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Honest y Preparation Listening-centered a ctivity Reading-centered act

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Page 1: Honesty  PreparationPreparation  Listening-centered activityListening-centered activity  Reading-centered activityReading-centered activity



Listening-centered activity

Reading-centered activity

Page 2: Honesty  PreparationPreparation  Listening-centered activityListening-centered activity  Reading-centered activityReading-centered activity




Page 3: Honesty  PreparationPreparation  Listening-centered activityListening-centered activity  Reading-centered activityReading-centered activity


• Outspoken• Revealing• Incorruptible• Truthful• Upright• Frank• Straightforward• open

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dishonesty• Cheat• Peek• Furtive• Lie• Deceive• Fraud• Sham• Mock• Steal• rumor

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Listening-centered activities

useful phrases• Newborn baby• Wrinkled or bald• Mean-faced• Is it the time of truth?• Look sb. In he eye• She’s a real beauty.• One in a million

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Listening 2

• Is it something than that?• Short of cash• In the habit of • Remind sb. of sth.• Make promise• Have no intention of doing sth.• Be skilled at• Profit from

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In-class Reading

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vt, vi -cated, -cating

1. 放弃;退(位);辞(职)to abdicate one's responsibilities

2. 放弃责任to abdicate the office

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1. 代号;代码,编码 ; 密码• The letter was written in code and

I could not understand it.

2. 规范;礼法 a code of behavior

3. 行为规范 ; 法典;法规• the civil code

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cut down on 减少

• We must cut down on expense in every way.

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Trying to get a handle on scholastic cheating is as frustrating as surveying American eating patterns.(L1)

• get a handle on 理解• eating pattern 饮食模式

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But talk to their teachers, and a very different picture emerges, one that shatters the myths about who cheats and why. ( L7 )

• Picture v.描述• Shatter v. 打破,损害,摧毁

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It is there, they say, that children must be helped to develop enough self-esteem to make occasional failure an un threatening prospect and enough of a sense of right and wrong to overcome the urge to cheat. ( L15 )

urge 1. vt. 驱策,催促;怂恿 a. He urged her to rest. b. When my old friend Brian urged me to accept a cigarette, it was more than I could bear.当我的老朋友布赖恩怂恿我接受一支香烟时 , 我实在熬不住了。 c. He urged its importance 2. .迫切要求;强烈的欲望 I had an urge to see him.

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Perhaps most troubling, teachers and psychologists say, is that it is often the most gifted students, the ones who presumably could get good grades without cheating, who are the worst offenders.

• Offender n.

A. No parking here; offenders will be fined.

B. Tom became an offender against society.

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Poll after poll shows that college students, not just high scholars, are making cheating a way of life.(L32)

Many poll show that not only high school students but also college students are cheating as some thing very common.

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"If I thought he wasn't studying, I might get concerned," she said. "But I can’t lay a guilt trip on a child for cheating--it is too tempting, too common and too much a part of human nature.''

Lay a guilt trip on 使…有罪感

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"Students know there's an unbelievably low probability of two people coming up with the same approach."

come up with

a. She came up with a new idea for increasing sales.

b. He couldn’t come up with

an answer when I asked him why he was late.

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精彩表达• Get a handle on• Watch one’s weight• Overweight folk• Record sales• Shatter the myths• Take root• Moral development• Cut down on• Overcome the urge

• Abdicate the responsibility

• Issue a pamphlet• Ingenious method• Tighten computer

security• Honor code• Apply concept• Serve a dual purposes

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After-class reading

Passage 1 how honest are we?

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dilemma n.

进退两难之境;困境;进退维谷I am in a dilemma whether to do maths or English.

我左右为难,不知是做数学还是写英语。The doctor was in a dilemma as to whether to tell th

e patient the truth about his condition or not.

" 医生进退两难 , 不知道是否该把病人的真实病情告诉他。 "

The ideas of how to help their company get out of d

ilemma occupied the proscenium of his mind.


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adj. 偷偷的;秘密的a furtive glance 偷偷看一眼The man's furtive manner gave rise to the suspicion of the theft among the policemen.

" 那个男人鬼鬼祟祟的样子 , 引起警察怀疑盗窃案是他作的案。 "

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in action adv. 在活动 , 在运转

• The death ray can kill the enemy at a great distance before he goes in action.

• I have never seen the so-called marvelous in action.

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After-class reading

Passage 2 The truth about lying

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concede vt.

-ceded, -ceding

承认(为真或正确) ; 让;让与;容许 ; (比赛)认输a. He conceded us the right to walk through his land.


b. The Liberal Democratic Party conceded defeat as soon as the election results were known.

" 大选结果一揭晓 , 自由民主党只好承认失败。 "

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fake• 1. n. 捏造者;冒牌货,赝品• The teapot looked old but was a recent fake.• " 这把茶壶貌似古董 , 却是一件新近制作的赝品。 "• The painting looked old but was a recent fake. • 这幅画看上去年代久远,实际是最近的一幅赝品。 • 2. adj• 伪造的;捏造的 • 3. faked, faking • 伪造;捏造 • 假装;装做• He faked illness. • 他假装生病。

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back up

• V. 备份• To make additional copies of documents or softwar

e for safekeeping, in case the original copy is accid

entally damaged or destroyed.

• 为了安全保存对文件或软件体多做几份拷贝 , 以便万一在原拷贝件因偶然事故受损或破坏时有备份可用

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carry off

• (成功地)对付;若无其事地对付;轻易地完成 • She carried off her part in the task with no difficulty.

• 她毫不费劲地就完成了任务中自己的一份工作。• 赢得(奖品、荣誉等) • The college team carried off all the prizes of the tabl

e tennis.

• 大学代表队囊括了全部乒乓球比赛的奖项。

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1. carry on继续;连续Carry on reading!

We must carry on till success in spite of the extremely difficult co


尽管条件极端困难 , 我们必须坚持下去 ,直到成功。激动地行动;愚蠢地行动 2. carry on with (与)…调情;与…有暧昧关系 3. carry out 实现;完成;实行carry out one‘s plan 实行自己的计划I have carried out my work.

我已经完成了我的工作。4. carry through 帮(某人)渡过难关; 使(某人)保持勇气His courage will carry him through.


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After-class reading

Passage 3

Is business bluffing ethical?

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n. 断崖 , 绝壁 , 诈骗adj. 绝壁的 , 直率的vt. vi诈骗 ,

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call for

1.call for 需要;要求;值得:to call for bid 招标The occasion calls for a cool head.

这种场合需要冷静的头脑。2. call forth 唤起;引起 ; 振作起3. call off 取消The meeting has been called off.

4. call on拜访号召;呼吁 ; 邀请I'll call on him tomorrow.

5. call up召集;动员 ; 使人想起 (= call upon)

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reflect on

• v. 思考 , 反省 , 怀疑 , 导致 , 责备His selfish conduct reflects on him.

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Quiz:1. If you happen to _____ Pete, remind him that he ow

es me a large sum of money. A. run to B. run down C. run over D. run across

2. You look well after your holiday; you have _____ weight.

A. put on B. put out C. put away D. put up

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3. The government has decided to _____ with its plans to develop the island.

A. go by B. go after

C. go off D. go ahead

4. Don’t worry. If this does not work, there are other methods we can _____.

A. fall behind B. fall through

C. fall out D. fall back on

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5. The board has ____ some rules that every member of the club must follow.

A. take down B. laid down C. put down D. let down

6. I found his article very confusing; he did not ______ the point.

A. take to B. stick to C. see to D. live up to

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7. He did have a lot of facts to _______ his arguments.

A. bring out B. count up

C. back up D. stand out

8. The captain refused to ____ the command of his ship and was killed by the Vikings.

A. hand out B. hand over

C. hand in D. hand down

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9. Mr. Smith ________ the suggestion that some tapes in our lab should be replaced.

A. put down B. put forward

C. put away D. put up

10. The bird flew into the air and was soon ______.

A. out of sight B. at a loss

C. in a hurry D. for good

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11. The stage was bare _________ a piano, a bench, and one empty chair.

A. in addition to B. except for

C. besides D. apart from

12. He doesn’t seem to be able to ________ any enthusiasm for his studies.

A. work up B. figure out

C. turn out D. bring on

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13. To my surprise, at yesterday’s meeting, he again ______ the plan that had been disapproved a week before.

A. brought about B. brought up

C. brought on D. brought in

14. “Anything you say will be ______, and may be used in evidence,” the police officer told him.

A. taken in B. taken down

C. taken on D. taken over

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15. A row of old houses is being __________ to make way for new apartments.

A. pulled up B. pulled on

C. pulled down D. pulled out

16. I will do my best to _________ your expectations.

A. live up to B. live through

C. live with D. live by

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17. He is a skilled worker ________ from his job in Ford Company.

A. laid down B. laid out

C. laid off D. laid aside

18. Once he decided what he wanted, he would ________ it with single-mindedness.

A. go out of B. go after

C. go on with D. go ahead of

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19. They would just ________ for a chat at any odd moment.

A. drop out B. drop in

C. drop off D. drop away

20. The research was _________ when it was getting late.

A. called for B. called off

C. called on D. called up

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21. Would you please ________ these tickets to the students in your class?

A. hand out B. hand down

C. hand over D. hand on

22. She said she was glad the difficulty had been _________.

A. cleared up B. given in

C. pulled up D. opened out

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23. The ropes of the balloon got ____ so that he couldn’t come down again.

A. twisted B. mixed up

C. confused D. messed up

24. The champion won the boxing match by a ________ in the fourth round.

A. put out B. knock out

C. hit out D. cut out

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25. It is time to ________ for tea and have a rest.

A. knock up B. knock down

C. knock off D. knock out

26. When students are sixteen, they can _________ school if they wish.

A. escape B. leave

C. go out of D. put away

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27. He told us to use our dictionaries to ____ anything

we didn’t understand.

A. look out B. look up

C. look for D. look at

28. Will you ___ my essay, please, to find out whether

I made any mistakes?

A. look through B. look around

C. look into D. look up to

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29. To get my travelers’ checks I have to ________ a special check to the Bank for the total amount.

A. make for B. make out

C. make off D. make up

30. I could just see a car in the distance, but I couldn’t _________ what color it was.

A. make out B. look out

C. work out D. get out

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1---5: D A D D C

6---10: C C B B A

11---15: B A B B C

16---20: A C B B B

21---25: A A A B C

26---30: B B A B A