growing the pie: the importance of asia to nz’s exports

Growing the pie: the importance of Asia to NZ’s exports Presentation to the EPIC NZ conference John Ballingall Deputy Chief Executive 18 May 2012

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Growing the pie: the importance of Asia to NZ’s exports. Presentation to the EPIC NZ conference. John Ballingall Deputy Chief Executive 18 May 2012. Outline. Why NZ needs to lift its exports How Asia helped us through the recession NZ exports are already shifting toward Asia - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Growing the pie: the importance of Asia to NZ’s exports

Growing the pie: the importance of Asia to NZ’s exports

Presentation to the EPIC NZ conference

John BallingallDeputy Chief Executive18 May 2012

Page 2: Growing the pie: the importance of Asia to NZ’s exports



► Why NZ needs to lift its exports► How Asia helped us through the recession► NZ exports are already shifting toward Asia► The shift is expected to continue► On-going NZ opportunities► FTA benefits/risks

Page 3: Growing the pie: the importance of Asia to NZ’s exports


NZ needs to lift its exports

Source: OECD

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Asian demand helped us through GFC

Source: Stats NZ

Contribution to NZ's goods export growth, past 3 years

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Goods trade is shifting to emerging-Asia…

Source: Stats NZ

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…as are exports of services

Source: Stats NZ & Education Counts

through visitor arrivals and international student numbers*

* (2011) Does not include Australian students

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Asia is NZ’s biggest F&B market

Source: Coriolis (2012)

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…and will continue to grow due to

Source: IMF

the region’s rapid growth in income and economic importance

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Demand for NZ exports…

Source: ITC

Page 10: Growing the pie: the importance of Asia to NZ’s exports


…is growing quickly in Asia

Source: ITC

Page 11: Growing the pie: the importance of Asia to NZ’s exports


NZ has a current advantage from FTAs

NZ-China FTAChina tariffs

NZ All others

Milk Powder 0' 10Beef 0+ 12Wool 0* 38Lamb 0+ 15Butter 0= 10

'Eliminated in 2012+Eliminated in 2016

*Country specific tariff quota of 28,941 tonnes=Eliminated in 2017

AANZFTAIndonesia tariffs

NZ All others

Milk Powder 0' 5Frozen Beef 0 5Malt extract 0 5Butter 0 5Fibreboard 0 5

'Eliminated in 2019

Page 12: Growing the pie: the importance of Asia to NZ’s exports



► NZ’s export performance has been lagging► China lessened our burden from the GFC► NZ export patterns are shifting to Asia► The region’s performance will see this continue► Asian demand for NZ’s exports is growing rapidly► FTAs present NZ with a temporary advantage in

some of these markets