heart centered in the chaos ab

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  • 8/6/2019 Heart Centered in the Chaos AB


    How to beHeart Centeredin the Chaos

    Get the Work Life Balance Right

  • 8/6/2019 Heart Centered in the Chaos AB


    Get the Work Life Balance Right

    Fo r in fo rma tion :A llanah Bahnsen - Love Ange lwww.balancedbeing.com.au

    Co ve r artw o rk by Jo hn O 'S ulliv an

    Copyright 2010 Allanah Bahnsen

    Any reproduction, republication or other distribution of this work including without limitation, theduplication, scanning, uploading and making available via the internet or any other means without theexpress permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law and the knowing acquisition of anunauthorised reproduction may subject acquirer to liability. Please purchase an authorised electronic orprint edition of this work and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials.Your support of the author is appreciated.

  • 8/6/2019 Heart Centered in the Chaos AB


    A special message to my readersWelcome, I am AllanahI am thrilled you are ready to read and absorb these valuable new tools andconcepts that will change your mind and heart set about your life. We all wantto feel more fulfilled life, whole as a person as we take our amazing journeys.We all want to FEEL GOOD and to FEEL HAPPY more often. Imagine yourselfwith an abundance of . ..Emotional poise Spiritual awareness Deeper self loveRelaxed strength Peaceful energy Soulful relationshipsBoundless humour Joyful happiness Balanced living and self healingYou don't have to imagine ... this could beyou ...You can live a Heart Centred life, that brings you much JOY and LOVE ... all ittakes to get started is to do exactly what you are doing here ... opening yourheart and mind ... so that you can change your present feelings into a moreharmonious and balanced experience that you consciously create ..

    Yes, you are a creator of your experience of life ... and byRJ choosing this book you are ready for change ... you are readyto live from your heart. Being Heart Centred is a wonderful fullexperience ... it feels like yummy love ... that you have access to,all the time, no matter where you are and what you are doing.Sometimes our minds are so strong and wilful ... (and we do need our minds)that we live disconnected from our hearts. In the chaos of life ... our minds cantake over in logic and reason ... disconnected and looking for deeper meaning.This search and yearning is a spiritual awakening of you.I yearn for your life to be all that you dream and wish it to be. I wish for youharmony, love, passion, light, health and wealth in all areas of your life ... andresourced to live your life in an empowered state.The tools and concepts in this book will empower you to change your mindsetand open up your heart. Energise yourself as you find the balance while livingwith purpose, in love and self empowerment.Love and LightAllanah

    Love and blessings to these beautiful angels:Michelle CampbellAlisha StanleySimone MooreRay ChinnJohn O'Sullivan



  • 8/6/2019 Heart Centered in the Chaos AB


    From my heart to yours, thank-you for your attention. As you havepurchased this eBook ... your time is precious and you are yearning formore balance in your life. My intention is to deliver to you a whole newconcept that will bring harmony, love and fulfilment into your life.

    Work-life balance

    !2 J Allow love toflow through your heartThrough all the commitments, through all the chaosLove will create the balance you desireEveryone wants work-life balance. Being Heart Centred gives you this balance.What you really want is to feel whole, connected to your heart, body, spirit andmind, while living life, no matter what you are doing.The outer balance of work and life is equal to the inner balance of heartand mind.The basic equation looks like this:Work = mind/logicLife = heart/loveWhat we want more of looks like this equation:Work = Balance of Logic & HeartLife = Balance of Logic & HeartThis equation models a balanced life of heart, logic (mind), love, creativity,purpose and meaning.

    The Truth is:" Balance is harmony between doing and being" It is a feeling of connection to our heart, mind and body" It is a feeling of wellbeing

    !2 J We want to feel whole and connected to our heartsand purpose, while our attention is with family, at work or inplay.


  • 8/6/2019 Heart Centered in the Chaos AB


    Switching on the heart brings meaning to your life. Connecting with yourheart's desires aligns you with your purpose while undertaking action.Living Heart Centred in the Chaos ... really means Heart and Joy first. It meansto love what you do, no matter what you do. To bring heart to what you do.The external 'balance' you are after, starts with the 'inner balance' first.Being Heart Centred, gives you energy, almost endless. The human mind getsfatigued after 3 hours of concentration, yet your own heart energy will beinspirational. Your heart energy will fuel you." To feel balanced, feel your own love!" To connect with your heart's desires and passion while taking

    action, gives you the feeling of balance. It energises you!" Heartfelt self love and expression through what you are doing,

    gives your life meaning.

    RJ Inner harmony comes with loving yourself, then manifests intoouter experience of balance. When you are connected to andloving you, everything you do on the outside will be in balance.In forming goals and then the action involved in achieving them, it is so easyto get swept up and carried away by the movement. You can easily forgetyour goals and why you made them. When stress takes over, the mind takesoverits power role. Checking in with your heart regularly, helps you stay balancedand empowered.

    Heart reflections:" Is what I am doing relevant?" What matters to me?" How is this action relevant to my purpose?" Am I keeping myself busy, so I do not have to feel my heart?" Am I keeping myself busy, so I do not have to face how I really feel?" Am I keeping myself busy and in martyr mode to gain outside

    approval, rather than get to know my own true wants and desires?" If I don't feel good about doing something, how can I change my

    state of mind to find a reason, to be happy about?" How can I engage my heart, now into what I am doing?In intense action times, you can have moments of clarity. Clarity does come,even during chaos if you are aware and listening to your heart.Astonishingly, these clarity moments can reveal feelings of guilt or fear as amotivator of your action. If you are acting from a place of fear or guilt, yourheart will have shut down. The pain of not listening to your heart and will feelraw and empty. Resentment will set in and you will run on an 'empty tank'.


  • 8/6/2019 Heart Centered in the Chaos AB


    Surrender the suffering- _The truth is:In the chaos of life we can feel empty oflove and connection toour heart and authentic self..

    The empty feelings are the emotional signposts of your mind-body shaking youto self love more through actions. Your mind-body is giving you 'symptoms' totake notice of and is requiring you to connect to your heart and inner purpose,so you feel more 'balanced'.

    The skill of continual connection to your heart and Inner self while activelyinvolved in work, commitments, tasks and have-to's will give you that feelingof being 'centered' or 'balanced'.When your heart is not being 'heard', it closes up ... and you feel unhappyand unsettled.When we feel out of balance, we are not able to relax. It is unsettling and it feelslike a state of restriction ... if you were able to look at your figurative heart inthat moment, your heart would look shut down, shrivelled and closed.To explain this a little differently as a metaphor;Remember the playground see-saw, the equilibrium to the game, comes whenyou relaxed your body and found your centre. Then the seesaw finds aperfect harmony.So too the balance we are after. .. comes when we make a connection to ourheart, feel our heart and align our purpose with action.

    Reverse panic, overwork and overwhelmentSo how do you start to reverse the panic, overwork and being overwhelmed.Overwhelment is state of being overwhelemed. How do you reconnect withyour JOY?Firstly, surrender the suffering ...! Give up the suffering. Is your attention onsuffering? Recognise you are driving yourself crazy, mentally and emotionallyby the way you are reacting. You have created the life you have and you dohave a choice, to feel what you want to feel now!Your attention = your intention. If your attention is on the suffering, you willcreate a reality of suffering. If you turn your attention to allowing love to flowthrough you, you see, feel and receive more love through your life experience.Heart reflections:" Why am I doing this?" What role I am playing now?" How does this role fit with my inner purpose?" What is the role or action achieving?" How does this work, commitment, task

    fulfil my inner and outer needs?" Is my heart open or am I in my mind?



  • 8/6/2019 Heart Centered in the Chaos AB


    Attention = LOVERecognise you're suffering and wishing this moment could be different andsurrender the feeling of suffering. Reframe what you are doing and why. Resetyour intention from the heart, with clarity and turn the suffering into a feelingof joy as it aligns with your purpose.01ime is a concept which removes us from the present{U-erar ToyeReverse panic around timeSurrender the suffering of time. Time is a mental concept; it is not a feelingof heart. Worrying about time will take you away from your heart.Time is a paradox; Whatever we do takes time but it is always NOWUnderstand the paradox of time, releases you from the pain of time. Whateveryou do takes time, the pain comes when you forget the now and are not presentwithin. The mind's deep seated habit of seeking the future, seeking certainty,seeking security, seeking completion of tasks and of doing and keeps you awayfrom your heart and feeling loved now!01he more you resent what you are doing the more tired and{Udrained you will feelWhen you feel confused and pressured about taking on too much; Check in withyour heart, to feel what your heart wants you to do.Reverse the feeling of panic around time by reversing your emotional state.If you did have time, how would you feel? Relaxed, calm, poised and graceful.Start now engaging those feelings. Be Calm, be poised, act as if you have time.Become now the person you want to be and watch your circumstances changearound you.Also, reverse the feeling of panic around time by reversing this wording:" 'I don't have enough time; to an affirmation of, 'I have time'!2 J Heartfelt affirmations activate the flow of creation


  • 8/6/2019 Heart Centered in the Chaos AB


    AffirmationsThe secret to affirmations is to not only say them but to also feel the meaningof the affirmation as if it has already happened. When we Feel, we switch onthe heart. Use your imagination, first to find a feeling that matches your wordsand to allow that feeling to grow. As the feeling expands, your heart energyis opening.Reverse panic with these affirmations:" I am organised, relaxed and calm." My life is in balance." I love and accept myself." I choose to; 'do this', 'say this', 'participate here', 'be here'." I release the old and allow in the new." I have access to all my inner resources and wisdom." I love what I do." The more I love what I do the more I can do what I love." Use an end of day affirmation: To reframe your reactions and

    responses of the day, to responses that are more Heart Centredin action, replay the movie through your mind, as you drift offto sleep.


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    Reverse overwhelmentOverwhelment is being overwhelmed. It is a feeling of fear that you are notequipped or resourced to handle what is showing up in your reality. Whenthis happens:" Remember you are the creator of your life and your experience.

    Whatever is showing up, you have asked for either by vibration orthought. Relax and let in your future.

    " Change your inner dialogue; choose love over fear. Choose heartover mind.

    " Smiling into your heart, take yourself into your heart: 'I am enough','I do enough'.

    " Treat yourself like your own best friend. What would your bestfriend do and say to you?

    " You can simple shift your attention from being overwhelmed toopening up your heart, taking big breaths that release the feelingand then allow love to flow to you. All parts of you, including thenegative emotions.

    " Bring your attention completely to the present moment and whatyou are doing. Connect in with your heart and become presentto what you are doing now, completely. All the overwhelment andpanic will start to disperse.

    " Believe there is nothing you cannot achieve. Love for yourselfsuspends disbelief!

    The truth is:" Your breath is the most valuable too I..." As your breath wanders, so does your mind." Controlling your breathing quiets the brain noise and creates inner

    peace and serenity." When your breathing is relaxed and rhythmic your mind is calm

    and clear." The breath creates gaps in streams of chaos - in the gaps of

    breath there is space. There is then space for love and spacewithout a thought.


  • 8/6/2019 Heart Centered in the Chaos AB


    YourpurposeOur inner self is craving for meaning ...Our heart wants to contribute love and meaning to our lives throughwhat we do." What matters to you?" What is your purpose?Lack of purpose = lack of inspirationWhat is it that you want? Defining what it is that drives your soul that firesup your passion and is heartfelt, is the desire that will create and sustainyour vision.All great creators, business people, artists and people who have transformedtheir lives transcend the power of the limiting beliefs of the subconscious, aspart of the process of creating what matters the most to them.The very act of creating their dream business, their great relationship, theirwealth, their family culture or aligning with a cause that is heartfelt, naturallyevolves them into becoming the person who can have that dream or achievethat goal.Being on-purpose is much more than a positive attitude, it's being aware fullyof what you are doing and why, connected to the inspiration of your purposewith heart. Engage you mind with the 'why'. Engage you heart with the 'how'.Engage your mind with the 'why'. Keep the mind focused, while your heartforges the path.If you know your purpose, then stay connected to that in your heart, softand nurturing all the way.If you are yet to discover your real purpose, here is one for you to usein the interim:Your outer purpose is the role you are playing in your career, as a parent, careror volunteer. Your inner purpose is in action through the love and joy you bringto the outer role. By sharing your enthusiasm, inspiration, space and grace ofbeing total and present as a whole person, while participating in your outerrole, you will allow your inner purpose to shine and be shared with the world.

    Remember that you are an intrinsic part of the universe; byfulfilling your soul's desires and purpose by creating a lovefilled environment in and outside of you, you are assisting theevolution of consciousness.


  • 8/6/2019 Heart Centered in the Chaos AB


    Discipline o f pleasureTo feel Joy before anything else.The discipline of pleasure is to commit yourself to pleasure moments that liftand light your heart. Choose feeling Joy before anything else.Turn any moment into an opportunity to feel joy and love. Turn resentment andpressure into love by opening up your heart. Don't wait for the weekend or a'day off' to feel good. You can love you right now. In the car, on the freeway, atwork, in meetings, taxing kids around are perfect opportunities to feel, dreamand be captivated by beauty.Out in nature it is easy to be present and alive. Just bring some of that feelingto where you are now. Focus on a moment from the past or in the future andopen up your heart, to feel it now. In nature or on the freeway you can be inyour heart. Choose to be captivated by joy and beauty.In addition, commit to allowing time and space for pleasurable activitiesthat inspire you. Do what it takes to lift and light your heart. What lights upyour heart? What activity lifts you? Is it exercise, dancing, laughing, smiling,spending time with family, making love, playing with pets, music, art, creatingfood? What opens up your heart?Make a commitment to yourself as a discipline of pleasure to regularly topup your energy with activities that open up your heart, then focus on thesepleasurable memories." Look not at the 'what' but at the 'how'. 'How' is always more important than

    the 'what'. Give much more attention to the doing than to the result youwant to achieve through it." Ask yourself, 'How can I self love now, while doing this?'" How can I raise my vibration to feel good now?" Bring Joy to this moment, find a reason and focus on the feeling of Joy.01oving what you do, no matter what it is ...{UWill attract to you more of what you love to do...

    Welcome and smile at the chaosA universal law:Maximum growth occurs at the border of order and chaos.It is through the tension of the have to's we access a deeper love and ourspiritual self by choosing love over fear. In the tension you can go either intofear and away from our heart or towards more love, as you open up your heart.Unawareness of chaos gives rise to fear, which overtakes action, decisionsand thinking patterns which can take you away from self love. Awareness ofuncertainty and then the process of acceptance of the uncertainty will turn intoincreased creativity, alertness and more self love.

    01elcome and smile ... at the chaos as a sign of growth and{Urogress for you and your family ...


  • 8/6/2019 Heart Centered in the Chaos AB


    What is Heart Centered self love?" You have a source of love available to you all the time. It is LOVE.

    It is SELF LOVE." When you come from the heart... you can relax. You can feel loved

    and relaxed all the time, when you are listening to your heart. Yourown heart energy can be a source of strength and stability ... in theintensity of life.

    " The heart is where you can feel your true self and connect to yourpurpose, constantly while you undertake the tasks of life.

    " Even when there is chaos, fear or insecurities, the best way to stayrelaxed through these moments is to feel your heart.

    " Self love is to have loving thoughts, loving feelings while in actionLoving thoughts about who you are and what you are doing.01ow much you connect with this LOVE is up to you.(UAct your way first. Connect with your heart.

    The more we practise being in our heart through our actions, the more naturalthis connection will become.Here are a few ways of staying Heart Centered:" Be present" Be loving with yourself" Be open to feelings and your own insights" Be open to others feelings and insights" Speaking from an open heart" Act in a loving way towards yourself" Act in a loving and compassionate manner towards others" Be willing to hear others" Listening deeply, with an open heart" Letting love flow out of your heart through into your actions" Being true & authentic to how you feel" Speak your truth" Express your feelings" Let go of resentment and grievances" Forgive others from the heart" Forgive yourself from the heart


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    Up skill yourself with these heart switches ...Switch on your heart:" Visualise your heart and 'soften your heart' in anyone moment,

    just like a switch you can turn, from hard and closed, to open andsoft around the edges.

    " To speak from the heart: Bring your hands to your heart,as you speak.

    " Pay attention to your heart; Bring your hands to your heart, feelthe warmth, ask your heart. Ask your heart what it wants andlisten deeply.

    " Expand your breath. The breath creates gaps in the stream of chaosand thinking, notice those gaps. In those gaps are 'love' and the'space' you crave. In acknowledging that space within, you will findmore space on the outside, more time will appear.

    " Controlling your breathing quietens the brain noise and createsinner peace and serenity. When your breathing is relaxed andrhythmical, your mind will clear and be calm.

    " Yell and feel the vibrations of these words: 'I Love what I do!' Sayit with meaning and engage your heart energy to fill up your bodywith warmth and love.

    " Give your fullest attention, to whatever the moment presents." Act creatively with heart, from heart." Traditional proverb: 'You already have everything your heart

    desires' ... nothing is missing: look around you for expressions ofheart and love. They are everywhere when you start putting yourattention on them.

    " Turn a tough day into a richly rewarding experience, not wanting themoment to be any different than it is! Relinquish your wanting forsomething else. Look for a deeper meaning to the circumstances ofthe day. Accept that it is what it is.

    " Choose to love it! Love the experience. Open up to more self loveand compassion in that moment. Let that expand.

    " Heart to heart hugging. Give full body contact hugs that feel safe,warm and opening. Feel your heart, while in the hug embrace.


  • 8/6/2019 Heart Centered in the Chaos AB


    Heart forgiveness meditationForgiveness from the heart is real forgiveness. It releases you fully. Heartfeltforgiveness, releases the layers of pain, hurt and resentment.How to forgive from the heart ..." Let your heart feel a memory of love from the past, present or future (likethat of the unconditional love for a child or pet)." Allow the warmth and buzz of love to move through your body and

    out through your aura." Imagine you can open up your heart, to feel the love more ..." Now that your heart chakra is open ... bring a small version of yourself (like a

    shrink doll) into your heart's energy and feel the love and acceptance." Let your symbolic arms reach around you (the little version) and HUG you.

    Really HUG..." Melt into this ... and exhale fully, to let go of what you have been consciously

    or unconsciously holding onto ..." Now effortlessly forgive yourself, your mind, your sabotages, all the parts of

    you ... all the should's and the guilt... all the emotions. Let it go, let yourselfbe loved by you a little deeper. ..

    " Now shrink the other person in your life or organisation (who is teaching yousomething about yourself) and forgive them ... j ust forgive them for all thatthey do or don't do ... all that hurts you or offends you ...

    " Look for the teaching and meaning that they or this event brings to your lifeand spirit... There is always learning, an opportunity to grow ... always. Eventhe most perceived negative situation has an insight for you.

    " Let the love flow out of your heart and out to them. Release them ... fromthe negative connection they have with you ... A new dawn is coming and theenergy is changing ....

    " Let yourself move through deeper and deeper levels of love now. Love foryourself for your heart, spirit and soul.

    " Breathe. Breathe. Breathe some more.

    Zet ! J 0llr inner self shine to the outer world


  • 8/6/2019 Heart Centered in the Chaos AB


    Mind vs. HeartMind and heart have two different vibrations. In understanding thedifference of the two vibrations and attributes, you give yourself choice andempowerment with knowledge.The mind can have arrow-like focus, a clarity that creates powerful realities.The mind is a powerful tool through which you interpret thoughts, memoriesand feelings. Your thoughts create your reality. Thoughts and emotions areenergy. (Emotions: energy in motion) Negative thoughts create a negativeexperience. Positive thoughts create a positive experience. The mind does notdecipher what is good or bad for you. Your feelings (emotions) are the only trueindicator, as to what is best for you, at any moment in time.The greater quantity of things we do, the more the mind takes over and runs uswithout being conscious of it, then the less connected to our heart we are .....At times the mind will feel like you are going mad. When it is confused, it willfeel heavy. A closed mind will be a reflection of a shut down cold heart. A closedmind will only see what it has already seen and experienced.A shut down heart, is a pain filled heart. Layers of pain can cover your heart. Ifit feels painful to be in your heart, there is pain and self loathing layers of griefthat cover up your core heart essence. Allowing personal and spiritual growthreleases this pain. Grief work is the most important conscious release thatallows your heart to open. If you do not know what you want or your heartfeltdesires or your purpose yet, then continue with the release work throughtherapy and conscious facilitators. Love your journey and your heart, nurturingit all the way.An open mind is a reflection of an open heart.

    01n open loving heart feels opulent. It feels expansive, warm(Uand loving.Signs of a shut down heart in another person ...

    "Rage, impatience






    " They don't want to discuss or talk about emotions" Unstable around others' emotions. They do not want you to feel." They are distracted or change the subject when you reveal your

    deepest desires" Do not like heart orientated conversations or subjectsWhen you recognise a shut down heart, do not take it personally. Keep yourheart open with compassion and love, knowing that a shut down heart alwayshas an opportunity to open. Your conscious awareness and open heart willprovide a beautiful example of empowerment.


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    How to spot a Heart Centered person" A heart based person, will feel like a breath of fresh air." They will be genuine and honest about emotions.

    " A heart based person will affirm and acknowledge you." A Heart centered person wants to know what your heart desires;

    they are interested in how you feel." They listen deeply to your heart and feelings, they engage and love

    heart orientated conversations." They share their own insights and love to hear insights from others.



    "Differences are valued.

    "They speak uplifting language.


    "Takes responsibility.

    "They do not discriminate.


    "Openly share love to all.

    When you say 'No: say it from the heart. Keep yourheart open so the other person you are saying 'No'towill feelloved as you declare your boundaries.


  • 8/6/2019 Heart Centered in the Chaos AB


    In heart reflection ...surrender the suffering" Check in on the purpose - 'Why am I doing this?' Find a heartfelt

    reason for what you are doing?" Welcome and smile at the chaos as a sign of growth and progress in

    you and your family; graciously honour this phase." Be aware of the suffering and the related emotions - Look not at

    the 'what' but at the 'how'. 'How' is always more important than'what'. See if you can give much more attention to the doing thanto the result you want to achieve through it. Ask yourself, 'How canI let love flow through what I am now doing?'

    " Understand the paradox of time; whatever we do takes time butit is always now. The pain comes when we forget the now; it is notpresent within. The mind's deep seated habit of seeking the future,seeking certainty, seeking security, seeking completion of tasksand of doing, keeps us away from our heart and self love now!

    " Discipline of pleasure - feeling joy first before anything else!" Unawareness of chaos can give rise to fear, which overtakes action,

    decisions and thinking patterns. It takes you away from your ownlove. In chaos there is uncertainty. Accept the uncertainty and turnthis energy into increased creativity, alertness and more self love.

    " Declare this statement in full heart energy ... 'I love what I do' -yell it if you have to!

    " Repeat this affirmation: 'The more I love what I do, the more I cando what I love'

    " Be courageous ... stop butting your head against resistance andleave behind the fear and resentment. Turn on your courage andself love. Switch on your heart. Feel compassion for your journeyand get empowered.

    " When you love what you are doing or being, really bring attentionto the moment - then you are alive. Whether in nature or on thefreeway, bring your total attention to the now moment.

    Love and LightAllanah Bahnsen
