heat pumps planning file 2012

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  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    2012 | inTErnaTional

    TEcHnical GuidE

    HEaT pumps

    dHw rEnEwablEs klima cEnTral HEaTinG

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    EnGinEErinG and insTallaTion

    Issue 2012

    Reprinting or duplication, even partially, only with our express permission.

    STIEBEL ELTRON GmbH & Co. KG, D-37603 Holzminden

    Legal note

    In spite of the care taken in the production of this technical guide, no guarantee can be given regarding the accuracy of its con-

    tents. Information concerning equipment levels and specification are subject to modification. The equipment features described

    in this technical guide are not binding properties of our products. Due to our policy of ongoing improvement, some features may

    have subsequently been changed or even removed. Our advisors will be happy to consult with you regarding the currently appli-

    cable equipment features. Pictorial illustrations in this technical guide only represent sample applications. The illustrations also

    contain installation components, accessories and special equipment, which is not part of the standard delivery.


    Dimensions in the diagrams are in millimetres unless stated otherwise. Pressure figures may be stated in pascals (MPa, hPa, kPa)

    or in bars (bar, mbar). The details of threaded connections are given in accordance with ISO 228. Fuse/MCB types and ratings com-

    ply with the VDE regulations that apply in Germany. Output details apply to new appliances with clean heat exchangers.

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    indExsysTEm EnGinEErinG

    Introduction 8Heat pump function 9

    Energy sources and operating modes 10

    Mono mode 12

    Dual mode - parallel 12

    Mono energetic 12

    Dual mode - alternative 13

    Dual mode, partially parallel 13System example 14

    System design 15

    Design information 15

    Terminology and descriptions 16

    Summary of formulae 17

    Heating water quality 18

    Flow temperatures 21Hydraulic connection into the heat consumer system 22

    Heat pumps with buffer cylinder 23

    Heat pumps without buffer cylinder 24

    DHW heating 25

    Freshwater module 26

    Charging station 26

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    indExsysTEm EnGinEErinG | HEaT pump producT caTaloGuE

    Air | water heat pumps - external installation 49Acoustic emissions 50

    Condensate drain 54

    Air | water heat pumps - internal installation 55

    Air routing 56

    Condensate drain 57

    Engineering checklist for air | water heat pumps 58

    Air | water heat pumps 60Air | water heat pumps - product overview 60

    Appliance types and applications 61

    WPL 5 N plus 64

    WPL 10 ACS 72

    HSBB 10 AC 80

    WPL 10 A 82

    WPL 10 I 83WPL 10 iK 84

    WPL 13/20 basic 96

    WPL E cool - external installation 104

    WPL E cool - internal installation 105

    WPL E cool - internal installation, compact 106

    WPL 33 - external installation 122

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    indExHEaT pump producT caTaloGuE

    DHW heat pumps 234Appliance types and applications 235

    Condensate drain for internal installation 236

    Condensate drain for external installation 237

    Integrating a solar thermal system or a gas/oil boiler 238

    WWK 300 240

    WWK 300 SOL 241

    WWK 300 PV 242WWK 300 P10 243

    WWK 300 P10 SOL 244

    WWP 300 / WWP 300 HK 250

    WWK 300 A/ AH/AP/AHP/GP 256

    Accelera 300 262

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    indExaccEssoriEs producT caTaloGuE

    Control technology 270Heat pump manager 270

    Remote control units and sensors 276

    Communication and data transmission 277

    Heat meter 278

    Area heating control systems 279

    System hydraulics 282

    Low loss headers 282Buffer cylinder 284

    Circulation pumps for compact installations 301

    Circulation pumps for DHW heating 303

    Pump assemblies 304

    Pressure hoses 305

    Anti-vibration mounts and diverter valves 306

    Threaded immersion heater 307Brine circuit accessories 308

    Brine sets 308

    Brine filling unit 308

    Brine circulation pumps 310

    Brine distributor 311

    Heat transfer medium | brine pressure switch 312

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    indExaccEssoriEs producT caTaloGuE | sTandard circuiTs

    DHW heating 326DHW cylinders 326

    Thermal insulation for instantaneous water heater cylinders 352

    Thermal insulation for DHW cylinders 352

    DHW primary modules 354

    Freshwater modules 356

    Plate heat exchanger 358

    Replacement convectors 360Replacement convectors 360

    Heating mixing valve 368

    Heating water treatment 370

    Softening fitting 370

    DHW heat pump accessories 371

    Standard circuits 373

    WPC mono mode without buffer cylinder 374WPC mono mode without buffer cylinder 375

    WPC mono mode with 100 l buffer cylinder and DHW heating 376

    WPC mono mode with 100 l buffer cylinder and DHW heating 377

    WPC mono mode with low loss header and DHW heating 378

    WPC mono mode with low loss header and DHW heating 379

    WPF E mono mode without buffer cylinder and with DHW heating 380

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    Advanced heat pumps save energy andreduce emissions

    Heat is a fundamental human need.

    Many people today not only consider

    economy when they think of heating,

    but also consider the environmental

    impact. That both can be combined

    effectively is shown by the develop-

    ment of the heat pump. This utilisesthe energy held in the air, water and

    under ground and converts it into use-

    ful heating energy. The positive aspect

    of this type of harvesting available

    heat is that you can draw deep without

    damaging the environment.

    The heat pump is regulated sub-

    ject to the outside temperature. The

    control unit safeguards the selected

    set temperature. As a result, the heat

    pump achieves an excellent quotient of

    harvested heat to expended primary

    energy. To put it into figures:

    1 kWh of electrical energy can be

    used to extract up to 5 kWh available

    Futureproof solutions

    Much time and care has been invested

    in recent decades in the development

    of our heat pumps. This has created

    a reliable, standard technology that

    delivers every conceivable convenience.

    Our heat pumps satisfy the widest

    range of requirements in the heating

    technology sector - conveniently andeconomically. Our heat pumps are

    part of an extensive range of systems,

    the predominant aim of which is to

    translate our claim to high quality into

    futureproof, alternative technologies

    that are environmentally sound. As one

    of the most notable manufacturers of

    products in the heating, ventilation, air

    conditioning and domestic hot waterequipment sector, we feel a great sense

    of responsibility for our environment.

    For that reason will we continue to ad-

    here to our commitment to this sector.

    Exclusive technology - hot waterincluded

    Hot water and cosy living are our busi-

    ness. You can also safeguard your do-

    mestic hot water supply with our DHW

    cylinders. Or have you ever considered

    separating your hot water heating

    from your existing heating system?

    For a high DHW demand you could,for example in commercial operations,

    also use our heat pumps exclusively for

    heating domestic hot water, irrespec-

    tive of whether you want to provide

    a centralised or decentralised supply.

    We offer a complete range of energy-

    efficient electric appliances.

    HEaT pumps proTEcT our EnErGy rEsErvEs

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    Heat pump principle

    The most important contribution to the

    heat pump function is made by the re-

    frigerant (in the following also referred

    to as process medium). This evapo-

    rates at the lowest temperatures.

    If you route outdoor air or water via a

    heat exchanger (evaporator), in which

    the process medium [refrigerant] cir-culates, then that extracts the required

    evaporation heat from the heat source

    and changes from a liquid into a gase-

    ous state.

    During this process, the heat source

    cools down by a few degrees.

    A compressor draws the gaseous proc-

    ess medium in and compresses it. Theincrease in pressure also raises the

    temperature; in other words, the proc-

    ess medium is pumped to a higher

    temperature level.

    This requires electrical energy. As the

    compressor is of the suction gas-cooled

    design this energy (motor heat) is not

    HEaT pump funcTion

    Main layout, heat pump refrigeration circuit


    2 12






    1 6




    1 Environmental energy

    2 Evaporator

    3 Suction line, gaseous process medium, lowpressure

    4 Compressor

    5 Pressure line, gaseous process medium, highpressure

    7 Flow

    8 Return

    9 Liquid line, liquid process medium, highpressure

    10 expansion valve

    11 Injection line, liquid process medium, lowpressure

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    Air as heat source

    Air heated by the sun is universally

    available. Even at 20 C outdoor air

    temperature, heat pumps can still ex-

    tract sufficient energy for efficient use.

    However, air as heat source has the

    disadvantage that it is coldest when the

    highest heat demand arises.

    Although it is still possible to extract

    heat from air as cold as -20 C, the

    heat pump coefficient of performance

    decreases in line with the outside


    Therefore in most cases the aim is to

    combine with a second heat source that

    boosts the heat pump output, particu-

    larly during the colder season.

    One particular benefit is the ease of

    installation of air | water heat pumps,

    as no extensive ground work or well

    drilling is required.

    Heat source water

    Main layout, air as heat source

    Main layout, groundwater as heat source





    EnErGy sourcEs and opEraTinG modEsEnErGy sourcEs

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    Heat source: Ground with a geothermalcollector

    At a depth of 1.2 m to 1.5 m, the

    ground remains warm enough, even on

    colder days, to enable an economical

    heat pump operation.

    This requires the availability of a prop-

    erty large enough to accommodate a

    pipe system for collecting the heat fromthe ground. As a rule of thumb, you

    would need approximately two to three

    times as much ground area as living

    area to be heated.

    In dry, sandy soil, the geothermal

    collector can extract between 10 and

    15 W/m and up to 40 W/m in ground

    that carries groundwater.An environmentally responsible brine

    mixture that cannot freeze and which

    transports the yielded energy to the

    heat pump evaporator courses through

    the pipes.

    If your property is large enough, you

    have an inexhaustible reserve of energy

    Main layout, geothermal collectoras heat source





    EnErGy sourcEs and opEraTinG modEsEnErGy sourcEs

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    EnErGy sourcEs and opEraTinG modEsmono modE / dual modE parallEl / mono EnErGETic





    Mono mode operation


    QN100 %

    -15 +20 C


    QN Heat load

    HP Heat pump

    TA Outside temperature

    Operating modes

    For the different types of heat pump

    operation, the heating technology

    world uses the following terminology:

    Mono mode

    The heat pump is the sole provider of

    heating in the building.

    This operating mode is suitable for all

    low temperature heating systems up to

    +60 C flow temperature.

    Dual mode parallel / mono energetic

    Down to a certain outside tempera-

    ture, the heat pump alone delivers

    the required heating energy. A second

    heat source starts at low temperatures.However, contrary to the dual mode

    alternative operation, the heat pump

    proportion of the annual output is


    This operating mode is suitable for un-

    derfloor heating systems and radiators

    up to the maximum heat pump flow

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    BV Dual mode point

    QN Heat load

    HP Heat pump

    ZH Booster heater/booster heater second heatsource

    TU Changeover pointTA Outside temperature

    Dual mode - alternativeDown to an outside temperature

    determined by your contractor, such as

    0 C, the heat pump delivers the entire

    heating energy. When the temperature

    falls below that value, the heat pump

    switches itself OFF and the second

    heat source takes over the heating


    This operating mode is suitable for

    all heating systems above +60 C flow






    Dual mode alternative operation





    -15 +20 CTU


    EnErGy sourcEs and opEraTinG modEsdual modE alTErnaTivE / dual modE parTially parallEl

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    General information

    Heating heat pumps can be linked into

    new as well as into existing heating


    In many cases, a mono mode operation

    is feasible, so that no additional, con-

    ventional heating system and associ-

    ated additional investment is required,

    even on those few exceptionally colddays of the year.

    When deciding on the potential use of

    a heat pump, the heat distribution sys-

    tem too, and in particular the required

    flow temperature, must be given due

    consideration. Generally speaking, low

    temperature and conventional radia-

    tor heating systems can be supplied byheat pumps. When engineering new

    systems, we recommend low tempera-

    ture heating systems with max. flow

    temperatures of +55 C.

    Existing systems with conventional heat

    distribution can generally be combined

    with heat pumps without requiring

    Part of this is an extensive installationaccessory range, e.g. buffer cylinders,

    pressure hoses and control units. These

    enable an easy, quick and consequently

    cost-effective installation.

    In the following, two examples of heat

    pump installations are shown. Natu-

    rally, alternative installation options are

    also feasible.

    Design example 1

    Water | water heat pump

    Operating mode: Mono mode

    Mono mode operation is only feasible

    in conjunction with a low temperature

    heating system with a maximum flow

    temperature of +60 C. At a specificheat demand of 50 W/m, suitable heat

    pumps are available from the heating

    system sizes listed in the table shown


    Important information

    A water analysis is part of the first

    Design example 2

    Mono energetic air | water heat pump

    WPL without additional boiler.

    As the description suggests, the heat-

    ing system does not require a second

    form of energy. This heat pump oper-

    ates with outside air temperatures

    down to 20 C where the outdoor

    air provides the heat source. Between5 C and 20 C the heating water

    is additionally boosted by an integral

    electric emergency/booster heater.

    Air | water heat pumps are available in

    different styles, versions and outputs.

    This output is adequate for heating

    from smaller to larger buildings with

    heat loads up to approx. 200 kW.

    Installation information

    The unrestricted air flow through

    the intake and discharge apertures

    must be assured at all times.

    A thermal short circuit between

    the intake and discharge must be

    THis is How your soluTion could looksysTEm ExamplE

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    sysTEm EnGinEErinGEnGinEErinG informaTion

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    DefrostingRemoving hoar frost or ice build-up

    from the evaporator of an air | water

    heat pump.


    Special term for refrigerant in heat

    pump systems.

    Dual mode temperature

    Outside temperature, which dictates

    when a second heat source is started.


    According to its definition, it is the sum

    of internal energy and displacement

    work. The specific enthalpy (kJ/kg) isused for all calculations.

    expansion valve

    Component of the heat pump between

    the condenser and the evaporator for

    reducing the condensation pressure to

    the evaporation pressure that equates

    Cooling capacityHeat flow extracted by the heat pump



    Material with a low boiling point,

    which is evaporated by heat absorption

    and re-liquefied through heat transfer

    in a circular process.

    Circular process

    Constantly repeating changes in condi-

    tion of a process medium by adding

    and extracting energy in a sealed


    Coefficient of performance

    Factor comprising the heating output

    and the compressor drive rating. The

    COP can only be quoted as an actual

    value at a defined operating condition.

    The heating load is always greater than

    the compressor drive rating; hence the

    COP is always > 1. Equation symbol:

    Heat pumpMachine that absorbs a thermal flow

    at a low temperature and transfers it

    through energy supplied at a higher

    temperature. When using the cold

    side we refer to refrigerators, when

    using the hot side we refer to heat


    Heat pump system

    Total system, comprising a heat source

    and a heat pump system.

    Compact heat pump system

    Fully-wired appliance, where the com-

    plete refrigerant circuit, incl. safety and

    control equipment, has been manufac-

    tured and tested.

    Heat source

    Medium, from which the heat pump

    extracts energy.

    Heat consumer system (WNA)

    TErminoloGy and dEscripTions

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    summary of formulaE

    Heat amount

    Q = m *c *(t2- t1)

    Q Heat amount [Wh]

    m Amount of water [kg]

    c Specific heat Wh/kgK [1,163 Wh/kgK]

    t1 Cold water temperature [C]t2 DHW temperature [C]

    Heating output

    Q = A *k *

    Q Heating output [W]

    A Area [m]

    k Heat transfer coefficient [W/mK]

    Temperature differential [K]

    k value

    k =1

    1 d 1

    Heat-up time

    T =m *c *(t2- t1)

    P *

    T Heat-up time [h]

    m Amount of water [kg]

    c Specific heat [Wh/kgK]

    t1 Cold water temperature [C]t2 DHW temperature [C]

    P Connected load [W]


    Pressure drop

    p = L *R + Z

    p Pressure differential [Pa]

    R Tubes frictional resistance

    L Pipe length [m]

    Z Pressure drop of the individual resistances


    Mixed water volume


    m2* (t2- t1)

    tm- t



    Amount of mixed water volume [kg]

    m1 Amount of cold water [kg]

    m2 Amount of DHW [kg]

    tm Mixed water temperature [C]t1 Cold water temperature [C]

    t2 DHW temperature [C]

    DHW volume


    mm* (tm- t1)

    t2- t



    Amount of mixed water volume [kg]

    m1 Amount of cold water [kg]

    m2 Amount of DHW [kg]


    Mixed water temperature [C]

    t1 Cold water temperature [C]

    t2 DHW temperature [C]

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    Water qualityThe heating water quality has an

    impact on the components that are part

    of the water circuit as well as on the

    function of the entire system.

    Here, the water hardness and the

    substances in the water are the crucial


    In Germany, the water quality of heat-ing systems between 20 and 300 kW

    output are regulated by the VDI 2035.

    In accordance with VDI 2035, sheet

    1, fill and top-up water of heating

    systems must be treated or softened to

    prevent damage. If the limits specified

    in the table are not adhered to, soften

    the heating water.

    General function

    Our softening appliances work on the

    ion exchange principle.

    When exchanging ions, the fill water

    as well as the top-up water are routed

    through a sodium ion exchange resin

    HEaTinG waTEr qualiTy

    Benefits of water softening Preventing thermal stresses through deposits

    Prevention of mechanical stresses and component failure

    Energy saving through optimised heat exchanger surfaces

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  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    HEaTinG waTEr qualiTy

    Sizing for the first system fill

    The number of cartridges for the first

    filling of a system is calculated in ac-

    cordance with the following formula:


    VANL * (dHIST- dHSOLL)



    P Number of cartridges



    Cartridge service life

    The achievable volume of softened

    water and the top-up volume are used

    as the basis for calculating the service

    life of cartridges.

    The annual top-up volume is assumed

    to be 10 % of the system volume.

    The amount of softened water is

    calculated according to the followingformula:





    Volume of softened water


    Soft water capacity

    in litres * dH


    Total water hardness

    Sample calculation for the amount of

    softened water:


    = 6000 l dH


    = 20 dH


    = ?




    Result = 300 l

    One cartridge generates 300 l of sof-

    tened water.

    Sample service life calculation:


    = 2000 l

    VWWM= 300 l

    Service life (a) = VWWM

    / (VANL

    * 0.1)

    With a system volume of 2000 litres and

    300 litres of softened water, a service

    life of 1 5 years results

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012



    -16 - 14 - 12 - 10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 +2 +4 +6 +8 +10 +12 +14 +16











    flow TEmpEraTurEs of HEaTinG surfacEs

    Heating surface temperatureThe flow temperature of the heating

    system is decisive for the application

    options and the operating mode of the

    heat pump.

    Heating systems that require a flow

    temperature in excess of +60 C can

    only be operated with a heat pump in

    dual mode together with a second heatsource or with a high temperature heat

    pump. The changeover point of the

    heat pump is determined not only by

    the heating output of the heat pump,

    but also by the sizing of the heating


    Radiator heating systems used to be

    sized around a flow temperature of

    75C. Today, retrofitting thermal insula-

    tion or oversizing generally means, that

    a flow temperature of only +60 C or

    less is generally required.

    The heating surfaces of new systems

    should be sized around a flow temper-

    ature of no more than +55 C to enable

    According to the above diagram the following flow temperatures produce the fol-

    lowing changeover points to start the second heat source:

    Flow temperatures for the corresponding outside temperatures





    X Outside temperature [C]

    Y Heating flow temperature [C]

    1 Heat pump flow temperature [C]

    A-D Flow temperature curves

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    Hydraulic connEcTion inTo THE HEaT consumEr sysTEm

    Buffer cylinderFor a perfect operation, heat pumps

    require a minimum flow rate of heating

    water. A buffer cylinder is recommend-

    ed to ensure a trouble-free heat pump


    Buffer cylinders provide hydraulic

    separation between the heat pump

    circuit and the heating circuit volumeflow. The flow rate in the heat pump

    circuit remains constant if the flow rate

    in the heating circuit is reduced by

    thermostatic valves, for example.

    Convector heating systems are gener-

    ally filled with a small amount of water.

    In such systems, use a buffer cylinder

    of appropriate size to prevent frequent

    cycling of the heat pump.

    A buffer cylinder is also required for

    the defrost operation of air | water heat


    Subject to tariff and country concerned,

    heat pumps can be switched off by

    electricity supply utilities during peak

    Heat pump with overflow facility

    Heat pump with low loss header (separating cylinder)





  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    Heating pipeworkThe additional water volume in the

    buffer cylinder and the possibility of

    shutting down the heat source requires

    that an additional expansion vessel

    is installed. Heat pumps are pro-

    tected in Germany in accordance with

    DIN EN 12828.

    In systems operated without buffer cyl-inder, ensure the minimum heat pump

    circulation volume on the water side.

    Structure-borne noise transfer

    Preferably, flexible pressure hoses

    (anti-vibration) are used to connect the

    machine to the pipework of the build-

    ing. These will minimise the transfer

    of oscillations, vibrations and other

    structure-borne noise.

    Use anti-vibration mounts for all pipe


    Circulation pumps in the heat pump


    Dual mode heat pump system

    Mono energetic heat pump system

    HEaT pumps wiTH buffEr cylindEr






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    HEaT pumps wiTHouT buffEr cylindEr

    Installation without buffer cylinder

    A constant heat pump flow rate is

    required to enable the heat pump to

    function correctly. This must be at least

    20% of the nominal flow rate. Particu-

    larly for air | water heat pumps, other

    higher minimum flow rates may be


    The appliance-specific minimum flow

    rate must be ensured at all times for air

    | water heat pumps.

    Constant flow rates are primarily

    achieved with area heating systems,

    where some zone valves are always

    open. This can be realised by means

    of an appropriate control unit for zone


    To avoid contravening the Energy

    Savings Ordinance [Germany], a dis-

    pensation must be applied for from

    the appropriate building authorities

    if generally no zone valves are to be


    Mono mode brine | water heat pump without buffer cylinder

    Mono energetic air | water heat pump without buffer cylinder






  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    dHw HEaTinG

    DHW heating with heat pumpsThe wide range of applications and the

    many options of combining heat pumps

    with cylinders of different sizes and

    equipment levels require engineering

    and installation documents, that are

    tailored to each individual application.

    The connections on the power supply

    and water side of the heat pump aremade in line with our technical guide.

    DHW cylinders

    The size of the DHW cylinder is subject

    to the daily and the peak consumption,

    the DHW distribution system and the

    installed draw-off points.

    Apartment buildings and non-residen-tial buildings are sized in accordance

    with the consumption profiles and

    guidelines appertaining to the hygiene


    Generally, DHW is heated by means of

    internal indirect coils or an external

    heat exchanger

    DHW heating with DHW cylinder SBB WP.






    DHW heating with instantaneous water heater cylinder SBS W.

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    Appliance description

    The freshwater module supplies one or

    two residential units with hot water.

    This appliance is solely designed for

    the transfer of heat from the cylinder

    circuit (primary circuit) to a freshwater

    circuit (secondary circuit).

    Energy is delivered by a buffer cylinder

    with a cylinder temperature of +55 C.The primary circulation pump is regu-

    lated via block modulation, so that the

    required DHW temperature remains as

    constant as possible.

    The DHW circulation option enables

    three time slots to be defined. Outside

    these times, DHW circulation is acti-

    vated by draw-off detection.

    An additional sensor enables the

    activation of an immersion heater

    inside the buffer cylinder via a floating


    The freshwater module is pre-pro-

    grammed at the factory.

    DHW heating with a freshwater module






    DHW heating with primary station

    frEsHwaTEr modulE | primary sTaTion

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    dHw cylindErsizinG TablE

    Sizing table for DHW heatingDHW heating to 50 C with 60 C heat pump flow temperature DHW heating to 60 C with 70 C heat pump flow temperature

    DHW cylindersSBB WP SBB plus SBS

    301 302 401 401 501 501 300 300 400 400 600 600 601 801 1001 1501

    Exchanger surface in m 3.2 4.8 4.0 5.4 5.0 6.4 1.1 2.7 1.3 3.0 1.9 4.4

    Indirect coil connection bottom bottom bottom bottom bottom bottom bottom to to to to


    the topfrom

    the topfrom

    the topfrom

    the topfrom

    the topfrom

    the topfrom

    the topfrom

    the topfrom

    the topfrom

    the top1.8 m/h 2.0 m/h 2.4 m/h 3.0 m/h

    kW m Achievable DHW temperature C Achievable DHW temperature C Suitable for

    WPL 10 ACS 9.3 2.3 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 x x

    WPL 10 I/A/IK 10.9 2.7 50 50 50 50 50 50 47 50 50 x x WPL 13 A basic 12.1 3.0 49 50 50 50 50 50 45 47 50 x x x WPL 20 A basic 20.0 5.0 47 50 48 50 45 x x x xWPL 13 E/cool 12.1 3.0 49 50 50 50 50 50 45 47 50 x x x WPL 18 E/cool 16.1 4.0 50 47 50 50 50 50 x x x xWPL 23 E/cool 20.4 5.1 46 49 47 50 x x x xWPL 33 HT/HT IK 15.0 3.8 54 60 59 60 60 60 51 53 45 60 x x x xWPL 34 28.5 7.1 45 x xWPL 47 39.3 9.8 xWPL 57 46.1 11.5 WPF 5 E/C 6.7 1.7 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 x x WPF 7 E/C 9.0 2.3 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 x x WPF 10 E/C/M 11.4 2.9 50 50 50 50 50 50 46 49 50 x x x WPF 13 E/C/M 15.1 3.8 50 49 50 50 50 50 x x x x

    WPF 16 E/M 18.4 4.6 49 50 50 50 46 x x x xWPF 20 27.8 7.0 46 xWPF 27 33.6 8.4 WPF 27 HT 33.6 8.4 47 49 47 52 46 WPF 40 51.2 12.8 WPF 52 63.2 15.8 WPF 66 78.6 19.7 WPF 5 (groundwater) 7.2 1.8 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 49 50 x x WPF 7 (groundwater) 10.0 2.5 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 x x x WPF 10 (groundwater) 12.5 3.1 48 50 50 50 50 50 47 50 x x x xWPF 13 (groundwater) 17.1 4.3 50 46 50 50 50 48 x x x xWPF 16 (groundwater) 21 7 5 4 45 47 46 50 x x x x

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    dHw cylindEr for rEsidEnTial buildinGssizinG TablE

    Sizing table - DHW cylinders for residential buildingsThe table provides an impression of recommended cylinder combinations in residential buildings with typical consumption

    profiles and concurrency. This overview is no substitute for individual system engineering and matching to the heat source or

    system solution.

    ce te fehte e chgg te









    t -






    t t





    ne / lte Te lte Te lte Te 60 c *

    5 300 300 SBB 300 WP No 400 SBP 400 No

    6 360 300 SBB 300 WP No 700 SBP 400 No

    8 480 400 SBB 400 WP Yes, with heatpump

    700 SBP 700 No

    10 600 500 SBB 500 WP Yes, with heatpump

    1000 SBP 1000 No

    12 720 600 2x SBB 300 WP Yes, with heat


    1500 SBP 1500 No

    14 840 700 2x SBB 400 WP Yes, with heatpump

    700 SBB 751 FCR 28/120

    16 960 800 2x SBB 400 WP Yes, with heatpump

    800 SBB 751 FCR 28/120

    20 1200 900 2x SBB 500 WP Yes, with heatpump

    800 SBB 751 FCR 28/120

    25 1500 900 SBB 1001 FCR 28/120

    30 1800 1100 SBB 1001 FCR 28/120

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    Operation with an existing boilerThe combination of two heat sources

    (e.g. oil or gas boiler and heating

    heat pump) in detached or two-family

    houses is generally not economical.

    Dual mode operation is only a tempo-

    rary solution where the system is to

    continue in use, for example because

    the oil tank is well filled.After using up the stock of oil, the oil

    boiler should be removed and replaced

    by the electric booster heater integrat-

    ed in the heat pump. This requires that

    the heating heat pump is appropriately


    Apart from the space taken up by the

    oil boiler and oil tanks, economic rea-sons particularly favour the removal of

    the old system.

    The running costs for maintaining the

    oil system and the sweeping of the

    chimney frequently exceed the energy

    costs of the integral emergency/booster


    Dual mode air | water heat pump system

    Dual mode air | water heat pump system





    modErnisinG oldEr buildinGsdual modE opEraTion wiTH ExisTinG boilEr

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    modErnisinG oldEr buildinGsradiaTor sysTEms | rEplacEmEnT convEcTor HEaTErs

    Replacement convectorRadiator heating systemsGenerally speaking, heating heat

    pumps are well suited to heating

    buildings fitted with existing radiator

    distribution systems. However, before

    the heat pump is taken into use it is

    absolutely necessary to determine

    the maximum required system flow

    temperature at the design point, i.e.

    the standard outside temperature. Inprinciple balancing the system hydrau-

    lically is recommended.

    The maximum required system

    temperature should not exceed 55 C.

    Sizing to this operating point ensures

    an economical and comfortable system


    However, operation at a higher flowtemperature is possible, namely with

    the high temperature heat pumps

    developed for this purpose. However,

    in principle every heat pump system

    operates all the more economi-

    cally the lower the required system

    Replacement convector heaters

    Specially developed replacement con-

    vector heaters are particularly suitable

    for modernising individual rooms or

    when replacing thermally inefficient

    Users regulate the required room tem-

    perature by means of an integral ther-

    mostatic valve and also benefit from a

    comparatively high heat-up perform-

    ance. Replacement convector heaters



  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    Passive coolingThe low groundwater temperature or

    that of the ground is transferred to the

    heating system via a heat exchanger.

    The heat pump compressor will not

    be started. The heat pump remains


    Active coolingThe cooling capacity of the heat pump

    (cold side) is transferred to the heating


    The heat pump compressor will be

    started. The heat pump is active.

    Procedure for planning passive cooling

    Calculating the cooling load to VDI 2078

    in accordance with a standard


    in accordance with the m area of

    the living space (factor)

    Temperature curve under ground

    Passive building cooling Active building cooling

    Utilisation of natural cooling


    Cool ground / cool night air

    Utilisation of storage effects

    Utilisation of refrigerators

    coolinG wiTH THE HEaT pump sysTEmpassivE and acTivE coolinG











  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    coolinG load calculaTioncoolinG load calculaTion form

    Cooling load calculationCalculate the cooling load in accord-

    ance with VDI 2078.

    Our cooling load calculation form or

    our calculating program assist in the

    simplified determination of the cooling

    load of a room.

    Our cooling load slide rule can also as-

    sist in quickly determining the coolingload in situ.

    Our empirical values too can assist in

    achieving an estimated sizing:

    ft w/3

    Private homes 30

    Offices 40

    Sales rooms 50

    Glass extensions 200

    Simplified cooling load calculation inaccordance with the following calcula-

    tion form

    The cooling load calculation form ena-

    bles a quick and easy calculation of the

    cooling load of a room.

    Sizing basis: Outside temperature

    +32C at a room temperature of +27C

    and constant operation.

    position 1

    Split the window areas in accordance

    with the different points of the compass

    and multiply them with the respective

    values. Insert that point of the compass

    into the addition of the cooling load

    calculation that results in the high-

    est value. Use the total of both values,if windows are pointed at to two

    neighbouring points of the compass,

    i.e. south-west and west. Also take

    horizontal skylights into consideration

    (see line attic windows). Consider

    the stated reduction factors for equip-

    Position 6Multiply the number of occupants by

    the stated value. In accordance with

    VDI 2067, the calculation is based on

    the assumption of occupants at rest or

    performing light work.

    Position 7

    Set the outside air proportion of the

    appliance in accordance with manu-

    facturers details. The cooling down of

    the outside air proportion is taken into

    account at 5 K.

    Cooling load

    Total of the individual cooling loads for

    positions 1 to 7.

    Appliance sizing

    To achieve an internal temperature of

    approx. 5 K below the outside tempera-

    ture, the equipment cooling capacity

    must be equal to, or greater than, the

    calculated cooling load.

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    coolinG load calculaTioncoolinG load calculaTion form

    Cooling load calculation form

    For estimating the cooling load of a room with reference to the VDI 2078

    Address: Type of room:

    Surname: Sample man Size of room:

    Street: Sample Street Length Width Height Surface Volume

    Town: Sample Town 5.0 5.0 3.0 25.0 75.0

    1. Insolation through win-

    dows and external doorsExposed window Reduction factor, solar protection Window area

    Cooling load,


    Single Double ThermalInternal




    glazing glazing glazing

    W/m W/m W/m m watt

    North 65 60 35

    Northeast 80 70 40

    East 310 280 155

    Southeast 270 240 135 x 0.7 x 0.3 x 0.15

    South 350 300 165

    Southwest 310 280 155 4.0 174

    West 320 290 160

    Northwest 250 240 135

    Attic window 500 380 220

    Total 174

    Total Only use the maximum value for different points of the compass.

    2. Walls less window and door openings that have already been taken into account. Cooling load Wall area Cooling load

    W/m Walls

    m watt

    External walls 10 26.0 260

    Internal walls 10 15.0 150

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012



    The exceptionally attractive option of

    using a brine | water or water | water

    heat pump for cooling the building is

    well known. Systems providing passive

    cooling in particular can be created at

    reasonable cost, be used efficiently and

    be operated with hardly any emissions.

    Possible applications can be found in

    private homes as well as in apartmentsand in the public sector.

    The increasing demand for cooling in

    buildings is partially due to higher in-

    ternal and external loads due to higher

    comfort demands and substantial

    changes in construction. The tendency

    towards large transparent surfaces in

    building walls as well as legal require-

    ments aimed at increasingly better

    building envelopes are verification for

    this trend. It goes without saying that

    the creation of a thermally comfortable

    climate must not ignore energy and

    efficiency. System solutions designed to

    provide heating and cooling alike gen-

    HEaT sinks for coolinG opEraTionGEoTHErmal probE

    12 16 20 24 2814 18 22 26
















    Comfort zone (Leusden & Freymark)





    x Room air temperature TLin C

    y Relative humidity in %

    1 Comfortable

    2 Just comfortable

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    Cooling with a geothermal collector

    Using geothermal collectors for passive

    and active cooling is generally possible,

    but it does require accurate engineer-

    ing. Collectors are installed near the

    surface. This fact and high outside

    temperatures can easily result in pas-

    sive cooling heating up the ground

    quite quickly. As a consequence, thecooling capacity dwindles significantly

    due to the insignificant temperature


    In most cases, passive cooling becomes

    impossible from a source temperature

    of > 20 C.

    The local conditions are decisive for theutilisation of the collector for cooling

    purposes. The geological conditions

    as well as the availability of water-

    bearing strata determine the possibility

    of utilisation. A geological assessment

    must establish whether the heat flow

    Main layout,

    geothermal collector as heat source





    HEaT sinks for coolinG opEraTionGEoTHErmal collEcTor and GroundwaTEr

    coolinG capaciTy

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    Cooling with a geothermal probe

    Geothermal probes are sized in accordance with the heat pump heating output. The heat that must be transferred to the

    ground with passive cooling is approx. 70 % of the extraction rate (approx. 35 W/m geothermal probe length).

    Sizing table geothermal probe DN 25

    For normal solid rock, extraction rate 55 W/m (average value)

    se teete 0 c Gethe e Ett, hetg


    Te, g


    f teete 35c 32 * 2.9Hetg tt cg t ne deth

    Het w w e w w

    WPF E/C 5 cool 5.8 4.5 1 82 4.5 3.2

    WPF E/C 7 cool 7.8 6.0 1 109 6.0 4.2

    WPF E/C 10 cool 9.9 7.7 2 70 7.7 5.4

    WPF E/C 13 cool 13.4 10.3 2 94 10.3 7.2

    WPF 16 E cool 16.1 12.5 3 84 13.8 9.6


    Heat pump WPF E/C 10 cool

    Required geothermal probe 2 pce @ 70 metres long

    Extraction rate approx. 55 W per metre equates to approx. 7.7 kW.

    The transfer to the ground amounts to approx. 5.4 kW.

    coolinG capaciTysamplE sizinG

    passivE coolinG

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    passivE coolinGwpc cool

    Passive cooling with a WPC cool heat


    Installation information

    Use only pipes and fittings made from

    corrosion-resistant materials.

    The formation of condensate is safely

    prevented by additional dew point

    monitoring in the lead room.

    If sensitive areas in the building are

    crossed, where different dew point

    temperatures must be expected or

    where the temperature falls below the

    dew point temperature, insulate all

    pipe runs with vapour diffusion-proof


    WPC cool mono-mode with passive cooling (heating mode) Minimum circulation volume on the heating side 20% of the nominal flow rate of the heat pump

    WPC cool mono-mode with passive cooling (cooling mode) Minimum circulation volume on the heating side 20% of the nominal flow rate of the heat pump





    passivE coolinG

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    Passive cooling with a WPF E cool heat


    With brine | water heat pumps, the

    heat source can also be used for cool-

    ing purposes, i.e. as a heat sink.

    An area heating system or fan convec-

    tors is/are required for this function.

    The formation of condensate is prevent-

    ed by additional dew point monitoringin the lead room.

    Use only pipes and fittings made from

    corrosion-resistant materials.

    If sensitive areas in the building are

    crossed, where different dew point

    temperatures must be expected or

    where the temperature falls below the

    dew point temperature, insulate allpipe runs with vapour diffusion-proof


    WPF E cool mono mode with passive cooling (heating mode)

    WPF E cool mono mode with passive cooling (cooling mode)





    passivE coolinGwpf E cool

    acTivE coolinG

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    Active cooling with a WPC heat pump

    Active cooling is unsuitable exclusively

    with underfloor heating systems. Ac-

    tive cooling additionally requires fan

    convector heaters.

    The formation of condensate is prevent-

    ed by additional dew point monitoring

    in the lead room.

    Use only pipes and fittings made fromcorrosion-resistant materials.

    To prevent condensate being cre-

    ated, all hydraulic pipework inside the

    building must be insulated with vapour

    diffusion-proof material.

    WPC mono-mode with active cooling (heating mode)

    WPC mono-mode with active cooling (cooling mode)





    acTivE coolinGwpc wiTH wpac 2

    acTivE coolinG

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    Active cooling with a WPF E heat pump

    Active cooling is unsuitable exclusively

    with underfloor heating systems. Ac-

    tive cooling additionally requires fan

    convector heaters.

    The formation of condensate is prevent-

    ed by additional dew point monitoring

    in the lead room.

    Use only pipes and fittings made fromcorrosion-resistant materials.

    To prevent condensate being cre-

    ated, all hydraulic pipework inside the

    building must be insulated with vapour

    diffusion-proof material.

    WPF E mono mode with active cooling (heating mode)

    WPF E mono mode with active cooling (cooling mode)





    acTivE coolinGwpf E wiTH wpac 2

    acTivE coolinG

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    Active cooling with a WPL cool heat


    Air | water heat pumps can also be

    used for cooling buildings.

    Size the heating heat pump for heating

    operation in winter.

    Matching of the cooling capacity of the

    heat pump system to the cooling load

    of the building opens up the possibility

    of cooling in summer.

    The sizing of the distribution system is

    crucial for the transfer of thermal loads.

    Underfloor heating systems are only

    suitable for the transfer of high loads

    to a limited degree, e.g. in conjunction

    with active cooling of buildings, as the

    transfer rate is low and frequent cycling

    of the heat pump cannot be prevented.A combination with fan convectors is


    The formation of condensate is prevent-

    ed by additional dew point monitoring

    in the lead room.

    Use only pipes and fittings made from

    WPL cool mono energetic with active cooling (heating mode)

    WPL cool mono energetic with active cooling (cooling mode)





    acTivE coolinGwpl cool

    disTribuTion sysTEms for coolinG opEraTion

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    Distribution systems

    As with heating, sizing the cooling dis-

    tribution system is an essential success

    factor for cooling applications. Particu-

    larly in passive mode, the transfer ca-

    pacity and the associated temperature

    level are restricted. The distribution

    system must be able to maximise the

    effectiveness of the system. Apart from

    thermo-active systems, fan convectorsor ceiling cassettes are commonly used.

    Thermo-active component systems

    Water-bearing pipework that is inte-

    grated in ceilings, walls and floors to

    help create a cosy ambience, gener-

    ally comes under the umbrella term

    Thermo-active component systems.Subject to demand, buildings can be

    heated or cooled by circulating hot or

    cold water through the pipework. The

    large areas that transfer heat or cooling

    enable an effective energy provision

    even at minor temperature differentials

    between the room and the respective

    Hook and loop system

    disTribuTion sysTEms for coolinG opEraTionundErfloor coolinG





    coolinG capaciTiEs of undErfloor HEaTinG sysTEms

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    coolinG capaciTiEs of undErfloor HEaTinG sysTEms

    Underfloor cooling capacity

    A persons capacities suffer severely

    at room temperatures that are too low

    or too high. Comfortable room tem-

    peratures are therefore essential to

    our wellbeing. In most cases, cooling

    systems can ensure very good room

    comfort with only little energy expendi-

    ture. The energy exchange between a

    person and the cooling area predomi-nantly takes the form of radiation. The

    underfloor cooling is therefore a good

    start for a comfortable ambient climate.

    When using an area cooling system,

    the cooling water temperature must

    always be safely above the dew point

    temperature to prevent condensation

    forming on the cooling surfaces. Sub-

    ject to room temperature and humid-ity, the room temperature may only be

    able to be reduced by a few kelvin. For

    example, an underfloor heating system

    with tiled cover and a spacing between

    pipes of 10 cm has a specific cooling

    capacity of 22 W/m. The required room

    12 16 20 24 2814 18 22 26
















    Comfort zone (Leusden & Freymark)





    x Room air temperature TLin C

    y Relative humidity in %

    1 Comfortable

    2 Just comfortable

    3 Uncomfortably humid

    4 Uncomfortably dry


    In some countries such as

    disTribuTion sysTEms

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012








    Ceiling cooling

    Chilled ceilings or wall-embedded

    heating systems are suitable for cooling

    with heat pumps.

    The cooling capacity of cooling ceilings

    is generally higher than underfloor

    heating systems used for cooling. This

    is partially due to the fact that the heat

    transfer to the room is different, and

    that the room temperature should notfall below of 21 C at a height of 0.1 m

    above floor level (ergo underfloor cool-

    ing) for reasons of comfort.

    The principle behind cooling a room via

    pipe banks let into the ceiling is similar

    to cooling via the underfloor heating

    system. Cold water circulates through

    a pipework and thereby extracts heatfrom the room. Ideal application areas

    for chilled ceilings are, for example,

    industrial buildings, shopping centres,

    libraries, offices or banks.

    Commonly, these are buildings with

    high ceilings where ventilation equip-

    Chilled ceiling (thermo-active structural component)

    Comfort Panel





    disTribuTion sysTEmscHillEd cEilinG

    1 Floor covering

    2 Screed

    3 Thermal insulation

    4 Reinforcement

    5 Ceiling

    6 Plaster

    disTribuTion sysTEms for coolinG opEraTion

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012








    Concrete core activation

    If buildings are designed and con-

    structed to be architecturally and phys-

    ically energy optimised, conventional

    refrigeration equipment for cooling the

    building will not be required. Instead,

    cooling can utilise natural heat sinks,

    such as the ground or groundwater.

    Prerequisite for this is that the inherent

    storage capacity of the building can beutilised for balancing temperatures.

    The pipe banks are generally located

    in the statically neutral zones of the

    surfaces surrounding the room, and

    are cast straight into the concrete core

    in meander or spiral form to provide

    core cooling. Frequently used materials

    are plastic or multi-layered compositepipes made from PE or aluminium.

    The pipes have a diameter of 15 to 20

    mm and are laid at centres between 10

    and 30 cm. The water flowing through

    the pipe bank can be used for heating

    or cooling purposes, depending on

    its temperature The pre requisite for


    Benefits of thermo-active structural


    Heating and cooling operation with

    one system

    Concrete core activation





    disTribuTion sysTEms for coolinG opEraTioncorE coolinG

    Disadvantages of thermo-active struc-

    tural systems

    Limited cooling capacity due to re-

    stricted flow temperatures (dew point


    1 Floor covering

    2 Screed

    3 Thermal insulation

    4 Reinforcement

    5 Ceiling

    6 Plaster

    disTribuTion sysTEms for coolinG opEraTion

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    disTribuTion sysTEms for coolinG opEraTionfan convEcTors and cassETTE uniTs

    Fan convector

    Cassette unit


    Fan convectors and cassette units

    Apart from thermo-active systems, fanconvectors or ceiling cassettes are com-

    monly used for cooling buildings. The

    coolant temperatures lie between +7 C

    and +20 C.

    With fan convectors and cassette units,

    the cooling water temperatures can

    be reduced to below the dew point.

    Sensible heat as well as latent heat canbe extracted from the room air through

    the condensate removal.

    The cooling capacity of a fan convec-

    tor or a cassette unit is subject to the

    size, the air flow rate and the coolant


    Where sizing takes the requirements

    of DIN 1946 into account, for example,specific cooling capacities of 30 to

    60 W/m heat exchanger surface are


    The normal equipment sizing for aver-

    age fan stages offers users the op-

    tion of regulating quickly, even when

    coolinG wiTH fan convEcTors

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    coolinG capaciTy

    Cooling operation output details

    Te acTH 20 acTH 40 acTH 50

    pt . 189820 189821 189822

    f tge s me Hgh s me Hgh s me Hgh

    cg te teete c 15/20 15/20 15/20 15/20 15/20 15/20 15/20 15/20 15/20

    Cooling capacity at 23 C room temp. W 285 367 532 532 588 662 680 799 969

    Cooling capacity at 25 C room temp. W 373 510 577 764 865 1036 940 1168 1505

    Cooling capacity at 27 C room temp. W 459 647 747 974 1137 1402 1180 1495 2037

    Cooling capacity at 29 C room temp. W 609 828 968 1291 1370 1747 1583 1947 2551

    Cooling capacity at 31 C room temp. W 833 1121 1289 1786 2054 2464 2186 2712 3564

    Heating operation output details

    Te acTH 20 acTH 40 acTH 50

    pt . 189820 189821 189822

    f tge s me Hgh s me Hgh s me Hgh

    Hetg te teete c 50/40 50/40 50/40 50/40 50/40 50/40 50/40 50/40 50/40

    Heating output at 15 C room temp. W 1600 2185 2780 3255 4570 5065 4955 6270 7250

    Heating output at 18 C room temp. W 1475 2015 2565 3000 4215 4675 4570 5780 6685Heating output at 20 C room temp. W 1405 1915 2440 2855 4015 4450 4350 5500 6365

    Heating output at 22 C room temp. W 1315 1795 2285 2675 3760 4165 4075 5155 5960

    Heating output at 24 C room temp. W 1230 1675 2130 2495 3505 3885 3800 4805 5560

    coolinG wiTH cassETTE uniTs

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    coolinG capaciTy

    Cooling operation output details

    Te ackH 10 ackH 12 ackH 18

    pt . 223441 223442 223443

    f tge s me Hgh s me Hgh s me Hgh

    cg te teete c 15/20 15/20 15/20 15/20 15/20 15/20 15/20 15/20 15/20

    Cooling capacity at 23 C room temp. W 413 435 550 656 691 874 868 915 1158

    Cooling capacity at 25 C room temp. W 563 593 750 894 942 1192 1184 1247 1579

    Cooling capacity at 27 C room temp. W 713 751 950 1133 1193 1510 1500 1580 2000

    Cooling capacity at 29 C room temp. W 863 909 1115 1371 1444 1828 1816 1913 2421

    Cooling capacity at 31 C room temp. W 1013 1067 1350 1609 1695 2146 2132 2245 2842

    Heating operation output details

    Te acTH 10 acTH 12 acTH 18

    pt . 223441 223442 223443

    f tge s me Hgh s me Hgh s me Hgh

    Hetg te teete c 50/40 50/40 50/40 50/40 50/40 50/40 50/40 50/40 50/40

    Heating output at 15 C room temp. W 2505 2689 3684 3411 3662 5016 4325 4643 6360

    Heating output at 18 C room temp. W 2255 2420 3316 3070 3296 4514 3892 4179 5724Heating output at 20 C room temp. W 2088 2241 3070 2842 3051 4180 3604 3869 5300

    Heating output at 22 C room temp. W 1921 2062 2824 2615 2807 3846 3316 3559 4876

    Heating output at 24 C room temp. W 1754 1883 2579 2388 2563 3511 3027 3250 4452

    air | waTEr HEaT pump

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    |ExTErnal insTallaTion

    ExTErnal insTallaTion

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012






    Law of Distance

    Law of Distance: The sound pressure level is reduced by approx. 6 dB(A) if distance L doubles in length.






    LpA2 37 dB(A)

    LpA1 43 dB(A)


    Law of Distance using the WPL 23 A as an example

    sound Emissions

    Acoustic emissions

    In operation, any air | water heat pump

    will generate some noise. To avoid

    discussions with users and neighbours,

    site conditions should be ascertained

    prior to selecting a product. The cor-

    rect calculation of the expected noise

    development is of equal importance.

    This calculation is relatively easy to

    accomplish if the principles of acousticengineering are known and are applied


    A sound, tone or noise are all de-

    scribed as sound. A tone is a single

    constant vibration, whilst a sound is

    several tones laid over each other. A

    noise on the other hand is an irregular

    vibration with many frequencies.

    Sound spreads in the form of mechani-

    cal waves. This can be compared with

    the spread of waves in water. Like on

    calm waters when hit by a stone, waves

    spread in circular motion for as long

    as there is no barrier in the way. The

    ExTErnal insTallaTion

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    sound Emissions

    LW= 10 log

    10dB( )PP



    = sound power level in dB

    P = sound power in W

    P0= standardised reference value in W

    These test procedures are involved and

    must be carried out under laboratory

    conditions. However, since the results

    are independent of ambient influences

    and test distances, the sound power

    level is the ideal comparative value

    for appliances and machines when it

    comes to volume of noise.

    Frequency weighting

    The sound power level is subjected toa frequency weighting in order to take

    the frequency response of human hear-

    ing into account. In various guidelines

    (e.g. TA-Lrm [Germany] as well as in

    general noise protection measures or

    in statutes, A-weighting is the most

    When measuring the sound pressure

    level, the distance from the soundsource as well as structural or measur-

    ing conditions must always be taken

    into consideration. For this, the back-

    ground sound level in the test vicinity

    must also be taken into account oth-

    erwise there would be a risk of traffic

    noise on a main thoroughfare being

    louder than the actual sound source

    to be examined. This could result in a

    false reading.

    In addition, the sound pressure level

    can also be calculated directly from the

    sound power level using the following


    LpA = LWA + 10 log10[ ]Q


    LpA = A - weighted sound pressure level in dB(A)


    A = A - weighted sound power level in dB(A)

    Q = Korrekturfaktor

    d Abstand in m

    approx. 10 dB (from a sound pressure

    level of 40 dB).

    Two sound sources of the same volume


    Two identical sound sources result in

    an increase of the sound power level

    of 3 dB compared to the sound power

    level of a single sound source.

    ExTErnal insTallaTion

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    In Germany, TA-Lrm applies in case of


    The Technische Anleitung zum Schutz

    gegen Lrm (TA-Lrm) [Germany] is

    a general administrative regulation.

    It is designed to protect the general

    public and neighbourhood against

    detrimental environmental influences

    through noise. The TA-Lrm builds the

    foundation for approval processes forcommercial and industrial plant. It is

    not compulsory for detached houses or

    apartment buildings, it is nevertheless

    used as the basis for assessments in

    cases of dispute. If a heat pump system

    or air conditioning unit is sited in the

    garden, a specific limit must not be

    exceeded at the place of immission

    - for example a neighbouring window- subject to the category applied to the

    district (residential area). In built-up

    areas, select a test point that lies 0.5 m

    outside the centre of the open window

    of the area most affected by the noise

    that is to be protected (e.g. bedrooms).

    Country comparison

    In France, regulation N 2006-1099

    dated 31 August 2006 applies to anti-

    noise measures in neighbourhoods.

    This regulation specifies limits between

    ambient noise and the residual noise,

    comprising normal interior and exterior

    noise in a given location.

    lt . b(a)

    Day, 07:00 - 22:00 h 5

    Night, 22:00 - 07:00 h 3


    Observe the standards and

    regulations applicable in your


    Whatare the implications for siting heatpumps outdoors?

    The simplest option of determining

    whether to site a heat pump externally

    in accordance with the local condi-

    tions is to carry out your own calcula-

    tion of the sound pressure level at the

    sound Emissions

    ExTErnal insTallaTion

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    Air routing

    When siting air | water heat pumps

    externally, there are generally no

    problems with routing the airways.

    However, prevent the discharge of cold

    air towards neighbouring properties

    (patios, balconies).

    Prevent air being discharged directly

    towards house or garage walls. Pay

    particular attention to noise pollution.Prior to installation, consider the sound

    propagation, whether towards neigh-

    bouring properties or towards your

    own home.

    Never install the heat pump imme-

    diately adjacent to living rooms or


    Insulate pipe outlets through walls andceilings against structure-borne noise


    Our heat pumps are characterised by

    particularly quiet operation. Never-

    theless, incorrect siting can, under

    unfavourable conditions lead to an

    Acoustic measures

    Lawn areas and shrubs can contribute

    to the reduction of noise. Avoid instal-

    lation on hard floor areas. Large floor

    areas which sound can bounce off can

    act as reflectors and can raise sound

    levels by up to 3 dB(A) compared with

    an installation on insulated floors.

    Direct sound spreadDirect noise spread when install-

    ing a freestanding heat pump can be

    reduced by structural obstacles. Noise

    levels can be reduced by walls, fences,

    palisades etc.

    A sound reduction of 2 dB(A) can be

    achieved with the WPL 13/18/23/33 by

    using a duct silencer.

    Structure-borne noise

    As for all heating systems, the transfer

    of structure-borne sound through heat-

    ing pipes to brickwork and radiators

    should be prevented. Heat pumps





    EnGinEErinG informaTion




    ExTErnal insTallaTion

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012






    2 3 4


    Condensate drain

    Route the condensate drain hose witha steady downward slope out of the

    bottom of the heat pump.

    Drain the condensate via a drain that is

    free from the risk of frost or let it soak

    away over a coarse gravel bed.

    Condensate drain

    1 Ground

    2 Coarse gravel back filling

    3 Concrete slab

    4 Condensate drain

    5 Drainage pipe

    A 10 cm

    B 30 cm

    C 80 cm





    condEnsaTE drain

    air | waTEr HEaT pumpsinTErnal insTallaTion

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    inTErnal insTallaTion

    inTErnal insTallaTionair rouTinG

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    Air routing

    For internal installations, connect the

    air side with flexible air hoses or via air

    ducts and flexible connections routed

    to the outdoors.

    Observe previous information regarding

    sound emissions.

    Limit the velocity at the air intake

    and air discharge to a maximum of

    2 m/s, relative to the unobstructed

    cross-section of the air grille (noise


    Always prevent an air short-circuit

    between the air intake and air dis-

    charge. It would be practical to draw in

    air from around the corner or cross-

    wise. If the intake and discharge are

    at the same level, ensure a minimumdistance of 3 m between them. If

    necessary, provide a separating wall

    or suitable plantings between the air

    intake and the air discharge.

    The weather or bird protection grilles

    should be easily removable for clean

    Cellar in a corner

    The example shows the installation of a

    compact heat pump in a cellar corner.

    Routing the air around a building

    corner effectively prevents air short-

    circuits between discharge and intake


    Size the intake and discharge grilles so

    that the unrestricted cross-section of

    the vent is large enough.

    Cellar separate ducts

    When installing a compact heat pump

    in a cellar, connection of air ducts to

    two cellar light wells on the same side

    of the building is possible, subject to

    the distance between the light wells

    being sufficient to prevent a thermalshort-circuit.

    Protect the air intake and air discharge

    ducts by means of a cover against

    leaves and snowfall.

    Cellar common duct

    air rouTinG





    inTErnal insTallaTioncondEnsaTE drain

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    Condensate drain

    Use a suitable hose as condensatedrain that should be connected to

    the defrost pan connector of the heat


    Route the condensate drain hose with

    a steady downward slope or out to the

    side of the heat pump.

    For heat pumps installed internally,

    route the condensate into a sewer.

    If a condensate pump is used to drain

    off the condensate, set the heat pump

    approx. 100 mm higher, alternatively

    set the condensate pump mounting

    area approx. 100 mm lower.


    Condensate drain

    1 Drain with stench trap

    2 Drain hose with a steady slope

    3 Condensate drain connection





    condEnsaTE drain

    air | waTEr HEaT pumpsEnGinEErinG cHEcklisT

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    EnGinEErinG cHEcklisT

    Design/engineering and installation of air | water heat pumps

    What is the purpose of the heat pump?

    What heat source supplies the heat pump?

    How are the heating surfaces designed? Low temperature heating systems are recommended.

    What is the required heating output? Calculate the heat load.

    Obtain permission from your electricity supply company [if required].

    Determine the operating mode of the heat pump according to the heating system.

    How can the heat pump be integrated easily into the heating pipework?

    Should DHW be heated by the heating heat pump?

    How do I make the power connection?

    Observe general requirements and guidelines.

    Observe conditions on site.

    Air | water heat pumps - external installation

    Where can the heat pump be located? Provide foundations.

    Observe the air routing. Ideally, the air discharge direction should be in line with the main wind direction.

    Ensure that neighbouring properties are not disturbed by noise.

    Maintain minimum clearances to the periphery, and check whether planning permission is required.

    Ensure short line runs.

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    air | waTEr HEaT pumpsproducT ovErviEw

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    Compact convenience

    Design and installation are straightfor-ward with our air | water heat pumps.

    The practical compact design houses

    all components and safety equipment

    together inside a single casing. That

    reduces the overall volume and saves

    valuable space. The air | water heat

    pump uses outdoor air as a heat source

    down to an outside temperature ofapprox. 20 C.

    Between 5 C and 20 C, a small

    electric booster heater switches itself

    on, subject to demand.

    In its different versions, this pro-

    duces sufficient heat for small to large

    houses with a living space of up to

    approx. 720 m.





    producT ovErviEw

    air | waTEr HEaT pumpappliancE TypEs and applicaTions

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    appliancE TypEs and applicaTions

    Appliance types and applications













    itee the g:Detached and two-family houses

    Apartment buildings

    Non-residential buildings

    ste the g g jet:

    New build

    Modernisation, heating flow temperature < 55 C

    Modernisation, heating flow temperature < 70 C

    wth the g t ete:



    Inverter (demand-dependent compressor control)

    DHW heating with a floorstanding cylinder

    DHW heating with a cylinder module 200 l 200 l

    air | waTEr HEaT pumpavailabiliTy

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    at aT au bE bG cH cs da dE EE El Gb us Es ET fi fr Gr Hr Hu id iT il lT lv ma mk na nl no pH pl pT ro ru sk sl sv TH Tr uk za

    WPL 5 N plus x x x x x xWPL 10 ACS x x x x x x x

    WPL 10 AC x x x x x x x

    HSBB 10 AC x x x x x x

    WPL 10 A x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

    WPL 10 I x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

    WPL 10 IK x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

    WPL 13 basic x x x x x x x x

    WPL 20 basic x x x x x x x x

    WPL 13 S x x x xWPL 18 S x x x x

    WPL S x x x x x

    WPL E x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

    WPL cool x x x x x x x x x x x x x

    WPIC x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

    WPL 33 HT x x x x x x

    WPL 34 x x x x x x x x x x x x x

    WPL 47 x x x x x x x x x x x x x

    WPL 57 x x x x x x x x x x x x x



  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    air | waTEr HEaT pumpwpl 5 n plus

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    wpl 5 n plus


    Inverter air | water heat pump with CO2 technology. Consisting of a heat pumpmodule for external installation and a cylinder module for internal installation.

    The control of fan and inverter compressor, as well as the low air resistance of the

    evaporator, enable an extremely low sound power level. The refrigerant circuit is

    hermetically sealed, tested for leaks at the factory and filled with natural refrig-

    erant CO2 (R722). The inverter compressor is regulated subject to demand and

    ensures excellent efficiency. High temperature differentials (e.g. in DHW heating)

    enable high efficiency due to the characteristics of the refrigerant (CO2). Optimum

    utilisation of the effect by regulating cylinder heating using electronically con-

    trolled circulation pumps in the cylinder module. Cylinder module comprising arobust metal casing made from galvanised, powder coated and stove enamelled

    sheet steel. With integral emergency/booster heater for mono heating mode or

    mono energetic heating mode and high DHW temperatures. High DHW con-

    venience through an enamelled 200 l DHW cylinder with external indirect heat

    exchanger and a control unit optimised for the CO2 refrigerant circuit and cylinder

    heating. Controlled via the integral heat pump manager with backlit symbol and

    plain text display. Including two pressure hoses for the hydraulic connection to the

    heating network.

    at ge

    Fully automatic heating wa-


    Heat is extracted from the outdoor air

    set t

    air | waTEr HEaT pump wpl 5n plusspEcificaTion

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012



    wpl 5 n

    Part number 229908

    ott t En 14511

    Output at A-15/W35 (EN 14511) kW 4.30

    Output at A-7/W35 (EN 14511) kW 4.05

    Output at A-7/W55 (EN 14511) kW 2.62

    Heating output at A2/W35 partial load (EN 14511) kW 2.59

    Output at A2/W45 (EN 14511) 2.94

    Heating output at A7/W35 partial load (EN 14511) kW 3.15

    Heating output at A7/W45 partial load (EN 14511) kW 1.54

    Output at A7/W55 (EN 14511) kW 1.85Heating output at A10/W35 partial load (EN 14511) kW 3.58

    Heating output at A20/W55 partial load (EN 14511) kW 1.87

    Hetg tt t En 255

    Output at A-7/W35 ( En 255) kW 4.69

    pe t

    Power consumption, emergency/booster heater kW 8.8

    Max. power consumption, circulation pump, heating side W 70

    Power consumption, fan heating max. kW 0.028

    pe t t En 14511Power consumption at A-15/W35 (EN 14511) kW 2.21

    Power consumption at A-7/W35 (EN 14511) kW 1.87

    Power consumption at A-7/W55 (EN 14511) kW 2.17

    Power consumption at A2/W35 partial load (EN 14511) kW 0.90

    Power consumption at A2/W45 (EN 14511) 1.50

    Power consumption at A7/W35 partial load (EN 14511) kW 0 83

    air | waTEr HEaT pump wpl 5n plusspEcificaTion

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    wpl 5 n

    H t

    Cylinder capacity l 200

    Eet et

    Current (with/without softstarter) A < 5

    Fuse - compressor A 16

    Control circuit fuse A 16

    Emergency/booster heater fuse A 16

    Frequency Hz 50

    Control phases 1/N/PE

    Phases, emergency/booster heater 3/N/PERated control voltage V 230

    Compressor phases 1/N/PE

    Rated compressor voltage V 230

    Rated voltage, emergency/booster heater V 400


    Condenser material 1.4401/Cu

    Defrost method Hot gas bypass

    IP-Rating external unit IP14B

    IP-Rating internal device IP20


    Height mm 690

    Width mm 820

    Depth mm 300

    Height cylinder module mm 1921

    Width cylinder module mm 600

    air | waTEr HEaT pump wpl 5 n pluspErformancE dETails

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    Performance diagram















    X Outside temperature [C]

    Y Heating output [kW]

    1 Flow temperature 35 C; WPL 5 N

    2 Flow temperature 55 C; WPL 5 N

    air | waTEr HEaT pump wpl 5 n plussiTinG

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012



















    e02 d02 c01

    Installation location requirements

    Hydraulic module

    The room in which the appliance is to

    be installed must meet the following


    Free from the risk of frost

    Load-bearing floor.

    Level, even and firm base.

    The room must not be subject to a

    risk of explosions arising from dust,

    gases or vapours.

    When installing the appliance in

    a boiler room together with other

    heating equipment, ensure that the

    operation of the other heating ap-

    pliances will not be impaired.

    In the case of floating screeds,

    recess the screed and the impact

    sound insulation around the instal-

    lation site of the heat pump.

    air | waTEr HEaT pump wpl 5 n plussiTinG

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    Installation location requirements

    Heat pump module

    Maintain the minimum clearances

    towards the building.

    The heat pump module must be

    level (horizontal).

    Wind from the predominant wind

    direction must not blow directly

    onto the fan.

    When selecting the installation

    location, remember that the ap-

    pliance generates noise and cold

    draughts during operation.

    Maintain as small a clearance as

    possible between the heat pump

    module and the hydraulic module

    to keep line losses to a minimum.

    In winter, the heat pump module

    must not be covered with snow

    or be submerged if there is heavy


    Ensure access to the connection



    831 312






    b01 d45

    wpl 5 n


    air | waTEr HEaT pump wpl 5n plusHEaTinG sysTEm connEcTion

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    Heating connection

    Connect the heat pump into the heat-ing water side of heating systems in

    accordance with the standard circuit


    Prior to connecting the heat pump,

    flush out the heating system, check for

    tightness and carefully vent it.

    Observe the correct connection of

    heating flow and return as well as thecorrect pipework cross-section.

    Use the pressure hoses supplied to

    reduce structure-borne noise transmis-

    sion on the water side.

    Carry out thermal insulation in accord-

    ance with the Energy Saving Ordinance


    WPL 5 N plus with hydraulic module

    1 Pipeline copper 22 x 1.0 max. single length 10 m






    air | waTEr HEaT pump wpl 5n plusElEcTrical connEcTion

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    Electrical connection

    B1 Temperature sensor heat pump flowB2 Temperature sensor heat pump return

    T (WW) Temperature sensor DHW

    T (A) Outside temperature sensor

    T (MK) Temperature sensor, mixer circuit

    Fern1 Remote control

    Fern3 Remote control

    H BUS hi h

    EVU Enable signalM(A) Mixer open

    M(Z) Mixer closed

    HKP Heating circuit pump

    QKP Source circuit pump

    Buffer Buffer primary pump

    1 Control circuit 1/N/PE 230V 50HzDomestic electricity meter

    Electrical connection

    You may need to notify your localpower supply utility of the heat pump


    All electrical installation work, par-

    ticularly earthing measures, must be

    carried out in accordance with local and

    national regulations and the require-

    ments of your local power supply

    company.The connection must comply with the

    power connection diagram. For this,

    also observe the installation instruc-

    tions for the heat pump manager.


    air | waTEr HEaT pumpwpl 10 acs

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012



    Air | water heat pump for compact external installation. Internal air routing andthe shape of the plastic vanes of the axial fan ensure a lower sound power level.

    The metal casing is corrosion-protected and made from galvanised and powder

    coated sheet steel with an Alpine White stove enamelled finish. The fan grille,

    the moulded recesses and the cover are made from weather-compensated and

    UV-resistant plastic in Aluminium White. The refrigerant circuit is hermetically

    sealed, tested for leaks at the factory and filled with safety refrigerant R407C. The

    generously sized evaporator raises the heat pump efficiency. The large fin spacing

    of the evaporator provides little air resistance, resulting in sound reduction and

    an optimised defrost function. The 4/2-way valve enables defrosting by reversingthe circuit and the changeover of the refrigerant circuit from heating to cooling

    mode. With integral emergency/booster heater for mono heating mode or mono

    energetic heating mode and high DHW temperatures. An electronic expansion

    valve with bi-flow characteristics and its own control unit and switching via the

    internal heat pump control systems serves to optimise the superheating control

    and thereby achieves an improvement in the COP. Time optimised and energy

    efficient defrosting by reversing the circuit. The condensate pan is heated by the

    refrigera nt circuit to enable efficient defrosting. With integral heat and electricity

    metering via refrigerant circuit data. Including all safety equipment required forthe refrigerant circuit.

    air | waTEr HEaT pump wpl 10 acsspEcificaTion

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    wpl 10 acs wpl 10 ac

    Part number 227995 230236

    ott t En 14511

    Output at A-7/W35 (EN 14511) kW 4.94 4.73

    Output at A2/W35 (EN 14511) kW 6.53 6.39

    Output at A7/W35 (EN 14511) kW 7.72 7.72

    Output at A10/W35 (EN 14511) kW 8.49 8.29

    Heating output at A7/W45 (EN 14511) 7.22 7.22

    Refrigerating capacity at A35/W7 kW 6.39 6.26

    Cooling capacity at A35/W18 kW 9.31 8.96

    pe tPower consumption, emergency/booster heater kW 6.2 8.8

    Power consumption, fan heating max. kW 0.11 0.11

    pe t t En 14511

    Power consumption at A-7/W35 (EN 14511) kW 1.73 1.63

    Power consumption at A2/W35 (EN 14511) kW 1.94 1.90

    Power consumption at A7/W35 (EN 14511) kW 2.05 2.03

    Power consumption at A10/W35 (EN 14511) kW 2.11 2.06

    Power consumption at A7/W45 (EN 14511) 2.26 2.26

    Power consumption - cooling at A35/W7 kW 2.61 2.62Power consumption Cooling at A35/W7 kW 3.26 3.17

    ceet ee t En 14511

    Coefficient of performance at A-7/W35 (EN 14511) 2.86 2.90

    Coefficient of performance at A2/W35 (EN 14511) 3.37 3.36

    Coefficient of performance at A7/W35 (EN 14511) 3.77 3.80

    Coefficient of performance at A10/W35 (EN 14511) 4 02 4 02

    air | waTEr HEaT pump wpl 10 acsspEcificaTion

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    wpl 10 acs wpl 10 ac


    Refrigerant R407 C R407 C

    Flow/return connection G 1 1/4 A G 1 1/4 A

    Defrost method Circuit reversal Circuit reversal

    IP-Rating IP14B IP14B

    Frost protection Yes Yes


    Height mm 900 900

    Width mm 1270 1270

    Depth mm 593 593weght

    Weight kg 120 120


    Refrigerant capacity kg 2.5 2.5

    Flow rate, heating side m/h 1.4 1.4

    Heating flow rate (min.) m/h 0.7 0.7

    Flow rate, heat source side m/h 2300 2300

    Internal pressure differential hPa 180 180

    air | waTEr HEaT pump wpl 10 acssiTinG

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    Connection dimensions, heat pump module









    g01 g02







    air | waTEr HEaT pump wpl 10 acssiTinG

  • 7/21/2019 Heat Pumps Planning File 2012


    Installation location require