chapter 1 strategic hrm

Chapter 1 Chapter 1 The Strategic Role of The Strategic Role of Human Resources Human Resources Management Management

Post on 19-Oct-2014




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HRM 7 Stategic HRM


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Chapter 1 Chapter 1 The Strategic Role of Human The Strategic Role of Human

Resources Management Resources Management

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Strategic Overview Strategic Overview The role of human resources management

in organizations has been evolving dramatically in recent times. The days of Personnel Department performing clerical duties such as record keeping, paper pushing and file maintenance are over. HR increasingly receiving attention as a critical strategic partner, assuming stunningly different, far reaching transformation roles and responsibilities.

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The strategic role of human The strategic role of human resources management resources management

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People can move mountains!People can move mountains!Among the various

factors of production, which are used in an organization, human resources is the most important.

Because the efficient use of physical resources ultimately depends on how the human factor is put to good use on various operations

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If the skill and the will are properly applied, If the skill and the will are properly applied, wonderful things can happen: wonderful things can happen: Human resources help in transforming the

lifeless factors of production into useful products.

They are capable of enlargement, capable of producing output that is greater than the sum of inputs. Once they get inspired, even ordinary people can deliver extraordinary results.

They can help an organisation achieve results quickly, efficiently and effectively.

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Continuation... Continuation... Therefore, the organisation must provide a

healthy work climate where they can exploit their talents fully while realising goals assigned to them.

Above all, to get the best out of people, they must be managed well and requires leadership.

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HR: THE NEW HOT ROD HR: THE NEW HOT ROD Adi Godrej: “ it is really important for me to

spend more time with my people. . We have had number of HRD consultants, but HRD initiatives are time-consuming and one has to be patient for cultural and mind-set changes.”

Philips: according to Rama Chandran, MD, Philips India “my human resources department is the centre of competence”

A.F. Ferguson & Co: “the only way you can be different is in the way you manage people

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Nature of HRM Nature of HRM Human Resource

Management is the process of bringing people to organisations together so that the goals of each are met.

In short, it may be defined as the art of producing, developing and maintaining competent workforce to achieve the goals of an organisation in an effective and efficient manner.

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Features of HRM: Features of HRM: Pervasive ForceAction OrientedIndividually Oriented People Oriented Future-OrientedDevelopment Oriented Integrating MechanismComprehensive Function Auxiliary ServiceInter-Disciplinary Function Continuous Function

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Scope of HRM Scope of HRM Research in behavioural sciences, new

trends in managing knowledge workers and advances in the field of training have expanded the scope of HR function in recent years.

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Objectives of HRM Objectives of HRM To help organisation reach goals. To employ the skills and abilities of

the workforce efficiently. To provide the organisation with

well-trained and well-motivated employees.

To increase to the fullest the employee’s job satisfaction and self-actualisation.

To develop and maintain a quality of work life.

To communicate HR policies to all employees.

To be ethically and socially responsible to the needs of society.

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Importance of HRMImportance of HRMAn organisation’s success increasingly

depends on the knowledge, skills, and abilities of employees, particularly as they establish a set of core competencies that distinguish an organisation from its competitors.

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Human Resource Management helps an organisation Human Resource Management helps an organisation and its people to realise their respective goals thus:and its people to realise their respective goals thus:

At the enterprise level Good Human Resource practices

can help in attracting and retaining the best people in the organisation

It helps in training people for challenging roles, developing right attitudes towards the job.

At individual level: Promotes team work and team

spirit among employees. It offers excellent growth

opportunities to people who have the potential to rise.

It allows people to work with diligence and commitment.

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Continuation... Continuation... At the society level: Employment opportunities multiply. Search talents are put to best use.

Companies pay and treat people well always race ahead of others and deliver excellent results

At the national level Effective use of human resources

helps in exploitation of natural, physical and financial resources in a better way.

People with right skills proper attitudes and appropriate values help the nation to get ahead and compete with the best in the world leading to better standard of living and better employment.

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Importance of HRM Importance of HRM

Good HR Practice Help

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System approach to HRM System approach to HRM A system is a set of interrelated but

separate elements or parts of working toward a common goal.

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HRM as a Central Subsystem in an enterprise HRM as a Central Subsystem in an enterprise

Product Subsystem

HR SubsystemProcurement

Training Compensation

Appraisal Rewards

Marketing Subsystem Finance


Technical Subsystem

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HRM and Competitive Advantage HRM and Competitive Advantage Competitive Advantage- refers to the ability of an organisation to

formulate strategies to exploit rewarding opportunities, thereby maximising its return on investment.

it occurs if customers perceive that they receive value from their transaction with an organisation.

Workers are more productive if 1. They are loyal to the company, informed about its mission,

strategic and current levels of success.2. Involves in teams which collectively decide how things are to be

done 3. Are trusted to take the right decisions rather than be controlled at

every stage above them.• A good team of competent and committed employees will deliver

the goals if they are involved in all important activities and are encouraged to develop goals that they are supposed to achieve.

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Strategic human resource management Strategic human resource management Pattern of planned human

resources development and activities intended to enable an organisation to achieve its goals.

HR management can play a vital role, especially in identifying and analysing external threats and opportunities.

HR management can also offer competitive intelligence.

HR function can also throw light on company’s internal strengths and weaknesses.

HR has a great role to play in the execution of strategies.

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Traditional HR versus Strategic HRTraditional HR versus Strategic HRSTRATEGIC HR SHRM realises that people can make or break an organisation

because all decision made regarding finance, marketing operations or technology are made by an organisation’s people.

It compels people at all levels to focus more on strategic issues rather than operational issues.

It believes that there is no best way to manage people in any given organisation.

TRADITIONAL HR HR focus on employee relations, to partnership with internal

and external groups. Transformation in nature, in that it helps the people and the

organisation to adopt, learn and act quickly. Is proactive and consider various time frames in a flexible


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History of Personnel/Human Resource Management History of Personnel/Human Resource Management (P/HRM)(P/HRM)

1. The industrial revolution- during this period machines were brought in; technology made rapid progress, jobs were more fragmented where the worker did only a small portion of the total job; and specialisation increased speed and efficiency but left workers with dull, boring and monotonous jobs. Employers were keen to meet production targets rather than satisfy workers’ demands.

2. Scientific management- is nothing but a systematic analysis and breakdown of work into smallest mechanical elements and rearranging them into their most efficient combination. Employees should also be trained carefully by supervisors to ensure that they performed the task exactly as specified by prior scientific analysis.

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3. Trade unionism- workers joined hands to protect against exploitative tendencies of employers and the prohibitive, unfair labour practices through unions.

4. Human relations movement- led to the wide scale implementation of behavioural science techniques in industry for the first time which included supervisory training programmes, emphasising support and concern for workers.

5. Human resources approach- or the task itself is the primary source of satisfaction and motivation to employees. The emphasis in the human resources approach is on individual involvement in the decision made in the organisation.

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HRM: line and staff aspectsHRM: line and staff aspectsLine managers have the final

responsibility for achieving the organisations’ goals. They also have the authority to direct the work of subordinates.

Staff managers usually help and advise line managers in achieving organisational goals. They assist line managers in areas like recruiting, selecting, training and compensating.

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HRM in the New Millennuim HRM in the New Millennuim Future of HRM:Influencing Factors1. Size of the workforce 2. Composition of the

workforce3. Employee expectations 4. Changes in technology 5. Life-style changes 6. Environmental


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7. Personnel function in the futureEvolution of future function: Job redesign Career opportunities Productivity Recruitment and selection Training and development Rewards Safety and welfare

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8. Changes in 21st century impacting HRMListed are the HR practices that would gettransformed in the future: HR as a spacing board of success Talent hunting, developing and retaining Lean and mean organisation Labour relations Health care benefits

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