grace alive mar 2014

“Glorifying God through equipping disciples to love and serve our neighbors.” Volume 59 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church MARCH 2014 Grace Alive LENT Season of Preparation

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Grace Alive Monthly Newletter


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“Glorifying God through equipping disciples to love and serve our neighbors.” Volume 59

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church



Season of Preparation

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Grace Alive is available in a PDF format on the church web page at For inquiries, submissions,omissions, and corrections, contact Curt Rosenkranz in the church office. 248-7940 x 113 [email protected]

Grace of ChristPresbyterian Church 9 South 8th AveYakima, WA 98902(509) 248-7940

CALENDARMARCH EVENTSSunday, March 2 Chat with the Elders 10:45a & 12:15p Adult Ed EveryoneSunday, March 2 EP Auction and Dinner (Student Mission Trip) 5:00p Gym EveryoneMonday, March 3 Living Waters Missions Meeting 5:30p Parlor CommitteeMonday, March 3 Fellowship Ministry Team Meeting 6:00p DF Lounge CommitteeTuesday, March 4 All Staff Birthday Lunch 12:00p Parlor All StaffTuesday, March 4 Women’s Ministry Meeting 4:30p Prayer Room CommitteeTuesday, March 4 Adult Education Meeting 7:00p Adult Ed CommitteeWednesday, March 5 Ash Wednesday Soup & Bread Meal 5:30p Gym EveryoneWednesday, March 5 Ash Wednesday Service (Prayer at 6p) 6:30p Sanctuary EveryoneThursday, March 6 Happy Travelers Meeting 1:30p Adult Ed CommitteeThursday, March 6 Senior Adult Ministries Meeting 3:00p Adult Ed CommitteeFriday, March 7 MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) 9:00a Gym MomsFriday, March 7 Preschool Book Fair 8:30a - 12:00p Garden Room EveryoneSaturday, March 8 Ghormley Work Day/Free Lunch!/RSVP All day Ghormley Meadow EveryoneSaturday, March 8 Prayer Shawl Ministry 9:00a Garden Room KnittersSunday, March 9 Kidzone Leader Meeting 11:00a Room 217 Kidzone teachersMonday, March 10 Edith Ferry Circle Potluck 12:00p Parlor WomenMarch 10 - March 14 Preschool Book Fair 8:30a - 12:00p Garden Room EveryoneTuesday, March 11 Worship Ministry Team Meeting 6:00p Room 203 CommitteeTuesday, March 11 Discipleship Ministry Team Meeting 6:00p 2nd Floor Office CommitteeTuesday, March 11 Service Ministry Team Meeting 6:00p Adult Ed CommitteeTuesday, March 11 Business Ministry Team Meeting 7:00p Library CommitteeThursday, March 13 Sacred Messengers 7:00p DF Lounge CommitteeWednesday, March 12 Marriage Class & Dinner - Kick Off (9 weeks) 6:00p/6:30p Garden Rm/ Rm 217 EveryoneFriday, March 14 MOPS Leadership Meeting 9:00a DF Lounge CommitteeFriday, March 14 Cristo Vive Youth Group 6:30p Youth Room YouthFriday, March 14 Women’s Craft Night 6:30p Adult Ed WomenSaturday, March 15 Clothing Exchange 9:00a - 2:00p Gym EveryoneSaturday, March 15 National Day of Prayer Meeting 2:00p DF Lounge CommitteeSunday, March 16 Last Parenting Class 9:30a Gym Tuesday, March 25 Session Dinner and Meeting 6:00p GR and Mid High Wednesday, March 26 Naomi Circle Meeting 10:00a Adult Ed WomenWednesday, March 26 Mabel Swan Ladies Spring Luncheon 12:00p Garden Room Women3/29 - 4/5 Easter Project / Student Mission Trip All week San Francisco HS Kids




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M-W-F Exercisers 9:30a - 10:30a Gym/GR Sr AdultsMonday TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) 10:00a Adult Ed Everyone Overeaters Anonymous 12:00p Adult Ed Everyone Trailseekers 2:30p Gym Al-Anon 5:15p Adult Ed EveryoneTuesday Living a Spirit Led Life Women’s Bible Study 9:15a Gym Women Women in the Word Bible Study 9:45a Parlor WomenWednesday Women of Action (2nd and 4th Wednesdays) 9:30a Chapel Women Men’s Noon Bible Study 12:00n Adult Ed Men Youth Group 6p - 8p Mid-high & Youth Rms 6th-12th Contemporary Worship Rehearsal 6p - 8p Sanctuary Prepare-Enrich Marriage Class 6p - 8p Gym, Room 217 SOAR: School of Spiritual Transformation 5:30p Chapel Soar StudentsThursday Bible Study Fellowship 9:00a Sanctuary Women Temple Choir 7:00p Choir Rm Cristo Vive Music Rehearsal 5:30p - 7:00p Chapel Cristo Vive Cristo Vive Mid-Week Worship Service 7:00p - 8:30p Chapel Cristo Vive SOZO Prayer 5:45p - 9:15p Lounge, Prayer Rm SOZO TeamFriday SOZO Prayer 9:00a - 11:30a Chapel, Prayer Rm SOZO Team


Worship - led Contemporary Worship Team 8:00a & 9:30a Sanctuary EveryoneWorship - led by Temple Choir & Organ 11:00a Sanctuary EveryoneWorship - Cristo Vive (Spanish) 12:15p Chapel EveryoneAdult Ed Bible Class 9:30a Adult Ed AdultsParenting Class (through March 16) 9:30a Gym EveryoneGolden Circle 9:30a Lounge AdultsYouth Sunday School 9:30a Youth Room Gr 6-12KidZone Sunday School 9:30a Classrooms 3yrs thru 5th gr


SERMON SERIES“Blessed? Really?”

Lent is the season of preparation that precedes Easter and the Resurrection of Jesus. To help us prepare this year, we will explore the beginning of the most famous sermon ever preached: Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. In the sermon, Jesus pronounces blessings to His disciples and, in doing so, offers an incredible paradigm shift.

Jesus offers an inverted view of the world. Conditions we would normally view as unfortunate and tragic (to put it lightly), Jesus chooses to lift up, precisely because of their afflictions and emptiness. When you have reached “rock bottom” and have nowhere else to turn, there is Good News! You can always turn to God because He is ready to give you what you need. Through Him, you are given comfort, sustenance, eyes that truly see, present joy, and the assured hope of full membership in God’s future kingdom!

Join us for this next series as we hear and embrace God’s promise that we are, in fact, blessed!

March 9 “The Poor in Spirit and Broken Hearted” Matthew 5:1-2, 3-4

March 16 “The Poor in Power” Matthew 5:1-2, 5

March 23 “The Righteous” Matthew 5:1-2, 6

March 30 “The Merciful” Matthew 5:1-2, 7 3

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COOKIES & CANS Every Sunday morning we serve cookies, coffee and punch during fellowship hours after each service in the Garden Room. Our church family provides the cookies each week. Please bring cookies on the week beginning with the first letter of your last name.

Also consider bringing a donation of non-perishable food items for donation to Calvary Rescue Mission.

March 2 : T-ZMarch 9 : A-FMarch 16 : G-MMarch 23 : N-S

WEBSITEWith the name change, we also have a new website.

Church email addresses are similar to the old [email protected].

Our old website name and email addresses will forward to the new one.

“GOD MOMENTS”We get up, go to work, and interact with the world. We strive to live for Christ as He would want us to in our dealing with the world. Do you have a story about a time when God broke through the events of the day to minister to you, your client, or co-workers? We’d love to share your story.Please email or drop off at the office your “God Moment” story. [email protected]

OPPORTUNITY TO SERVESession is looking to find a volunteer to fill the role of Clerk of Session. If you are interested or would like to suggest someone who might fill the role well, contact John Rasmussen at 952-9614. Requirements: candidate must have previously served as an Elder, and be a current member of our church.


Help! If you, a relative, or acquaintance have a Ghormley memory, particularly an old one, we would love to hear from you.

In preparation for celebrating Camp Ghormley’s 75th Anniversary which will begin in May, we are collecting stories, memories, and interesting facts about the camp and its visitors, past and present. Call Joe Buckley at 509-697-8729 if you have a memory to share.

PRAYER DURING LENTThe Sanctuary will be open for a time of prayer on Fridays during Lent (March 7 through April 11 ) from noon to 2p.Additionally the Sanctuary will be open on Good Friday from noon until 6p on April 18.

ASH WEDNESDAYJoin us to celebrate Ash Wednesday, March 5.5:30p Supper (by donation)6:00p Prayer in the Sanctuary6:30p Service in the SanctuaryChildcare available.

HOLY WEEKMaundy Thursday Service, April 17, 7pGood Friday Prayer, April 18, 12-6pSonRise Service, April 20, 6aEaster Services April 20, 8a, 9:30a, 11aEaster Breakfast 6:45a-11a, in the Gym


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DEVOTIONAL Janet Krieger



“I am leaving you with a gift -- peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give isn’t like the peace the world gives. So don’t be troubled or afraid.” John 14:27

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. If you do this, you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

“. . . I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need.” Philippians 4:12-13

The peace Jesus spoke of does not exist only in the absence of trouble. The peace of Christ is unrelated to our circumstances. It is a deep and abiding peace that dwells within us and is untouched by what happens around us. The peace of Christ is an inner assurance and strengthening that is released by the Holy Spirit. It is the sure knowledge that God sees us and knows every detail of what we are experiencing.

Paul wrote in Philippians of his ability to be content in any circumstance. Paul chose peace despite being shipwrecked, beaten, hungry, thirsty and jailed. What does it look like to choose the peace of Christ as Paul did?

It is acknowledging that God is in control of everything: I am the LORD; there is no other God. I have prepared you, even though you do not know Me, so all the world from east to west will know there is no other God. I am the LORD, and there is no other. I am the One who creates the light and makes the darkness. I am the One who sends good times and bad times. I, the LORD, am the One who does these things. Isaiah 45:5-7

It is knowing you are loved by God and He will see you through every circumstance of life: No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from His love. Death can’t, and life can’t. The angels can’t, and the demons can’t. Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, and even the powers of hell can’t keep God’s love away. Romans 8:37-38

It is surrendering to Him: Jesus replied, “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.” Matthew 22:37

It is walking in the Spirit: But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives, He will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Here there is no conflict with the law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to His cross and crucified them there. If we are living now by the Holy Spirit, let us follow the Holy Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives. Galatians 5:22-25

Living a life of peace is a choice. Pursue peace. Choose to stop in the midst of your life and seek Jesus who has given the gift of peace. Claim His peace and pray it will be revealed in your life.


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Pastor Jack Peebles

Dear Church Family,

“Parents, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:4)

There was an air of desperation in her voice as she pleaded with me. Newly hired as the youth director of a mid-sized church in Texas, this was my very first conversation with a parent. She was at her wits end. She had been waiting for months for the church to hire a new youth director, and now that I was on-site, she wasted no time in coming to see me.

“Thank goodness you are here!” were her first words to me. “I don’t have any energy left. I was ready to find another church.” Not fully understanding her agenda, I asked her to explain what she meant. She went on to clarify that, ever since the last youth director left, she had been overwhelmed with the responsibility of parenting. “Now that you are here, I won’t have to have the tough conversations about God.”

Sometimes slow to comprehend, I bluntly asked her “What exactly do you want me to do?” Incredulous, she offered, “We hired you to raise our kids.” The expression on my face clearly indicated that I wasn’t getting it. She finally said, “You need to tell my kid what to do!”

That conversation occurred over fifteen years ago, yet the challenges of parenthood have only amplified. Raising a child in this day and age can be a daunting task. With the progression of technology that has allowed for greater access to the internet coupled with the chore of balancing school with extracurricular activities, parents of children and youth are increasingly looking for help in raising their families. Many of them are desperate! Sometimes, parents abdicate the responsibility of teaching their children about faith and values, expecting the Church will cover that part. While the Church should have a role in the spiritual development of the children and youth, most youth directors and Sunday school volunteers spend less than an hour a week with the kids, and that’s assuming they come every week!

Here at Grace of Christ, we believe it is not only our calling to minister to and equip the children and youth of the Yakima Valley, but also to equip their parents so that they can be the primary spiritual teachers and leaders in their children’s lives! One of the ways in which we are seeking to live into this calling is through our outreach to parents on Sunday mornings:

Parenting ClassThe parenting class began three years ago as a core priority of our congregation to help the families in our church and community gain the tools and parenting education needed to raise their children in a healthy and faith filled way. Each class offered has had an attendance of anywhere from 50 to 80 participants with a total of 301 different participants since the class began in 2011. Those attending include grandparents who are raising their grandchildren, foster families, parents in recovery from dependencies, parents anticipating the birth of a child and families desiring to better their parenting and grand-parenting skills.

Most of the people who come to our parenting offering on Sunday mornings are visitors, but the class is certainly open to members or covenant partners! It could be the case that you, like that mom I encountered so many years ago, are at your wits end and you are desperate for help. It could also be the case that you have a heart for reaching out to parents and are looking for a way to give of your time by coming alongside this ministry. Either way, I know Shan Trick([email protected]), our Director of Family Ministries, would love to hear from you!

Living and loving for Him,Pastor Jack Peebles


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Pastor Cindy Carter

Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp – Rich Legacy, Future Hope

The recent consultation with Christian Camp Expert, David Black, of Tag Consulting, was deeply needed and proved invaluable. Thank you to all of you who helped by filling out surveys!

What have we learned?• Many people love Camp Ghormley and God has used the camp experiences to deeply impact people’s lives for

generations!• Camp Ghormley has a very dedicated staff.• The primary concerns that surfaced are:

1. Leadership2. Lack of Campers and Guest Groups3. Vision & Equipping the Camp Staff4. Marketing5. Deteriorating Facilities6. Financial Development7. Growing disconnect between the Camp and the Church (not working together to accomplish the Mission to which we have been called)

Where do we go from here?• The Ghormley Commission (which includes several active Elders) and BMT (Business Ministry Team) members will

be sharing the duties and responsibilities of Executive Director with day to day contact with existing Ghormley staff to help focus on the following:o Developing an Interim Director Team with existing camp staff, and providing oversight during the transition.o Modifying the budget, reducing expenses.o Focusing staff efforts on increasing revenue, especially obtaining more guest groups and campers.o Identifying immediate facility needs to improve accommodations.o Improving communication on all levels.

• Long Term Issueso Session working with the Ghormley Commission to clarify the Camp’s Vision and Mission, and to build a closer relationship with the Church.o Develop a new Executive Director job description and carry out a search.o Evaluate the need for a future capital campaign

• Plan and carry out a meaningful 75th Anniversary Year of Ghormley Celebration.

With proper leadership the camp can be a self-sustaining viable ministry!

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

Serving the Lord together with you,

On behalf of Session and the Ghormley Commission

Pastor Cindy Carter


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Jeff Murray

Come to the

Student MinistriesSilent Auctionand Dinner!Sunday, March 2

from 6p-8pTickets $10.00

Two opportunities to financially supportthis year’s student mission trip.

Easter Project

San Fransisco

Kaffee Klatsch is returning at a new time. Join us Friday afternoon for food, fun and fellowship.

The first Kaffee Klatsch of 2014 will be held at the Yakima Valley Museum at 2p, on Friday, March 28. We will meet in the lobby where we will be greeted by our beloved Paul Schafer who will take us back to the Wild West for more adventures with stage coaches. Many of you heard his wonderful first presentation where we learned that stage coach drivers were the super heroes of yesteryear. Those daring men were the envy of every school boy and the secret heart throbs for many a young woman. As the coaches came roaring into town, excitement surged everywhere. This time, he’ll take us even further on that adventure. During this second presentation which is entitled, “Stages in Your Life”, we will be able to see actual stage coaches. Paul will share tidbits about them that will greatly expand your appreciation for early travel in our country. A well-founded historian, he’s also a terrific entertainer. Paul will transport us to another time and place. For this trip you won’t even need to buy a ticket or pay baggage fees to get there!

After his talk we’ll share fellowship over sarsaparilla and sorghum cake just like they did in frontier days. We’ll even have a few cowboy recipes available for you to take home to try. Who knows? You might find that ‘vinegar lemonade’ becomes your new summertime favorite drink. You’ll also leave knowing the meanings of terms like: airtights, hen fruit, swamp seed, Texas butter, and Arbuckle’s axle grease. Just think of the scintillating dinner conversations you can have knowing those kinds of things!

It would help us know how much cake to make if you would sign up at the Connection Center, but y’all come even if you forget to do that. We’ll cut the pieces accordingly. This is going to be a jolly afternoon together and we don’t want you to miss it. Admission to the event is $1.00 for the museum (to be paid at the door not at the Connection Center) and a prayer of gratitude to our dear Lord for letting us live in a time of modern conveniences.

Carolyn Mason


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Things are hopping in the Kingdom of God!Bible studies. Parenting classes. Craft nights. MOPS. More Bible studies! So many people drawing close to the Lord. So many children to minister to. It’s wonderful!

Childcare here at Grace of Christ really goes above and beyond. The staff is amazingly dedicated in their work. However, with all the new requests from attending parents for childcare, we are needing more help. Will you pray, and ask God if He needs YOU to volunteer? Even if it’s only every now and then? Has God given you the gifts of nurturing? A tender heart? Please consider sharing those gifts here.


Have you ever wanted to go on a wild ride with Jesus? I know, you might be thinking, a wild ride? Shouldn’t it be a calm and peaceful ride? Well, we’ve been learning on Thursday nights through a Beth Moore’s Inheritance class that when we ride with Jesus, it’s going to be a WILD RIDE! As we start our WILD RIDE with Jesus, we’ve learned a few things.

Confessions of an Heiress:1. God has made me an heir.2. I am a real, live heir of God and co-heir of Jesus Christ.3. Because I am woman, technically I’m an heiress.4. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.5. As an heiress of God, my life is never left to chance.

Encouraging women to be intentional about their faith.

WOMEN’S MINISTRIES Sheri Rynd & Amae Merrill

Sheri & Amae

For more information contact Monnie Miller in the church office.

So if this has peeked your interest, come join us on Thursday night from 6 to 8p. Even though we are half way through, you’ll still learn a lot from the second half! Come, jump in the car, and let Jesus take us for a WILD RIDE!


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PRESCHOOL Rhonda Cardona

3 Year Old Class Tuesday & Thursday 3 Years old by Sept. 1

4 Year Old Class Monday, Wednesday, Friday 4 Years old by Sept. 1

4 Days a Week Pre-Kindergarten Monday through Thursday 5 Year old by Dec. 31

5 Days a Week Pre-Kindergarten Monday through Friday

5 Years Old by April 30

2014-15 CLASSES OFFERED: 9:00—11:30 A.M.

Nurture your child’s potential and watch your child grow and learn with us. We offer a safe and caring, Christian learning

environment, with experienced teachers using a proven


9 So. 8th Ave., Yakima, WA 98902 Questions? Call or email Rhonda Cardona: 509.248.7940 / [email protected]

Check out our web-site:

Beginning our 29th year of serving our community! A team of dedicated and trained early childhood education teachers prepare your child to succeed in school! Call us, come by to see us and find out why so many families are sending their children here!


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Registration is now open for 2014-15 school year! Call Rhonda at 248-7940 for more information!



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You are invited to theMary McLean Guild of

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

Spring LuncheonGrace of Christ Presbyterian Church Garden Room

Wednesday, March 26, Noon

Guest SpeakerRev. Cindy Carter - Associate Pastor at GCPC

“Girlfriend Time: The Importance of Friends”

Suggested Donation for Lunch $5Mabel Swan Ladies are Welcome as Guests of the Guild

All Women are Welcome to This Luncheon!RSVP by Wednesday, March 19

Church Office 248-7940or your group leader

Hosted by the Mary McLean Guild



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Curt Rosenkranz


New year, new nametags?

We have been planning on printing all new nametags, and what better timing than now with our new church name! Many currently in use are sun-weathered, broken, taped together, and in general look pretty shabby. The racks also hold duplicate nametags, people who have moved away, or passed on into the presence of the Lord. So, in order to make things easier on our volunteers when we replace them, here’s how you can help us get ready.

When you come in on Sunday morning, or for another event, you may find your nametag along with many others on a table in front of the rack where you last left it. Please feel free to use it, and when you are done place it back on the rack on the wall. After a couple weeks, we will remove the unclaimed tags, and move on to another holder.

If somehow your nametag gets lost in the process, or you never had one, please indicate on a Connection Card, or come to the Connection Center to request one. Thanks in advance.

Read a good book lately?For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith virtue; and to virtue, knowledge... 2 Peter 1:5

Have you been to our church library lately? Do you know how to get there?From the south entrance, the way slopes gently down a wide hall with glossy dark tile reflecting glowing colors. Or, from the west doors of the Garden Room right through the David Ferry Lounge. Or, on Sunday mornings, the wooden west doors by the stained glass of Jesus welcoming the children, opens into a wide hall by the Ward Chapel. And there is our library.

The shelves are filled with well-chosen books for study: Bible commentaries, biographies of influential leaders; contemporary and historic books of prayers, meditations, and daily devotionals for men, women, teens and families. There are exciting true-life adventure stories of courageous missionaries. Books and recorded teachings offering wise guidance on: marriage and family, parenting of young ones and teens, elder care, evangelism, dealing with loss and financial planning. You might also enjoy browsing the shelves of uplifting Christian-based fiction for recreational reading.

Rondi Downs, a professional librarian from our congregation, cares for the library and guides volunteers, including Mollie Downs (her daughter), and Anne Mannin. She sorts, selects, categorizes donated books, CDs and DVDs. She regularly orders a few new materials including at least one copy of resources mentioned in Sunday messages and classes offered at our church.

What a treasure we have right here at Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church.

Diana Leonard


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To our Grace of Christ family

Blessings in this New Year and we pray that this letter finds you well!

As this year is quickly passing already, we wanted to update our Yakima family on what has been happening in our world in Battambang, Cambodia!

For us personally as a family we have been incredibly blessed by our newest addition, Gunner Elwood Gustafson, born in Bangkok, Thailand on November 11, 2013! He is doing very well, and is loved by his big sister Lyla (2 years old). We are so thankful for the gift of being parents to two little ones that teach us more about our Father God.

In 2013 Garth finished up and graduated with his Master’s Degree in Biblical Studies from University of the Nations, the training arm of YWAM. He was also ordained as a Pastor through Rural Shepherds Network, a non-denominational network of pastors in unreached areas. We were also able to graduate 8 of our Cambodian Staff with Associate Degrees from University of the Nations in Biblical Studies, and 2 of our Cambodian Leaders were also ordained as Pastors through Rural Shepherds Network.

Our YWAM ministry continues to grow and reach different people and villages in our community as well as the neighboring countries closed to the Gospel--Laos, Vietnam, China and Myanmar. Our full-time staff is now 74, two-thirds of whom are Cambodian. We often feel like we are living in the Book of Acts, seeking to impact every sphere of Cambodian society with the Kingdom of Jesus.

In our efforts to reach one nation in one generation, God called us to seek a permanent location as our growth has YWAM Battambang spread out now operating and living in 17 different buildings, and subject to the whims of our landlords. As we prayed for God’s direction and researched options, in January 2012 we were led to a 13 acre piece of land quite close to the city, and an 88 year old Buddhist landowner who appreciates what we are doing for the youth of his community. We praise God that through generous people like you, we have been able to purchase this property debt-free and secure a permanent location for our ministries.


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As you might imagine, this is a God-sized undertaking—especially for 74 missionaries who already rely on the gracious support of others. Many of you have generously given towards the purchase of the land that will one day be the future ministry location. As we move into our construction phase, we have received $1 Million dollars to implement the infrastructure portion of our campus. GOD IS GREAT!

Our family will be in Yakima in May to share with our Grace of Christ Church family about what God is doing in Cambodia and to fundraise for construction of the buildings that will allow ministry to start at God’s new campus known as YWAM Battambang. We look forward to sharing God’s vision and this incredible opportunity to be a part of making history in Cambodia!

How You Can Pray!• Please pray for wisdom and clear strategy as YWAM Battambang

is strengthening us for effective, empowered ministry to reach the Khmer people for Jesus.

• Please pray for wisdom for our leadership team as we move into the development of the building project.

• Please pray for our church plants across Battambang province.

Ways You Can Help FinanciallyTo partner with us financially you can donate by going to our website: or write a check to Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church, specifically for “Cambodia”.

Lots of Love from Battambang, Cambodia,Garth, Caroline, Lyla and Gunner Gustafson



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“ENRICH YOUR MARRIAGE” Led by Hamilton and Carol Licht, Tyler & Jessica Van Horn, and others.

A community that keeps marriage as a priority.

Wednesdays, March 12 through May 14(no class April 2nd for Spring Break)

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church

6:00p to 6:30p - Family dinner in Garden Room.6:30p to 7:45p - Adult Class upstairs in Room 217.

• Childcare for ages 0-5 (48hr reservation required).• K-5 activities (optional study hall) upstairs in Room 203.• Youth Group for 6th to 12th grades meet in the Gym.

This class is for married couples of all ages, experience and seasons of life.Come and be a part of this nine week class. The class will be based on the PREPARE-ENRICH curriculum that our church community uses for pre-marital and post-marital counseling.

• Explore strength and growth areas • Strengthen communication skills • Identify and manage major stressors • Resolve conflict using the Ten Step Model • Develop a more balanced relationship • Explore family of origin issues • Discuss financial planning and budgeting • Establish personal, couple and family goals • Understand and appreciate personality differences

There will be large group input from a variety of instructors, time for small group conversations, and time for couples to engage in deep communication. For more information or to reserve your seat in class, please call Shan Trick or Tyler Van Horn at 248-7940.

Cost: Prepare & Enrich Online Assessment $35/couple.(paid on the Prepare-Enrich website)16

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GHORMLEYWe're looking forward to a great summer of traveling to the future and back! Join us on this great adventure!

Registration is now available at!Register in full before April 14th to save 10% off your camp fees!

Thank you Mark & Family for 9 wonderful years!God bless you in your new calling.


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ConnectR e g i o n a l g at h e r i n g o f t h e p r e s b y t e r y o f t h e n o r t h w e s t

March 7-8, 2014

At this regional gathering, we are focusing on accountable community which is the 4th core value in ECO. We believe guidance is a corporate spiritual experience. We want to connect leaders to one another in

healthy relationships of accountability, synergy, and care.

F i r s t P r e s b y t e r i a n c h u r c h o f Ta c o m a

The 2014 Regional Gathering of the ECO Presbytery of the Northwest will take place in Tacoma, WA, from Friday, March 7th at 9:00AM to Saturday, March 8th at 3:00PM. Gathering hosted at First Presbyterian Church, 20 Tacoma Ave S, Tacoma, WA 98402.

Registration is $50. To register, go to

A block of hotel rooms are reserved at the Hotel Murano. For reservations, call 866.986.8083 or 253.238.8000

Join the gathering and begin building

relationships within our new presbytery. Discuss

and experience missional affinity groups. Hear and learn from our speakers:

Reverend Earl Palmer

Reverend Anna KentECO Director of Mission

Affinity Groups

F o r M o r e i n f o r m at i o n , c o n ta c t:F i r s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h o f Ta c o m a2 5 3 . 2 7 2 . 3 2 8 618

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SPRINGTIME IN KIDZONEWe are excited to have Deb Wagner back in KidZone helping us prepare for Palm Sunday music. Don’t miss the chance to come to KidZone and learn the fun songs we will sing! CD’s and lyrics will soon be sent home with the kids so they can all practice. • All KidZone classes will sing during worship services on Palm Sunday. • Palm Sunday Rehearsal! April 12, 2014 @ 10:00 in the Sanctuary. This practice is for everyone!

Sonbeams & Cubbies will practice first and K – 5th grades follow at about 10:15. Practice should be over by 11:00. Please come!

Palm Sunday – APRIL 13, 2014• Sonbeams and Cubbies will sing at the 9:30 service only. Please arrive to KidZone class at 9:00 and pick

up at regular time.• K-5th Grade will sing at all 3 services. Please arrive to Kidzone class at 8:15.• Breakfast will be served to all children during the 9:30 KidZone hour.• K-5th Grades will be ready for pick up in their classrooms after they are finished singing, around 11:15.

KidZone Easter Sunday – APRIL 20, 2014Kids will participate in a special Holy Week Treasure Hunt in KidZone. Each child will receive a special container with treasures that tell the story of Holy Week. It’s going to be a fun day for everyone!


Page 20: Grace Alive Mar 2014



17th bi-annual

Saturday, March 15

9:00a - 2:00p

Donations are

appreciated, but

not mandatory.

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church - Gym9 South 8th Ave 248-7940

Bring all donations to church gym

starting Sunday, March 9

Clean, usable CLOTHES for Women, Men, and Children, Games, Books, Toys, & Baby Gear.