health tips for cna

1 Health Tips For CNA's The health tips for CNAs will help them to take care of their health, which is very important as their work keeps them on their feet for long hours.

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Post on 30-Mar-2016




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The job of a Nurse aid is physically demanding. So they must follow a routine to keep themself healthy and strong.



Health Tips For CNA's

The health tips for CNAs will help them to take care of their health, which is very important as their work keeps them on their feet

for long hours.


One of the challenges that the certified nursing assistants face is that they have to lift heavy weights and also have to bend frequently. This is because they have to frequently help the patients to sit, stand, walk or help them from the wheelchair to the bed and vice versa. During their duty hours, they have to run from one room to another attending the calls of the patients. So if you work as a nurse aide, you should follow some of the health tips for CNAs.


Exercise regularly

If you have to work for long hours and get very less time to sit, then it is very important that you should exercise. The best thing would be to pay attention to your lower back and muscles of your legs. Do not exclude warm-up and stretching as part of your daily exercise. Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes everyday. Doing yoga or stretching will be best for you.


Eat healthy food

That's right; eating the correct food will not just keep you slim, it will increase your immunity to fight disease. As you have to work with sick people, it is very important that you should have a strong immunity level. Have a healthy breakfast that keeps you full and prepares you for a long day ahead. You can have low calorie snacks between meals. Have a light dinner. Keep away foods that have too much sugar, oil, or are high in carbohydrates.


Use correct methods to lift weight

In order to turn a heavy patients or to help them stand up from a wheelchair or bed, you have been provided proper training during your course. It is very important that you follow them, or in the long run, you will start having back problems.


Drink Water

Water flushes out the toxins in our body and helps it to keep fresh and full all day long. It also suppresses your craving for harmful sodas and other beverages loaded with sugar.


The above health tips are simple but effective way to keep fit. If you do not know how to exercise, you can take help from a professional and start today.