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SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2014 VOL. 4 - ISSUE 35 :: PAGES 20 :: ` 2/- RNI NO. MAHBIL/2011/39373 WWW.PARSI-TIMES.COM Regn. No. MH/MR/South-348/2012-14 DECEMBER 20, 2014 ROJ ASFANDARMAD MAH AMARDAD fp¡S> Aõa„v$pd®v$, dpl Adfv$pv$ Astrological forecast 2015 Pg. 12 Vintage Beauties Pg. 09 W hat we love about the Nowroze Baug Play Centre All Parsis Floodlit Rink Football and Penalty Shootout Event is the effortless way in which it brings the youth of our Community together. This year marked the 17th year for the Rink Football Tourney and the 4th for the fun Penalty Shootout Tournament. Contd. on Pg. 07

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SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2014VOL. 4 - ISSUE 35 :: PAGES 20 :: ` 2/-

RNI NO. MAHBIL/2011/39373WWW.PARSI-TIMES.COM Regn. No. MH/MR/South-348/2012-14


MAH AMARDADfp¡S> Aõa„v$pd®v$, dpl Adfv$pv$

Astrological forecast 2015 Pg. 12

Vintage Beauties Pg. 09

What we love about the Nowroze Baug Play Centre All Parsis

Floodlit Rink Football and Penalty Shootout Event is the effortless way in which it brings the youth of our Community together.

This year marked the 17th year for the Rink Football Tourney and the 4th for the fun Penalty Shootout Tournament.

Contd. on Pg. 07

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Editorial02SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2014

Dear Editor,1. A Dastur’s authority was

limited to his own Fire Temple (to which he was selected by the Trustees),

which he might exert depended on his personal qualities.

2. Parsi Punchayet of Bombay, the Custodian of the funds of most of the Punchayet in India and a few from abroad. This great Co-operative Pyramid of the Parsis has been the bulwark of strength, representing a modest structure of a unique Social Security System... Although all the wants of the needy members may not be met adequately, one can say that no deserving Parsi need starve or grow hungry, no Parsi Child need grow up without minimum education and no sick Parsi need suffer for want of medical care.

3. The Parsi Laws enacted in 1865 took away from them (Parsi Punchayet) Powers and rights and the Punchayet Trustees remained merely custodians of their funds and properties.

Dr. Viraf J. Kapadia

Dear Editor,A needless controversy has

been created by Erv. Hathiram

over Dasturji Khurshed Dastur’s suggestion to donate several of our bodily organs, after our death, as the last act of GENUINE charity, by the survivors of the deceased Parsis.

Hathiram’s observations belong to the Dark Ages, by saying that our bodies belong to Him. Everything belongs to Him. What’s the new thing that Hathiram suggests?

Once, he was invited by the Nagpur – Kamthi Parsi Anjuman and declared openly that the children of mixed marriages were bastards! There was a furrie.

The Community must reject his morbid views outright.

We are known, through our scriptures, for well-intentioned Charities, must continue our tradition, DUMP HATHIRAM AND SUPPORT Khurshed Dastur.

It is these “Hathiramites” who stagger and stagnate us, retard us, and push us back to the Dark Ages.B.T. Dastur

Dear Editor,Every human activity (except

crime, slavery, prostitution and organized pogroms) have a complementary issue – perhaps even before writing began, because man’s conscience is older than his language and certainly much older than writing began.

Every recorded body of

knowledge has big chapters on ethics, and the largest and most violent violations have been in THAT terrain and my gut feel is that it will be so, for a long time to come.

Same laws have a considerable impact on reducing the violent violations. Less laws and good governance will be a major remedy, barring pathological defaulters and 5th columnists.

Costly policemen and costly judges are a good bulwark against all (not just ethical) violators.

Ethical values, like civic sense, have to be imparted from a tender age of 2 and must be made a compulsory part of EARLY education.

“It is education that makes the mind,

Just as the doing is bent, the tree is inclined.”B.T. Dastur

Dear Editor, I ‘d like to forward this

little ditty sent by my friend Zubin Lilaoowala, through Parsi Times to Sam Bulsara. (Maybe ‘Madison’ can use it for their “Jiyo Parsi” campaign.)Here it is :“Na karo Sasuma, dikra dikra,Hawey to husband maro chhe..!Jyare peherto baba-suit,Tyare guddu tamaro hato.Hawe to peherto 3 piece suit.Hawe to darling maro chhe...!

Jyare peeto bottle ma doodh.Tyare gaggo tamaro hato.Hawe to piye glass ma juiceHawe to mister maro chhe..!Jyare lakhto A B C,Tyare nanko tamaro hato,Hawe to kare SMS,Hawe to jaanu maro chhe..!Jyare khato choclate ice cream,Tyare wahalo tamaro hato..Hawe to khaye pizza pasta,Hawe to hubby maro chhe.!Jyare jato to school,Tyare babu tamaro hato.

Na karo sasuma, dikra dikra.Hawe to husband maro chhe!Jyare mangto pocket money,tyare laadlo tamaro hato.Hawe lave chhe lakhs of money,Tyare ATM maro chhe.!!!!!!!”Warm regards,Farokh Dordi

POINT TO NOTE: It’s the message, not the messenger you might be mad at! Please Note: The opinions expressed in ‘Letters to the Editor’ are those of Readers and contributors and do not necessarily express the opinion of our Publication.

requested to contact the individual authors if his / her details are mentioned.

Dear Readers,



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Seasons Greetings04SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2014

Christmas is the last festival celebrated in the English calendar. It is like a bright light at the end of a long tunnel. The year

comes to an end, and the reel of mind plays a graphic description of the events that have occurred that year. Astonishingly, Christmas is not only celebrated by the Christian Community but also the Parsis. For the ones who don’t know why, here is the story:

The Parsis are part of

the Christmas story, for the Magi (also called as the three wise kings from the East) came from Persia to adorn the new born Christ with gifts. These Magi, a tribe of the Zoroastrian priests were followers of an eastern religion founded by Zoroaster. These mysterious wanderers were to ensure that baby Jesus was, in fact, the Messiah foretold by the Bible.

The mysterious wanderers who knew the

Baby Jesus, went there to pay their respects to Baby Jesus, the Messiah foretold by the Bible.

This story made me wonder if we soon need a Messiah to guide our race in the right direction. There have been many political and moral issues of the Community that have been highlighted this year, like the recent online polls (as mentioned in a tabloid), where Parsis have stated a different opinion about the rights and rituals that they wish to observe. This led me to imagine, ‘What if the Almighty sent three wise men this Christmas, to a Baug to decide if the Zoroastrian race needs to be saved?’ and what followed is the

three wise men, Manashni (Good Thoughts), Gavashni (Good Words) and Kunashni

wearing their invisibility cloaks entered a rather silent Zeus Baug, tucked away in

First, they entered Tehmi’s house. Tehmi was a widow and lived with her son,

corporate woman, an amazing mother and a faithful wife BUT she wasn’t a Parsi. Tehmi (was doing her loban): “Sohrabdikra, lobanne pagge parvaaav and take the blessings of the Holy FireSohrab: “Yes granny, aayo

Sohrab embraces the loban by folding his hands and says his “Yatha Vairyo”. Sohrab (excited):

Tehmi (looking irritated and making a crooked face): tori mummy che

Sohrab looked at granny with sad eyes. Manashni and Kunashni were really upset, but Gavashni had a tear in his eye. The

words uttered by Tehmi were harsh, and it upset an innocent soul who looked with sad eyes towards his mother. After taking a few minutes to recuperate, they decided to visit Peelamai’s house.

mailu of the colony. Now that she was living a retired life, she met her friends, played cards and was simply enjoying a happy retired life. Manashni, Gavashni and Kunashni were very pleased to see her getting ready to go

sukhar (sandalwood) and her scarf on, along with a bright red lipstick.

The door bell rang…Peelu (in her broken Hindi and Marathi):

Househelp (in a low and tired tone): “My daughter

Peelu (in an angry and rude voice): “You people will always have some or the other reason. That’s the problem with all of you, always come up with something new. (She continues loudly) We show you a little bit of sympathy and you guys

people! Now, I am going to get late to go to the Agiary and then I will be late to go to Gullus house to help her arrange the party. Koi nu saaru karva jaav, toh panoti log late ave (If you try to do something good, someone tries to ruin it like a black omen).

Peelu storms off from there into her bedroom. The househelp quietly sweeps the

believe what just happened. Manashniand Gavashni consoled Kunashni. After a while, they

proceeded towards the last house.

Kunashni, “Kekashrew is a thirty year old stubborn man, who is a nuisance to all

Manashni (appears as a mortal in front of his doorstep):

kasti.Kekashrew (rudely):Manashni (politely):

Kekashrew (angrily):“It is none of your business! Who the hell are you? Do you want

Manashni (politely): “I will go but I really want to know the answer. Is it because you feel alone or estranged? You seem to be a good Parsee man who still wears his sudreh ne kastiKekashrew (high pitch tone): “Nai re nai, bhormaa jai duniya (Not at all, the world can go to hell). And what about my sadra and kasti, I am a Parsi. Wearing the sudreh and kastifun irritating people, poking them the wrong way! They get all angry and act like red baboons. And well life isn’t fair, and if I am not happy, I will make the world

bangs the door).The three wise men look defeated and return to the Almighty with grief stricken

faces. The Almighty took a look at Manashni, Gavashni and Kunashniand said, “I know what happened wise men. As you know, everything that begins, has to end. Maybe

Khushnum Y. Mistry

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Salli Gosh-ip... a sprinkling of stuff! 05SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2014

It’s lagan season from now till the next few months and while decor, saris and

patrus are essential elements of lagan planning, don’t forget about the most important part - the honeymoon! Let’s face it, the wedding is exciting but exhausting. The days and functions leading up to it are tiring and s t a n d i n g on stage s m i l i n g e n d l e s s l y under a heavy sari, d u g l e e , jewelry and sweltering in the heat from the lights on stage greeting endless people and posing for pictures isn’t the most relaxing part of the whole extravaganza. The best part, the part you can enjoy as a couple is your honeymoon. Weddings tend to get expensive and so priority wise, the honeymoon always takes a back seat. It’s an important part and why shouldn’t we think you should pay attention to honeymoon planning. While you get so caught up planning the wedding, we thought we’d make life a wee bit easier and give you plenty ‘budget friendly’ options.

It might be done to death and over publicised but if

you go beyond Bangkok and Koh Samui, Thailand is a gorgeous destination tailor made for honeymooners. It is also much cheaper in terms of

currency exchange. People tend to forget there is Phuket, Pataya, Chiang Mai and a host of other destinations within the country that make it a great spot to visit.

A lot of people think it’s not as exciting as Thailand, but this tiny countries has some of the best beaches in the word, lovely boutique hotels, superb spicy cuisine and friendly locals that help

make your holiday a memorable one. It doesn’t hurt that the entire experience is cheap as chips if you compare it to other destinations even within India. The currency exchange is cheaper than the one with Thailand and it’s the most under rated destination yet.

Singapore is a fun city with plenty to keep you occupied for a few days of rest and relaxation. It’s one of the best destinations for foodies with an insane choice of cuisine and local delights. For everyone

that wants to shop there are more malls and shops than you can count and some great bars and nightclubs as well. If you like the action of the city but also miss a bit of the beach you can catch a 45 minute ferry ride across to the Indonesian island of Bintan which is perfect for lounging at the resort or on the beach. it’s visa on arrival and you end up seeing two places without having to take

travel a great distance.

There is no hard and fast rule that a honeymoon must mean a vacation

overseas. In fact, some of the most beautiful places in the world are right here within our country and Kerala, aptly called God’s Own Country is one of them. Cochin, Munnar and Perriyar are popular spots and great to visit but take a trip on a house boat in the back waters of Allepey or stay in one of the many luxurious resorts in beautiful Kumarakom.

This isn’t a cheap option but if you’ve saved enough money and have your heart set on a European honeymoon then this is the place to be. Unlike most of Europe at that time of the year, Portugal isn’t that cold and they have plenty of sun and sand to make you feel like a beach bum. The country is a lot more affordable than countries like France, Italy or even neighbouring Spain and equally beautiful. They eat

lots of wine and offer all the good things to their travelers. It’s not what we call budget friendly if you compare it to say Thailand, Singapore or Sri Lanka

other European countries or even America.

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,20, 2014

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Salli Gosh-ip... a sprinkling of stuff!06SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2014

Salllllllliiii Goshhhh-ipG pSaSalallllllllllllllllliilllliiiii GoGososhshhhhh---ipip

You know it’s winter when the neighborhood school at Dadar adorns a festive

look…Yes it’s the Winter Mela… a Cultural and Educational school fest.

One of the most popular and awaited events at The J.B. Vachha High School for Parsi Girls & the C. J. Primary and Infant School, Dadar is the three-day “Winter Mela”; which is a gala cultural event conducted every year by the school’s Parents Teachers Association. This year the 5th, 6th and 7th December, 2014 were marked out in every child’s diary.

This Parents Teachers Association is one of the Oldest in a city of Greater Mumbai- an organization of one of the Oldest and Finest Girls Schools. Originally established as the Mother’s Association in 1936, it continuously strives to support excellence in the

development through their motto, “Education Through Co-Operation”.

At this PTA, they strive

encouraging academic excellence, promoting creative

talent, partnering the school in the annual school sports, presenting awards for sports winners at the International, National and State levels and supporting the school in infrastructure improvement, through fund raising activities.

This year, the very popular Winter Mela had nearly 40 Exhibition Stalls displaying various items like pastries by known Masterchef participant Shahzad Variava to beautifully embroidered Garas by Zenya Pavri, lovely Christmas decorations by Binaifer, the latest trends in kurtas by ZNK, wonderful religious items by Mrs. Zarine Master, trendy fashion by Maharukh Pavri and desserts by Farzeen Tampal and ofcourse all the other various educational stalls; in short the Mela brought together an array of people, culture and education. The Games Plaza for the children had kids wailing for more, the Joy Rides had the infants in giggles, the Food Court catered to Vegetarian and Non-vegetarian taste buds with the likes of Greek Shawarmas to lip smacking Tandoori Chicken, and which Mela would

be complete without the good old ice golawalla, who churned out a rainbow of ice golas. The Jam Session was the highlight of all an evenings for every teenager who jammed to popular numbers belted out by DJ Aarish and his team of DJs from Sarosh Daruwalla’s Mazda Audio Video Labs.

The Main Sponsors for the event were M/s. Hilla Builders and Co- sponsors M/s. Sterling and Wilson Ltd. The PTA thanked its sponsors, the school Management and Principal Mrs. Banoo A. Makoojina, for their support in all endeavours. The event would not have been possible without the efforts of the President Mrs. Kamal Tantra, Vice President Mr. Jatin Vora, Jt. Hon. Secretaries Mrs. Ashish Billimoria and Mr. Porras Jassawalla, Joint Hon. Treasurers Mr. Mahiyar Dastoor and Mrs. Manaz Batliwalla together with the commitment of the very enthusiastic parent world of Managing Committee Members at JBV. The wonderful three day fest was brought to an end with the promise of yet another glorious Educational and Cultural event next winter.

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07The residents of Malegamwala Bldg. No.1, at M.M. Chhotani Road, Mahim, (one of the four buildings built by Late Dinshawji Malegamwala) celebrated their building’s 80th year on December 6, 2014, in the company of Trustee Mr. Yazdi Desai and his dear wife Anahita, with a thanksgiving Jashan and dinner thereafter.

a) h n di a,d

This year marked the 17th year for the Rink Football Tourney and the 4th for the fun Penalty Shootout Tournament. 24 teams participated in

the Men’s category, 8 teams in Under 18 and 16 teams in Penalty Shootout. The 14 day event ended in a grand

The Committee Members had worked really hard to successfully execute the All Parsis Floodlit Rink Football & Penalty Shootout Tournament. A special Vote of Thanks was given to Co-sponsor Zoroastrian Bank, Print partner Komal Arts, Media partner Parsi Times, Equipment partner Nariman Sports, participants who

have contributed whole heartedly with full energy and enthusiasm, colony residents, donors, volunteers, Committee Members and all the well wishers. Not to forget, Mahiyar Khambatta for conducting the tournament and special thanks to tenants of R Block and Pranav Raman.

The Champions Trophy for Boys U-18 was donated by Mr. Rumy Zarir in loving memory of his father Late Zarir Burjoji Billimoria. The Champions Trophy for Pool A was donated by Mehroo and Khusroo Engineer in loving memory of Late Aspi Siganporia.

Heartiest congratulations to the winners of the tournament:

For All Parsis Floodlit Rink Football & Penalty Shootout Tournament

Champions Bharucha Baug

Runner-up Nowroze Baug ‘A’

Player of the tournament Arish Vajifdar (Nowroze Baug)

Champions Petit

Runner-up Cama Baug

Player of the tournament Arish Sutaria (Petit)

Champions Snwmp

Runner up Panthaky Baug

Champions Cusrow Baug ‘B’

Runner up Gamadia Hostel ‘B’

Champions Cama Park

Runners up Gamadia Hostel ‘A’

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Community Coverage08SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2014

Sir Cowasjee Jehangir Colony Recreation Centre, Sir Ratan Tata Buildings, Tardeo, Mumbai 400 034 would be conducting for the XIVth year in a row the following Floodlit Tournaments on knock-out basis at its ground premises between 7 pm to 10.30 pm :-1. All Parsees Floodlit Volleyball (Indirect) Tournament for Men (Scheduled from Tuesday

30.12.2014).2. All Parsees Floodlit Throw-ball Tournament for Women (Scheduled from Monday 5/1/2015).3. All Parsees Floodlit Volleyball (Direct) Tournament for Men (Scheduled from Wednesday

7/1/2015).Attractive Trophies / Cups / Cash prizes to be won. Finals of all the above three (3) Tournaments is scheduled to be held on Sunday January 11th, 2015.

Cash Prizes in each of the above three (3) Tournaments will be distributed as under:-1. Winning Team Rs. 7500/-2. Runner - Up Team Rs. 5000/-3. Best Player of the Tournament Rs. 2000/-4. Up-coming Player of the Tournament Rs. 1000/-All are cordially invited to participate and make the Tournaments a grand success.

For Entry Forms and other details kindly contact :Homi D. Bhagwagar – (Tiger), Tournament Incharge

(A Community Sports & Welfare Development Initiative Promoted & Conducted by a Tata Projects Limited Employee - Making A Difference).

Tel : 23534556 (R) / 9821235122 (M).

“XIVth All Parsees Floodlit Throwball / Volleyball (Direct & Indirect) Championship Tournaments – Making Someone’s Life Colourful”

Left arm spinner, Aryan Firdos Irani, aged 13 years continues to do well in the Mumbai - Junior Cricketing Circuit showing promises of being a professional cricketer in the years to come.

A student of Chandrakant Pandit Cricket Clinic (CPCC) since last 6 years under the watchful eyes of Mr. Chandrakant Pandit and Chief Coach Mr. Nilesh Bhosale (CPCC), Aryan has performed well in all the recent major tournaments with his team being the WINNERS this year namely, “Scorpio Cup”, MCA - Mumbai U14 Summer Camp Cup 2014 (16 wickets in 5 matches) and now the “Dronacharya Ramankant Achrekar Cup” (taking 11 wickets in 3 matches), thus picking up wickets constantly in all the matches played. Rightfully so, he has been adjudged the “Best Bowler” in the “Dronacharya Ramakant Achrekar - MCA Selection Tournament” for being the highest wicket taker with very

being 49-21-63-11 wickets.

brilliance adds further value to his team.

A r y a n has proved the Mumbai s e l e c t o r s correct, who have picked Aryan for the current Mumbai–U14 Probable’s Squad with his performances this year.

Aryan Irani, 8th Grade Student of Billabong High International School, Juhu, is very focused towards his Cricketing goals and is working very hard by balancing his academics and Cricket both to achieve his dream.

We wish this young Parsi talent All the Very Best!!!

A Young Champion On Sunday, 7th December, Hindi cinema

Bhavan, where author and music historian Manek Premchand had organised a three-hour event to showcase the contribution of Parsis to Indian cinema – particularly music.

The event began with Hoshang Katrak highlighting the efforts of the Community in pioneering achievements in Hindi cinema and music. Hoshang ran through a comprehensive list of Parsis, including Parsi Theatre, Ardeshir Irani, Sohrab Modi, Saraswati Devi through to today’s superstar Boman Irani. “Munnabhai” star Bomi Dotiwala was also present at the function.

The highlight of the event was the interview with yesteryear

ace musicians who have pioneered the use of several indigenous

maestro Cawas Lord, and Homi Mullan (whose live performances enthral audiences even today). All three nostalgically recalled their active days in the recording room via interesting audio-visuals. The audience missed Bahadur Nanji, who at 94 is the oldest surviving musician – couldn’t be present to grace the stage.

The event was sponsored by Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, whose cultural contribution to the city is well-known.

Seen here is Lion Prof.Dr.Firdos T.Shroff, Zone Chairman, Zone 2, Lions Clubs International, Cuffe Parade, invited by National Lok Adalat and social worker panel

Commissioner, Worli, Mumbai.


Manek nt todian


hensiver Irani,today’s r Bomi


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As in past years, the Happy Home & School for the Blind’s Annual Exhibition/Sale has once again been a grand success. The Exhibition was inaugurated

on 11th December, 2014 by Mr. Stuart Milne and Mrs. Elizabeth Milne of Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation. The visitors were enchanted by the wonderful creations of the visually impaired children of Happy Home & School for the Blind. Almost 2000 visitors came to the exhibition to encourage these children who were giving demonstrations of their talent and skills. Among the exhibits were creations in pottery & ceramics, carpentry & wood work and the ever popular mosaic items and handloom weaves.

On 12th December a few Vintage car beauties made their way to Udvada from Mumbai for a 2 day stay to showcase our

Zoroastrian heritage and culture to the outside world. Cars ranging from a Singer to a Buick, Packard, Chevrolet Biscayne, Mercedes Ponton, Plymouth, Standard Herald, Volkswagen Beetle graced the highway and made an eye catching spectacle.

All cars and some guests were hosted at Globe hotel and were treated to authentic Parsi cuisine throughout the stay for a fantastic culinary experience.

Guests were given a walk about in Udvada town including the Zoroastrian museum, old heritage houses and for purchasing the delights of Udvada such as masala, biscuits, sarees etc. The event was wholeheartedly

encouraged and supported by Vada Dasturji Khurshed Dastoor.

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12 2015: Written in the stars

Aries: 21st March - 20th April:

Taurus: 21st April - 20th May:

Gemini: 21st May - 20th June:

Cancer: 21st June - 22nd July:

Leo: 23rd July - 23rd August:

Virgo: 24th August - 23rd September:

Libra: 24th September - 22nd October:

Scorpio: 23rd October - 22nd November:

Aquarius: 21st January - 19th February:

Pisces: 20th February - 20th March:

D C B R 0, 0

1: 2: 3: 4: 5:

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Profile 13SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2014

“Insaan toh batt chukka hai mazhhabon ke mare; Khuda ke wastey ab Khudako bhi na baant dena”. I read this sher written by Dr.Navroze Kotwal over the internet and travelled to meet him with curiosity at his clinic on Peddar Road. On the way I had at the back of my mind the powerful Editorial by Freyan in PT dated 6/12/14 which said about the life of a journalist and her line “Those who stand out in my mind are usually those who wear their passion on their sleeve, kindness in their eyes and humility on their hearts.” So I reached Peddar Road to meet such a person and introduce him to you all. A poetic experience in his chat and lots of hope sparkling in his eyes for a better tomorrow, I am greeted by the man himself. Excerpts:

Parsi Times:

Dr. Kotwal: Welcome Khushroo. I am glad you could make it. I was looking forward to meet you from a long time. I introduce myself as Dr. Navroze Kotwal, an Orthodontist by profession and an Urdu poet by passion. According to me, any poetry is a result of the various thoughts in the mind of a poet. A poet is inspired to write from his own personal experiences in life and from his observance of the world around him.P.T.:

Dr. Kotwal: My father Shavak N. Kotwal was a

“Evergreen Pictures”. In my early days at a young age of 8 years, I started accompanying my father to the

time classics like Baiju Bawra, Ram Rajya (the only

an in house production, my attraction towards Urdu poetry developed. Ofcourse the poet in me was 1st and later on I did my Masters in Orthodontics from Indiana University, USA.P.T.: Who were your early inspirations and how much did you gain from them in developing your own style?Dr. Kotwal: I was greatly inspired by Majrooh Sultanpuri and Sahir Ludhyanvi at my age of 15. I carefully listened to all their compositions. I was not well versed with Urdu, but it was a language which became close to my heart because of their work and so I decided to learn Urdu and I purchased a book priced Rs. 2/- which had Urdu poetry converted to Hindi. Initially, I was just a reader and after polishing


Dr. Kotwal: magazines and newspapers like “Shair” & “Inquilab”, both from Bombay; “Kitab Numa” & “Hamari Zaban” both from Delhi. I received recognition from these in the shaayar circles and was invited for various Mushairas to recite my poetry. P.T.:

Dr. Kotwal: I was a regular at Mushairas organized by the Urdu academy, Anjuman-E-Islam, Mumbai; Bhendi bazaar festivals and this helped me to interact with poets from all over India who were invited for such Mushairas. I was also invited to a

meeting conducted by Wisdom Foundation to condemn

terrorism “Yun noch noch khana darinda sifat hai kam; Insaan ne kyon mita diya insaaniyat ka naam”. It was

Album on my own came to my mind, and after lots of hard work and time into it today it has been possible.P.T.: Dr. Kotwal: “Aashiqana” meaning full of love or

Mr. Dhiren Raichura who regularly plays music with Anup

arrangements, mixing & mastering for this album.P.T.:

Dr. Kotwal:

purpose of singing, only 3 to 4 were selected from

of the best instrumentalists of the Indian music industry complemented my lyrics very well for every


Dr. Kotwal: I have always said and I will repeat here again, that this album wouldn’t

these and there after he has given me complete co-operation during the recording

singer and composer is a wonderful human being by heart who inspite of the many personal challenges and family commitments during the time of the recording of this album, made himself available at all times to bring out the best in him and glorify my work with his golden voice.P.T.:

Dr. Kotwal:

certainly enjoy listening to it again and again. But please do not download it from the net. Listen to original music in CDs and promote music by purchasing it and not by copying it.




of ind

By P.T. Reporter Khushroo P. Mehta

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ClassifiedsSATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2014


Printed and Published by Cyrus M. Shroff on behalf of Kersi Jamshed Randeria, From 102, Vikas Building, 11 Bank Street, Fort, Mumbai - 1.Printed at M/s Pri Media Services Pvt Ltd., Plot No. EL 201, Mhape, Navi Mumbai - 400 705.

Relationships daily for Love, Peace, Harmony, Trust, Understanding - includes space/aura

clearing, raising chakaras frequency, protection sheild. Monthly 1000/

person. Tarot 500/question.

Mistry - 9769658808

Large collection of Antique HMT mechanical

Watches In excellent working condition For sale.Starting @ Rs 800.

Contact Jimmy Gordon 9819690642.

Gmail: [email protected]

For Sale/Watch Sale

Washing Machine / Dishwasher / Dryer/ Microwave Oven /

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Contact NATIONAL(SAHIL) 9773158833/

24034358One Year Gaurantee

Flats in Boisar from REPUTED BUILDER. Rs.15 lac onwards. Upto 10%

price appreciation in just 1 week.

For Details Contact: Navaz Shastri 9819407416;


New unused Telephone Answering Machine. GE Model 2-9815. Contact

Parakh 9969385010





at Boyce Agiary Estate - Tardeo.

Embroidered Kurties,

Sadra, Kusti, Toran.Bailiff & Sons9819620666

INNOVA Triple A/C utmost comfortable &

reasonable rate, driven by Parsi owner for local,

outstation and happy occasion, Kurush Bailiff:

ALLROUNDERSCaterers at Tardeo. Provide delicious Gherna Jeva Bhona for home /

undertaken.Delicious Tarapori Patia, Brinjal / Prawns / Garabh Pickles, Badampak, Pork Vindaloo, Sorpotel, etc. available.

Contact Nargish Lala:65079177, 9819002500

Parsi Owned & Driven SWIFT D’ZIRE &




ROHINTON - 9223395255

Travel Comfortably in Brand New A/c

INNOVA/SKODA RAPIDReasonable Rates & with

Excellent Service. To Udvada, Navsari,

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TRAVEL WITH SHYAMTravel in A/c Innova and Honda city to Udwada / Navsari / Surat / Shirdi / Nashik / Pune / Panchgani / Mahabaleshwar etc. and all over India.1 day Udwada – Rs.5,000/-

for 7 persons Airport transfers –

Rs.1,500/- also local, Wedding & Navjote

functionsCONTACT: 98203 67891


TRAVEL Comfortably in Mahindra Xylo, 3 Row A/C on hire at reasonable rate for Airport, Navjote, Wedding, Outstation.

Contact Hutoxi 9819408576/9819648099.


Running Text

Rs. 10/ per normal word Rs. 15 / per bold word

(4cm X 4cm) Box Rs.500/per insert

On Every 3 Classified, 1 Free


Love Marriage, Business, Freedom from Other

Women/EnemiesHouse Problems,

Muthkarni, Vashikaran, Black Magic.

Any Work 100% Satisfaction.

RAZA BENGALI 09756434001

TEMPO Trucks available ON HIRE. We Undertake contracts of shifting household furniture, etc, with skilled labout.

Contact Dutta 9821319228 / 9820006236


First Parsi Lady VideographerFamous Press PhotographerEx. Special Executive Magistrate


Wedding, Navjotes, Birthdays & Engagements

Contact: 6/3, Khareghat Colony, Hughes Road, Mum-7

[email protected]: 9820188266Rashid: 9820224667




Kindly Contact: Zinobia Karanjia022 22077405 (M) 9892367319

For Super Finish jobs in Painting, Plastering, Tiling, Marble, Granite, Polish.Call - Hufron 9820764177 /

24139214 / 24166820

D. Shamji & Co.PARSI DAGLI

Shirts | Pants | Safari SuitsBhupendra Gohil

22663131 / 9821005381143-B, Perin Nariman Street, (Bazargate Street),

Fort, Mumbai - [email protected]


CLOCK REPAIRSRepairs of English /German Grandfather Clocks, Quarter Chimers, Carriage Clocks, Pocket / Wrist Watches. Contact: Cyrus Khambatta: 26042635, 9820895967, 9820257919.


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For Details:9322417064, 9820308174



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For stay at Tarapore Dharamshala at

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caters to clean & healthy homemade food. ‘Your Cravings, our Creations’

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Submitted by: Dara K.Age: 4 Years

Name... Ayesha Vadivala.

I work at... Deloitte Haskins and Sells.

I work as... Senior Tax Executive.

That basically means... Handle International clients for Tax purpose in


My work day begins with... Laptop and cup of tea.

I love this about my job... Time flexibility.

I wish this would change about my job... Working hours.

I have been working here for... 4 years 10 months.

I head to office and head back home at these times... I head to office at 10 am and return back home mostly by 9 pm.

Some of the things that make up my work day… The fun i have with my freinds at work.

Someone I think has an interesting job is… Don’t know.

Dear Mamaiji,

You always make me read the Gujarati calendar date from the front page of the Parsi Times. Today is Asfandarmad Roj. What does that mean?

Dear Dikri,

Today is Asfandarmad Roj. The Amesha Spenta associated with this is also called Spenta Armaity, who presides over the welfare of the Earth. Spenta Armaity also stands for an attitude of Piety toward the Source of Being and the Ultimate Truth; Ethically, it is the attitude of Benevolence, a concern for the Good. It is characterized as Right-Mindedness. This Amesha Spenta (AS) is female in energy. In the calendar, this day follows the day of Shahrewar, who symbolises the Sky and the Ultimate Salvation. Thus we see the pointing towards the Male Female, Yin Yang, aspects of the Material Universe. Always express your gratitude to Spenta Armaity, or Mother Earth as we get ALL our material things thru the earth, directly or indirectly. And also care for the well- being of our Planet. It is the only one we can inhabit, as of now.

With inputs from Parvez J. Daruwala

Submitted by:Dara K.

Math Tricks is a fun app to improve your m a t h e m a t i c a l skills. Learn new tricks and tips for faster calculations

on the go. When you learn these tricks, apart from being speedy at work and play, you can also show off your new-found skills to your family and friends.Great for those in school and college to improve their math skills the fun way! And if you are at work, impress your colleagues by speedy calculations without the help of a calculator!

Yazdi Tantra’s column is crafted for those of you who enjoy a bit of technology

quirky things to do in this

web and mobile savvy world. This entrepreneur celebrates

based technologies with his columns and other websites like on-lyne.blogspot.in and Community centric Zoroastrians.net. Of course, his Parsi Times column is our favourite!

This dare-devil act, of being suspended in the air, along with her wheelchair and then lowered from the third

was performed on December 5, 2014, by Zenia Malegamwala, a differently-abled girl

with special abilities and loads of guts.

By performing this awesome act in her school, ‘ADAPT’ (Able Disabled All People Together), at Bandra (W), where she presently works on the computer, for their ‘Training Dept.’ Zenia seems to be telling her normal counterparts, “There is nothing which you can do, which I cannot do!”

enthusiasm. Hats off to you Zenia! Keep it up!

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Parsi Times - English and Gujarati. Regd. No. MH/MR/South-348/2012-14. Published on 20th December, 2014,

on every Saturday. 20SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20 , 2014