henry charles bukowski

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  • 8/7/2019 Henry Charles Bukowski


    Biographical Presentation by David Paul

  • 8/7/2019 Henry Charles Bukowski


    Born Heinrich Karl Bukowskiin Andernach, Germany

    Father was German-American

    soldier Due to German economic

    collapse post-WWI, familyemigrates to Baltimore in 1923

    Family settles in Los Angelessoon after emigration to theUnited States.

  • 8/7/2019 Henry Charles Bukowski


    Awkward kid; was ridiculed byneighborhood childrenbecause of his German accent.

    Graduated Los Angeles High,then attended Los AngelesCity College

    Took courses in art, journalismand literature

  • 8/7/2019 Henry Charles Bukowski


    Had a strained relationship with his father, who wasoften violent and abusive Did not support his writing, see Ham and Rye 1982

    1940, Throws his possessions out on the front lawn

    after reading his short stories Moves out of the house same year

    Leaves Los Angeles City College without graduating

  • 8/7/2019 Henry Charles Bukowski


    1942, goes out on his own to see thecountry

    Settled primarily in Philadelphia aftervisiting many cities around the UnitedStates

    Lost virginity at age 23 to a woman hedescribes as a 300 pound whore. 1944, was taken into custody by FBI

    agents for suspected draft evasion,spends 17 days at Moyamensing Prison

    Failed psychological evaluation and isexempted from WWII military service The same year he published short story

    Aftermath of a Lengthy Rejection Slipin Story Magazine at age 24.

  • 8/7/2019 Henry Charles Bukowski


    Returned permanently to LosAngeles in 1947

    Started writing and drinking moreand more

    Met Jane Cooney Baker, live togetheron and off until 1955

    Treated with a near-fatal bleedingulcer in 1955, then began to writepoetry

    Married Texas poet Barbara Frye,divorces two years later and has arocky, unstable relationship with

    women throughout his life

  • 8/7/2019 Henry Charles Bukowski


    Began full-time work as a filing clerkat the post office

    Devastated by the loss of Jane

    Cooney Baker in 1962 Turned his inner devastation into a

    series of poems and storieslamenting her passing

    Chronicled his own lowly life inpoetry and other writing

    Never gained significant notorietyin the United States

  • 8/7/2019 Henry Charles Bukowski


    I even hear the mountains

    the way they laugh

    up and down their blue sides

    and fish down in the water

    the fish cry

    and the water

    is their tears

    I listen to the water

    on nights I drink away

    and the sadness becomes so great

    I hear it in my clock

    it becomes knobs upon my dresser

    it becomes paper on the floor

    it becomes a shoehorn

    a laundry ticket

    it becomes

    cigarette smoke

    climbing a chapel of dark vines

    it matters little

    very little love is not so bad

    or very little life

    what counts

    is waiting on the walls

    I was born for this

    I was born to hustle roses down the avenues of the


  • 8/7/2019 Henry Charles Bukowski


    Rebellious, non conformist,more so than any other white

    American writer other thanplaywright Eugene ONeill

    Late 60s began writing acolumn in an undergroundnewspaper entitled Notes of aDirty Old man.

    Was the subject ofinvestigation by the FBI andother government branches in1968.

  • 8/7/2019 Henry Charles Bukowski


    Bukowski became subsidized by thepatronage of John Martin, bookcollector and publisher

    Quit post office and began writing

    full time. Gained more notoriety in Germany

    and France than he ever did in theUnited States

    Became good friends with LeonardoDiCaprios father, who was a pornshop manager in the sleaziest part ofHollywood, California

  • 8/7/2019 Henry Charles Bukowski


    Writes his novels based around hisautobiographical alter ego, HenryChinaski, who is a hard-drinking

    womanizer and bar fighter

    Chinaskis life chronicled inBukowskis novels: Post Office(1971), Factotum (1975),Women (1978) and Ham onRye (1982)

    Factotum made into a movie in2005 starring Matt Dillon as HankChinaski, directed by Norwegianfilmmaker Bent Hamer

  • 8/7/2019 Henry Charles Bukowski


    Finally gaining some bit ofnotoriety, Bukowski became amiddle-class homeowner in SanPedro

    Aided by a personal computer in

    the 1980s, he generated so muchmaterial that originals were stillbeing published as late as 2004

    Drove a black BMW and palledaround with Sean Penn

    Finished last novel Pulp (1994)

    and his last poetry volume LastNight of the Earth Poems

    Died of leukemia on March 9,1994, in Los Angeles

  • 8/7/2019 Henry Charles Bukowski


    You know; Im drunk once againhere

    listening to Tchaikovsky

    on the radio.

    Jesus, I heard him 47 years


    when I was a starving writer

    and here he is


    and now I am a minor success as

    a writer

    and death is walkingup and down

    this room

    smoking my cigars

    Taking hits of my


    as Tchaik is working awayat the Pathetique,

    its been some journey

    and any luck Ive had was

    because I rolled the dice

    right:I starved for my art, I starved to

    gain 5 god-damn minutes, 5 hours,

    5 days-

    I just wanted to get the word

    down;fame, money, didnt matter:

    Iwanted the word down

    and they wanted me at a punch press,

    a factory assembly line

    they wanted me to be a stock boy ina department store.

    well, death says, as he walks by,

    Im going to get you anyhow

    no matter what youve been:

    writer, cab-driver, pimp, butcher,skydiver, Im going to get

    you . . .

    o.k. baby, I tell him.

    we drink together now

    as one a.m. slides to 2a.m. and

    only he knows the moment,

    but I worked a con on him;

    I got my 5 god-damn minutes

    and much more.

  • 8/7/2019 Henry Charles Bukowski



  • 8/7/2019 Henry Charles Bukowski





