gardner-great expectations seminar questions- 2

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  • 8/12/2019 Gardner-Great Expectations Seminar Questions- 2


    Montoya 3

    Marie Montoya


    English 10- 2 period

    27 February 2014

    Great Expectations Socratic Seminar Questions

    Social Class

    1. When Pip says, I took the opportunity of being alone in the court-yard, to look at my coarse

    hands and my common boots (47), he is influenced by Estellas higher lifestyle to question his

    own. Do you think that similar situations still happen today?

    2. In the novel, social class and education are connected which is why Pip was sent away to

    England to be more educated. In the modern world, is the amount of education the factor that

    dictate a persons status, more like in the book?

    3. In chapter 8, Pip explains that he wished Joe had been rather more genteelly brought up

    (47) because then Pip would have been brought up to be a gentleman. Why is Pip suddenly

    wishing to replace the loving Joe for somebody more mature and high class?

    Light and Dark

    1. After his first unexpected and disturbing meeting with the convict and Pip, Pip describes the

    setting as, ... the river was just another horizontal line then, not nearly so broad nor yet so

    black; and the sky was just a row of long angry red lines and denseblack lines intermixed (4) .

    Did the convicts visit and requests manipulate how Pip saw the world around him?

    2. The darkness that was instantly seen by Pip in the passages of the Satis house that were all

    dark (43) gives a sense that Pip is approaching the worst. Do you think his experience at the

    Satis house filled Pips life with darkness? Or ignited a light of great expectations for his life?

  • 8/12/2019 Gardner-Great Expectations Seminar Questions- 2


    Montoya 3

    3. Even though Stellas name reflects something bright and she is also described and an

    intelligent person, does her name fully represent who she is and the kind of impact she had on

    Pips life?

    Crime and Conscience

    1. When Mrs. Havisham accuses Estella of being heartless and cold, Estella backfires by telling

    her mom that, I must be taken as I have been made.The success is not mine, the failure is not

    mine, but the two together make me. (240) With this statement Estella accuses her mom of the

    crime of teaching teaching her daughter to not love, but do you think the this crime was all of

    Mrs. Havishams faultor could Estella have ignored Mrs. Havisham and acted to what she

    perceived as right?

    2. As Mrs. Havishams clock stop twenty minutes to nine she is reminded of the error she

    made by loving another person that at the end betrayed her. Why would Mrs. Havisham want to

    relive the crime made by Compeyson everyday, which left Estella and her unable to trust and

    even less love somebody else?

    3. At the end of the novel, while the convict is very ill, Pip decides to stay by his side because he

    knows that he could not live with his conscience knowing that Magwitch helped him accomplish

    his great expectations and Pip just left him in the time of need. Given with Havishams past

    though, would Pip have been wrong if he left Magwitch on his own and then kept the money to

    help his friends and family? Would Pip be committing a crime or looking out for his future?

    Women and Power

    1. Mrs. Joes bringing up by hand of Pip and Mr. Joe sounds ridiculous considering that Joe is

    her husband and not her brother like Pip. Do you think Mrs. Joe ever even thought of Joe as a

    dominant person in any aspect or did she always take command until her death?

  • 8/12/2019 Gardner-Great Expectations Seminar Questions- 2


    Montoya 3

    2. When Mrs. Havisham would whisper into Estellas ear to, Break their hearts, my pride and

    hope, break their hearts and have no mercy! (74) she knew that Estella, being so young, would

    listen to her mother and obey her; but do you think Mrs. Havisham ever thought that words like

    this would have so much power over Estella that she ended up a heartless and emotionless person

    towards the whole world?

    3. In chapter twenty-nine, Mrs. Havisham screams to Pip to love Stella. To love her, if she

    favours you, love her. If she wounds you, love her. If she tears your heart to pieces- and as it gets

    older and stronger it will tear deeper- lover her, love her, love her! (188) Mrs. Havishman

    knows that Estella is almost unable to feel love towards anybody, including her, which is why

    she asks of Pip to stay with Estella even if she breaks his heart to pieces. Do you think that if

    Estella and Pip had gotten married at this point in the story, would she have the power love Pip

    or did she need to be with somebody less appreciative like Drummle to appreciate Pips love?