improving utah’s water quality - utah state university€¦ · dollars of damage to structures...

Watershed Description: Many people know the Virgin River from the stunning landscape it carves through Zion National Park; however, this is only a small portion of the Virgin River Watershed. The Vir- gin River flows 162 miles, collecting water from 5,900 square miles of land in southwestern Utah. The river is formed by the confluence of the East Fork Virgin River and the North Fork Virgin River, both arising in the Dixie National Forest. The river flows through Zion National Park and makes its way to the southwestern corner of Utah through St. George. The Virgin River watershed is highly di- verse. To the southwest, mesas, cliffs, mountain ranges, narrow canyons, and wide valleys dominate the landscape, while the northwest area is predominantly mountain- ous. Elevations reach 10,500 feet in the headwaters of Deep Creek and plunge to 2,100 feet where the Virgin River crosses into Arizona. This diverse landscape supports a large variety of wildlife, including the Mojave Desert tor- toise, Utah’s only native tortoise. The river and its tributaries provide food, shelter, and a migratory route for many species. Because they are desert streams, the quantity and quality of both the Virgin and Santa Clara Rivers vary considerably throughout the year. Segments of the Virgin River are naturally quite salty because of numerous hot springs and soluble minerals in the soils. One of these springs, Pah Tempe hot springs, contains 10,000 parts per million of dissolved solids and water temperatures that exceed 42° C. This natural source led to site specific water quality standards for sections of the Virgin River. The Virgin and Santa Clara Rivers both experienced severe flooding in January 2005 and December 2010. Flooding is a problem in this region when there are periods of heavy localized rainfall. Flash floods may result and incur millions of dollars of damage to structures along river banks. Improving Utah’s Water Quality Virgin/Santa Clara River Watershed L OCAL C ONTACT : Corey Cram Washington Co. Water Conservancy District (435) 673-3617 [email protected] M AJOR W ATERBODIES Santa Clara River Virgin River Kolob Reservoir Quail Creek Reservoir Sand Hollow Reservoir Baker Dam Reservoir M AJOR C ITIES St. George Santa Clara Virgin M AJOR L AND U SES Agricultural Tribal lands Urban Federal lands L OCAL W ATER Q UALITY I SSUES Temperature Dissolved solids Salinity Selenium Published June 2014 NR/WQ/2014-03pr

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Page 1: Improving Utah’s Water Quality - Utah State University€¦ · dollars of damage to structures along river banks. Improving Utah’s Water Quality. Virgin/Santa Clara River Watershed

Watershed Description:

Many people know the Virgin River from the stunning landscape it carves through Zion

National Park; however, this is only a small portion of the Virgin River Watershed. The Vir-

gin River flows 162 miles, collecting water from 5,900 square miles of land in southwestern

Utah. The river is formed by the confluence of the East Fork Virgin River and the North

Fork Virgin River, both arising in the Dixie National Forest. The river flows through Zion

National Park and makes its way to the southwestern corner of Utah through St. George.

The Virgin River watershed is highly di-

verse. To the southwest, mesas, cliffs,

mountain ranges, narrow canyons, and wide

valleys dominate the landscape, while the

northwest area is predominantly mountain-

ous. Elevations reach 10,500 feet in the

headwaters of Deep Creek and plunge to

2,100 feet where the Virgin River crosses

into Arizona.

This diverse landscape supports a large variety of wildlife, including the Mojave Desert tor-

toise, Utah’s only native tortoise. The river and its tributaries provide food, shelter, and a

migratory route for many species.

Because they are desert streams, the quantity and quality of both the Virgin and Santa Clara

Rivers vary considerably throughout the year. Segments of the Virgin River are naturally

quite salty because of numerous hot springs and soluble minerals in the soils. One of these

springs, Pah Tempe hot springs, contains 10,000 parts per million of dissolved solids and

water temperatures that exceed 42° C. This natural source led to site specific water quality

standards for sections of the Virgin River.

The Virgin and Santa Clara Rivers both

experienced severe flooding in January

2005 and December 2010. Flooding is a

problem in this region when there are

periods of heavy localized rainfall. Flash

floods may result and incur millions of

dollars of damage to structures along river


Improving Utah’s Water Quality Virgin/Santa Clara River Watershed


Corey Cram

Washington Co. Water Conservancy District

(435) 673-3617 [email protected]


Santa Clara River

Virgin River

Kolob Reservoir

Quail Creek Reservoir

Sand Hollow Reservoir

Baker Dam Reservoir


St. George

Santa Clara




Tribal lands


Federal lands



Dissolved solids



Published June 2014 NR/WQ/2014-03pr

Page 2: Improving Utah’s Water Quality - Utah State University€¦ · dollars of damage to structures along river banks. Improving Utah’s Water Quality. Virgin/Santa Clara River Watershed

Project Description:

A watershed management plan for the Virgin River was completed in 2004, which

outlines water quality impairments and determines pollution load reductions to

meet water quality standards. In addition, river stability and erosion studies were

completed for the Virgin River, Santa Clara River, and Fort Pearce Wash following

the devastating flooding in 2005. These studies were used as the basis for municipal

floodplain development ordinances in St. George, Washington, and Santa Clara.

The following activities are addressing water quality and other river issues:

Over 100 property owners, municipal officials, regulatory authority

representatives, and other citizens were trained on principles of stream bank

stability and restoration at three annual stream bank restoration workshops.

Ongoing removal of invasive tamarisk, or salt cedar, from the floodplains in an effort to restore river function, minimize flooding and erosion risk, prevent fires, improve habitat, and improve water quality conditions. Hundreds of acres of land have been cleared of tamarisk. Zion National Park has completely eradicated this invasive plant. Tamarisk transpires large amounts of water and can potentially dry up a water source. In addition, it excretes excess salt into the soil, which can increase salinity in nearby rivers. Removing these trees from the watershed can increase both the quantity and the quality of water.

Five major irrigation systems have been converted from open canals to piped delivery systems. This effort is aimed at decreasing the amount of nutrients and salts in the river via irrigation re-turn flows.

Virgin/Santa Clara River Water Quality Improvement

Related Pro jects Stream Stability and Restoration Pinyon and Juniper Tree Removal Tamarisk Removal Education Annual Washington County Water Fair Stormwater Management Livestock Management

References UTDEQ, 2004, TMDL Water Quality Study of the Virgin River Watershed . http://www.water

Par tners Utah State University Extension

Utah Association of Conservation Districts

U.S. Bureau of Land Management

U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service

U.S. Forest Service

Utah Division of Water Quality

Utah Division of Water Resources

Utah Division of Water Rights

Utah Department of Natural Resources

Shivwits Band Paiute Indian Tribe

Dixie National Forest

Washington County Water Conservancy District

Kane County Water Conservancy District

County and City governments


EPA 319 funding Local landowners and partners Utah State nonpoint source funds

To learn how you can participate or lend your support to Utah community water quality projects, please contact your local conservation district or county agent.

P r o d u c e d b y U S U W a t e r Q u a l i t y E x t e n s i o n , U t a h W a t e r s h e d C o o r d i n a t i n g C o u n c i l , U t a h A s s o c i a t i o n o f C o n s e r v a t i o n D i s t r i c t s , a n d U t a h D i v i s i o n o f W a t e r Q u a l i t y .

U t a h S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y i s a n a f f i r m a t i v e a c t i o n / e q u a l o p p o r t u n i t y i n s t i t u t i o n .