fultz exie 1954 japan

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  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1954 Japan



    f r om CHRISTIAN RADIO MISSION Osaka Japan

    Bible Christian Broadcast BeginsThird Year on The WorldsMost Powerful CommercialRadio Station

    It began ten years ago when ayoung soldier in France ded icatedhis life to missionary work inEurope A few days later he waskilled But his foster parents Mrand Mrs Walter Coble did not forgetThey began to gather a memorialfund to send a missionary to EuropeBut the Lord closed this doorThen a chance meeting betweenCobles and Alex Bills opened thewhole idea of covering Europe withthe Gospel by Radio

    The Christian Radio missionagreed to prepare the program andthe Cobles organized their workunder the name Gospe l Broadcasting Mission to raise the necessaryfunds Time was purchased onRadio Luxembourg with its 150 000watt transmitter covering all ofEngland and reaching English speaking people all over EuropeNow we are into our third year ofbroadcasting a simple message ofNew Testament Christianity Muchsacrificing work and giving byWalter and Minnie Coble has madeit possible All of the work of produc tion and follow up is carried onfrom OsakaDaily request come for copies ofthe sermons A large number arestudying the Bible Correspondencecourse And we bel ieve tha t thereIS a steady increase of interest inlunity on the New Testament plan

    A CommunistNow a Chris t ianBecause YOU sen t the Bil l swith the Gospel to Japan

    The frui t of t h i s work will bechurches and individuals turning tothe New Testament way throughyears to come We are making areal and substantial impact on alarge number of Chris tian leadersin Europe and England Each sermon is heard by more people thana t t end a l l o f th e Chr i s t i a n chu rchesin the United States Coble s a dd re ssis 208 South Guilford GarrettInd ianaPlans For Christian Radio Center

    Our most vital and immediateneed is funds for building the Christian Radio Center in Osaka thatwill provide housing office spaceand desperately needed studio Outwhole program depends on completing this building with all possible


  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1954 Japan


    CH RI S TI A N R A D I O M I S S I O N

    Wane scnothdfrom P N^

    A news report from the ChristianRadio Mission. Edited by V. Alex Bills,Fie ld Director, Osaka, Japan.J A P A N E S E MAILING A D D R E S S :ClHrlstlan Radio MissionMlyakojlma P O. Box No. 2

    O s a k a J a p a nC A B L E ADDRESS: Cromls O s a k a

    cm WORKERSMr. and Mrs. V. Alex Bi l l s and iomily,

    492~5 Jutaku, Shlbaqakl Shlndo,Motsubara Cho, Nakagawachl Gun, OsakaT u Japan

    Mrs. E xlo F u ltz 67 Yokoya, UozaklCho, Hlgashlnada Ku, Kobe, Japan.

    Cooper a t i ng on Chinese Programs:Mrs. Isabel Dlt temore, 120 Ue Arata Cho,Kagosh ima -Sh l, Kyushu , Japan

    FORWARDING AGENTSSend~CT fuirdS for~fh e ^enefcil work dhd~

    the Bil l s family to . . .C h r i s t i a n R a d i o M i s s i o n

    Mr s D o n B l a i r804 Mississ ippi Amarl l lo, T e x a sS e n d f u n d s fo r Mrs F ul t z to . . .

    Mrs. Velda Clatfe l le rSIO North Fourth Stree t Marshal l , I l l inois

    OVR HOME COMMITTEEChai rman, G. B. Gordon, LincolnBible Ins t i tu te L in co ln , I ll in ois ; HarryBucalsteln, 604 Sixth Avenue, Havre,

    Montana; Rober t M. LHlle , R t. 2, CedarLake, Indiana; Harrold McForland,Mission Services, Box 968, Jollet,I lli no is ; T h oma s W. Overton, 2567 KressStreet , Toledo, Ohio; Conley Sllsby,1507 Univ . Avenue S E Minneapo l i s 14,Minnesota ; Stanley D. Letcher 2B02Jul ian Amarl l lo, T e x a s

    SPECIAL ADVISORSArlo F Kelley, 4505 W. 3rd, Amarl l lo,

    Texas ; Dorothy Jane Johnson , 218 SixthAvenue HUntg in lon , West Vir g in i a ;Chaplian (Major) George R. Barber , 229South Greenwood, Montebello , Cal i fornia .

    has te Each of these three needs isurgenc The Bills family must havea place to l ive. Enla rgment of thecoirespondence Bible courses isimpossible without space in whichto work. No new programs can beproduced until we have the studiocompleted.This Christ ian Radio Center willcost about 12,000 and will havefar reaching effects in the ChristianRadio programs that it will makepossible in Korean and Chineselanguages as well as the Englishand Japanese. We are waiting onword from you, our friends inAmer icaJUST A LINEIt is a letter of just one line . . .but, that lice connects us with one

    mote life. At the moment it is layingon the desk beside my typewriter.The characters are quite small butthe message is clear. It reads,- With reference- to your offer on theRadio last evening wil l you pleaseenroll me ia your free Bible Cor re spondence Course. That's all. Andit is signed with just the initial andsurn meThis letter , with its brief request,tells us very little about the sender.Is this person male or female?Married or single? Is he (she?)Chris t ian or n on -C hris tian ? If aprofessing Christian, a member ofwhat Church? There is nothing fromthis le t ter that w ill answer thesequestions. It's a name with no further identification. Just a name tobe typed on a card and placed in afile with nota t ions .As the correspondence continues,however, the name becomes a person with a personality. From lessonsheets retu rn ed and from notes andlet ters tucked inside we learn muchabout the different ones taking thecourse. They are preachers, teachers, nurses, housewives, men in thearmed services of their country, ail

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1954 Japan


    seeking to know more of God s Wordand His wil l .

    It has been a joy to watch theirgrowth and deepening interest inGod s Word Perhaps the most frequent comment made regarding thecourse i s that i t makes one s e a r c hthe Scriptures for answers. Thishas been our primary aim in ourf i r s t course offered on the a ir inLuxembourg. We have not ed a changein the thinking of the students asthe course continues, a changewhich indicates that they are givingless consideration to what they thinkand more to what the scripture says.We are especially praying for thosewho are complet ing the Int roductoryCourse and enrolling in our nextcou r s e on Ac t s .

    Exie Fuh zTHIS IS LIFEOur Japanese broadcast is nowheard on three s tat ions in Hokkaidoand on four shor t wave s ta t ions inM^Ila that can be heard in everypart of Japan and Okinawa.

    The Hokkaido programs are i . .^epossible by gifts from the Armychapels of the First Cavalry Division. Chaplain Robert Scott hasbeen responsible for this help.

    We are thrilled with the mail re-

    y Alex Bills, Director andSpeaker.

    Manin B Clark, Announcer andSoloist Betty Bills, Organist,sponse from this Island whereChur che s o f Chr i s t have neve r before had any work. Our message ofChristian Unity based on a return tothe New Testament pattern is veryattractive. On the average more thanone person a day is enrolling in theJanpaese Bible CorrespondenceCour se .

    One man i s so thr i i led with thepossibility of this message that heis willing to give up li security of

    Exie Fultz, Radio Mail Secretary and Correspondence BibleTeache r

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1954 Japan


    a government job and come to OsakaBible Seminary for training so hecan return to his people with thism e s s a g e

    also have a young man fromKobe who was first contacted by theradio program enrolling in BibleSeminary this spring These andmany others have been reached byradio but could not have been contacted in any other way.

    However we are facing a problem,'to continue this broadcast af ter thepresent transcriptions are exhaustedwe must have the studio of Christian Radio Center completed. Onlygifts from our friends can make thispossibleAnyone in the whole Far Eastand sometimes in the U S canusually hear the short wave stationsof Far East Broadcasting Companyfrom Manila that carry the program.It is heard on Friday 7:30 to 8:00p.m. Japan time, on the followings t a t i ons :

    DZH 7 9 730 MCDZHS 11 855 MCDZH 9 15 300 MCD Z I 6 17 805 MC

    To Our Friends We are getting results with themoney you are Investing in the

    work of the Chris t ian Radio Miss ionB ut in order to have TOrkers t ra inedand available i t Is necessary for us

    to commit ourselves to certain expenses on a monthly basis Duringthe pas t winter months our incomewas just a little less than our needseach month until we were about400.00 in debt Then during them onth of March several of our friendsseemed to forget us perhaps in thepressure of Income TaxNow we are in very serious needIncreasing costs and inflation ismaking it necessary to increasesa lar ies to our workers so theirfamilies can have food to eat andwe are in danger of not being ableto even pay what we have promisedWe hope our friends will rememberAlso Korea

    The great open door of Christianradio programs beamed to Korea mustbe entered if at all possible Alexwill spend a few weeks during Marchand April in Seoul making recordingsof sermons in Korean to inc lude inprograms that^wi^l be prepared laterIf possible choral groups will alsobe recorded : then se rmons and mus i ccan be edited Into a single programin Osaka The Far East BroadcastingCompany is urging us to begin a regular release of Korean languageprograms The Korean church hasdemonstrated that i t is by far themost faithful in the Orient, if not inth e e nt ire modern wor ld

    C H R I S T I A N R A D I O M I S S I O N804 Mississ ippi Amari l lo Texas S e c 34 66 P L & RU. S. PostageP A I D

    A m v i l l o T ex a sP e r m i t N o 78

    F O R M 3547 REQ U ESTED

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1954 Japan


    EXTRAS from Exie

    Yasuo and Tsuneo Harai, members of theChurch o f Chr is t Bible School in KobeJapan,This younger brother and an elder brotherbut none o f t hem have a perfect record.

    Kobe, JapanJune, 1954^ hr is t ianRad i oMi3^kOjinia P 0. BoxNo. 2Osaka

    WITH A DIRTY FACE, a runny nose and shining eyesTsuneo Harai began attending our Bible School in KobeEvery Sunday morning he would be on hand to g reet u swith a big g rin and eyes sparkling from behind th e dirt.Needless to say, it took only a few such greet ings to winour hearts completely. (We are happy to say that now hisface usually shines as well as hi s eyes and, thanks to thewarm spring weather, his nose has stopped runningatleast until another winter season.)Tsuneo Chan is rather special to us for ano ther reason,too. He is the only one of our children s group with anunbroken a ttendance record. A Japanese holiday orschool event will a lmos t empty the Bible School. We veh ad th ree o r fou r s uc h e ve nt s s ince we s t a r t ed th e chi ldren s work in December. Each time my heart s inks bec au se , s o far, we have never b ee n a ble to build back toour pre-holiday attendance before we are hit again byanother one On one such morning only three little preschoolers were present. I was feeling quite discourageduntil I glanced at Tsuneo Chan. His face l it up and brokeinto a huge happy smile that gave me quite a lift. As Ismiled back, I prayed that I would never aga in feel sodiscouraged as long as there was one open little heartready to hea r the s to ry o f Jesus.Tsuneo Chan comes from a family of five children. Oneyounger brother is seen with him in th e above picture,an d s is te r a re regu la r in their attendance a t the Bible School,

    The other Sunday morning we were showing the children some picnic snapshots and showed TsuneoChan the above picture. Since Yasuo Chan was absent and th e other children weren t interested in thispicture, he had it all to himself He held it in his hand a long time looking at it admiringly. Ratherunsuccessfully he kept trying to surpress a pleased smile that made it obvious he was quite confident thathe was very photogenic.SPRINGTIME is picnic and hiking time in Japan,of th e scenic places near Kobe. And fo r m e this spring was a time of discovering some

    Cherry blossom season always draws multitudes out of doors into th e mountains and parks. This yearit drew me out, too. One Sunday I carried my camera to church thinking I d go out alone for some shotsof th e blossoms after church. However, a few of th e young folk were going so we went together. Iwas warned by the boys that there would be drinking and fighting but even so I wasn t prepared fo rwhat I saw. People were literally jammed into th e park. It was just past mid-day and the remains ofpicnic lunches that had been eaten anywhere and everywhere, were just left lying on the ground. Almost everyone was imbibing freely of sake (rice wine) and a great number of the flower viewers hadpassed out along the roadside. I wondered what particular enjoyment they were get ti ng out of Ijnngsenseless by th e roadside while passersby kicked dust in their faces To see any beauty one had to keep

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    Group from Kobe Church of Christ

    looking up at the sky and the blossoms,but even then you had to keep an eyeopen fo r staggering drunks who keptbumping rudely into everyone. Thephilosophy of the day seemed to be thesame as th e Epicureans of old, Eat anddrink fo r tomorrow you die.My second outing this spring was wi ththe group from the Kobe Church. Wewen t u p into on e o f th e mountains nearKobe to th e Nunobiki falls. We stoppedfor awhile a t the falls and then climbedon p as t th e water reservoir to a littlevillage near the top of the mountainwh e r e we a te l unch on a l i t t le ou tdoorpavilion where we cou ld look down andsee children making mud dams acrossth e l i t t le s t r eam below.

    On boys day, May 5, we took some of the Bible School Chi ldren on a picnic to th e top of Mt. Futatabi,the highest mountain near Kobe. This time we rode up by bus. On top of Mt. Futatabi is a tiny Uttlelake with boa ting facilities. We ate our lunch near the l i tt le chapel that stands at th e entrance of th eForeigners cemetery. Unl ike American picnics where our chief concern would be for refreshmentsand recreation, ou r only responsibility was transportation. At lunch everyone ate hi s own Obentoof rice and fish (o r hard boiled eggs) that had been packed by mother. Some of them carried their owncanteens of tea. The only recreation needed on a Japanese picnic is hiking and the long walk back downth e mountainside gives everyone a sufficient amoun t o f that.When we reached the foot of the mounta in , I sono San , Junior teacher, a sked me if I wanted to see themost beautiful garden in Kobe. About a five or ten minute walk from the foot of the mountain throughthe streets of Kobe brought us to the site. Entering an opening in a wall, we found ourselves inside agarden with a little pond, gnarled old trees, quaint bridges and s tone lanterns and azaleas in full bloom.It was such a delight to s tep from t he d ir ty city through a gateway into a garden so quiet and beaut iful. I t furnished a perfect end to a perfect day.And now, just to give a perfect ending to this bit of news, I m happy to report that Susumu Samoto (onmy lef t in above picture) was buried with Christ in baptism last Sunday evening and now shares with usin our hope of eternity with the Lord.

    E X I E F U L T Z

    Mr s Velda Cla t fe l t e r602 P in e S tr ee tMarshaU, Dl .

    and rsHarold c arlandMission ManorJo l i e t 111

    Sec 34 66 E P L RU. S. Post ag e Pai d

    Marshal l , n iP e r m i t N o 21

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1954 Japan


    Pear Friends

    Ch r i s t i a n Radio Miss i onMiyakojima P 0 Box 2Osaka^ Japan20 November 1954

    We thought you would be interested in having the enclosed survey ofvarious Christian radio a ct iv it ie s in Japan.This report does not include our P broadcasts. We had -ust completed aseason of broadcasting This Is Life prosram on three Japanese stationswhen the survey was maie.Our own eniphasis during the past four years in training Japanese leadersand workers in Crj istian radio appears more and nore significant in lighto f in cre as ing opportunitie s to out the Ciospel on the A ir.Another impo-^ant develop- ent is the .plan for our own Christian Ra ^ lostudio in Osaka which w trust will be a reality before the year is finishedAcjTTay we trust the enclosed issue of Japan-Harvest will add to your understanding of the status and future of Christian Radio in Japan

    S ince

    Alex Bil ls Fie ld Dir ec to rP S. Please note that from the middle of December the address of the

    Bi l l s family wi l l be . . ,V. Alex B i l l sHris-pian K^dio Mission^330 3Ka Tong uai ain DongPusan Korea

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1954 Japan


    Tokyo, Japan

    JAPAN HARVEST ^ and ^eCd^ cme

    c ^^utc UHt^ ^inae4tVol. 3, No. 5 August, 1954

    EVANGELICAL UNITY REALIZEDThis is l ike a bit of Heaven, exclaimed one of the speakers at thy^

    recent missionary conferences in Kan-uizawaand his sentiments were r^;-echoed in th e hearts of many. ThanlC;God fo r the evident moving of th eSpirit among us, he said. Thereis a heart agreement, even though wedo not always agree in th e head. Andth e sp ir it of unityloving th e LordJesus , and loving on e anotheris wonder fu l .A leader of l ong exper ience in Japan said that in 100 years of missionary work in this land, a great, all-outRevival has never yet b ee n e xp erienced. But he added, These meetingsthe best we have yet seen,areperhaps the prepara tion for such agreat work. God grant that it shallbe so

    These t wo c on ve ntio ns th e E . M.A . J. Summer Conference, followed bythe annual Convention for th e Deepening of t he Spi ri tual Lifecovered aperiod of twelve days, from July 28t o Augus t 8, a nd were conducted inthe Karu izawa Un ion Church. Over400 missionaries were present to sharein the g reat ly appreciated ministriesof three outstanding m en of God Norman P. Grubb, from England,Joseph Carroll, from Australia , an dElmer V. Thompson , f rom th e WestIndies .During the se conferences, th e deepan d abiding unity among evangelicalmissionaries in Japan was demons trate d in many r ema rkab le way s, presenting an effective pattern that couldwell be followed by others around th ewor ld.

    The E .M . A. J . C on fe re nc e w as a ttended by missionar ie s representingscores o f M is si on Societies, and wasmarked by a spirit of in sp i ra tion andonen ess. A lo ng with chal leng ing devotional messages, th e speakers pres en te d t he princ ip les of e ffec tive missionary laborfrom th e backgroundof long and f ru it fu l experienceanddiscussed th e perspective of present-day Gospel wor k, in whic h t he nativebelievers must take an increasinglylarge place. The deeply spi ri tual and

    RADIO SURVEY \This month, Japan Harvest pres- ^^ents a challenging and i nf orma ti vesurvey of Gospel r ad io b roadcast ing /i n J ap an . Se e pages 5 an d 6.highly pradtical fnei^a^ presentedwill linger long in the minds of thosewho heard, an d will do much t o shapeth e ministry of many missionaries toa mor e Scr ip tu ra l a nd p owerf ul patt e r n .A highlight of this Conference was

    th e public expression of fellowshipan d co-operation between theE.M.A.J.an d t he J ap an Bible Christian Council. Rev. Phi lip Foxwell , Presidento f t he J.B.C.C., was present to bringgreetings to th e Conference, and toread a r es ol ut io n f rom t he J. B . C . C.Execut iv e Commit te e affirming th ebasic uni ty which exi sts b etween t hetwo groups. M y presence here, hesaid, is a vital expression of th eoneness of the B ody.

    In welcoming Rev . Foxwell to th eConference platform. Rev. Lon Fulton,President of E.M.A.J . said, Th is is

    (continued on page 10)

    The MountaintopLord, this has been th e gfeatestmountaintop experience I have ever

    known ,wa s th e cry of one missionary in Karuizawa this summer. Godspoke powerfully to many hearts, andthe beaut iful mountain area becametruly a spiritual mountaintopFollowiitg are a few brief quotationsfrom the challenging, Spirit-directedmessages which were given. To some,they will be reminders of blessed ex-perietices. To others, who were unable to attend th e Conferences, theywill be a small taste though admittedly inadequateof the rich feastswhich were enjoyed.

    SPIRITUAL EFFECTIVITY(Excerpts from the Conference mes-sager of Elmer V. Thompson.)Our resources w ith in th e will of

    God are infinite ; without, we havenonHave you invested anything fo rthe Gospel voluntarily, withoutgrumbling, given up something ?

    ( co nt in ue d o n p ag e 2)

    Annua I Confe r ence^J i b .

    July 2h . hrmun Gnil, , i,H.Carrojl Aug.


    \ *

    Joseph Carroll, Elmer V. Thompson, Norman P. Grubb


  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1954 Japan


    The Mountaintop (cont. from p. 1)The days of true soldiery fpr Jesus

    Cliristare they gone ?We a re consumed wi th ou r o\vn

    perplexitiesnot able in leisure toi nt er ce d e f o r o th e rsHow wrapped up we are in ourselves.No wonder we get so little accompl

    ished If only we could get our eyesfixed on one thing, t he fur th eranceof th e Gospel. This is deeper life.Christ must produce i t. He only can.

    Why does God often not find itpossible to use m issionaries ? Thedirect cause is to be laid flatly onthe ground of sin (Isa. 58:1).There are sins which are peculiarto God s people. Many do not di scern them, and yet they are th ereal obstruction, not t he s in s of th ewicked wor ldWhen we get down to t he bot tomof our se lves , we find a whole nestof little idols that we cherish. W ewonder why we are no t blessed, andyet we have a secret idol. It maynot be very big, but if it is bigenough to make my life a failure, itis ioo hig. Standing on your rights ?Some little worldiness in th e heart ?Cliquishness ? Gossip ? An impuremind ? A small idol, but in theeyes of God, and in your own sou l,you know it is wrong.Go to the bottom in dealing with sin.


    Do we have to h av e a n awfu l ou tpouring before we will face up tothese little things? Shame on us fo rthe lack of decent honesty beforeGod

    A consecra t ion is no t a consecra t ion a t all .

    We ar e to be God s men, doingGod s work, in God s way , fo r God sglory.

    I wan t a h ea rt th at breaks fo r thehe a t he n I

    O tha t th e smoke o f hell wouldget in our nostrils an d we were concerned about these eternal things

    We need a non-bendable courageto p reach the Gospel to dying men.What about ou r program ? Is itlimited ? May God help us to lay aprogram that will give th e Gospeleffectively to every soul in this land.Let s get t he p rogram widened.

    Our living affects th e discharge ofour solemn obligat ion.

    God is always on hand to transfo rm o ur persecutions in to v ictor ie s .

    We Chr is ti an wo rk er s ai e so o ftengiven to resentment when admonished. We ought to be open toadmonishment and help from God sweak es t s a in t

    CHRIST OUR ALL.(Excerpts from the Conference mess-,ages of Joseph Carroll.)

    Let us keep Jesus central. Anyteaching which does not lead me toJesus, an d leave me with Jesus, isdef ic ien t

    We a re not going to be sin-centered,or self-centered, or Satanrcenteredbut Christ-centered, Saviour-centered.Do you want t o ha ve victory overself ? Fall in love with Jesus ; that sthe an swe rWe find our grea test happiness incomplete subjection to Jesus Christ.

    Jesus can make your weakest pointyour strongest as yo u wal k with Him.

    (continued on page 8)JAPAN HARVEST

    Published by th e EvangelicalMissionary Association of Japan.Published eight t imes annually.Price: 25 a copy. One year

    subscription, 300 (EMAJ members, 200)Overseas subscriptions ; 360(S 1.00) a year

    Editor: Kenneth McVetyAssoc ia te Edi to rs :R. S. Nicholson (devotional)Kenny Joseph (news)

    Raymond Oram (advertising)David Hesselgrave (surveys)

    Editorial Offices: 346 EifukuCho, Suginami Ku, Tokyo , Japan.

    Furikae No.Tokyo 180466

    New publication in JapaneseTHE LV RY RO D

    The message o f p ers on al rev iv al from th e RuadaRevival area in East Africa written by Roy Hession.

    This amazing book has been used to stir thehearts of God s people around th e world. Published inpa rt o r as a whole in 17 different languages, over150 thousand English copies have been sold in a fewyears. This new Japanese edition should prove agreat blessing to th e Japanese Church.

    Chapters on The Way of Fellowship ; TheHighway o f Holiness ; Revival in th e Home ;Cups Running Over ; etc.

    This book should be widely dis tr ibuted amongJapanese believers.

    120 pages 80

    0 The Theory of Evolution Tested byMathematics, W. B. RileyPres ent s d eva st at ing a rgument s agai ns t evolution

    From Catholicism to Protes tant ismThe f amous test imony of Father Charles Chiniquy,who l ea rned the truth of God gift of salvation, an dth e f al la ci es o f Roman Ca tho li ci sm

    9 Himsslf , A. B. SimpsonA refreshing booklet, showing Cli ri st Himself to bet he answer to every need of th e believer.

    only Y 10 each 12 fo r Y 100

    SPECIAL OFFERThrough the kindness of the compiler of WhitherBound? we are able to offer this widely used bookle t to you at below-cost prices, for wide distr ibution.

    lection of i l lustrativestories, present ing with great plainness and powerthe way of salvation. 116 pages. (Reg. price, 40).

    100 copics for Y lOOO 10 c o pi es f or 150L imi ted supply of English copies available, Y 70 each

    Ch r i s t i a nO r de r f romiter ture C r u s a d e

    Box 985. CPO Tokyo .Furiai-No Tokyo C5538. 346 Eifuku Cho, Suginami Ku, Tokyo.

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1954 Japan


    CRYDERMAN HEADS JAPAN YFCby Samuel Wolgemuth

    Rev. Dale Cryde rman o f t he JapanYFC s ta ff has been appointed byYFCIto d ir ec t th e w ork here . He is a manof God with experience as a pastor,and will contime to work closelywith the church throughout Japan. Astrong nat ional and foreign staff wills er ve w it h h im .The Japan Youth for Christ program will con ti nue i n i ts present particular areas of ministry: Saturdaynight youth rallies, specialized worki nprisons, factories and schools, evangelistic meetings in conjunction withpastors and missionaries, and witht he secur ity forces.

    As we come to the t erm in at io n o fth e two year leave of absence grantedb y o ur church, it is with a degree ofreluctance that we leave Japan. Inmany ways our hearts will remainhere. Two of t he mos t blessed yearsof m y ministry have been with thechurch in Japan. Fellowship withchurch l eade rs , m is si onar ie s and thelaity have lef t an imprint on my heartand life tha t I t ru s t t ime shal l neve rer se

    I bel ieve t h a t th e t ime is no t f a rdi s t an t when w e s hall w i tn e ss a su r -gance of re viv al a cro ss Japan. Wesha ll c on tin ue to pray fo r a manifestation of th e Spirit of God, throughth e church, that will make eve ry manan d woman across Japan aware of thesav ing power of th e gospel of ou rLord Jesus Christ . Su ch mani fe st at ions have been exper ienced in otherlands, and I believe i t is God s willfo r us to t r u s t Him fo r a s imi la r w itn es s h er e.I also want to express special thanksto all who so generously a ss is te d i nthe Japan Wor ld Congre ss . While itis true, we did make mistakes because of l imitations an d short-sightednes s, w e a re g ra te fu l for rep orts o fblessing that con ti nue t o come fromal l ove r J ap an . App roxima te ly 25^of the reported 22,000 seeke rs havewritten us s ta ti ng t ha t they are attending church. Also, most encouragin g is the fact that 43?^ of the pastors,informed of seekers in the ir areas,have arranged fo r them to be visitedand persona l ly invi ted to a tt en d theirserv ices . In s ev era l in sta nc es n ewchu rche s h ave been opened. We aredeeply grateful to our HeavenlyFather .

    EXTRA COPIESA l im i te d s u pp l y of ex t ra cop ies

    of e ach i s sue o f J ap an Harve s tw i th i ts wea l t h o f i n f o rma t i o n a n dinsp i i a t ion , w ill b e av ai lab le fo rmai l ing to m i ss io n l ea de rs p a stors etc . a t th e spec ia l pr i ce ofY 15 p e r copy .

    Annua l s u b sc r ip t io n t o ano v e rs e as a d d re s s on ly Y 360


    PREACHOti icr sheep h 'avet. ihem iilso mustIbring. John 10:16 JAPAN-O-GRAMM ws of MissiouDjy Interest

    TEACHJesus sa ith u ntoKim. Feed myslieep. John 21:17

    Hindus Against MissionariesBombay, India, EjP A crowd ofHindus cal l ed on Chr i s t i an miss ion

    a rie s i n Ind ia to leave the country ina br ie f demons t ra t i on in f r on t o fKhedgaon miss ionary center , accordin g to an AP repor t. The Al l IndiaHindu Mahasabha Organization, rightw ing Hindu political faction led theflare-iip. Since t he n ew U.S.-Pakistanmilitary aid agreement, they assertthat th e presence of foreign missionaries in . g en era l a nd Americ an s inparticuliar constitute a danger to thecount ry s m il it ar y s ec ur ity . Meanwhile, India c on ti nu es t o be a hotspot fo r missions, with almost weekly assertions an d denials of discr iminations. Prime Minister Nehru personally sent greetings to th e WorldBuddhist Council in Burma, statingthat only in Buddhism lay the pathfor world peace.Background: I t is well to be reminded that the missionary is at besta cumbersome, but needed scaffoldaround th e rapidly developing churchbuilding and is a citizen with passport from heaven and not a representative or agent of any worldlygovernment .

    Every Home CrusadeTokyo, ejp Sam Archer, JAPAN

    EV ER Y HO ME CRUSADE di re c t o rstated that th e Tokyo area h as b ee ncompletedthat is ei ther every homeh as b een visited or has been pledgedby var ious wor ke rs . With nearly 6million tracts printed and flowing ou tto every prefecture , encouraging reports of sou ls saved , Christian churches challenged and l aymen pitch ingin to th e common task, the Crusadeis encouraged to t rust God fo r THEIMPOSSIBLE TASK that of personally r each ing eve ry home with thegospel.

    Needy Areas HelpedMatsue, Japan. EjP. A recent

    JAPAN HARVEST miss ionary surveymap is partly responsible fo r a t least3 Japanese and American workersmov ing i nto Shimane Ken, traditionally one of Japan s most understaffedspots. Anthony Bollback, C.M.A. worker reports also that th e NorwegianLuth era ns a re expecting three newworkers to augm ent th e staff there.The Sou thern Bapt is t Mission willalso locate a new couple in that neglected, coastal area.

    Comment: The Japan Harvesteditors trust that man y o th ers willbe similarly helped an d led to fill inth e gaps and make up the hedgesin strategically reaching Japan,

    Bible School DedicationHiroshima, EjP. According to C. M. A.Missionary Paul McGarvey,Rev. Thompson (visiting Japan on adeeper life speaking tour) was blessedof God in enlarging th e vision anddeepened the burden of responsibilityof reaching the masses in Japan uponthe hear ts of t he wor ke rs . The oc

    c as io n was the dedicat ion of th e n ew25,000,three buildings, Alliance BibleSchool on its 2000tsubo campus wherea workers r e t r ea t was held.Missionary Language Studies

    Numazu, ejp The EvangelicalBody in Japan was shocked by th enews of the sudden home-going of Rev.J. A. Aspberg, Swedi sh missionaryand highly esteemed language scholar.He comple te d two studies in BiblicalJapanese and was in the midst.of otherwork as well as serving as co-ordinatin g language director of several missions. We t rus t someone will be r a is edup to continue hi s much-appreciatedwork. Meanwhile two TEAM missionaries announced plans to publisha 400 page MISSIONARIES HANDBOOK by New Years. Among otherfeatures it will contain is a completerel igious dict ionary, i llustrat ions, revised religious phrase book (TEAM),Cuthbertson s religious phrase book(revised to today s idiom), proverbs,colloquial sayings, and a full lengthJapanese se rmon. A third effort istha t of M. L. Fie ldhouse who haslaunched a missionary language co rrespondence course, featuring Biblicalterms, illustrations, proverbs, etc.Meanwhile, Mr. T. Miyakoda, General Secretary of the JAPAN BIBLESOCIETY answered a JAPAN HARVEST que ry r eg ar ding the printingof a Romaji B ib le in the colloquiallanguage thus : Old missionaries areunanimously against making a RomajiBible. They say th at the new Colloquial Bible is made o f l im it ed Kan jiand simplified Kana. They feel itwould make young missionar ies lazyto learn Kanji. However th e JBS ist hi nk in g o f mak ing t he Romaji Biblefrom the a ng le o f offering it to Japanese-speaking foreigners and nisei.

    O. M. F.-C. I. M RoundupSapporo, ejp After yea rs of pray

    e rf ul wai ti ng , the OVERSEAS MISS IONARY FELLOWSHI P OF CHINAINLAND M ISSION h as a new General D irector. H e is Mr. Sanders, andwill direct th e fellowship from th eSingapore headquarters. Jap an dire ct or , L eo na rd Street revealed tha t

    (continued on page 8)

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1954 Japan




    IN YOUR AREA?The Every Home Crusade will g ladly prov ide youwith a free Gospel tract fo r every home in yourarea. Already, almost 6,000,000 tracts Comeunto Me , by Goro Sawamura have been distributed t l iroughout Japan.

    Write today, specifying th e areayou will pledge to cover.

    A program backed by muchp r a y e rJapan ' s

    346 Eifuku Cho,Suginami Ku, Tokyo

    ARE YOU LOOKING FORA good Sunday School paper?Something more than a tract?HERE IS THE ANSWER

    The CHILDREN S PAGEKodomo no Paji

    Four tull pages of interest andinstruction i l lustrated allin Japanesefresh every month.

    Our children love it^YOURS will, tooEdited by Fukuin Dendo Kyodan.

    Price only 3 yen a copy.ORDER NOW from the Central Japan Pioneer Mission,

    Literature Department,445 Hyakken Machi, Maebash i, Gumma Ken.

    English BooksBy Norman P. Grubb

    REES HOWELLS , INTERCESSOR. An amazi ng b iogr aphy 575

    C.T. STUDD. Famous missionary biography 355THE LAW OF FA ITH : 540


    Reprints by F. B. MeyerThe Shepherd Psalm 330P re se nt T en se s i n of the Chris t i an Life 33 0The Epi st le t o th e Philippians 465The Way into th e Holiest. Hebrews 465Tried by Fire. 1st Peter 465

    Character studies,Moses ; Abraham ; Paul; David ; each 465Ou r Dai ly Walk. Devot iona l reading f or each

    day 575Bible Study

    Young s Analytical Concordance Ind ia paperedit ion 4600

    GREEK-ENGLISH LEXICON. THAYERS. . . 2600New Bible Commentary. IV F 1850International Standard Bible Encly. 6 vols. 12,600


    The Word of Life Press invites you to visit itsTW O N EW SALESROOMS

    TOKYO Ma in s al es center(adjacent to TEAM Center)

    Just a few minutes by bus from Shibuya S tation .Take No. 12 or No. 13 bus from Shibuya (fo r Waka-bayashi, Chiyoda Nichome, or Umegaoka) to YubinKyoku Mae .TACHIKA-W^A. Branch s tore

    (adjacent to Christian Servicemen s Center)A f ive-minute walk to th e le f t f ro m the main ex i t(north) of Tachikawa Sta tion (Chuo Line)A full se lec tion of evangel ica l l i terature

    in Japanese, and Moody Colportage Seriesin English, at both stores.THE IDEAL GIFT

    Word of Life Press G i f t Cer t i f ica tes*Good for their full va lue in Chr is t ian l i terature

    and suppliesbeaut i fu l ly pr in ted , in Japanese Englishlarge size, 10V2 x7V2 -comple te with traditional Japanese g if t enve lope

    Y 50 0 Y 1000or in a ny o th er denomination over 200Use them for all occasions wher e g if ts ared e s i r e d .

    ^ { aid ^346 Eifuku Cho, Suginami Ku, Tokyo

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1954 Japan



    R IO WORK IN lAPANThe challen^je o f ra dio evangelismin post-war J apan has fired th e imagi

    nations of many. The amaz in g o pportunity it presents is one of themarve ls o f modern missi onar y work.Today, a t ot al o f 93 Gospel broadcastsis bei ng a ir ed weekly g iv ing a lmos tthe entii-e nation an opportunity tohear th e Gospel.

    Until 1951, al l broadcasting in Japanwas government controlled but duri ng the past three years , alongside thelarg e n etwork of 146 Governmentstations (NHK), 49 new commercialstations have been erected, and thenumber is growing constantly. Andalthough th e cost is relatively high 7,000 to 32,000 for 15 minutes),mos t o f th es e n ew s ta ti on s h av e beencooperative in a llowing Gospel programs on the air.

    The tremendous potential of thismedia of miss ionary endeavour can bes ee n w he n we realize tha t the re a reno less than 11,600,000 radio sets inJapan (according to official estimates),and a probabl y l is teni ng aud ience o f60,000,000 Among th e mission fieldsof th e world, probably no other country has such a hig h ratio of radiose ts p er capita.

    Espec ia l ly in this la nd, w he re lessthat 1/3 of 1 of the people ever entera church door , t he s e f ac ts and theoppor tuni ty they present demandc ar ef ul c on sid er atio n in th e overa l lplan of missi onar y work he re .

    Already 13 different programs ar ebeing aired in Japan. They are beingb roadcas t on 46 of th e 53 commerc ia ls ta tio ns , a nd f orm a cumulat ive to talof 33 hours o f Gospel broadcasting perweek (93 actual broadcasts) .

    These totals are encouragingandVARIOUS GROUPS WORKINGMany missions in Japan have, in

    one way or another, taken up th echallenge of radio work. Amongthose who conduct thei r own radioprograms a re th e Southern Presbyterian Mission (Nagoya an d Takaya-ma), the Assemblies of God (Tokyoand Kyoto), and the F ree Methodists(Osaka). Independent missionaryTimothy Fie t sch conducts a programon the N agoya s t at ion , as wel l a s carrying th e Kyoto b roadca st o f CalvinHanson (Evangelical Free Church) whois in th e U. S. on furlough.

    Severa l other m iss ions also a responsoring programs produced bythe P O B C Among t he se are Ih eC. B- F. M. S. (Sendai an d Yamagata),T . E, A .M . (T oy ama, K an az aw a a ndFukui), th e Orienta l Boa t Mission,Worldwide Evangeli za tion Crusade ,Mennoni t e Bre th ren Mission, andJapan Evangel ical Mission.

    yet t he y fall f ar s ho rt of meet ing thetrem endous challenge in this field.We will not be doing a complete jo buntil we have a string o f s ta ti on st hr oughout J ap an car ry ing a dailyprogram, states one leadingChristianb roadcas t e r

    Among the s ta t ions which ar e opento Gospel broadcasting, si x ar e stillwithout any witnessmost of them inKyushu an d Shikoku. Twelve o ther scarry only one 15-minute program aweek

    One unusual opening which has arisen is a weekly ch il dr en s p rog ram ,fo r which 27 stations provide th e time(valued at over 2,000 monthly) freeof charge. This broadcast is beinghandl ed joint ly by th e Child Evangelism Fellowship, and th e Pacific Or ient Broadcasting Company.

    August 27 marks th e beginning ofa new era on th e a irwaves o f Japan.On that date, the first commercialshor twave s ta ti on will begin operating, with a potential of reaching800,000 radio sets throughout Japan.It is anticipated that Gospel broadcasting will be inaugurated through thischannel in th e near future .

    Another major contribution beingmade to Christ ian radio work inJapan is that of th e Far EasternBroadcasting Company, which beamsshortw ave programs from Manila.Two hours every day are given fo rthese Japanese broadcasts : 6 : 30 to7 :30 a .m ., 12:30 to 1:00 p.m., and7: 30 to 8 : 00 p. m.

    The opportunity of Christian radiowork in Japan is sti ll unlimited. MayGod s people be found fai thful in ri sing up to meet thi s great challenge RADIO REAPING AND SOWINGWhen evangelicals failed i n t he ir re

    peated attempts to obtain a permitto build an d operate a Christian RadioStation, many felt it w as a major di saster. But an up-to-date report showst ha t God has vindicated His name anda steady, but small voice is reachingmillions v ia ra dio . Typ ic al is th e w ayGod blessed th e fai th and act ion ofretired business-man Harry Swan.Recently starting on hi s 3rd year ofc on ti nu ou s b ro ad ca st in g, h e r ep or tst ha t about o n e- th ir d o f the le t ters received are pro fe ss ions o f sal va ti on .Offering a wide variety of follow-upmaterial, he notes many of th e mostse rious seekers are found in hospitalsand prisons. He credits th e successof hi s Broadcast, The Way, to themany Christians who daily pray fo rth i s effort



    Arthur SeelyT he re a re 88 mill ion souls in this

    land and only 4300 full-time workers1 to 20,000 souls We must re ac ht hem quick ly , repeated ly , and effect iv ely with the l ifegiving word. Howcan this be done ? The outreach o feach worker must be multiplied.With such a challenge in view, si xmissionar ies of two missions met inAugust, 1951, to organ ize th e PacificOrient Broadcasting Co. (POBC) withth e purpose of using radio and itsallied means to multiply th e voices ofa handful in to a ch orus . L oaned tothis fellowship by their parent missions, these si x technically trainedmen laid the foundation of a neutral ,cooperative agency able to assistp resent ly ex is ting organizations toenl ar ge t he ir scope of minis try bybroadcasting over Japan s fifty-threecommerc ia l radio stat ions. P . O.B.Cprovides programs fo r individual ormission sponsorship, assis ts missionsto produce their own program, andserves as a collective agency for t hosewho desi re to contr ibute toward theradio opportunity. POBC-ProducedLight of The World, a weekly fii-teen-minute Gospel message, is heardover th irteen stations from Nagasakito Aomori. Rev. Akir a Ha to ri is thespeaker on this program, as well as onGood News, a 30-minute programproduced by P.O.B.C. A staff of miss ionar ie s , and Japanese, many part-time gratis helpers, carry out theadministration, production, technical,and follow-up phases of th e work. Inco-operation with the Japan ChildEvangelism Fellowship, P.O.B.C. isreaching mi ll ions of children on 27stations weekly on FREE, sustainingrad io t imePrograms ar e also produced in Korean, Chinese, and English. POBC isequipped to provide quality recordingservices, and c an a rr ange fo r recording studios in almost any large Japanese city. A thorough follow-upcourse (up to 2 years of-studies) isprovided fo r l is tene rs , and some 5000are now en rolled in these courses .


    On October 28, 1951, th e first Lutheran Hour B ro ad ca st w as a ir ed inJa pan. Today this program is heardevery Sunday throughout th e lengthand breadth of this island empire over29 di ffe rent radio s tat ions a nd w it ho u tmention of any part icular Lutheransynod.

    Blessings and growth have been experienced in every depar tmen t. F rom100 le tte rs t he f irs t month to over

    icunUnuocl on pngu 7]

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1954 Japan



    G OS PE L R AD IO P RO GR AM S IN J A P A Ni Light of th e,World (POBC) C h il dr en o fLight (POBC- Th e Way(H . Swan)it y Sta t ion T o t a lt ime 15 minutes CEF) 15 minutes, 15 minutues

    H O K K A I D O*Asah ikawaSapporo

    ^Hakoda teHONSHUAomor iMor iokaAki taYamagataSenda iFukush ima

    Koriyama*Wakama t su^TairaNiigata

    ' ^ 'NaoetsuNagano

    ' Matsumoto^'Okaya*Iida




    30 min .30 min .30 min .

    60 min .60 min .60 min.60 min .60 min .75 min.75 min .75 min .75 min .60 min.60 min .15 min .15 min.15 min.15 min .45 min .15 min .o

    Sun. 6:45 pmSun . 9:30 amSat . 7:30 amSat. 4:40 pmSun . 8:30 am

    Sun. 7:05 amSun . 7:05 am

    Sun . 6:45 am

    Fri .Mon.Mon .Sun .Sun .Thu .T h u .T h u .T h u .F r i .Fr i .

    5:00 pm6:05 pm4:30 pm8:15 am5:05 pm6:30 am6:30 am6:30 am6:30 am5:35 pm5:35 pm

    KofuShizuokaToyamaKanazawaF u k u i



    15 min .60 min .45 min .60 min.

    Sun. 5:45 pmSun. 5:45 pmSun. 5:45 pm

    Sun . 8:10 amSat. 6:45 pmSun. 7:45 pmTues . 5:45 pmSun . 6:45 am

    Nagoya JOAR 60 min .^Takayama JOAO 60 min.T su JOXR 15 min . Fri . 5:15 pmKyoto JOBR 30 min .OsakaO s a k a


    60 min .15 min . Sat . 6:15 am

    Sun . 8:10 amSun . 8:10 amSun . 8:10 amSun . 8:10 am

    Sun 8:45 amSun . 8:44 amSun . 8:45 amSun . 8:45 am

    Sun . 8:45 am

    KobeOkayamaYonagoHirosh ima

    SHIKOKUTakama t su

    *MarugameMatsuyamaTokush imaKochiKYUSHUFukuoka

    ^Ko k i i r aKurumeOitaSas eb oNagasalciK u m a m o t oKagoshima



    60 min. 30 min. I15 min. ;45 min. 1Mon. 6:35 pm

    Fri. 6:05 pm Sun. 9:45 am

    75 min .75 min.o

    75 min .15 min .30 min .30 min.


    15 min.15 min .60 min.o

    15 min .

    Wed. 6:30 pm

    Sun. 4:30 pmSun. 4:30 pmSun. 4:30 pmSat. 5:00 pm

    Sun. 5:20 pmSun . 6:15 amSun. 3:05 pm

    Sun . 8:15 amSun . 8:15 am

    Luthe ranHour

    30 minutes

    Sun . 11:00 amSun . 11:00 amSun. 11:00 am

    Sun . 11:30 amSun. 11:30 amSun. 11:30 am

    11:30 am10:05 am11:30 am11:30 am11:30 am11:30 am

    Sun. 6:00 pmSun. 6:00 pm

    Su n .Sun .Sun .Sun .Sun .Sun .

    Sun . 11:30 am

    Sun . 10:30 amSun . 10:30 amSun . 10:30 amSun . 10:30 amSun . 10:30 am

    Sun. 11:00 am

    Sun. 11:30 amSun . 10:30 am

    Sun. 10:20 pmSun. 10:20 pmSun. 3:30 pm

    Sun. 1:30 pmSun. 1:30 pm


    (a) Sat . 6:45-7 am

    (e) Thu. 6:30-6:45 am

    (b) Sat. 8:45-9 am(c) Wed . 8:45-9 am(b) Sat. 8:45-9 am(c) Wed. 8:45-9 am(d) Sun. 7:15-7.30 am(e) Sun. 9:45-10 am(f ) Sun., Mon., Fri.

    5:40-5:50 am(g) Sun. 9-9:15 am(b) Wed. 7:15-7:30 am

    (h ) Sun. 11:20-11:50 am(h) Sun. 11:20-11:50 am(h) Sun. 6:20-6:50 am

    (h) Sun. 1:30-2 pm

    ( a) ' The Way of Eternal Life (Baptist) ( f )(b ) To Christ (So. Presbytherian) (g )c Bible Talks (T. Pietsch) h(d) The Christianity Hour (Ev. Free Church)e Words of Grace (Assemblies of God)

    The Protestant Hour (Mon.-Free Methodist; Fri.-J^utheran) The Light and Joy Hour (Free Methodist) Good News (P.O.B.C.)* Relay stations(*Hachinoe-JOGO and *Miyazaki-JONF not listed)

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1954 Japan


    10,000 a month. From less than 20Bible requests a month , t o nearly 2000a month. From two part-time officeworkers , to 20 fulltime workers. Fromthe smallest radio sponsor to th e la rgest radio sponsor in the entire nation. Plis Name shall be glorified.In 2} years, over 80,000 prospects haveapplied fo r th e Bible CorrespondenceCourse .

    In th e first year of b roadcast ing,one of the Lutheran Hour Lent en p rograms was awarded s econd p lace inth e all Japan radio program contestof the year. The programs includeBible dramas, a question box, chimesand organ music.

    CHRIST IAN RADIO MISSIONThe Christ ian Radio M is si on w ill

    have it s own studio and offices thisfall, i n O sa ka . V. Alex Bills is FieldDirector of the Christ ian R ad io M iss io n a nd H ideo O thomo, well knownorganist, is production d irec tor o fJapanese programs.

    Their weekly program This IsLife (Kore Wa Inochi Nari) begins it sthird year this fall. This half-hourprogram features solos, duets and theA ll Girl Choir . A drama w ith theexact words o f th e Bible arranged intodramatic form has been well acceptedalong with th e mes sages by AkiyaOda .


    Fc l lQVVSHIP CORNERNews of the Evangelical Missionary AssociaUoi of Japan

    NEW NAMEAt a brief business meeting in K.a-

    ruizawa (July 31), a minor change inthe nam e of the EMAJ w as effected.It is now th e Evangelical Missionary Association of Japan (previouslythe Evangelical Missions Associationof Japan ) denot ing more accuratelythe t rue nature of th e Associat ion,which is a fellowship of individualmissionaries, rather than of MissionSocie t i es as such.

    I t was announced also tha t th eS umme r Conference fo r 1955 wou ldbegin on Sunday, July 31, and thatth e Annua l Bus ines s meeting wouldbe held then, r at he r t ha n in Novem

    NHK-NCC SUMMARYEvangelical forces in Japan have

    had to be con tent w ith buying timeon th e commerc ia l radio s t a t i ons toget the gospel out. However th e greatNHK network reaching every villageand town in Japan has not been completely without i ts Chr is ti an tes timony. Though lacking in th e emphasiswe cons ide r desi rab le , st i ll , U.S. trained Matthew Ogawa head of AVACOAudio Visual Aids Committee) of th e

    ber. The 1954 business meeting willbe conduct ed in Tokyo in early November.Copies of the EMAJ d ir ec to ry ofEvangelical missionaries are still a-vailable 100).

    CONFERENCE MESSAGESThe messages of Mssrs. Gnibb,

    Thompson and Carr o ll g i ven a t TCa-r ui za w a t his s umm e r w il l be avai lable soon in at tract ive pr inted form.You w ill no t wan t to miss havingthis book. The cost will be Y500postpaid. Send you r order to : JapanHarvest , 346 Eifiikucho, Suginamiku,Tokyo.Japan National Christian Council hasbeen able to produce an d place on theNHK n e tw o rk s a numbe r of Chi ist ianradio programs. NHK carr ies theseprograms without charge and i n somecases pays heavi ly t oward p roduct ioncosts. The se p rogr ams include services d ir ec t f rom some chu rch, classical religious music, children s storyhour, and serious drama presentingthe Christian view poin t o n currentproblems in Japan.

    Dedicated to ProclaimingNew Testament Christianity

    Japan-- Kore Wa Inochi Nara This isLife)

    England and Europe Bible ChristianBroadcas t

    Japanese and English CorrespondenceCourses

    Christ ian Radio Handbook - Now inPreparation

    Plans For Missionary Radio Station inKorea .

    V. Alex Bills, Field DirectorAddress Miyakojima P. O. Box 1, Osaka


    The great and e ff ec tual open door of ra dio e va ng elism today stands wide open. True, there a re manyadversaries (high costs, etc), but you can enter thatdoo r .

    Mere is how some have done it

    Missionary groups in some areas have joinedhands to s up po rt the pro grams Individual missionaries have under taken the re s

    ponsibility Individual missions have taken on th e support of

    programs in their area.The P. O. B. C . stands ready toassist you in every way possiblein entering this open door.

    For more detai led information, write toPacific Orient Broadcasting Company

    Be rh a r d E . Holr i tzP. O. Box 1000, Tokyo

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1954 Japan


    currently in China is th e conferenceof the new Chinese Kyodan, sponsored by the Government. Since thiswas the conference tha t caused mucht ro ub le i n 1951, intense prayer is solicited that God will guide an d guardhi s own among the 200 attending. According to editorials in Pravda, a newAnti-religious campaign is underway in th e Communist world.

    Forced out of China , the CIM workers have fe arle ss ly entered everyopen Far East field. A new tribe, th ePw o K are ns in T ha il an d h av e beencontacted by the Orville Carlsons. Cur-rently, a group of language studentsf rom Singapore are scattering to various designated fields for various minis tri es . Malaya has been visited byteam of s tu dent s f rom the SingaporeTheological Seminary.

    J apan Harvest Aids PrayerOsaka, ejp Reading Japan Harvest on my knees has helped me pray

    more intelligently for my fellow missionar ies and the va ri ous p ro ject s andplans said an evangelical workerhere. Another missionary solved th eproblem o f k eepi ng his key prayersupporters in th e homelands informed.He s imply sends a brief prayer letterinserted in a copy of the JAPAN HARVEST to each one on his t r immeddown list and r epo rt s that th eHARVEST is sometimes more appreciated than h is p ers on al prayer le tt e r s

    Graham t o A u s tr al iaVictoria, ejp Heartened by en

    couraging reports from th e great London Crusade, Aus tr al ian chur chmenhave sent an unan imous inv it a tion toBilly Graham to v isit th eir countryin 1956. Currently recuperating froma kidney operation, Graham is freshly challenged to invade America slargest cities with t he gospel.

    Li t e r a tu r e Advance sTokyo, ejp The Word of Life

    Press announced tw o new book sales


    rooms opened recently, here an d inTach ikawa . Meanwh i l e th e Chri s t i anLi te r a tu re Crusade revea led t h a t besides the bookstores operated in Kyoto,Senda i, Tokyo and Karuizawa, theyh av e o ve r 35 secular book stores handling evangel ical l it er at ur e, b ot h English and Japanese. In Sendai, th eConservative Bapti s t l it e ra ture commit tee repor ts that their publication(i. e., Halley s Handbook) reachesevery secular bookstore in the count ryt hr ough t he cha in s ys tem. Includedamong their ambi tious publ ica tiongoals are Hodge s What is RomanCatholicism , Saue r s Dawn ofWorldRedemption an d Triumph of theCruci f ied and Machen 's S t . Pau l ' sReligion. Meanwhile a vitally needed Evangel ical Commentary on theOld Testament (2 volumes) has justbeen published by the Word of LifePress. The product of Yutaka Yone-da , it took eigh t years and representsth e cream of Japanese and Westernevangel ical theology.

    Cor rec tions and Addi tions(on Japan Harvest surveys of Apriland May)N o t l is te d :International Gospel League {MissesJane t R. Kiel and Winifred B. Croyle)Missionary and Praye r Fellowship (Mr.and Mrs. Norman Vike, KumamotoKen)Christian Catholic Church (Rev. an dMrs. Clark B. Off ne r, A ic hi K en )Lutheran Bible Ins t i tute (Rev. J .M.T.Winther)Kobe. Started in 1950; 3s tuden t s .Tohoku Bible Institute (Rev. PhilWerdal, Lut he ra n B re th re n Mission).Star ted in 1950; 16 s tudents .Co r r e c t i o n s :Japan Eva ng el is ti c Band s houl d havebeen listed as having 11 missionariesin Hyogo Ken, an d 3 i n O saka .American Advent Mission Societyshould have b ee n li ste d Vifith 10 missionaries in Japan (not 8), two in Tot-to ri K en ,

    The Mountaintop (Cont . from page 2)The power to conquer sin is in a

    Personnot in a technique. Whenwe are t empted, we simply look toJesus and say, Lord, Thy purityThy compassion Thy patience.A moment-by-moment life, with a

    moment -by -moment Saviour . It al lbeg in s i n th e morning , when we areconscious of His Presenceand HisPresence goes with us throughout theday.

    First love means every th ing toJesus Chris t. He died f or y our love.When we lose our fist love, everyt hi ng e ls e means not hi ng. It is th emainspring of the Christian. Andwhen the mainspring stops, everything else stops.

    Your t ime alone with Himis i tthe most precious hour in the day ?Do you guard it more jealously thananything else ? If not, I doubt thatyou have f irst love .None can give th e Lord Jesus His

    rightful place without knowing th eHoly Spirit personally.

    You cannot succeed without Himcontrolling your life.

    We have grieved the Holy Spir i t byignoring Him. The apostles were onintimate terms w ith th e Holy Spirit.They knew Him per sona ll y. Theyknew what He wan ted. They spokewith assurance concern ing His will.Do you know the Holy Spirit likethat ? Do you give Him His place ?Do you honor Him ? If not, ar e youqualified to be a leader ?

    The Morav ians preached the Word.They preached the Cross. Theywere on fire fo r God. Why ? Theyhonored th e Holy Spirit. They knewHim personally.

    When we honor the Holy Spirit,He will do the work. And if He doesno t to do the workthe evangelizing,th e teaching, th e building of theChurchnothing is done.

    The man who is fille with the HolySpirit is filled with love. It is impossible to be filled with th e Holy Spirit


    Now being edite d^ Large (20 sheets per lesson)^ Colorful^ Inexpensive Heart searchingO Avai lab le fo r YOUR church workerO Filling a long-standing need for pract ical mater ia l fo r t h e n a ti on a lO Complete with pointed, challenging storyO Thi s work soon to be incorporated under thename, Oriental Bible Study Fellowship.

    M. L. Fieldhouse, 1106 Karuizawa, Nagano Ken.





  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1954 Japan


    a nd have this spiri t of bitterness an dcri tic ism tow ard the b re th ren . U nlove is deadly. It is a cancer. Letu s b ew are of i t as we would th e b iteo f a cobra .

    Show me the measure of a man scompassion, an d I will show you th eme as ur e o f h i s u s e fu l ne s s.

    Prayer an d the Word of God arefuel s fo r the fire of fa i th .

    THE LIFE OF FAITH(Excerp ts f rom the Conference messages of Norman P. Grubb).N ev er h as there been an e ra with

    such a surge of evangelism. Neverha s the Church been as missionary-minded as it is today.

    Variety is not disunityit is th espice o f l if e.

    When we have a continual s igh t ofthe Holy Spirit, we have a continualsight of victory.

    The cent ra l secret of th e universeis the u nio n o f the c rea tu re and theCrea to r .

    We sa y (o f sorrow, etc.), God pre-mits i t . No. God sha res it . He isin me. I am a temple of the HolyGhos t .

    We can even give th e cross a wrongplace. It is Christ who is central, notth e cross .


    We seek abstrac tionsthings called love , fai th , meekness , etc.But t he re a r e no abst ract ions. The reis no love except a person loving. Heis the loving Person is meand Heimparts His love through my love-faculties. He does not give me fai thHe believes in me. The re is noholiness it is a holy Person in me.That s the key. It s a Person.

    Guidance is Jesus planning in me.He t hi nk s H is thoughts in me. Howthis simplifies life.

    Pess imism is putting th e devil onth e th ro ne in stead o f Jesus.

    The whole failure of the Chris t ianlife is th e feeling that we can do s omething. We have to learn our inatehelplessness.

    The point of Moses life was thathe gave up everything but himself.Therefore he had to spend forty yearsin isolation. In th e wilde rn es s, h el ea rn ed h is own self-sufficiency andneed. Then i t was th e twoGod andMosesacting together.

    We are al l Jacobs in our turnlivingon our own r es ou rc es , a nd we don tse e it . God has to give us a greatunveiling.

    God blesses those who y ie ldnotthose who gripe.

    We l ive whe r e we love. S in is ani l l ici t love-match . T h e h e ar t has embraced that lust, and a sin is conceived. But al l my powers are to beunto Him. Tha t is my mar ri age.

    Condemnation is th e devil seekingt o c rush me, to destroy my faith. Conviction is the Lord showing me someparticular thing that He might cleanseit. He reveals sin to cleanse it , notto c on demn m e.

    We don t walk afraid of sin, butfreely with Jesus.

    There is only one tense in th e Ch ristian life that really matters th epresent. The only sense in which Iam to talce the p ast is if I have sinned in some par ti cu la r s ense (notjust a general condemnation, such.aspride, etc.)and I can be cleansed bythe Blood in a moment .

    Most of our troubles are fears ofth e fu tu r e .

    God has given His remedy for sin,but not fo r excuses. Call sin, sinand le t the Blood cleanse.

    You cannot help feeling fear. It isthe guardian at the door. But faithis to be on the tlirone. Be s ur e t ha tin your fear there is not an elementof unbelief.

    Two Volume

    OLD TESTAMENT. COMMENTARYby Rev. Yutaka Yoneda, Tokyo Bible Seminary OMS

    Thoroughly evangelical, with no taint of modernism, evolution, etc. Written by a Japanese, to meet th e Japanese mind Covering a greatly neglected fieldOld Testament study

    Drawn from excellent source materials W. H. Gri ffi th Thomas, C. H. Mackintosh, Student s Commentaryon the HolyScriptures, Barclay Buxton, Jamieson, Faussett and Brown, and outstanding Japanese authors,K an zo U ch im u ra a nd T et su sa bu ro Sasao .

    Simple enough for any serious student of the WordDevotional as well as expositoryemphasizing the great spiritual lessons of the Old Testament. High quality printing, but priced at an unusually low levelVolume I Genesis to Esther 654 pages), 500Volume II Job to Malachi 739 pages), 550

    postage per set 100.Leather bound Attractively boxed

    Another publication ofWmd P*t4^

    3-16 Eifuku Cho, Suginami Ku , TokyoFurikae: Tokyo 79904

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1954 Japan



    The s impli ci ty of this walk. Likea little child, happy , f ree with th econsciousness of Jesus' presence. Ifthere is a cloud, confess it and ge t itcleansed .I am dead terrified of professional-

    sism. Our work becomes a professioninstead of a holy calling.Be free to follow. We are only un-

    limitedly loyal to onethe Lord Jesus.We are limitedly loyal to others.He is here to be simply Himselfa Saviour. If He is free in me, Hemakes me a sha re r of His Saviour-hood .

    W e a re to be identified with th epeople to whom we go as far as ishumanly possible.UNITY continued from page I)a momentous moment . It has longbeen a source of grief to many to seetwo bodies of evangelicals (thoughthey are really one) pulling in oppositedirections. There is much reason topraise God for th e healing of thisbreach.Following immediately after theE.M.A.J. Conference and continuing the

    same spirit of oneness and blessing,th e Convention for th e Deepening ofthe Spiri tual Life was conducted. Vitaland practical principles in th e l ife offaith and victory were powerfully pre



    sented in th e morni ng and eveningservices, and unusual blessing w asexperienced also in the early morningprayer meetings.It was announced by the E.M.A.J.

    that th e messages of these two Conferences would be prepared soon inprinted form.The speakers during thesemeetings,though coming f rom vast ly differing

    backgrounds, formed a perfect team.Norman P. Grubb, who speaks froma wea lth o f experience an d wide travels as General Secretary of th e Worl dw ide Evangel izat ion Crusade , laidgreat and effective emphasis on th ebroad principles of Scriptural living.His d iscour se s were well sprinkledwith t imely and o fte n witty interpolations'. Elmer V. Thompson, fo r 26years a missionary and now Direc to rof the West Indies Mission, broughtto th e Conference a wonderful m inistry of exposi tion, and dealt especially with th e practical aspects of effect ive missionary work . H is frequentr e ferences to actual experience on th emission field tlirew floods of lig ht o nh is mes sa ges . The other speaker,Joseph Carroll, who is associated withthe Australian Institute of Evangelism, dwelt largely on devotionalthemes, emphasizing repeated ly bothth e need of a daily t ime alonewithGod, an d the w ay to make that time

    meaningfu l and effective. His talks atth e early morning prayer h ou r wer eunusually instructive and chal lenging.Ra rely h as the Doxology been sungwith more hear t fe l t p ra ise than at th efinal meeting on August 8. There hadbeen no re so lu tio ns p as sed, no neworganization effected. But there wasthe quiet and sett led confidence thatcomes from having met with God.And there was a spirit of oneness-deep, real, warm, God-honouring on enessthe k ind o f spiritual unity whichis one of th e most precious privilegesof th e Church, and one of it s greatestneeds .

    CLASS IF IED ADSY JO pe r t co rd : Y 300 minimum.

    FOR SALE. At reduced prices, high quality C iub bicycles. Only Y 12,000.Available as a service of th e E.M.A.J.Contact Lo n Fulton, P. 0 . Shiga Ken.

    FOR SALE. Heavy duty Stateside ba ttery, 19 plates. Has never been used.Y 12,000. Enquire c/o Japan Harvest.

    ANNOUNCEMENTSThe J ap an Evangelical Christian School

    announces th e openi ng o f th e fall termon Monday, September 13, 1954. All pr ospective students are urged to write immed ia te ly f or a pp li ca ti on f orm s to : Mr.Virgil R. Newbrander. 30 Ochiai, KurumeMura, Kitatama Gun, Tokyo.


    fHtftINF U L LC O L O R

    Constantly increasing circulation has madepossible a further price reduction, Japanese Gospel Light Sunday School Lessonshave all been reduced 25 as of August*15.Take advantage of these new low prices

    A l l S l i d e s atY 100.00 each

    Watch for announcements o f J .S .S .U .Ful l color Bible Story Books soon tobe completed.

    J-S-S-UJapan Sunday School Union346 Eifuku Cho, Suginami Ku, Tokyo

    O ld T es ta u i e nt t h em e s n ow u va ilu bl eNOAH 15 slides ELIJAH 21 slidesABRAHAM 21 slides ESTHER 19 s l idesDAVID 23 slides DANIEL 17 s l idesPRO VERBS 7 20 slides LO T 22 s l ides

    Write fo r our new cat al ogueTEAM-AVED

    1433 2~Chome, Setagaya, Setagaya Ku, Tokyo.Tel. 2) 1367

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1954 Japan


    A 0V2P1954

    EXTRAS from ExieOCTOBER 1954

    Mis s i on Add r e s s :C HR IS TIA N R A MO MISSION

    ti 7 YokMiy a k o j im a P . O .X Box aO j ak a, J a pa n

    I ersonnl Addivt t i t :EX I E - TOLTZ

    C Yokoya .Uozak i -cho ,H i ga sh i N a d a- kuKobe, Japan

    Af fcn t H Addr eHH :MRS. VELDA CLATKELT13R.

    p in e S tr ee t,Ma rs li nl l. I ll in oi s

    34 verageAttendancein Vacation Bible SchooFor six days (Aug. 1-7) we had th e opportunity

    to teach an ave rage o f 34 wiggly Httle brov/niessome of the old familiar Bible stories. The children were very r egul ar in their attendance andquite eager to learn. Considering that it was th efirst V. B. S. fo r them I suppose their behaviorwas commendab le . However , there was a sufficient amount of standing on folding chairs, hangin g out second-story v/indows and t rave ling upand downstairs fo r a drink of water to keep al lteachei s and assistants occupied a t al l times.

    V. B. S. Handwork Display

    The end of the school found teachers reactingin a normal waysighing with relief that it wasover but rejoicing that some seed had b een sownin virgin soil.

    V. B. S. Group a t Kobe Church of Christ

    THE HANDWORK disp lay pictured showsonly a email portion of what was done by theentire school. On the table is a group o f Noa h sArks made by th e Junior Class. You may beable to sp y a lion or giraffe on top the roofsbecause of th e stall shortage inside. Our nioiernJunior Noah didn t fol low inst ruct ions as well asNoah of old i n bui ld ing according to pattern.The clocks on the wall tell us t ha t The re isalways time to help others. And the violins remind us that A broken string ruins a tune andbroken promises ruin a life.Closing DemonstrationA Junior boy relatest he s to ry of Noah to anaudience of 5 mothers

    and 1 father a rathergood attendance for suchan occasion in Japan.La te r colored sl ides o fth e life of ou r Lord, Jesus Christ, were shownin orde r t ha t th e adul t smight a t least once hearthe gospel story. V. B. S. Doincns tra t io ; i

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1954 Japan


    Mrs. Velda Clatfel ter50 2 P in e S tr ee tMarshall, Illinois


    CHIEKO TAKAHASHI, my little f riend and helper in th e Lo rd . Ch'e ko , a student at Osaka BibleSeminary, works in my home to help pay herexpenses whi le attending: school. Next year inApril she will receive her two-year cer ti fica tefrom th e Seminary. At present sh e is consideringstaying- on with me in order to take furthertraining. Chieko means a thousand blessings.I m n o t c e r t a i n i f i t m e a n s t h e w ea r e r o f t h a tname will receive a thousand blessings or if sheis to bestow a thousand blessings on others. Considering the blessing that sh e ha s been to meI m inclined t o t h i n k i t m e a n s t h e l a t t e r A nefiicient l i tt le housekeeper, she has learned tocook western dishes far tastier than my own.Besides her work in th e apartment and at schoolshe h as charge of the Bible School in Kobe.Strength and honor are her clothing . . . and

    her tongue is the law of kindness. (Prov. 25, 26).

    ammonds Helping in KobeWE ARE FORTUNATE, indeed, to have Mr.

    and Mrs. AI Hammond and Timmie working withus this winter in Kobe. The Hammonds', KyushuChristian Mission, have come to Kobe for a year'sintensive study in Japanese language. Bro. Alhas very graciously consented to preach fo r usa t Kobe Church of Christ during his stay here.Mrs. Hammond, with her accordion accompaniment, has added much to our song services whichhad hitherto been acapella. The Hammonds ' willingness to help in this way has meant much tous . We are praying that th e Lord will bless theirstay with us and their preparation fo r a moreefficient ministry in Japan.

    viany ThanksMANY, MANY THANKS to the Forty-Nin th

    St. C hristian Church in Ind ian ap olis, Ind ., fort hei r g i ft of 150.00 for purchasing copies of THEL I F E O F C H R IS T V IS U A LI ZE D To t h e V a c ation Bible School f or th eir gift of 54.00, to thechurch for its gift of 59.00 and to the individuals who supplied 37.00 of t hi s g if t go my deepest appreciation both fo r t he ir g if t and fo r theirinterest in th e work here. This gift (plus an additional 10.00) has enabled me to order 2,000copies of THE LIFE OF CHRIST VISUALIZED(book three). I have ordered 1,200 o f t he se booksin J apanes e and 800 of them in Korean. Theseare th e tw o Or ien ta l coun tr i es in which Christ ianRadio Mission soon will be working.

    Sec. 34.66 E P. L. R.U. S. Postage Paid

    Marshall, P e r m i t No. 21

    Form 3547 Requested

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1954 Japan


    NOVEMBER 1954

    l ^r o m C H R I S T I N R D IO M IS S IO N saka, JapanK O R EKOREA, at this momeac undoubtedly the greatest opportunity forChristian missions in the entireworld, is still waiting for us to act.The workers are ready, the Billsfamily is waiting in Tokyo to moveto Pusan. A building is availableThe Oriental Missionary Societywill se l l us their Pu sa n war t imeheadquarters for 4,000. The opportunity is there, the governmenthas promised to give us a permit tohave our own Missionary RadioBroadcasting station, and immediately they will grant time on theG o v e r n m e n t s ta t ions to re leaseChristian programs which can beprepared while we are training National workers and doing otherground work for the station.Already more than half the necessary funds have come in to buythe bouse. Just a little more help

    from a l l of th e fr iends o f th i s workwill p ut th is forward step into operation. But your gift is needed atonce. This chance to get a housein Korea where we can get our workstarted may not come again.

    Out work in Japan will continueu n d e r Mrs. Er i e Fu l t z and our f ineStaff o f J apanes e national workers.Our English language broadcast inEurope will also continue. We arenot dropping anything but are making a forward move that will greatly enla rge our work in a very needyfield. And it will also be a stepnearer our ultimate goal of our ownMissionary Radio station on the air.We bel ieve tha t we should be livingin Korea before we press forwardfor t he s ta ti on permit.

    P u sa n a s th e lo ca tio n for o ur future work i s i dea l T he Koreangovernment is perhaps the most fa>vorabie of any ia the world to

    f sffio/i onein front that yourgifts are helping purchase

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1954 Japan


    CHRISTIAN RADIO MISSIONWaveJlenqihdfrom J P K^tA news report from iV ChristianRadio Mission. Edited by V. Alex Bills,Fie ld Director , Osaka Japan.

    JAPANESE fvlAILING ADDRESS:C h r i s t i a n R a d io M i ss io nMlyakojlma P O. Bo* No. 2

    O s a k a J a p a nCABLE ADDRESS: Cramis, Osaka

    WORKERSMr. and Mrs. V. Alex Bills and family,

    105 Nlshlkubo, Musashlno Shi, Tokyo, To,J a p a n

    Mrs. Exle Fultz, 67 Yokoya, UozaklCho, Hlgashlnada Ku, Kobe, Japan.C o-operating on Chinese Proqromst

    Mrs. Isabel Dlttemore, 120 Ue Arata Cho,Kagoshlmo-Shl, Kyushu, Japan.

    FOmARDinC AGF.mSSend a ll fiinds for the general work andthe Bills family to ^

    Chr i s t i an R a d i o Miss ionMrs. Don B l a i r

    804 Mississippi, Amorillo, TexasS en d fu nd s for M rs. Ful t z to . . .

    Mrs. Velda Clatfe l te r502 P i n e S t r e e t Marsha l l I l l inois

    OVR HOUE COMMITTEEChairman, G. B. Gordon, Lincoln

    B i bl e I ns ti tu te Lincoln, I l l inois ; HarryBuca ls te in 604 Sixth A venue, H avre ,Montana; Rober t M. Lil l ie 2712 Eas tHighway 34, Colorado Spr ings, Colorado;Harrol d McFar la nd, Mi ss ion Services Bo*968, Jol ie t I l l inois ; Thomas W. Overton,2567 K re ss S tr ee t Toledo, Ohio; ConleySllsby Puget Sound Col lege of Bible ,1618 Sunse t Avenue, Seat t l e 6 Washington; Stan ley D. Letcher 2B02 Ji i l lan,AmarlUo, T e x a s

    SPECIAL ADVISORSArlo F. Kelley, 4505 W. 3rd, Amarillo,Texas ; Dorothy Jane Johnson, 218 SixthAvenue, Huntglnton, West Virginia;George R. Barber, 229 South Greenwood,Montebello , Cal i fornia .

    Chiist lao work. From the technicalpoint of view we can broadcast a-cross salt water which is best, tothe neg lected west coast of Japanin chat language, in Chinese wecan cover the great coastal citiesfrom Canton to Shanghai and Formosa. And of course Korean programs penetrating even through theBamboo curtaia in to Nor th Korea aswell as covering the Republic ofKorea in the south. This is ourfaith tremendous: A Christian radiostation, broadcasting in three languages in the heart of the most populous, needy and responsive areain the whole world.O S A K A

    O s a k a w ill con tinue to be thecenter of all of o r Japanese radioac t iv i t i e s Exie wi l l cont inue to direct the Bible c o r r e s p o n d e n c ecourses and the other follow upwork among the Japanese. The correspondence course in English forEurope will also continue fromO s a k a An agreement has been completedbetween the Osaka Bible Seminaryand the Chr is t i an Radio M ission toe r e c t a s ma l l s tud io and officebuilding on the Seminary groundsfor radio work in Os a ka T h e CRMhad about 500 worth of concreteblocks, the Seminary had the land,so half o f the blocks can be soldand the other half used in the proposed building. Another thousanddollars would develop the buildingto where I t would be usab le T h eCRM already has enough equipmentincluding the electric organ andprofessional recording equipmentto make immed ia t e u s e of th e s tu dioAn i nve s tm e n t of one thousanddollars here will pay big returns inthe programs that can be producedand lives reached with the Gospel.In making effective use of the greatopportunity of radio certain equip

    ment is absolutely necessary- Thissmall, modest building is desperately needed.

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1954 Japan


    CHRISTIAN BROADCASTRADIO LUXEMBOURGGenerally the most impressive results from Christian radio programs

    only after the program haseen on the air a long time and hasmade a continuous regular weeklympact on the listener. This is truewith the Bib l e Chr i s t i an b roadca s tn Radio Luxembourg for Europeand England. We have kept emphasizing one message over and over.he Lordship of Christ and the return to the New Testament pat ternof the church. Now people are becoming convinced. After two and ahalf years of weekly p rog r amsthere is more mail response , morenew people are writing, interestamong our old listeners who are inthe Bib le correspondence course isincreasing and more Christian workers receive the printed sermons,than ever before. Las t week a lo ne ,Exie Fultz reports from Osaka thatthere were some 30 le t ters fromnew l i s teners and more than ha l fwanted to enroll in th e Bible course .The others were sufficiently interested in our message to write for acopy of the sermon and other li te r a tu r e on O u r P l e a .This program is produced inOsaka with Martin Q a rk a s announcer and soloist, Betty Billsas organist and Alex Bills asspeaker. The funds are raised byMr. and Mrs. Walter Coble, GospelBtoadcasting Mission, 20S SouthGuilford, Garrett, Ind. The totalcost including air time on theworld's most powerful commercialradio s ta t ion is about one hundreddollars pet week.


    RADIO WORK IN JAPAN . . . fromthe denominationa l point of view.The following interesting article isfrom Japan Harvest the publication o the Evangelical MissionaryAssociation of Japan . . . Thechallenge ofradio evangelism in Ja

    pan is one of the marvels ofmodern missionary work. Today, atotal of 93 gospel broadcasts are being aired weekly giving almost theentire nation an opportunity to hearthe Gospel. Until 1951. all broadcast ing in Japan was governmentcontrolled but during the past threeyears, alongside the large networkof 146 Government stat ions (NHK),53 new commercial stations havebeen erected. And, although thecost is relatively high ( 25.00 to100.00 for fifteen minutes most ofthe new sta t ions have be en c oo pe rative in allowing Gospel programson th e air .The tremendous potential ofthis media of missionary endeavorcan be seen when we realize thatthere are no less than 11,600,000radio sets in Japan (according toofficial est imates) , and a probablylistening audience of 60,000,000.Among the mission fields of the

    In perils of. . . volcanos. Mt. Asc^ma, the most active volcano in Japan and only a few miles fromKaru i z awa whe r e mo s t mis s i ona r i e sspend the hot summer months violently erupted this summer. It wasmore than a sound, it tvas as if agreat wave of sound smashed intothe side of the house. No real dan'ger however.

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1954 Japan


    , no Qthcnuwintfy has such asets per cap ita.^- Es egjfllry ?n~this land, where' '*l'^Ss-tba -one third of one percentof the people ever enter a churchdoor, these facts and the opportunity they present demand careful consideration in the overallplan of missionary work here.Already 13 different programsare being aired in Japan. They arebeing broadcast on 46 of the 53commercial stations, and form acumulative total of 33 hours ofGospe l b roadcast ing per week (93actual broadcasts),

    We who have been ent rusted withthe New Testament message shouldtake advantage of all such opendoors. We the Christian Radio ^^s-sion, have had Japanese programson on e o r more s t a t i o n s for th epast two years. We have programsready this year and are releasingthem on shor t wave s tat ions inManila that reach Japan but haveno . funds available to buy time onany of the local stations.

    TSUSHIMA We are happy to report that a preacher is now livingon the island of Tsushima, betweenJapan and Korea, to carry on followup work with the many contactsresulting from the Japanese oroad-cas ts Sato-san will continue to bepartially supported and counseledby the Osaka Chri st ian Mission.

    * * Exie Fultz reports that servi cesin Kobe are continuing. AI Ham

    mond who is in Language schoolthis winter in Kobe will regular /preacher at the services in down Itown Kobe. This is the first NewTestament work to be establishedin Kobe .FINANCIAL STATEMENT . . All of us in the CRM try to keepas careful financial records as possible. And above all we do our bestto make careful use of the moneyyou entrust to our use. A copy ofour report goes regularly to theliving link churches and is included in an annual report to our HomeCommittee. We do not print the report in the Wave Lengths becauseof the space and expense involved.However we are happy to send acopy to any person who i s in teres ted and will make a request for it .A careful study of mission financial reports can reveal a great dealabout activities and progress aswell as needs. Just say so if youwan t a copySCHOOL FOR KATHLEEN .

    While we are waiting in Tokyowe have been fortunate in findinga house that is near the bus linefor the Christian Academy in theoutskirts of Tokyor-This^s a regular Christiairay^:5chffcrl ^operatedby missionariesdfor their childr^costs about |200-a year). HowevferRebecca has not been able to g^tinto kindergarten, badly as shewant s to do so

    CHRIST IAN RADIO MISSION804 Mississippi, Amarillo, Texas fcT 34.66 P.L.fc R.U. S. Postage ''PAID

    Amaj-i l lo, TexwP e rm i t No 78

    ^>03M rs S

    3547 REQUESTED

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1954 Japan

