 percent hit is nothing comparedwith the citys suggested 90 percent cut to the pensions unfunded liability which willresult in benefit cuts that would be disastrous in both human and political terms and that theState of Michigan must prevent from happening. There are still activists in Detroit trying toprotect pensions, trying to protect municipalities from Wall Street, and trying to revoke the

    obscene privileges of banks that allow them to prosper on the failings of others. Numerous topindependent economists and financial experts believe that we have to break up the big banks asa means to save the economy. Ellen Brown, Richard C. Cook, Stephen Zarlenga, Bill Still, andother economic populists want unique solutions to solve our economic ills. The governmentshould not throw trillions at the big banks to artificially make them appear profitable. We haveto choose to favor the interests of Main Street. The central banks central bank the Bank forInternational Settlements- warned in 2008that bailouts of the big banks would create sovereigndebt crises, which could bankrupt nations. This is what is happening. Much of the bailoutmoney has been used to subsidize the bonuses of corporations. A large percentage of the bailoutshave gone into foreign banks. A huge portion of the money from quantitative easing came intoforeign banks as well. The FED bailed out Gaddafi's Bank of Libya, hedge fund billionaires, andbig companies, but not much of the common people in the States. We have a merge of state andcorporate power. Economist Dean Baker says that the real purpose of bank rescue plans was Amassive redistribution of wealth to the bank shareholders and their top executives." The newthreat of a stop and frisk program is being developed in Detroit. Emergency Manager Kevyn Orris directing its establishment. According to the Detroit News, Orr has authorized the DetroitPolice Department (DPD) to hire consultants from the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research,a right-wing think tank, and the Bratton Group, the law enforcement consulting firm, bothbased in New York, to reorganize the Detroit police and implement stop-and-frisk. The slashingof public services and the savaging of retired workers' conditions has harmed Detroit. The sameprogram (of stop and frisk like policies) is being used in numerous cities across the country,based on the reactionary Terry v. Ohio ruling by the US Supreme Court in 1968 allowing widelatitude for the stopping and patting down of individuals on the basis of police suspicion. So,we have fights in our time and we will continue to fight for racial justice, economic justice, andfor human rights indeed.

    The city of Detroit is still suffering. Wall Street has harmed Detroit too. There have been corporateinterests that have caused the dissolution of Detroit. Also, there have been black bourgeoisie scapegoatsfollowing orders as well like Kevyn Orr. Detroit has been disenfranchised, because they power is heavilycontrolled by managers. There has been a recent unannounced cut off of electricity. This was done byChief Compliance Officer Gary Brown. This happened in September 11th where many frightened humanbeings were stuck in elevators in 90 degree plus heat. One has been injured after the horrendousincident. He tried to justify the sick action via his sick words: "...We did start calling our customers prior totaking them down and asking them to turn off air conditioners, but they weren't responding as fast as wewould like them to so we had to send them a strong message by turning the power off..." The oligarchyhas arbitrary power in Detroit. We know that Judge Rhodes will decide if the imposition of an unelecteddictatorship in Detroit represents a constitutional crisis or not. Brown follows the orders from EFM KevynOrr, who follows orders from Wall Street interests. Orr was a bankruptcy lawyer. Now, he is trying to stripDetroit of its assets and privatize its services for the benefit of Wall Street banks. The blackout in Detroitexposes it faulty infrastructure and it was an exercise of arbitrary power that allowed human rights to befurther violated. The Judge will decide on whether Detroit should handle its own affairs. The threat ofprivatization is ever real in the world. We are still fighting for self-determination and real Power in theworld. Brown resigned from his $75,000 a year City Council position to sign on as Orrs lieutenant for$225,000 and, of course, an inside track in the corporate looting that will accompany Detroits fiscaldissolution. Wall Street wants Detroit to suffer austerity and mega thefts of its resources. The

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    establishment hates Detroit as evident on the sick comment made by five time mayor Tom Menino sayingthat he will blow up Detroit and start over. If a person other him say similar comments in public about amostly white city or mostly white area in America, he would be criticized by the media and eveninvestigated by the DHS for possible terrorism charges. Yet, saying that garbage to Detroit (which is 85percent black) is fair game to these elitist racists. Even the White House insults black Americans with thebootstraps line all of the time. Detroit needs democratic freedom from unelected bureaucrats. Theconfiscation of property is real there. This [Emergency Financial Manager] law has been applied in citiesand school districts where the majority population is African American, and I find this to be racist in bothits aims, and its application, Bill Hickey, a 50-year resident of the city, told the judge. Indeed, more thanhalf of Michigans Black population has been disenfranchised, a shocking state of affairs that is generallytreated as a non-event or, maybe, in the popular consciousness, it is the world as it should be. It is amatter of the human rights of folks living in Detroit. Last November, a large majority of Detroiters and 53percent of Michigan voters rejected the Emergency Manager legislation, but Republican governor RickSnyder rammed it through the legislature, anyway. We know that a new survey says that 75 percent ofDetroit residents do not want any cuts in public employee's pensions and 78 percent oppose selling anyprecious works at the Detroit Institute of Art. The bankruptcy was imposed on them by the powers that be.The reality is that we should be political independents. Republicans and Democrats have advancedausterity, imperialism, bigotry, anti-poor moves, and other moves against self-determination for over 100years. We need to support the interests of the poor and all oppressed human beings of the world. Thereactionary elitism among both parties has been wrong and immoral. Even the current White House

    executes some of the same policies as the Bush/Cheney regime from the war on terror to the Wall Streetbailouts. The Bush tax cuts are extended. There was a shutdown of Senator Leahy's "TruthFinding Commission" that was designed to investigate Bush Cheney crimes. So, we know the truth. Thetruth is that political independence is what we need. We need to fight this class struggle, we need racialjustice, we need economic justice, and we need social justice as well. We need to be comprehensive inour outlook and actions indeed.

    It has been five years after the U.S. bank Lehman Brothers gave out years ago on September 15, 2008.This was the start of the growth of the global financial crisis. It allowed in motion a series of processesthat brought to the surface the essential economic and political relations of world capitalism. The financialcrisis has grown since the beginning of it. The measures of the governments and financial authorities likeusing ultra cheap money to finance speculation allowed the crisis to start in the first place. Since theevents of 2008, some 8.8 million jobs were wiped out in America and $19.6 trillion in household wealthwas lost. The harshness of the crisis can be evaluated in the extent of the emergency facilities (providedby the US. Federal Reserve). Altogether some $17.7 trillion was made available, with the top eight

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    borrowers, including Citigroup, Morgan Stanley and Merrill Lynch, receiving around $11.5 trillion. This wasnot a liquidity crisis, but one of insolvency. The Federal Reserve rescued the major banks. They laterused the program of quantitative easing. There has been much current round the clock money printingcampaign in the realm of $85 billion a month into financial markets (to fund the same speculation that ledto the crisis of 2008). According to the Wall Street journal, total corporate bond debt has grown to nearly$6 trillion, up by 57 percent since 2007. Junk bonds, which made up 17 percent of the corporate bondssold in the US before the crash, now constitute 25 percent. The stock market grew into new heights. Thisis while the American economy is growing a little more than 2 percent, which is well below necessary toaccommodate the growth of the labor force and ensuring the continuation of mass unemployment. In theUK and the Eurozone, the gross domestic product has not recovered to the level reached in 2007. Thereis the view that emerging markets can be able to decouple from the advanced economies and provide anew basis for global economic growth has been shattered. In fact, the economies now may cause a newfinancial meltdown. The cheap money that can into the economies and inflated a series of speculativebubbles is withdrawn as the FED begins to wind down its asset purchasing program.

    When the crisis erupted, there were various claims that would necessarily lead to a reform of the bankingsystem and the breakup of the financial giants that dominate it. Five years on, the American banking andfinancial system is more concentrated than before the crisis. The same is true of Europe, Britain,Australia, and other economies. Despite the criminal nature of the financial actions that contributed to thecrash, not a single leading executive has been prosecuted let alone jailed. As U.S. Attorney General Eric

    Holder explained, the Obama administration refuses to prosecute the major banks or their top officials forfear of setting off a crisis with global consequences. The U.S. "recovery" heavily relates to theredistribution of wealth up the income scale. We know that between 2009 and 2012, during the so-calledrecovery, total US income rose by 6 percent, with 95 percent going to the top 1 per cent. Real incomesfor the majority of the population have fallen. The labour share of national income has fallen from 62percent before the eruption of the financial crisis to around 59 percent today. With US gross domesticproduct at about $15 trillion, this means that some $450 billion has been gouged out of the working classto finance the further enrichment of the financial aristocracy. We see the truth since the crash of 2008 inthe midst of wide social inequality. The financial and corporate elites want to harm and manipulate all ofthe social gains made by the working class including the rest of the people. We know that thecounterrevolution has not ceased even after the end of the Reagan Revolution. The financial criminalsand the imperialists use their influence to advance parasitism, criminality, and other evils. War is openlybeing used as a means to secure strategic political and economic objectives. That is criminal as the Nazis

    did this back in the day and they were tried in the Nuremberg trials. We know that war and socialcounterrevolution can never be executed in legitimate, peaceful method. They are done via police statemethods, spying, and creating illegal laws. The ruling class readily provokes social upheavals as a meansto harm revolutionary aspirations (and create reactionary policies). The ruling class wants the status quonot a radical ending of poverty. We see authoritarian rule in the world via slick, sophisticated means. Weknow that the cartel capitalism system has failed, which has resulted in war, dictatorship, and massunemployment. We need revolutionary changes where solutions are created to benefit all of the peoplenot just a select few.

    The goal of the banking elite is clear. As Georgetown University history professor CarrollQuigley wrote:

    [T]he powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than tocreate a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the politicalsystem of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to becontrolled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, bysecret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of thesystem was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a privatebank owned and controlled by the worlds central banks which were themselves private

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    corporations (Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in OurTime,New York: Macmillan Company, 1966, 324)

    *Also, many Federal Reserve leaders have historically have been Bilderberg Groupmembers.

    A Summary of Important Political History

    It is easy to see that the Democratic establishment has moved into more reactionary territory as time wenton. Many Democrats from yesteryear would be called a radical today by the Tea Party types. Even FDR(despite his imperfections) said that he welcomed the hatred of the reactionaries. Head Start, foodstamps, work/study, Medicare, and Medicaid came about because of the War on Poverty ethos from the1960's. We see that members from both the Republicans and the Democrats have been hostile to agenuine, real social safety net system. Many Democrats presented themselves as the lesser of 2 evilswhen they have been the more effective evil in getting their agenda done in the 21st century. Now, bothparties are pro-war. Paranoia about terrorism has been part of the nomenclature among political elites forover 10 years now. In fact, most of the United States' twentieth century wars were initiated by mostlyDemocrats not Republicans. Republicans initiated the war on terror in the 21st century though. The firstsignificant presidential act of Roosevelts successor, Harry Truman, was to order two atomic bombsdropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, killing estimated 200,000Japanese. Even Henry Wallace had to disagree with some of Trumans reactionary agenda in terms offoreign policies. Henry Wallace said the following words in December 29, 1947:

    Peace and abundance mean so much to me that I have said at a dozen press conferences and in

    many speeches when asked about a third party, "if the Democratic party continues to be a party of

    war and depression, I will see to it that the people have a chance to vote for peace and

    prosperity." To those who have come to me asking the conditions of my adherence to the present

    Democratic administration, I have said, "let the administration repudiate universal military training

    and rid itself of the Wall Street-military team that is leading us toward war. I have insisted that the

    Democratic administration curb the ever-growing power and profits and monopoly and take

    concrete steps to preserve the living standards of the American people. I have demanded that the

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    Democratic administration cease its attacks on the civil liberties of Americans. In speeches in the

    North and in the South at non-segregated meetings I have stated the simple truth that

    segregation and discrimination of any kind or character have no place in America

    Truman went on to launch the Korean War in 1950. As early as 1951, a Gallup poll showed 66 percent ofAmericans wanted U.S. troops to pull out of the Korean War. In 1952, 51 percent agreed that it was amistake to intervene in Korea at all. There was no massive movement to oppose the War. Four millionKorean civilians out of the Five million human beings died from the Korean War. Campaigning for electionin 1964, Democratic candidate Lyndon B. Johnson pledged, We are not about to send American boys9,000 or 10,000 miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves..." As weknow months later, Johnson escalated U.S. troop involvement in the Vietnam War. Even the AFL-CIOconvention in 1965 supported the Johnson administration in using the military as a means to fightVietnam. It was only in 1970 that AFL-CIO's vice President Walter Reuther said to Nixon that, "We mustmobilize for peace rather than wider theaters of war." This came in the midst of a very strong anti-warmovement and the continued bloodshed in the Vietnam War. When Bill Clinton was elected in 1992, itmarked the modern shift of the Democratic Party into neoliberal status. Bill Clinton used the military toadvance U.S. interests as he sad that he would do. He intervened in Haiti. He allowed the U.S. supportNATO in its war against Yugoslavia in 1999. NATO committed war crimes in Belgrade and other locationsin that region of the world. He bombed Sudan and Afghanistan too. He bombed Iraq during his no fly zone

    exercises. Clinton supported cruel sanctions against Iraq where over million Iraqis died from 1991 to2003. Even Clinton's Secretary of State Madeleine Albright told 60 Minutes journalist Leslie Stahl that thesanctions against even innocent Iraqis were worth it. The New Deal Coalition came in the 1930's sincethe Great Depression was harsh that revolutionary fervor was in the air. That is why Roosevelt madeconcessions by allowing once the Wagner Act or the National Labor Relations Act to come about. It madeit illegal for employers to refuse to bargain with union. He passed the Social Security Act as it gave thepoorest families and the elderly some standard of living. Much of the New Deal coalition included realfolks and evil Dixiecrats too. So, the establishment allowed concessions to happen as a means to preventreal revolution (and concede that the worst aspects of capitalism harmed the poor). When the reactionaryRichard Nixon was President in 1968, he had to deal with social activist movements of all kinds. Nixonhated the war on poverty programs, so he continued with his own policies. In the mid 1970's, the growthof neoliberalism came about. Neoliberalism allowed the business elite to use policies to lower theworking class living standards, while increasing corporate profits (which leads into an increase of

    economic inequality). Real wages were falling in 1974 and more automation came about as predicted bythe late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The corporate tax rate fell from 1969 to 1981. Reagan cut heavilymany social safety net programs like AFDC or the Aid to Families with Dependent Children.

    Bill Clinton (an ally of the DLC) supported NAFTA, and wanted to end welfare as we know it. In 1994, hetransformed AFDC into a temporary program requiring all able-bodied recipients to go to work after twoyears. In 1996, facing reelection, Clinton signed the Republican-sponsored Personal Responsibility andWork Opportunity Act, extinguishing the hallmark of the New Deal by relieving the government of anyresponsibility to care for the poor, limiting poor women and children to a five-year lifetime limit. Yet, he iscalled the golden Savior of all Creation by his adherents. So, Clinton had his reactionary side just theovert reactionary agenda of the Bush administration from 2001. The Clinton Anti-Terrorism and EffectiveDeath Penalty Act made it more palatable for the more repressive Patriot Act to come about, which waspassed after September 11, 2001. Any form of inequality from economic to social is always evil,justifiable, and morally repugnant period. So, history is filled with social changes. Today, neoliberal is stillan ideological cancer plaguing both parties. We can see the drone attacks, the Simpson-Bowlesagenda, and the NSA scandal to witness examples of that. So, it is our job to fight for justice and truthirrespective of times changing.

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    Updates on the Syrian Civil War in 2013

    The United Nations is saying that the US backed opposition groups not the Syrian regime has usedpoisonous gas in Syria. There has been a series of interviews about this issue. UN investigator Carla delPonte spoke in these multiple interviews. Carla del Ponte said that sarin gas used in Syria was fired bythe U.S. backed opposition not the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. Her account explodes the lieson which Washington (and its European allies) have based their campaign for more military interventionin Syria. Some neo-cons in the United States and its allies want to attack Syria under certaincircumstances. They use Assad's chemical weapons as a justification to get this goal accomplished. Therebels having sarin is ironic since these same rebels are armed by U.S.-allied Middle Eastern nationsunder CIA supervision. Del Ponte's statements relate to the events of the blatantly or flagrantly illegalIsraeli air strikes on Syria. These airstrikes have been endorsed by President Obama. These recentevents critically escalate the US-instigated and supported sectarian war for regime change in Syria. Someview these incidents as a prelude to a potential strikes on Iran. Del Ponte is a former Swiss attorneygeneral who served on the Western backed international courts on Yugoslavia and Rwanda. Rightnow, she sits on an UN commission of inquiry on Syria. She gave an interview with Italian-Swissbroadcaster RSI on Sunday. She said the following words:

    "...According to the testimonies we have gathered, the rebels have used chemical weapons,making use of sarin gas. She explained, Our investigators have been in neighboring countriesinterviewing victims, doctors, and field hospitals, and, according to their report of last weekwhich I have seen, there are strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof of theuse of sarin gas, from the way the victims were treated. This was on the part of the opposition,the rebels, not by the government authorities. She added, This is not surprising, since theopponents [i.e., the anti-Assad opposition] have been infiltrated by foreign fighters. In a videointerview on the BBC yesterday, del Ponte said, We collected some witness testimony thatmade it appear that some chemical weapons were used, in particular, nerve gas. Whatappeared to our investigation was that was used by the opponents, by the rebels. We have no,no indication at all that the government, the authorities of the Syrian government, had usedchemical weapons.

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    This makes the Western claim that the Syrian government is using chemical weapons as wrong. The U.S.military could step up intervention in Syria. The Assad regime charged that the opposition had fired arocket with a chemical warhead at Khan al-Asal near Aleppo. It killed 26 people including 16 Syriansoldiers according to opposition sources. The opposition claimed that the Assad regime that had fired thechemical rockets. This is implausible since the rocket was aimed at pro-Assad forces. The U.S. politicaland media establishment took opposition allegations as good by default. President Barack Obama said inAugust of 2012 that the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government would be a red lineprompting U.S. military intervention (from giving opposition forces arms to a military strike). On April 26,the White House endorsed this campaign in a letter to Congress, declaring: The US intelligencecommunity assesses with some degree of varying confidence that the Syrian regime has used chemicalweapons on a small scale in Syria. The statement is false. Witness testimony gathered by the U.N. havedocumented that the statement is false as well. The use of sarin apparently by the U.S. backed SunniIslamist opposition is tied to Al-Qaeda. They or the rebels carry out terrorism in Syria against Christians,Shias, and even Sunni human beings. The U.S. Council on Foreign Relations said that sarin is verycomplex and dangerous to make. They believe that it could be made by a trained chemist with publiclyavailable chemicals. The rebels have been controversial regardless if they gotten the sarin from foreignbackers (and synthesized it themselves under outside supervision) or stole it from Syrian stockpiles. Eventhe mainstream media is having trouble to spin the chemical weapons story in a way to get the majority ofthe American people to support some military attack in Syria. Time and againin the Houla massacre ofMay 2012 and the murder of journalist Gilles Jacquier in January 2012the media blamed atrocities

    perpetrated by the opposition on the Assad regime, then dropped the issue when it emerged that theopposition was responsible. Even the US governments announcement last December that Al Qaeda-linked opposition forces had carried out hundreds of terror bombings in Syria did not dim media supportfor the war. Most of the mainstream Western media will bury the del Ponte interview. The West wantsmore intervention in Syria. This is similar to the lies about weapons of mass destruction or WMDs used tojustify the war against Iraq. The West is showing propaganda about chemical weapons as a means tojustify agitation against Syria. The Washington Post is showing the same claim of Assad using chemicalweapons against civilians. A preemptive strike against Syria would be against international law just likethe Iraq War was ten years ago. The Iraq War was destructive killing millions and costing trillions ofdollars. NY Times executive editor Bill Keller in his article entitled, Syria Is Not Iraq" wants the rebels tobe funded. He wants immediate military action in Syria. On the other hand, there is no evidence thatAssad used chemical weapons. We need a peaceful resolution to this Syrian civil war not war mongering.

    The American killed fighting for Syrian rebels had an Al-Qaeda flag. The terrorist makeup of the Syriaopposition has been underscored by the mainstream media all of the time. An American woman and 2other westerners were killed fighting on the side of the FSA rebels in Syria. They were found with the Al-Nusra flag or the Al-Qaeda group that killed U.S. troops in Iraq and has become the primary fighting forcein the country. TV footage showed a bullet-riddled car and three bodies laid out. It also showed weapons,a computer, a hand-drawn map of a government military facility and a flag belonging to the al Qaeda-affiliated al-Nusra Front, reports the CNN. The American woman was later identified as 33 year oldNicole Lynn Mansfield, from Michigan. The Al-Nusra connection again underscores the point that whileBritain and France plan to arm rebels after an EU ban was lifted, opposition militants fighting in Syria arebecoming increasingly extremist, radicalized and dominated by foreign jihadists. Jabhat al-Nusra is the

    now leading front force in Syria. They are commanding other rebel groups as FSA rebels defect to theterrorist group in droves. Soon after the State Department declared Jabhat al-Nusra a terroristorganization, 29 different FSA rebel outfits pledged allegiance to the Al-Qaeda group. In April, the leaderof Al-Nusra formally pledged allegiance to Al-Qaeda. NATO have shown their best efforts to try to portraythe FSA and Jabhat al-Nusra as separate entities, but the so-called moderate FSA rebels are nowmimicking Al-Nusra's behavior (like in a recent video which showed an FSA fighter cutting out the heart ofa Syrian soldier and biting into it). The FSA wants to see the Al-Qaeda flag fly over the White House oncethey are successful in the region. They made songs that glorify the CIA asset Osama bin Laden and the9/11 attacks and even naming their units the "Bin Laden brigade." FSA rebels have ransacked Christianchurches and burning U.S. including Israeli flag in public in more than one occasion. This is not about the

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    morality of burning flags, but the West being hypocrites (in claiming to love America but agree with rebelsburning their own flags).

    The reality that the Syrian opposition is now replete with bloodthirsty terrorists has turned public opinionsquarely against arming the rebels, but NATO powers and the United States are still seriously consideringsupplying heavy weaponry in light of Russias decision to green light the delivery of six S-300 air defensesystems to Syria under a 2010 contract. The last American found to be fighting on the same side as FSArebels was U.S. Army veteran Eric Harroun. He joined up with Al-Nusra in Syria. He was arrested by FBIagents on his return to the U.S. and charged with using a rocket propelled grenade launcher on behalf ofan Al-Qaeda affiliated group. Harroun's father claimed that his son has been working for the CIA. The CIAis known to fund terrorists for decades across the Earth. In March, the New York Times reported that theCIA has been conducting, a secret airlift of arms and equipment for the uprising against PresidentBashar al-Assad, since early 2012. Matthew Vandyke fought alongside al-Qaeda terrorists in both Libyaand Syria. He gave lectures in D.C. back in March. He originally wanted to join the CIA and later calledhimself a freedom fighter. Why westerners were fighting the Syrian government alongside Al Qaedarebels is not known. What is known is that tomorrow front pages across the nation will be blastingAmerican woman killed in Syria and the ensuing thirst for revenge will be just the missing link needed bythe administration, in lieu of having found no weapons of mass destruction, to escalate the conflict evenfurther, writes Zero Hedge. Turkey supports the Syrian rebels as well. Turkey has a neoliberalprivatization agenda especially when it is found in Istanbul. Turkey's own citizens have protested Turkey

    backing NATO backed terrorists in Syria and other issues. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan ofTurkey wants more influence in the Middle East and the EU in exchange for their support of terrorists inthe Middle East. Back then, Erdogan was having almost daily talks with President Obama while he wasbeing wooed into the scheme. Turkish police have used water in attacking the Turkish protesters wantingreal changes in Turkey. Webster Tarpley is right to mention that the West has exploited the Arab Springas a means to destabilize the nation states of the Middle East.

    Senator John McCain went into Syria to meet with the Syrian rebels. This is ironic for many reasons. Oneis that the U.S. government claims to fight terrorism. Yet, they are funding the rebels, who have terroristsamong many of their ranks indeed. Not to mention that numerous individuals are in Guantanamo Bay forjust associating with terrorists. Numerous FSA rebels in Syria have admittedly said that they were led andhave allegiance to Al-Qaeda terrorists. The Republican Senator John McCain wants U.S. military aid tothe Syrian opposition. He made a surprise visit to Syria and met with the rebels. This comes when Russia

    and the U.S. are trying to set up a peace conference. This comes when the EU wants to scrap the armsembargo of the Syrian opposition. This will give Britain and France the means to send heavy weaponry tothe rebels when the Syrian Army troops are scoring major victories. Many of the former Guantanamo Baydetainees (as found in a list) are in there, because some of them are merely associating with terrorists.John McCain did just this action when he meet up with FSA militants. These militants begged him topressure President Barack Obama to send weapons and launching air strikes against the Assadgovernment. NATO tries to differentiate between FSA rebels and the Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in Syria.Yet, some of them are one and the same. Some Jabhat al-Nusra members are commanding FSA rebels.There are facts that prove that many sections of the FSA rebels are terrorists. John McCain is associatingwith many terrorists members. FSA rebels have defected to Jabhat al-Nusra in drove. Jabhat al-Nusra isin the leading front line fighting force in Syria. They command other rebel groups. They have killed U.S.troops in Iraq. After the State Department declared Jabhat al-Nusra a terrorist organization, 29 differentFSA rebel outfits pledged allegiance to the Al-Qaeda groups. FSA rebels have vowed to fight the U.S.after they finish with Bashar al-Assad. They burn American flags. Some of them are filmed singing songsto glorify the CIA asset Osama bin Laden and the evil 9/11 attacks.

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    Some of the FSA rebels have cannibalized human beings. Some of them have murdered Christians,Sunnis, Shia, and other dissidents in Syria. FSA rebels have forced children to behead human beings andcreate other atrocities. They have killed journalists in targeted killings like Maya Nasser and Yara Abbas.FSA rebels are pictured wearing the black flag of Al-Qaeda and wearing uniforms with Al-Qaeda insigniaon. The UN human rights investigator Carla del Ponte said that FSA rebels have used chemicalweapons. They are being funded by the Saudis and the Qataris. John McCain is the man supporting theterrorists in Libya that murdered innocent human beings before. When the No Fly Zone resolution overLibya was first passed in the UN, it was designed to enable rebel forces in Libya to protect the civilianpopulation from air and armor attacks from the Libyan Army. What ensued almost immediately after theresolution passed was nothing of the sort: the UK and France under US direction took it uponthemselves, in almost 10,000 airstrike sorties within six months, to not only destroy all of Libyas meagerair-force and armor, but destroy the vast majority of the infrastructure Gaddafi had built. This ranalongside a targeted assassination campaign against Gaddafi himself to bring about the desired regimechange, which just by chance, also happens to be completely against international law. He or JohnMcCain wants conflict with Iran, but loves to ally with terrorist allied human beings in Syria. The secularSyrian government is targeted for regime change (and Jabhat al-Nusra wants an extremist fundamentaliststate filled with sharia law). The CIA has used an arms trafficking operation from Saudi Arabia and Qatarto Syria according to numerous sources. Saudi Arabia is hypocritical to claim to want freedom in Syria,but they have some of the most authoritarian, anti-freedom policies in the world. The neo-conservativeswant Western involvement in a war with not only Syria, but with Iran as well. The Syrians should havefreedom, but not at the hands of theocratic terrorists. There should be an independent peace conferenceand discussions as a means to end the Syrian civil war (and make solutions that will benefit all of theSyrian people not a select few or U.S./NATO interests).

    The West want regime change in Syria as a way for them to get the regions oil reserves in a strategicpower grab. The EU embargo was lifted as result from the campaign from the UK and France on May 28.This will cause more atrocities in Syria via jihadists as terror squads (on the behalf of London,Washington, and Paris). In the UK, reactionaries are exploiting these events as a means to create evenharsher repressive policies domestically. Prime Minister David Cameron has created an anti-terror taskforce as a means to propose measures to tackle "political extremism." This force includes theMetropolitan police commissioner, Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, and the Director General of MI5 AndrewParker. The government of the UK now is trying to reintroduce legislation that makes telecom companies

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    to record the time, duration, originator, and recipient of all emails, phone calls, messages on social media,webmail and Internet voice calls made in the UK. The murder of Lee Rigby has been exploited as ameans for the enemy to continue their imperialist and colonialist adventures overseas. Political life inBritain and globally has been harmed by laws that violate human civil liberties. The leaders of financialpower want to get the oil, gas, and mineral resources of the Earth via wars. Now, we are paying trillions ofdollars for these evil wars and they cost our social programs at home. The ruling class is just as muchresponsible for the murder of the soldier as the real murderers are. They are the ones who orchestrateterrorism globally.

    The U.S. is using the accusation that Assad is using chemical weapons as a means to send weapons tothe rebels. The truth is that the Al-Qaeda back rebels are found to have chemical weapons. The WhiteHouse claimed that Syria has crossed the red line. Secretary of State John Kerry loves this action. Thisimperialism is done under the guise of humanitarian intervention. The West accused the Syrian Presidentof killing his own people. Following a deliberative review, our intelligence community assesses that theAssad regime has used chemical weapons, including the nerve agent sarin, on a small scale against theopposition multiple times in the last year, White House Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodessaid in a statement. Our intelligence community has high confidence in that assessment given multiple,independent streams of information. The President believes that President Bashar Al Assad has usedchemical weapons allegedly in Syria. This is very similar to the WMD saga of Iraq. Iraq was attacked on

    the false basis that it has WMDs extensively. The West believes that the Syrian government executedpremeditated mass murder, so intervention must occur. The rebels want the U.S. to have a no fly zone.The United States wants to aid the rebels more. The military rebels have been decimated by the Syriangovernment forces. These defeated opposition rebel forces largely composed of the Al Qaeda affiliatedAl Nusrah are supported by Turkey, Israel, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. The US, NATO, and Israeli fundedrebels have lost the ground war. The Western military alliance has funded the Al Nusrah Front Fighters. Ano fly zone could be risky since Syria's air defense system has the Russian S-300 SMA system. We knowthat the U.S. supported Al Qaeda rebels have used chemical weapons (in their atrocities in Syria).

    Confirmed by various sources including CNN, the Western military alliance has not only made chemicalweapons available to the Al Nusrah Front, it has also sent in military contractors and Special Forces totrain the rebels. The rebels have been trained in Jordan and Turkey. Many defense contractors aretraining Syrian rebels to handle stockpiles of chemical weapons. The Gulf Arab states are aiding the

    rebels as well. Some like those in the Syrian Foreign Ministry believe that the U.S. is wrong to frame theSyrian regime as having used or prepared for chemical warfare. While President Obama accuses BasharAl Assad, the US-NATO military alliance is channeling chemical weapons to Al Nusrah, a terroristorganization on the State Department list of terrorist organizations. Even the United Nations IndependentMission confirms that rebel forces are in possession of sarin nerve gas. The Turkish state media agencyZaman said that the Turkish General Directorate of Security named Genel Mdrl sad that the AlNusra terrorist cell has chemical weapons. The West is supporting Al Qaeda. The State Departmentcalled Al Nusra a terrorist organization. They have killed innocent Syrians in Damascus, Aleppo, Hamah,Dara, Homs, Idlib, and Dayr al-Zawr. The head of the FSA Supreme Military Council Brigadier GeneralSalem Idriss is a liason with Al Nusrah military commanders. Both Democrats and Republicans believe inthis war mongering. Bill Clinton agreed with John McCain in having militarism in Syria. Most Americansdo not want an American troop intervention inside of Syria. Much of the anti-war movement is silent onthis issue since a Democratic President is in the White House. We know the truth. The truth is thatpseudo-liberals want to transform the Middle East into a place filled with pro-Western puppet states. It isthe threat of imperialism and a malleable world which is a true threat to all freedom loving peoples of theworld. We have the right to disagree with this evil and advocate for justice and a peaceful resolution to thecivil war in Syria. The Western elite is trying to force or pressure President Barack Obama to attack Syria(after the liberation of Qusayr on June 6, 2013. The anti-Assad death squads were defeated there) plainlyspeaking. He or Obama has hesitations about a massive military involvement in Syria. We know thatillegal phone taps are bad, but the WWIII scenario as advocated by reactionary neocons is worse.

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    The Evil Drone Attacks

    There have been lawless drone killings for years now. Two UN reports outline this problem. Asixteen year old named Malala Yousafzai is an activist for women's education, a blogger, and aSakharov Prize winner. She is a Pakistan National Youth Peace Prize recipient. She was a2013 Nobel Prize nominee. Desmond Tutu nominated her for the International Children's PeacePrize. On October 16, Canada said it plans to grant her honorary citizenship. Obama invited herto the White House. She ironically said that, "Drone attacks are fueling terrorism." Innocentvictims are killed in these acts, and they lead to resentment among the Pakistani people. She iscorrect. Predator drones kill many human beings. There are remote warrior teams that operate

    computer keyboards and multiple monitors. In other words, the imperialists murder by remotecontrol. They target faceless victims. They kill indiscriminately. They do so unaccountably. Weknow that drones are instruments of state terror. Studies document how mostly innocentcivilians are killed by them. They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. There is the jointStanford University International Human rights and Conflict Resolution Clinic (SU)/New YorkUniversity School of Law Global Justice Clinic (NYU) report. It entitled, "Living Under Drones."The dominate Washington narrative claims that drone strikes are precise and effective.Targeted killings minimi(ze) downsides or collateral impacts, it says. Doing so makes Americasafer, it alleges. These views are false since drone attacks kill indiscriminately. Mostlynoncombatant civilians are affected. Living Under Drones exposes what Washington wontsay. The White House claims that drones haven't caused a huge number of civilian casualties. Itclaimed that they're targeted or focused at people who are on a list of active terrorists trying to

    go in and harm Americans. Hard evidence proves otherwise. According to the SU/NYC study:US drone strike policies cause considerable and under-accounted-for harm to the daily lives of

    ordinary civilians, beyond death and physical injury. Drones hover twenty-four hours a dayover communities in northwest Pakistan, striking homes, vehicles, and public spaces withoutwarning. Their presence terrorizes men, women, and children, giving rise to anxiety andpsychological trauma among civilian communities.

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    Official statements about drone killings keeping America safe are false. Evidence from theSU/NYU study show that at most only 2 percent of victims are high value combatants. Othersare mostly innocent civilians. Drone killings fuel resentment. They facilitate anti-Americanrecruitment. Most Pakistanis call America the enemy. Other affected countries view America inthe same context.

    Professor Christof Heyns co-directs the University of Pretorias Institute for International andComparative Law. He serves as UN Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary or ArbitraryExecutions. He has his September 13 dated UN report. It is entitled, Extrajudicial, summary orarbitrary executions. It omits offender country names. He clearly holds Washington responsible.The expansive use of armed drones by the first states to acquire them, if not challenged, cando structural damage to the cornerstones of international security and set precedents thatundermine the protection of life across the globe in the longer term, he said. The reportmentions the following:

    "...The use of drones by states to exercise essentially a global policing function to counterpotential threats presents a danger to the protection of life, because the tools of domesticpolicing (such as capture) are not available, and the more permissive targeting framework of the

    laws of war is often used instead.On October 25, General Assembly member states will discuss Heyns report. It calls for obeyinginternational law. According to Heyns, he wants nation to follow international law. Countries maynot consent to the violation of their obligations under international humanitarian law orinternational human rights law. Reprieve is an UK based human rights group. Its legal directorKat Craig said that the report exposes the evil drone war that is harming innocent civilians. Thisaction is a threat to international security as a whole. The CIA must be held into account of this.Reprieve has clients like young Pakistani children who saw their grandmother killed in front ofthem. The CIA is made up of terrorists. Ben Emmerson is UN Special Rapporteur on HumanRights and Counterterrorism. His September 18-dated UN report is titled Promotion andprotection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism. The UNinvestigators identified dozens of U.S. drone strikes causing civilians deaths and inquire. Doingso clearly violates international law. There should be justice on this issue. There are suchincidents in Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Pakistan and Gaza. While the fact thatcivilians have been killed or injured does not necessarily point to a violation of internationalhumanitarian law, it undoubtedly raises issues of accountability and transparency, he said.Former UN Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary, or Arbitrary Executions Philip Alstoncalls targeted killings intentional, premeditated, and deliberate use of lethal force (againstindividuals) not in the physical custody of the perpetrator.

    *The White House has no moral right to assassinate anyone in the world even Americancitizens at any time. Francis Boyle calls drone attacks murders, assassinations, andextrajudicial executions. According to Marjorie Cohn: Unlawful drone strikes not onlyundermine the rule of law, (they) prevent the United States from reasonably objecting when

    other countries (target their own) kill lists. What more proof do we need? There has been a lackof transparency on the total CIA drone situation. The kill lists are highly evil. So, we know thatthe war on terror is evil and has been evil for over a decade.

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    I like to leave in a controversial note since sometimes, I am a controversial man. LOL. I like to be thisway. Now, we know that mainstream capitalism is murdering the human family all over the world. For over

    5 centuries, its fruits has been nefariously harming societies and murdered OVER ONE BILLION HUMANBEINGS (via wars, environmental damage, the system of white supremacy, economic oppression,religious deception, and imperialism). This has been documented by researchers by Asad Imi and KristinSchwarz. It is a system that is increasingly murdering workers worldwide from Bangladesh to America.Many of those who love corporate capitalism know that their policies are killing workers and other humanbeings globally. These murders are deliberate and with premeditation. The mainstream media sanitizedthe truth as a means to stabilize public perception. Capitalism has heavily influenced racism as KwameTure explained in the following words:

    I think the problem is that many people in America think that racism is an attitude. And this isencouraged by the capitalist system. So they think that what people think is what makes them a racist.Racism is not an attitude. If a white man wants to lynch me, thats his problem. If hes got the power tolynch me, thats my problem. Racism is not a question of attitude; its a question of power. Racism gets its

    power from capitalism. Thus, if youre anti-racist, whether you know it or not, you must be anti-capitalist.The power for racism, the power for sexism, comes from capitalism, not an attitude. You cannot be aracist without power. You cannot be a sexist without power. Even men who beat their wives get thispower from the society which allows it, condones it, encourages it. One cannot be against racism, onecannot be against sexism, unless one is against capitalism.

    Yet, there can be no denial of mainstream capitalism contributing to the reality that the wealthiest 1percent now control 39 percent of the world's wealth, and their share is likely to grow in the comingyears, according to a new report. Such murders are even glamorized in TV programs and movies. Themovie Waterloo Bridge outlines the murderous nature of mainstream capitalism. We know that the

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    imperialist wars in the 21st century are a continuation of capitalism. The Iraqi War killed over 4,000human beings from America. It has murdered 1.3 million Iraqi deaths. More Iraq and Afghanistan U.S.veterans have committed suicide than were killed in battle. In fact, 30 U.S. veterans attempt suicide everyday and 18 die from it. In World War I, about 15 million human beings were murdered and 45 millionhuman beings were murdered in World War II. Both wars have capitalist companies funding both sides(as Hitler was brought into power by German capitalists such as Thyseen, Krupp, and Siemens includingother American capitalists) and stirring the directions of the war in various directions. In our time, we haveWhite House leaders justifying murdering U.S. citizens via drone strikes. We have the mine disaster killing13 miners in West Virginia including the miners killed by neoliberal forces in South Africa. We see a lackof healthcare, economic treason, and food exploitation by the elite. If we are awake, then we know thatthe murder of workers by extreme policies is an abomination. The new genocide is done in the West withthe tactics of austerity, militaristic imperialism, and capitalist genocide. We know that every 2 minutes, ababy is born into poverty. Every 15 minutes in America a baby is born to a mother who received late or noprenatal care. One out of every 4 American veterans is now homeless. 22,000 Americans will dieneedlessly because of private, over expensive capitalist healthcare insurance companies. We have amodern capitalist police state in America with the stop and frisk program in NYC, with the SWAT Teamharming communities nationwide, with the unjust laws violating fundamental human civil liberties, withwarrantless wiretapping, and with other nefarious evils spreading in the world. We are in a global classwar where the elite are murdering human beings, violating laws, stealing pensions, and receiving recordbailouts.

    One of the most spiritually enlightening facts that I realize in my walk for almost 30 years of my life hasbeen the exposure of mainstream capitalism as consumed with greed, selfishness, subjugation, andexploitation (that uses consumerism and the illusion of freedom as a means to justify its injustices). JohnHenrike Clarke, Peter Goodgame, and others created massive research that opened my eyes on thisissue. Capitalism is inheritably at war with the Golden Rule since its desire is profit the expense of mercyor altruism. The works of Bernard Mandeville, Adam Smith, Ludwig Von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, AynRand, and others pan this out. The Laodicean lifestyle of consumerism and being blinded by Mammonhave caused violence, harsh divorces, wars, divisions, hatreds, greed, and other negative results in the

    span of human history. We must have the concern for the welfare of the community. We should be self-sacrificing and charitable with our neighbors.

    We must not use irrational violence, which the elite wants (so they can place laws in the books to furthersuppress human freedom). For irrational violence against the elite's military, police, and propagandaweapons is suicidal. I believe in self-defense not suicidal actions. In other words, we should use peacefulmeans to not only help the workers, but help the poor including the homeless. There is why manypopulists advance commonwealth and cooperatives as alternatives to the current existing order (when acommonwealth allows the community ownership of the means of production by the people). I have noissue with that. We should advance independent political movements working to assist the working class

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    and all of the people. The good news is that the system is not all powerful. There have been somevictories against the enemy. These victories include the Preamble, the Bill of Rights (that the commonpeople forced the capitalist class to show), the independence of African nations, the civil rights strugglecausing new civil rights legislation, the Vietnam anti-war movement causing the Vietnam war to endedsooner than expected, Social Security, the growing of the Internet, many victories won by the women'sright movements, wins made by the labor rights movement, and other victories. The war is not finished yet

    though. We will win in the end. The Bilderberg Group, therefore, is in in league with corporaterich interests not the REAL PEOPLE. I will always defend the truth and real humans. I willnever join or ally with any Secret Society, elite political organization, or any nefariousgroup at all. I will always oppose one world government and evil globalism. I will alwaysbelieve in equality and an end to the system of white supremacy completely. Ourancestors suffered, so we would be here continuing in our journey for liberty. I will neverever forget where I came from. I will be a man and defend women. I will always agree withtransparency, honesty, strength, dignity, compassion, and justice. So, our allies shouldcontinue to fight for truth. I promise to God that I will always defend my people anddefend real folks of the human race.We have the truth on our side. I will like to close onthis following quote from a great scholar:

    The first light of human consciousness and the world'sfirst civilizations were in Africa...

    -John Henrik Clarke

    By Timothy

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    I do want togive aShout tothe Real

    Brothers and the Real Sistersholding

    it Down(including real folks from therest ofthe Human RaceAlso).

    Hosanna to the Highest

    I will spread my wings and fly.