good morning creativity projects & references

Passport of creative projects

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Passportof creative projects

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+2 years


70 creative


Realized projects in 7


Good Morning Creativity is innovativelearning company from Paris. We make innovation work by developing creative leaders & pioneers.

Our vision: Democratize creativity in business & education.

5 passionate


Start-up of the Year


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+2500 participants

Entrepreneurs, teachers, students, women leaders & international managers from Accenture, Alcatel-Lucent, Alstom, BNP Paribas, Bouygues, BP. Cisco, Coca Cola, Delphi, Delsey, Dell, Deloitte, EADS, Generali, IBM, L’Oreal, MetLife Amslico, Nissan, Mercer, Orange, Publicis, Sanofi Pasteur, Slovak

Telekom, Sony, Thales, UNDP, W.L.Gore, ZSE, Yves Rocher, 3M and others.

Discover the gallery of 35 selected projects:

Managers & TeamsCisco 4Slovenská Sporiteľňa* 5Beiersdorf* 6Sanofi Pasteur* 7UNDP* 8Slovak Telekom* 9Accenture* 10S&H 11Delphi* 12Creative LAB Paris* 13CDAF 14ADETEM 15

Women LeadersWomen’s Forum* 16EPWN* 17Real Woman* 18AmCham* 19

EntrepreneursHUB Prague* 27Smart & Geek 28Thank you my deer* 28Creative LAB Bratislava* 29ISUM* 30

Schools & YouthScience Po* 31 Slovak Tech-Uni* 32IT Sud Paris* 33Dauphine Paris* 34C.S.Lewis School* 35

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* international projects/participants

ConferencesTribe to be Inspired 20Happy Company* 21Wiki Stage* 213rd CU Summit* 22CEE HR Summit* 22TEDx Bratislava* 23 Youth2Business* 24 Pohoda Festival* 25FIM* 26

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CiscoParticipants: Cisco employees from various business units and teams.

“Finally something creative, practical and straight to the point. I loved how you helped us to simplify our ideas and formulate those mini-actions.”

“Facilitator created such a friendly atmosphere that it was very easy to share. I realized that I don’t know so well my colleagues.”Imaginarium: Solving

Problems Creatively

Employee Development


2 x 2 hours, 20 participants Creative Networking for Better Ideas3 x 1 hour, 20 participants

Created Solutions: number of ready-to-use solutions for everyday work:- Oxygen Meetings (walking meetings of 30 minutes for 3 people, 1 topic)- ZEF 1 (Zero Email Friday once a month -> more time for thinking)- Connect the Unconnected (open cross-functional discussions)

Learning Outcomes: participants discovered hidden talents and interests of their colleagues and identified role models who can inspire them to think and act differently.

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Participants: Future managers of different bank subsidiaries across the Slovakia taking part in the 18 months training program.

Learning outcomes: - definition of roles and behaviors of a creative manager- creative problem solving methods- how to manage creative teams- how to use 6 Thinking Hats- how to use visualization in team meetings

Business impact: This learning experience increased participant’s confidence in their own creativity and supplied them with a toolbox of methods for fostering team innovation.

“I think that being creative is so important even in the bank industry. �ank you for this seminar.”

“It is great to be able to practice during training instead of sitting back and listening.”

Creative Managers

Future Managers

2 days, 16 participants

Bank Slovenská Sporitelna

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Participants: Beiersdorf’s Innovation and Marketing experts based in Hamburg.

Learning outcome: How to facilitate ideation session in playful and interactive way. Teams discovered simple step-by-step process how to generate truly different ideas and involve various contributors such as colleagues, customers, kids, etc.

“I did not know that ideation workshop could be so much fun!”

“�ese methods are so easy and practical. I’ll try to reuse them with my team.”

“We really need more time and space for creativity. As we had today!”

Ideation Training:How to be more creative at work?

Business impact: Participants are ready to apply learned methods and creative games in the future ideation sessions. This may increase the success rate of breakthrough product innovations.

Innovation& Marketing


4 hours, 15 participants

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Sanofi Pasteur

Participants: Global Regulations Team of Sanofi Pasteur consisting of members from France, Canada and United States.

Objectives & Outcomes: The seminar was designed to address these three business objectives:

Create a team spirit: team created short videos about the super powers of each member and discovered each others talents. Get aligned on new projects: team developed a visual map on each project and defined together the key success factors. Think differently: team challenged the usual ways of working and invented unconventional & practicalsolutions.

“�ank you for this seminar! It helped us to step back and rethink the way we work.”

“�is was such a fun way to work together and discuss about the issues that we can not solve over the phone.”

“Very interactive, visual and creative, thank you!”

Creative Teambuilding

Global Managers

3 days, 22 participants

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United Nations

Participants: Managers and employees of Knowledge and Innovation Team at UNDP, Europe and the CIS.

Learning outcome: Participants learned how to facilitate creative discussion of 1-3 hours on various innovation topics. This highly practical session enabled them to apply various facilitation tools and methods in action.

71.4% rated workshop excellent.86% rated the event and learning highly applicable to their work.

“Facilitator did an excellent job in providing not just knowledge but also squeezing in a lot of practice time, so we could learn by doing the facilitation.”

Creative Facilitation

Business impact: Workshop participants often

facilitate team discussions and meetings on innovation. Learned

methods and thinking games help them to boost team creativity and gained skills generate the

cost savings on external consulting services.


1/2 day, 15 participants

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Participants: Identified key people in the company taking part in the Retention Program.

Learning outcome: How to apply the 5 discovery skills of innovators in everyday work (observation, questioning, creative networking, experimenting, association). The key is to make it simple and useful for the business outcomes.

Business impact: This workshop was part of the company Retention Program. Learning experience increased participants’ motivation and positive feedback helped to reinforce the value of this program and retain the key people.

“�e feedback from workshopparticipants was positive and we were very pleased with the results.”

“At the beginning we were a little sceptical, especially about the involvement of some senior people but in the end everyone took part in the games and enjoyed it.”

5 Discovery Skills of Innovators

Key Employees

2 hours, 50 participants

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Participants: Accenture managers and consultants.

Learning outcome: How to draw the alphabet of doodling (6 basic elements) as well as pictograms and pictographs. Practical exercise about how to use metaphors and Thinking Maps in order to communicate text in a visual way.

“Interesting, fun, good! :)”

“Super! I doodle already with my team and will try to apply it externally.”

“Very interesting, I’ll apply it certainly in my presentations.”

Doodling for managers and consultants

Business impact: Managers who started to use doodling during team meetings report faster understanding and less opportunities for miscommunication.

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2 hours, 20 participants

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Des Systèmes et des Hommes

Participants: Cross-functional teams from S&H based in France and Switzerland.

Learning outcome: Application of ‘Hall of Fame’ method and ‘The String Game’ to create common definition of GROWING TOGETHER strategy: where each person makes one part in the puzzle of progress.

“Great dynamic of the group, innovative methods, original and constructive teambuilding approach. Activities have clearly allowed the expression of ourexpectations and showed what we have in common with each other.”

Creative Teambuilding

Business impact: - created together company Vision Board 2020- analyzed the needs of each function and designed ‘The Matrix of Possibilities’ to improve collaboration- reinforced team spirit

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IT & HRConsultants

1 day, 60 participants

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DelphiSales & Marketing

Participants: Marketing & Sales managers of Delphi Diesel division coming from 7 countries.

Learning outcome: How to describe a successful sale from a customer perspective by using ‘Story Board’. Creative problem solving of sales challenges led to set of ideas presented in a ‘30-days Sprint Plan’.

Created solutions:Business teams developed creative ideas on 3 strategic projects:- new market penetration, - innovative product launch,- new business win.

“It was fresh eye opener. Especially paradox solution will be very useful way of thinking. I will apply the process to my current problem solving right away.”

“Very impressive workshop that I never done before! It helps us to open our mind and think di�erent way – “out of the box”. I also learned a lot from other experienced colleagues.”

Creative Techniques for Sales Managers

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1 day, 40 participants

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Creative LAB Paris

Participants: Top level managers and business professionals from various industries.

Learning outcome: How to facilitate any creative workshop for your team in a simple step by step process. Participants got a playbook of the key facilitation tools and games.

Business impact: Participants are able to facilitate creative discussion of 1-3 hours with a small group. No need to invite external consultant when you need to think creatively with your team -> cost savings of 500-1000 Euros each time!

“I went home with a toolkit of very interesting tools to facilitate a Creativity workshop, and a �re in me to discover even more about creativity, �ank you!”

“�e LAB was a great experience – a stimulating combination of Good Morning Creativity’s intervention & input from inspiring professionals around the table!”

How to facilitate a great creative workshop?

Note - photo is from another Creative LAB Paris

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3 hours, 15 participants

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Participants: Purchasing managers and experts from various companies.

Learning outcome: How to innovate the most common purchasing approaches. Participants applied ‘Paradox Solutions’ on real purchasing challenges coming from their industry.

“Innovative approach to challenge us.I appreciate how easy it is to implement these methods. Good idea to include even more tools of the same type to disrupt common purchasing habits and frameworks. �ank you”

“Essential session to Purchasing Training Program!”

Creativity for Purchasing Managers

Few created solutions: ‘Purchasing SuperHero University’ - famous purchasing academy‘Happy Hour’ - regular discussion of purchasing colleagues‘Pacs-Pro’ - professional marriage of purchasing and sales person.

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1 day, 20 participants

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Participants: Marketing managers and experts working in different industries (members of ADETEM - National Association of Marketing Professionals).

Learning outcome: Application of ‘Analogy Thinking’ on the common marketing challenges and using ‘Magic Combination’ method to create smart solutions.

Business impact: Learnt methods were used to imagine new marketing services for attracting more clients.

“We loved the visual approach -> doodling �ipcharts instead of the powerpoint.”

“Great networking and group work on various exercises.”

“Concrete and fun!”

Innovate by Analogy: how Picasso or Einstein would solve your business challenge?

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Evaluation score of our workshop


2 hours, 40 participants

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Women’s Forum

Participants: Women’s Forum participants, Corporate Directors, VPs and Managers.

Learning outcome: simple approach how to innovate the usual ways of doing business and how to be more creative in the workplace.

“I loved how interactive and practical it was, in such a short format.”

“It was fun and e�cient and that’s what I was looking for.”

“�is was the most interactive workshop in Creativity Lab during the entire forum.”

You know what? I’m creative!

Business impact: thanks to highly practical approach, all created ideas are easy to imple-ment within few weeks, create positive value and start culture of ongoing experimentation.


1 hour, 30 participants

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EuropeanProfessionalWomens Network

Participants: Corporate women leaders and entrepreneurs (members of EPWN network).

Learning outcome: Discovery of participants’ creative profile with ‘CreaCompass’ assessment and access to 4 ready-to-use creative team methods.

Business impact: Several participants applied creative methods and process with their teams. It helped the team of designers to sparkle collaborative creativity. Another example is the manager who changed the company and used creative methods for initial teambuilding and culture setting.

"�e creativity session I attended was totally useful and immediately put into practice. I took the leadership of a newly created team and my task is to wake their sales energy up and get them to take action towards sales.We had a brainstorming session about what they could do, and I ran it in the spirit you had shown us... To sum it up and present synthetic action plan to others I asked them to use a ‘Fishbone format’. Result was basic but format of thinking totally new and invigorating for that group of people. Very useful!"

Creativity (part of Personal and Professional Leadership Program)

Note - photo is from another creativity workshop done for EPWN

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2 hours, 40 participants

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Real Woman Forum

Participants: women leaders, managers, entrepreneurs and consultants.

Learning outcome: Discovery of 5 exercises boosting personal creativity (’Today I saw...’, ‘What if?’, ‘Association Chain’, ‘I am/admire’, ‘1-1-1’).

“Great workshop, step by step pedagogical approach, useful conclusions, very clear.”

“Good balance between exercises + theory. Very interactive and constructive teaching.”

“Very prepared, very creative, very enjoyable. �ank you.”

Five Ways to Think and Act Differently

Business impact: Women are usually shy networkers. In this workshop they met new people and got inspired from each other.

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1 hour, 60 participants

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AmericanChamber of Commerce

Participants: corporate women leaders and entrepreneurs from various industries (members of American Chamber of Commerce).

Learning outcome: How to develop more women innovators in the company with a use of simple creative methods (observation, association, experimenting, etc.).

Created solutions:‘Lawers’ - Dating platform for all lawyers,‘External Personal Memory’ - to put aside memories when needed,‘Transforming Travel Cruise’ - change look and attitude on a ship‘Champiovit’ - champaign cocktail without alcohol,... and many others.

“Petronela, thank you so very much for the workshop you did this evening for AmCham's Professional Women's Committee. You were brilliant! It was one of the best events our committee has ever had, & the feedback was superb! Keep up your excellent work!”

Creativity and Leadership Developing Women Innovators

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1 hour, 20 participants

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Tribe to be inspired

Participants: TRIBE #6 participants

Learning outcome: Participants realized that they can be creative on demand in a very short time. Playful and collaborative approach enabled them to do so.

“�is was so much fun!”

“It’s amazing how creative we can get in such a short time.”

“�ank you for this inspiring session, we should do this more o�en.”

Don’t forget that you ARE creative!

Business impact: Happy participants keep spreading a good word about their experience and this creativity session contributed to the good reputation of the event.


45 minutes, 100 participants

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Happy Company

Participants: Corporate directors, managers and entrepreneurs.

9 Ways to start at work Creative Fridays!

“We liked what you said about doodling at work and the concept of “Eat that Frog!”

“�ank you! �is was very interesting. We will try it out in our department �rst!”

Learning outcome: 9 Simple ways to launch the initiative of Creative Fridays in your own company. Concrete and inspiring.

Business impact:This was one of the 6 main creativity speeches shared with the entire plenary room and helped to create positiveexperience from the conference.

Wiki StageHow does Curiosity leads to Creativity?

Participants: Different people coming to the conference at ESCP

Europe or watching streaming.

Business outcome: 6 Minutes video about the relationship

between curiosity and creativity.

Managers& Directors

Curiosity Lovers

Photo credit: Susanne Kischnick

20 minutes, 300 participants

6 minutes, 100 participants

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3rd Corporate Universities Summit, Brussels

Participants: Corporate University directors and L&D managers.

Educating Managers and Leaders for Creativity, Innovation & Adaptability

“Great! �e best workshop of the summit!”“Excellent!” “Very creative!” “Full of nice and very useful concepts!”Learning outcome: 4 ready-to-use

tools for boosting team creativity (Magic Wand, What if?, Paradox Solutions, Doodling).

Created new learning approaches:- ‘training designed by customers’- ‘kids teaching executives’ - ‘learning cruise’ ...and many others.

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Evaluation score of our workshop



------------------- HR

ManagersCEE HR SummitNew vision in HR

Connecting capabilities of leaders & innovators

Evaluation of Participants

The Best Speech!

Participants: HR managers and HR industry experts.

Learning outcome: participants discovered practical tips and advises on how to develop creative leaders in

companies step by step.

2 hours, 30 participants

20 minutes, 150 participants

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Participants: TEDx Bratislava participants

Learning outcome: Doodle the story was a visual activity during the breaks. Participants have chosen the best TEDx talk and drew the key messages with doodling.

“�ank you, I’ll try to doodle my notes as well.”

“�is was fun. First we were not sure about drawing but �nally it was easy.”

“We could see many creative people around here.”

Doodle the Story contest

Business impact: Speakers saw the most appreciated talks and organizers increased satisfaction and motivation of people to attend as well the next time.

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1 day, 100 participants

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Pohoda Festival

Participants: Students, start-up entrepreneurs and like-minded people from various industries (festival participants).

Learning outcome: 5 ready-to-use methods and games to sparkle creativity on demand. Participants played ‘Discovery Game’, ‘And then...’, ‘What if?’ and ‘Random Words’.

Created ideas for Pohoda 2050:‘Pohoda Substance’ - material from which you can cut things you need (for instance a peg for tent),‘Pohoda Bubble’ - flying bubble where festival would take place -> low cost rental solution, ...and many others.

"�e new challenge." "Awesome. :)""Relaxing. :)" "It inspired me!""Great. :)" "Pleasantly inspiring.""Enriching." "Super.""Wow." "Cool.""�ank you. :)""�inking outside the box."

Box outside the Think

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2 hours, 80 participants

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Youth to Business ForumSerbia & Tunisia

Participants: Global youth and Tunisia youth leaders of AIESEC organization.

Learning outcome: How to apply ‘Analogy Thinking’ in the innovation process. Participants discovered number of real-world examples of business creativity.

“�is session was the one that a�ected me the most and I really want to share the knowledge during our next local meeting.”

“It was amazing. Simple, fun and practical. �ank you!”

“Wow. Where did you learn that?”

Creative leaders solve problems differently

Business impact: Few months later, some of the participants decided to organize creativity workshop for other members of the organization back in their city.


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2 hours, 30 participants

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Forum of Inspiring Ideas

Participants: Youth, NGOs, fans helping to improve educational system in Slovakia.

Learning outcome: Participants learned how to doodle ideas and present them in a visual way.

Business impact:Those who started to doodle (draw) their notes at school claim to remember more information. Others tried to doodle for faster understanding when they had to explain something complex.

“I was not sure if I could draw ideas, but it is actually pretty simple, if we have pictograph examples.”

“We need more doodling, especially at school.”

“I wish we could have longer session!”

Doodling - creative sketching for future innovators


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1 hour, 50 participants

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Participants: Start-up entrepreneurs and like-minded people from various industries.

Learning outcome: How to apply Paradox Solutions by analyzing market clichés and turning them upside down in 4 different ways.

Created solutions:‘Boss SWOT board’ - employees review performance of the boss, ‘Politician on Trial’ - 1-week job to bring youth into the government,‘Intranet Cleaning Lady’ - employee role for keeping intranet organized,... and many others.

“�ank you for very interesting workshop. I loved the interactivity, stories and examples you gave.”

“I had the opportunity to forget stereo-type and think di�erently.”

“Magic combination method is the best!”

Paradox Solutions for Innovators


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3 hours, 30 participants

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Smart & Geek

Thank you my deer

Participants: start-up entrepreneurs and their friends.

“Young and dynamic team. �ey used unconventional methodology and workshop met our expectations. �anks to Good Morning Creativity we invented the name of our new agency that makes lasting impression.”

Creating a New Business Name for Start-up

Business impact: Creation of a multitude of new names for start-up business. Both teams found their dream name during the 1st workshop and saved 2000-5000 Euros on marketing budget.

“Good Morning Creativity moderated a brainstorming session for us. It's goal was to come up with a name for our future café. �ey managed to create a great atmosphere and motivate the participants. It was like playing a game and everyone was so much into it. We came up with the right name for our café that we're using today. �ey simply woke up our creativity. :)”


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3 hours, 10 participants

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Creative LABBratislava

Participants: Start-up entrepreneurs and other like-minded business people.

Learning outcome: How to see project funding challenge from a new perspective. Created solutions were explained in a visual ‘Story Board’ and presented in 2 minutes video made with iPhone.

“For me was this workshop absolutely brilliant, because at the beginning I came with an idea what I want todo, but did not know “HOW”. �anks to discussing with others, I got great ideas that will help me to get started!”

Creative Ways to Finance Business Ideas

Business impact: Participants challenged their funding strategy and created new ways of financing their projects. One start-up came up with a solution how to save 50K Euros on marketing campaign.


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3 hours, 30 participants

Photo credit: Juraj Bartoš

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International Start-up Meeting

Participants: Business angels, venture capitalists and start-up entrepreneurs from 20 countries.

Learning outcome: How to challenge status quo, discover inspiration around you and combine ideas in unexpected ways.

Business impact: Eye opening reflection on the current business that led to some strategic changes.

“I really, really appreciate your workshop. Indeed, it showed me that everybody could create something. Before I thought that I was too rational to create something, but in fact, I have totally changed my mind. I want to congratulate you! �ese workshops can really be useful for everybody and especially for start-ups.”

Playbook of a Creative Entrepreneur


Start-up of the Year



25 26 27 28 29 30

1 hour, 80 participants

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Science PoSciPosium

Participants: international students of business school of political science: Science Po.

Learning outcome: Understanding of the creative process in 4 simple steps and discovery of “Hall of Fame” method applied on innovating the system of higher education in France.

Created solutions:‘AssessMint’ - new & fresh way to assess students work, ideas and engagement‘Externals Fest’ - bring external professionals regularly to school‘IdeaLAB’ - organize creative workshops enabling students to think! ...and many others.

“�ank you very much for this workshop. I’ve always been skeptical of the productivity of a bunch of people but this creative methodology is really e�cient and fun, it also helps to doteambuilding.”

“Today I learned that I could be a creative person! It was an amazing experience in an interesting conference concept.”

Creativity in Higher Education


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2 hours, 50 participants

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How-Know ConferenceSlovak Technical University

Participants: University studentsand fans of visual communication.

Learning outcome: The camp was a visual contest for teams. Participants had to create ‘Story Board’ to explain selected challenge, describe the ideal state with ‘Vision Board’ and finally doodle & present the solution.

“I liked positive energy shared here and very friendly approach.”

“Can we have more of these kind of workshops?”

“�ank you, it was great how everyone was active and it was fun during the entire day.”Visual Thinking Camp

Business impact: Learnt visual methods were used successfully in school projects and business teambuilding sessions to improve communication.


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1 day, 30 participants

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IT Sud Paris

Learning outcome: How to apply ‘Zapping’ method in order to invent the company of the future where they would like to work.

“Workshop with Good Morning Creativity gave me the possibility to surprise myself. At the beginning of the day, they asked us if we thought we were creative and I answered no. I was wrong. By giving us the tools, methods and a fun and original way to share, you realize that these ideas are already in our brain and they are just waiting for us to get them out of the box!”

“�e methods were so simple, but really innovative and we received surprising results! It was energizing through the whole work-shop. �ank you for sharing this with us!”

Imagine a creative organization in 2020

Created solutions: ‘Creative Boss Program’ - bootcamp to make the boss highly creative‘Thinking holidays’ - 20% of time allocated to innovation ...and many others.

Participants: Studentsattending “Innovation & Entrepreneurship Day” organized at IT Sud Paris.


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2 hours, 20 participants

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Participants: 2nd year students of Master Program in International Marketing at Dauphine University.

Learning outcome: Application of creative methods as ‘Fish Bone’ and ‘Hall of Fame’ to create new products and marketing campaigns for international markets.

During the graduation ceremony students of the International Marketing Master Program called this creative workshop to be the highlight of the year!Creativity in

Multicultural Marketing

Created solutions: - luxury french products (foie gras, cheese, wine) designated for Turkish market- a series of local videos to promote globally a new product...and many others.


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2 hours, 30 participants

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C.S.LewisBilingual High School

Participants: High school teachers and students.

Learning outcome: Discovery of various examples of creative schools and learning how to create ideas with ‘Random Words’ and communicate them with a ‘Story Board’.

Business impact:School would like to introduce regular creativity workshops in the annual program. This pioneering initiative would increase prestige of the school.

“�ank you for the workshop, it was dynamic and ideas are transferable into a classroom. I would welcome to have such a workshop each 2 months.”

“Creativity in school... I want more of that!”

“We should have more creative workshops, I think it would work here. �e mix of generations was very fruitful.”

Creative School

Teachers &


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2 hours, 20 participants

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Do you have a project?

Management & Leadership Academy

Employee Day / HR Conference

International Offsite Teambuilding

Creative Culture Initiative

Innovative Learning Project

Women Empowerment Program

Innovation Strategy Meeting

...we would be happy

to hear about it.

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Want to say good

morning to your


INSPIRED to work together?Let’s get in touch...

[email protected]. +33 6 345 166 73

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