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  • 8/6/2019 i j ag sc andro



    S.G. Wankhade, P.P. Khode, S.S. Wanjari, J.T. Paturde and S.M. SakureNagarjun Medicinal Plants Garden.Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth. Akola - 444 104. India

    ABSTRACTA field experiment for successive three years during khaTif seasons of 1999-2000 to 2001

    2002 was conducted to study the effect of time of planting and harvesting on the herb yield andquality of KaImegh (AndTogTaphis paniculata Burm f.). There were three dates of planting (1 stJuly, 16th July and 1st August) and harvesting (l6'h October, 1st November and 16th November),tried in FRBD with four replications. The results revealed that the planting time on 1st July andharvesting between Is' to 16th November were suitable for obtaining higher herbage yield andtotal yield of Andrographolide and Iron.INTRODUCTIONGenusAndrographis belongs to familyAcanthaceae which consists about 40 speciesdistributed in the tropical Asia. Andrographis

    panicu/ata and Andrographis a/ata ar emedicinal, out of nineteen species available inIndia. (Singh et a/. 1999). AndrographispanicuJata (Burm. f.) Nees commonly knownas Kalmegh is a bitter annual (perennial ifmaintained) herb, erect, 60 cm to 100 cm inheight, stem quadrangular and muchbranched; self-pollinated crop.The active bitter principle ofKalmeghis Andrographolide (C2oH300s' a diterpenelactone). It is common bitter tonic prescribedfor children in liver troubles. Also used inintermittent and remittent fevers. The extractsprotect alcohol induced toxic effect on livertissue and accelerate intestinal digestion andabsorption of carbohydrates. Decoction of thewhole plant is a blood purifier, used for cure oftorbid liver, jaundice, dermatological diseasesand dyspepsia.

    The present investigation wasundertaken to assess the opt imum time ofplanting and harvesting of this medicinal plantfor maximum dry foliage yield and quality.MATERIALANDMETHODSA field experimendor successive three

    years during kharif seasons of 1999-2000 to2001-2002 was conducted to study the effectof time of planting and harvesting on the herbyield and quality of Kalmegh (Andrographispanicu/ata Burm. F.). The treatmentscomprised of three planting dates (viz., I S July,161h July and lS I August) and three harvestingdates (16th October, 1st November and 16 thNovember) and tried in FRBD with fourreplications. As per the dates the whole plantwas cut above the ground portion and air driedfor recording the dry herbage yield. Theherbage samples were analysed for estimationof andrographilid and iron content. Theandrographolide content was estimated asdescribed by Roy and Paul(1991) and the totaliron in diacid extract using Atomic AbsorptionSpectrophotometer (Tandon, 2001).

    RESULTSAND DISCUSSIONI)Dry foliage yield: Highest dry foliageyield was obtained by planting on 1st July (D1)in all 3 years and the yield increase wasstatistically significant. Pooled means alsoexhibited highest yield of dry foliage by plantingon 1't July. The dry foliage yield significantlyreduced with the delayed planting (Table 1).Significantly highest dry foliage yield wasobtained due to harvesting on 16 th November(H) dUring all the three years under study. The

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    30 4 INOIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCHTable 1. Effect of dates of planting and harvesting on the dry foliage yield (kg ha l ) of kalmeghTreatments Ory foliage yield (kg ha 1) Pooled mean

    19992000 2000-01 2001-02A) Planting date1 - 1 July 1473.2 1450.0 1305.5 1409.7

    02 - 16 July 1133.5 1384.1 1012.3 1176.603 - 1 August 784.4 698.5 724.1 735.7SE(ml 23.6 31.0 23.8 15.9CO at 5% 68.8 90.6 69.6 44.8B) Harvesting dateHI - 16 October ' 942.8 938.3 824.3 901.8H2 - 1 November 1148.9 1182.5 1043.2 1124.9H3 - 16 November 1299.4 1412.3 1174.3 1295.4SE (m) 23.6 '31.0 23.8 15.9CD at 5% 68.8 40.6 69 44.8Interaction (0 x H)01 HI 1105.0 1186.3 995.0 1095.41 H2 1590.7 1464.3 1388.5 1481.2- 1 H3 1723.7 1701.0 1533.0 1652.60 2 HI 1064.0 1137.0 908.0 1036.302 H2 1093.0 1444.0 1018.0 1185.0O2 H3 1243.5 1571.3 1110.8 1308.5'0 3 HI 659.3 491.5 570.0 573.603 H2 763.0 639.3 723.0 708.40 3 H3 931.0 964.8 879.2 925.0SE (ml 40.8 53.8 41.3 27.6CO at 3% 119.1 NS 120.5 17.5CV% 7.21 9.13 8.14

    pooled data also showed significantly highestdry foliage yield with the harvesting on 161hNovember (H3).The planting on 1st Julyand harvestingon 16 th November (OtH3) gave significantlyhighest dry foliage yield followed by the yieldobtained with the planting on lSI July andharvesting on lsi November (OtH2) during allthe three years under study. The pooled dataalso exhibits similar results.II) Content and yield of

    andrographolide: Various planting datesexhibited minor variations(statisticallynonsignificant) on th e content ofandrographolide during all the three years ofexperimentation (Table 2). On the contrary thetotal yield of andrographolide (kg ha- t)recorded significantly more by planting on 1slJuly ( 1) in all the years. There was no

    significant effect of harvesting dates on contentof andrographolide recorded during 19992000. However significant effects wereobserved during 2000-2001, 2001-2002 andin pooled means and the maximum contentwas noticed due to harvesting on 161h October(H t) followed by harvesting on lSI November(H2. Effect of harvesting dates on the yield oftotal andrographolide wasnon significant duringall the 3 years, but pooled data exhibitedsignificant eff ect and h ighe st yield ofandrographolide due to harvesting on 161hNovember (H3). .

    The highest yield of andrographolidewas recorded due to planting on 161h July andharvesting on 161h October (02HI)' followed byplanting on 1'I July and harvesting on 161hOctober (OtHI)' in all three yearsand in pooledmeans. The yield of total andrographolidewas

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    305 INDIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCHTable 2. Effect of dates of planting and harvesting on the content and yield of Andrographolide

    Treatment Content of Andrographolide % Total Andrographolide (kg hal)1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 Pooled means 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 Pooledmeans

    A) Planting datesDI - 1 July 2.338 2.180 2.017 2.178 33.63 30.80 25.55 29.99D2 - 16 July 2.599 2.185 2.070 2.285 29.40 29.49 20.65 26.51D3 - 1 Aug. 2.611 2.110 1.924 2.215 20.87 14.68 13.88 16.48SE (m) 0.093 0.070 0.060 0.044 1.35 0.91 0.65 0.57CD at 5% NS NS NS NS 3.95 2.68 1.91 1.62B) Harvesting datesHI - 16 Oct. 2.676 2.443 2.318 2.479 25.98 23.74 19.59 23.10Hz - 1 Nov. 2.452 2.140 1.964 2.185 27.80 25.02 20.51 24.44H3 - 16 Nov 2.420 1.893 1.729 2.014 30.12 26.21 19.97 25.43SE (m) 0.093 0.070 0.060 0.044 1.35 0.91 0.65 0.57CD at 5% NS 0.210 0.175 0.022 NS NS NS 1.62Interaction D x HDIH I 2.750 2.607 2.457 2.605 30.32 30.77 24.49 28.53D1 Hz 2.300 2.012 . 2.017 2.176 36.55 32.35 28.09 32.33D1 H3 1.965 1.722 1.577 1.755 34.02 29.30 24.08 29.13Dz HI 3.120 2.692 2.535 2.782 33.36 30.37 23.08 28.94DzHz 2.432 2.017 1.900 2.116 26.84 29.05 19.13 25.00DzH3 2.245 1.847 1.775 1.955 28.00 29.05 19.72 25.59D3 HI 2.160 2.030 1.962 2.050 14.25 10.07 11.21 11.84D3 Hz 2.625 2.190 1.955 2.263 20.03 13.67 14.31 16.00D3 H3 3.050 2.110 1.835 2.331 28.35 20.30 16.11 21.59SE (m) 0.161 0.122 0.104 0.075 2.34 1.59 1.13 0.99CD at 5% 0.471 0.356 0.304 0.212 6.85 4.64 3.32 2.80CV% 12.84 11.32 10.39 16.79 12.73 11.35

    maximum due to planting on 1sl July and mean and the maximum content was recordedharvesting on 1st November (D 1H2), in all the with the harvesting date of 16 th October (HI)'three years' and in pooled data that was The yield of total iron obtained during all thestatistically superior over other treatments. years and in pooled means was highest due toIII. Content and yield of iron: The harvesting on lS I November ( H ~ ) , except theplanting on 1st August (D) recorded maximum' yield obtained during 1999-2000, t h plantingcontent of iron (mg/100g) in all three years date of 1st August and harvesting on lS Iand in pooled means (Table 3).On the contrary November (D3H2) recorded maximum contentthe yield of total iron was maximum due to of iron. The yield of.total iron recorded during

    planting on lS I July (D ) in two years and in 1999-2000 and In poo led means was1 . maximum due to planting on 1st July andpooled means except the yIeld recorded dunng h t 161h N b (D H) Th2000 2001 d h . Id . , h arves mg on ovem er 1 3' e- an t e Yle was maXImum WIt I t' d t f 16 th J I d h t' d tI d f 61h J I (D) H P an mg a e 0 u y an arves mg a epanting, ate 0 uY 2 ' owever it ~ a of 1st November (D2H2) during 2000-2001 andat parWIth the yIeld recorded due to plantmg planting date of 1sl July and harvesting date ofon lS I July (D1) 1st November (D1Hz)during 2001-2002 gaveDuring 1999-2000, the effect of highest yield of total iron, however it was atharvesting on the content of iron was found par with the planting and harvesting dates ofnon significant. However it was significant 1sl July and 161h November (D1H3), respectivelyduring 2000-2001,2001-2002 and in pooled during both the years.

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    30 6 INDIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCHTable 3. Effect of dates of planting and harvesting on content and total iron yield

    Treatments Iron content (mg/lOOg) Total iron (g ha' l )1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 Pooled means 199Q-2oo0 2000-2001 2001-2002 Pooled means

    A) Planting dates0 1 -1 July 80.60 62.50 63.22 68.77 1185.3 899.8 814.3 966.4O? - 16 July 92.28 6 8.83 73.66 78.26 1040.9 936.1 736.3 904 .40 ;- 1 Aug. 95.48 70.33 75.55 80.45 783.7 468.3 523.4 591.8SE (ml 3.29 2.08 1.40 1.49 27.5 36.1 22.8 17.9CO at 5% 9 .6 2 6.07 4.09 4.19 80.2 105.2 66 .6 50.3B) Harvesting datesHI - 16 Oct. 90.52 78.33 81.59 83.48 8 8 9 6 712.3 659.8 753.9H2 - 1 Nov. 93.86 68.33 75.32 79.17 1031.8 812.1 770.7 871.5H3 - 16 Nov. 83.97 55.00 55.52 64.83 1088.5 779.8 643.5 837.3SE (m) 3. 29 2.08 1.40 1.49 27.5 36.1 22.8 17.9CD at 5% NS 6.07 4.0 9 4 .1 9 80.2 105.2 66 .6 5 0.3Interactionx H0 1 HI 83.05 64.50 68.12 71.89 917.0 764.0 678.0 786.30 1 Hz 74.82 64.50 67.12 6 8 8 1 1191.3 944.8 930.3 1022.10 1 H3 83.92 58.50 54.4? 65.61 1447.5 990.5 834.5 1090.8O2 HI 95.62 80.50 85.75 87.29 1020.0 922.3 781.3 907.8O2 Hz 99.50 73.00 78.67 83.72 1088.7 1 0 5 6 0 801.5 982.1O2 H3 81.72 53.00 56. 57. 63.76 1014.0 830.0 626.0 823.30 3 HI 92.90 90.00 90.89 91.20 731.8 450.8 520.0 567.50 3 Hz 107.27 67.50 80.17 84.98 815.5 435.5 580.3 610.40 3 H3 86.27 53.50 55.57 6 5 1 1 804.0 518.8 470.0 597.6SE (m)' 5. 71 3 .6 0 2.43 2 .58 47.6 62. 4 39.5 30.9C O :l t 5 % 16.67 10.52 7.10 7.27 138.9 182.3 115.4 8 7 .2CV% 12.77 10.73 6.86 9.48 16.56 11.43

    Th e resul ts of Udaipur centre of iron content wasmaximum when plantingwasAICRP on Medicinal andAromatic Plants also on 151 August and harvesting on 161h Octoberreported the planting time of 151 July and (Anonymous, 2002a). Themaximum herbageharvesting on 151 Nov2mber for maximum yield wasalso reported by Faizabad centrewithherbage yield. However andrographolide the planting and harvesting dates of 151 Julycontent and yield was maximum with 151 July and 16th November, respectively (Anonymous,planting and 161h November harvesting. The 2002b).

    REFERENCESAnonymous (2002a). Biennial Report. AICRP on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. NRC for Mand AP. Boriavi(Anand) Workshop held at Faizabad (2-4th Sept. 2002). PP 157-159Anonymous (2002b). Biennial Report, AICRP on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. NRC for M and AP Boriavi(Anand) Workshop held at Faizabad (2-4th Sept. 2002). PP. 156-157.Roy. S K and Paul, NK(1991). Crop Res. 4(2): 230-233.Singh. Ashok Kumar et al. (1999). Cultivation of Kalmegh (Andrographis panicuJata) in India. Farm Bulletin No.009. CIMAP. Lucknow.Tandon. H.L.S. (2001). Methods of Analysis of Soils. Plants Waters and Fertilizers. FDCO. 204-204A BhanotCorner.1-2 Pamposh Enclave. New Delhi-48.