honorary membership - baldota · 2019-03-13 · safety week celebration-mspl mines safety week was...

0 4 S S Vol. 7 No. 4 October - December 2004 Honorary Membership lIij~i lily / I ___________________ Or. M. Basappa Reddy, Director, DM0. Govt. of Karnataka, Shri. Narendrakumar A. Baldota, JMD, MSPL Ltd Shri. R & R. Sindhia, Hon’ble Ministerforindustries, Govt. of Karnataka, Shri. MedaVenkataiah. President. MEAl. Our beloved Jt. Managing Director Shri. Narendrakumar A. Baldota has been honoured by the Mining Engineers’ Association of India by being been co-opted as Honorary Member. Honble Minister for Industries, Govt. of Karnataka Shri. P G. R. Sindhia presented the award to Shri. Narendrakumar A. Baldota during the inaugural function of the International Seminar on “Technology Update in Mining & Mineral Industries” organized by MEAl in association with Dept. of Mines and Geology Govt. of Karnataka held at J. N. Tata Auditorium, Indian Institution of Science, Bangalore on 16th October 2004. MEAl has considered Shri. N. A. Baldota’s outstanding contribution to the Mining Industry for Rational Utilization of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation. MEAl has honoured only 10 individuals in this manner, since its inception. If your actions inspire others to dream more learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.

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Page 1: Honorary Membership - Baldota · 2019-03-13 · SAFETY WEEK CELEBRATION-MSPL Mines Safety Week was observed in Bellary- Hospet Zone ofMines Safety Association Karnataka from 29.11.2004



Vol. 7 No. 4 October - December 2004

Honorary Membership

lIij~i lily


I ___________________

Or. M. Basappa Reddy, Director, DM0. Govt. of Karnataka, Shri. Narendrakumar A. Baldota, JMD, MSPL LtdShri. R & R. Sindhia, Hon’ble Ministerforindustries, Govt. of Karnataka, Shri. MedaVenkataiah. President. MEAl.

Our beloved Jt. Managing Director Shri. Narendrakumar A. Baldota has beenhonoured by the Mining Engineers’ Association of India by being been co-opted asHonorary Member.

Honble Minister for Industries, Govt. of Karnataka Shri. P G. R. Sindhia presentedthe award to Shri. Narendrakumar A. Baldota during the inaugural function of theInternational Seminar on “Technology Update in Mining & Mineral Industries”organized by MEAl in association with Dept. of Mines and Geology Govt. ofKarnataka held at J. N. Tata Auditorium, Indian Institution of Science, Bangaloreon 16th October 2004. MEAl has considered Shri. N. A. Baldota’s outstandingcontribution to the Mining Industry for Rational Utilization of Natural Resourcesand Environmental Conservation. MEAl has honoured only 10 individuals in thismanner, since its inception.

If your actions inspire others to dream more learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.

Page 2: Honorary Membership - Baldota · 2019-03-13 · SAFETY WEEK CELEBRATION-MSPL Mines Safety Week was observed in Bellary- Hospet Zone ofMines Safety Association Karnataka from 29.11.2004

.?Beciutifying the heairt of the cityTHE DANDI MARCH. A SIMPLE ACT


The picture of the Mahatma, with firm stride and staff in hand was toamong the most enduring images of him

This landmark circle has been elevated in stature with the installation of a statuethwFatherof-Natiom-Thwhiauguration programme went off very elit usiastically with

the unveiling of the statue by Hospet MLA, Shri. H. R. Gaviappa, & Shri. Pankaj KumarThakur, IPS, Suptd. of Police, Bellary. Thousands of people had gathered towitness the event, adding colour and charm to the proceedings. Shri. A. H. Baldotaaddressed the audience, and emphasised the fact that to destroy is easier than to createHe also appraised the MLA of initiatives and activities.



~i 2” XTOOER . aøo~

The Hospet MLA, SM. H. R. Gaviappa,inaugurated the Gandhi Statue by garlanding it.

Shri. G. K. Hanumanthappa, Shri. Chikkanna,Shri. Abheraj H. Baldota, SM. H. R. Gaviappa,Shri. NarendrakumarA. Baldota, SM. Ghevarchandji Jam

Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Page 3: Honorary Membership - Baldota · 2019-03-13 · SAFETY WEEK CELEBRATION-MSPL Mines Safety Week was observed in Bellary- Hospet Zone ofMines Safety Association Karnataka from 29.11.2004

Cape.xi[ Export Award -

MSPL &IVV\MPLMSPL Limited holds a key position in the mineral export circuit in India.The company is a leading foreign exchange earner through export of minerals.The excellent export performance of the company has won it the covetedCAPEXIL Special Export Award for the last seven consecutive years. This year alsoMSPL bagged CAPEXIL’s Special Export Award instituted by CAPEXIL, the exportpromotion council for minerals. The Export Award function concludedpn25_Npyember 2004 at the “Durbar Hall”, Taj Palace Hotel, New Delhi.Shri. E. V K. S. Elangovan Hon’ble Minister of State for Commerce & IndustryGovt. of India, presented the Export Awards.

Shri.S. S. Varma, Vice President. MSPL Limited, receiving the cAPExiLAwardfor the year 2003-04 from SM. 6. V. K. S. Elangovan Hon’ble Minster of StateforGommerce& Industry,

amga Minerals andlvlinmg ±~ Ltd. bagged UAVI~UUL’s ~xport Award Thflt~äöhievement inIron Ore Export. This certificate was awarded on 25.11.2004 at New Delhi,by Shri. Veeramani, Ex- President of CAPEXIL & Managing Director of Gem Granites.


____ -A




Shri.Sitaram, Mines Manager. RMMPL. receiving the CAPEXIL Award for the year2003-04 from Shri. Veeramani, Ex- President of CAPEXIL & Managing Director ofGem Granites

Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.

Page 4: Honorary Membership - Baldota · 2019-03-13 · SAFETY WEEK CELEBRATION-MSPL Mines Safety Week was observed in Bellary- Hospet Zone ofMines Safety Association Karnataka from 29.11.2004







~®asara crestivaiThe Dasara Festival was celebrated in agrand manner at MSPL Limited (UnitVijaya Oxygen) factory premiseson 22.10.04 in the presence ofShri. Abheraj H. Baldota, Chairman andManaging Director, MSPL Limited.

Mr K. Prabhu, GM (Mktg.) performing Dasara Pooja at Factory


10.00% 9.24%






In the 3rd qarter. the Group’s Gas Business recorded anincrease of 4.3O% in production, 9.24% increase in Plant On‘Line Time (POLT) and maintains 92°k increase in SpecificPower Consumption (SF0) since last two sales showed agrowth of 3.54% increase in gas business when compared toprevious quarter.


________ &TANDARDSAs a part of Continual Improvement, MSPLLimited (Unit: Vijaya Oxygen) upgraded its quality

S .oj_.Standard2000 version and was certified by BVQI on 3rdNovember2004.

MSPL-VOCL ISO 9001 : 2000

Skil do conies of doing.

Page 5: Honorary Membership - Baldota · 2019-03-13 · SAFETY WEEK CELEBRATION-MSPL Mines Safety Week was observed in Bellary- Hospet Zone ofMines Safety Association Karnataka from 29.11.2004

SAFETY WEEK CELEBRATION - MSPLMines Safety Week was observed in Bellary- Hospet Zone of Mines SafetyAssociation Karnataka from 29.11.2004 to 05.12.2004. A total of 59mines participated in the competition. More than 500 individuals fromvarious mines took part in different trade test competitions and the totalnumber of winners were 98. The mines are inspected by the judges toassess Standard of Working, Operation and Maintenance of Machinery,Publicity and Propaganda, Human Resource Development, WelfareAmenities and Injury Rate.


Hydraulic ExcavatorDiesel MechanicMechanical FitterHindi SongEnglish Song

Auto ElectricianTipper DriverWagon Dliii

From L to R Mr. R N. Krishnamurthy, AGM (Mines) MSPL L mited,Mr. Rahul N. Baldota, Executive Director, MSPL Limiteri, Mr. D. SahaDy. Director, DDMS, Bellary.

Sri. S.J. Sibal, Dy. Director of General of Mines Safety, Sri. SI. Hussain,Director of Mines Safety. Sri. Meda Venkataiah, Hon. Secretary, MSAKare inaugurating the Safety Week Final Day function by the lighting oflamps on 5th December2004 at BUNTS Bhavan, Bellary


Mr. G. S. Honnurappa

Mr. & BhattarajMr. B. ShivashankarMr. JagannathMr Abdul BasheerMr. Y. M. Nataraj

Mr M. D. GouseMr M. RamachandraMr Himam Sab &

ZONAL LEVELis’ Prize1” Prize

2~ Prize2~ Prize2~ Prize2~ Prize2~ Prize3rd Prize3rd Prize

3s’ Prize


1” Prize

is’ Prize

2~ Prize

Mr K. NeelappaElectrician (ITI)Kannada SloganBest Female

Mr. M. AdhinarayanaMr K. MaliikarjunaSmt. Sultan Bee

3rd Prize3rd Prize3rd Prize





The Inspection team views the SafetyPosters, Photos & Safety Slogans at theVyasanakere Iron Ore Mines.

Sri. D. Saha, Dy. Director of Mines Safety,Bellary releases the Safety Brochure duringthe function of Safety Week at VyasanakereIron Ore Mines.


El ORAN 20291’



TRADE TESTForeman-Diplomazzz zzzMr.:N:NagarajaWelder


yes and not our words that our religion must be read.

Page 6: Honorary Membership - Baldota · 2019-03-13 · SAFETY WEEK CELEBRATION-MSPL Mines Safety Week was observed in Bellary- Hospet Zone ofMines Safety Association Karnataka from 29.11.2004



Mines Safety Week was celebrated at Sachidananda Iron Ore Mines.As is customary, this year also, safety week was celebrated withgreat zeal and enthusiasm to create safety awareness among themining workers and supervisory staff.

Mr. Sitaram.K, Mines ManagerSachidananda Iron Ore Mines of Ramgad.Minerais_&_Mining P Ltd., narratingthe mine’s safety initiatives to theinspection team membersMr. Vijayakumar, Mr. Mukesh Ranjan& Mr. Sanjeeva Sahu during inspectionof mines, as part of Safety WeekCelebration 2004.



Mr. N. Venkatesh, Sr. Mines Manager, stressedthe importance of safety, in his address at theSafety Week celebrations of Sachidananda IronOre Mines ofRMMPL on 3rd December2004

From L to R Mr. N. Venkatesh, Mr. K. Sitaram,Mr. Vijayakumar, Mr. Mukesh Rangan,Mr. Sanjeeva Sahu, Mr. Meda Venkataiah andSri. J. Nagendraiah.

MIs Ramgad Mineral & Mining P Ltd.,won the 2” Prize in Overall Performanceat the Inter-Mines Competition of A-2Hospet Group.


Mr. Ashok DeshpandeMr. Sheik Shan’ifMr I HanumanthaMr. Ananda Desai


Hindi SlogansMazdoor

Mr A. RamappaMr. B. Hulugappa

3 PrizeConsolation

Mr. Sitaram, Mines Manager, of RMMPL receivingoverall Prize from Mr. S.J. Sibal, Dy. DirectorGeneral of Mines Safety Hyderabaci

TRADE TESTRock Drill Assembly

First Aid Team

NAMEMr Rajasab &Mr. BasavarajMr A Lateef


2~ Prize

Love does not cm sist of ga ing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction.

Page 7: Honorary Membership - Baldota · 2019-03-13 · SAFETY WEEK CELEBRATION-MSPL Mines Safety Week was observed in Bellary- Hospet Zone ofMines Safety Association Karnataka from 29.11.2004

New Plant at GociMSPL Limited (Unit Vijaya Oxygen) started 200Cum Hr oxygen plant at Goa for producing andselling Industrial Gases in Goa region. Bhoomi Poojawas performed by Mr. Ramanna on 23.10.04.

Bhoomi Pooja of Goa Plant


Mr.Shrenik N. Baldota performing the Bhoom Pooja

The Hampi Utsav is considered a State Festival andthe Govt. of Karnataka is keen to raise the stature ofthis festival to a national celebration. Our Chairman& Managing Director, Shri. A. H. Baldota handedover a cheque of Rs.5 Lakhs to Shri. B.P Adnur, .Asst.Commissioner of Hospet towards HampiUtsav-2004.

Shri. A. H. Baldota Chairman & Managing Director of MSPL Limitedpresenting the cheque to Shri. B. R Adnur, Asst. Commissioner, Hospet.Shri. N.A. BaldoLa, JMD, can also be seen.

Bhoomi Pooja performed on 08.12.04 bySri. Shrenik N. Baldota at Hosahalli forthe construction of a centralized R&DLaboratory to meet the requirements ofmineral processing needs of the mineand for the development of a specificzero waste technology implementation.


When the power of love ove ~comes the love of power the world will know peace.


Page 8: Honorary Membership - Baldota · 2019-03-13 · SAFETY WEEK CELEBRATION-MSPL Mines Safety Week was observed in Bellary- Hospet Zone ofMines Safety Association Karnataka from 29.11.2004

An year olid at the Aro~ya ellaAsst. Director of Health Office, Hospet conducted an ‘AROGYA MEL1A’ on 07.10.2004at the Municipal High School Ground, Hospet. The mela was inaugurated byMr. S. N. Jayaram, Dy. Commissioner, Bellary. 3025 people benefitted through the mela.Besides educating and promoting the idea of voluntaty blood donation, free bloodgrouping was also done. Nearly 60 to 80 doctors of VIMS, Bellary and 100 to 120 paramedical staff participated in the mela.

The case of Chi.Yusuf, an 8 year old suffering from Malaria Hemoglobin of3 grams % was referred to the blood bank in Arogya Mela. Dr. Salia, Orthopedic.Surgeon,~Dr._Veeresh Shetty, Thaluk Health Officer, Dr. Choudari, Dist. Surgeonadmitted the child and blood transfusion was performed free of charges. We havedonated two pouches of KB positive blood from Smt. Vasanti Devi Baldota Blood Bank.The child recovered.


A view of our stall in Arogya Mela

Karnata a Rajyotsava a

On the occasion of Rojyotsava,President Mr. Y. Uma Maheshwara Rao,Secretary Mr. Shobana Babu, ConvenorMr. V Thirupati Naidu and othermembers of Vijayanagar KammavariSangha, Hospet have donated 17pouches of blood to Smt. Vasanti DeviBaldota Blood Bank, Hospet. Membersof Hospet Taluk Christian Association,Hospet also donated blood onNovember 1, 2004.

Clii. Vusuf receiving treatment at Arogya Mela


I.,.. A,

Members of Vjayanagar ammavari Sangha, Hospet

Our philanthropic attitude towards thecommunity is well known and we continue to servethe society through genuine and needful activitiesof non governmental organizations. We haverecently donated to the Bellary branch of FamilyPlanning Association of India, a sum of Rs. 3.7lakhs for construction of “Female Ward” inFPAI, Bellary.

ShrI.N. A. Baldota, Dr. Nagendrakumar, Smt Sharada Malebennur,Shri.A. H. Baldota, and Dr. B. K. Srinivas Murthy

Do to others what you would have them do to you

Page 9: Honorary Membership - Baldota · 2019-03-13 · SAFETY WEEK CELEBRATION-MSPL Mines Safety Week was observed in Bellary- Hospet Zone ofMines Safety Association Karnataka from 29.11.2004

Peva kci~a WiLdLife Sanctuarg

The Association for the Preservation of theEnvironment (A.PE) is an organisationformed with the primary objective of thepreservation and protection of wildlife.As a part of Shri DV Chandr&s (Bobby)endeavour to promote peaceful balancebetween man and animal, and as a result ofhis sincere and strenuous efforts, the DevaRaya Wildlife Sanctuary was established.We are proud to be associated with theproject and have donated a sum of Rs. 3lakhs to the Deva Raya Wild Life Sanctuary.

Shri. A. H. Baldota handing over the cheque toShri. 0. V Chandra (Bobby)

Rotary International - Century

Rotary International is celebrating its 100 anniversary in the year 2005.Commemorating the event, RI. Dist. 3160 is celebrating at a conference inHyderabad, where nearly 3000 delegates from Andhra and Karnataka andmore than 100 foreign delegates will attend. We have donated Rs. 1 Lakhtowards mementoes for delegates.

ucationWe have donated Rs.5 Lakhs towards construction of aCommunity Hall - which will provide a forum for educational,cultural and religious activities - to Shri. Mahadevappa BidariShaikshanik Sanskrutik & Dharmik Sangh, Banahatti.

We have contributed Rs.1 Lakh to Student InternetWorld - 2004 at Karwar to enlighten the youngergeneration to the world of communication.This programme was a great sucess with theparticipation of 4,000 students.

orum or

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The greatest discovery of humankind is that a person can alter his life by altering the attitude of his mind.

Page 10: Honorary Membership - Baldota · 2019-03-13 · SAFETY WEEK CELEBRATION-MSPL Mines Safety Week was observed in Bellary- Hospet Zone ofMines Safety Association Karnataka from 29.11.2004

£0 ETWe have sponsored the Mega Magic Show -AmazingWorld ofMagic, by Mega Magic Star Mr. Kudroli GaneshVismaya Jadoo - at Venkateshwara Kalyana Mantapa,Hospet, on 7 November, 2004.

Pendal of folk magic

The magician appears


‘I ..jyFloating bodies


These twa employees merit recognition fortheir skill and initiative in attending a Tatradifferential (KA 35/4638) which was hit by abig boulder at reef. The differential wasdamaged badly and Service Engineers hadsuggested replacement. But our mechanicstook the challenge and responsibility torepair the damaged differential mosteconomically and in time, which resulted in

MR. B. Shivashankar cost saving of Rs. 96,000. The sincere effort MR. M. LiyakhathSr. Mechanic of these mechanics increased the availability Mechanic

hours of Tatra and e .~. pr..uc ionprocess.

A diesel mechanic turned Tam Rock Operator, November 2004Mr. Veerabhadraiah merits recognition for his sincerework. He has been operating Tam Rock Machine since itsprocurement. He drills most efficiently_to provide loosematerial to all 7 excavators working at reef including BHQ.On 4th November, 2004 he drilled 500 meters in one shift,which-is -the ~highest ever by any-operator. He operates themachine_smopy_pp~d_~sfljy, resulting in increasedworkinghoürs of the machine~andeliminationof frequentbreakdowns He is sincere and very co-operative.


December 2004

Mr. Subbanna Joshi merits recognition for hisworkmanship and responsibility in making divingbarrels during the Safety week. He completed theentire work of making barrels, painting and fixingwithin the targeted time. He is also a good friend of theenvironment and has taken additional responsibilityfor beautification and gardening of reef office andmines office premises.


Whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever, is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely,r mind dwell on these thin s.

Page 11: Honorary Membership - Baldota · 2019-03-13 · SAFETY WEEK CELEBRATION-MSPL Mines Safety Week was observed in Bellary- Hospet Zone ofMines Safety Association Karnataka from 29.11.2004


October 2004

Mr. Pakirappa merits recognition forthe excellent physical work performedby him in survey and fixing boundarystones along the lease line in sloppy andrugged terrain. He is an obedient and hardworking employee.


November 2004

Mr. Jagadish merits recognition forhis excellent innovative work in renovationof manual electrical panel of RSP toAuto operation incorporating allSafety provisions He is sincere, punctualand disciplined.


December 2004

Mr. T. Manjunath merits recogniition forhis excellent skill in weigh-bridge operationand stock-yard maintenance work resultingin faster process in his shift. He is sincereand disciplined.

Mr. T. MANJUNATHSupervisor

P&A Department

Report from our weather station

Month Average Wind Mm. Temp Mm. Temp Total RainfallKm/hr Degree Celsius Degree Celsius mm

Oct. 2004 3.73

Nov. 2004 4.49

Dec. - 2004 4.45

26.00 36.50

22.50 38.00



Nil18.50 32.50

The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their motheL

Page 12: Honorary Membership - Baldota · 2019-03-13 · SAFETY WEEK CELEBRATION-MSPL Mines Safety Week was observed in Bellary- Hospet Zone ofMines Safety Association Karnataka from 29.11.2004


MINING A BETTER FUTUREAt MSPL, for over forty years wehave been taking a larger initiative• evelo ment of

society and the conservation of theenvironment, with thesame passion as we do business.Which has resulted in the inceptionof educational institutions, hospitals,and charity funds, restitutionof forests and wildlife.And more goodness

- Isol4oOl that enriches the lives of millions.


rIS Head Office: Nehru Co operative Colony Haspet-583203, Beilary District, Karnataka.I Ph: Off: 91-8394-232 003 04 Mines: 08394-244 122. Fax: 91-8394-232 333Email: email@mspllimited. corn Website: vwvw. mspllimited. corn

MSPL LIMIT D Regd. Office: Baidota Bhavan, 117, Maharshi Karve Road, Mumbai-20.(A BALDOTA GROUP COMPANY) Ph: 022-2203 0989 Fax: 022 2413 3766 Ernail: [email protected]