i where first 'v'ojtt - chronicling america...helen nicholson, miss nellie morrow, mrs....

PAGE. FOUR THE RICHMOND PALLADIUM AND SUN-TELEGRA- M FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1919. Announcement has been made . of I the engagement of Miss Irene Jenkins WHERE FIRST TRANS-ATLANTI- C FLIGHT MAY START ell." Walt Stedman said, "In such gooeV company. Eh, son?" ' t But young Walt was already back to bis soup. "Mmwyess!" he assented. THE END. m wm and Edward Hartman, both of this city." The wedding will take place early In June. The Good Time Euchre club will meet tomorrow evening with Mrs. Ross Robinson at htr home, 519 Main street. - The Wl.-Hu- b .club met last evening NEWCASTLE It was too much for her, alleged Nellie Scott when Wil- liam Scott, her husband, started to compute before her eyes, while she was seriously ill, the amount of life Insurance be would get if she would die. She is suing for divorce. with Mr. ad Mrs. Albert Thomas at. 'V'OJtt ; W w - l)illlll(fllllil!lfllll(l!IHIIHip "What's you score this morning, moth'?" young Walt asked. "Eleven hundred words, son. Noth- ing wonderful." "Aw, you always say that, moth'," young Walt defended. "What's yours, pops?" "About the same. Walter. But they are Immortal words," Walt grinned fervently. "Words that will outlive the granite bills that shine " "Aw, you always say the same, too," protested young Walt severely. "I guess moth wins the prize today." He got off his chair and carce around to his mother. "Look, it's a beauty, moth or it will be when It dries." From his coat pocket he took out an almost-goo- d baby horseshoe crab. "Heavens, Waltie, take It out and give it to me some other time say next week!" Janet protested hastily. "Janet, you should not have let him," she said, turning to her daughter. "Well, moth', you know what men are," Janet Junior said resignedly. "You know how it is with dad. I did my best, but " She shrugged a pair of diminutive shoulders Janet's nose wrinkled with amuse- ment as she glanced across at her hus- band, who almost met disaster trying to hide a laugh with a spoonful of 60UP. "Yes, daughtle, I know how it is with fath'," she said softly. It is Just twelve years today sinfce I married him. But when you grow up you and I will take both Walts in hand and make them walk straight, eh, dearie?" Walt rose and made a polite bow; young Walt followed suit. "It's a pleasure to walk any way at their home on . Southwest Third, street. After an evening of music and games, a luncheon was served by the hostess. ' The next' meeting will be with Mr. .and Mrs. Ernest Gable at their home on Southwest Third street. Mrs. Will Stolle was hostess yester- day afternoon . for a meeting -- of : the Cloverleaf club at her home on Liberty avenue. ' The afternoon was spent in needlework after which a three-cours- e luncheon was served. The club will meet In two weeks with Mrs. Mat Kuhlenbeck at . her home on North Eighteenth street. Miss Vera Dailey will be hostess for a meeting of the Delta Theta .Tan sorority Monday evening at her home west of the city. Mrs. Charles Webb spent yesterday In Indianapolis. Lieut. Ira C. Stone, of Camp Sher- man Is spending a few days, as the guest of Miss Ethel Hawkins at her home on North Sixth street. Lieut. Stone will visit at his home in Meri-dan- , Miss., before returning to camp to await his discharge. He recently returned from overseas service.' 3(y? Zd&j. EE: .irniinimiiuiJniififiziiiiiiiifTinnim Vihage of Quid! VldL Newfoundland. Officials in charge of the plans for the first trans-atlant- ic air trip have selected the Quaint little fish- - ing village of Quidi Vida, New- foundland, as one of the possible . starting points for the flight across the ocean. Hangars for the planea have been erected near the little town. First Aid for Laundry Troubles If every wash-da- y is a day for the "Blues" the right, blue will send them scuttling away. Rod Gross Ball DIoo is the secret of successful wash, ing; PureWbite, dazzling clothes i. that leaves the happy smile of sat- isfaction at the end of a day of ' hard work. 5 Cents. At Your Grocers' From present indications there will J be about fifty tables of cards tomor A Woman's Business By Zoe Beckley There's Health in This Spring Tonic These are the months to get rid ot row auernoon ai me Deiient cara party at the Arlington hotel.. Auction bridge, five hundred and euchre will be played and a number of persons are forming tables to knit and sew. The proceeds of the party will be used to renew- - the subscription for the nine French orphans which were adopted last year. Mrs. Henry Goldfinger, Mrs. John Lontz and Miss Mary Woods are in charge of the party. The public Is Invited. Miss June Smith,' Miss Martha The) - ercheBtra. of Springfield, O., made the Beta," Pbl Slgtoa dance last evening one of the biggest successes of the Easter parties that have been given this week. About fifty couples attended the dance given in the L O. O. F. hall. The programs, in keeping with the informality of the occasion, were In orange and black, the fraternity colors. Included twelve dance numbers. The well known Beta Rose song was printed on the covers of the program. The orchestra last evening consisted of piano, two eaxa-phone- s and two banjos, and gave the dancers a taste of real Jazz music, playing the latest hits of the season. The dance last evening was arranged by Don Bell, Clarende Coyle and Frank Bescher. Those present were: Miss Mary Stretch of Newcastle, Miss Martha Smith of Newcastle, Mia Martha Jones. Miss Catherine Elliott, Misa Doris Groan, Miss Juliet Nus-bau- Miss Janet Seeker. Miss Louise Mather, Miss Margaret Wickemeyer, Miss Ethel Thomas, Miss Irene Reed, Miss Marie O'Brien, Miss Louise P003, Miss Clara Groce, Miss Mary Foley, Miss Elsie Morris, Miss Dorothy Kor-Ti- s, Miss Man Lahmaan, Miss June 6mith of Newcastle. Miss Haeel Sar-le- s, Miss Helen Eggemeyer, Miss Rosamond Border, Miss Helen Hadley, Miss Cornelia Border, Miss Hazel Mashmeyer, Miss Fay Schmidt. Miss Mabel Feltman. Miss Ruth Overstreet, Miss Bernlce Judy, Miss Miriam Kcl-ley- . Miss Marjorle Laws. Miss Mildred Hartman, Miss Esther Hawkins, Miss Neva Bowman, Miss Marian Mc- Carthy, Miss Marie Duane, Mrs. Julian Cates, Mrs. Frank Shirk. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Conner, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Leeds, Bernhard Knollen-berg- , Philip Starr, Wm. Kelley of Mr. and Mrs. Voyle Mar-tlnda- le of Cambridge City, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Land. Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ker Land, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Lazarus, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kolp, Ray Jones. Don Bell, Frank Bescher, Mr. and Mrs. O'Byrne, Mr. and Mrs" Charles Haner, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wood, Mr. and . Mrs. Karl Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Omer Bui-lerdlc- k, Herbert Gross, Russell Allen, Frederlok Van Allen, August Calve-leg- e. William Dunn, Clyde Semler, Edgar Loehr, E. Riddle, Albert Chrow, Garwood Graham, George Weaver. Roland Wrede, Harold Grimes, John Livingston, Harry Thomas, Ernest Porter, William Eggemeyer, Myron Hill, Roland Keys, W. H. Plttner. Ly- man Orr, John Sparr, Sedgwick John- son. Raymond Dalbey, Jeff Meyers, Lawrence Hoover, Kent Lemon, Rob- ert Smith, Carlton Scott, George n, Clarence Coyle, Howard Ball. Karl Reinhardt, William Keys, Waldo Dubbs, Marc Golden, Wren Hasecos-te- r and Robert Quigg. Branches of spring blossoms, bas- kets of pink and white roses and car- nations, sprays of flowering almonds and ferns decorated the rooms at the Country club last evening for the dinner- -dance which was enjoyed by forty couples. A four-cours-e dinner was served at 7 o'clock at three long tables which were appointed .in pink and white, and covers laid for seventy-fiv- e persons. Following the dinner, danc- ing was enjoyed, the Morrey-Smitl- i or- chestra furnishing the music. Among those who attended were Miss Mary Woods, Miss Louise Malsby, Miss Helen Nicholson, Miss Nellie Morrow, Mrs. Julian Cates, Mrs. Frank Shirk, Miss Edna McGuire of Colorado, Mrs. I all the ' impurities that have stored Smith and Miss Mary Stretch of New-- ' Mr. and Mrs. John Hook. Miss Eva Floyd and Miss Maybelle Carter have returned to their homes in Indianap- olis after spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. John Lennard on North Ninth street. While here the party motored to Dayton, Hamilton and Cin- cinnati. Officers of the new Departmental club will be elected following the luncheon next Wednesday at Grace Methodist church, and constitution of the club will be adopted. Women who expect to Join are reminded that Wed- nesday will be the last day that char- ter members can obtain a membership for fifty cents, as the initiation fee will be one dollar after next Wednes- day. Those who Intend to be present at the luncheon are requested to pur- chase tickets not later than Monday evening. Luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock and a large gathering of club women Is expected. Miss Margaret Wickemeyer went to Indianapolis today to visit physical training classes in the schools there, and to attend the convention of physi- cal training instructors tomorrow. While in Indianapolis Miss Wickemey- er will visit at the school where she formerly studied and will attend a school dance tomorrow evening. by a dirty boy with bait marks on his paws. Wash!" "Aw, some day I'll wash my hands clean off!" the youngster grumbled. "It's wash, wash, wash, morning, noon and night! Gee!" , Walt and Janet listened to these voices. When the youngsters appear- ed around the corner of the hall, where their parents were lying la ambush for them, each sprang a trap. Janet's arms had caught young Walt, whose face was a pocket version of her own; Walt had seized little Janet, the Image of himself, as he would look were he six years old and a girl. Katie came clear out into the hall to still the tumult. "Ah declare!" she cried, "jes' lahk a passel of gawumpuses!" Meekly the quartet took their places at the dinner table. CHIEF GORMAN SAYS Protect yourself from theft of your automobile by use of a pad- lock. We Say Protect yourself by an Insurance Policy It's too cheap to worry For terms and rates see DOUGAN-JENKIN- S &C0. Cor. 8th & Main Sts. Phone 1330 themselves in your system during the winter. ' We advise a vegetable blood cleaner that has stood the test of many years use. See your druggist. Say "I Want CELERY KING" Brew a cup and drink it every other night for a few weeks. - It cleans the system is good for stomach and liver end its regular use banishes pimples, cleans up blotch skin and makes you ieel younger. You'll like it the children like It and the cost is next to nothing. castle were guests yesterday of Mr. and Mrs. Walker Land. They came to attend the Beta Phi Sigma dance last evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Slifer have returned from Atlanta,' Ga., where they visited their son. The Amona class will be entertained tomorrow afternoon at the home of Mrs. Tidd, 412 North West Third street. AlLmembers are urged to be present. Mrs. Claude Addleman was hostess yesterday afternoon for a meeting of her embroidery club at her home on West Pearl street. Dainty refresh- ments were served by the hostess. The club will meet in two week with Mrs. Edward Sharpe at her home. EPILOGUE The comfortably fat and radiantly polished mammy sniffed as she smoothed the frilly little French maid dress of black and white she had on. "Dese yeah r encn ninnety fu'h-b'low- s sure makes me look lahk a snippety-snappet- y young fool!" she grumbled. "'Nd ah feels lahk it, too. But, lawdy, w'en a body wuks in a muddled house " That was Katie's one joke "mud- dled" for "model" household; , this, and her grumbling. She did not even attempt to hide from herself her sat- isfaction at life in the Stedman's cheerful, sunflooded, concrete-and-awn-ing- s cottage by the sea on Staten Island. With another 6niff she took up the . chamois-tippe- d stick and chimed out the call to dinner on a set of melodious bronze reeds. From the upper story the sounds of two typewriters clicking one briskly with a feminine nervousness, the other more masculinely slow stopped al- most simultaneously. Half a minute later Walt and Janet Stedman met at the eptrance to the dining room. There was a little scuffling sound and "Janet's whisper sounded: "Walt, don't! Katie will see you" Walt straightened up with a smile on his face. "She'll have to move more lightly than she does me off my be- havior," he laughed. "Where are the magpies?" - He was answered by the rattling ot canoe paddles into the canoe just beached on the sand in front of the house. "Yip, yip, yip! I'm so hungry I'll eat a bite of momsky when I get In!" caroled a' boyish voice as two pairs of young legs scampered onto the front porch. "Are you, Janet?" "Walt Stedman, Junior, you wash your paws before you eat anything," a severe little feminine voice came from behind him. "Won't have moth' bit Fruit-Juic- es In Vials FURNACES Holland Furnaces make warm friends, Ask any lucky owner. H. L. Householder, Local Represen- tative, 319 Randolph Street Phone 3163 CHIROPRACTORS G. C. WILCOXEN, D. C. G. H. Groce, O. C. Assistant Phone 1603 35 S. 11th St. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kolp will not give their assembly dance this even- ing, on account of the Easter dance which they gave Monday evening. Miss Georgia Cole has returned from Muncie where she has been visiting friends. Jiffy-Je- ll flav- ors come sealed in glass a bottle in each package. Each is rich es- sence, condensed from fruit juice. Add boiling water, then this essence, and you have a real-fru- it UNltji Dr. Lindley To Speak At History Association Meet Dr. Harlow Lindley, head of the gelatine dessert, and at trifling cost. You should know this fruity dainty. history department of Earlham col-- ! All women of the Country club are invited to the luncheon-bridg- e party which will be given at the club next Tuesday. Dinner will be served at 1 o'clock and auction bridge played in the afternoon. Reservations for the luncheon should be made by Monday evening. This party will be the last of a series of parties arranged by the April social committee. Eden Rebekah lodge No. 30 will celebrate the one hundredth annivers- ary of Odd Fellowship tomorrow eve- ning at the regular meeting at 8 o'clock in the I. O. O. F. hall. Tatohekiya Camp Fire Girls will an entertainment tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock and again at 7:30 o'clock in the high school auditorium. The Rev. Semans will give an Introductory lec- ture on the "Origin and Organization of the Camp Fire Movement," followed by the play, "Spruce Cone and Bunch-berry,- " in which a disagreeable family becomes pleasant after the Camp Fire spirit enters the home. The charac- ters are: Mrs. Shubal Pinkham, Mary Sprong: Peleg Pinkham, Betty Price; Elvira Pinkham,. Georgia Hcaly; Mar- tha Pinkham, Clara Iluber; Mr. Shu- bal Pinkham, Louise Bentley. and Es- ther Whitcomb, Mary Frances Chur-chel- l; country girls who become camp Are girls, Irene Bishop, Dorothy Chur-chel- l, Rhea Crandall, Anna Hale, Cy-ren- a Huber, Virginia Livingston, Helen Reese, Helen Roland and Sarah Semans. A camp fire motion song en- titled, "Bugga Man," will be sung and the program will close with motion pictures of camp Are life. Ernest Flnley of Chicago, Mrs. Jennie ; tieautiiy the Complexion DR. EUDALY SAYS: "Do you realize that decayed teeth and unclean mouths offer the most fertile field for the malignant type of disease germs? Why wait and take chances? Have us put your mouth and teeth into healthy condition NOW for Health's sake." PR. J. A. EUDALY 10 Flavor, at Your Grocer's 2 Package for 25 Cent TEN DAYS Na&ch CREAM Tie Ucsqaaled Eczotillcr lege, and president of the Mississippi Valley Historical association, will give his annual address before the associa- tion when it convenes in St. Louis, Mo., on May 8. The subject of his ad- dress will be "Western Travel in 1800 to 1820" about which he has written a very interesting and extensive paper. "The Importance of State and Local Historical Societies" is the subject of another address he will deliver before the association on the afternoon of May 9. The meeting will close on Sat- urday, May 10. BRAZIL Ralph W. Moss, former Democratic representative from th;i Fifth district, is in a serious condi- tion following an attack by a bull in his barnyard. He was gored and trampled, and it was only when tho bull was blinded by a farm employe that rescue was possible. UziJanJ Endortmd By Thoutanda NEW METHOD'S TUFF WORK -- - --wWt Guaranteed to re- move ton, freckles , pimples, llver-cpot- c, etc E::treme cacc: DENTIST Over 715 Main Street SHOES 2nd Fleer Colonial Office Hours: 8 to 12 a. m., 1 to 5:30 p. m.; also Monday, Wednesday and Saturday Evenings. Look for the Big Sign in the Middle of the Block Tcnty days. Rids pores and tissue: f impurities. Leaves the skin clear oft, healthy. Two sizes. Sold bi- lling toilet counters or mail. Bids. 21' Thornburg, Mrs. James Carr, . Phil Starr, Whitney McGuire, Houston Mar-lat- t. Bernhard Knollenbcrg. Capt. Walter Davis. Mr.- Stimson, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Carr, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGuire, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sprague, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Carr, Mr. and Mrs. John Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carr, Mr. and Mrs. John Lontz, Mr. and Mrs. Schuman Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Conner. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Leeds. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dill, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Price, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Will Dill. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Druitt, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Goldflnger. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Black-mor- e, Mrs. Quinn of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Stimson, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Car-vey- , Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Grannis of Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Elmer, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Beebe, Mr. and Mrs. Thoma3 Tar-kleso- Wayne county semi-annu- meeting of Rebekah lodge will be held Tuesday alternoon in the I. O. O. F. hall at Centerville at 1:30 o'clock. All Re-beka- of the county are urged to be present. The degree will be given In the evening by the Centerville lodge. Miss Charlotte Cathcart and Mrs. Hugh McGibney of Indianapolis, who were the speakers at the Red Cross meeting this afternoon, were enter- tained at luncheon this noon by Miss Margaret Starr at her home In the Keystone Apartment. rXal --aft' mm wrm in aVatuZwi liar hth i c si - - - i x a i i r fa. i ssm h i f m-- u m 11 ' 1 . in au ia iLarrn... m-- ot m r I I ! USK TWO CENTS OF'VOUlt MONEY-TA- KE BOTH TO A. FULL Time Brings Jay And Happiness As the Hours P the Coming of Baby Draws Nearer Aro You Prepared? ' S- - jii psmx. iy fttM YOUR GROCER AND HE WILU BAR 1 rusi (SIVE YOU A FULL SIZK BAR OF (S A OF THE: NAPTHA fori coxa and this coupon give tht bearer a fuU br of Rub-N- o Mora Naoiha Sosd. We or our jobbers wiil redeem this fa& . Simile of our package for 5 cents casn. THE COMPANY. Fort Wayne. Indiana' THE BEST NAPTHA SOAP MADE. PLEASE NOTE QUALITY OF SOAP f er- - ar a s tr a s w W z n SOAP FOR ft.) , . rglP AND RESULTS IN.YOUR WASH-TU- B. IV C GROCERS NO-M- 0 si 11 h hi mm sv fi- - n mm wm mw m aw 1 .sssaw mm mmmmmmm' mt TRAtKMAft .RCl3TtRC0 vfAT. OFft No woman wnltln the Joy of comtn motherhood ihould ellow the dy to pan without usln the wonderful penetrating- - ap- plication. Mothere' Friend. By It rcrnlar one throughout the period the Ttetn u prepared for the coming- - erent and utroln and tension la rdlared. It ren- der thbrood, flat abdominal mnaclee pliant end they reedily yield to nature' demand for cxpanilon. As a result the nerves are not drawn upon with that peculiar wrencn-fri- ff strain, and nausea, nervousness, bearing-dow- n and stretching pains are counteracted. The abdomen expands easily when baby ar- rives and tbe hours at the crisis are nat- urally leas. Pafn and danger as a cense-euer.- is avoided. Mother's Friend not only allays distress la advance, but assures a apeedy recovery for the mother. The akin is kept soft and smooth and natural and free from disfigure- ment. Write to the Brndfeld Regulator Company. Dept J. Lamar Building. Atlanta. Georgia, for their Motherhood Book, and procure a bottle of Mother's Friend from tbe druggist. It Is just as standard as anything you can think X, I i SS7V JfJ AEJ-- a

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Page 1: I WHERE FIRST 'V'OJtt - Chronicling America...Helen Nicholson, Miss Nellie Morrow, Mrs. Julian Cates, Mrs. Frank Shirk, Miss Edna McGuire of Colorado, Mrs. I all the ' impurities that


Announcement has been made . of I

the engagement of Miss Irene Jenkins WHERE FIRST TRANS-ATLANTI- C FLIGHT MAY STARTell." Walt Stedman said, "In such gooeVcompany. Eh, son?" ' tBut young Walt was already back tobis soup.

"Mmwyess!" he assented.THE END.

m wm

and Edward Hartman, both of thiscity." The wedding will take placeearly In June.

The Good Time Euchre club willmeet tomorrow evening with Mrs.Ross Robinson at htr home, 519Main street. -

The Wl.-Hu- b .club met last evening

NEWCASTLE It was too much forher, alleged Nellie Scott when Wil-

liam Scott, her husband, started tocompute before her eyes, while shewas seriously ill, the amount of lifeInsurance be would get if she woulddie. She is suing for divorce.

with Mr. ad Mrs. Albert Thomas at.'V'OJtt ;

W w -


"What's you score this morning,moth'?" young Walt asked.

"Eleven hundred words, son. Noth-ing wonderful."

"Aw, you always say that, moth',"young Walt defended. "What's yours,pops?"

"About the same. Walter. But theyare Immortal words," Walt grinnedfervently. "Words that will outlivethe granite bills that shine "

"Aw, you always say the same, too,"protested young Walt severely. "Iguess moth wins the prize today."He got off his chair and carce aroundto his mother. "Look, it's a beauty,moth or it will be when It dries."

From his coat pocket he took outan almost-goo- d baby horseshoe crab.

"Heavens, Waltie, take It out andgive it to me some other time saynext week!" Janet protested hastily."Janet, you should not have let him,"she said, turning to her daughter.

"Well, moth', you know what menare," Janet Junior said resignedly."You know how it is with dad. I didmy best, but " She shrugged apair of diminutive shoulders

Janet's nose wrinkled with amuse-ment as she glanced across at her hus-band, who almost met disaster tryingto hide a laugh with a spoonful of60UP.

"Yes, daughtle, I know how it iswith fath'," she said softly. It is Justtwelve years today sinfce I marriedhim. But when you grow up you andI will take both Walts in hand andmake them walk straight, eh, dearie?"

Walt rose and made a polite bow;young Walt followed suit.

"It's a pleasure to walk any way at

their home on . Southwest Third,street. After an evening of music andgames, a luncheon was served by thehostess. ' The next' meeting will bewith Mr. .and Mrs. Ernest Gable attheir home on Southwest Third street.

Mrs. Will Stolle was hostess yester-day afternoon . for a meeting -- of : theCloverleaf club at her home on Libertyavenue. ' The afternoon was spent inneedlework after which a three-cours- e

luncheon was served. The club willmeet In two weeks with Mrs. MatKuhlenbeck at . her home on NorthEighteenth street.

Miss Vera Dailey will be hostess fora meeting of the Delta Theta .Tansorority Monday evening at her homewest of the city.

Mrs. Charles Webb spent yesterdayIn Indianapolis.

Lieut. Ira C. Stone, of Camp Sher-man Is spending a few days, as theguest of Miss Ethel Hawkins at herhome on North Sixth street. Lieut.Stone will visit at his home in Meri-dan- ,

Miss., before returning to campto await his discharge. He recentlyreturned from overseas service.'

3(y? Zd&j. EE:


Vihage of Quid! VldL Newfoundland.

Officials in charge of the plansfor the first trans-atlant- ic air triphave selected the Quaint little fish- -

ing village of Quidi Vida, New-foundland, as one of the possible

. starting points for the flight across

the ocean. Hangars for the planeahave been erected near the littletown.

First Aid forLaundry TroublesIf every wash-da- y is a day for the

"Blues" the right, blue will send themscuttling away.

Rod Gross Ball DIoois the secret of successful wash,ing; PureWbite, dazzling clothes i.that leaves the happy smile of sat-

isfaction at the end of a day of 'hard work.

5 Cents. At Your Grocers'

From present indications there willJ be about fifty tables of cards tomor A Woman's Business

By Zoe Beckley There's Health in

This Spring Tonic

These are the months to get rid ot

row auernoon ai me Deiient caraparty at the Arlington hotel.. Auctionbridge, five hundred and euchre willbe played and a number of persons areforming tables to knit and sew. Theproceeds of the party will be used torenew-

- the subscription for the nineFrench orphans which were adoptedlast year. Mrs. Henry Goldfinger,Mrs. John Lontz and Miss Mary Woodsare in charge of the party. The publicIs Invited.

Miss June Smith,' Miss Martha

The) - ercheBtra. ofSpringfield, O., made the Beta," PblSlgtoa dance last evening one of thebiggest successes of the Easter partiesthat have been given this week. Aboutfifty couples attended the dance givenin the L O. O. F. hall. The programs,in keeping with the informality of theoccasion, were In orange and black,the fraternity colors. Included twelvedance numbers. The well known BetaRose song was printed on the coversof the program. The orchestra lastevening consisted of piano, two eaxa-phone- s

and two banjos, and gave thedancers a taste of real Jazz music,playing the latest hits of the season.The dance last evening was arrangedby Don Bell, Clarende Coyle andFrank Bescher. Those present were:Miss Mary Stretch of Newcastle, MissMartha Smith of Newcastle, MiaMartha Jones. Miss Catherine Elliott,Misa Doris Groan, Miss Juliet Nus-bau-

Miss Janet Seeker. Miss LouiseMather, Miss Margaret Wickemeyer,Miss Ethel Thomas, Miss Irene Reed,Miss Marie O'Brien, Miss Louise P003,Miss Clara Groce, Miss Mary Foley,Miss Elsie Morris, Miss Dorothy Kor-Ti- s,

Miss Man Lahmaan, Miss June6mith of Newcastle. Miss Haeel Sar-le- s,

Miss Helen Eggemeyer, MissRosamond Border, Miss Helen Hadley,Miss Cornelia Border, Miss HazelMashmeyer, Miss Fay Schmidt. MissMabel Feltman. Miss Ruth Overstreet,Miss Bernlce Judy, Miss Miriam Kcl-ley- .

Miss Marjorle Laws. Miss MildredHartman, Miss Esther Hawkins, MissNeva Bowman, Miss Marian Mc-

Carthy, Miss Marie Duane, Mrs.Julian Cates, Mrs. Frank Shirk.Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Conner, Mr. andMrs. R. G. Leeds, Bernhard Knollen-berg- ,

Philip Starr, Wm. Kelley ofMr. and Mrs. Voyle Mar-tlnda- le

of Cambridge City, Mr. andMrs. Robert Land. Mr. and Mrs. Wal-ker Land, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Lazarus,Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kolp, Ray Jones.Don Bell, Frank Bescher, Mr. andMrs. O'Byrne, Mr. and Mrs" CharlesHaner, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shaw, Mr.and Mrs. Ira Wood, Mr. and . Mrs.Karl Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Omer Bui-lerdlc- k,

Herbert Gross, Russell Allen,Frederlok Van Allen, August Calve-leg- e.

William Dunn, Clyde Semler,Edgar Loehr, E. Riddle, Albert Chrow,Garwood Graham, George Weaver.Roland Wrede, Harold Grimes, JohnLivingston, Harry Thomas, ErnestPorter, William Eggemeyer, MyronHill, Roland Keys, W. H. Plttner. Ly-

man Orr, John Sparr, Sedgwick John-son. Raymond Dalbey, Jeff Meyers,Lawrence Hoover, Kent Lemon, Rob-

ert Smith, Carlton Scott, George n,

Clarence Coyle, Howard Ball.Karl Reinhardt, William Keys, WaldoDubbs, Marc Golden, Wren Hasecos-te- r

and Robert Quigg.

Branches of spring blossoms, bas-

kets of pink and white roses and car-nations, sprays of flowering almondsand ferns decorated the rooms at theCountry club last evening for the dinner-

-dance which was enjoyed by fortycouples. A four-cours-e dinner wasserved at 7 o'clock at three long tableswhich were appointed .in pink andwhite, and covers laid for seventy-fiv-e

persons. Following the dinner, danc-ing was enjoyed, the Morrey-Smitl- i or-

chestra furnishing the music. Amongthose who attended were Miss MaryWoods, Miss Louise Malsby, MissHelen Nicholson, Miss Nellie Morrow,Mrs. Julian Cates, Mrs. Frank Shirk,Miss Edna McGuire of Colorado, Mrs.

I all the ' impurities that have stored

Smith and Miss Mary Stretch of New-- '

Mr. and Mrs. John Hook. Miss EvaFloyd and Miss Maybelle Carter havereturned to their homes in Indianap-olis after spending the week withMr. and Mrs. John Lennard on NorthNinth street. While here the partymotored to Dayton, Hamilton and Cin-


Officers of the new Departmentalclub will be elected following theluncheon next Wednesday at GraceMethodist church, and constitution ofthe club will be adopted. Women whoexpect to Join are reminded that Wed-

nesday will be the last day that char-ter members can obtain a membershipfor fifty cents, as the initiation feewill be one dollar after next Wednes-day. Those who Intend to be presentat the luncheon are requested to pur-chase tickets not later than Mondayevening. Luncheon will be served at1 o'clock and a large gathering ofclub women Is expected.

Miss Margaret Wickemeyer went toIndianapolis today to visit physicaltraining classes in the schools there,and to attend the convention of physi-cal training instructors tomorrow.While in Indianapolis Miss Wickemey-er will visit at the school where sheformerly studied and will attend aschool dance tomorrow evening.

by a dirty boy with bait marks onhis paws. Wash!"

"Aw, some day I'll wash my handsclean off!" the youngster grumbled."It's wash, wash, wash, morning, noonand night! Gee!" ,

Walt and Janet listened to thesevoices. When the youngsters appear-ed around the corner of the hall, wheretheir parents were lying la ambushfor them, each sprang a trap. Janet'sarms had caught young Walt, whoseface was a pocket version of her own;Walt had seized little Janet, the Imageof himself, as he would look were hesix years old and a girl. Katie cameclear out into the hall to still thetumult.

"Ah declare!" she cried, "jes' lahk apassel of gawumpuses!"

Meekly the quartet took their placesat the dinner table.


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themselves in your system during thewinter. '

We advise a vegetable blood cleanerthat has stood the test of many yearsuse. See your druggist.

Say "I WantCELERY KING"Brew a cup and drink it every other

night for a few weeks. - It cleans thesystem is good for stomach and liverend its regular use banishes pimples,cleans up blotch skin and makes youieel younger.

You'll like it the children like Itand the cost is next to nothing.

castle were guests yesterday of Mr.and Mrs. Walker Land. They came toattend the Beta Phi Sigma dancelast evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Slifer havereturned from Atlanta,' Ga., wherethey visited their son.

The Amona class will be entertainedtomorrow afternoon at the home ofMrs. Tidd, 412 North West Thirdstreet. AlLmembers are urged to bepresent.

Mrs. Claude Addleman was hostessyesterday afternoon for a meeting ofher embroidery club at her home onWest Pearl street. Dainty refresh-ments were served by the hostess.The club will meet in two week withMrs. Edward Sharpe at her home.

EPILOGUEThe comfortably fat and radiantly

polished mammy sniffed as shesmoothed the frilly little French maiddress of black and white she had on.

"Dese yeah r encn ninnety fu'h-b'low- s

sure makes me look lahk asnippety-snappet- y young fool!" shegrumbled. "'Nd ah feels lahk it, too.But, lawdy, w'en a body wuks in amuddled house "

That was Katie's one joke "mud-dled" for "model" household; , this,and her grumbling. She did not evenattempt to hide from herself her sat-isfaction at life in the Stedman'scheerful, sunflooded, concrete-and-awn-ing- s

cottage by the sea on StatenIsland. With another 6niff she took upthe . chamois-tippe-d stick and chimedout the call to dinner on a set ofmelodious bronze reeds.

From the upper story the sounds oftwo typewriters clicking one brisklywith a feminine nervousness, the othermore masculinely slow stopped al-

most simultaneously. Half a minutelater Walt and Janet Stedman met atthe eptrance to the dining room.

There was a little scuffling soundand "Janet's whisper sounded:

"Walt, don't! Katie will see you"Walt straightened up with asmile on his face.

"She'll have to move more lightlythan she does me off my be-

havior," he laughed. "Where are themagpies?" -

He was answered by the rattling otcanoe paddles into the canoe justbeached on the sand in front of thehouse.

"Yip, yip, yip! I'm so hungry I'lleat a bite of momsky when I get In!"caroled a' boyish voice as two pairs ofyoung legs scampered onto the frontporch. "Are you, Janet?"

"Walt Stedman, Junior, you washyour paws before you eat anything," asevere little feminine voice came frombehind him. "Won't have moth' bit

Fruit-Juic- es

In Vials FURNACESHolland Furnaces make warm

friends,Ask any lucky owner.

H. L. Householder, Local Represen-tative,

319 Randolph Street Phone 3163


G. H. Groce, O. C. AssistantPhone 1603 35 S. 11th St.

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kolp will notgive their assembly dance this even-ing, on account of the Easter dancewhich they gave Monday evening.

Miss Georgia Cole has returnedfrom Muncie where she has beenvisiting friends.

Jiffy-Je- ll flav-ors come sealedin glass a bottlein each package.Each is rich es-

sence, condensedfrom fruit juice.

Add boilingwater, then thisessence, and youhave a real-fru- it


Dr. Lindley To Speak AtHistory Association Meet

Dr. Harlow Lindley, head of thegelatine dessert, and attrifling cost. You shouldknow this fruity dainty.

history department of Earlham col-- !

All women of the Country club areinvited to the luncheon-bridg- e partywhich will be given at the club nextTuesday. Dinner will be served at 1o'clock and auction bridge played inthe afternoon. Reservations for theluncheon should be made by Mondayevening. This party will be the lastof a series of parties arranged by theApril social committee.

Eden Rebekah lodge No. 30 willcelebrate the one hundredth annivers-ary of Odd Fellowship tomorrow eve-

ning at the regular meeting at 8o'clock in the I. O. O. F. hall.

Tatohekiya Camp Fire Girls will anentertainment tomorrow afternoon at2 o'clock and again at 7:30 o'clock inthe high school auditorium. The Rev.Semans will give an Introductory lec-

ture on the "Origin and Organizationof the Camp Fire Movement," followedby the play, "Spruce Cone and Bunch-berry,- "

in which a disagreeable familybecomes pleasant after the Camp Firespirit enters the home. The charac-ters are: Mrs. Shubal Pinkham, MarySprong: Peleg Pinkham, Betty Price;Elvira Pinkham,. Georgia Hcaly; Mar-tha Pinkham, Clara Iluber; Mr. Shu-bal Pinkham, Louise Bentley. and Es-ther Whitcomb, Mary Frances Chur-chel- l;

country girls who become campAre girls, Irene Bishop, Dorothy Chur-chel- l,

Rhea Crandall, Anna Hale, Cy-ren- a

Huber, Virginia Livingston,Helen Reese, Helen Roland and SarahSemans. A camp fire motion song en-

titled, "Bugga Man," will be sung andthe program will close with motionpictures of camp Are life.

Ernest Flnley of Chicago, Mrs. Jennie ;

tieautiiy the Complexion

DR. EUDALY SAYS:"Do you realize that decayed teeth and unclean mouths offerthe most fertile field for the malignant type of diseasegerms? Why wait and take chances? Have us put yourmouth and teeth into healthy condition NOW for Health'ssake."

PR. J. A. EUDALY10 Flavor, at Your Grocer's

2 Package for 25 CentTEN DAYS

Na&ch CREAMTie Ucsqaaled Eczotillcr

lege, and president of the MississippiValley Historical association, will givehis annual address before the associa-tion when it convenes in St. Louis,Mo., on May 8. The subject of his ad-dress will be "Western Travel in 1800to 1820" about which he has writtena very interesting and extensive paper.

"The Importance of State and LocalHistorical Societies" is the subject ofanother address he will deliver beforethe association on the afternoon ofMay 9. The meeting will close on Sat-urday, May 10.

BRAZIL Ralph W. Moss, formerDemocratic representative from th;iFifth district, is in a serious condi-tion following an attack by a bull inhis barnyard. He was gored andtrampled, and it was only when thobull was blinded by a farm employethat rescue was possible.

UziJanJ EndortmdBy Thoutanda NEW METHOD'S

TUFF WORK-- - --wWt Guaranteed to re-

move ton, freckles ,pimples, llver-cpot- c,

etc E::treme cacc:DENTIST Over 715 Main StreetSHOES

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Office Hours: 8 to 12 a. m., 1 to 5:30 p. m.; also Monday, Wednesdayand Saturday Evenings.

Look for the Big Sign in the Middle of the Block

Tcnty days. Rids pores and tissue:f impurities. Leaves the skin clearoft, healthy. Two sizes. Sold bi-

lling toilet counters or mail.Bids.


Thornburg, Mrs. James Carr, . PhilStarr, Whitney McGuire, Houston Mar-lat- t.

Bernhard Knollenbcrg. Capt.Walter Davis. Mr.- Stimson, Mr. andMrs. Earl Mann, Mr. and Mrs. BurtonCarr, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGuire,Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sprague, Mr. andMrs. Willard Carr, Mr. and Mrs. JohnNicholson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carr,Mr. and Mrs. John Lontz, Mr. andMrs. Schuman Jones. Mr. and Mrs.Joseph Conner. Mr. and Mrs. RudolphLeeds. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dill, Mr.and Mrs. Paul Price, Mr. and Mrs.Fred Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Will Dill.Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Matthews, Mr. andMrs. Frank Druitt, Mr. and Mrs. HenryGoldflnger. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Black-mor- e,

Mrs. Quinn of Chicago, Mr. andMrs. F. J. Stimson, Mr. and Mrs. T.B. Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Car-vey- ,

Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Grannis ofLynn, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Beatty, Mr.and Mrs. Dudley Elmer, Mr. and Mrs.S. J. Beebe, Mr. and Mrs. Thoma3 Tar-kleso-

Wayne county semi-annu- meetingof Rebekah lodge will be held Tuesdayalternoon in the I. O. O. F. hall atCenterville at 1:30 o'clock. All Re-beka-

of the county are urged to bepresent. The degree will be givenIn the evening by the Centervillelodge.

Miss Charlotte Cathcart and Mrs.Hugh McGibney of Indianapolis, whowere the speakers at the Red Crossmeeting this afternoon, were enter-tained at luncheon this noon by MissMargaret Starr at her home In theKeystone Apartment.

rXal --aft'mm wrm in aVatuZwi liar hth i c si - - - i x a i i r fa. i ssm h i f m- - u m 11 ' 1 . in au i a iLarrn... m--

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No woman wnltln the Joy of comtnmotherhood ihould ellow the dy to panwithout usln the wonderful penetrating-


plication. Mothere' Friend.By It rcrnlar one throughout the period

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der thbrood, flat abdominal mnaclee pliantend they reedily yield to nature' demandfor cxpanilon. As a result the nerves arenot drawn upon with that peculiar wrencn-fri- ff

strain, and nausea, nervousness, bearing-dow-n

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advance, but assures a apeedy recovery forthe mother. The akin is kept soft andsmooth and natural and free from disfigure-ment.

Write to the Brndfeld Regulator Company.Dept J. Lamar Building. Atlanta. Georgia,for their Motherhood Book, and procure abottle of Mother's Friend from tbe druggist.It Is just as standard as anything you canthink X,

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