grade 8 integrated grade 8 integrated science 2014-2015

1 With Mr. Cipriani, Ms. Spagnoli, and Ms. Clancy DIRECTIONS Please have a parent read over this syllabus with you. First HW assignment is the “4 For” – 4 things to do: 1. Parents, please fill in the contact form (page #2). 2. Parents and student read and fill out the safety contract (page 3); page will be collected next class. 3. Acquire a simple 4 function analog calculator: non-scientific, non-graphing. 4. Read pgs. 1-2 of chapter 1 in the e-Text (also on my web site). Grade 8 Integrated Grade 8 Integrated Science 2014-2015

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With Mr. Cipriani, Ms. Spagnoli, and Ms. Clancy


Please have a parent read over this syllabus with you. First HW assignment is the “4 For” – 4 things to do:

1. Parents, please fill in the contact form (page #2). 2. Parents and student read and fill out the safety contract (page 3); page will

be collected next class. 3. Acquire a simple 4 function analog calculator: non-scientific, non-graphing. 4. Read pgs. 1-2 of chapter 1 in the e-Text (also on my web site).

Grade 8


Grade 8 Integrated Science 2014-2015

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Dear Students, In an effort to provide meaningful and timely communication between home and school, I would like to establish a system that would work for both of us. When communication is effective and we work together on issues as they arise, your child will do better in my class. For me, Email provides the fastest and most consistent form of communication. I check my computer before and after school, and intermittently during the day. I also access my school account via my home computer in the evening until 9 PM. My SchoolWires web site has daily HW and the ‘document vault with all the handouts. My school Email address is: [email protected] I will do my best to respond within 24 hours. (Please Print) Parent/Guardian Name: _________________________ Student Name: _________________________ Period # ______ Your preference for communication with me is: Email: _________________________

Telephone: _________________________ Time/s: ___________________ Note via student General mail delivery address: _________________________ Note in Agenda Other: _________________________

When you communicate with me, please include a brief description of the issue so I can give a specific reply to your concern, Thanks in Advance, Tim Cipriani, Grade 8 I.S.

My presumption is that parents and students have read and will abide by the syllabus as indicated by their signatures on the contact and/or safety contract forms. Special notes, concerns, teacher ‘need to knows’:

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Expectations for 8th Grade Science Classroom Expectations:

You are expected to attend class and be on time with all necessary materials including a notebook or binder, pen/pencil, highlighter, calculator, correcting pen, agenda, homework assignments, and any additional materials I may request. You will not be able to go to your locker to get these things once class has started*

You are expected to be an active participant in class and complete assigned tasks to the best of your abilities. You are expected to follow all school rules and classroom guidelines.

You are expected to take part in creating a classroom environment where everyone can learn effectively. Demonstrating respect and kindness to your classmates will be key ways to contribute to this!

You are expected to put full effort into being successful in this class. Ask for help when you need it! Homework: Homework is assigned regularly each week. Assignments may include reading, outlining, reviewing and practicing concepts, and studying. The more effort you put into your homework, the more successful you will be in this course. Late homework is not eligible for credit. However, you may follow the guidelines for using a homework pass. Attendance: Attendance is vital to your success. If you are absent, you are responsible for meeting with me upon your return regarding classwork and assignments missed. Calling a classmate and checking the course website are also ways to catch up. Attendance is factored in to your classwork grade. This class honors the student handbook policies for make-up work. Test/Quizzes: There will be tests and quizzes throughout the semester. All test dates will be posted in the beginning of a unit, and will receive a study guide. Quizzes may be unannounced and typically do not include a study guide. If you are absent on the day of a test, you are responsible to make the test up the following day after school whether the class meets or not. If you are absent the day prior to a test, you are still responsible for the test. Grading: Grading is based on a total points system and will be listed on the portal by the following categories:

Labs/projects Tests/quizzes Homework/classwork

The point values for assignments in each category will vary due to the complexity of each assignment. The number of assignments in each category will also vary from term to term depending on the topics being taught. Extra Help: Extra help is available Monday-Thursday mornings or after school; Monday and Tuesday. Most Wednesday’s are meetings and I have a club on Thursdays. Please schedule a time or let me know when you are planning on coming! Curriculum: This course is a combination of earth science and physical science concepts. Two themes we will tie in to each unit are energy and forces. Using the course textbook, we will cover the following units in order: 1. The Nature of Science, 2. Energy, 3. The Universe, 4. The Solar System, 5. The Sun-Earth-Moon System, 6. Energy in Earth Systems, 7. The Nature of Matter, and 8. Interactions Between Matter. Beginning in

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May, the class will be spent reviewing concepts from grades 6-8 science to prepare for MCAS. At the end of the year, students will complete a packet designed to help prepare them for Freshman Biology. Each class will also complete an extensive project. Course Website: In an effort to provide you with another resource towards your success in Science, I have a website prepared for your access. On the website you will find homework assignments, classroom expectations, policies, rubrics, test taking strategies, and study guides. You may be asked to complete assignments online through my website. This website is meant to be a tool for you. Use it when you’ve been absent, lost a handout, or want to refer to something covered in class (such as a power point presentation). Please visit the school website and access the teacher pages to find my website. X2 Parent Portal/First Class: This year, you will all be receiving an email address and portal log in from the school. Your parents will have access to the parent portal, and all of your grades for the year will be viewable through this portal. I update the portal at least every two weeks. These will be two ways for you to continue to be successful in class. Use your email to send me a message when you are out sick, or ask a question about a concern you have. You parents will be able to check in on your progress regularly on the portal. For this reason, I will not require signatures on tests or quizzes, nor will I be handing out paper progress reports or report cards. *Should you need a paper progress report for any reason please contact me and request one. Students struggling during any term may receive additional paper reports as well. Late Work -

Late HW is not accepted and will result in zero credit. You may use your HW pass at any time, but must complete the assignment with the HW pass in order to receive credit. HW passes do not expire.

When deadlines are given for an assignment such as a lab or project, they are due in the beginning of class. If you do not meet the deadline, you are subject to lose up to 10 points per day that it is late (including days the class does not meet).

BASIC RULES AND CONSEQUENCES 1. Attempt to promote and maintain a positive and ordered learning environment in our class.

2. Show proper respect to others and their property.

We will not be rude to or put down others.

We will not talk when others are talking.

We will keep our hands and our feet to ourselves.

We will use other people’s property with respect after having asked permission to do so.

3 Exercise proper laboratory safety and responsibility.

We will use laboratory time and equipment in a safe and responsible manner.

We will not leave our station unattended for any reason.

We will participate actively in laboratory and share in our various responsibilities. CONSEQUENCES 1. Three strikes, verbal or otherwise, and you’re out. 2. Third strike equals time out or detention served next day. 3. Sent to office/referral after three strikes.

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IPS Classroom Rights and Responsibilities – Code of Conduct 1. You have the right to an education, but the responsibility to earn one. 2. You have the right to learn, and a responsibility not to interfere with others’ rights to learn (or teach). 3. You have the right to make mistakes, and the responsibility to learn from those mistakes. 4. You have the right to voice your opinion, and the responsibility to listen to the opinions of others. 5. You have the right to your feelings, and the responsibility to care about the feelings of others. 6. You have the right to use the laboratory, and a responsibility to clean up after yourself. 7. You have the right to your own personal space, and the responsibility to respect the space of others. 8. You have the right to dress to impress, but the responsibility to conform to the school dress code. 9. You have the right to be unique, but the responsibility to respect others even though they are



The SLUDGE, is a week-long open lab practical with the write up on the test form due the class after the last day of lab.

Here you are given a beaker containing an unknown mixture of liquids and solids. You and your partner need to (1) come up with a procedure to separate the mixture, (2) identify the components through characteristic properties, and (3) individually fill in the test form detailing your procedures, findings and explaining your conclusions.

Lab time is limited and for experiments; planning and writing is your HW. The lab practical counts as a normal test


1. A one-inch wide heavy-duty three-ring binder. 2. A simple, small, analog calculator: non-scientific, non-graphing. 3. Blue or Black ball point pens for formal writing (other types run if wetted) or work printed on a

computer, and a few #2 pencils for tests and some quizzes (machine graded). Mr. C. is also color-blind and cannot see some lighter colors – especially greens, pinks, silvers, and pastels.

4. A separate folder or binder that does not need come to class to keep your returned work.


1. How do scientists investigate the world around them? 2. How does the universe change over time? 3. Where in the world does the Earth belong? 4. How are the Earth, Sun, and the Moon connected? 5. Does the Earth’s surface change and if so, what are the agents of change? 6. How does the Earth’s atmosphere for the basis of the Earth’s weather and climate? 7. What is the world made up of and how do we identify it? 8. What is Earth’s matter composed of? N/A: Review, MCAS, H.S. Chemistry primer, Lab Final – SLUDGE

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1. Name_________________________ Period:_____ Date: _______________

**Remember the latest deadline is always the class before unit test**

2. What is this “Re-Do”? __________________________________ 3. Remember proper HW standards.

4. For late work, simply attach signed cover sheet.

5. For Re-Do’s: (1) on a fresh piece of white lined paper, (2) correct all your mistakes,

(3) and for each include a brief explanation of WHY your original answer was wrong.

Lastly (4), staple in order: Cover sheet - Redo - Original.

6. Lab Book Redo: (1) Correct all lab book omissions as per lab book grading form, (2)

requires a signed official cover page, (3) stay after school and present corrections in


7. Parent Signature:


I: Re-Do completed on white paper to HW standards,

Corrections made, and explanations given (up to 70%)

II: Re-Do incomplete: answer(s) still incorrect (up to 60%)

III: Re-Do incomplete: explanation(s) not given (up to 60%)

IV: Re-Do incomplete: HW standards not met (up to 60%)

V: Late: correct (up to 60%)

VI: Late, mistakes (up to 50%)

II/III/IV: can be resubmitted for the additional points if within the deadline.

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HOMEWORK STANDARDS – for submitted work

Your Name September 14, 2010

IPS-1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Assignment #1, Chapter 1, #4

4. The answer must be in full sentences, does not use the word

“it,” and echoes the question. If there is math in the problem, the answer is stated in the text as part of the answer.

Your Name September 14, 2013

Period-1,2,3,4,5,6,7 (Assignment)

4. The answer must be in full sentences, does not use the word

“it,” and echoes the question. If there is math in the problem, the answer is stated in the text as part of the answer.

Math line drawn and

math work in margin; if the problem has

numbers then there is math

work to do and show!

Homework assignments are formal written documents. As

such they should meet the following standards:

1. HW is written in pen,

(computers are fine). 2. Use white line paper. 3. No ragged edges. 4. Echo the question. 5. Do not use the word “it.” 6. Use full sentences. 7. If used, math work is shown

to right of the math line. 8. “WHY” is assumed, and

explanations are expected.

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1. In case of a fire?

2. Main gas shut-off?

3. Use of fire blanket?

4. Use of fire extinguishers?

5. In case of an accident/spill/breakage?

6. Use of safety glasses/goggles?

7. Availability/location/use of aprons?

8. Use of Deluge Showers?

9. Knowledge of fire exits?

10. Use of glycerin and lubrication of rubber and glass?

11. Wearing of appropriate clothes/shoes/hair/accessories in laboratory?

12. Movement in and about the laboratory?

13. Use of gas ports and lighting of Bunsen burners?

14. Use of dangerous chemicals and acids?

15. Use of three types of tongs, test tube clamps (two), and racks?

Stop and think….

What would you do?


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Name________________________ IPS____ DATE__________

This free pass entitles the bearer to ONE of the following privileges. Work is

required to be submitted to receive credit. A further pass will be issued for each

quarter. Passes to not expire. Lost passes will not be replaced.

1. Free pass on a Homework Assignment.

2. Free pass on a Pre-Lab or a Post-Lab.

3. Five (5) points on a quiz; may be used after the fact.

4. Five (5) points on a test (must be submitted with the test).

5. Increased Credit on a late assignment.

6. Partial Credit on a late assignment past its deadline.

7. “Corrected” credit (60) on a test/quiz/lab book check past its deadline.

Corrections must still be done.

8. Special/Negotiable.


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