grace alive - jan 2014

Grace Alive “Glorifying God through equipping disciples to love and serve our neighbors.” Volume 57 Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church JANUARY 2014

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“Glorifying God through equipping disciples to love and serve our neighbors.” Volume 57

Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church


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Grace Alive is available in a PDF format on the church web page at For inquiries, submissions,omissions, and corrections, contact Curt Rosenkranz in the church office. 248-7940 x 113 [email protected]

Grace of ChristPresbyterian Church 9 South 8th AveYakima, WA 98902(509) 248-7940

CALENDARJanuary EventsWednesday, January 1 Happy New Years Day! Church Closed Today all day EveryoneThursday, January 2 Undecorate Church 11:00a EveryoneThursday, January 2 Happy Travelers Meeting 1:30p Adult Ed CommitteeThursday, January 2 Senior Adult Ministries Meeting 3:00p Adult Ed CommitteeTuesday, January 3 MOPS Creative Moments 9:00a Room 217 MomsMonday, January 6 Living Waters Missions Meeting 5:30p Parlor Monday, January 6 Fellowship Ministry Team Meeting 6:00p Lounge CommitteeWednesday, January 8 Committee on Ministry Meeting 9:00a Adult Ed CommitteeFriday, January 10 MOPS Leadership Meeting 9:00a Lounge Friday, January 10 Craft Night 6:30p Adult Ed WomenSaturday, January 11 Ghormley Work Day/Free Lunch!/RSVP all day Ghormley Meadow EveryoneSaturday, January 11 Prayer Shawl Ministry 9:00a Garden Room KnittersSaturday, January 11 Pursuing God for a Powerful Marriage Class (Jamal Zakhary) 9:00a - 3:00p Rhonda Taylor’s Home WomenSunday, January 12 Easter Project Meeting 11:00a Mid High Rm TeamMonday, January 13 Edith Ferry Circle Potluck 12:00P Parlor WomenTuesday, January 14 Living a Spirit Led Life Bible Study Resumes 9:00a Gym WomenTuesday, January 14 Discipleship Ministry Team Meeting 6:00p Room 203 CommitteeTuesday, January 14 Service Ministry Team Meeting 6:00p Adult Ed CommitteeTuesday, January 14 Worship Ministry Team Meeting 6:00p Parlor CommitteeTuesday, January 14 Business Ministry Team Meeting 7:00p Library CommitteeTuesday, January 14 Sacred Messenger Meeting 7:00p Lounge CommitteeThursday, January 16 Beth Moore - The Inheritance Class 6:00p Adult Ed WomenThursday, January 16 Ghormley Commission 6:30p Adult Ed CommitteeFriday, January 17 MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) 9:00a Gym MomsSaturday, January 18 Walk for Life 1:00p Garden Room EveryoneSunday, January 19 Parenting Class Kick Off (through March 19) 9:30a Gym EveryoneSunday, January 19 Childcare Staff Lunch and Meeting 12:30p Adult Ed StaffSunday, January 19 Cristo Vive Planning Meeting & Potluck 2:00p Lounge Cristo ViveTuesday, January 21 Session Leadership Team Meeting 7:00p Adult Ed CommitteeWednesday, January 22 Naomi Circle Meeting 10:00a Parlor WomenJan 23, 24, 25 Soar Guest Speaker: Theresa Dedmon (Bethel) TBA TBA EveryoneFriday, January 24 MOPS Creative Moments 9:00a Room 217 MomsThursday, January 23 Cristo Vive Family Night 6:30p Lounge FamiliesSaturday, January 25 Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00p Garden Room KnittersSaturday, January 25 National Day of Prayer Meeting 2:00p Lounge CommitteeSunday, January 26 Annual Meeting TBA TBA EveryoneSunday, January 26 Deacon’s Meeting 3:30p Lounge DeaconsMonday, January 27 American Red Cross Blood Drive 10a - 3p Garden Room EveryoneTuesdya, January 28 Session Meeting 6 p.m. Garden Room/Mid High EldersFriday, January 31 MOPS Leadership Recruitment Meeting 9:30a Lounge MomsSunday, February 2 Easter Project Meeting 11:00a Mid High Rm TeamMonday, February 3 Living Waters Missions Meeting 5:30p Parlor TeamTuesday, February 4 Adult Education Meeting 7:00p Adult Ed Committee

Our Core Values• Glorifying God with our best• Pioneering and ongoing outreach• Engaging and nurturing relationships• Being a cornerstone in the community• Equipping people for ministry through

biblical foundation and service


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“Family Values”

Our congregation is now connected to a larger denomination, or church family, called ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians. ECO’s mission is: To build flourishing churches that make disciples of Jesus Christ.

Additionally, ECO has embraced certain core values and these values express how their churches are called to minister and interact with one another and their surrounding communities as they fulfill God’s mission. A wonderful thing about ECO is that our congregation’s mission and core values closely parallel the mission and core values of ECO. Much of what ECO lifts up is consistent with what our church has always valued. In other words, the ECO “DNA” is a match! Join us during this next sermon series as we explore the ECO and Grace of Christ “Family Values.” January 5 “Jesus-shaped Identity” 2 Corinthians 5:16-21

January 12 “Center-focused Spirituality” Matthew 22:36-40

January 19 “Thoughtful Theology” Romans 12:1-2

January 26 “Biblical Integrity” 2 Timothy 3:16-17

M-W-F Exercisers 9:00a-10:00a Gym/GR Sr AdultsMonday TOPS(TakeOffPoundsSensibly) 10:00a AdultEd Everyone OvereatersAnonymous 12:00p AdultEd Everyone Trailseekers 2:30p Gym Al-Anon 5:15p AdultEd EveryoneTuesday LivingaSpiritLedLifeWomen’sBibleStudy 9:15a Gym Women WomenintheWordBibleStudy 9:45a Parlor WomenWednesday WomenofAction(2ndand4thWednesdays)9:30a Chapel Women Men’sNoonBibleStudy 12:00n AdultEd Men ContemporaryWorshipRehearsal 6:00p-8:00p Sanctuary SOAR:SchoolofSpiritualTransformation 5:30p Chapel SoarStudentsThursday BibleStudyFellowship 9:00a Sanctuary Women TempleChoir 7:00p ChoirRm CristoViveMusicRehearsal 5:30p-7:00p Chapel CristoVive CristoViveMid-WeekWorshipService 7:00p-8:30p Chapel CristoVive SOZOPrayer 5:45p-9:15p Lounge,PrayerRm SOZOTeamFriday SOZOPrayer 9:00a-11:30a Chapel,PrayerRm SOZOTeam

Weekday Events

Worship-ledContemporaryWorshipTeam 8:00a&9:30a Sanctuary EveryoneWorship-ledbyTempleChoir&Organ 11:00a Sanctuary EveryoneWorship-CristoVive(Spanish) 12:15p Chapel EveryoneAdultEdBibleClass 9:30a AdultEdAdultsParentingClass(Jan19-Mar16) 9:30a Gym EveryoneGoldenCircle 9:30a Lounge AdultsYouthSundaySchool 9:30a YouthRoom Gr6-12KidZoneSundaySchool 9:30a Classrooms 3yrsthru5thgr

Sunday Mornings



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COOKIES & CANS Every Sunday morning we serve cookies, coffee and punch during fellowship hours after each service in the Garden Room. Our church family provides the cookies each week. Please bring cookies on the week beginning with the first letter of your last name.

Also consider bringing a donation of non-perishable food items for donation to Calvary Rescue Mission.


BLOOD DRIVEJanuary 27, 10a-3pCongratulations, Grace of Christ – we were presented with a plaque and certificate awarding us as the “October Blood Drive of the Month” for Yakima American Red Cross! Great support for American Red Cross from our congregation and neighbors! Let’s keep the momentum as we enter the new year and host our first 2014 Blood Drive on January 27. We want 40 people to donate blood at this drive; will you help? Make an appointment in church office, at Connection Center or call Ericka, 248-7940.

Other ways to help:• Bring cookies, or help make sandwiches

(let Ericka know you want to do this!)• Sign in donors during drive (shifts

available at Connection Center or in church office)

SAVE THE DATE - Annual MeetingJanuary 26Mark your calendar for the evening of Sunday, January 26 when our congregation will gather for our first annual meeting as an ECO body. Details of the evening are being established as this is being written in mid December. Keep an eye on our web site,

“Walk For life” RelayYou are invited to The 2014 Central Washington Walk-For-Life which is an intra-denominational event that begins in the Sanctuary of Grace of Christ

Contact: Ericka Clark 248-7940 -- Thank you for your support! (And your blood donation!)

Interested in becoming a member?Classes will be offered for membership (Covenant Partner) here at Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church in February, May, and October. For more information contact Jana Alderman at 248-7940 or email at [email protected]

Church, Saturday, January 18 @ 1p. The life-affirming walk is sponsored by Image Point Mobile Medical Services a nonprofit outreach ministry dedicated to serving abortion vulnerable women and their unborn children with ultrasound technology. The walk is about honoring the memory of the 58 million unborn children that have lost their lives to abortion since 1973 in America. For more information contact Lynette Lindemann (509) 930-1380

church bulletin, and announcements for specifics of the evening. “Thirst-No-More” will share their musical gifts and their mission to the Yakima jails as a part of the evening.


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Grace Of Christ

From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. John 1:16-17

I always thank God for you because of His grace given you in Christ Jesus. 1 Corinthians 1:4

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--Ephesians 2:8

Grace is a gift—the unearned favor and love of God given to an undeserving people. It has nothing to do with who we are or what we do. The amazing thing about grace is that it requires no action on our part other than to simply receive it. We don’t need to earn it and we don’t need to work for it. Grace comes entirely from Him and it is given abundantly. God’s grace is given not only at our moment of salvation but it is grace that sustains our very walk with Him; grace is the gift that keeps on giving.

Therefore, since we have been made right in God's sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of highest privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God's glory. Romans 5:1-2 This is our life right now, today, in our Lord Jesus Christ. We stand moment by moment in the power of His grace.

It is grace that enables us to reign in this life . . . The sin of this one man, Adam, caused death to rule over us, but all who receive God's wonderful, gracious gift of righteousness will live in triumph over sin and death through this one man, Jesus Christ. Romans 5:17

It is grace that He invites us to pursue . . . That is why we have a great High Priest who has gone to heaven, Jesus the Son of God. Let us cling to Him and never stop trusting Him. This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for He faced all of the same temptations we do, yet He did not sin. So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive His mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it. Hebrews 4:14-16

Live by His grace. Depend on God to give you grace to live each day for Him . . . But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you . . .” 2 Corinthians 2:9

It is His grace that changes our lives from the inside out. It is from the perspective of God’s grace that we can see ourselves and others as sons and daughters of The King. Let what you say and do express the grace of God in your life.

Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them. And do not bring sorrow to God's Holy Spirit by the way you live. Remember, He is the one who has identified you as His own, guaranteeing that you will be saved on the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of malicious behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you. Ephesians 4:29-32


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Dear Grace of Christ Church Family

2014 has arrived! Traditionally, this is the time of year when people set for themselves their New Year’s resolutions. I recently read that the practice of making New Year’s resolutions goes back over 3,000 years to the ancient Babylonians. I had no idea!

Common resolutions are commitments to quit smoking, stop drinking, manage money more wisely, and spend more time with family. By far, the most common New Year’s resolution is to lose weight, in conjunction with exercising more and eating healthier foods. Thus, the vast majority of New Year’s resolutions (even among Christians) are regarding physical things. During this time of year I will occasionally get the question, “WhatkindofNewYear’sResolutionsshoulddisciplesofJesusmake?” In offering an answer to this question, I’d like to challenge you to think about some spiritual goals for you and your family.

Many Christians make New Year’s resolutions to pray more, read the Bible every day, and attend church more regularly. While these are fantastic goals, they fail just as often as the non-spiritual resolutions. The reason why? Simply put, there is no power in a New Year’s resolution. Resolving to start or stop doing a certain activity has no value unless you have the proper motivation/purpose for stopping or starting that activity. For example, why do you want to read the Bible every day? Is it to honor God and grow spiritually, or is it because you have just heard that it is a good thing to do? Why do you want to lose weight? Is it to honor God with your body, or is it for vanity and to honor yourself? Richard Foster writes that the stopping or starting of a certain activity (discipline) can allow us to “place ourselves before God so that He can transform us.” (Celebration of Discipline, page 6.) This, more than anything, should be the intention behind our resolutions!

John 15:5 declares, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” If God is the foundation for your New Year’s resolution, it has a good chance for success. If it is God’s will for something to be fulfilled, He will enable you to fulfill it. If a resolution is not God-honoring and/or is not in agreement in God’s Word, we will not receive God’s help in fulfilling the resolution.

So, what sort of New Year’s resolution should a disciple of Jesus make? I recently came across the following list. I don’t know the author, but thought it was worth sharing. I offer it for your consideration:

1. PraytotheLordforwisdom(James1:5)inregardstowhatresolutions,ifany,Hewouldhaveyoumake.2. PrayforwisdomastohowtofulfillthegoalsGodgivesyou.3. RelyonGod’sstrengthtohelpyou(Philippians4:13).4. Findanaccountabilitypartnerorgroupwhowillhelpyouandencourageyou.5. Don’tbecomediscouragedwithoccasionalfailures.Instead,allowthemtomotivateyoufurther.6. Don’tbecomeproudorvain,butgiveGodtheglory.


Psalm 37:5-6 says, “Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and He will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.”

May God bless you and your family with more of His presence and peace in 2014!

Living and loving for Him,


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One of my privileges as Associate Pastor of Administration and Pastoral Care is that of working with our Deacons.

Who are the Deacons at Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church? And what do they do??

Deacons lead ministries that nurture fellowship and caregiving within and beyond the congregation. Our Deacons here at Grace of Christ have a variety of responsibilities in caring for our congregation, including:

• Visiting our people who are in the hospital.

• Connecting regularly with an assigned “home-centered parishioner” who is no longer, or rarely, able to be involved in the worship service and/or regular activities of the congregation.

• Deliver communion to their home centered parishioner, if desired.

• Serve on one of three ministries:

1. Union Gospel Mission, providing a Friday evening worship service once every quarter.2. Communion, preparation of the elements, set-up and clean-up on Communion Sundays (1st Sunday of

even months).3. Funeral Hospitality: work with the family to provide desired refreshments or a meal for the memorial

service at the church, including set-up, serving, and clean up. • Attend monthly Deacon meetings.

In addition, Deacons also diligently strive to develop:

o A closer personal relationship with Jesus Christ through scripture study, prayer, and meaningful relationships with brothers and sisters in the Lord.

o A growing commitment to the mission of the church and an active participation in it.o A growing commitment to support the finances of the church.

Deacons are elected by the congregation for two-year terms, and can be re-elected for up to six years total before needing to take a year off. Our Deacons have a wonderful history of serving faithfully in this congregation, representing our church and sharing the love and care of our Lord Jesus.

Who are our current Deacons, you might ask?

Pastor Cindy Carter

Antonio, Ben Arkills, Patty Bartelli, Ellen Bartelli, Lou Bernd, DougBordeaux, BarbBriere, BeckyBuchanan, Cathy Camarena, Cruz Carey, DianeCarvajal, Amira

Carvajal P, Jorge Clements, MariettaDavis, Lyndal Elder, Betty Fannin, Capri Guske, WendyHandy, Larry Handy, Sharon Hanks, Dexter Hanks, Lois Kim, Sam

King, RonKing, Sharren Jacobson, CarolLarsen, Rick MacKenzie, Charlotte Marble, Marlyn Park, Pat Rowland, Sandy Sagare, JoyceSentz, Jean

Steere, Peggy Strother, PhyllisSundquist, CarolineSundquist, Craig Volker, Anita Volker, Kurt Weber, Jake Wilson, Carolyn Wilson, Doyle

Thank you also to Arlene Altena, Judy Fuchs, Joe & Lynn Harlington, and Garey & Judy Rolstad, who just completed their terms. Remember to say thank you to one of your Deacons!

Have a Blessed New Year!


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STUDENTSIcatchmyselfwonderingwhen exactly it is that I will become an adult (it’s hard not to when you spend as much time playing as I get to). So many of my attitudes and actions were shaped by who I was as a teenager that I sometimes forget how much I’ve grown up and changed.

It’s difficult to define exactly what the transition from adolescence to adulthood means. The lines get blurrier when you meet students who carry adult responsibilities (such as being the primary male figure in the household and assisting in raising other kids or generating household income). One of the definitive markers of an adult (in my opinion) is helping to raise young ones. Even without kids of my own, I look to my responsibility for those younger than I. What makes me an adult? It’s not age (since acting like an adolescent isn’t restricted to teenagers). Its taking responsibility and initiative to help raise the young ones.

Our legacy as a church is preserved in the hearts of our youth. They are making so many important decisions – long before they feel ready. We know that most Christians decide to follow Jesus when they are still teenagers. They aren’t being convinced through apologetics. The evidence that demands a verdict sits on the library shelf collecting dust, still verdictless despite all its demands. However, they are curious. They are curious about a God who loves them, despite their guilt. They are curious about a Jesus who heals them. And they are very curious about a church that wants them, feeds them and cares about them. Let us continue to be that church.

Contact me if you’d like to:• Volunteer in the kitchen some Wednesday nights• Host a meal for the youth group• Assist in coordinating youth events• Lead a Small Group• Teach Sunday School

We need your help to accomplish our mission. Peace in Jesus Christ,




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Another year has quickly passed. As I reflect on the many blessings we have received in 2013, and look forward to the New Year, I can’t help but think about all that God has done. Through both the good, and the challenging times, God has consistently led this church into deeper faith and understanding of what it means to be a true follower of Jesus. Thank you for all you have done to support FPC, now GCPC, through your time, talents, and gifts. We in the children’s department are overwhelmed by your generosity and support. This Christmas you were especially evident by your support of Operation Christmas Child, Salvation Army Giving Tree, Child-Sized Christmas service, preschool fundraisers and programs, adopting families in the valley, and bringing the love of Jesus in a variety of ways to people within and outside the walls of this church. You are the grace of Christ, living and breathing in the lives of people every day. We give thanks to you and glory to God for all you have done.

God bless you and may the love of Jesus fill your homes and lives in 2014.

CHILDREN Susie Woodin


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PRESCHOOL Rhonda Cardona


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Cheers (Yay, God!) to all of the 150 new volunteers who have given of their time, resources, hearts to the Madison House community during this first half of our Year of Celebration and partnership. Cheers (Yay, God!) to the 20 weekly volunteers who provide tutoring and activities week after week to whichever kids show up. Cheers (Yay, God!) to the small groups who have sponsored Friday night parties for the Madison House kids. Cheers (Yay, God!) to all of you who have invisibly and visibly prayed for the ongoing ministry at Madison House.

We also have a lot to look forward to in this new year! God is still mightily at work at Madison House! He is at work transforming the kids' lives. He is at work giving His wisdom and grace to the staff. He is at work giving fresh life-perspective and endurance to the volunteers.

As we persevere into the last third of our Year of Celebration, we are praying for:

• Continued breakthroughs in reaching the parents of the MH kids for Christ

• More volunteer help administratively with everyday operational needs

• The expansion of counseling & mentorship relationships among volunteers and MH kids

Will you join us as we trust God for these things? Will you join us as we step out in faith to be an answer to these prayers?



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WOMEN’SMINISTRIESEncouraging women to be intentional about their faith.

On Wednesday, December 4, the Presbyterian Women held their yearly Christmas Tea. This beautiful tradition was tremendously enjoyed by women of our church. The President of our Presbyterian Women’s Association, Chris Leverett, has organized this tea and many other events for over thirteen years. Before she became president of Presbyterian Women, Chris had joined Naomi Circle as a way to become involved in First Presbyterian Church eighteen years ago. Presbyterian Women is an independent organization within the Presbyterian Church (USA) of more than 300,000 women. Presbyterian Women offers women in the church meaningful ways to live out their faith in the midst of a caring community of women. For more than 200 years Presbyterian women’s groups have strengthened the Presbyterian Church and played a major role in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and witnessing to the promise of God’s kingdom. Chris Leverett has been at the helm of this organization of caring, praying women here at GCPC. Although Chris attended First Presbyterian Church from 4th grade on, she moved from Yakima after meeting her soon-to-be husband Jim. They made a few moves after Jim returned from the military and finally settled in Chehalis. It was in Chehalis where Chris became involved in Presbyterian Women and started going to many of the nationwide church gatherings held all over United States every three years. Chris will no longer be President of Presbyterian Women at Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church in Yakima because our church is no longer affiliated with the Presbyterian Church USA. However, she will continue to nurture faith in women in our church through prayer, fellowship, friendship and Bible study. Chris, we so appreciate your caring spirit and belief in our church community. Continue to enjoy your ministry in the church, your marriage of 60 years and your three beautiful and talented granddaughters.

We love you, Chris!



Sheri & Amae12

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What do you get when you put a group of praying women, sitting together in the prayer room at Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church? Miracles, laughter, many blessings and, of course, Ericka Clark leading the group! For over two years Ericka has led the Women’s Ministry team through changes, challenges and cherished times. Under her leadership we have seen women come to Christ through our Women’s retreats, our classes and our special events. Ericka has encouraged all the members of the Women’s Ministry Team to go into listening prayer for every decision made by the team. There have been many times when we would gather together praying for guidance, would have to leave our meeting without knowing God’s will at the time, only to have our prayers answered later in amazing ways. Under Ericka’s gentle encouragement and God’s great power, many women of the church have found life-changing experiences through fellowship with other women. After much prayer Ericka has decided to pass on her leadership in Women’s Ministry to another person. Knowing that God will continue to bless this ministry, we are looking forward to discovering who our new leader will be. Needless to say, Ericka will continue her tremendous ministry in the office of Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church, where many people come to her for comfort, words of wisdom (and, of course, words of goofiness) and prayer. Ericka also will continue being involved with the prayer chain, teaching classes and enjoying Bible study. ERICKA IS ONE AMAZING LADY!


Sheri & Amae

Curt Rosenkranz



We have been planning on printing all new nametags, and what better timing than now with our new name! Many currently in use are sun-weathered, broken, taped together, and in general look pretty shabby. The racks also hold duplicate nametags, people who have moved away, or passed on into the presence of the Lord. So, in order to make things easier on our volunteers when we replace them, here’s how you can help us get ready.

When you come in on Sunday Morning, or for another event, you may find your nametag along with many others on a table in front of the rack where you last left it. Please feel free to use it, and when you are done place it back on the rack on the wall. After a couple weeks, we will remove the unclaimed tags, and move on to another holder.

If somehow your nametag gets lost in the process, or you never had one, please indicate on a Connection Card, or come to the Connection Center to request one. If all goes well, we should have everything sorted and printed by the end of February. Thanks in advance.


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We are pleased to welcome Mary Pleger who will lead parenting class this winter quarter. Mary is a lifetime resident of Yakima. She has been married for twenty-eight years and has raised three children, twin sons who are twenty-four and a daughter who is twenty years old. Mary works for Catholic Family & Child Service as a Kinship Navigator and has been there for twenty years. She also teaches a parenting class at Sundown M. Ranch. Mary has taught parenting class for eighteen years in the Yakima area. She received her Bachelors degree in Community Health in 1983 from Central Washington University.


Peaceful Parenting

How to Manage Conflict, Set Boundaries and Discipline our Children in a Firm, Loving Way.

Sundays January 19-March 16from 9:30 to 10:45

in the Gym

Topicsinclude:• Understanding the Child’s Behavior• How to Develop Empathy in Your Child• The Power of Praise• What Makes My Child Unique and How Do I Honor That• What is My Parenting Style• Barriers and Builders to Communicating with My Child

A wonderful program is available for your preK-5th graders, and childcare for babies

and kids who aren’t yet potty trained. Please welcome our class instructor: Mary Pleger

Shan Trick


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YakimaValleyLivingWatersWe are excited to share about the upcoming mission trips happening with the Yakima Valley Living Waters (YVLW) team. Currently there are two trips planned this winter/spring. The first group will be going to Guatemala in February. They will be doing a survey of several sites for future water treatment systems installations. This marks the beginning of the YVLW work in Guatemala.

Another group from YVLW will be going to Mani, Yucatan, Mexico in March. Fundraising is underway to allow for an installation of a reverse osmosis filtration system at the Presbyterian church in Mani. Along with installing a water system, the YVLW team will provide health, hygiene and spiritual education for the community. Living Water's goal is to train a few people in the community so they can teach others in their community. This way, the education continues long after our departure.

One of the outstanding provisions of Living Waters is the desire to empower those they are helping to grow and develop jobs and a ministry in their own community. Along with a water system, they are given leadership in building a business plan and establishing a self-sustaining model that will provide jobs and bring independence and ongoing financial blessing to the community. The in-country partners generally sell their water at half of the going rate and give it away to the poorest in their community who cannot afford to pay.

We are so grateful to our church family at Grace of Christ Presbyterian who continue to give financially and pray for this mission. May the good news of Jesus Christ continue to be shared around the world!

If you would like more information about Living Waters For The World, please visit the Connection Center.


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Come join usSaturday, January 11th,from 9a-3p, for the teaching ofJamal Zakhary & Robin Stuber“HONOR, LISTEN, WOW, LOVE”The keys to a fresh marriage!

Plus an afternoon question & answer time withJanie Lester-Painter,noted psychologist & prayer counselor.

Call Ericka in the Church office to register: 248-7940

held atRhonda Taylor’s home

7650 Scenic DrLunch Provided