fultz exie 1960 japan

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  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1960 Japan


  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1960 Japan


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  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1960 Japan


    T he C U E S H E E T

    CReOir UNE5T H E C U E S H E E T


    Sent free and postpaiduponrequest toany address .Editor Exie Ful tz

    NCBA ADDRESSESAmer i c an JapaneseBox 222 4 6 ch om eMarshal l. I II . Nakamiya.choAsahi Ku, Osaka

    NCBA PERSONNELMissionary-representative Exie FultzForwarding agent

    Trus t ee s

    Hiromu Sugano

    Velda Clatfel ter

    Masahisa IjimaEiichi TaniyamaManagement Committee

    Exie Fultz Robert WestDonald G. Burney Kunio InadaEiichi TaniyamaMissionary AdvisorsMartin B. Clark Donald G. Burney

    Robert West Claude LikensBACKWARD LOOK from page 1pays for the station time. (He also does the follow-up from this program.)In July we receiveda letter from theFar EastBroadcastingAssociation offering to broadcast anyJapanese language programs we produced free.This meant that we would be on the air by shortwave from Manilla and on AM in Okinawa. It alsomeant our two children'sprograms Let's Sing ,and Let s Worship , could be broadcast alongwiththe Calvary Calls program. All three programswere released the first of October i n Man il la andin Okinawa. Calvary Calls isheardonSaturdayA. M. and the children's programs onSaturdayafternoons.Though late, our 1958 goals were reachedThe dawn of 1959 found us a l i t t le uns ure a s tohow to chart our mission course. We were seeking a new name and outlets for our programs. InJanuary, at the suggestion of Bro. Martin Clark,president of Osaka Bible Seminary, we vwote theJapanese government asking if it would be possible for us, as Christians, to own and operate anFM Broadcasting Station (by law religious groupsare prohibited from owning AM or TV stations).

    NOTESTHECUE SHEET Witheach taped programailed to a radio station in Japan there must ban accompanying Cue Sheet . This sheet,brief outline of the program, gives the timingthe various parts of the program, first lines of thvarious speaKers, etc. The Cue Sheet elimin

    ates the need of a full script and yet is detaileenough that station personnel concerned with thbroadcast know everything necessary about thprogram.

    From this Cue Sheet (see Japanese copyour heading) our new publication takes its namSince so much needs to be done to make NCBgoals a reali ty time doesn't permit detailed accounts of al l our activities. Yet wewant our supporters to know of the total program of the missiosowill try to keepyouinformed through the pagof this little news publication The Cue SheetThe January-February issue 1960 is the first. W)lan to publish it bi-monthlyif fundspermit. Wlope you like it . When questions arise that ydon't find answered in The Cue Sheet pleasw ri te u s.

    OUR HEAD-TRUSTEE, MR. HIROMU SUGANOAccording to Japanese law the trusteeor legal representatives of NCBA, must be Japanescitizens. Weof NCBA have chosen three to represent us. People in America have asked me, Dyou have full confidence in the Japanese wiwhom you are working? In this issue we're presenting a brief biography of the man we've chosto be our head-trustee, Bro. Hiromu SuganoThough we know no man is infallible we've thquestion we'd like to ask our readersafter they'vread this biography Do you know ofanyChidstiain America who nas any greater or more faithfurecord of service to the Lord? We don t.OUR INAUGURAL MEETING The article othe inaugural meeting of NCBA was publishedSeptember 1959in mimeographed form. Someoour supporters have told usthey failed to receivecopy. For their benefit, and for the newnames oour mailing list, we are publishingit again in th

    first issue of The Cue Sheet. Please readcarefully for a clearer understanding of NCBAher goals , and the procedure she must followto a t ta in them

    Our letter was sent with a prayer tha t the dofor broadcasting over our ownstation remain closif we were considering a project not within thLord's will. It didn t. From the Japanese Communica t ions Off ices we learned tha t a Chr i s t iFM station was not an impossibili ty . Sincc FMSee BACKWARD LOOK on page 3

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1960 Japan


    WORTH i^EPEf^rmcNippon Chris t ian Broadcas t ing Assoc ia t ion th ough not yet of legalage, considers its birthday to be June 8 1959. On that day a groupof Christ ian miss ionar ies and Japanese m et a t the home ofMrs .ExieFul tz Kobe, Japan, to form an assoc ia t ion which would h av e as itsgoal the erect ion of a Chris t ian FM Broadcast ing station in the Kobe-Osaka a r e a of Japan .

    With t he help of the i r legal advisor Mr. S ab uro Kojima whose elde s t son is studying i n Osaka Bible Seminary) , these Chris t ians se tupan organizat ion of eleven me mbe rs with three t rus tees and a management c ommitte e of five. Supreme author i ty of the associa t ion is invested in the eleven-man, or genera l membership , body. The t rustees se rve as the l ega l r epresen ta t ives and di rec to rs of the assoc iation. Trustees chosen at the inaugural meetin g were, H iromu Suganoof Nishinomiya as head- t rus tee , Eiichi Taniyama of Tanabe and Masa-h is a lijima of Tokyo. The work of the management committee will bet o he lp layp lans fo r the to ta l w o rk of the assoc ia t ion . Those to se rveon th is commi t t ee a r e : M r s . Exie F u l t z of K obe, c h air m a n; M r . Robe r t West of Hayashino;Mr. Don Burney of Kochi; Mr . E i ich i Taniyama-of T anab e; and M r. Kunio I n ad a of K obe .Members of a ll the above mentioned groups of Nippon Christ ianBroadcas t ing Assoc ia t ionmus tbe . . i m m e r s e d be l ievers in Christholding the Bible to be divinely inspired and authoritat ive and dedicated to res tor ing the Church, the doctr ines and the pra ct ic e s re co rded and presc r ibed in the New Tes tament . Art ic les of Associa t ion-Ar t i c l e 6, Sec t ion 1.The f i rs t workfor the associat ion was the drafting of t he ir A r ti cl esof Associat ion to be submit ted to the Japanese government. Severa ldrafts have been worked over and the Articles are now being put infinal form for presentat ion to the Ministry of Communicat ions. Whenapproval of these Articles is given by the Communicat ions office NCBAwill receive legal status .With this coming of age NGBA will be ex pected, in her appl ication for a permit to submit the following papers :1. Inventory of asse t s to p ro ve th at she has suff icient fundsto comple te the F M sta t ion pro jec t .2. A s ta tement of source and amount of i ncome to prove thatshe wil l have adequa te funds to mainta in the s ta t ion af t e r i t is

    o n t h e air3. A work p lan showing plans fo r building and equipment instal la t ion with an e x pe ct ed c o m p le ti on date .4. Plan s fo r the programming to be done by the station.After these papers a re submit ted and approved then NCBA will receive a provis ional permi t with cal l l e t t e rs . License to go on thea ir will be granted only af ter a f inal and thorough inspect ion of thecomple te ins ta l la t ion by the Japanese government officials .M r s . Exie Ful tz m i s s iona r y r ep r e s en t a ti ve of the assoc ia t ion willalso be serving as stat ion manager . Persona l advisors to Mrs . Ful tzon m a t t e r s regard ing sta t ion opera t ion and re la t ionsh ip of NCBA to thechurches in A m e r i c a a r e : Mar t in B . Clark pres iden t Osaka BibleSeminary , Osaka; Don Burney, Shikoku Christ ian Mission, Kochi;Rober t West , Hayashino, Okayama ken; a nd C laud e Likins, LikinsMiss ion to Japan, Tokyo.

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1960 Japan


    T h e C U E S H E E TSPECIAL FEATURE from page 1

    Bro. Sugano came to America, following hismilitary service, to study at Eugene BibleCollegeEugene. Ore. where he was graduated in 1927witha Bachelor of Arts decree. Upon his return to Ja -i n he worked with tne addenfamily establishng churches, night schools and kindergartens.Later in 1939. when Mr. an d M rs. M ad de n ret i redf rom the fie ld he c on ti nu ed t o work with Bro.Harold Cole who had ar rived on th e field in1937.

    The Japanese-American war forced the Colesto retorn to America in 1941 leaving the work inOsaka completely in the hands of Bro. Sugano.Theyears following were filledwith heavy responsibility andereat persecution. Christians throughout the land were pressured by the Japanesegovernment to join th e United Church and to bow be -fore the picture of the emperor in worship. Asthepersecution increased Bro. Sugano watchedthe Christians of the Asahi Church leave one byone until he atone was left. The governmentforced th e close of the church in March 1942whereupon Bro. Sugano resolved that thoughthechurch closed the Kindergarten should not. Hereasoned that as long as the kindergarten wasopen he had some access into the homes for Christian witnessing. By taking a teaching position ata high school. Bro. Suganowas able to earn hisliving expenses and keep the kindergartengoinguntil June 1945/ On the 7th day of that monthAmerican bombs destroyed all mission buildingsincluding the church and kindergarten.

    Often duringthese dark war-daysBro. Suganowas sorely tempted togive upbuthesaid. When-everit seemea I wasgoing to fade awayspirituallyand physically by theviolent storm of persecution or temptationGod always whispered and encouraged me with the words of the hymns. StandUp, Stand Up for Jesus and Onward ChristianSoldier .

    Personal sorrow added to th e hear taches theSuganos suffered. In1944they received wordthattheir only child, a son Ichiya, who was servingwith the Japanese army in NewGuinea, was miss-injg near Hollandia. Yearshave come and gonewith hope rising and falling while Ichiya s fate isreported as still unknown.In April 1947 the Suganos again welcomedHarold Cole to Japan. The property which Bro.Suganohad held was transferred back to Bro. Coleand plans were begun for reconstructing the AsahiChurch. .When I saw the sight of the new buildingI was bursting with great emotion said Bro. Sugano. It looked like a dream.

    Since the war Bro. Sugano has served as a trustee of Osaka Bible Seminary aiding the mission-

    BACKWARD LOOK from page 1newin Japan new laws have been written goerning it . NOW religious groups can obtaincense to own and operate their own stations. Tusthismeant that a doorhadopenedgivingus topportunity to preach the gospel daily to millioin th e Kansai area at a small fraction of t he coof buying equal amounts of time on commercis ta t ions

    We set to work at once Drawing up Articlof Association andforminganorganization whwould meet the law s requirements for groups aplying for license . Next to be considered was fnancing. Income had to be increased and equiment purchased. Exie Fultz returned to the Statin June to present the new project to the Americchurches. Interest in theprojectandincome greasExie traveled during the latter partof 59 throu11 states presenting the work to 70 different churces and 4 BibleCollege groups(Bible Classes, Laies Meetings and Youth Groups which wouldconsidered second contacts with the same churare not included in this number). The responof theChristians was encouraging but the end59 still found us without funds for the neededquipment.

    Exie had hoped to return to Japan the lattpart of December or the first of January but noplans to remain in America until May or JunEquipment must be purchased by the first ofMto be in herfreight shipment. Pray that our 195goals will be realized by that date.E SURE T O RE DWORTH aepe TfNC

    O N T H E IN S E R Tfo r the inaugurat ion s tory

    ofN I P P O N

    C H R I S T I N B R O D C S T IN G S S O C I T I O N

    arieswhenever possible in the spreading of the gopel. Recently he felt younger men should be taking over his responsibilities so he was resigninmany of his posts. It was thenNCBA asked him taccept the head-trusteeship for the new FM sttion. At first he thought it too great a responsbility should the American missionary ever bforced from the country by a Russian-Americawar. Later he accepted tnis great task for thLord urged on again perhaps bythe words of Oward Christ ian Soldier.

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1960 Japan


    The CU E SHEET

    i v e e o sC O S T E S T IM A T E S

    FOR EQUIPMENT FOR FM STAT IONTransmitter KW (\v/2 Chan Mux)* 4,000.00Antenna (8 bay) 3,000.00Tower (200 ft . guyed) 2,000.00Transmission Line and fittings 600.00(Approx, 300 ft.)Monitor, Frequency and Modulation 1,750.00

    Limiter Amplifier 400.Tape Recorders (two) 920.Test Equipment 1,000,Organ (spinet-electronic) 3,000. u s eda ll o th e r new

    Add to the above items 20 70 for customs and 10for shipping.Listed.above is theequipment which must be puchased by Mrs. Exie Fultz during her present stain t he Uni ted States. Other i tems wil l be needefor complete installation but some of these cabe purchased in Japan.

    CLOsm rHGme Behold howmany thousands stillare lying .Bound in the darksonne pr i son house of s in . . . With n on e to t e l l theof the Saviour's dying Or of the life He dies for them to win . . .(O Zion, Haste) .


    'Calvary Calls The Boys and MyToy-Boxin {'Let 's Sing' and 'Let 's Worship

    Obihiro, JapanO k i n a w aManilla

    Nippon Christian Broadcasting Ass'n.P. O Box 222

    Marshall, Illinois



    O k i n a w aM an i ll a


    Permit No. 37MARSHALL, ILL.

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1960 Japan



    Volume 1 March - April, 1960 Numbe r'Let the song go 'round the earth .

    Chr i s t is Lord . . . .Sound His pra i s e s t e l l His wor th . .name adored . . . . (Let the Song Go 'Round the Ear th) .

    esuB e H i



    Cherub Choir SponsorsThe Youth Group of the Town and Count ryChurch of Chr i s t of North Sacramento, Calif . ,Carmichael) have just recently voted to becomesponsors of the NCSACherub Choir. This meansthey have pledged to send 10.00 each monthfor the supfwrt of these little singers. Each childin the choir receives 25 yen(about 70) each timebecomes to rehearsal and recording sessions. Our

    'oreis' or financial gif ts to the choir average about 8,00 a month. We use this plan of small paybecause it keeps us from being obligated to themas we would be if it were strictly voluntary singing, and it puts us in a position to lay down therules for rehearsing and recording). The 10.00given by the Young People of the Town and Country Church covers this expense and helps with thechildren's music supplies. With the first checksent toNCBA, Miss Peggy Hutchinson, Secretary-See SPECIAL FEATURE page 3

    THE o r m p f oObihiro Listener Converted by Ernest D. FabMissionary Hokkaido Christian Mission)HowlongMi s sTaikoTsujihad beenlistening to the NCBA produced Cal-var y C a Us radioprogram we do not

    know. We f ir st mether during our regurlar fall evangelisticservice in 1959 < ^^^whichwas led byMr.Taniyamaof TanabeChurch o f Chr is t andthe Calvary Calls gradio preacher, Af-ter hearing Brother Miss TsujiTaniyama on the airMiss Tsuji wanted tomeetand hear him in persoMiss Tsuji came forward the second eveningthe evangelistic meet ing with two others wwished to accept Christ, At that time we talkwith her and counsel led her concerning Christiaity. Later thatweek she came forward and maSee REACH OF RADIO page 3IN SYMPATHY -- We extend our sympathythe family of ALEX McLEAN who died FriaaMarch 4 Alex was ownero f THE GOLDEN RUPRINTERS, Terre Haute , Indiana, and printerThe Cue Sheet . Alex had helped us in layiout plans for the hrst issue Though his deacame as a shock, yet Precious in the sightthe Lord is th e death of His saints Psa. 116:

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1960 Japan


    T h e C U E S H E E Tm

    T H E C U E S H E E Tofficial organ of

    NIPPON CHRISTIAN BROADCASTING ASS N.ent free and postpaid upon request to any address .

    . . . Exie Ful tzNCBA ADDRESSES

    A m e r i c a n JapaneseBox 222 1 4 6 c h o m eMarshall. III. Nakamiya.choAsahi Ku, Osaka

    NCSA PERSONNELissionary-representative Exie Fultzorwarding agent Velda Clatfelter

    Trus t ee s

    iromu Sugano Masahisa IjimaEiichi TaniyamaManagement Committee

    Exie Ful tz Robert WestDonald G. Burney Kunio InadaEiichi TaniyamaMissionary AdvisorsMartin B. Clark Donald G. Burney

    Robert West Claude LikensDea r Con tr ibu to r :Would you please make your future checks toNippon C dstian Broadcasting Association ratherthan to Mrs. Fultz or Mrs. Clatfel ter? In claiming tax exemption please state that the gift wasto Nippon Christian Broadcasting Association - -no t Exie Fiiltz.We appreciate the support you have givenandpray the Lord's guidance in the use of it that itmight bear fruit for Him. Sincerely in Christ,Forwarding Agent - Missionary

    y p o r miwuffCEmNfBeginning the first Sunday in Apri I CalvaryCalls will celebrate the completion of i ts firstyearon the air in Obihiro, Japan, overstationJOHW. TUis program is sponsored by Bro. ErnestFaber. though conespondence has not been asgreat as we nad hoped station authorities haveestimated our listening audience as of thelocal population, a veryhigh percentage. Broadcast time is 8:00 A.M. , Sundays.

    OUR YOUNG SPONSORS of our Che rub ChoLhave encouraged us sreatly in our work. Theare not the first youth group to contribute to ouneeds and others have pledged sums for a perioof time,but they are the first to pledge toa^pecific project for an indefinite period. We wanto thank all youth groups who have helped us ianyway at anyUme. Wewould also like tosuggest to those wnowould like a similar project diamey write to Exie at Box 222, Marshall, Illinoifo r some ideas . We want to extend our childreseries to five pronams weekly so there is a placwhere all can help. Other groupswanting projecare urged to write, too.

    MISS TAIKO TSUH whowas first contacted foChrist via radio now lives in Ashikawa, a towwhere there is no New Testament Church. Ptathat she may be strong in the Lord and a witnesto her people. Pray alsothat a Church ofChrismay beestablished sothat shemight have fellowship with others of like precious faith.

    O U R GUEST M I S S I O N A R Y for this issue iMartin B. Clark, president of Osaka Bible Seminary. Martin is a member of Nippon ChristiaBroadcasting Association and serves on the MisionaryAdvisoryCommittee. Because ofhisclosassociat ion with the rad ia work we asked him twrite our first guest editorial . We plan to continuethis colunm inorder thatoursupporters maknowour^-laborers in the Lord, and understanhowour different worksaid and complimenteacother. We serve one Lord, Jesus Christ; we wockin one common field of labor, Japan; and for onpurpose, to reach the unreached for Him.

    THE RESPONSE OF CHURCHESAND INDIVIDUALS toour needs has brought usmuch rejoicingThose who have contributed to our general funare the oneswho have kept the work going on thfield; i . e . paid salaries, production costs, etcBecause of their increased giving, printing billwhich totaled over300.00were paid off &February, and the loan of 1100.00 tor Exie's transportationtoU. S. A. and back toTo^o has beereduced to 450.00. The Church of^Chr i s t aDeftance, Ohio, has supplied funds for one of thneeded tape recorders. The church at McComhOhio, and Central Christian at Findlay, Ohiohave also contributed to the equ ipment fundTheir offe r ing will be used tovyard the seconneeded recorder. Approximately 500.00 habeen received in the organ fund from variouchurches and individuals. Foreach gift and eacgiver we give thanks to God.

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1960 Japan


    T h e C U E S H E E T

    c u ^ s T f ^ T s m m vMariinB. Clark,?Presi'dent-Osaka Bible Seminary I'am grateful for the opportunity and privilegeof being the first guest writer for this column ofTHE CUE SHEET edited by EXIE FULTZ in theinterest of Nippon Christian Broadcasting Association. This policy of a guest editor ial in such anews letter is to be t ommendcd. It i sanindication of the splendid relationship among the servants of Christ overseasworkingindependently ofany over-head organization, and particularlyhere in Japan.

    The G re at C omm is si on is known t o Chr is ti an sin varying degrees, but it can be cited by mostof them as the reason for going into all of theworld to preach the gospel. I would like to emphasize one phase of that commiss ionas thethought for this editorial. The chief objectivein any one of the five statements of this commiss ion is to conver t m e n to Chris tIt is to be noted that Jesus did not refer to anyof the methods used by the farmer in order tobring about the harvest. It can only be assumedthat Jesusexpected the farmer to useevery available and propermethod to accomplish his purpose.If a Japanese farmer were to use the methods ofsome of mywheat-farmer friends of Eastern Oregon, there would be no room left to farm--theirmachinery would cover it all. We are expectedto use every available and proper means to accomplish our objective which conforms to our

    own abi l i t ies and convict ions .God has led me into the work of training preachers in a Bible College training program. OsakaBible Seminary is an arm of God's people totrain Japanese preachers and Christian leaders.Osaka Bible Seminary isone of the most importantmethods of propagating the gospel.There are four major methods to this end ofconverting men to Christ. Of course, the first andmost important is the personal preaching of thegospel. The second most important isthe trainingof others to do this preaching. Those thus trained

    have two most important media bywhich to dotheir preaching--Radio and Printing Each ofthese four is a tool which assists and complimentsthe others in accomplishing the chief objective.It has been by privilege to work closely withthose associates with radio work here in Osaka.hppn mv hope from th e beKianing that th ePBi&iy collegk.pj.ogr^^ programcould be-co-OKliftated Into a cT3s T y1flftTr te aTn ofservice, for pur Lord theo^ftYt^frrry toexpress my thanks to Exie FuUz forthis opportunity to state my sincerest hopes forNippon Christian Broadcasting Association.

    Cherub ClioirSPECIAL FEATURE from page ITreasurer of the group wrote, We are all ohundred percent oehlnd you. We're fixingroom up'all Japan and reallygoing all out onWe al l wish you the best of luck and believewe're really praying for you.

    From th e field th e NCAB staff wrote baDon'tyouthinkit'swonderfulthatthey wanthelp us in this way.Mrs. Wayne Thomas, the minister's v/ife,the youth leader who lead them in acceptingchallenge and responsibility of becoming theBA Cherub Choir sponsors.The NCBA Children's series, The Boys' andToy-Box , which now inc ludes two progrLet's Sing and Let's Worship is broadcaweekly over KSABin Okinawa and DZASin Ma

    i l l a Twelve l is teners have e n r ol le d i nt h e Cdren's Bible Correspondence Cou rse sinceBroadcasts began in October 1959

    M D D E N MEMORIAL BUILDING fo r OsBible Seminary is the present project of OsaChri st ianMis si on , The co st o f this initch needbuilding isestimated at 35,000.00. We consiit a project worthy of your prayer and financsupport. Seven persons currently associated wthe work of Nippon Christian Broadcasting Asciation have studied in Osaka Bible SeminaryREACH OF RADIO from page Jthe good confession and was baptized intoCh

    Miss Tsuji helped with Sunday Scliool andother ways before she returned to her nAshikawa. She continues to study by curros'poe nc e the courses wo have to offer .Miss Tsuji is j u s t one of th e visible- resultradio work. A soul we would n o t have reacwi thout i t

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1960 Japan


    Our immedia te needs are: 2100.00 for the organ450.00 for transportation (to pay on loan)In January we received word from Japan thattheFM stations in that country would operate on

    UHF bank instead of VHF. This means a greaternumber of permits can be issued, but at presentthere is a de lay due to further government experimenting. This delay on the part of the gov-^iernment, however, does no t mean we can affordtoslow down our building program. We will stilt be needing a transmitter, antenna, etc. and ourassets should be increasing steadily in equipment,real estate andcashon hand ifwewantourapplication for a permit to be considered favorably.And we do

    March 2^^hru April 3 -- MichiganApril 3/^^u April 10 Northern IndianaApri /l2 thru April 18 --In Marshall,Ap^ 20 thru April 25 Northern IllinoisKpiil 26 thru May 5 Southern Indiana./^ay9-rleaving Terre Haute, Ind. ,for WestCoMay 12 thru May-23 -- NorthernCaliforniaMay 25 thruMay29;,--- Southern CaliforniaMay30leaving LosAngeles forHawaii ToAJeW^datesAresttU open during these moan3'tfiis schedule may be shifted a little to acommodate requests in the given areas. Lettshould be mai led to Mrs. Velda Clatfelter, B222, Marshall, Illinois.

    C L O s m r H c m e Let the song go 'round the earth . . . Fronthe eas te rn sea . . . Where the day-l ight has its bir th , . . Glad, anbright , and f ree . . . Let the song go ' round the ear th . . . J e sus Chrisis King (Let the Song Go 'Round the Earth).


    ^ Ca lva ry Ca l l s


    Marshall, IlUnois

    T H E B O Y S ' A N D M Y T O Y B O(Let ' s Sing ' and 'Le t ' s WorshipJ ^ O W - Obihiro, Japan _Okinawa^ KSAB - Okinawa DZAS - Manilla, Philippine

    V DZAS - Manil la , Phi l l ip ines

    ^7U. S. POSTAP I

    P er mit N o.MARSHALL.

    Form 3547 requested '

    ike land the Rising ^un the (Iken One

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1960 Japan


    wCUEm r


    - The re a re o t h e r l o s t sh eep ' th at t h e Mamus t br ing And they mus t th e message be told . . . He seme to gather them out of J a p a n . . . . And welcome them back tofold . . . .(The Regions Beyond .

    One short month from this writing, earlyJune ^I will be again in Japan--the Lord will- ^ing. ,.Mv eleven month stay..ia.A^ef-ica hasbeen enjoyable and hasresulted in the forming I .of many new friendships both personal and for ANCBA and renewing and strengthening many ofTo the many, many folk who sh a re d their .homes v/ith me when I was speaking in their

    area I want to say Thank you. Your warmhospitality and Christian fellowship furnished '^*me with some of my most ple asu rable mo ^ments. To churches and church groups which ^helped meonmyway by their prayers and giv-ing, The Lord oless you as you seek to extendyour witness the uttermost parts.See pageW OGmQZMiss Sachiko Nakayama of W akayama ken andMr. T a k a k i Kawahara of Kobe were u ni te d i nmarriage April 9th at Kobe Union Church (thisbuilding was usedsince the Church of Christmeets in a house . Martin B. Clark presidentof Osaka Bible Seminary performed the cere-mony.Miss Nakayama is a native of Wakayama kenwhere Miss Vivian Lemmon is missionary. Shewas baptized intoChrist in 1956 and since thenhas been an active membe r o f the KinanChurchof Christ. Two other members of her familyareChristian her mother and her brother. ISee Weddings page 3,col .2

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1960 Japan


    T h e C U E S H E E Tu r n s

    T H E C U E S H E E Tofficial organ of

    NIPPON CHRISTIAN BROADCASTING ASS N.ent free and postpaid upon request to any address.

    Exie F u l t zNCBA ADDRESSES

    Japanese1 4 6 c h om eNakamiya.choAsahi Ku, Osaka

    A m e r i c a n

    Box 2 2 2Marshall, III.

    NCBA PERSONNELissionary-representative Exie Fultzorwarding agent Velda Clatfelter^

    T r u s t e e sHiromu Sugano Masahisa Ijima

    Eiichi TaniyamaManagement Committee

    Exie Fultz Rob er t WestDonald G. Burney Kunio InadaEiichi Taniyama^Missionary Advisors

    Martin B. ClarkR o b e r t W e s t

    Donald G. BuraeyC l a u d e Likens

    Sayonara from page l .col. 1Besides these Amer ican Christ ians one o th ergrouphas beena constant sourceof encouragement and joy to me the NCBA radio staff inJapan. During my absence from the field theyhave carried on every phase of the work thathad been begun. Surely thev deserve to hear,Well done mougood and faithful servantsofthe Lord. The blessings that have come tome through God s people during this past yearseem to be as the stars in the firmament, brightshining and innumerable.It is good t o be going home to Japan to enlarge the tents and strengthen the stakes of theradio work. Reservations have been made byair from Terre Haute to Seattle via Chicago forMay 9th. After a few days in Seattle i will goto San F r a n c i s c o to visit Shinpei and otherfriends at San Jose and to finish arrangementsfor shipping equipment . A few days will bespent with my sister near Sacramento beforeg o i ng on to LosAngeles. Mjt4g]}Mt ue from

    the mainland is scheduled fdTJapajn AITEhes ausKp^-As soon as possible after arriving in TokyoISee Sayonara page 3,col. 1

    THE MOST ACTIVEthese days seems to^^year he s manage^)^n e a r t s o f f o u r persons associated with JMCBAproductions. In June, T a k a k i Kawahara andSachiko Nakayama decided to marry and publicannouncement of their engagementwas madebyExie at the train station just as she was readyto depart for U. S. A. Now that they are manand \^e Exie s disappointed thatshe didti'tgeback to Japan in time to witness the wedding)weextend our best wishes and pray they ll havea lon^ and happy married life in the Lord.Christian homes in Japan ar,e far too-few. We

    M i s l e dnore~has b e e n st lknowing that it can be a great influence in thecommunity and a wimess for Chris t.I t was with m i x ed e m o ti on s t h a t we h e a r d othe engagement of Tsukiko Detnukai and Akira

    Inugai. We re happy because the y are happya n d we a re t hr il le d t n a t two mo re fine Christ ianyoung people have sought Christian mates inorder to better serve t h e Lord. Our d i s t r e s scomes from the fact that Inugai san's gain isNCSA'sloss. Tsukikohas served long and faithfully in the mission and has made a neat contr ibution i n to th e radio work. We U have heruntil f a l l and, with Inugai San's permissionmay try to keep her a few months more u n t i lsomeone else can be uained to take her placeReallywere veryglad for all fourof these youngfolk and feel that this is all as i t should t c .

    We've heard, though, we don t yet have thedetails, that two other young ladies who he Ipus have been willing tai^ets for Cupid s arrowsOur soloist on the Calvary Calls program hasmarr ied a n d the announcer for t h e cmldren sprograms has become engaged . Since thesegirls only come in for recording sessions theirmarital status will probablynot effect programproduction. To them do we wish every happin e s s .

    THE LOVEROF SOULS, our Lord Jesus Christhas also beenwooingand winninghearts to Himself . Miss Takako Nishikawa surrendered her sto Him this spring at the convention in Waka-yamaken. Takako is the second in the Nishi-Kawaf a m i 1y to become Christian. The firstwas Shinpei, now a student a t San Jose BibleCollege, who was baptized in 1955. We praythat Takako's life may always be filled with joyand blessings from God. We pray that she maybe a winner of souls. May she find among thoseshe wins other members of her own family.

    OUR GUEST MISSIONARY COLUMN does notSee Narrator s page 3,col. 1

    N C B Athe pasi n t o the

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1960 Japan


    The CUE SHEETwav ro WEHHHI Blessed is the onewhose transgression is3 r I forgiven, whose sin is?/. I covered Psa. 32:1).I I God s gre at blessing ofI V I e te rn a I life has be eDB \ I given to Takako Mishi-kawabecauseofher fa i th

    in C hris t a nd h er obed i -e n c e to His command -m nts

    her fatherwere at the saygood by last June whenExie returned to the States. Up to t ha t t ime sheh ad n ev er at tended the Kobe Church o f Chris t a lthough she had been invi ted by several of themembers. Later that same month she star ted going to services, but found it difficult to believebecause she sa id I cou ld no t be l i eve the mirac lesand the word sin in th e Bible. (Two commonproblems in converting Japanese).

    This year whi le attending the convention inWakayama, April 29 and 30, Takako prayed foran open heart that she mighthear and understand- -and these were given to ner. During the convent ion she made he r confess ion o f fai th in Chris t andon Resurrection Sunday was immersed into Him byBro. Kawahara (the groom on page I) . The services were held at the Sumiyoshi river.

    Takako is a sister of Shinpei Nishikawa who isa student at S a n Joj Bible College, Sa n Jose,California .Sayonara from page 2, col, 1plan to go down to Kobe-Osakato check on theNwork and to greet friends then return to Tokyo )and on to K aru iz aw a to en r o l l in s umm er la nguage school. Beginning in September we hopeto ge t three more children s programs underwayplus a program for high school and college students. It is our hope and prayer that the newstudio equipment and the organ will be in Japanby that time.Narrator s from page 2, col.2appear in this issue because of Exie s Sayonaramessage. Within this issue, however, you llfind names of other missionaries whose labors in.the Lord have helped NCBA. Mr. Kawahara is Vx/fruit of the labors of Mrs. Isabe I Dittemore, |\

    His bride is from the work of Miss Vivian Lem- ; /nion. Tsukiko was won to Chr i s t by V.Bills -- her fiancee by Mrs. Stanley Buttray.-^PRAYER CHANGES THINGS? Nol

    Prayerchanges people-people change things.

    Miss Tuskiko Demuoffice manager for NCLtd. , announced theirgagement Sunda y,

    jim hur h of hrijW Tsukiko was woH^HL ^ Christ several years agv . Alex Bills and hass

    in Os ka ,^ut wasST^ ^ company toTokH About two years he joined an Eng ^ Bible Class at th > ^ MC Mrs Stai^ i A Buttray, te acheI 1 theclass, ledhimf to a faith in JesI God s Son. I nu

    san c o n f e ^ d Ch) as his saviour and baptized into HimJulius Fleeno r a tSh imooch i a i Chin Tokyo on Octo18, 1958.

    About oneyearago theGosho Trading Comre-transferred Inugai san back to Osaka. Hebecame a member of the M i y a k o j i m a Chwhere Tsukiko san serves as organist. Theirrelationship Is a result of love and understanthat grew as they worked together for the Lovarious church activities. The wedding hasse t fo r some t ime in the fa l lWeddings from page l ,col. 1Kawahara san has been working for the ramission for the past two years. He serves as tenician for Nippon Christian Broadcasting Asciation. He was baptized into Chr i s t in 1(a convert of Mrs. Isabel Dit temore) and stufour years in OsakaBible Seminary graduatin the spring of 1958. Besides working forNCBA Kawahara san preaches for the Kobe H

    shinada Church o f Ch r is t.Mr. a n d Mrs. Kaw a h a r a will l ive in K

    where he wi l l cont inue h is work with the chuand with NCBA.

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1960 Japan


    T h e C U E S H E E T

    WerejoicL ihar needs reported in our last issuehave been part ia l ly met. The loan for Exie stransportation has been reduced to 50.00 - -than^ no living link churches First Christianat Evansville, Indiana, and E. 49th Street Christian in Indianapolis.The Conn Artist , the model pictured a t ther ight is the one we v e decided to take back foruse in the stud io . Freight L being paid by thecompany which means a great saving to us. Westill nave a need, however, of 1300.00 to finish payment on the organ.Funds for shipping other equipment two taperecorders, 15 dozen tape, microphones, recordsand some household equipment) are st il l needed.

    To the r e g i o n s beyond I m u s t go, I m u s t g

    Where the s to ry h as never been told To the m illio ns thnever have heard of His love . . I m u s t te l l th e sweet s tory of o. . (The Regions Beyond).

    CALVARY CALLSJOHW - O bih lr o, J ap anKSAB - OkinawaDZAS - Manilla. Philippines

    Nippon Christian Broadcasting Ass n.P O Box

    Marshal l. I ll inois

    Form 3547 requested

    THE BOYS' AND MY TOY BO('Let'j Sing' and 'Let 's Woiship*KSAB - OkinawaDZAS - Manilla. PhlUppines


    P er m it N oMARSHALL.

    ikt latt^ ike iiin ^tm the isen One

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1960 Japan


    1:) A i l K f > I A ** m. I | f l