hrm chapter 6 recruiting


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HRM Requirements for Recruitment deals with the basic concepts of this topic for undergraduates.


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Recruiting is process of developing pool of qualified applicants who are interested in working for the organization.

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> Organizational size

> Working condition : Salary & Benefits.

> Organizational growth

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Requisitions: Requisition is a formal document that authorizes the filling of a job opening indicated by the signatures of the top management. Supervisors are seldom given discretion to authorize the filling of job opening.

Timing: Two factors that drive the decision of when look for job applicants are lead time concerns and time sequence concerns.

Number of contacts: The pool of applicants almost needs to be larger than the number of vacant position. It is very to determine the exact number needed to fill a particular vacancy.

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Recruitment budget & Return on investment: The recruitment process is a vey expensive component of organizational staffing. Cost include staff time developing a recruitment message, website development & administration, advertising, time spent making personal contacts and following up with potential candidates.

Development of a recruitment guide: A recruitment guide is a formal document that details the process to be followed to attract applicants to a job. It should be based on the organization’s staffing flowchart.

Process flow & Record keeping: Before deciding where & how to look for applicants, it is essential that organization prepare for the high volume of data that accompanies the filling of vacancies.

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> Organization Image.

> Job Attractiveness

> Internal Organizational Policies

> Government Influence

> Recruiting Cost

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Internal Source: When applicants are recruited within the organization.

Types of internal Source: > Employee Referral > Promotion > Retired Employee

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> It is good public relation > It builds morale > It encourage good individuals who are

ambitious > It’s less costly.

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> The employees motivation to make good recommendation.

> Availability of accurate job information. > More acceptable. Disadvantages > Friend become enemy. > The potential for nepotism. > The potential for adverse impact.

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The process of looking outside of the organization for prospective employees.

Advertisement: Newspaper Ad. Most commonly used.

Blind box Ad: An Advertisement that does

not identify the advertising organization. > Applicants drop resume through P.O Box. > Large Organization go for Blind Box Ad > To avoid political influnce.

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Executive Search Firm: A private firm which involves in identifying the qualified individual for higher level position.

Head Hunter: An individual who works for an executive firm that seeks out qualified individual for Higher level position.

University Placement Office: Internship, Entry level position.

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Public Employment Agency: > Controlled by State. > Good source of minorities, handicapped &

protected class. > It’s for blue-collar workers. > Don’t take fee for service.Private Employment Agency: > It’s for white-collar worker. > Take fee. Fee paid by individual or organization.

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Unsolicited or Walk in Interview: > Applicants drop their CV personally, by e-mail,

telephone. But uncertain to get interview call. > Depends on country’s economic condition. > Excellent supply of stockpiled applicants. > Even if there is no vacancy application kept in

HR department.

Cyberspace Recruiting: On line recruiting.

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Closed internal Recruitment System: Under a closed internal system, employees are not made aware of job vacancies. The only people made aware of promotion or transfer opportunities are those who oversee placement in the HR department. It is very efficient. And time & cost involved are minimal.

Open Internal Recruitment System: Under an open internal system employees are made aware of job vacancies. This is accomplished by a job posting & bidding system. It gives employees a chance to measure their qualifications against those required for advancement. It creates unwanted competition. It is lengthy & time consuming.

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Hybrid system of internal Recruitment: Under a hybrid system, both open & closed steps are followed at the same time. Job vacancies are posted and HR department conducts a search outside the job posting system.

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Selection is the process by which an organization chooses from a list of applicants the person or persons who best meet the selection criteria for the position available.

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> Initial Screening . > Completion of application form. Employment test. Comprehensive interview. Background investigation. Conditional Job offer. Medical/Physical exam. permanent Job offer.

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> Initial Screening: Involves screening of inquires & Screening interviews.

> Completion of Application form: Provide job-performance related synopsis what applicants have been doing, their skills, accomplishments.

> Employment test: Aptitude test, Honesty test, Personality test.

> Comprehensive Interview: It involves face to face meeting with candidate. This is an universal selection tool.

> Background Investigation: Verify information from the application form includes education, previous job-performance, legal status of the work, credit reference, Police record.

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> Conditional Job offer: Probationary period. > Medical or Physical exam: > Permanent job offer: Permanent offer job

agreement letter is issued & placed in respective position.