iari phd entrance question paper 2011 - agril physics

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  • 7/29/2019 IARI PhD Entrance Question Paper 2011 - Agril Physics


    Post Graduate SchoolIndian A gricultural Research Institute, New Delhi,"",.,a, E x a m i n a t i o n f o r A d m i s si on t o Ph.D. P r o g r a m m e2011-2012

    Discipline : Agricultural PhysicsDiscipline Code : 05 R o l l N o

    1 Please Note: I(i) This question paper contains 13 pages. Please check wh ethe r a ll th e pages arepr in te d i n this set. Report discrepancy, if ny, im me diately to the invigilator.

    PART- I General Agriculture)Multiple choice questions (No. 1 to 30).Choose the correct answer (a, b, c or d )and enter your choice in the circle (byshading with a pencil) on the OMR -answer sheet as per the instructionsgiven on the answer sheet.

    (ii) here shall be NEGATIVE marking for WRONG answers fin the MultipleChoice type questions (No. I to 130) which carry one mark each. For everywrong answer 0.25 mark will be deducted. , ,

    1. Which of the following crops have beenapproved for com mercial cultivation in lndia?a) Bt cotton and Bt brinjalb) Bt cotton and Golden Ricec) Bt ma ke and Bt cottond) Bt cotton only

    I . .

    2. This year (2010-11) the expected food grainproduction in lndia isa) 212 million tonnesb) 220 million tonnes.e) 235 million tonnesd) 250 million tonnes3. The genome of which of the following cropsis still not completely sequenced?a) Riceb) SoybeanC) Sorghumd) Wheat ">4. According to the Approach Paper to the 12IhFive Year Plan, ,the basic objective of the12" Plan isa) Inclusive grow thb) Sustainable grow thF) Faster, more inclusive and sustainable

    1. growthd) Inclusive and sustainable grow th

    5. To address the problems of sustainable andholistic development of rainfed areas,including appropriate farming and livelihoodsystem approaches, the Government of lndiahas set up thea) National Rainfed Area Authorityb) National Watershed Development Project forRainfed Areasc) National Mission on Rainfed Areasd) Command Area Development and WaterManagement Authority. . ,6. Which of the followiri$'sub-schemes are notcovered under the Rashtriya Krishi VikasYojana?a) Extending the Green Revolution to eastern

    Indiab) Development of 60,000 pulses and oilseedsvillages in identified watershedsc) National Mission on SaffronLd) National Mission on Bamboo

    7. The minimum support price for the commonvariety of paddy announced by theGovernment of India for the year 2010-11wasa) 1 103071000c) ? 980d) 3 9508. According to the Human DevelopmentReport 2010 of the United Nations, India'srank in terms of the human developmentindex isa) 119b) 134c) 169d) 182

  • 7/29/2019 IARI PhD Entrance Question Paper 2011 - Agril Physics


    Subject : PhD - Agricultural Physics -20119. Which of the following does not apply to SRImethod of paddy cultivation?a) Reduced water applicationb) Reduced plant density. c ) Increased application of chemical fertilizersd) Reduced age of seedlings10. Which organic acid, often used a s apreservative, occurs naturally in cranberries,prunes, cinnamon and cloves?a) CitrlC acidb) Benzolc acidc) Tartaric acidd) Lac tic acid11. Cotton belongs to the familya) Cruciferaeb) Anacaraiaceae

    LO) Malvaceaed) Solanaceae.. 12. Photoperiodism is" a) Bending of shoot towards source of lightb) Effect of IighVdark durations on physiologicalprocessesc) Movement of chloroplast in cell In responseto lightd) Effect of light on chlorophyll synthesis

    13. Ergot disease is caused by which pathogenon which host?-a) Claviceps purpurea on ryeb) Puccinia recondita on wheatc) Drechlera sorokiniana on wheatd) Albugo candida on mustard14. Rocks are the chlef sources of parentmaterials over which soils are developed.Granite, an important rock, is classified asa) Igneous rockb) Metamorphic rockc) Sedimentary rockd) Hybrid rock15. W hich one of the following is a Kha rif crop?- a) Pea rl milletb) LentilC) Mustardd) Wheat16.The coekcient of variation (C.V.) IScalculated by the fo rmulaa) (MeanlS.D.) x 100-b) (S.D./Mean) x 100c) S.D.IMeand) Mean1S.D.17. Which of the following is commonly referredto as muriate of potash?a) Potassium nitrateb) Potassium chloridec) Potassium sulphated) Potassium silicate

    18. Inbred lines that have same geneticconstitution but differ only at one locus arecalleda) Multl linesb) Monohybridc) lsogenic Hnesd) Pure lines19. For applying 100 kg of nitrogen, how muchurea would one use?a) 45 kg

    20. The devastating impact of plant disease onhuman suffering , nd survival was firstrealized by epidemic Ofa) Brown spot of rice in Bengalb) Late blight of potato in USAc) Late blight of potato in E uroped) Rust of wheat in India21. The species of rice (Oryza) other than 0.sativa tha t is cultivated isa) 0 . rufipugonb) 0. longisteminatac) 0. glaberrimad) 0. ivara22. The enzyme responsible for the fixation ofCOP n mesophyll cells of C -4 plants Isa) Malic enzymep) Phosphoenoi pyruvate carboxylasec) Phosphoenoi pyruvate carboxykinased) RuBP carboxylase23. Which one of the following Is a 'Vertisol'?,a) Black cotton soilb) Red sandy loam soilc) Sandy loam sodic soild) Submontane (Tarai) soil24. Wh at is the most visible physicalcharacteristic of cells in metaphase?a) Elongated chromosomesb) Nucleus visible but chromosomes notc) Fragile double stranded loose chromosomesd) Condensed paired chromosomes on the cellplate25. All weather phenomena like rain, fog andmist occur ina)' Troposphereb) Mesospherec) Ionosphered) Ozonosphere

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    Subject :PhD -Agricu ltural Physlcs -2011 326. Which of the following elements is commonto a ll proteins and nucleic acids?a) Sulphurb) Magnesiumc) Nitrogend) Phosphorous27. Silt has intermediate characteristics betweena) Sand and loamb) Clay and loamc) Loam and graveld) Sand and clay/28. Certified seed is produced froma) Nucleus seedb) Breeder seed. ) Foundation seedd) Truthful seed29. Seedless banana is ana) Autotriploidb) Autotetraploidc) Allotrlploidd) Allotetraploid30. W hich one of the following is used to test thegoodness-of-fit of a distribution?a) Normal testb) t-testG) Chi-square testd) F-test

    PART- I1 (Sub jec t Paper)M u l t i p l e choice ques t i ons (No . 31 to 130).C h o o s e the c o r r e c t a n s w e r (a, b, c or d)and e n t e r your choice in the circle (bys h a d l n g with a p e n c i l ) on t h e OMR -answer s h e e t as per t h e instructlonsg i v e n on the a n s w e r s he e t.31. Which of the following statements i s trueregarding the origin of x-rays and gammaravs?a) i th hare nuclear radiationsb) Only gamma rays are nuclear radiationsc) Only x-rays are nuclear radia tionsd) Both are pot nuclear radiations32. ~hosoho?sd2adio isotooe isa) ob tained by neutro;? irradia tion ofphosphorus-31b) Produced in cyclotronc) Obtained by neutron irradiation of naturalsulphurd) Obtained by neutron irradiation of nickel33. For studying the structure of atoma) Gamma rays are usedb) Microwaves are usedc) X-rays are usedd) u rays are used

    34. Quantum sensors are sensitive to changes ina) Incident photon fluxb) Atmospheric pressurec) Air tempe rature 'd) Wavelength of radiation in IR region35. lrradiance meansa) Radiant energy incident on a surface per unitarea per unit timeb) Radiant energy emitted from a surface perunit area per unit timec) Radiant energy transm itted per unit surfacearea per unit timed) Radian t energy reflected per unit surfacearea pe r unit time36. At room temperatye, black bod~ esa) Emit mostly red wavelengthsb) Absorb mostly red wave lengthsc) E m ~ t ostly Infrared wavelengthsd) Emit mostly UV wavelengths37. Law which describe the spectral radiance ofelectromagnetic radiation at all wavelengthsemitted in the normal direction from a blackbody at a temperature T as a function offrequency isa) Plank's lawb) Wien's lawc) Stefan-Boltzman lawd) Dopp ler law38. Tritium activity is generally measured bya) Proportiona l counterb) Electric counterc) Centrifuged) Liqu id scintillation counter39. Mass spectrometer separates differentisotopes of an element on the basis ofa) Their Masses. b) Their mass to charge ratioc) Their Chargesd) Radiations emitted by them

    40. Puddling or wet tillagea), Destroys structure and m akes the soil moredispersedb) lmproves structure by making uniformmicroaaareaates- -c) Temporarily destroys structure, whichregains its initial condition in due coursed) Improves water retention capacity of soil41. Microwaves are produced bya) Photodiodeb) Thermopilec) Wave guided) Triode

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    Subject : PhD - Agricultural Physics - 01142. In a thermistor, made up of a semiconductora) Resistance increases with increase intemperatureb) Resistance decreases with increase intemperaturec) Resistance does not change withtemperatured) No definite relation between resistance andtemperature can be established43. Both 3 2 ~nd 14carea) u emittersb) p emittersc) y emittersd) Positron emitters44. During day time, maximum soil temperatureat surface generally arrivea) Earlier than the maximum soil tempe rature at15 cmb) At the same time as the maximum soiltemperature at 15 cmc) Later than the soil temperature at 15 cmd) May arrive sooner or later depending onatmospheric conditions45. Optical spectro pluviometer measuresa) Sunshine hoursb) Rain drop size and rain drop velocityc) Air temperatured) Soil heat flux46. Jet streams area) Hot water springsb) Fast flowing narrow air currents located neartropopausec) Low pressure area near equatord) Cold water springs47. Wind speed of one knot is equal toa) 1 km per secb) 2 km per minute,c) 1.85 km per hourd) 4 m per sec48.Advective gas transport in soil can bedescribed bya) Fick 's lawb) Hooks' lawc) Darcy 's lawd) Dusty's gas model49. Aridity index in moist climate isa) Potential evapo transpiration (PE) in cmb) Annual water surplus taken as percentage ofannual PEc) Seasonal water deficitd) Annual water deficit taken as a percentage ofannual PE

    50. lsotachs connect points that havea) Equa l pressureb) Equa l temperaturec) Equa l rainfall.d)' Equa l wind speed51. Ravines are mostly confined toa) Plainsb) Hillsc) Desertsd) Dry lands52. Both unive rsal soil loss equation (USLE) andwater erosion prediction programme (WEPP)measurea) Only inter rill erosionb) Rill and inter rill erosionc) Inter rill, rill and gully erosiond) Only gully erosion53. Critical limit of soil penetration resistance atwhich the root growth of most of the cropsreduce by 50% isa) 2 MPab) 500 kPac) 2 k ~ l m 'd) 15 bar54. The initial depth of penetration of 5 cm rainwater in soil with bulk density 1.5 gmlcc andfield capacity soil water content 20% (wlw)for 0 -60 cm soil isa) 100 cmb) 50cmc) 16.6 cmd) 12cm55. Raised and sunken bed technology is mostsuited to-a) Alluvial soilsb) Black soilsc) Red soilsd) Late ritic soils56. Crusting is the m ajor problem ofa) Sem i-arid soils with loam texturegj. heavy rainfall areas of black soilsc) Acid soilsd) Low rainfall areas of red soils57. Using time domain reflectometry method forsoil water measurement, time of travel ofmicrowave pulse along the wave guideburied in soil will bea) More if the soil is saturatedb) Less if the soil is saturatedc) Will be same under both wet and dryconditionsd) More if the soil is unsatura ted

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    Subject : hD- Agricultural Physics - 2011 5

    58. Median particle size representa) The size for which 50% particles havesmaller size and 50% particles have biggersizeb) Average size of particlesc) Maximum size of particlesd) Weighted average of sizes in differentclasses

    59. Air permeability in soil is measured bya) Field respirometerb) Constant pressure variable volumepermeameterc) Oxygen diffusion rated) Redox potential60. Oxygen diffusion rate metera) At low soil water content does not giveaccurate measu rement of oxygen diffusing inthe soilb) At high soil wate r content does not giveaccurate measu rement of oxygen diffusing inthe soilc) At all soil water contents give accuratemeasurement of oxygen diffusing in the so ild) Does not measure aeration status of soil61. Proctor bulk density of sand isa) Les than that of clay and it occurs atrelatively higher soil water contentb) More than that of clay and it occurs atrelatively low soil water contentc) Same as that of clayd) Independent of soil water content62. Another name for 'Inter-tropical convergencezone' isa) Tropical highb) Doldrumsc) Horse latituded) None of the above63. In a double ring infiltrometer, outer ring isflooded simultaneously with inner ring toensurea) Vertical movement of water in nner ringb) Horizontal movem ent of water in inner ringc) Both horizontal and vertical flows in inner

    ring ;,d) To increase the area of infiltration64.Graded bunds for soil and waterconservation are pu t ina) Any soil type with slope between 1-3%b) Any soil with slope between 6-13%c) High rainfall areas or impermeable soils withslope 4 %d) Sandy soils with slope 4 %

    65. The test to determine the optimal soilwetness at which compaction of a given soilcan be achieved most effectively by a givenforce, is calleda) Proctor test. ) Atterberg limitsc) Van-Shear testd) Kneading test66. The total pore space is more ina) Sandy soilb) Clay soilc) Loam soild) Sandy clay loam soil67 Which of the following is not a RCT(resource conseping technology)?a) Laser levellerb) Raised bed system of planting,c) Ch igsel ploughingd) Residue mulching68. Ac tual evapotranspiration can be determ inedbya) Field water balance ,b) US class A pan evaporimeter.c) Sunken pan evaporimeterd) Hygrometer69. The thermalized neutrons in soil fromneutron moisture probe have energya) 0.003 eVb) 0.03eVc) 0.3eVd) 3 eV70. The dielectric property of soil water is usedfor soil water content determination bya) Neutron moisture meterb) y-ray attenuation methodc) Gypsum block methodd) Time domain reflectrometry71, Infrared range of electromagnetic spectrumis.a) 0.4 to 0.7 pmb) 0.7 to 100 Fmc) 0.7 to 7 pmd) ~ 0 . 4m72 . Maximum ionization is produced bya) Gamma rayb) Beta rayc) Alpha rayd) X-ray

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    Subject : hD - Agricultural Physics - 01173. Which component in Bragg's equation(n h = 2d Sine) is used to identify clay m ineralthrough x-ray diffraction?a) nb) 1C) dd)74. In which stage of crop growth, the VegetationIndex is highest?a) Crown root initiationb) Tilleringc) Bootingd) Harvest75. Under a given soil and weather condition,total water lost from a grass land into theatmosphere is calleda l Potential evaDotransDlrationb j Actual evapoiranspirationc) Pan evaporationd) Crop transpiration76. Advection is the process by whicha) Heat energy backscattered from cloud togroundb) Heat energy radiated from surface toatmospherec) Heat energy transferred vertically within theatmosphered) Heat energy trans ferred horizontally withinthe atmosphere77. Precipitation n winter is maximum ina) Maritime climateb) Continental type of climatec) Tropical climated) Monsoon type climate78. Ideal climatic condition for cultivation ofwheat isa) Cool and moist climate during entire growthperiodb) Warm and dry climate during entire growthperiodc) Warm and dry climate during vegetative, butcool and m oist during ripening staged) Cool an4 moist climate during vegetative, but

    warm and dry during ripening stage79. If the soil moisture content (%, W h ) is 16and bulk density is 1.32 Mg m'3, assumingthe particle density as 2.65 M g m", the air-filled porosity isa) 20%

    80. The average gravimetric water content in O-15 cm soil layer was 10 and 30% before andafter irrigation, respectively. Calculate theamount of water increased in the layer, thebulk density of which was 1.5 Mg m'3.a) 5.0 cmb) 4.5cmC) 4.0 cmd) 3.5cm81. The thermal conductivity of a soil Is 16 calcm" hi' OC"; the volumetric water content Is0.25 cm3 and the bulk density Is 1.25Mg m". The thermal diffusivity (cm2 hr7)would b ea) 28b) 32c) 36d) 4082. Carbon-14 ( ' 4 ~ 4 ) s used for C dating. What is

    the half life of ' C?a) 8370 yearsb) 5730 yearsc) 1620 yearsd) 13 years83. Atoms having same proton, but differing inmass number are.a) Isotopesb) lsotonesC) Isobarsd) lsohvets84. Which o f the following is a weather system?a) Net radiationb) Barometric pressure.c) Cycloned) PAR85. Which one is true for a freely falling bodyfrom a certain height?a) Kinetic energy increases and potentialenergy decreasesb) Kinetic energy increases but potential energyremains sameC) Kinetic energy decreases and potentialenergy increasesd) Kinetic energy decreases but potentialenergy remains same86. Amount of energy emitted from a body isproportional o.a) T'b) T .4

    where, T is the absolute temperature of thebody

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    Subject :Ph D - Agricultural Physics -2011 787. The C 0 2 built up around roots will flow fromsoil to atmospheric air mainly through theprocess ofa) Diffusionb) OxidationC) Mass flowd)' Convection88. Three types of water erosion are recognized;which one of the following is correct in termsof increasing severity?a) Gully, rill, sheetb) Sheet, gully, rillc) Rill, sheet, gullyd) Shee t, rill, gully89. Which experiences the least electrical forcein a n electrical field?a) Electronb) Beta particlec) Gamma rayd) Alpha particle90. The wind system which covers the maximumocean area or? earth isa) Trade windsb) MonsoonsC) Westerliesd) Doldrums91. Behavlour of soil mass to e xternal forces liketillage may be quan tified bya) Yoder's apparatusb) Psychrometerc) Guelph permeam eterd) Casagrande apparatus92. Calcium carbonate is commonly absent insoils having pH less than-a)' 7.0b) 7.5c) 8.0d) 8.593. Organic matter content of mos t of the soils ofIndia is in the range ofa) 0-1%b) 1-2%c) 204% 'd) >4%94. Average cation exchange capacity(cmol (p') kg") of verm iculite isa) 10-40b) 80-150.C) 100-150d) >zoo

    95. Stability of minerals to weathering follows thesequencea) Quartz > feldspars > biotite > gypsumb) Quartz > biotite >feldsp ars > gypsumc) Quartz > feldspars > gypsum > biotited) Gypsum > feldspars > biotite > quartz96. Matric potentials at 50 and 150 cm depthbelow surface soil are -20 and -10 m,respectively. Taking 200 m depth asreference point, what will be the potentialdifference betwee n these two points?a) 900 cmb) 950 cm,c) 1000 cmd) 1500 cm97. A 0.8 m deep soil' has a volumetric watercontent of 0.12. Find the quantity of waterrequired to bring the water con tent to 0.30:a) 14.2 cmb) 14.3 cmc) 14.4 cmd) 14.5 cm98. A lysimeter decreased in weight by 100 kgover a period when irrigation andrain together was 3 cm. What was theevapotransp iration by the crop during thistime? Lysimeter height and surface areawere Im and 1m2, respectively.a) 130 cmb) 13cmc) 1.3cmd) 13mm99. In a cropped field (albedo 0.78), what will bethe net radiation, if the global radiation(average for a day) and the average netlongwave radiation are 349 and-58.18 ~ m - ' ,espectively?a) 228 wni2b) 226 ~ m . 'c) 225 ~ m ' ~d) 224 ~ r n - '100. Which of the following is not true?a) The sum of direct and scattered solarradiation s called global radiationb) The net longwave radiation is mostlydepende nt on climatic conditions of an a reac) The radiation mea sured at weather stationsis generally net radiation and not globalradiationd) When the soil dries, the ratio of the latentheat of e vapotranspiration and net radiationdecreases

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    Subject : hD -Agricultural Physics- 011 8101. Hysteresis effect of w ater retention isa) Greater in red soil than black soilb) Equal in both the soils.o) Greater in black soil than led soild) Can't be determined for both the soils102. In neutron moisture meter, effective volume

    of soil Increases witha) increase in soil moisture contentb) Decrease insoil moisture contentc) Remains the same alwaysd) No apparent relation was established103. Half-life of 3 2 ~sa) 14.3 years.b) 14.3 day$c) 14.3 hoursd) I4.3.minutes104. The effective height o f a capillary fringeabove a deep ground water table depends

    ona) Depth of water tableb) Pore size distribu tionc) Rate of infiltrationd) Soil tempera ture105. Accordlng to Stockes' law, the term inalvelocity of a spherical particle settling underthe influence of gravity in a fluid of a givendensity and viscosity, is proportional o.a) r2b) rc) rd) r106. In a laminar flow of a liquid through a tubeof radius r, the volume flow ,rate isproportional oa) rb) r ic) rd) r4107. Beta rays emitted by a radioactive materialarea) Electromagnetic radia tionb) Electrons orbiting around the nucleusc) Chargeb particles emitted by the nucleusd) Neutra l p a ~ c le smitted by the nucleus108. The intensity of inso lation depends on.a) Altitudeb) Latitudec) Nature of the earth surfaced) Wind109. Widely spaced isoba rs indicate aa) Steep change in pressureb) Weak change in pressurec) No change in pressured) None of the above

    110. High clouds area) Stratusb) Alto-stratusc) Alto-cumulusd) Cirro-stratus11 1. The emitted energy peak from earth surfaceis ina) Visible region of e.m, spectrumb) Thermal infrared region of e m . spectrumc) Microwave region of e.m. spectrumd) Radiowave region of e m . spectrum112. Which can be used as an index oflooseness and conipaction?a) Dry specific volumeb) Air filled porosityc) Degree of saturationd) Particle density113. Dielectric constant of pure water and drysoil, respectively, area) 4 and 80b) 60and10c) 60 and 2-5d) 60-80 and 2-10114. About 50% of the atmosphere lies below thealtiiude ofa) 30 kmb) 15.6 kmc) 10.6 kmd) 5.6 km115. Presence of water vapour in grams perkilogram of air gives usa) Relative humidityb) Absolute humidityc) Specific humidityd) Any of the above116. Stable isotopes can be detec ted bya) NMRb) Mass spectrometerc) GM countersd) Spectrometer117. The giant weather machine of our globe isdriven bya) The Sunb) Temperature gradientc) The hydrolithosphered) The terres trial atmosphere118. The equilibrium vapour pressure on the freewater surface of a calm pond isa) Higher than the equilibrium vapour pressu reover a water dropb) Lower than the equilibrium vapour pressureover a water dropc) Equal to the equilibrium vapour pressureover a water dropd) Lower than the equilibrium vapour pressureover a cap illary

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    Subject : PhD -Agric ultura l Physics -2011

    119. For climatoiogical studies, themeteorological parameters are regularlycollected at the Meteorological Stations bygadgets mounted at a height ofa) 0.5 m above the groundb) 1 m above the g roundc) 1.5 m above the groundd) 2 m above the ground120. Poiseuille's law can be applied to evaluatethe viscosity of a liquid bya) Laminar flow of the liquid through parallellinear capillariesb) Laminar flow of the liquid through bundlesof tortuous capillariesc) Turbulent flow of the liquid through parallellinear capillariesd) Turbulent flow of the liquid through bundlesof tortuous capillaries121. What spectacular effect the water molecule

    would have produced on earth, had itsmolecular structure been linear symmetric(H - 0 H)?a) The weak intermolecular interaction forcewould have been absentb) Water would not have existed in liquid format normal terrestrial tempe raturec) Water m olecules would have been found ingaseous form (like methane) in theatmosphered) Evolution of water-based living organismswould have b een impossible on earth122. The volume of convective flux of soil air isdriven by the forcea) Soil air concentration gradientb) Soil air pressure gradientc) Soii air temperature gradientd) Soii air moisture gradien t123. In the following radiometric and photometricquantities, which one has unit different fromothers?a) Radiant flux dens ityb) Radiant powerc) Reflected fluxd) Spectral radiant flux124. If the iens of the remo te sensing camerahas a diameter of 60 cm and wavelength itis sensing is 6000 A , the instantaneous ieldof view of the camera will bea) 6000 radianb) 122 radian

    .c) 1.22 x I radiand) 122 x 10.' radian

    125. In a n optical system, the ability todistinguish between signals from spatiallynear points is known asa) Selectionb) Magnificationc) Differentiationd) Resolut~on126. A nucleus of :Be absorbs an alpha particlesand emits a neutron. The resulting nucleuswill bea) 'cb) :Bec) $258d) 'c127. Which of the following describes the nuclear

    forces that holds the n ucleons togethera) Weak and long rangeb) Weak and short rangec) Strong and long ranged) Strong and short range128. Basis of Koppen's classification sa) Precipitation and tempe ratureb) Evaporation and rainfallc) Tem perature and evaporationd) Temperature and moisture129. A large widespread hom ogeneous body ofair with uniform properties of temperature

    and humidity is calleda) Cloudb) Air massc) Cycloned) Anti-cyclone130. Damping depth (d) is related to the thermalproperties of the soil and the frequency ofthe tem perature fluctuation as follows

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    Subject : hD - Agricultural Physics - 011 10Matching type questions (No. 131 to 140);all questions carry equal marks. Choosethe correct answer (a, b, c, d or e) foreach sub-question (I, ii, iii, iv and v ) andenter your choice in the circle (byshading with a pencil) on the OMR -answer sheet as per the instructionsgiven on the answer sheet.131. Match the terms with sizesi) Microaggregates a) 10 cm or 'moreii ) Micropores b) ~ 2 5 0miii) Macropores c) 5-30 ymiv) Peds d) >75 pmV) Clods e) Naturaliv formed

    ' aggregates132. ~ a t c hhe terms with w ind typesi) Gale a) Anti-trade windsii) Katabatic b) Rain shadow winds on lee side

    of mountainiii) Tornado c) Down slope windsiv) Westerlies d) Storm with sustained windsbetween 34-48 knotsv) Chinook e) Violent rotating column of airwhich is in contact with boththe surface of earth andcumulonimbus cloud133.i) Soil erosion a) "CIii) Seepage b) AM-Beiii) Soil salinity 4 ) I'civ) Soil moisture content d) 2~v) Soii aggregate formation e) "CS134. Match the terms with their dimensionsi) Diffusivity a) C'ii) Fluidity-. b) C' T "iii) Sorptivity. c) L - ~iv) Intrinsic permeability - - .,d) LTv) Specific water capacity e) L'T .'135. Match the spectral ranges important fordifferent processesi) 1-50 cm band of e.m. a) Crop growthradiation monitoringii) 0.6-0.7 pm, band of b) Photosynthesise.m. radiationiii) 0.7-1.1 pm band of c) O zone absorptione.m. radiation bandiv) 8-14 ym band of e.m. d) Surface temperatureradiationv) 9-10 pm band of e.m. e) Soii moisture studiesradiation

    136. Match the meteorological parameters withthe related monitoring gadgetsi) Agricultural drougii) Humidityiii) Wind speed c) Net radiometeriv)v) Aibedo '&) Satellite remote sensing137. Match the termsi) Vinyl acetate and ma leic a) Soii crustingacidii) Modulus of rupture. -,,. b) Soil moistureiii) Penetrometer ~. 'c) Soil conditioningiv) Neu tron moisture metdr d) Soil strengthv) Sorp tion and deso rption e) Soil hysteresis138. Match the ' instruments with their,measurementsi) WeVdry bulb a) Height of a placethermometer'ii) Altimeters, . . . . b) Measurement of dewiii) Anemograph ; c) Photosynthetically

    ! . , active radiationiv) Line quantum se sor d) Relative humidityv) Duvdevani ga ug d e) Wind speed reorder139. Match the terms with their descriptionsi) lsohyets -,a) Lines of equal temperatureii) lsohalines b) Lines of equal wind speediii) lsonephs c) Line of equal salinityiv) Isotherm d) Lines of equal distribution ofrainfallv) isotach e) Lines of equal cloud cover140. Match the soil water related terms with theirrespective correspondencei) Erosion a) Slow rate and highfrequencyii) Redistr~bution b) Curve number methodiii) Drip irrigation c) Pos t infiltration wate rmovementiv) Evaporation d) Detachment,transportation anddepositionv) Run-off e) Constan t rate stage

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    Subject : hD Agricultural Physics -2011 11

    Short questions (No. 141 to 146); each question carries FIVE marks. Write answers,including computation I mathem atical calculations if any, In the space provided for (each question on the question paper itself. .141. Prove that for a m ineral soil having-0% total porosity, the bulk density is half of its particle density.

    0142. Distinguish between spatial, spectral, tempora l and radiometric resolution of a sensor.

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    Subject : PhD - Agricultural Physics - 2011143. Differentiate between soii compaction and soii wnsoiidation


    Y I -is the yieid of a crop having crop ET of 450 mm given that the maximum attainable yieid of therop is 8000 kglha with highestETof 650 mm and the yieid response factor is 1.57

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    Subject : Ph D - Agricultural Physics - 01 1145. G~v ehree essent ial conditions for evaporat ion to occur and persist from a soil surface.

    146. Differentiate between mountain winds and valley winds.