in marketing + advertising whats next. the future of advertising


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IN MARKETING + ADVERTISING WHATS NEXT THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING THERE ISNT ANY. THE END J/K THE FUTURE OF MARKETING TOPICS / AGENDA BRANDS OLD MARKETING NEW MARKETING INNOVATION ENGAGEMENT UTILITY INSIGHT BRANDS & BRANDING HAVENT CHANGED BRAND = COLLECTIVELY, WHAT PEOPLE SAY, FEEL & THINK ABOUT YOUR PRODUCT, SERVICE OR COMPANY. BRANDING = USING MARKETING TO INFLUENCE PEOPLES ATTITUDES TOWARDS, AND PERCEPTIONS OF, THE BRAND. BRAND LOYALTY WILL STILL BE EARNED OVER TIME THROUGH CONSISTENT POSITIVE EXPERIENCES & ENGAGEMENTS WITH A PRODUCT, SERVICE OR COMPANY. TREAT ME WELL, AND ILL RETURN THE FAVOR. OLD MARKETING OLD MARKETING PRODUCT PACKAGING DISTRIBUTION CRM ADVERTISING CONSUMER THIS ISNT WORKING. I DONT KNOW WHAT WERE YELLING ABOUT!!! A TIME FOR CHANGE Were not in the business of keeping the media companies alive. Were in the business of connecting with consumers. Trevor Edwards Vice President, Global Brand & Category Management Nike October 2007 Source: New York Times - MODERN MARKETING MODERN MARKETING PRODUCT PACKAGING DISTRIBUTION ADVERTISING CONSUMER CRM MODERN MARKETING [Digital] is the centerpiece of a broader campaign. I think thats become a real integral part of how we use the web, moving beyond just promoting web addresses in TV spots or print ads to really making them a critical part of the storytelling for the brands. Rob Master Media Director, North America Unilever March 2008 Source: Advertising Age - HOW CAN YOU CREATE BRAND FANS? DELIVER VALUE THROUGH MARKETING. OR, MORE SIMPLY PUT MAKE PEOPLES LIVES BETTER. O.K. SOUNDS SIMPLE ENOUGH. SO HOW CAN WE DO THIS? PRODUCT INNOVATION BUILD THE MARKETING INTO THE PRODUCT. MAKE THE PRODUCT SO GREAT, PEOPLE CANT HELP BUT TALK ABOUT IT. MODERN MARKETING Something remarkable is worth talking about. Worth noticing. Exceptional. New. Interesting. Its a Purple Cow. Boring stuff is invisible. Its a brown cow. Remarkable marketing is the art of building things worth noticing right into your product or service. Seth Godin Author / Speaker / Marketing Expert Purple Cow 2002 Source: Purple Cow / Seth Godin / Page 3 MODERN MARKETING We think the future of advertising is great products that have marketing embedded in them. Jeff Hicks CEO Crispin Porter + Bogusky October 2006 Source: DMNews - MODERN MARKETING Coming up with product innovations. That's what we're setting out to do. Steven Marrs Vice Chairman Global Head of Digital and Branded Content NITRO April 2007 Source: MediaPost - MODERN MARKETING Our belief is that marketing and product have converged. The consumer doesnt separate the marketing experience from the product experience. Ajaz Ahmed Founder & Chairman AQKA March 2008 Source: Advertising Age - THE PRODUCT IS THE MARKETING GREAT. BUT MY PRODUCT ISNT COOL. WHAT CAN I DO??? WELL, FRANKLY YOURE SCREWED. J/K ADD VALUE THROUGH CONTENT. CONTENT IS THE NEW CURRENCY OR, AS TRACY MORGAN WOULD SAY CONTENT IS THE NEW PRESIDENT, BITCH. PEOPLE WILL PAY FOR GREAT CONTENT. CONTENT IS THE NEW CURRENCY 1 Week = $1.6 Million Source: Chicago Tribune / Leisure Blogs / Turn It Up - BRANDS WILL PAY FOR GREAT CONTENT. CONTENT IS THE NEW CURRENCY [The agencys job is to create] content so valuable and useful that [consumers] wouldn't want to live without it. Jeff Hicks CEO Crispin Porter + Bogusky October 2006 Source: DMNews - ENGAGEMENT The days of making funny things that may or may not have an effect on the client's business are ending. Jeff Benjamin Interactive Creative Director Crispin Porter + Bogusky March 2008 Source: ADWEEK - ENGAGEMENT CP+B FOLK LORE / MYTHOLOGY: ALEX BOGUSKY DOESNT WANT TO SEE SCRIPTS ANYMORE. DONT SHOW ME A SCRIPT. SHOW ME THE PRESS RELEASE. ITS ALL ABOUT HOW PEOPLE WILL ENGAGE - WHY THEY WILL FIND IT INTERESTING & PARTICIPATE. Source: Life Moves Pretty Fast - ENGAGEMENT 16 QUARTERS OF CONSECUTIVE GROWTH Source: BusinessWeek - ENGAGEMENT No. 1 seller in Personal Grooming category on for the first two months after launch. Source: MediaPost - ENGAGEMENT UTILITY [Branded Utility] is where the brand creates a commitment to a relationship. Its where the brand creates something useful to you, something thats a utility in your life. The consumer will feel more confident with the relationship if the brand will continue to be part of your life. Benjamin Palmer CEO / Owner The Barbarian Group October 2006 Source: - UTILITY When you create a utility, you're creating something that gives people time back. It becomes less about information as pollution and more about information to help people get through life. Nick Law Chief Creative Officer, North America R/GA March 2008 Source: ADWEEK - UTILITY [Nike+] is not an advertising idea, it's a technology idea. We are delivering a product, an application. Nick Law Chief Creative Officer, North America R/GA April 2007 Source: MediaPost - UTILITY HOW DO WE CREATE THIS KIND OF MARKETING? CREATING BETTER MARKETING We dont ask consumers what they want. They dont know. Instead we apply our brain power to what they need, and will want, then make sure were there, ready. Akio Morita Co-Founder Sony Corporation Source: Truth, Lies & Advertising / Jon Steel / page 189 (found via Meme Huffer-) CREATING BETTER MARKETING It's really hard to design products by focus groups. A lot of times, people don't know what they want until you show it to them. Steve Jobs Co-Founder, Chairman & CEO Apple May 1998 Source: BusinessWeek - UNCOVER RICH CONSUMER INSIGHTS OPPORTUNITY COMES FROM INSIGHTS Great work comes from insight, and we have always worked from insight. We have a vision of ourselves becoming the lead agency for the digital age. Insights are going to come in so many different ways. Wed like to pride ourselves on the ability to capitalize on them. Laura Lang CEO Digitas USA March 2008 Source: Advertising Age - HOW DO WE UNCOVER THESE INSIGHTS? OBSERVE + LISTEN TRADITIONAL METHODS FOCUS GROUPS 1x1 INTERVIEWS ETHNOGRAPHIC STUDIES CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY SURVEYS USABILITY TESTING / LABS EMERGING METHODS DIGITAL ETHNOGRAPHY & ANTHROPOLOGY COLLABORATION AGENCY CONSUMERS COMPANY INFORMATION & INPUT INSIGHTS & IDEAS INNOVATION & CONTENT BETTER BRANDS COLLABORATION IF YOU ONLY REMEMBER ONE THING MODERN MARKETING = MAKING PEOPLES LIVES BETTER. THE END ?s IF YOU WANT TO READ MORE OF WHAT IM THINKING THA NKS IMAGE CREDITS IMG_6515 Tony de Marco Flickr Anonymous at Scientology in Los Angeles sklathill Flickr Brick Tamland Wallpaper Anchorman The Movie Web Site Brick Wallpaper Bloc Party Ogden Theatre Paul Isakson Flickr Google Screen Grab Google iPhone e-Learning content authoring Google Loves The iPhone Wii Networking Audio/Video X-OOM Software Brings Media Streaming To The Wii Starbucks Coffee Aging Music Heroes' Haven Tracy Morgan Saturday Night Live Black Is The New President, Bitch Ghosts I - IV Nine Inch Nails IMAGE CREDITS RCRD LBL_ + Widgets RCRD LBL Whopper Freakout Burger King Shave Everywhere Philips / Norelco The Coke Zero Game Coca-Cola Company The Coke Zero Game Coca-Cola Company Nike+ Healthy Living NYC Every Step You Take... Dominos Pizza Builder Dominos Pizza Dominos BFD Pizza Builder Adverblog & Dominos Pizza Domino's Pizza Builder & My Vegas Logic + Emotion My Vegas Is Showing: Brand Utility + Event Based Social Networking Digital Ethnography + Anthropology All logos taken from their respective Web sites. IMAGE CREDITS Consumer Collaboration Paul Isakson [paul isakson] Kluster My Starbucks Idea Starbucks CONTACT ME PAUL ISAKSON Senior Strategic Planner space150