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1 as Turbine Combustion System

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Gas Turbine


1Gas Turbine Combustion Systems2About me 2007-Present Solar Turbines Inc., Caterpillar Company 2002-2007 Ph.D. Combustion Science, !", #CSD 2000-2002 General "lectric Global $esearch Center %&&'-2000 .S., !erospace "n(ineerin(, In)ian Institute o* Technolo(y + #ni,ersity o* Stutt(art3 oti,ation to stu)y about In)ustrial Gas Turbines -hat )oes combustor )o. Types o* combustors Desi(n re/uirements Intro)uction to combustion chemistry !lternati,e *uels, pollutants, oscillations Challen(es relate) 0ith ,ariable loa) con)itions4"ner(y 1utloo2 $eport#S D1"5Trend of worlds energy consumption (Data from US Department of Energy)1 Quadrillion1!1"# 1 $TU1%!""&1!' (-orl)3s ener(y re/uirement can lar(ely be classi*ie) into "lectric po0er, transportation ener(y1 Quadrillion $TU)"* Tons +oal or 1T ft' ,atural -as or 1.!* $arrels of crude oil1 $arrel crude oil)/ gallon0%1 -( of energy612rgani3ation of economic cooperation and de4elopmentTrend of worlds electricity consumption (Data from US Department of Energy)5ossil fuels4 Coal, (asoline, )iesel, natural (as an) other petroleum pro)uctsAlternati4e sources of energy4 -in) turbines, solar panels, hy)roelectric, nuclear, (eothermal, ti)al, an) list (oes on5Alternati4e fuels4 "thanol, bio-)iesel, biomass, co2e o,en (as, syn(as, municipal 0aste, lan)*ill (ases, anythin( rottin(5a6or sources o* electricity pro)uction7There is a ,ery 0ell establishe) ener(y in*rastructure base) on *ossil *uels in #S an) across the (lobe. 7uel $eser,es 89:;i*etime 8y: ,000 2?' %>01il &2'0 @0 ?0Gas @&@@ &0 ?0T6e worlds pro4en fossil fuel reser4es and lifetimesThe a),anta(e o* alternati,e *uels is that the eAistin( in*rastructure can be use).Gas turbines in)ustry is (oin( to stay in business *or a lon( time8!bout Solar3s Gas Turbines97ow does t6is story relate wit6 -as Turbines +ombustion systems8Types o* en(ines- Po0er (eneration4 -as Turbines, Steam Turbines, Isentropic eApansion 8in a turbine:>-% Constant pressure heat re6ection19:etrobras# offs6ore $ra3il# :ower generation and crude oil production:ower generation for gas fields in Siberia,atural gas transmission# Desert en4ironment 20Solar3s presence in San Die(o- two, soon to be three, Titan !"#s at $%S&- two Taurus '"#s at S&S$- some recuperated Saturns at land(lls in San )arcos and Santee - a Saturn genset at the *otel &el- a )ercury +" at the ,- hospital- two )ercurys at .ualcomm- two %entaur /"s at the 0alboa 1aval *ospital- a Taurus '" at the %hildren#s *ospital21?ist of companies and t6eir products22232425In)ustrial !ero-)eri,ati,es1,erhaul ;i*e >',000 hours F0,000 hoursBot section inspection '000 hours @000 hours1,erhaul ;i*e 1n-site Gas (enerator remo,al"n(ine 0ei(ht Bea,y Duty ;i(ht7ast start capability 2HDi**erence bet0een Bea,y Duty an) !ero)eri,ati,e Turbines26",olution o* pro)ucts 4 #prates27Per*ormance o* Gas Turbines is limite) by%. Component e**iciencies2. Turbine 0or2in( temperatureCurrent state o* the artPr I F?=%components I '?-&0HTIT I %@?0 J28-hat ma2es Gas Turbines attracti,e *or In)ustrial prime mo,ers.Ad4antages Cery hi(h po0er-to-0ei(ht ratio, compare) to reciprocatin( en(ines Smaller than most reciprocatin( en(ines o* the same po0er ratin( 7e0er mo,in( parts than reciprocatin( en(ines ;o0 operatin( pressures Bi(h operation spee)s ;o0 lubricatin( oil cost an) consumption Bi(h reliability Goes *or F0-?0J hours be*ore *irst o,erhaul. #sually runs *or %00J-F00J hours 8%0E years: li*e cycleDisad4antages Cost is much (reater than *or a similar-siKe) reciprocatin( en(ine since the material must be stron(er an) more heat resistant. achinin( operations are more compleA #sually less e**icient than reciprocatin( en(ines, especially at i)le Delaye) response to chan(es in po0er settin(sThese ma2e GT less suitable *or roa) transport an) helicopters29Some Lasics30-as Turbine components9nlet system Collects an) )irects air into the (as turbine. 1*ten, an air cleaner an) silencer are part o* the inlet system. It is )esi(nate) *or a minimum pressure )rop 0hile maAimiKin( clean air*lo0 into the (as turbine.+ompressor Pro,i)es compression, an), thus, increases the air )ensity *or the combustion process. The hi(her the compression ratio, the hi(her the total (as turbine e**iciency . ;o0 compressor e**iciencies result in hi(h compressor )ischar(e temperatures, there*ore, lo0er (as turbine output po0er.+ombustor !))s heat ener(y to the air*lo0. The output po0er o* the (as turbine is )irectly proportional to the combustor *irin( temperatureM i.e., the combustor is )esi(ne) to increase the air temperature up to the material limits o* the (as turbine 0hile maintainin( a reasonable pressure )rop.31-as :roducer Turbine "Apan)s the air an) absorbs 6ust enou(h ener(y *rom the *lo0 to )ri,e the compressor. The hi(her the (as pro)ucer )ischar(e temperature an) pressure, the more ener(y is a,ailable to )ri,e the po0er turbine, there*ore, creatin( sha*t 0or2.:ower Turbine Con,erts the remainin( *lo0 ener(y *rom the (as pro)ucer into use*ul sha*t output 0or2. The hi(her the temperature )i**erence across the po0er turbine, the more sha*t output po0er is a,ailable.E&6aust System Directs eAhaust *lo0 a0ay *rom the (as turbine inlet. 1*ten a silencer is part o* the eAhaust system. Similar to the inlet system, the eAhaust system is )esi(ne) *or minimum pressure losses.32-hat )ri,es $esearch an) De,elopment 0or2 in Gas Turbines. In %&?03s component e**iciencies In %&&03s emissions In 2%st century it is emissions an) alternati,e *uels Isentropic eApansion 8in a turbine:M hF-h> I mCp8TF-T>:>-% Constant pressure heat re6ection34-as Turbine minCpTin8minEm7:CpToutSha*t po0er m7/$comb35Consi)er Centaur an) ercuryJno0n P ratio I %0TIT I %F?0 JCompressor "**. I 0.'@Turbine "**. I 0.'&Beat eAchan(er e**ecti,eness I 0.'!mbient temperature an) pressure, F00 J, % barSpeci*ic heat Cp I %.00? 2N=J(-JSpeci*ic heat ratio I %.>Calculate 8a: Compressor outlet temperature 8b: Turbine out temperature 8c: Compressor 0or2 8): Turbine 0or2 8e: bac2 0or2 ratio 8*: "**iciency *or i)eal, actual, an) recuperator en(ine367irst ;a04 ( ) ( ) W V V h h Q + + =2122 1 221220Vh h + =Sta(nation enthalpyCompressor 0or2) (1 2 1 2T T c h hp = Turbine 0or2) (4 3 4 3T T c h hp = Beat input) (2 3 2 3T T c h hp = 7or isentropic process( )43112121TTrPPTT= == 37Thermal "**iciency) () ( ) (input energy output net work 2 31 2 4 3T T cT T c T T cpp p = = = 111r

>3"/uipment e**iciencies01 0201'02T TT TC= = 110102 0101 02 PP TT TC = 104 0303 04 03/11P PT T TT'04 0304 03T TT TT= TSProcess %-23 an) F->3 i)ealProcess %-2 an) F-> actual 39%232F>>3TS$ecuperator?@Beat eAchan(er e**ecti,eness02 0402 05T TT T= ) () ( ) (input energy output net work 5 31 2 4 3T T cT T c T T cpp p = = 40Cariation o* Cp 0ith temperature