chapter 1 hrm dessler

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  • 8/18/2019 Chapter 1 HRM Dessler


    PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie CookPowerPoint Presentation by Charlie Cook

    The University of West AlabamaThe University of West Alabama


    Human ResourceHuman Resource


    G A R Y D E S S L E R G A R Y D E S S L E R 

    !""# Prentice Hall$ %nc& !""# Prentice Hall$ %nc&

     All rights reserve'& All rights reserve'&

    %ntro'uction to Human Resource Management%ntro'uction to Human Resource Management

    Chapter 1Chapter 1

    Part 1 | IntroductionPart 1 | Introduction

  • 8/18/2019 Chapter 1 HRM Dessler


     © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 1–2

    The Management ProcessThe Management Process



    "eading #ta$$ing


  • 8/18/2019 Chapter 1 HRM Dessler


     © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 1–%

    Human Resource Management at WorkHuman Resource Management at Work

    ( What %s Human Resource ManagementWhat %s Human Resource Management

    )HRM*+)HRM*+ The ,olicies an' ,ractices involve' in carrying outThe ,olicies an' ,ractices involve' in carrying out

    the -,eo,le. or human resource as,ects of athe -,eo,le. or human resource as,ects of a

    management ,osition$ inclu'ing recruiting$management ,osition$ inclu'ing recruiting$

    screening$ training$ rewar'ing$ an' a,,raising&screening$ training$ rewar'ing$ an' a,,raising&

  • 8/18/2019 Chapter 1 HRM Dessler


     © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 1–&

    Human Resource Management at WorkHuman Resource Management at Work




    Co)pensating"a*or +elations

    Health and







  • 8/18/2019 Chapter 1 HRM Dessler


     © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 1–

    Personnel As,ects of a Manager/s 0obPersonnel As,ects of a Manager/s 0ob

    ( Con'ucting ob analysesCon'ucting ob analyses

    ( Planning labor nee's an' recruiting ob can'i'atesPlanning labor nee's an' recruiting ob can'i'ates

    ( 2electing ob can'i'ates2electing ob can'i'ates

    ( 3rienting an' training new em,loyees3rienting an' training new em,loyees

    ( Managing wages an' salariesManaging wages an' salaries

    ( Provi'ing incentives an' benefitsProvi'ing incentives an' benefits

    (  A,,raising ,erformance A,,raising ,erformance

    ( CommunicatingCommunicating

    ( Training an' 'evelo,ing managersTraining an' 'evelo,ing managers

    ( 4uil'ing em,loyee commitment4uil'ing em,loyee commitment

  • 8/18/2019 Chapter 1 HRM Dessler


     © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 1–

    Personnel MistakesPersonnel Mistakes

    ( Hire the wrong ,erson for the obHire the wrong ,erson for the ob

    ( 56,erience high turnover 56,erience high turnover 

    ( Have your ,eo,le not 'oing their bestHave your ,eo,le not 'oing their best

    ( Waste time with useless interviewsWaste time with useless interviews

    ( Have your com,any in court because of 'iscriminatory actionsHave your com,any in court because of 'iscriminatory actions

    ( Have your com,any cite' by 32HA for unsafe ,racticesHave your com,any cite' by 32HA for unsafe ,ractices

    ( Have some em,loyees think their salaries are unfair an'Have some em,loyees think their salaries are unfair an'

    ine7uitable relative to others in the organi8ationine7uitable relative to others in the organi8ation

    (  Allow a lack of training to un'ermine your 'e,artment/s Allow a lack of training to un'ermine your 'e,artment/s


    ( Commit any unfair labor ,racticesCommit any unfair labor ,ractices

  • 8/18/2019 Chapter 1 HRM Dessler

    7/25 © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 1–3

    4asic HR Conce,ts4asic HR Conce,ts

    ( The bottom line of managing9The bottom line of managing9

    Getting resultsGetting results

    ( HR creates value by engagingHR creates value by engaging

    in activities that ,ro'uce thein activities that ,ro'uce the

    em,loyee behaviors that theem,loyee behaviors that thecom,any nee's to achievecom,any nee's to achieve

    its strategic goals&its strategic goals&

  • 8/18/2019 Chapter 1 HRM Dessler


     © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 1–8

    :ine an' 2taff As,ects of HRM:ine an' 2taff As,ects of HRM

    ( :ine manager :ine manager  A manager who is authori8e' to 'irect the work of A manager who is authori8e' to 'irect the work of

    subor'inates an' is res,onsible for accom,lishingsubor'inates an' is res,onsible for accom,lishing

    the organi8ation/s tasks&the organi8ation/s tasks&

    ( 2taff manager 2taff manager  A manager who assists an' a'vises line managers& A manager who assists an' a'vises line managers&

  • 8/18/2019 Chapter 1 HRM Dessler


     © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 1–4

    :ine Managers/ HRM Res,onsibilities:ine Managers/ HRM Res,onsibilities

    1&1& Placing the right ,erson on the right obPlacing the right ,erson on the right ob

    !&!& 2tarting new em,loyees in the organi8ation )orientation*2tarting new em,loyees in the organi8ation )orientation*

    ;&;& Training em,loyees for obs that are new to themTraining em,loyees for obs that are new to them

    aining creative coo,eration an' 'evelo,ing smooth workingrelationshi,srelationshi,s

    ?&?& %nter,reting the firm/s ,olicies an' ,roce'ures%nter,reting the firm/s ,olicies an' ,roce'ures

    @&@& Controlling labor costsControlling labor costs

    #& evelo,ing the abilities of each ,ersonevelo,ing the abilities of each ,erson

    B&B& Creating an' maintaining 'e,artment moraleCreating an' maintaining 'e,artment morale

    1"&1"& Protecting em,loyees/ health an' ,hysical con'itionProtecting em,loyees/ health an' ,hysical con'ition

  • 8/18/2019 Chapter 1 HRM Dessler


     © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 1–10

    Human Resource Managers/ utiesHuman Resource Managers/ uties

    -unctions o$ 

    H+ anagers

    "ine -unction:ine Authority

    %m,lie' Authority

    #ta$$ -unctions2taff Authority


    5m,loyee A'vocacy


    -unctionunctional Authority

  • 8/18/2019 Chapter 1 HRM Dessler


     © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 1–11

    Human Resource 2,ecialtiesHuman Resource 2,ecialties




    "a*or +elations



    #pecialists6o* Analsts






  • 8/18/2019 Chapter 1 HRM Dessler


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    -I7+5 1–1

    H+ rgani!ation Chart

    $or a "arge rgani!ation

    Source: www&hr&wayne&e'uDorgcharts&,h,& Accesse' May ?$ !""@&

  • 8/18/2019 Chapter 1 HRM Dessler


     © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 1–1%

    -I7+5 1–2 H+ rgani!ational Chart /#)all Co)pan

  • 8/18/2019 Chapter 1 HRM Dessler


     © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 1–1&

    The Changing 5nvironment ofThe Changing 5nvironment of

    Human Resource ManagementHuman Resource Management

    7lo*ali!ation (rends

    (echnological (rends

    (rends in the 9ature o$ :or;


  • 8/18/2019 Chapter 1 HRM Dessler


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    -I7+5 1–& 5)plo)ent 5=odus> Pro?ected "oss o$ 6o*s and :ages

    Source: Michael 2chroe'er$ -2tates ight 56o'us of 0obs$. Wall Street Journal $ 0une ;$ !"";$

    ,& #

  • 8/18/2019 Chapter 1 HRM Dessler


     © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 1–1

    The Changing Role ofThe Changing Role of

    Human Resource ManagementHuman Resource Management



    $or H+ anagers

    Measuring the HRM

    Team/s Performance

    Managing with the

    HR 2corecar'


    Creating HighF

    Performance Work


    2trategic Human



  • 8/18/2019 Chapter 1 HRM Dessler


     © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 1–13

    (A"5 1–1 (echnological Applications $or H+

    Application #ervice Providers /A#Ps and technolog outsourcing

    :e* portals

    PCs and highBspeed access

    #trea)ing des;top video

    (he )o*ile :e* and @ireless net access


    InternetB and net@or;B)onitoring so$t@are


    5lectronic signatures

    5lectronic *ill present)ent and pa)ent

  • 8/18/2019 Chapter 1 HRM Dessler


     © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 1–18

    HighFPerformance Work 2ystem PracticesHighFPerformance Work 2ystem Practices

    ( 5m,loyment security5m,loyment security

    ( 2elective hiring2elective hiring

    ( 56tensive training56tensive training

    ( 2elfFmanage' teamsD'ecentrali8e' 'ecision making2elfFmanage' teamsD'ecentrali8e' 'ecision making

    ( Re'uce' status 'istinctionsRe'uce' status 'istinctions( %nformation sharing%nformation sharing

    ( Contingent ),ayFforF,erformance* rewar'sContingent ),ayFforF,erformance* rewar's

    ( Transformational lea'ershi,Transformational lea'ershi,

    ( Measurement of management ,racticesMeasurement of management ,ractices( 5m,hasis on highF7uality work5m,hasis on highF7uality work

  • 8/18/2019 Chapter 1 HRM Dessler


     © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 1–14

    4enefits of a HighFPerformance4enefits of a HighFPerformance

    Work 2ystem )HPW2*Work 2ystem )HPW2*

    ( >enerate more ob a,,licants>enerate more ob a,,licants

    ( 2creen can'i'ates more effectively2creen can'i'ates more effectively

    ( Provi'e more an' better trainingProvi'e more an' better training

    ( :ink ,ay more e6,licitly to ,erformance:ink ,ay more e6,licitly to ,erformance

    ( Provi'e a safer work environmentProvi'e a safer work environment

    ( Pro'uce more 7ualifie' a,,licants ,er ,ositionPro'uce more 7ualifie' a,,licants ,er ,osition

    ( Hiring base' on vali'ate' selection testsHiring base' on vali'ate' selection tests

    ( Provi'e more hours of training for new em,loyeesProvi'e more hours of training for new em,loyees

    ( Con'uct more ,erformance a,,raisalsCon'uct more ,erformance a,,raisals

  • 8/18/2019 Chapter 1 HRM Dessler


     © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 1–20

    Measuring HR/s ContributionMeasuring HR/s Contribution

    ( The HR 2corecar'The HR 2corecar'

    2hows the 7uantitative stan'ar's$ or2hows the 7uantitative stan'ar's$ or

    -metrics. the firm uses to measure-metrics. the firm uses to measure

    HR activities&HR activities&

    Measures the em,loyee behaviorsMeasures the em,loyee behaviorsresulting from these activities&resulting from these activities&

    Measures the strategically relevantMeasures the strategically relevant

    organi8ational outcomes of thoseorgani8ational outcomes of those

    em,loyee behaviors&em,loyee behaviors&

  • 8/18/2019 Chapter 1 HRM Dessler


     © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 1–21

    The Human Resource Manager/sThe Human Resource Manager/s


    ( Gew ProficienciesGew Proficiencies

    HR ,roficienciesHR ,roficiencies

    4usiness ,roficiencies4usiness ,roficiencies

    :ea'ershi, ,roficiencies:ea'ershi, ,roficiencies

    :earning ,roficiencies:earning ,roficiencies

  • 8/18/2019 Chapter 1 HRM Dessler


     © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 1–22

    -I7+5 1– 5$$ects C-s elieve Hu)an Capital Has on usiness utco)es

    Source: 2teven H& 4ates$ -4usiness Partners$. HR Magazine$ 2e,tember !"";$ ,&

  • 8/18/2019 Chapter 1 HRM Dessler


     © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 1–2%

    HR CertificationHR Certification

    ( HR is becoming more ,rofessionali8e'&HR is becoming more ,rofessionali8e'&

    ( 2ociety for Human Resource Management2ociety for Human Resource Management


    2HRM/s Human Resource Certification2HRM/s Human Resource Certification

    %nstitute )HRC%*%nstitute )HRC%*

    2PHR )senior ,rofessional in HR*2PHR )senior ,rofessional in HR*


    PHR ),rofessional in HR*PHR ),rofessional in HR*


  • 8/18/2019 Chapter 1 HRM Dessler


     © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 1–2&

    The Human Resource Manager/sThe Human Resource Manager/s

    Proficiencies )cont/'*Proficiencies )cont/'*

    ( Managing within the :awManaging within the :aw

    57ual em,loyment laws57ual em,loyment laws

    3ccu,ational safety an' health laws3ccu,ational safety an' health laws

    :abor laws:abor laws

    ( Managing 5thicsManaging 5thics

    5thical la,ses5thical la,ses

    2arbanesF36ley in !"";2arbanesF36ley in !"";

  • 8/18/2019 Chapter 1 HRM Dessler


    © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 1–2

    The Plan of This 4ook9 4asic ThemesThe Plan of This 4ook9 4asic Themes

    ( HRM isHRM is the responsibility of every manager the responsibility of every manager &&

    ( HR managers must 'efen' their ,lans an'HR managers must 'efen' their ,lans an'

    contributions in measurable terms&contributions in measurable terms&

    (  All ,ersonnel actions an' 'ecisions have strategic All ,ersonnel actions an' 'ecisions have strategic


    (  All managers rely on information technology& All managers rely on information technology&

    ( irtually every ,ersonnel 'ecision has legalirtually every ,ersonnel 'ecision has legal
