fultz exie 1952 japan

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  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1952 Japan


    f r om C H R IS TIA N R A D IO MISS ION Osaka, Japan

    European Broadcast BeginsRadio Iiuxemhourg April 4thIN A FEW WEEKS, the New Tes t ament message will be going outover the / i r Waves of Europe fo r thef i r s t t ime in his toryA specia l broadcas tcalled The Bib l eChrist ian Programis being prepared byth e Ch r i s t i a n Rad i oMission in Japan auidwill be heard everyFriday at 11:15 P.M.on Radio Luxembourg, Europe's mostpowerful stat ion. The stat ion covers83% of the radios in Europe and hasan audience of 3 o r 4 mil l ion in England alone. A new survey in Englandes tabl ishes an actual l is tening audi ence of a l i t t le l e s s t h an on e m i l li o nin England a lone to these late-hourreligious broadcasts 10:15 in England).

    This d evelopment i s the outgrowth of the Mervyn E. Green Memoria l Missionary Fund. MervynGre en was a s o l d i e r i nWor l dWar I Iwho was killed a few days af ter dedicating his life to return to Europeas a missionary. After his death,his foster parents, Mr. and Mrs.Wal te r Coble o f Gar r e t t , Indianas t a r t ed a fund to s end mi s s i o n a r i e sto Europe. While their original purpose was not realized, a possiblyeven grea t e r field has developed int h i s Christian broadcast

    Under the descript ive t i t le, IntoAll The World Gospel BroadcastingMission, Beginning in Europe, Mr.and Mrs . Coble a re spearheadingthe activit ies of bringing this development to the churches, and ofra is ing the funds necessary to ca r -

    READ MOREON PAGE FOUR)V. Alex Bills is pictured above

    Way Opening ToB ro a d c a s t T o Ch i n aMISSIONARIES who have recently

    c o m e f r om Formosa tell u s t h a tthe Na ti ona li st Governmen t is gladto have them broadcas t the Gospelon the i r powerfu l radio s ta t ions toa ll of C hina. However , no prov i s ionhas yet been made to make use oft r an sc rib ed p ro gr am s . P le as e p raywith us tha t this door wil l open. Theregular rate charge will be 40 fora qua r t e r hour .Mr s . I s abe l Di t t emo r e , scheduled to ar r ive in Japan on JanuarylOth, will begin immedia te ly topre-pare th e Chinese p r o g r a m s . Anumber o f preachers in the U. S.have supplied s ermons th at are being t rans la ted and recorded on tapein Amer ica by a Chinese s tudent

    t h e r e . Music and th e r e s t of the p rogram will be set up in Japan. An announcer on one of the new Japanesestations grew up in China and it ishoped he can be obtained a s re gu larannounce r fo r the Chinese p r og r ams .

    Wi t h M r s . D i t t em o re i s th e e lectric organ and tape recorder .While some foreign stat ions will needdic t ranscr ip t ions , a ll p rog ramswill f i rs t be put on tape, and, afterediting, will be dubbed to disc. ANisei to y from Hawil who was in theU. S. Army has taken his dischargeand r ema ined in Osaka to open ap rof e ss iona l r eco rd ing studio. Thisis a d i rec t answer to praye r sincebeing unable to make disc t ranscriptions was a bottleneck to thiswhole program. His price will bera the r high but u nti l we can ge t ourown equipment we will be able to goa h e a d wi t h th e v a r i o u s b r o a d c a s t s .

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1952 Japan


    C H R IS T IA N R A D IO M I S S I O NWaueJlenoihafrom JAPAN^

    Published monthly forCHRlSTIANRADIOMISSIONV, Alex Bills, Director , Osaka, Japan by HareoldMcFarland MISSION MANOR Wlllernie Minnesota

    Edited by V. ALEX BILLSMAILING ADDRESS O N T H E FIELDMlyakojlma P. O Osaka, Japan

    Letters 5 . Aliletters lOtf, Airmail 25^ a half ounceIf you come to vUlt us, our house addresswill helpyou. It is; 492-S)utaku, Sblbagakl Shindo, Matsubara

    Cho Nakakawachl Guo, Osaka Prefecture. JapanFORWARDING A G EN T

    S en d A ll Funds T o T his AddressMrs. Don Blair Christian Radio Mission804 Mississippi, AiDariUo, Texas

    OU R H O M E C O M M I T T E E

    Chairman G. B. Gordoa, ChapUln, 22ad Air BaseGroup, March AFB California; Harry BucaUteio.604 Sixth Ave., Havre, Montana: Stanley Letcher,80 7 Tennessee Amarlllo Texas: Robert M LlUleR 2, Cedar Lake Indiana; Harrold McFarland Mission Manor WlUemle Minnesota; Thomas WOverton, 2S67Kreu Street, Toledo, Ohio; ConleySllsby, 1507 University Avemie S. E Minneapolis14 Minnesota


    Chinese Consultant - Isabel M DittemoreArlo F. Kelley, 4234 West 15th, AmariUo, Texas;Dorothy Jane Johnson, 710Wllley Street, Morgan-town, West Virginia.


    When youmove, Ifyouwant tocontinuereceiving WaveLengths, please send a card with your newan d old address to Mrs Blair Mr and Mrs DonBlair (Mrs. Bills parents) have been doing awonder-ful Job as forwardlngagents forthiswork.Theyalsodothe mailing ofWave Lengths withhelp from variousmembers of our faithful Living-Link church. WestAmarlllo ChrlstUo Church Amarlllo Texas

    T H I S A A N D T H A T AWE WISH to report a very pleasant

    t i m e f o r o u r first hristmas i nJapan We have been so busy t h a twe d i d n t have t i m e to be h o m e s i c kmuch We want to thank our manyfr iends who sent gift packages andc a r d s . They meant more than youk n o w . W e h a v e b e e n h e a r t s i c k w a t c hing the Japanese observe C h r i s t m a s .E v e ry c o m m er ci al a s pe c t and e n t e rta inment feature has been exploitedto the full But the people have noteven t h e s l i g h t e s t idea o f wha tC h r i s t m a s is fo r Santa Claus e v e r yw h e r e b u t n o t knowledge o f the C h r i s tchild By cont ras t o f c o u r s e therea r e the Chris t ians who r e a l l y knowC h ri s t a s Savior and r e j o i c e in t h e i rGreat S a l v a t i o n .T H E L I T T L E C H U R C H i n o u r h o m e

    i n M a ts u b a r a c o n t i n u e s to m a k ep r o g r e s s . The student p r e a c h e rfrom Osaka Bible Seminary is doing a good job However we cons i d e r as m o s t signif icant the decis ionof all of the members to begin tithings o t h a t t h e w o r k c a n b e c o m e s e l f -supporting This is probably the firstcongregation in a ll Japan to undertakesuch a plan In fact such s tewardship is nardly pract iced by any of theC h r i s t i a n s . Y e t w e b e li ev e t h e f u t u r eof the Church in Japan depends o n th em e m b e r s taking respons ibi l i ty

    NA TYPEWRITER and a mimeograph

    a r e p r e s s i n g n e e d s . D o es s o m eo n ehave some used equipment that theywould s h a r e with Japan? Send toAmarillo and they will have it rebuilt and forwarded to us in JapanOr m aybe som e group would like tou n d e r t a k e a p r o j e c t to p u r c h a s e a newi tem? These two i tems a r e p r i m enecessities to radio work

    S L I D E S A V A I L A B L EW E H A V E A S E T o f c o l o r e d s l i d e sn Japan tha t we a r e happy to loanany church o r group fo r a specia lprogram The pictures a r e accompanied w i t h a s c r i p t a n d give agl impse of the people t h e i r cust oms work a n d re l ig ions Maker e s e r v a t i o n s i n a dv an ce by wri t ingM r s Don B l a i r 604 Mississ ippiA m a r i l l o T e x a s .

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1952 Japan


  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1952 Japan


    L U XE M BO U R G B RO A DC AS T(Began on page one)ry on this program. The total operation, including cost of transcript ions, rad io t ime, free l i teratureand ma i l con t ac t s with l i s t e ne r s wi l lbe a t l eas t 500 a month .

    P NThe program w i l l present ins imple Bas ic Eng lis h the New Testament position and the GospelPlanof

    Sa lva t ion . Movemen t s to r e s t o re theNew Te s t amen t Chu rch in Eu ropehave o f t en been ca l l ed the Bib l eChr i s t i an Movemen t . B ecau se th ismay have some familiar i ty to manyand to serve as a ra l lying cal l tothose of th is m o vem en t the programwi l l be ca l l ed T he Bib le Chr i s t i anProgram. It is planned to makeprinted copies of ^e sermons availab l e f r e e to a l l l i s t e ne r s and a s fundsand wo r k e r s a r e ava i l ab l e to o f f e r aBible Correspondence course to thel i s t eners . It is also hoped to makethese transcriptions available forbroadcast in other parts of the world.

    This undertaking deserves theprayer support of the Lord s people.It is suggested that classes, churches and individuals pledge 5 amon t h t o unde rw r i t e the cos t . AErayer nd in various churches wille organized to pray at the hour thep rogram is released. Your supportIS needed . Wri te : M r. and Mrs . Walte r S. Coble, 208 S. Guilford St . ,Gar r e t t , Ind iana .

    WHEN SENDING PACKAGESFoodpackagescontaining cakemixes, cocoa, {biddings, dried fruits, and other dry foods may be sentto ourMiyakojima address. Used clothing can alsobe used, as can large used picturesroUi, slides,stripfllms, and flannelgiaphmaterials ate needed.

    C H R I S T I A N R A D I O M I S S I O N804 Mississ ip pi , Am arillo , Texas

    POSTM STER Please notify of change of addresson Form 3547, postage for which is guaranteed.

    TRANSMITTER Began on page three)and perhaps assist Bro. Hill for af ew w e e k s .

    On Okinawa , whe r e we have twomiss iona ry fami l ies , a new government is being se t up. It will continueas a United Nations possess ion underU. S. mandate . It is ent i re ly up tothe Commanding General , but wehave been encou raged that he would^prove a Christian radio station.I r om th i s loca t ion , we would emphasize short-wave contact wi thsouthern Asia . By using a verypowerful regular wave t ransmi t t e rwe could also reach China, Japanand the Philippines with the Christ ian mes s a ge .

    Since both o f these s e em l ikeopen doors , we are asking you topray with us that we will know andfollow the Lord s way. We a re making applications to both places andpraying that by opening and closingdoo r s the Lo rd wil l show us His way

    CHRISTIAN RADIO DIRECTORYThe Christian Raflio Cotiimittee in th e United States

    is compiling a new directory ofChristian radiobroadcast}. If you are In charge of sucb a program, willyou send the following infomutlon to HartoldMcFar-land, Secretary, Christian RadioCommittee, MissionManor, Wlllernle. Minnesota: Name of program,name of preacher and/or director, Station call lettersandwavelength. Location of station, Day and hourof broadcast. Thank you.

    Sec . 34.66 P .L . RU. S. Pos t age

    PA I DAmar i l l o , Texa sP e r m i t No . 78

    Aiiiroid McFar l andiHssloQ ^norWillemle , Minn.

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1952 Japan


    nt\ yIVaueiAenqinofrom CHRISTI N R DIO MISSION ^^ Osaka JapanIDrs {m e Fultz To ecome Uorlier Ulitli Clllil In Japan This FallTHE Christ ian Radio Mission is happy

    to announce that Mrs. Exie Fulczwill become our co-worker in Japan.She will spend the summer visitingamong the churches and hopes to sailfo r the Or ien r t h i s fal l .Mrs. Fultz is a graduate of Cincinnati Bible Seminary and has finishedone year of graduate work in ButlerUniversity. She spend two years asSecretary and Youth Director under T.Rober t Scot t a t Fi r s t Chr is t i an Churchin Evansville Indiana. Since Januaryshe has been Youth Dire cto r o f 49thStreetChristian Church in IndianapolisIndiana where Russel l F. Bowers i sMin i s t e r .

    Mrs. Fu l t z s f inal decis ion for Missionary work came this past year. Shebecame a Christian at the age of 11 inthe Christian Church at Marshall Illinois where she was bom and grew up.During the war she married a long timefriend John Fultz. About a year laterhe was kil led in act ion in France .

    Bes i d e s the usua l ac t iv i t i e s on thefield Mrs. Fultz will be in charge ofth e sec re t a r i a l work i nvo lved in th eLuxembourg program broadcast in Eorope. She will care for the Bible Correspondence course and the personalle t ters of counsel to all those whowrite to the program.

    The Christia n Radio Mission HomeCommittee has highly endorsed Mrs.Fultz as has also the churches whereshe has worked. She is urgently neededon the field and it is onr prayer thatthe churches in the homeland will soonoledge her living link support and underwrite her equipment and expensesto the field.For speaking dates or other information Mrs.Fultz can be contacted throughher forwarding agent Mrs. Velda Clat-

    . iKif . : a l

    Exie /are Fultz510 North Fourth Street

    Marshall IllinoisTHE CRM Home Committee held i tsannual meeting to Tulsa at the timeof the l a s t North American Convent ion .Act ion and d i s cus s ions concerned future deve lopments. Mrs. Exie Fujtzwas endorsed as a new missionary.Special guest included Mr. and Mrs.Walter Coble who are leading the Gospel Broadcast ing Mission that is sponsoring the Bible Chris tian Program3n Radio Luxembourg in Europe. Theprogram is prepared by the ChristianRadio Mission in Japan.felter ^10 North Fourth St. Marshall[ l l ino is .

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1952 Japan


    CHR IS TI AN RAD IO M IS SIONW weJ enQ{h^from JAPAKy*Published as the Lord provides forCHRISTIAN RADIO MISSION. V. AlexBills, Director Osaka Japan by

    Harrold McFatland, Mission Manor,Willemie, Minnesota.

    Edited by V. ALEX BILLSMAILING ADDRESS ON THE FIELDMiyakojima P. O., Osaka Japan

    Letters 5^, Airletters 10Airmail; 25 a half ounce

    If you come to visit us our house addresswill help you. It is:492-5 JutakuShibagaki Shindo Maisubara cho,Nakakawachi Gun, Osaka Prefecniie

    FORWARDING AGENTS end A ll Funds To This Address

    Mrs.Don Blair, Christian Radio Mission804 Mississippi Amarillo TexasOUR HOME COMMITTEE

    Chairman G.B.Gordon Chaplain BaseChapel. Box 1413 March AFB, Calif.,Harry Bucalstein 604 6th Ave.. HavreMont. Stanley Letcher 807Tennessee.Amarillo, Tex Robert M. Lillie, R 2Cedar Lake, Ind., Harrold McFarland,Mission Manor,Willemie, Minn. , Thomas W. Overton, 2567 Kress Street,Toledo, O., Conley Silsby 1507 Univ.Ave. S. E., Minneapolis 14 Minn.,William L. Jessup Box-1090 San JoseCal i f

    SPECIAL ADVISERS AND ASSOCIATESChinese Consultant-IsabelM .DittemoreArlo F. Kelley 4234 W. 15th, AmarU-lo Tex., Dorothy Jane Johnson 710WilleySt., Morgantown W. Va.

    CHANGE OF ADDRESSWhen you move send your new and oldaddress to Mrs.Blair at address on pagefour so you will continue to receiveyour copy of WAVELENGTHS.

    OUR application to erect and operate apowerful long and short wave MissionaryRadio station in Okinawa has successfullypassed one hurdle. The Commanding Geaeraiin Okinawa has forwarded the application the General of the Far East Command Gen.Mark Clark for final decision. We are encoiir-aged since if the request had been considered impossible he could have rejected it onthe spot.This application was taken to Okinawa byBn>. Jessup and was presented to the U.S.authorities by our Missionaries on the is

    land. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Voodruff, Mr. andMrs. Melvin Huckins and Mr. and Mrs. CarlF i shWe are waiting and praying that the Lordwill reveal His will in the final action onthis. From the human point of view this

    would be an ideal locat ion.

    WITH BRO. JESSUP on his way toMatsubara. His message marked areal victory and turning point for thework of Christ in our village. Bro.Jessup s visit was a blessing to allJapan.

    SHRINES everywhere. A place to worship by e railroad stop sign. Muchworship, but no knowledge of God.

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1952 Japan


    ome Over and HelpWe have just discovered that there isa large Medical College in the next

    village ess than two miles away. el e a rned abou t th i s when some o f th es t uden t s ca l l ed on us to a sk tha t weteach an English Bible class thereon c e a week . Of cour s e the i r main objective is to learn Engli sh conversation but they will also be learning theWord o f God .We have many requests to teach Engl i sh Bib le c l a s s e s but have to r e fus emos t o f them . H ow ev er t h i s schoo l i sso close and any interest in Christianity can be followed up through thechu r ch .

    The opportunity to reach these futurel e ade r s for Chr i s t i s t re m en do us. T h eneed for more workers is urgent. Manyof the Japanese College s tuden ts arebecoming Communists only because weare not getting the Gospel to them...Come over and Help Us .


    THE CHURCH of Chr is t in Matsubara .The Japanesestudent-Pastor^hibaoi-san on the right end of front row Thisis the Lord's Day morning worship. About a 100 ch i ld ren at t end Bib le Schoo lon Friday An adult Bible Class is heldon Sunday night. Recently twelve newChristians have been baptized.

    PROGRAM PRODUCTION NOTESWE have been receiving some very int

    eresting mail response from theBibleChristian Programs in Europe Bettydoes the organ, Bro Martin Clark ofChr i s t i an Miss ion do e s a solo and theannouncing and Alex delivers the Gospel message. The Cobles, Mrs Fultzand Mrs Blair have tape copies ofsome of the programs. Ask to borrow orh ea r o ne of them.MRS Dittemore is teaching a weekly

    Bible lesson series on John.She hasthe scripts translated and recorded soactually the series is being transcribedin Engli sh , Chinese and Japanese.HIDEAO Ohtomo is our fivst big step

    toward our own Japanese radio production group. He is a graduate inmusic from a leading \ niversity. Oneof the largest commercial radio stationsis giving him their training course thatthey use to prepare their own workers.Then he will use this training to prepare Christian programs. He has beenoffered fine positions in commercialradio but has rejected them to be ableto engage in full time Christian work.


    WE HAVE a s e t o f co l o r e d s l i d e son Japan. They are free foryour use. Write Harrold McFar-l and Wil l e rn i e Minneso ta o rMr s . Don Blai r 804 Miss iss ipp iAmar i l l o Texa s .

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1952 Japan


    Preach The WordI recently had the opportunity to present the Gospel message to a Japanese

    court. An acquaintance who was anA m erican b u s i n e s s man becam e involved in the Japanese financial laws. Hew a s the first A m erican to be a r r e s t e dand tried after the treaty so nation widea t t e n t i o n w as c e n t e r e d on the t r i al .While he was in prison w aiting trialw e were a b l e to l e a d ni m to C h r i s t .Later he was released in my custodyand during this time he and hi s Japanese wife were baptized.My purpose in court wa s to explainhow Christianity changes a person. Of

    CHR I S T I AN R A D IO M IS S IO N804 M i s s i s s i p p i A m a r i l l o T e x a s

    O U R H O U S E in M a c s u b a r a . . . i t c a n b epurchased for |1 600.00. When we

    l e ave i t w ould m a k e an exce l len tchurch an d pastor s home The Christians ar e mostly students and womenso there is almost do money fortbem tobuild or buy their own meeting place._

    co urse th is a m o u n t e d to a w hol e se rmon on th e nature of th e Gospel andconversion. The whole court includingt he l aw ye rs and the three judges seemed to be interested. It was also reported in the Japanese papers. Paul said P r e a ch t h e W or d. . . in s ea so n .. .o u t o fseason

    Se c . 34 .66 P . L . R .U S P o s t a g e

    PA IDAmir i l lo TexasP e rm i t N o . 7 8

    F O R M 3 5 4 7 R E Q U E S T E D

    Harold M c F a r l a n dMiss ion M a n o rW i l l e m i e Hlnn

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1952 Japan


    f r om CHR ISTIAN RAD IO MISSION Osaka , Japan

    S u m m e r Activi t ies . . .Matsubara

    The Church of Christ in Matsubara,meeting in our house, continues togrow. Twenty four have been baptized in to Chri st already this year. TheJapanese student preacher has returned to his home in southern Japan for the summer so Alex is doingthe preaching. Beside the regularSunday services we have an outdoorservice at a playground in anotherpart of the town on ondaynight thatis attended by several hundred, aWednesday afternoon Ladies meetingand a Friday Children s Bible Schoolthat has completely overflowed ourhouse and is meeting in the yard.New Work We have employed another student of Osaka Bible Seminary andput him to work starting services intwo near by villages. Using the kamishibai, a method used by candysalesmen to attract crowds of children, he has been holding meetingsfor children in several places ineach village every day. He seems tobe especially good in telling Biblestories. The next step will be to locate a place for services for adults.He reports that in one village theBuddhist temple is very active. Agroup of students from a Buddhistseminary are spending the summerthere and are using a ll of the methods we use to put their work across ,including sl ides, p ic tu re s, and evenSunday schoo l methods.Luxembourg

    During the summer months workmust continue on the preparation of

    the Luxembourg, B ib le Chri sti anprograms. We are now receiving letters every day from l isteners tellingof blessings and guidance receivedfrom the broadcasts of simple NewT e s t am e n t h r is ti an i tyKor e a n Work Miss Kim, daughter of a Presbyterian min iste r is working for us thissummer translating program materialinto the Kwean language. Plans callfor a Bible d r a m a t i z a t i o n and apreaching type program in this language. She is also getting togetherKorean talent for music and the spoken parts. Although a Christian forsome time she was one of those whoc(xnpleted her obedience in immersion a t the Nagoya Camp this summ rCRM Choi r The big development in the Japa-

    Tsuda-san soloist for our Japaneseprograms who comes down from Nagoya to record Betty at the Orgmin our Matsubara house where we domost of the recording of programs.

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1952 Japan



    Waoe senaihdro P N^

    Publ i shed a s a news repor t o f theChr i s t i an R ad io M iss ion V . AlexBi l l s F i e ld Direc to r Osaka Japan .

    Edited by V. Alex BillsM a i l i n g add re s s on th e f i e l d

    C h r i s t i a n R a d i o M i ss i o nMl yako j i m a P O

    O s a k a J a p a n .Letters 5 , Air Letters 1 0^ , A li ma il 2 5 t

    a h al f o un ceM is s io n H ou s e a n d R ec o r d in g Center

    is located a t 4 92-5 J ut ak u, S hib ag ak lSh in lo , Matsu bara-cho , Nakaqo wach i, GunO s a ka Pre fe c t u r e .CRM W O R K E R S

    O n the f ie ld : M r. an d Mrs . V . A lex Bi l l s .R e c r u i t : M rs . E x i e F u l t z .

    C o - o p e r o t i n q o n Chinese P r o g r a m : Mra-I s abe l Dit temore

    F O R W A R D I N G A G E N T SSend all funds lot general woA and Bills

    f am ily toChr i s t i an R a d io M i s si on

    M rs. D on Bla i r80 4 Miss i ss ipp iA m a r i l l o , Texa s

    F o r M rs Fu l t z toM r s . Ve lda Cla t fe l t e r

    510 Nor th Four th St ree tM a r sh a l l , I l l inoisO U R H O M E C O M M I T T E E

    C hai rm an Stanley D . Letcher, 2802Julian, Amarillo, Texas; Harry Bucal-stein, 60 4 Sixth Av enu e, H av re , Mont.;Robert M. L il li e, R t. 2, C e d a r Lake, Ind.;Harrold McFarlond, Mission Manor, Wil-lernie, Minn.; Thomais w. Overton, 2567K re ss S tr ee t, T ol ed o, O.; C on l ey S l ls b y,1507 Univ. Ave. S. E ., M in ne op ol is 14.M inn.; W illiam L . J e s s u p , Box 1090,S a n Jose Cal i f .

    S P E C I A L A D V I S O R SArlo F . Kel l ey, 4505 W. 3 rd , A m ar il lo ,

    Texas; Dorothy Jane Johnson, 710 Wil-le y S t., Morgontown, W. Va.

    nese r a dio work Is t he o rg an iz at io nof a s p e c i a l choral group. T h e s e 12g irls a re s e l e c t e d from th e gle e c l u bo f a large mi s s i o n G i r l s H ig h Sch o o l .T h e y had already had a lot o f trainin g and under B e t t y s lead ersh ipthey are developing Into a very finer a d i o group. Good C h r i s t i a n m u s i cg o e s a l o n g w ay in p re s e n tin g th eg o s p e l o n th e air.M r s . Dit temore

    I s a b e l is in K y u sh u for th e su mm er m on th s. She pla ns to make thath e r permanent home and make trip sto O s a k a to s u p e r v i s e th e reco rd i n go f the C hin es e b ro ad ca sts . Duringh er a bs en ce th e C h in es e h el pe rs arec o n t i n u i n g to record i-ograms.M r s . Fu l t z

    Ex ie reports from th e states th ath e r p la n s are s h a p i n g up for h e r tosa i l in September. She stiU n e ed sfu n d sfo r s ome equipment a n d p l e d g e sfor regular support as w ell as LivingL i n k . We c e r ta in ly n e e d h er on th efield a s s o o n as p o s s i b l e .

    Continued on Page 4

    Mr. and M r s . J Russe l M o r s e andLaVerne when they visited with uso n t h e i r w a y to A m e ric a. T he r e l easeo f Brother Morse from Communist prison is one of the greatest answersto prayer and faith in our time.

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1952 Japan


    Letters From Europe . . .Broadcast In Answer To Prayer-

    * I was thrilled to hear your radiomessage from Japan. I feel It is ananswer to i*ayer . . . Carry on givingout the pure gospel message fromHis Wcrd. Angus ScotlandA Pastor Co-operatesMany thanks of initiation of N.T.Christianity broadcasts from Luxembourg I was delighted to hearN.T. Christianity being expounded I have sent notices to churchesin which I administering for a ll whoenter to Nottingham, EnglandA Shut-In Listens We do appreciate your broadcasts my mother who is 82 i s very i l land she loves to hear you I haveno t been ab le to a t tend the Lo rd shouse for V years, due to Mother si l lness . . . Thanking you once againfor your help. Your message on prayer last ni^t was such a help. Breconshere, England.Cheers up a Christian I came home las t night feelingvery depressed and downhear ted andtuned in Radio Luxembourg hopingto get cheered up by some music,bu t ins tead you r rad io b roadcas tcame on . And I th an k the Lord I d idfeel very cheery after i t had finished . So I am writin g to thank you forthe wonderful blessing I receivedfrom your broadcast las t night. South Wales .That We May Pray I am writing to you for more information of you people and yourbroadcasts tha t we may pray foryouand yo i r wo-k for our b les sed redeem er and Lord, Jesus Christ . Bilston Staffs, England.P lea se Continue

    P l e a s e con t inue to fc roadcas t r e -gulari ly a s we must not le t Chris tdown . . . hundreds of u s l i s t ene r sin SouthWales. ./VffotA, South WalesListens in Norway

    I t was grand hearing the broadcas t on Radio Luxembourg tonight.

    We are on holiday in Norway and today we received the Christ ian Advoca t e from S c ot la nd a n d a f t e r r eading same, noticed that Mr.Bills wasbroadcasting. We enjoyed it so mucha s we are mem ber of th e Church ofChrist in Scotland. -iWoss, NorwayFrom A Baptist Church- I have been listenmg to yourbroadcast and would appreciate itif you would forward a copy of oneof your sermons . . . Will pray thatGod wQl bless your efforts.Great Bri ta in.Interested in Baptism I heard your broadcast las t nightfOT the f irst time . . . and as I havebeen thinking about Baptism justlately, I was very i nt eres ted. P l easeenroll me in your B ib l e S t udyc ou r s e s . I wan t to le a rn more fromthe Bible. Wanis, England.Message On Prayer I would l ike you to know I enjoyed the message on Prayer verymuch, it was inspiring and I received a great blessing. - Belfast,Northern I re l and .A Pa s t o r Wri t e s -

    F o r sometime we have been l istening to your broadcast over RadioLuxembourg and write to say howwe are grateful to God for your soulstirring messages we will tellpeople to listen to yow. -Br is taw,England.Spiritual Uplift

    I heard you r b roadca st over Radio Luxembourg las t evening andwould jus t like to tel l you how muchI enjoyed i t and what a spiritualuplift i t proved to be. I am a memberof the Church youth organization andsha l l re commend th em and others tolisten to you. Lances, England.In Brit ish Armed Services

    J u s t recently I have had the greairlvilege of listening to your trogram. It has been very fruitfull and thave learned a lo t through yourbroadcast . loth Royal HuosarwEngland.

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1952 Japan


    SUMMER ACTIVITIES-Continued from page 2Nagoya Christian Camp

    Under the direction of missionariesDavis and Chambers the first weeklong Christian camp in this part ofJapan was completed. It was a greatsuccess and plans are under way foranother next year. Fifteen besidesthe Bills family attended from Mat-subara. the first for most of the youngChrist ians. Pictures in next month sWave Length .Radi o S ta ti on PermitWe s t i l l have received no f inalword on our application to erect a


    Missionary Radio Stat ion on Okinawa. We understand the applicationis in Washington. Please pray withu s abou t t h i s .LETTERS FROM EUROPE-Enioyed The SingingI l is te n ed t o the nice se rv ice onMonday and enjoyed the singing. Liverpool, England.Wishes to Know More -1 was richly blessed by yourprogramme a,nd your teaching andwould l ike to know more about Chr i s tand the Bible. -yorfts, England.

    Sc en e sfrom the Friday Bible schoolm tin in the yard,i f we haa room we couldprobably have a thousandchildren. What are we todo when winter comes?

    HRISTI N R DIO MISSION804 Mississ ip pi, Amarillo , Texas


    Sec . 34 .66 P . L.fc RU. S. Postage

    PA IDAm ri l lo , Tex a sP e rm i t No. 78

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1952 Japan


  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1952 Japan


    CHRIST IAN RADIO MISSIONWaoe scnQilwfrom P K^Pub l i s hed a s a n ew s r epor t o f th e

    Chr i s t i an R ad io M iss ion V. AlexBi l l s F i e l d Direc to r Os a k a J ap an .

    Edited by V. Alex BillsMa i l i n g a d d r e s s on th e f i e l d -

    Ch r i s t i a n Ha d i o M i s si o nMiyakoj i tna P . O .Osaka. Japan .

    S/lss ion House and Recording Centeri s located a t 4 92-5 Jutaku, ShibagakiShinlo, Matsubara-cho, Nakagawachi, GunOsaka Prefecture.

    CRM WORKERSOn the f ield: Mr . and Mrs. Alex Bil lsMrs . Exie Fu l t z .Co-operating on Chinese FVogram: Mrs.

    Isabel DlttemoreFORWARDING AGENTS

    Send a il funds fo r genera l work and Bil ls family toChr i s t i an R a d io M i ss io n

    Mrs . D on Bla i r804 Miss i s s ipp iAmaril lo, Texas

    F o r Mrs Fu l t z toMr s . V e l da C l a tf e l te r

    5 10 Nor th Four th St r e e tMarshall, IllinoisOUR HOME COMMITTEE

    Chairman Stanley D. Letcher , 2802Ju l ian Amaril lo, Texas ; Harry Bucal-s te in 604 Sixth Avenue, H avre , Monl. ;Robert M. Lil l ie, Rt. 2 Cedar Lake, Ind.;Harrold McFo rla nd , M is sio n Manor, Wil-lernie, Minn.; Thomas w. Overton, 2567Kress Street , Toledo O .; C on ley Si lsby,1507 Univ. Ave. S. E., Minneopolis 14 ,Min n.; W illiam L . Je s sup Box 1 090,San Jose Cal i f . Chapla in (Major) G.B . Gordon, Box 1413, Marsh A.F .B .Ca l i fo rn i a

    SPECIAL ADVISORSArio F. Kelley, 4505 W. Srd, Amari llo,

    Texa s ; Dorothy Jane Johnson 710 Wil-ley St. Morgantown W. Va. Chaplain(Major) Ceorge R. Barber, Wing Chaplain, 6016th Air Base Wing aPO 9l9.

    EXIE ARRIVESNews very important to the work of

    Chris t i an Radio Mission is th earrival of Exie Pultz in Japan, shestepped on Japan soil Nov. 6th a tYokohama where she was met byAlex and Betty Bills a s well as anumber of Tokyo missionaries.Exie i s the living l ink of threechurches. Her home church, Marshall111. G. W. Gibson, minister; Evans-vil le , Ind., Lacy Satterf ield, minister; and Eas t 49th Street church,Indianapolis, Ind., Russell Blowers,min i s t e r .Already Exie has taken charge ofthe European correspondence course,and the correspondence with eachl i s t ene r who wri tes the B i b l eChris t ian program. She also superv i s e s th e workers who hand le th eJapanese mail and is helping todevelop the Japanese Bible correspondence cour se .Very wisely Exie has already begun a heavy schedule of Japaneselanguage study. She seems to bevery wel l l iked by the Japanesepeople . The y are es pe cia lly attrac t-to her because she is very neartheir own height.The fact that Exie has so quicklyfound a f ie ld of s erv ic e in dic ate st h a t theie i s m uch work to be done .The C hris t ian Radio Mission verybadly needs more workers to effectively meet the great opportunitiesof taking T he Gospel by Air toAll Men everywhere .

    Exie Fu l tz comine down thethe gang-plank of the Fairilse* atYokohama port.

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1952 Japan


    Letters From Europe In Response to the Bible ChristianProgram on Radio Luxembourg.From A Brit ish Soldier I l is tened to your Rad io P rogramon Radio Luxembourg for the firstt ime. This was so helpful to theinward part of me tha t I intend nowto be a regular l istener so that mysou l sh a l l benef i t from the Biblebeing opened to me .

    An Elder in The Church of Christ,Scot land I l isten with relish to your broad

    cas t s and would apprec^ te copiesof your serm ons. I am a member ofthe Church of Chris t and Elde r inmy home church. May God blessyour broadcast ministry to the extension of H is G reat Cause on earthis my prayer for you.A Studen t in North I re land

    I am enjoying these broadcastsand am getting my friends and chumsto l is ten to them a l so .Non-Instrumental Missionary inGermany

    I was quite glad to receivenotice of the b ro adcas ts in Englishover Radio Luxembourg. A goodmany of the British brethren knowabout the program , for I send about50 of them r egul ar bu ll et in s (he inc luded an announcement o f theBible Christian program in hisliterature). Those in Belfast, frelandbad already been hearing the program before I mentioned it in a newsl e t t e r to t h em .

    Director of orl Youth FriendshipLeague in North Wales I feel that you are doing a grandABOUT THE C OB LES

    The time fo r this program onRadio Luxembourg, the most powerful in Europe is made possible byth e ef fo r t s of Mr. and Mrs. WalterCoble. It costs 60.f i r week.Not enough funds are coming in tokeep i t on the air. We must haveregular monthly help to make this

    work for the saviour..I especia l lyreceived a great blessing throughyour broadcas t .A Christian Member of the R A F Many thanks, indeed for the verygood booklet, Neither Catholic norProtes tan t But a ? I enjoy r ea dingyour sermons and I pass them aroundthe b il le t to those in teres ted inChr is tianity , and I try to get otherboys who are no t i nt er es ted In Christ ianity to read them also .A Church of Christ England

    woula add t ha t a keen i n t e re s tis taken by our Brethem in theChurch o f ou r Lord which i s a tTrunent. All who can manage tohear your broadcast do l is ten andwhen we m ee t on Wed. wha t ha sbeen said in your sermon is talkedabout . I fee l a bit out of place whenour brethern take up different pointsof interest in your sermon , since 1have to work a t night and seldom getto hear the program. But if you cansend me copies of the sermons thenI will be able to take part a lso .

    A Roman Catholic in County Dublin, Eire 1 l is ten to your broadcast ftonRadio Luxembourg every week. Youwil l have eternal reward, a s yourbroadcast will bring many to Christ.I am a R.C. myself , but l is te n ing t oyourRadio l *o adca st h as refreshed inmy memcry my religious instructionswhich was taught me as a childwhen I knelt beside my mother'sknee some 36 years ago. Please

    s e n d me a book o f i n s t r uc t i on s .

    important w

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1952 Japan


    M at s u b ara T h e c h u r c h in th e Bi l l s home In

    M a t s u b a r a cont inues to g r o w . Morethan 32 h a v e been baptised thisy e a r . T he m o s t r e c e n t c o n v e r t w a s aC o m m u n i s t s tudent .P o u r were baptized as a r e s u l t ofth e weekie meetin g s held a t a playground d i S n g th e sum mer m onths.Attendancf^ i t t h e s e m e e tin gs o fte nreached 50^Luxembourg A bout 25 people in En g lan d a renow e nr olle d in s t u d y o f th e B i b l eb y mai l . T h e c o u r s e o f 26 l e ssonscove r the ent i re Bib le .

    During the first week of NovemberAlex held a one week preachingm i s s i o n a t M is a wa A ir Base in Northern Japan. Four Japanese and oneAmerican were baptized the closingday. Chaplain Russell Barber theWing Chaplain, jformerlyf of Montebello, Calif. is second p om the right.Another chaplain on the right) Helped with t he b ap ti sm al service.

    Chinese Programs I s abe l Di t t emcre i s n o w lo ca te d inK yu sh u w he re sh e is busy a t work.She h a s 10 meetings per w eek . Howe v e r s h e is a lso wc kingout p lan s t o

    make regular weekly transcriptionsin Chinese . In N o v e m b e r she c a m eto O s a k a to fin ish the programss t a r t e d l a s t s m ing.S t a t i o n P e r m i t O ur a p p l i c a t i o n for a r a dio s ta t ionin O kina wa h a s been rejected withoute x p l a n a t i o n . Inquiry i s b e i n g madea s to th e rea son f o r t h i s ac t ion . W ea r e now ma k in g more i n v e s t i g a t i o n o fth e p o s s i b i l i t y o f o u r own s t a t i o n inK o r e a .

    Free copies of the Gospel of Johnis offered to anyone who will cometo our house and ask for it. Thisfroup of hildren h ve re eived theirook and now Yagi san an older ladyis explaining it to them. Kathleenand Rebecca help in this hind o fmissionary work. Many of thesec hild re n c ou ld at tend o u r C h i l d r e n sBible School if we had room fort h em

    HRISTI N R DIO MISSION8 0 4 Miss iss ipp i , Amar i l lo , T e x a s Sec . 34 .66 P . L . R .U . S. Pos t agePA ID

    Amar i l l o , TexasP e rm i t No. 7 8


    i i a r o l d McFa r l a ndMiss ion J l anorW i l l e m i e ^ Minn*