i cn2m hill list! - ch2m hill alumni assocation...ch2m hill is a place! it is only after you retire...

You and the rest of our colleagues who make up the CH2M HILL global enterprise are special people. You are the people who make our business run... You are the owners who fuel our financial success... You are the collective genius that delivers inspired projects and service to our clients... And you are the community with whom we share our hopes and ambitions; accomplishments and setbacks; work space and companionship; profits and rewards. No company that I know of merges the fate and fortunes of employees and business in the way we do at CH2M HILL. And no company that I know of has been blessed with people of such great talents, hard working determination and genuine goodwill as has our company. On the pages that follow, we pay tribute to the great people of CH2M HILL by sharing some poignant examples of contributions made by our colleagues, past and present. You may not be featured on these pages, but rest assured your contributions are greatly appreciated. Thank you for all you do to make CH2M HILL the great company it is today and the even better company it will be tomorrow. ^epest gratitude Ralph R. Peterson Chairman and CEO CH2M HILL i CN2M HILL makes Ifw List! Fortune survey ranks CH2M HILL among a select group—the 100 best U.S. companies to work for.

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Page 1: i CN2M HILL List! - CH2M HILL Alumni Assocation...CH2M HILL is a place! It is only after you retire and start to adapt to new daily routines that you begin to realize the extent of

You and the rest of our colleagues who make up the CH2M HILLglobal enterprise are special people.

You are the people who make our business run... You are the

owners who fuel our financial success... You are the collective

genius that delivers inspired projects and service to our clients...And you are the community with whom we share our hopes

and ambitions; accomplishments and setbacks; work space andcompanionship; profits and rewards.

No company that I know of merges the fate and fortunes of employees

and business in the way we do at CH2M HILL. And no company that

I know of has been blessed with people of such great talents, hardworking determination and genuine goodwill as has our company.

On the pages that follow, we pay tribute to the great people of

CH2M HILL by sharing some poignant examples of contributions made

by our colleagues, past and present. You may not be featured on these

pages, but rest assured your contributions are greatly appreciated.

Thank you for all you do to make CH2M HILL the great company it istoday and the even better company it will be tomorrow.

^epest gratitude

Ralph R. Peterson

Chairman and CEOCH2M HILL


CN2M HILL makes Ifw List!Fortune survey ranks CH2M HILL among a selectgroup—the 100 best U.S. companies to work for.

Page 2: i CN2M HILL List! - CH2M HILL Alumni Assocation...CH2M HILL is a place! It is only after you retire and start to adapt to new daily routines that you begin to realize the extent of

Workforce diversity - a business imperativeSince its inception, CH2M HILL has emphasized the strategic importance of people. We've understood how our indi-

vidual and collective talents contribute to the firm's success. As CH2M HILL Chief Executive Officer Ralph Peterson

describes it, "Our people are the repository of the firm's knowledge and experience, which is our primary value."

Like most firms engaged in project delivery, we're challenged by a global demand for the best talent - a demand

that is likely to increase over the next two decades at a greater rate than the supply. In addition, factors such as

geopolitical shifts, technology advancements and workforce demographics are altering the manner and location in

which business is conducted.

It's clear that we must effectively attract and retain a diverse workforce. The good news is that we are well on our way. Our history of cel-

ebrating differences, and our actions to date have been largely influenced by regulatory requirements and a sincere desire to "do the right

thing." These actions have allowed us to increase the number of women and underrepresented minorities and create a more inviting work-

place for all. And while CH2M HILL's commitment to gender and ethnic diversity is as genuine as you will find in any company, we must

become an even more inclusive organization.

The most compelling reason to build truly diverse teams involves the changing demographics that will alter the complexion of the talent

pool. Women, underrepresented minorities, and older workers will comprise a greater percentage of the general U.S. workforce. Also,

CH2M HILL's growth outside North America will result in a larger non-U.S. population of employees. In other words, the global market-

place will redefine the social complexion of our workforce.

We must recognize that talent comes in all forms of experience and from many sources. We must shift our thinking to treat diversity as an

inherent part of the talent pool, and we must consider the entire pool of available talent if we are to grow as an industry leader. However,

this broader, business-driven perspective on diversity will not be limited just to current and prospective CH2M HILL employees. It also

extends to the alliances and partnerships we build around the world.

Simply stated, our workplaces and work practices must be inviting, such that anyone would feel welcome and capable of contributing at

their best level of performance. Because, ultimately, the best firms will be those that offer their clients diverse teams representing different

cultures, racial backgrounds, genders, nationalities and ages. The organizations that are trapped in the homogeneous work teams of the

past will be left behind.

Diversity by itself may not keep CH2M HILL in its position of industry leadership, but the leadership role we desire will never be fully

realized without it.

Bob Allen

Vice President, Human Resources

Q-lo r






The pool of engineersOver time, the pool of potential employees shrinksas fewer students enroll in, and graduate from,engineering programs. For this reason, diversehiring is not just the right thing to do, it's also thenecessary thing to do in order to attract and retainthe best engineers in the business.


Page 3: i CN2M HILL List! - CH2M HILL Alumni Assocation...CH2M HILL is a place! It is only after you retire and start to adapt to new daily routines that you begin to realize the extent of

g— S.


CH2M HILL vs. the IndustryIn 2002, CH2M HTLL's gender and ethnic makeup was similar to that of the science and engineering industry as a whole.Future diversity efforts will help CH2M I TILL meet or exceed industry averages.

3.5% 0.8% 3 6% 2.8%

"Im^^^ y w Benm, .I Native American

1 African American

] Asian

I Hispanic



CH2M HILL 2002 National Science and

Years of experienceAn age-diverse population helps CH2M HILL provideclients with a diverse knowledge base that includes a

CH2M HILL 2002 National Science and

Male/Female Demographics









„ mim CH2M HILL• _

•« Science andEngineeringWorkforce


- f ^

;CH2M HILL 2002 Workforce Age vs.

Science and Engineering Workforce Age

CH2M HILL recognized for its commitment to employeesFortune magazine's annualrankings of the top U.S.employers now includesCH2M HILL.

"We arc proud to be the onlyengineering, construction,operations management orproject delivery firm on thelist," said Mike Kennedy,president of regional opera-tions, who led the effort tohave CH2M HILL nominated."This speaks highly of ourstanding in the industry andour continuous developmentof programs focused on

MOREht tp : / /p ro jec ts .ch2m.com/un l imi ted /

Listen to a voicemail from

CEO Ralph Peterson.

meeting all employees' needstoday and in the future."

Ranked 96th by Fortune andthe Great Places to WorkInstitute, the nonprofitorganization that conductsthe survey, CH2M HILLwas noted as a firm thathas "given a lot of respon-sibility" to its employees.Company-wide programslike employee ownership,diversity, safety, learning anddevelopment opportunities,and work-life balance wereconsidered, while two-thirdsof the score was based on

how randomly selectedemployees responded to theGreat Place to Work TrustIndex, a survey instrumentmeasuring the quality ofworkplace culture.

Only firms in businessfor seven or more yearsand with more than1,000 employees arc eligible;in 2002, over 1,000 com-panies were nominated.More information is availableon the Fortune Web site atwww.Fortune.com and atwww.SKaivlacetowork.com.


Page 4: i CN2M HILL List! - CH2M HILL Alumni Assocation...CH2M HILL is a place! It is only after you retire and start to adapt to new daily routines that you begin to realize the extent of

ICH2M HILL is a place!

It is only after you retire and start to adapt

to new daily routines that you begin to

realize the extent of the metamorphosis

that has taken place in your accustomedenvironment. The impact of that realization

is to see your prior life as a place thathas been left behind, and that you now

find yourself existing in a new locale with

totally different rules, friends, surroundings, and responsibilities!

In most cases this characterization of a changed lifestyle asa different world is slow to develop and comes on gradually

without prompting other than as a reaction to the changes in

daily routines.

Regional offices were regarded as "Cities" within a country called

CH2M HILL. As an employee, it was common to ask visitors to

your City where they were from, or where they were headed after

leaving your locale. Frequently it was possible to guess where

people were from, by their manner and the terms of speech

they used when they discussed their technical or other issues

they were concerned with. There was "Corporate Speak", there

was "Seattle Speak", "Portland Speak", "Boise Speak", and soon, which, to the practiced ear was recognizable as an accent

giving the listener clues as to the speaker's "home town". Loyaltyto one's home town was clearly evident, but generally did not

interfere with staff migrating from City to City as workloads or

special assignments required. Most of the familiar customs ofeach home town were easily and quickly adaptable from one City

to the next. That is, until Retirement!

Retirement meant a shift of loyalty from a City to the country

called CH2M HILL. We retirees now view our past as a life in the

larger environment of the firm as a whole. We take great pride

in what the firm represents to the world at large and speak with

varying measures of reverence of our past as "citizens" of that

wonderful place called CH2M HILL. We are proud of what it has

become and do not hesitate to become a bit boastful of our indi-

vidual contribution to what the world now sees. We are proud of

the citizens who now populate this place called CH2M HILL and,

in a way, envy their achievements which rival all the miracles we

claim to have performed during our residence in their country.Yes, CH2M HILL is a wonderful place to be from.

c o ' c\^JL— "CXA3--,

C. J. (Gus) Pantazi, on behalf of the entire Retiree Community.

It's a family affair

As a CH2M HILL employee,you are walking in their foot-steps. They are family andhelped forge our great company.

This handsomegroup of folksgathered in asmall town ineastern Oregona few monthsago for the 2002CH2M HILLRetiree Retreat.These formeremployees andtheir spouses met in the his-toric mining and logging townof Baker City to rekindle oldfriendships, reminisce aboutdays gone by, catch up oncurrent happenings and have

All aboard! A ride on theSumpter narrow-gauge trainwas one of several outingsduring the 2002 Retiree Retreat.

a heck of a good time. Formeremployees from the ranks ofIDC and the two companiesthat merged in 1971, CH2M and

Clair A. Hill& Associates,made up thiscelebrated group.

This year'sretreat was gra-ciously hosted bythe Arlen Borgen

family. Activitiesincluded a trip tonearby Sumpter,

including a narrow-gaugetrain ride, a visit to the OregonInterpretive Center and Hell'sCanyon, a scrumptious barbecuein the Elk Horn Mountains andmuch more.

Globetrotters. Myrna and Les Wierson with John and GennyFilbert. Les' efforts in developing some of the firm's firstinternational projects took the two far from their home inPortland, Ore. The Filberts, too, have had their share oflong-distance travel. In recent years, John was instrumentalin the firm securing Singapore's Deep Tunnel and Changiwastewater projects.

Sharing a moment with Lyle and June Ann Hassebroek(below). Lyle held a variety of leadership positions during hislong tenure, including president of CH2M HILL Inc. Many ofthe firm's leaders today benefited from Lyle's tutelage.

Partner. Bob Adamsbegan his career withthe firm in 1949 andwas made a partnerin 1961. Well knownfor his skills in clientrelations, Bob held avariety of leadershippositions, includingvice president ofCH2MHILL Inc.


Page 5: i CN2M HILL List! - CH2M HILL Alumni Assocation...CH2M HILL is a place! It is only after you retire and start to adapt to new daily routines that you begin to realize the extent of

.Anthony t.a."

All smiles. From left is Ken and JulieBielman wilh barl Reynolds. Ken openedthe Denver office and led projects inseveral countries. During his career, heand Julie lived in Egypt, Jordan, Cyprus,Dubai and Germany. Reynolds joined thefirm in 1948 and opened the Boise, Idaho,office two years later. During his 35-yearcareer, Reynolds worked his way upthrough the ranks to become chairman ofthe board in 1980.

Joe and Jean Worth at Hell'sCanyon. Joe had a key rolein the Oregon managementteam during the 1970sand 1980s. Along with hisengineering skills, he alsobrought to the firm expertisein construction law.

One and all. While on a sightseeing tour, the group stopped for a mid-morningbreakfast at the Anthony Lakes Mountain Resort in Oregon's high country.

Shoulder to shoulder.Fred Harem, one of the CH2Mpartners during the early yearsof the firm, was a leader in thewater discipline. Next to himis Gus Pantazi. Pantazi wasadministrative manager inPortland, Ore., and also helpedcreate CH2M HILL'S internationalcorporation.

Priceless. Meisy andJim Howland are regularsat the retiree events. Jim,who helped build CH2M HILLfrom the ground up, is onthe planning committee thatorganizes the retreats.

After all these years. Mary and Dick Morganalong with dear friends Shirley and Ken Wengler.Dick and Ken began working together atClair A. Hill & Associates in the surveying andmapping discipline.

Laughing it up.Mary Adams andDorrie Harem exemplifyemployee-spouses whoover the years have keptthe home fires burningwhile their counterpartsworked overtime andtraveled to far-flungproject sites.

On the waterfront. Don Daly (left) hailed from IDC. Arlen Borgen launched hiscareer at CH2M and later moved to IDC. Leroy Taylor worked in Corvallis, Ore., andBoise, Idaho.

Taking a break. After his career withCH2M HILL, John Eggers enjoysa moment's rest on the shore ofLake Anthony.


Page 6: i CN2M HILL List! - CH2M HILL Alumni Assocation...CH2M HILL is a place! It is only after you retire and start to adapt to new daily routines that you begin to realize the extent of

Hallmark holidayThe town of Taos, N.M., recently rec-

ognized OMI's Luella Kramer for her

outstanding contributions to the com-

munity by naming Oct. 9 Luella Kramer

Day. Kramer has become a cornerstone

of the town's public life. Here's what she

had to say about her special day and her

contributions to Taos public life:

This day came as a major surprise. I didn't expect it at all. But

it's nice to be acknowledged by my peers.

In 1976, 1 moved to Taos with my family. When I came to Taos,

I didn't know anybody. I didn't work and had two small children

at home, so I knew that the only way to meet people was to get

out and do things in the community.

I joined the Holy Cross Hospital Auxiliary 25 years ago, and was

named president of Auxiliary and Volunteer Services of the New

Mexico Hospitals and Heal Systems Association on Sept. 12. In

1999, Holy Cross selected me as auxilian of the year. In addition

to volunteering for the hospital, I volunteer at the public library

and Taos Municipal Schools. I am also very involved with the

Girl Scouts and coordinate all Girl Scout activities for troops in

Taos, Penasco, Questa, and Red River.

My mother gets the credit for starting me out volunteering.

My mother was always a big volunteer. She was a teacher and

knew the importance of helping children and others in the com-

munity, so I guess that's where I got it from.

I was so honored that the town recognized me with a special

day. My daughter said that she wanted to send me a Hallmark

card for my day, but the card industry hasn't caught on to

Luella Kramer Day, yet.

Luella Kramer

Office SpecialistThe giant bowl of soup took over3,000 cans of food to construct.

The CANstruct team: (top leftto right) Hsi Chi, Drew Desher,Dinshaw Kanga, Don Grandy,Michael Longland, Jason DaSilva;(bottom left to right) Darryle Tang,Sophia Wong, Katherine Hong.Members not pictured, WayneWagner, Joseph Eratostene,Barbara Kolis-Hupa, Yanhong Du.

Helping handsArmed with more than3,000 cans of food, a team of13 CH2M HILL employeesin Toronto, Canada, set outto help battle hunger in the2002 CANstruct competition.

The CANstruct event,which benefits the DailyBread Food Bank, increasescommunity awarenessof homelessness andhunger. Entrants build, or"canstruct," creative andartistic renditions madesolely of nonperishablefoods.

With a can-do attitude, theCH2M HILL team designedand built a giant bowl ofchicken vegetable soup sup-ported by a pair of helpinghands. And, while it took sixhours to construct the giantdisplay, prior to the eventthe team volunteered manymore hours during lunchand after work relentlesslyworking on the design.

"Everyone who participatedin the event walked awaywith a smile in their hearts,as well as on their faces. Notonly for the great job wedid, but also for the effortput forth to helping those inneed," said Jason DaSilva,team captain. "It makes

me proud to be part ofa company composed ofpeople who are willing tooffer this kind of support totheir community."

What were the buildingblocks of the team's intricatedesign? The back wall of thedisplay was created fromchicken and tomato soupcans. The bowl is supportedby apple juice cans andshaped with cereal boxes.The content of the soup wascreated with juice bottlesplaced upside down andaccented by noodles made ofsalad dressing bottles. Thefloating vegetables are madefrom ketchup, peanut butterand Gatorade bottles. Thehands holding the bowl weresculpted from bags of rice.

The food, valued over$3,330 (CDN), was pur-chased by CH2M HILL anddonated to the Daily BreadFood Bank.

Out of 11 entries, theCH2M HILL team walkedaway with an HonorableMention award. Barely ableto "cantain" their post-com-petition excitement, the teamhas already started planningfor next year's competition.


Page 7: i CN2M HILL List! - CH2M HILL Alumni Assocation...CH2M HILL is a place! It is only after you retire and start to adapt to new daily routines that you begin to realize the extent of

Howland awards spotlight community enrichment"Let's everybody be generous. It is especially important that those at or near the top of the heap be willing tospread the returns in dollars and recognition around" — Excerpt from Jim Howland's Little Yellow Book.

Since 1989, CH2M HILLhas partnered with theNational League of Citiesto provide the James C.Howland Awards for UrbanEnrichment. These awardsare presented annually toU.S. cities for excellence inpreserving or enriching theenvironmental quality of lifefor their residents.

Howland, often cited as pro-viding the heart and soul ofCH2M HILL, wanted some-thing to recognize cities thattake care of their people. Hecame up with the idea aftercompleting a communitybeautification program in hishometown of Corvallis, Ore.

Jim Howland presents the awardto representatives from theCity of Las Vegas whose youthprogram provides teens with anopportunity to lead communityimprovement projects.

"After the original partnersretired, the next managementgroup decided to sponsorsome sort of a nationalcompetition in the name ofeach original partner. Whenmy turn came, I had twothoughts. First, that it would

be good to do something thatconnected the firm to clientsand potential clients. Second,my wife, Meisy, and I hadbeen working on a projectto make a Corvallis streetmore of an attractive peopleplace, and we felt somethingrewarding improvementssuch as this would be good."

The awards recognize twowinners in four populationcategories, and each awardcomes with a financialdonation to the city's charityof choice. To date, morethan 100 awards have beenpresented and $130,000 incontributions made. Funding

for the awards comes fromthe CH2M HILL Foundation.

Recently, the NationalLeague of Cities announcedthat it is making theHowland Awards for UrbanEnrichment its flagshipawards program beginningin 2003.

For more informationabout the HowlandAwards, visit www.nlc.org.or contact JoannaMonahan, 720-286-2260 [email protected].

h t tp : / /p ro jec ts .ch2m.com/un l im i led /

Visit e-Unlimiteti for information about the

2002 Howland Award Winners

Designing in memoryAs a large set of drawingsis spread out on the table,the chatter starts to dwindleamong the 14 employeesgathered around them inCorvallis, Ore. They beginto focus on the task at hand.Are these CH2M HILLemployees reviewing thelatest water treatment plantor bridge design?

Actually, they're using theirlunch breaks and after-workhours to volunteer on aproject close to their hearts.In memory of Bob Wehnertand Mike Popken, twocolleagues who recently suc-cumbed to cancer, the teamis donating design servicesto build a guesthouse at theGood Samaritan RegionalMedical Center in Corvallis.When complete, the 12-roomhome away from home will

Team members review drawings of a 12-roomguesthouse they are helping to design.

provide families a place tostay while loved ones receivemedical treatment.

"At CH2M HILL, we feela real sense of communityamong employees. We werevery aware of what Bob'sand Mike's families weregoing through and howstressful it became for them,"

said Ed Barlow-Pieterick,project manager. "Helpingto build this guesthouseseemed an appropriate wayto express our concern forfamilies who have to dealwith such devastating ill-nesses. We hope that oursmall tribute to ourfriends will help makeit easier for others

to deal with the stress oftreatment."

The guesthouse projectbegan as a generous privatedonation and donatedarchitectural plans from alocal family. The CH2M HILLteam is currently working onmodifying the plans to meetthe needs of the medicalcenter and requirementsof the community. Finalpre-design will be finishedin January, with f i n a l designcompleted in March 2003.When construction begins inthe summer, the CH2M HILLteam members will also vol-unteer their time for servicesduring construction.

h t tp : / /p ro iec ts .ch2m.com/un l im i ted /

View the team roster on e-Unlimited,


Page 8: i CN2M HILL List! - CH2M HILL Alumni Assocation...CH2M HILL is a place! It is only after you retire and start to adapt to new daily routines that you begin to realize the extent of

IDC designs hopeIt was almost 30 years ago in 1974 that I knocked on my new neighbor's door at his invitation to go for a day of

target shooting at his relatives' farm in southeastern Ohio. We had met a few weeks before and found we had this

common interest, which culminated in our outing on this crisp and clear October morning.

Bill was a big athletic guy over 6 feet tall and 250 pounds. However, I had noticed during our neighborhood's wel-

coming party for Bill's family that his four-year-old daughter was thin and seemed somewhat sickly. But I was not

prepared for what I was about to see when Bill said, "come on in."

Bill was sitting with the rag doll figure of his daughter draped over his knees and was

striking her on the back with great force, using a hand nearly twice as wide as her small frame. Bill could see from

my facial expression that I was nearly horrified. He said, sadly, "It is not what you think — cystic fibrosis. If I donot do this to clear her lungs each and every day, she will be dead in less than a week."

Fast forward to 2001, as IDC's Pharmaceutical Life Technologies Business Unit was ramping up. I called on

Targeted Genetics, a Seattle-based biotechnology company. Targeted was developing a clinical trials manufacturing

facility for a therapeutic, based on gene delivery, for the treatment of cystic fibrosis.

That long ago encounter in Ohio came flooding back, and the opportunity to design Targeted's new facility took on new meaning. The

project didn't represent just a growth curve or revenue stream anymore. We went on to win the project with the client commenting that

IDC was chosen in part for our enthusiasm and sincerity related to helping Targeted succeed in combating this dreaded disease.

The Targeted story continues to develop, as do other projects that IDC has subsequently won with clients that are similarly seeking to

cure dreaded diseases. The path to conquering these illnesses is often a long one, but we believe future fathers and mothers can have

hope that their children will be spared the daily ritual that my neighbor Bill was faced with.

Gary PhillipsrlVlarketing Specialist and Manager, IDC's Life Sciences Business Group

Believe it or notCreating winning proposals requires a staff of professionalswho possess an acute attention to detail, timing, and com-mitment. CH2M HILL's Global Business DevelopmentServices provides writing, editing, graphic design and doc-ument production services in support of the firm's strategicpursuits. But none of their hard work matters if the proposaldoesn't make it to the client on time. So if a proposal deliveryis in jeopardy, the team's commitment often drives them togo the extra mile to get it there. These are a few of the "urbanlegends" from BDS. You decide if they are fact or fiction.

When a proposal didn'tarrive on time, staff readthe entire piece overthe phone to the reviewcommittee.

A business group employee wasdeliver a proposal by hand, when

he suddenly developed appendicitisand required emergency surgery.

BDS staff stepped in and deliveredthe proposal for him.

In the weeks following September 11,2001, with no sure way to send aproposal by air, two employees leftDenver at 6 a.m. to deliver it to Boston.They drove across nine states in twodays, relying only on truck stop food tokeep them going.

A proposal, weighing in at a hefty1,000 pounds, was too large to

ship. So staff loaded it into a FordExpedition and started their journey

across the Rocky Mountains to deliverit, only just avoiding a blizzard.

hearing a proposal was lost duringshipping, BDS purchased a plane ticketand loaded the back-up copies intosuitcases so it could be hand-deliveredon time.

The first two are fiction; the rest are true and exemplify s taffthat possess a CH2M HILL "ownership" attitude. Our hats offto each of you!!


Page 9: i CN2M HILL List! - CH2M HILL Alumni Assocation...CH2M HILL is a place! It is only after you retire and start to adapt to new daily routines that you begin to realize the extent of

Safety starsAmong the firm's many recent environmental project high-lights is the work at the former Mare Island Naval Shipyard,25 miles northeast of San Francisco. With CH2M HILLleading cleanup, redevelopment is five years ahead ofschedule and under budget—providing significant returns fora community in need.

In addition to the challenge of cleaning up this historicalNavy yard, CH2M HILL has successfully kept staff, subcon-tractors and the public out of harm's way during completionof field work. To date, the team has logged more than82,000 work hours without an Occupational Safety andHealth Administration (OSHA) recordable incident.

The project team accomplished this feat bynot only embracing the company's Health,Safety and Environmental processes andtools but by taking safe work practices to anew level through implementing CH2M HILL'snew Behavior-Based Loss Prevention System. Thisprogram focuses on partnering with subcontractors toevaluate project hazards on a real-time basis to identifyissues that could cause potential problems and fix thembefore someone gets hurt or something goes wrong.

These key members of the project team have contributedgreatly to the successful implementation of HS&E programson the project.

CH2M HILL is creatively implementing safety into the cleanup andredevelopment of the former Mare Island Naval Shipyard.

Jim Maniord

Jim Robbins

Carey von Williams

Irish Danby

Jeff Morris

Construction ProgramManager


Has ensured that HS&E is actively imple-mented in all aspects of the field program atWlare Island.

Makes sure that day-to-day field operationssubcontractors specifically are following ourpolicies as well as their own.

Project Health & Safety Integrates HS&E practices on all aspects ofManager the project. Provides the interface between

operations and safety management.

HS&E Regional Manager Provides oversight and guidance for theMare Island Program.

Technical Program Has made sure that HS&E is woven intoManager technical documents such as workplans.

An active supporter of the safety program as evidentthrough his actions at Mare Island.

Always places safety first.

Always looking at how we perform our work and strives tomake safety a part of the program in a manner that is easyto implement.

Is always available to resolve issues and support the teamas questions arise.

Always conscious of HS&E regarding how work is beingaccomplished both in the office and in the field.


Page 10: i CN2M HILL List! - CH2M HILL Alumni Assocation...CH2M HILL is a place! It is only after you retire and start to adapt to new daily routines that you begin to realize the extent of

Caring service

As I thought about writing a tribute to our

people, and "how CH2M HILL people make adifference," there are two things that struck

me. First, that the outstanding quality of our

people has been one of few things that have

been constant and consistent over time. At

_ Rhe risk of sounding like a fossil at the ripe

old age of 44, much of how we manage and deliver projects has

changed in my 22 years with CH2M HILL. In 1980 there were

about 2,000 of us, reports were prepared on typewriters, the only

computer in my office was a hand-held HP-33C, there were no cell

phones, and I only had one mail box! It's reassuring to see that we

can evolve to keep up with the changing world and market, but not

lose sight of the fact that our ability to deliver projects and service

to our clients is and always will be only as good as our people.

The other observation I'd like to share is what I personally value

most about all of you, and is an attribute that I believe sets the

average CH2M HILL person apart from the rest of the pack —

we care.

We care about:

• health, safety and the environment around us

• the satisfaction of our clients, professionally and personally

• meeting the needs of others

• the quality of our work and how we deliver

• ourselves as individuals and the contribution we make to ourfamilies, our firm and our communities

When you have a group of people who really care, and let that care

guide their actions, you have a team that can deliver anything, any-

where. These are the qualities that keep our clients coming back,

and that make our employees such vital parts of their communities

and families.

CH2M HILL has been the ultimate team sport for me. The best

parts of my workdays have always, and still do, center on providing

service to our clients and delivering work with CH2M HILL project

teams. I'm grateful for this opportunity to say a heartfelt "Thank

You" for the difference you've made to me. The integrity, capability,

passion, consideration, humanity and work ethic demonstrated by

you all continues to earn my admiration, respect and appreciation.

For those of you who were just starting school (please tell me you

were all at least born by 1980) when I started work, this was a long

way of saying... YOU

Galveston Port Group

Two huge, gleaming whitecruise ships were tied totheir respective docks when,on the morning of Nov. 11,the Port of Galveston entereda new phase of its cruise portbusiness thanks to the heroicefforts of a CH2M HILLproject delivery team.

On that day, the RoyalCaribbean "Splendourof the Seas" docked atCruise Terminal No. 2, alsoknown as the Texas Cruise

An existing warehouse was transformedover eight weeks into a passengercheck-in facility.

Project Manager


Team member

Roger Brady/Houston, Texas

Mike Brown/Denver/CAPCO

Ray Cox /West Palm Beach, Fla.

John Dudasch/Denver/CCI

Ron Goff/Denver/CCI

Chuck Hendrick/Tampa, Fla.

Lee Lendig/Denver

Andrew Pedrick/West PalmBeach, Fla.

Bill Tolbert/Denver/DEVCO

Royal Caribbean International's"Splendour of the Seas" arrived inGalveston, Texas on November 11.

Project role

Senior Field Engineer

Project Development Consultant

Design Project Manager and SeniorPorts Engineer

Construction Engineer

Project Manager

Cruise Port Planning and PortsBusiness Development

Cost Estimator

Architectural Design

Senior Project Development Manager

Page 11: i CN2M HILL List! - CH2M HILL Alumni Assocation...CH2M HILL is a place! It is only after you retire and start to adapt to new daily routines that you begin to realize the extent of

Ship Terminal at Pier27/28, largely becauseCH2M HILL's design-buildefforts delivered a qualitycruise ship dock and ter-minal renovation in a recordeight weeks—start-to-finish.

A Gee & Jenson (divisionof CH2M HILL) cruiseport design team hadbeen working on the plansfor a few months (andwith the Port for threeyears), but project delays

threw a fastball at theCH2M HILL ConstructorsInc., design-build group, withthe cry often heard in the portbusiness, "It must be ready,the ship is coming!"

Now, having demonstratedits cost-saving, on-scheduleabilities, the project team hasbeen asked to deliver the nextphases of cruise line facilitiesexpansions at Terminals 1and 2, that will help to furtherestablish Galveston as one

of the fastest growing cruiseports in North America.

Because CH2M HILL couldpackage a unique set of skillsand working relationships,the Port of Galveston canenjoy operating two cruiseterminals for Carnival andRoyal Caribbean cruisesthat show great operatingefficiencies and look ter-rific. Here's a mosaic of theproject team that's makingit happen.


Special insights

Project schedule and cost tracking

Project development and project financing

Critical contribution

Gee & Jensen's historic working relationship with theclient. A wide array of cruise line experience that includescruise line design throughout the U.S. and the Caribbean.A firm grasp of what all stakeholders required.

In-depth understanding of accounting and schedule valueprocesses along with an ability to clearly convey thatknowledge to the rest of the team.

Clear understanding of the scope of work and thecritical challenges faced in the construction schedule.Applying that understanding in a flexible way that metclient demands without encroaching on project costsor schedule.

Insider understanding of symbiotic working relationshipamong ports and cruise line businesses. Very familiar withcruise line business in the Gulf of Mexico and especiallyTexas and New Orleans.

From a simple scope of work and sketchy designdrawings, was able to clearly picture what was needed andaccurately price construction that the client could accept.

Full understanding and appreciation for aesthetic andfunctional needs of port and cruise lines stakeholders.

Project financing and contracting.

Rapid resolution of change order requests and day-by-day project updates, without which a compressedschedule could not have been accomplished.

Established a conceptual framework that enabled thePort to finance the project and see how CH2M HILLcould deliver an entire suite of development, design andconstruction services. Also consulted with the clienton how a nonprofit corporation could be structured toobtain project financing.

Designed Terminal 1 for cruise line and port.

His ability to establish an up-front working rapportwith the client and general contractor led to successfulproject kickoff.

Seeing to it that construction stayed on scheduledespite 20 inches of rain in two days. Also, deliveringnearly $200,000 in added items without sacrificingproject contingencies.

Three years of experience working with the Port.Originally broached concept of design-build approachwith Port of Galveston, matching Gee & Jensonrelationships with the new CH2M HILL "toolbox."

Without keeping costs within the client's target,CH2M HILL would not have earned the job.

Developed design that built consensus among allstakeholders. Accommodated design to meet cost con-siderations without sacrificing conceptual integrity.

Contract negotiations that established lasting trustamong key stakeholders.

How a team member describes him

All around professional engineer.

First rate. Knows the financing game, bankingrelationships and how they can be applied inproject development.

Thinks through design implications from startto finish.

Trustworthy. A client confidence builder.

Diligent. Operates on an even keel with an uncannyability to juggle sometimes incompatible demandsof subcontractors, owners and the principal tenant.

An enthusiastic go-getter who's not afraid to getinvolved at any level, and understands the bigpicture in cruise port opportunities. He commandsthe professional respect of the project team, aswell as port and cruise line industry leaders,

A consummate professional. Knowledgeable andwilling to work with the design team from day one.

A real team player. Pleasant to work with.

Exudes the kind of professional competence andexpertise that builds team and client trust.


Page 12: i CN2M HILL List! - CH2M HILL Alumni Assocation...CH2M HILL is a place! It is only after you retire and start to adapt to new daily routines that you begin to realize the extent of

Opportunity + ownership = career satisfaction^^ After 36 years, it comes time to hang up my shoes and close out my e-mail at CH2M HILL. It's been an incredible

|̂pr% experience watching the company grow from about 150 people in Corvallis, Boise and Seattle to the international

m I giant of today. This successful growth has been the result of employing top-notch people and giving them opportu-

nities to excel. The foresight of the founders to selectively hire the right people and to give the staff the opportunity

•..rSpr'. " to share in the success of the company has been key. Challenging the young staff to take responsibilities early

, v ::A .̂ / ;W-'S- and providing an open-door policy for mentoring has worked well. It has been a pleasure to work in a firm where'•• iii?^'.';.--::-. \ v1 ,-•'•";'.•;..-...iltillK/ i.^l:.'i-;fM policies favor the fulfillment of the staff.

Starting in Corvallis, I was afforded opportunities in mechanical engineering design, department management, and discipline group

director for CH2M HILL and project manager, chief engineer, and operations manager for IDC. At each step of my career, there was always

a mentor available to provide support. Although looking forward to time to pursue other interests, I will miss the day-to-day interaction

with my Colleagues.

ig Legend" and Project Operations Manager

Chris Archer fromRedding, Calif., is shownmaking a fantasticUltimate Frisbee defensiveplay. While Archerwas on assignment inKaiserslautern, Germany,he played for the Germanteam Feldrenner. His team chris Arcner 0°es al|-°ut for champi-

, , • i.\. onship Ultimate Frisbee in Germany,was undefeated during the

two-day German National Ultimate Frisbee Championship.Archer has been playing Ultimate Frisbee for 15 years, andhis U.S. team finished fifth at the world championships lastsummer in Hawaii.

Kevin Clancy of Parsippany, N.J., recently retired aftermore than 31 years of service. At his retirement party,his employee number was retired, and his friends andcolleagues gave him a gigantic pocket protector. The fol-lowing excerpt atteststo the high regard thisclient has for Clancy.

"Dear Kevin: Just

before you started asproject manager on the

Stamford plant design,both Cliff Bowers and

Tom Sadick told me you

were one of the best project managers in CH2M HILL. They were

both wrong. In my opinion, you are not one of the best, but the

best. I feel so lucky that you were and are such an important

Kevin Clancy accepts a giant pocketprotector as a retirement gitt.

part of this project, you are one of the brightest engineers that I

know, and I know a lot of very bright engineers. I appreciate your

honesty and ethics... It is an honor to work with someone of your

caliber. It is an honor to not only call you a trusted and admired

colleague, but also a friend."

Alfonso Diez, an aviation engineer in Madrid, Spain, recentlycompeted in Spain's national airplane gliding champi-onship, where he placed fifth. He made his first solo flightin 1985, and five years ago began to fly a sail plane on aregular basis.

"It's really magic that you can make a 500-, 750-, 1000-kmflight, stay aloft 10 or 11 hours and (usually) come backhome to the airfield to share experiences with friends. Flyingis one of the greatest pleasures that you can experience—andthis is something that only people that fly can understand,"Diez said. He also said you can get rid of any kind of terres-trial worries, including those related to work!

Alfonso Diez left earthbound worriesbehind and soared to fifth place in Spain'snational airplane gliding championship.


Page 13: i CN2M HILL List! - CH2M HILL Alumni Assocation...CH2M HILL is a place! It is only after you retire and start to adapt to new daily routines that you begin to realize the extent of

"I thought I would be a lotsmarter after 30 years, but Idiscovered that there is moreto engineering than I can everlearn. I wonder what new things1 will learn today," Mike Doleacof Bellevue, Wash., said onhis 30th anniversary withthe company.

Even after 30 years withCH2M HILL, Mike Doleaclooks forward to learningnew things every day.

Uinshaw Kanga of Toronto, Ontario, recently celebrated his35th year with CH2M HILL (including his years with Goreand Storrie) and also celebrated his 67th birthday. He retiredat age 65, but because he was vital to operation as the staffing

manager for Design & ConstructionNortheast and Canada, he wasrehired the next day as a full-timecontract employee. On Jan. 1, 2003,he retired for real, at which time heplanned to spend time with familyand friends. Kanga is legendary inthe Toronto office because of hisamiable personality, the empathy

.. and carine attitude he shows toDmshaw Kanga has amassed35 years as an employee and a"- and his always upbeat attitudeconsultant with CH2M HILL. about life and work.

John Ross of Richland, Wash., began his 25-year career withCH2M HILL in the Corvallis office, where he was hired as theassistant corporate controller. His next assignments were inAlexandria, Egypt; Milwaukee, Wis.; Kingwood, Texas; andfinally Richland, where he was the controller for CH2M HILLHanford, Inc., supporting the Environmental RestorationContract. The people inRichland know Ross assomeone with a wonderfulsense of humor and withan incredible commitmentto meeting projectfinancial goals. He plansto keep working on a part-time status with smallercompanies, will do some John Ross m^ be retirin9' but he'U

be busier than ever volunteering,volunteer work with a gardening, and driving his dream car.hospice, and find time

for gardening. Ross has his heart set on fulfilling a lifelongdream when he retires—buying a red Corvette convertible.

Jeff Grover, president and general manager of CH2M HILLHanford, Inc., said, "I can always count on two things fromJohn Ross: meticulous attention to detail and heartfelt infec-tious laughter."

Rich Walker, Sacramento,Calif., said on the occasion ofhis 22nd anniversary with thecompany, reports: "What a sur-prise!! It was special for my day to beon a weekend. I look forward to myworkweek, as well as weekends. Formy day, this morning I rode a horse,weather in Meadow Vista was gor-geous, and I moved furniture in theafternoon for a therapeutic horsebackriding center for handicapped riders,of which I'm a board member."

Rich Walker has crossedpaths with quite a bunch ofCH2M HILL folks in lots ofoffices in his 22 years withthe company.

Gina Wammock of Atlanta, Ga., sings with a blues bandcalled Delta Moon. The band is very well known in Atlantaand the Southeast. They issued a debut CD this year; this fall,they won a blues band competition in Charlotte, N.C. They'llbe going to Memphis, Tenn., in February for the InternationalBlues Band Challenge. Last month, they were awardedBest Blues Band in Atlanta from Creative Loafing, a localentertainment newspaper. For more information, check outwww.deltamoon.com.

Gina Wammock (center, in bunny slippers)and the band Delta Moon are pursuingfame and fortune in Atlanta andthe Southeast.


Page 14: i CN2M HILL List! - CH2M HILL Alumni Assocation...CH2M HILL is a place! It is only after you retire and start to adapt to new daily routines that you begin to realize the extent of

Lovin' every minute of itIn the corporate world today, personal

integrity is under a great deal of scrutiny.When I considered coming to work for

OMI many years ago, one of the things

that impressed me most about the

company was the high level of ethics witheveryone I met. Through the years, my

respect for OMI and CH2M HILL have

only grown with the amazing opportunities I've had to meet

Jim Howland and to work with Don Evans and others like them.

OMI's values have always been clear on ethics. One of theguiding principles of our purpose statement says it best: "We

obey the laws and demand of ourselves the highest ethical stan-

dards. As a good corporate citizen, we commit our resources

to improving public health and the environment." OMI uses the

E3 motto to summarize our purpose:

• Exceed our customers' expectations• Empower our people

• Enhance the environment

Leaders of OMI have decided to renew and enhance our values

through the E3 corporate values process. The E3 corporatevalues process includes 3 parts:

• Communicating our corporate values and re-emphasizing the

importance of ethics and integrity in today's business climate.

• Providing training for every associate so that expectations for

conduct and environmental compliance are straightforward

and clear.• Establishing a toll-free OMI E3 Helpline as a resource for asso-

ciates to resolve challenges with environmental compliance,

personnel matters and customer concerns.

Don Evans has a vision of creating a workplace where asso-ciates can't wait to get to work every day. By living up to our

heritage and expectations from Jim Howland's little yellow book

through OMI's E3 Corporate Values Process, we are continuing

to make OMI a company where people are proud and delighted

to be.

I have to go now ... I can't wait to get back to work!

Roger Quayle

Executive Vice President of Quality and Technology

Alaska's quiet, determinedtransportation force

Ten years ago a quiet, deter-mined force joined the firmfrom the Alaska Departmentof Transportation and PublicFacilities (ADOT&PF),bringing with him therespect and trust of formercolleagues.

Dan Sterley is not anextravert. He is extraor-dinary. As projectmanager of theWhittier AccessProject, a 2.5 milerail/auto tunnel,Sterley ledhis team to anunprecedentedseven-monthcompletion,despite moun-tainous terrainand diff iculttopographicalchallenges. Thefast-track projectcontained the first elementsof design-build for the firmin Alaska—an achievementSterley began positioningthe firm for several yearsago. The project has wonseven awards, including atop national award fromthe American Society ofCivil Engineers.

Sterley worked forADOT&PF for nearly18 years. During his firstyears with CH2M HILL,ADOT&PF sent a healthypercentage of its work tohim. "They wanted to workwith Dan because he tells

When not deliveringfast-track transportationprojects, Sterley is onthe fast track downhill.

it like it is, and he's anexcellent project manager,"said Linda Cyra Korsgaard,his group leader. "Theywanted to give us more, butDan was too busy."

To help grow the businessSterley recruited additionalADOT&PF staff and createda pamphlet with the names

of new hires. "Ourtransportationbusiness inAlaska was builtaround Dan,"Cyra Korsgaardsaid.

Last June,CH2M HILLteamed withKiewit and wonthe $44 millionGlenn-ParksInterchangedesign-build

project nearAnchorage. "We weren'tthe low bid on this one. Wewon on our technical score,"said Rick Luebbers, seniortransportation engineer."Dan has a talent of bringingtogether the right resourcesfor the job."

Sterley added, "We're luckyenough to have geotechnicalexpertise second to none.Kelly Merrill, for example,sells well and is a highperformer. Innovativetechnical solutions improvedon the client's baselineconceptual design."


Page 15: i CN2M HILL List! - CH2M HILL Alumni Assocation...CH2M HILL is a place! It is only after you retire and start to adapt to new daily routines that you begin to realize the extent of

Gwinnett County grand visionEvery year for the past20 years, at least 20,000 newresidents have been addedto Gwinnett County,Georgia's, populationtally. Until recently, waterand wastewater treatmentplants were constructed"as needed" to accom-modate growth. Now thismetro Atlanta county hasa new approach, assistedby the vision and intricategroundwork laid byCH2M HILL.

A key player is Jim Hawkey,who joined the firm nearly30 years ago and set outconsulting with and buildingthe trust of county offi-cials. He was CH2M HILL'sfirst "Triple D" (DistrictDiscipline Director) chargedwith technology transfer

and business developmentassistance along the EastCoast. Over time, he engagedinterest in developing acomprehensive water andwastewater master plan,which the county awardedthe firm for $1.5 million in1989. "The typical cost isa few hundred thousanddollars. Our plan dem-onstrated the need for acountywide plan that meetsstate and regional require-ments, with long-termbenefits to taxpayers,"Hawkey said.

A major component ofthe master plan, managedby Kip Duchon, wasconstruction of a 20-million-gallon-per-day wastewatertreatment plant. Hawkeyled the winning proposal

and became CH2M HILL'sproject manager for theplant, named the "F. WayneHill Water Resource Center"in 2002. Before Phase 1 wascomplete, CH2M HILL wasselected to expand the plantto 60 mgd. "Clearing theway for effluent discharge

Using his skills as a designer and loveof carpentry, Hawkey created holidaycut-outs to display in his yard.

permitting was the majorchallenge. This is one ofsix plants in the U.S. thatmeets the very stringenteffluent requirements,"Hawkey said. "We wereable to design a 21-milepipeline that paralleled theChattahoochee River, wherethe effluent is combined withthe effluent from anothercounty treatment plantprior to discharging to theriver. Hence 'no additionaldischarge' was created."

The Georgia chapter ofthe American Council ofEngineering Companiesrecently awarded the plant aGrand Award, the top state-level honor. It's now enteredin the national ACEC com-petition in Washington, D.C.

The award goes to...OMI's associates demon-strated their commitmentto excellence in 2002 byearning 14 awards for per-sonal achievement from thenational to the local level.Individual associates wereawarded four Operatorof the Year awards, fiveLaboratory Person of theYear/Laboratory Excellenceawards, and five awardsfor outstanding collections,pretreatment, and super-visory work. The winners areas follows:

• Bill Bicknell of FultonCounty, Ga.—District 1Wastewater Operator ofthe Year from GeorgiaWater and PollutionControl Association(GW&PCA)

John Bowman of PrescottValley, Ariz.—Supervisorof the Year from ArizonaWater Pollution ControlAssociation

Britt Chesnutt ofFarmington, N.M.—Industrial PretreatmentAward from RockyMountain WaterEnvironment Association(RMWEA)

Mark Dannells of FortLupton, Colo.—PlantMaintenance Merit Awardand Collection SystemAward from RMWEA

Denise Georgiouof Fayetteville—Pretreatment Coordinatorof the Year from ArkansasWater EnvironmentAssociation (AWEA)

• Sahar Golshani of Auburn,Calif.—Laboratory Personof the Year from CWEASacramento Area Section

• Gary Hengst of Auburn,Calif.—Operator ofthe Year award fromCalifornia WaterEnvironment Federation(CWEA), SacramentoArea Section

• Sharon Kelly of Vienna,Ga.—District 7 WastewaterOperator of the Year fromGW&PCA

• Donna McChristianof Fayetteville, Ark.—Laboratory AnalystExcellence Awardfrom AWEA

• Dominique O'Shia ofRialto, Calif.—Laboratory

Person of the Yearfrom CWEA

• r"e8§y Pearman of DodgeCity, Kan.—LaboratoryAnalyst Excellence Awardfrom Water EnvironmentFederation

• Mary Peck of Biddeford,Maine—LaboratoryAnalyst Excellence Awardfrom New England WaterEnvironment Association

• Dean Vermeulen of LehighCounty, Pa.—Operatorof the Year from EasternPennsylvania OperatorsWater Pollution ControlAssociation

Thanks to these associates'performance, 25 percentof OMI's total awardswon in 2002 were wonby individuals.