in my walking life

In My Walking Life Kimberly Barrera Anthropology 102 Dr. Leanna Wolfe 10.12.10

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Powerpoint on Photo Inventories for Antropology 102 Fall 2010


Page 1: In my walking life

In My Walking Life

Kimberly BarreraAnthropology 102Dr. Leanna Wolfe


Page 2: In my walking life

This is a look into the things I value the most. In making this project I realized a lot of things culturally. But most of all it made me question how other people may live and how they divide there space. I am very thankful to have my own room and a place to call home. I still live at home and I am also thankful for that. Here is a look into my space. I hope you enjoy it as much I did making it!

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These dividers are composed of magazines and cd’s. The very top has music magazines to which I subscribed for a whole year but then I was no longer interested subscribing.

The second divider has Vogue magazines that I was once subscribed to but once again I no longer am subscribed so I store them here for future reference of projects like collages. And it has a nice memorabilia of a piggy bank and a stuffed animal I got on my 7th birthday

The 3rd and 4th dividers contain cd’s I no longer listen to and a box set of The Doors.

This corner serves as a visible storage for things that are not used but not forgotten. Most of all, it is always in clear sight and I know if I want to look up a band I can do so in the magazines or simply pull out there cd.

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Here I store clothes that I no longer wear or that don’t fit in the drawers under my bed. I got this to be more responsible and organized. Responsible so I know where I leave my belongings and more organized so things are easier to find. I also know I can store books or shoes in case I can’t find a place to store them.

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Jackets, sweater, coats are all very valuable to me. I love the winter and love to have a nice sweater, coat or jacket. The funny thing is that the garments I love the most are piled on top of garments I get bored of or no longer wear. Especially because I share less than half of my bedroom with my mom my space is kind of reduced. Which means I have to make room for things that mean the most to me.

Below the shoes are stored where my mom has them coordinated based on which shoes she wears most often.

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Of one of the oldest things I posses is this computer which I got in the 7th grade. It has worked miraculously and it’s only had very few glitches in the past 7 years. This is probably the only space in the whole house where I can read and my mom and sisters will leave me alone. The speakers are very valuable to me and not only is it a space where I can concentrate when I need to, but also a space to relax and sing along to my favorite bands.

To the left of the computer are the books and folders for the classes I am taking. Usually I have them stacked based on the class I took that day or I leave a specific book on top to remind myself to study a specific chapter or chapters.

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In the middle of my room sits my bed. Once more this is a once of the oldest possessions I have in my room. I got this bed along with the frame in 6th grade (8 years ago).

Over the years the things I store in the drawers have changed. But they’ve always had my clothes (right), useful documents (middle), and the far left has usually had nothing in it because I usually forget it because it’s not as close as the others.

Overall it’s probably the most useful space I have because I can turn over in bed reach down and pull it open to see what I have and if I may need something.

The position is also very important to me because I believe I have nearly everything within my proximity and also because I can see the sun rising or just sit up in bed to see what the weather is like outside. I also like change so it’s nice to wake up to a different view.

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This cabinete, as my mother calls it, is very valuable to her. This is the newest addition to my room and given to my mother by two people he holds very close to her. This was given to her in memory of them and she cares for it very much. It’s a wonderful addition and I really enjoy having it in my room. Being Mexican and here in the US my parents don’t really gravitate towards buying fine wood chest like this or fine wood products. Culturally speaking being from Mexico my parents have possessed artifacts like this in the past and kind of move away from that to more modern contemporary furniture.

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Of all the things in my room this wall is very important to me.

The poster on the wall are of bands I really admire and have been fortunate enough to meet. So they all have a place in my heart and as well as my the wall.

The poster on the far left is very important to me not only because it is my favorite band because culturally speaking it helped me identify my culture. This band is from Mexico and they’re sound blew me away and it was even culture shock. It made me realize many things, one of them being, that just because were separated by a border we’re all the same no matter how distant. This band completely redefined Rock en Espanol and made me realize cultures transcend boundaries no matter how distant or abstract each culture may seem.

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This space is always something I try to keep organized and clean. It’s a place I can go, as well as my sisters, to find pencils, pens, paper, markers or anything really needed for school.

The top shelf has the more important documents like paycheck stubs, school registrations, past class schedules etc.

The bottom shelf holds, probably, one of the most valuable things to me my MUSIC. Since I got a second job I had a few more dollars left over so I have been able to but cds of artists I am interested in or cds that I have always great things about. Of course, my favorite discs are always on top and I usually try to keep them in order based on bands so they’re easier to find when I have a song stuck in my head!

To the right is a case that was given to me and I use it there to hold up the cds and to kind of overlay the ones that can’t be piled on top of the other ones.

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