how to promote your ebook with facebook advertisements

Download How To Promote Your eBook with Facebook Advertisements

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Post on 21-Jan-2017




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How To Promote Your eBook With Facebook Ads


Writing A Book Is Hard.Selling A Book Can Be Even Harder


Have You Struggled To FindPeople That Wanted To Buy Your Book?


If So, Facebook Ads Are The Perfect Way To Find Interested Readers!


With Over 1.7 Billion Active Users, Facebook Is The Largest Advertising Platform In The World


Facebook Advertisements Costs A Fraction Of The Price Of Other Platforms


The Targeting Options Are Unmatched Thanks To Facebooks Data Gathering Ability


So, How Can Authors Use Facebook Advertising To Sell More Books?


It Starts With Identifying The Perfect Audience


With 1.7 Billion Active Users, You Will Need To Narrow Down Your Target Audience


A Great Place To Start Is Facebooks Audience Insights Tool


This Handy Tool Lets You Better Understand Who To Target With Your Ads


Step 1: Figure Out Where Potential Readers Live


Step 2: Identify How Old Your Potential Readers Are


Step 3: What Facebook Pages Do They Like?


Step 4: What Type of Device Do They Spend Most of Their Time On?


How To Set Up Your Facebook Ad


Step 1: Choose Your Objective


Step 2: Enter Your Target Audience Criteria


Step 3: Choose Your Placement


Step 4: Set A Budget


Step 5: Specify How To Bid


Step 6: Pay Per Click or Pay Per Impression?


Step 7: Create Your Ad


Step 8: Place Your Order


Step 9: Monitor Your Facebook Ad Via Analytics and Make Adjustments


Lets Connect On Social Media!
