geological evolution of central asian basins and the

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Submitted on 17 Jul 2017

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Geological evolution of Central Asian Basins and thewestern Tien Shan Range

Marie-Françoise Brunet, Edward Sobel, Tom Mc Cann

To cite this version:Marie-Françoise Brunet, Edward Sobel, Tom Mc Cann. Geological evolution of Central Asian Basinsand the western Tien Shan Range. The Geological Society, London, Special Publications, GeologicalSociety of London, 2017, Geological Evolution of Central Asian Basins and the Western Tien ShanRange, 427, pp.SP427.17. �10.1144/SP427.17�. �hal-01561458�

Geological evolution of Central Asian Basins and the

western Tien Shan Range


1Sorbonne Universites, UPMC Univ. Paris 06, CNRS, Institut des Sciences de la

Terre de Paris (iSTeP), 4 place Jussieu 75005 Paris, France2Universitat Potsdam, Institut fur Erd- und Umweltwissenschaften,

Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 24, 14476, Potsdam, Germany3Steinmann Institute – Geology, Nußallee 8, 53115 Bonn, Germany

*Correspondence: [email protected]

Abstract: The geological evolution of Central Asia commenced with the evolution of a complexPrecambrian–Palaeozoic orogen. Cimmerian blocks were then accreted to the southern marginduring the Mesozoic, leading to tectonic reactivation of older structures and discrete episodes ofbasin formation. The Indian and Arabian blocks collided with Asia during the Cenozoic, leadingto renewed structural reactivation, intracontinental deformation and basin development. This com-plex evolution resulted in the present-day setting of an elongated Tien Shan range flanked by largeMesozoic–Cenozoic sedimentary basins with smaller intramontane basins distributed within therange. The aim of this volume is to present multidisciplinary results and reviews from researchgroups in Europe and Central Asia that focus on the western part of the Tien Shan and some ofthe large sedimentary basins in that area. These works elucidate the Late Palaeozoic–Cenozoictectono-sedimentary evolution of the area. Emphasis is placed on the collision of terranes and/or continents and the ensuing fault reactivation; the impact of changes in climate on the sedimen-tation is also examined.

Gold Open Access: This article is published under the terms of the CC-BY 3.0 license.

The Central Asian region includes an extensiveorogenic belt, the Tien Shan, and a series of large,economically valuable, sedimentary basins includ-ing the South Caspian Basin in the west (providinga bridge to Europe), the Amu Darya Basin, theAfghan-Tajik Basin and the Fergana Basin, as wellas basins further east (e.g. Junggar Basin, TarimBasin) and south (e.g. Maskhel Basin) (Fig. 1).Within these basins, gas, gas condensate and oilfields have been found, with plays largely locatedwithin the Jurassic–Palaeogene-age successions(e.g. Ulmishek & Masters 1993; Clarke 1994). How-ever, with the exception of work by Soviet fieldgeologists (e.g. Vialov 1948; Markowski 1959;Davidzon et al. 1982), in terms of recording thecomplex regional evolution, the sedimentary suc-cessions within many of these basins have beenlargely untouched. Prior to 1989, the entire areawas extremely difficult to physically access for for-eigners; published papers were largely in Russianand Chinese, while geological and topographicmaps were forbidden to foreigners. Today, theranges and accompanying basins lie in China,Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan,Afghanistan and Turkmenistan. While it is nowpossible to travel throughout much of this region,

access to some parts remains problematic. Oldermaps of the region are sometimes available, butvery few new sheets are published in the formerSoviet area due to the financial collapse in theearly 1990s. In addition, the remote, mountainoustopography, the vast desert basins and the incon-veniently placed, uncrossable borders contributeto the challenges of working in this area. Despitethe obvious geological importance of the region,the western segment remains surprisingly poorlyrepresented in English-language publications.Even the spelling of the range is a subject of debate,providing a metaphor for the contentious geologi-cal interpretations. Tian Shan (Pinyin) and TienShan (Wade-Giles) are the two dominant spellingsfor the Heavenly or Celestial Mountains, so namedbecause the peaks often appear to be floating onclouds of vapour or dust. The preferred Russiantransliteration, used in this volume, is Tien Shan.

The ancient Silk Road delineates the oldest path-ways through the region. This anastomizing traderoute is ideally placed to study the proximal por-tions of many of the basin-bounding ranges; themain range-crossing routes follow major river sys-tems, also providing access to the rugged interior.Transport along these routes is being improved

From: Brunet, M.-F., McCann, T. & Sobel, E. R. (eds) Geological Evolution of Central Asian Basins and the WesternTien Shan Range. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 427, 2017 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London.Publishing disclaimer:

with the building of new highways and planned rail-ways and pipelines. Trade is once again crossing thenumerous borders, partially driven by the presenceof the large, still poorly studied petroliferous basinsin the area.

The Phanerozoic tectonic history of the regioncommenced with the accretion of the main unitsof northern Asia. These accretionary events wereassociated with the subduction/collision of variousmicrocontinents, terranes and island arc complexesduring Palaeozoic and Mesozoic times. Many ofthese events remain poorly defined, leading to obvi-ous confusion in the literature with various recon-structions and collision timings being proposed(e.g. Zonenshain et al. 1990; Berzin et al. 1994;Sengor & Natal’in 1996; Buslov et al. 2004; Nata-l’in & Sengor 2005; De Grave et al. 2012;Zanchetta et al. 2013; Sengor et al. 2014; Yanget al. 2017). The southern margin of Eurasia con-tained a range of pre-Cenozoic structures, includingsuture zones and/or large-scale fault zones betweenblocks, some of which were Gondwana-derived (e.g.Audet & Burgmann 2011). These structures wereparticularly susceptible to subsequent Cenozoic-ageintraplate deformation related to the India–Eurasia(Early–Middle Eocene) and Arabia–Eurasia (LateEocene–Early Oligocene) collisions (e.g. Molnar

& Tapponnier 1975; Tapponnier & Molnar 1979;Sengor & Natal’in 1996; Windley et al. 2007;Allen 2010; Dupont-Nivet et al. 2010; van Hinsber-gen et al. 2012; Kroner et al. 2014). These latterevents were marked by the docking of strong andresistant Archaean–Proterozoic continental litho-sphere with the weaker southern margin of Eurasia.The consequence of these collisions was the for-mation of two major topographical features – theZagros and Himalaya orogenic belts – bothof which are outside of our immediate area ofinvestigation. The various tectonic events, includingterrane collisions, major continent–continent colli-sions (including the Pamir Spur) and the relatedoceanic closures (e.g. Tien Shan Ocean, Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean, Palaeotethys, branches of Neote-thys) all combined to broadly reshape a continentalmass whose tectonic history was already complex.

The Tien Shan is one of the world’s largestmountain belts comprising the well-exposed south-ern portion of a much larger Phanerozoic-age oro-genic belt, the so-called Central Asian OrogenicBelt (CAOB) (e.g. Jahn et al. 2000, 2004; Windleyet al. 2007; Kroner et al. 2014). The Tien Shanstretches over 2800 km along an E–W axis fromXinjiang in NW China through to the Aral Seain Uzbekistan via Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and

Fig. 1. Location map for the papers presented in this volume, superimposed on a shaded relief background. Starsindicate the approximate regions presented in the papers included in this volume. We provide only the name of thefirst author. Two papers (Jolivet 2015; Robert et al. 2015) dealing with a wide area are positioned in the middle of themap without stars. The location of Figure 2 is shown. Green line: political borders and Caspian Sea shoreline; ATB:Afghan Tajik Basin; B: Basin; FB: Fergana Basin; Kyr: Kyrgyzstan, Taj: Tajikistan; TFF: Talas–Fergana Fault.


Kyrgyzstan, with the highest peaks exceeding7000 m asl and the lowest point at 154 m bsl inthe eastern Tien Shan. The chain has had an ex-tremely complex evolution, commencing with theformation of the various small, scattered Pre-cambrian blocks, followed by a Palaeozoic historyinvolving the development of accretionary belts,marine sedimentary basins and relatively minor col-lisions. To the west the Central Tien Shan Oceanclosed completely in the latest Carboniferous, andclosure was followed by a phase of Early Permianpost-collisional exensional magmatism (e.g. Dol-gopolova et al. 2017; Konopelko et al. 2017). Thesubsequent Mesozoic history of the Tien Shan ischaracterized by episodes of intracontinental tecto-nism, with the final phase in Cenozoic times relatedto far-field effects of the India–Asia collision (e.g.Burtman 1980, 1997; Bazhenov et al. 1999; Buslovet al. 2008; Jolivet et al. 2010; Macaulay et al.2014). During this last phase older structures wereoften preferentially reactivated, creating the mis-leading impression that the Palaeozoic and Ceno-zoic belts are identical.

The Tien Shan is often subdivided into threesectors, namely: the Western, Central and EasternTien Shan. The Talas–Fergana Fault, a notablestrike-slip feature, marks the boundary between theWestern and Central Tien Shan sectors. However,depending on where a study is located, different

concepts have been used for both the geographicand geological subdivisions (i.e. as a result of thedifferent authors), leading to potential confusion.In particular, the Chinese and the ex-Soviet ter-minologies are not compatible. Here we follow thesubdivisions depicted in Figure 2. These threegeographic regions can be further subdivided intothe North, Middle and South Tien Shan. This lattersubdivision is broadly based on the regional Palae-ozoic evolution; the ensuing amalgamation ofvarious terranes resulted in the formation of distinc-tive tectonic zones (e.g. Sengor et al. 1993; Wanget al. 2006; Windley et al. 2007; Xiao et al. 2008;Burtman 2010).

The North Tien Shan, situated east of the Talas–Fergana Fault, comprises several Precambrian-age blocks as well as Cambrian–Lower Ordovicianophiolites and marine sediments (Biske & Seltmann2010), overlain by Ordovician-age sediments andvolcanic rocks, and cut by I-type granites. The re-gion includes the southern margin of the Kazakh–Kyrgyz continent, which was deformed as a resultof subduction and accretion during the Late Carbon-iferous and Early Permian (i.e. accretion of Turan,Alai, Tarim area to Kazakh–Kyrgyz continent,e.g. Thomas et al. 1999a; McCann et al. 2013; Burt-man 2015). To the north, the Late Palaeozoic-age Yili volcanic belt or Yili Block represents acontinental arc, which overlaps Early Palaeozoic

Fig. 2. Location map showing the major structures of the western Tien Shan and regional subdivisions on aUSGS SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission) topography background, projection World Mercator, scale bar atlatitude 458. Suture zones are represented by magenta dotted or dashed lines; North Tien Shan (NTS) becomingChinese Central Tien Shan in China in light brown; Middle Tien Shan in blue (MTS); Karatau–Talas terrane in greyblue; South Tien Shan in green (STS); and Yili Palaeozoic volcanic belt (YB) in light yellow. Terrane boundariessometimes do not correspond exactly to sutures due to post-collisional nappe tectonics. B: Basin; CNTS: ChineseNorth Tien Shan; F: Fault; L: Lake; R: Range; TFF: Talas–Fergana fault (black line). Inset map shows thelocation of geographic subdivision of the Tien Shan Range. WTS: Western Tien Shan; CTS: Central (Kyrgyz)Tien Shan; ETS: Eastern (Chinese) Tien Shan. Compiled from Bande et al. (2015a), Loury et al. (2015),Alexeiev et al. (2016).


accretionary collages and sutures in the region ofSE Kazakhstan (e.g. Alexeiev et al. 2016).

The Middle Tien Shan (¼Syrdarya, Narynor Ishim–Middle Tien Shan microcontinent)comprises a range of Neoproterozoic units whichinclude tillites and acid volcanic rocks (Biske &Seltmann 2010). It is separated from the NorthTien Shan by the Terskey Suture (suture of the Ter-skey Early Palaeozoic ocean; e.g. Burtman 2010;Glorie et al. 2011). The Middle Tien Shan wedgesout eastwards near the border of Kyrgyzstan withChina; further east, it has no recognized equivalent(Xiao et al. 2013). To the NW, the Karatau–Talasterrane (e.g. Alexeiev et al. 2016) is consideredto form a marginal part of the Middle Tien Shanmicrocontinent, based on similarities in terms ofthe Early Palaeozoic depositional facies from bothareas. From Middle Devonian to Late Carboniferoustimes, the Middle Tien Shan probably formed partof the passive margin of the Kazakh–Kyrgyz con-tinent and was characterized by shallow-marinecarbonate and siliciclastic sediments (e.g. Alekseevet al. 2009; Biske & Seltmann 2010).

The South Tien Shan, separated from the Mid-dle Tien Shan by the South Tien Shan Suture(¼Turkestan Suture, characterized by Early Ordovi-cian–Early Carboniferous ophiolites; Kurenkov &Aristov 1995; Gao et al. 1998; Chen et al. 1999),is a Late Palaeozoic-age, fold-and-thrust belt for-med during the closure of the Turkestan Ocean(¼Central Tien Shan Ocean; Zonenshain et al.1990; Kheraskova et al. 2010; Seltmann et al.2011; McCann et al. 2013). The direction of sub-duction vergence of the Central Tien Shan Oceanis uncertain, and both northerly directed (e.g.Windley et al. 1990; Allen et al. 1992; Xiao et al.2004; Hegner et al. 2010) and southerly directed(e.g. Charvet et al. 2007, 2011; Lin et al. 2009; Maet al. 2014) models have been proposed. The SouthTien Shan is situated along the SW margin of theCentral Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB,¼Altaids; Sen-gor et al. 1993, 2014), a key region for our under-standing of both the amalgamation of Eurasia (seeabove) and the Phanerozoic growth of the CAOB(Windley et al. 1990, 2007; Bazhenov et al. 1999;Gao et al. 2009; Kroner et al. 2014). Only theSouth Tien Shan is continuous along the wholelength of the belt (e.g. Xiao et al. 2013); the Middleand North Tien Shan are not always present. In itswestern part, the South Tien Shan can be subdividedinto several units from west to east (Konopelkoet al. 2007, 2017): the Kyzylkum, Gissar, andAlai (¼Alay) segments west of the Talas–FerganaFault; and the Kokshal segment to the east. Litho-logically they are all similar, comprising Ordovi-cian–mid-Carboniferous pelagic sediments, partlyassociated with intraplate volcanics, and thickcarbonate platforms (mainly Late Devonian–Early

Carboniferous in age) which are best developed inthe latter two segments (Biske & Seltmann 2010;Seltmann et al. 2011). Post-collisional intrusionseast and west of the Talas–Fergana Fault aredated as Early Permian (e.g. Konopelko et al.2007, 2017; Dolgopolova et al. 2017). Seltmannet al. (2011) have noted that the South Tien Shanregion contains deformed forearc accretionary com-plexes as well as passive margin sediments.

Lateral variations within the South Tien Shanserve to illustrate the complexity of the regionalgeology. The Chinese part of the South Tien Shan,for example, was separated from the Tarim blockby a South Tien Shan Ocean, which opened in aback-arc setting and probably closed in the LateCarboniferous–Early Permian (e.g. Xiao et al.2013). In the Kyrgyz part of the South Tien Shan,the presence of minor Devonian-age ophiolites(on the China map of Tien Shan; Wang et al.2007) may represent the westward continuationof the suture between the Tarim block and the Chi-nese South Tien Shan as suggested by Kaßner et al.(2017). To the west of the Talas–Fergana Fault, thesmall Gissar Ocean (e.g. Brookfield 2000) formedas a result of Carboniferous-age rifting, possibly ina back-arc setting. This ocean was located to thesouth of the South Tien Shan and to the north ofthe Karakum Block. It subsequently closed in thelatest Carboniferous, forming the Gissar Suture(e.g. Burtman 2010; Dolgopolova et al. 2017; Kono-pelko et al. 2017).

This volume assembles the results from pro-jects supported fully, or in part, by the DARIUSProgramme as well as invited external studies.The DARIUS Programme (2009–14) was a multi-disciplinary geological programme that comprisedoriginal scientific projects, executed by academicscientific teams involving more than 350 scientistsrepresenting 150 research institutions from 25countries in Europe, the Middle East and westernCentral Asia. The DARIUS consortium was spon-sored by major oil companies (BHP Billiton, BP,ENI, Maersk Oil, Petronas Carigali, Shell, Statoil,Total) and French research organizations (CentreNational de la Recherche Scientifique-INSU,University Pierre & Marie Curie). The main objec-tive of DARIUS was to characterize the tectono-stratigraphic evolution of a vast domain aroundthe central Tethys extending from the easternBlack Sea in the west to western Central Asia inthe east, and to reconstruct the post-Late Palaeozoicgeodynamic evolution of the domain. The prioritywas to investigate the 6000 km long continuousorogenic belt extending from Crimea/Anatoliain the west to the western Tien Shan in the east,including the surrounding basins, through the col-lection of original data and the development ofregional syntheses.


The present volume is one of the end-productsof the DARIUS Programme, which also gave riseto three other special volumes – one on CimmerianTerranes (Zanchi et al. 2015); one on Anatolia(Robertson et al. 2016); and one on the EasternBlack Sea–Caucasus domain (Sosson et al.2017) – as well as an atlas of 20 palaeotectonicmaps ranging in age from the Late Permian throughto the Pliocene (Barrier & Vrielynck 2017).

The papers in the present volume representup-to-date work and reviews on some of the geo-logical elements (see Fig. 1 for locations) of thewestern part of the Tien Shan as well as some ofthe large basins of Central Asia, with the overarch-ing goal of attaining a better understanding of theregional geological evolution. The volume is subdi-vided into four sections and these and their constit-uent papers are discussed in order in the followingsections.

Regional evolution and extensional

sedimentary basins

The volume commences with a synthesis of themain geodynamic episodes which occurred duringthe Late Palaeozoic–Mesozoic in Central Asia, pro-viding a general framework for the other, morelocalized, studies in the book. This is followed bya detailed review of the post-Variscan evolution ofthe Afghan orogenic segments. Such a review islong overdue in the international literature, giventhe difficulties of working in present-day Afghani-stan. The subsequent three papers analyse the evolu-tion of two major extensional sedimentary basins inthe western part of the studied area: the Amu DaryaBasin and the South Caspian Basin.

Jolivet (2015) reviews the various geodynamicepisodes which occurred across the region of Cen-tral Asia and Tibet during the Late Palaeozoic–Mesozoic and which induced either large-scalecompression or widespread extension. The variousevents, including the Late Palaeozoic final amal-gamation of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, theaccretion of the Cimmerian blocks, the closureof the Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean and the accretionof the Neocimmerian blocks, determined thestructural pattern of the region. These Mesozoicevents were significant in the localization andevolution of Tertiary deformation (e.g. Tapponnieret al. 2001; Searle et al. 2011; van Hinsbergenet al. 2011). In many areas, the degree of post-Mesozoic exhumation has been sufficiently smallthat it is still possible to discern relict low-relieflandforms that formed over c. 100 Ma ago. This,in turn, evidences the long-lasting aridity and lowlevels of erosion outside of the extremely localizeddeformation zones.

The Afghan orogenic segment is located withinthe collision zone of Eurasia and the Gondwana-derived continental blocks. Siehl (2015) points outthat this zone has remained active up to the presentday as a result of the northward drift of India tothe east and Arabia to the west (Stocklin 1977; Sen-gor 1984; Boulin 1991). He reviews the geologyof the Afghan portion of the Afghan–Tajik Basin,and examines the period following the Variscanorogenic events at the end of the Palaeozoic Era.These events heralded the onset of successive sutur-ing events (Eo-Cimmerian, Late Cimmerian) andinvolved the accretion of Gondwana-derived frag-ments to the southern margin of Eurasia and the clo-sure of the Palaeotethys Ocean, as well as branchesof the Neotethys Ocean. Additionally, these tectonicevents were related to the development of theCimmerian and Himalayan ‘Tethyside OrogenicZone’ of Sengor et al. (1988). The successive col-lages and sutures resulted in the formation of thec. 1300 km long Afghan orogenic segment, whichextends in a west–east direction from the easternIranian Kopet Dagh to the Pamir–Punjab regionin southern Kyrgyzstan–northern Pakistan. It has awidth of c. 1100 km in a north–south directionfrom the North Afghan–Tajik Basin in the northto the Maskhel Basin of Balochistan in the south.

Brunet et al. (2017) use a set of depth-structuremaps and isopach maps as well as regional cross-sections to examine the tectono-sedimentary evo-lution of the Amu Darya Basin during the LatePalaeozoic and the Mesozoic. The evolution is con-sidered from the point of view of basin subsidence,and can be explained by two main extensionalevents. The first, and most important, event proba-bly occurred during the Late Palaeozoic–Triassicafter closure of the Turkestan Ocean, and resultedin the deposition of several kilometres of sediments.This event followed the final amalgamation ofthe Turan Platform, composed of several individualcrustal blocks of varying sizes, thus creating an in-homogeneous basement. Inherited structures werereactivated during subsequent periods of extensionas well as during collisions. The second extensionalevent took place in Early–Middle Jurassic times,following the Eo-Cimmerian orogeny. This eventwas concentrated in the eastern half of the AmuDarya Basin, and resulted in the deposition ofthick Jurassic-age successions which subsequentlyformed the main petroleum system of the basin.

Detailed analysis of a series of cross-sectionsfrom the Bukhara-Khiva area allows Mordvintsevet al. (2017) to examine, in detail, the evolutionof the northeastern margin of the Amu DaryaBasin during the Mesozoic (focusing mainly onthe Jurassic). Sections are based on subsurfacedata: seismic lines, boreholes and depth-structuremaps. The structures of the Bukhara step and the


deeper Chardzhou step, which together form thebasin margin, are described and compared. Anextensional event controlling the deposition of theEarly–Middle Jurassic-age series is clearly docu-mented by the cross-sections. This event resultedin the formation of new normal faults and/or thereactivation of a series of Late Palaeozoic struc-tures, accommodating the infill of the topographiclows by siliciclastic successions, initially continen-tal and later marine. Subsidence declined markedlyfrom Middle Callovian times onwards, coeval withthe deposition of the Middle Late Jurassic carbonatesuccession, passing upwards into a phase of thermalsubsidence during the Cretaceous.

Abdullayev et al. (2015) integrate geophysi-cal observations as well as subsidence and gravitymodelling of selected 2D profiles from the SouthCaspian Basin region. Based on their results, theysuggest that the observed pattern of subsidenceand sedimentation within the basin can be explainedby a process of thermal subsidence followingJurassic rifting, and a period of enhanced subsidencethat resulted from sediment-induced loading in theLate Tertiary. The western and eastern parts of theSouth Caspian Basin have different subsidencehistories, partly related to variations in the underly-ing crust type. Gravity modelling reveals that theSouth Caspian Basin crustal density is compatiblewith an oceanic composition in the western part,while the crust in the eastern part is thicker. Theobserved subsidence and sedimentation patternswithin the basin can therefore be interpreted interms of thermal subsidence and sedimentary load-ing of ‘oceanic type’ or attenuated continentalcrust. Forward modelling of lithospheric extensionand gravity modelling confirm the presence of thevariable crustal types, and the authors infer a tenta-tive Jurassic age for the rifted margin and its basin.

Modelling the collisional and sedimentary

evolution of the western part of the Tien


Models of the tectono-sedimentary evolution ofthe Tien Shan region are complex and incomplete(see also Xiao et al. 2010). This is due to a combi-nation of factors including the complex geology(see Nurtaev et al. 2013), problems of access (tosome areas) and the lack of published and accessibleinformation (particularly in English and/or inwestern scientific journals). Additionally, there aresignificant problems correlating the different geo-logical subdivisions between the various countriesthrough which the Tien Shan runs (see Xiao et al.2010 for a Chinese version of the main termino-logies). From east to west, two papers in the volumeexamine the suture zones and the vergence of

subduction in the Tien Shan. Another paper takesa broad regional approach, examining the entirearea while also extending further to the south toinclude the colliding Arabian and Indian plates.

Loury et al. (2015) present two crustal-scalecross-sections of the Kyrgyz portion of the CentralTien Shan and correlate the major faults and unitseastwards from Kyrgyzstan to China. Based onfield and seismic data, they suggest that the broadstructure conforms to that of a doubly vergentmountain belt where the Chinese and Kyrgyz areasshow identical structural and metamorphic his-tories. This double-vergence appears to be inheritedfrom two major steps: (1) subduction towards thesouth of the Central Tien Shan Ocean; and (2) strike-slip kinematics, mainly during the Early Permian.Based on the structure and kinematics of the SouthTien Shan belt, they suggest that the Central TienShan Ocean was subducted during the Late Carbon-iferous, resulting in continental collision at c. 320–310 Ma when the Tarim block collided with theKazakh–Kyrgyz continent. Top-to-north thrust-ing and top-to-south detachment within the accre-tionary prism resulted in the exhumation of a largecontinental unit which had been metamorphosedunder eclogite facies conditions. This tectonicevolution is broadly consistent with a publishednumerical model by Vogt & Gerya (2014). Thetime span for this collision–accretion orogeny isat least 27 Ma between the onset of subductionand final exhumation.

Alexeiev et al. (2015) examine passive-marginDevonian–Permian-age carbonate successions inthe Middle Tien Shan region of Kyrgyzstan. Thesesediments record c. 150 Ma of tectonic history inthe region and provide important insights into thereconstructions of the sedimentary basins and theregional geodynamic framework in one of the least-understood regions of the Central Asian OrogenicBelt. Major reorganizations in the architectureof the carbonate platform were caused by eustaticdrowning events in the early Tournaisian, earlyVisean and near the Visean–Serpukhovian boun-dary. Similar carbonate deposits are also observedin South Kazakhstan and the North Caspian Basin,suggesting a common origin and hence a similarpetroleum reservoir potential. A convergent marginformed in the middle Bashkirian; subsequently,flexurally driven subsidence documents the encro-achment of an orogenic thrust wedge. Depositionis superceded by deformation and plutonism afterthe Asselian, documenting the onset of the finalhard collision.

Robert et al. (2015) analyse crustal and litho-spheric thickness maps for Central Eurasia com-bining elevation and geoid anomaly data andthermal analysis. Their results are constrained byolder data derived from seismological and seismic


experiments, tomographic imaging and integratedgeophysical studies. These include one-dimensionalspot estimates (e.g. Nasrabadi et al. 2008), 2D tran-sects across the Himalaya–Tibet (e.g. Kind et al.2002) and the Zagros–Iran (e.g. Paul et al. 2006,2010) regions and 3D regional studies (e.g. Zoret al. 2003), although less than 19% of the regionhas crustal thickness data coverage better thanone measurement per 50 000 km2. Robert et al.’smaps show that crustal thickening is at a maximumbeneath the high topographic areas across the region(e.g. Zagros, Himalaya, Tien Shan, Tibetan Pla-teau). The crustal and lithospheric thickness patternsare however variable, highlighting the strain parti-tioning which has occurred within the lithosphere.The Arabia–Eurasia collision zone is characterizedby a thick lithosphere beneath the Zagros belt,whereas a thin to non-existent lithospheric mantleis observed beneath the Iranian and Anatolian pla-teaux. Conversely, the India–Eurasia collisionzone is characterized by a very thick lithospherebelow its southern part as a consequence of theunderplating of the cold and stiff Indian lithosphere.

Fault reactivation and far-field effects

As noted in the introduction, the Tien Shan region ischaracterized by a complex orogenic history. Thevarious collisional episodes, coupled with strike-slip activity, resulted in the development of a signif-icant fault zone, the Talas–Fergana Fault, examinedin detail below. Additionally, the role of far-fieldeffects – particularly related to the Cenozoic colli-sions occurring along the southern margin of theEurasian continent, especially that of the Pamirindentation – and their role in the development ofthe broader orogeny are also examined.

Bande et al. (2015a) examine the role of majorstructural features, in particular the role of regionalstrike-slip faults in continental interiors in theregion. The Talas–Fergana Fault is of great signi-ficance in terms of understanding the hinterlandkinematics of the India–Asia collision. New apatitefission track data from mountain ranges boundingthe northern end of the Talas–Fergana Fault suggestthat there was a rapid exhumation event there atc. 25 Ma. This can be correlated with a synchronouspulse of cooling and thrust belt propagation in theSouth Tien Shan, implying that both ranges under-went coeval and rapid exhumation. Strike-slipmotion along the Talas–Fergana Fault commencedat c. 25 Ma, facilitating anticlockwise rotation of theFergana Basin as well as exhumation of the linkedhorsetail splays. Pamir indentation was underwayby c. 20 Ma. The Talas–Fergana Fault was there-fore largely responsible for transferring Pamir-induced shortening to the NW Tien Shan.

The link between fault reactivation and far fieldeffects is explored by Bande et al. (2015b) in theiranalysis of Cenozoic deformation within the Fer-gana Basin. Deformation is concentrated alongthrusts on the northern and southern basin margins,while the eastern margin is transpressive. All ofthe observed deformation can be associated withmovement along the Talas–Fergana Fault. Theclose association of the Fergana Basin with theTalas–Fergana Fault resulted in the developmentof a basin morphology that differs from that ofother Cenozoic-age intramontane basins within theTien Shan typically bounded by north- or south-verging faults (e.g. Cobbold et al. 1996; Burbanket al. 1999; Macaulay et al. 2014). The FerganaBasin is located due north of the Pamir, suggestinga possible tectonic link between indentation ofthe latter and basin evolution. While folding andthrusting in the Tajik Basin is clearly related to theindentation of the Pamir Mountains, no convincingmechanism has, thus far, been proposed for tectoniclinkage between compression and the morphologyof the Fergana Basin. It would however now appearthat shortening (beginning in the Oligocene) wastransferred along the Talas–Fergana Fault, reachingthe western Kyrgyz and Uzbek Tien Shan andresulting in exhumation in the Chatkal and Ferganaranges by c. 25 Ma.

Sedimentation, environment and climate

Sedimentary basins, and the depositional succes-sions within them, provide the most tangible andaccessible records of the lithospheric, geographi-cal, oceanographic and ecological developmentswhich occur in a specific area over a specific periodof time (McCann & Saintot 2003). Investigation ofthe sedimentary successions contained with thebasins which formed within the broader Tien Shanorogen thus provide overviews of the Mesozoic(five papers) and Cenozoic (two papers) historyacross the region, focusing as they do on the inter-linkage of sedimentation, tectonics and climate.

Schnyder et al. (2016) examine palynologicaland high-resolution carbon isotope data measuredon bulk organic matter from the Lower Jurassiccontinental succession in the Leontiev Graben ofKazakhstan. The two datasets are in agreement,allowing the recognition of the transition zonebetween the Pliensbachian and the Toarcian. Themajor palaeoclimatic changes associated with largecarbon-cycle perturbations at the Pliensbachian–Toarcian transition have, to date, been primarilystudied in marine settings. This study presents oneof the best continental sequences in the worldfor documenting this transition. Identification ofthe transition also facilitates correlation with the


worldwide Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event andnegative (organic) carbon isotope excursion, as wellas identifying a warming trend.

Fursich et al. (2015) reconstruct the Early Juras-sic–Early Callovian palaeoenvironmental and de-positional history of the NW Afghan–Tajik Basinin southern Uzbekistan. The oldest sediments datefrom the Early Jurassic through the end of theEarly Bajocian, during which .500 m of non-marine sediments were deposited in an extensionalsetting. During the Late Bajocian, transgressionled to the establishment of storm-influenced sili-ciclastic ramps. Following the deposition of acondensed unit in the Middle Bathonian, sedimenta-tion resumed in an outer carbonate ramp-basinalsetting as the subsidence rate outpaced the dimin-ished siliciclastic sediment supply. The changefrom siliciclastic to carbonate deposition in the Mid-dle Jurassic was influenced by a number of factors,including the levelling of relief in the hinterland,and the subsidence evolution shifting into thethermal phase. However, the change from humidto arid climatic conditions was also of greatimportance.

Jurassic outcrops are rare in central Uzbekistanand McCann (2016a) details the succession fromone of these: the Sarbatyr inlier in the Kyzylkumarea. The succession comprises mainly continentalsediments deposited in a distal, but prograding,alluvial fan setting. These sediments were derivedfrom the weathering and erosion of the adjacentKyzylkum Massif. The alluvial sediments inter-finger with nearshore/lagoonal marine sedimentswhich are rich in both fossils and glauconite,suggesting varying sea levels over time. Threetransgressive events can be recognized. While it ispossible that these events correspond to globaleustatic patterns, the effects of local tectonic acti-vity must also be considered. This work demon-strates the influence of marine activity in theKyzylkum region of Uzbekistan during the Bajo-cian–Bathonian.

McCann (2016b) examines a Cretaceoussedimentary succession from the Kyzylkum andNuratau regions of central Uzbekistan. The regionformed the westernmost part of an ancient Asianlandmass bordered by the Tethys Ocean and theTurgai Strait (which opened during the Late Creta-ceous). The region was dominated by a broadcoastal plain with topographic highs (Kyzylkumand Nuratau massifs), adjacent to a marine area.Frequent transgressions resulted in the intercalationof continental and marine deposits, with advancesand retreats of the coast related to major marineeastward incursions (as far as the Tarim Basin).However, the complex sedimentary pattern wasalso influenced by tectonic activity along the evolv-ing northern margin of the Amu Darya Basin, which

formed subsequent to the closure of the TurkestanOcean, as well as by climatic variations.

Within the Tien Shan region, Jolivet et al.(2015) note that the Jurassic–Early Cretaceousperiod was marked by complex, low-intensitytectonic deformation and major climate changesfrom humid (Middle Jurassic) to arid conditions(Late Jurassic) to semi-arid conditions (Cretaceous).Using the sediment record in the Junggar, Tarim andFergana basins to describe the tectonic evolution ofthe Tien Shan therefore requires differentiationbetween tectonic and climatic influences on sedi-mentation. Tectonic deformation in the regioncommenced during the Middle Jurassic, leading tobasin inversion and the recycling of older sedimen-tary successions. The change to a humid climate inMiddle Jurassic times favoured the developmentof extensive vegetation cover and the establishmentof permanently flowing rivers. However, by LateJurassic times there was a shift towards a monsoon-type, semi-arid climate with the development ofdesert environments, with an aridity peak at theLate Jurassic–Early Cretaceous boundary. Ariditycoincided with an increase in alluvial fan depo-sition, the timing of which cannot be related to themost-often-proposed geodynamic event (i.e. theEarly Cretaceous accretion of the Lhasa Block)since fan growth would appear to predate this event.

Klocke et al. (2015) study a c. 10 km section ofsediments deposited in the NE part of the TajikBasin. This comprises an Upper Cretaceous–Oligo-cene pre-tectonic shallow-marine to continentalsuccession and a younger syntectonic successionof clastic deposits derived from the uplifting moun-tain ranges of the Tien Shan in the north andthe Pamir in the south and east. The evolution ofthe Tajik Basin is documented by facies, palaeo-transport directions and provenance analysis.The Cenozoic-age sediments within the basin reflectlarge fluvial plains running from the margins ofthe northern Pamir and the southern Tien Shanmountains. Subsequently, in Neogene times thebasin fill was progressively deformed by foldingand thrusting.

Bosboom et al. (2015) investigate the Creta-ceous and Palaeogene sedimentary successions inthree areas (Tarim Basin, China; Fergana Valleyand the Alai Valley, Kyrgyzstan; Afghan–TajikBasin, Tajikistan) in order to reconstruct the epicon-tinental sea that was present across the region atthat time. The results indicate that the various loca-tions, while geographically distant, shared a similarpalaeogeographical evolution, one characterizedby a long-term stepwise retreat punctuated by short-term shallow-marine incursions. The final LateEocene disappearance of this sea probably occurred(with a degree of diachroneity) prior to the isolationof the Paratethys Sea. This shifting of the coast


towards the west would have had profound effectson the climate of Central Asia, resulting in reducedmoisture supply to the interior.

Geological evolution of Central Asian

Basins and the western Tien Shan Range:

integration of new results

The Palaeozoic Tien Shan forms part of the exten-sive Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) (Jahnet al. 2000, 2004). The CAOB formed as a resultof continuous subduction-accretion from the Neo-proterozoic through to the Late Palaeozoic, culmi-nating with the final amalgamation of the EastEuropean Craton in the west, the Siberian Cratonin the east and the Karakum and Tarim continentsto the south (Konopelko et al. 2007). Subsequentaccretion and associated oceanic closures wereoften related to the movement of Cimmerian ter-ranes, which became detached from Gondwana dur-ing the Permian due to the opening of the NeotethysOcean and subsequently collided with the southernmargin of Eurasia. The earliest collisional episode,involving the various Iranian blocks, occurred inthe Late Triassic. This was followed by the collisionof the Central Afghanistan and Central Pamir blocksat the end of the Triassic. These two events resultedin the formation of the Eo-Cimmerian unconformityand the Eo-Cimmerian Belt (e.g. Zanchi et al. 2009;Zanchetta et al. 2013). Coevally, the end of theIndosinian Orogeny in SE Asia as well as the accre-tion of the Qiangtang Block in Tibet during theTriassic–Early Jurassic (e.g. Jolivet 2015) markedthe end of this initial Mesozoic-age deformationalphase in Central Asia. Subsequent tectonic activitywas more diffuse, and would appear to have beenpartly driven by far-field processes associated witha series of events, including: the poorly under-stood closure of the Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean inSiberia (Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous, van derVoo et al. 2015; Early Cretaceous, Jolivet 2015);the accretion of the Lhasa Block along the southernTibet margin (Early Cretaceous); and slab pull alongthe palaeo-Pacific and ‘Meso-Tethys’ subductionzones (e.g. Hendrix et al. 1992; Sobel 1999; Jolivet2015; van der Voo et al. 2015). The Cenozoic-agecollision of India and Eurasia resulted in significantdeformation across the region (e.g. Liu et al. 2013;Yang et al. 2013, 2014), with far-field effectsbeing traced as far north as the Sea of Okhotsk(e.g. Worrall et al. 1996). The regional evolutionof the Tien Shan region is therefore characterizedby two major orogenic phases: the Early MesozoicEo-Cimmerian Orogeny and the Cenozoic collisionof India and Eurasia (e.g. Dumitru et al. 2001; Joli-vet et al. 2010; Jolivet 2015; Siehl 2015). These twomajor events are separated by a transitional period

characterized by a series of less-well-understoodevents (in terms of their far-field effects) extend-ing from the Jurassic through the Cretaceous. Theimpact of these events, related to the accretionof smaller blocks (e.g. Lhasa Block) to Eurasia, isunclear; published reconstructions and timingsfor the various events often vary. In summary, thevarious accretionary events from Late Palaeozoictimes onwards varied both in terms of their tim-ing as well as their location, resulting in varia-tions both in deformation as well as the relatedpost-collisional magmatism towards the east(Klett et al. 2006; Zanchi et al. 2009, 2012; Siehl2015).

Deformation in Central Asia related to the vari-ous accretionary events outlined above has beensignificant, ranging from crustal thickening throughto more localized effects related to fault reactiva-tion. In addition to lithospheric changes, far-fieldeffects related to the various continental collisionsare also of significant importance since pre-existingdiscontinuities may transfer stress from distantgeodynamic processes, both compressional (e.g.accretion of the Cimmerian, Qiangtang, Lhasa andIndian blocks) and extensional (e.g. back-arcextension, slab roll-back). The far-field effects ofcontinental collision (e.g. Molnar & Tapponnier1975; Allen et al. 1991; Hendrix et al. 1994) andthe role of older structures (e.g. Jolivet et al. 2010;Selander et al. 2012; Macaulay et al. 2013) havebeen extensively studied in the Tien Shan region,particularly on the Eastern (Chinese) Tien Shan(e.g. Allen & Vincent 1997; Yin et al. 1998; Chenet al. 2007; Sun et al. 2009) and the Central (Kyr-gyz) Tien Shan (e.g. Abdrakhmatov et al. 1996;Cobbold et al. 1996; Sobel et al. 2006a, b; DeGrave et al. 2011; Macaulay et al. 2014). In contrast,far less has been published on the western TienShan. Robert et al. (2015) provide evidence ofcrustal thickening in both major frontal ranges(Himalayas, Zagros, Pamir, Caucasus) as well asmore distal ranges, such as the Alborz, KopetDagh and the Tien Shan, while also noting thatcrustal thinning is restricted to the Arabian andIndian oceanic domains, the South Caspian Sea,the Red Sea and the Black Sea. The width of thezone of deformation (.1200 km) highlights theextent of the area affected by crustal thickening,which is also a testament to the efficient transferof tectonic forces for hundreds to thousands ofkilometres from the respective collisional zones.Robert et al. (2015) also note that within thesebroad zones of deformation some tectonic blocks(e.g. Central Iran, Tarim) exhibit only slightlythickened crust and relatively uniform topography,suggesting only moderate deformation. This wouldsuggest that these blocks have a degree of rheolog-ical resistance to the ongoing deformation.


During the Mesozoic and Early Cenozoic, partsof the Tien Shan were periodically reactivatedin response to distal collisions (e.g. Hendrix et al.1992; Sobel & Dumitru 1997; Allen et al. 2001;Dumitru et al. 2001; Glorie et al. 2011). Indeed,the role of Palaeozoic structures and sutures isparticularly important during later Cenozoicdeformation. In central parts of Asia, major struc-tures such as the Talas–Fergana or the Altyn Taghfaults were reactivated with strike-slip motion.The Talas–Fergana Fault, which is c. 2000 kmlong, is one of the best examples of a reactivatedintra-continental strike-slip fault, and a prominentmorphological feature within the western TienShan. Deformation along the fault trace during theLate Oligocene–Early Miocene (e.g. Hendrixet al. 1994; Sobel & Dumitru 1997; Sobel et al.2006a; Heermance et al. 2008; Amidon & Hynek2010; Wei et al. 2013; Bande et al. 2015a) andagain in the Late Miocene (e.g. Bullen et al. 2003;Heermance et al. 2008; Macaulay et al. 2014) canbe linked to the evolution of the Pamir (Bandeet al. 2015b).

In southern Tajikistan the sinistral strike-slipDarvaz Fault marks the boundary between theNorth Pamir and the Tajik Basin, along which200–300 km of left-lateral offset has been esti-mated (Burtman & Molnar 1993). Stratigraphicwork by Klocke et al. (2015) suggests that therewas Late Oligocene uplift of the northern Pamir.Generally, strike-slip faults within continentalinteriors often move in response to distal plate col-lisions (e.g. Burtman et al. 1996; Yin et al. 2002).Constraining the spatio-temporal distribution ofactivity along such faults is therefore of great signif-icance in terms of our understanding of how obliquedeformation is accommodated in transpressionalsettings. Strike-slip movements and fault reacti-vation also affected large sedimentary basins inthe region, such as the Amu Darya Basin, fromLate Palaeozoic through to Cenozoic times (Thomaset al. 1999a, b; Natal’in & Sengor 2005; Brunetet al. 2017; Mordvintsev et al. 2017), althoughthe precise effects on basin evolution are difficultto document.

The reactivation of older structures underchanging geodynamic conditions is examined byLoury et al. (2015) for the Kyrgyz portion of theSouth Tien Shan. They note that reactivation ofPalaeozoic-age structures in Permian–Mesozoictimes occurred mainly in a strike-slip regime, fea-turing left-lateral motion localized in the centre ofthe South Tien Shan. Subsequently, in Cenozoictimes a flower structure developed as a result ofthe reactivation of former top-to-the-north Car-boniferous thrusts to the north of the South TienShan. This was coeval with the development oftop-to-the-south thrusts in a fold-and-thrust belt

propagating over the Tarim block, south of theSouth Tien Shan.

Subsequent to the collisions of the Cimmerianterranes with Eurasia in the Late Triassic (e.g.Stampfli & Borel 2002; Barrier & Vrielynck 2008,2017; Wilmsen et al. 2009; Zanchi et al. 2009,2012), a number of new or rejuvenated sedimen-tary basins formed north of the main collisionzone in Central Asia, including the Amu DaryaBasin (extending mainly across Turkmenistan andUzbekistan) and the Afghan-Tajik Basin (extendingacross Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan)(e.g. Thomas et al. 1999a; Melikhov 2000, 2013,2017; Brookfield & Hashmat 2001; Ulmishek2004; Klett et al. 2006; Fursich et al. 2015; Brunetet al. 2017). The evolution of these two basins wasclosely linked from the Late Palaeozoic onwards;indeed, during Jurassic times the two basins wereconnected. A similar connection existed to theWSW between the South Caspian and the KopetDagh basins, which formed in the Jurassic (Brunetet al. 2003; Taheri et al. 2009; Robert et al. 2014;Abdullayev et al. 2015). The Jurassic–Cretaceouswas characterized by a general planation of thepreviously formed relief (e.g. Makarov 1977; Che-diya 1986; Burbank et al. 1999; Allen et al. 2001;Cunningham et al. 2003; Jolivet et al. 2010, 2013,2015), providing sediments to these newly formingextensional basins (Brookfield & Hashmat 2001;Klett et al. 2006; Fursich et al. 2015; Brunetet al. 2017).

The deposits within sedimentary basins relatedto orogenic systems provide a record of the evo-lution of uplift and subsequent erosion of theadjacent mountain ranges, as well as the history ofchanging depositional systems, subsidence, tectonicdeformation, sea-level variations (e.g. Alexeievet al. 2015) and climate within the basins them-selves (e.g. DeCelles & Giles 1996; Schluneggeret al. 1997; Pfiffner et al. 2002; Sinclair & Naylor2012). In Central Asia, the Mesozoic period wasmarked by pronounced tectonic activity but alsoby climatic changes, specifically, the transitionfrom a humid climate during the Middle Triassic–Middle Jurassic to a semi-arid-arid climate throughto the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous (e.g. Hendrixet al. 1992; Shao et al. 2003; Cecca et al. 2005;Fursich et al. 2015; Jolivet 2015; Jolivet et al.2015; McCann 2016a, b; Schnyder et al. 2016;Brunet et al. 2017). Subsequently, during theearly Cenozoic regionally well-correlated marinetransgressions occurred (Bosboom 2013; Bosboomet al. 2015). These transgressive events have beenlinked to Paratethys Sea which was open to thewest (Black Sea, Caucasus, Caspian Sea) andextended eastwards through the Amu Darya, Tajik,Fergana and Tarim basins of Central Asia (Popovet al. 2004).


Concluding remarks

This Special Publication was prepared as a contri-bution to our understanding of the geological evo-lution of selected Central Asian basins and thewestern Tien Shan Range. There are very fewinternational publications which focus on the evolu-tion of Central Asia, especially its Mesozoic evolu-tion, and this volume aims to fill some of the gapsin our existing knowledge on this dynamic andkey region. It combines the results obtained by inter-disciplinary groups from numerous institutions inEurope and Central Asia. Structural, geophysical,sedimentological, stratigraphical, palaeontological,thermochronological, geochemical and subsidenceanalyses are all used to decipher the complextectono-sedimentary evolution of the area and tounravel the complete history of the collisions andsubsequent intra-continental deformation that com-menced in Late Palaeozoic times across CentralAsia.

This history began with the assemblage of theLate Palaeozoic Central Asian Orogenic Belt,which in itself involved a complex series of colli-sional events. In the Mesozoic, the first significantorogenic event can be linked to the docking of theCimmerian blocks to Asia during Triassic–EarlyJurassic times. The main central Asia sedimentarybasins therefore developed prior to the onset of theIndia–Eurasia collision during the Cenozoic.

New evolutionary models are presented, exam-ining the timing of the various tectonostratigra-phic events and emphasizing the reactivation ofinherited structures. They illustrate the diversity ofprocesses involved in the ongoing constructionof the mountains and the adjacent basins and themutual relationship between internal and exter-nal mechanisms, as well as far-field deformation,mountain building, topographic evolution, basindevelopment and climatic conditions.

The editors would like to acknowledge the entire team ofthe Geological Society of London Publishing House, andespecially Angharad Hills, Rachael Kriefman, TamzinAnderson and Sarah Gibbs, for their support, patienceand work to produce this Special Publication. The manu-script greatly benefited from a review by Randell Stephen-son who is also the GSL book editor for this volume.


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