icewind project tfi annual conference 2010 15.-16. september 2010 niels-erik clausen wind energy...

IceWind project TFI Annual Conference 2010 15.-16. September 2010 Niels-Erik Clausen Wind Energy Division, Risø DTU

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IceWind project

TFI Annual Conference 2010 15.-16. September 2010

Niels-Erik Clausen

Wind Energy Division, Risø DTU

2 Risø DTUTFI Annual Conference 15. September 2010


• Risø DTU context

• Wind energy

• Challenges

• IceWind project objectives

• Project partners

• Introduction to Work Packages

• Expected results

3 Risø DTUTFI Annual Conference 15. September 2010

The Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

DTU has approx. 4.500 employees, more than 2.200 scientific staff including 800 ph.d.-students. The university has 6.300 bachelor- and master students (2008).

We offer a two-year M.Sc. program within Wind Energy since 2001 and a M.Sc. program within Sustainable Energy since 2008 (and 22 other MSc programs)

4 Risø DTUTFI Annual Conference 15. September 2010

Risø DTU Danish National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy

Materials Research

Fuel Cells

Bio systems

Systems Analysis

Radiation Research

Wind Energy

Risø DTU staff 700

Plasma Physics

Solar Energy

Intelligent Energy Systems

5 Risø DTUTFI Annual Conference 15. September 2010

Risø Wind Energy Division

• Wind power meteorology

• Aeroelastic modelling

• Optimisation and cost reduction

• New concepts, components and materials

• Wind power and the energy system

• Offshore wind power

130 employees in

5 research programmes

From resource to grid

Coastal, flat terrain5 test positionsMax. 10 MWMax. height 165 m

National Test Station for Large Wind Turbines(in Denmark operated by Risø DTU)

Small wind turbines at Risø 1979

New extension 20117 test positionsMax height 250 m

7 Risø DTUTFI Annual Conference 15. September 2010

Renewable Energy in the Nordic countries- 61% of electricity consumption in 2008

Source: Nordel annual report 2008

8 Risø DTUTFI Annual Conference 15. September 2010

Did you know?

• The installed wind energy capacity in EU produce 4.8% of our electricity – 20% in Denmark.

• In 2009 for the second year running more new wind was installed than any other technology (39% of all new)

• 10 GW was installed in EU – globally 38 GW

• 2.8% is offshore wind in EU

• 106 mill t CO2 avoided ~25% of our cars removed

• €6 billion avoided fuel cost

• 192.000 people employed in the EU

Source: European wind energy association

9 Risø DTUTFI Annual Conference 15. September 2010

Installed Wind Power in the World- Annual and Cumulative -










1983 1990 1995 2000 2005 2009



















Source: BTM Consult ApS - March 2010

Global capacity end 2009: 160 GW

Installed capacity in 2009: 38 GW

Average 5-year annual growth : 36.1%

10 Risø DTUTFI Annual Conference 15. September 2010

Vestas V90-3MW nacelle


service crane



11 Risø DTUTFI Annual Conference 15. September 2010

Danish electricity system today

Wind 31%

12 Risø DTUTFI Annual Conference 15. September 2010

Danish electricity system 7 September

Wind 48%

13 Risø DTUTFI Annual Conference 15. September 2010

Potential for Electricity production from offshore wind power plants

The North Sea alone would do just about half of the world’s present need.

14 Risø DTUTFI Annual Conference 15. September 2010


15 Risø DTUTFI Annual Conference 15. September 2010

Icing of turbines

Icing on an NM82 (V82) in Aapua, Övertorneå municipality in the county of Norrbotten, Sweden, From Mapping of icing for wind turbine applications by Göran Ronstein, Elforsk 2008

16 Risø DTUTFI Annual Conference 15. September 2010

Integration of wind in Iceland

• 75% hydro

• 25% geothermal

• 100% renewables

• Wind ressource

• No connections

17 Risø DTUTFI Annual Conference 15. September 2010

Photos ELSAM A/S and REpower

Offshore operation and maintenance

18 Risø DTUTFI Annual Conference 15. September 2010

IceWind project – key figures

• Title: Improved forecast of wind, waves and icing• Project period 1. September 2010 – 31. August 2014

• Overall budget 20.8 mill NOK

• Financial support TFI 12.3 mill NOK

• Ekstern financing 8.5 mill NOK

• Partners: 13

• 375 man-months (45,000 hours) over 4 years

• Coordinator Risø DTU, Niels-Erik Clausen

• 4 PhD projects planned: Two in Iceland, one in Denmark and one in Sweden

19 Risø DTUTFI Annual Conference 15. September 2010

IceWind objectives

The overall objective of the project is to support the development and integration of wind energy in the five Nordic countries by focussing on three main areas:

1. Icing on wind turbines (atlas, forecasting and losses)

2. Integration of wind energy on land (Iceland)

3. Offshore wind energy (forecasting and access)

A key issue is to share knowledge among the five Nordic countries and to work in areas where differences in know-how exist and where barriers or challenges prevent or slow down a large penetration of wind energy in the Nordic grid.

20 Risø DTUTFI Annual Conference 15. September 2010

IceWind Partners

• Risø DTU (DK)

• Vestas (DK)

• Kjeller Vindteknikk (NO)

• (NO)

• Statoil (NO)

• AGR§ (NO)

• Offshore windservice (NO)

§ Offshore services for O&M

• VTT (FI)

• Gotland Universitet (SE)

• Icelandic Met Office (IS)

• University of Iceland (IS)

• Landsvirkjun* (IS)

• Landsvirkjun Power (IS)

* National Power company of Iceland

21 Risø DTUTFI Annual Conference 15. September 2010

IceWind work packages

• WP 1 Icing (lead VTT)– Atlas of icing for Iceland and Sweden, forecast of icing, estimate of

losses due to icing

• WP 2 Iceland (lead Iceland met office - IMO)– Wind atlas, identification of sites, technical and market integration


• WP 3 Forecast and O&M (lead– Offshore meso-scale effects of large wind farms incl. wakes, short

term forecasting, maintenance strategies and availability issues

• WP 4 Power and energy aspects (lead Risø)– Spatial and temporal variability of wind resource, forecast errors

and their impact on the Nordic power grid and balance market.

22 Risø DTUTFI Annual Conference 15. September 2010

Expected results

• Better forecasts of wind and waves

• Maps of icing occurence and losses

• Better knowledge on wake losses in very large wind farms

• Wind and ice atlas of Iceland

• Integration study of wind in Iceland

• Better understanding of the interaction between hydro and wind in the Nordic system

23 Risø DTUTFI Annual Conference 15. September 2010

Thank you for your attention

Photo Mads Eskesen

Middelgrunden20 x 2 MW

Niels-Erik ClausenRisø [email protected]