flat plan evaluation


Upload: sabrinasiddiqi

Post on 31-Jul-2015




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I chose to go for a blue and black colour scheme, reason being , when I conducted my questionnaire, I asked my target audience, which colour would be best for an R&B and Hip Hop music magazine. I gave them a range of options to chose from, the colour that got the most feedback was blue and black. Blue’s complementary colour would be orange, so I was planning to use a bit of orange on my front cover, to brighten it up a little so it doesn’t look too dull, I was also planning to use a bit of white so there isn’t too much black on my magazine.

After gathering all my research together, I came to the conclusion of using blue as my magazine color scheme with the general white and black colors. I needed to choose one more color and so I referred to the color wheel, which suggested I use the color orange as it is the color that contrasts well with blue.

After finding out that my target audience was in the range of 17-19 I also asked what genre of music they listened to. Most said Hip-Hop and RnB and so I chose to make my genre both Hip-Hop as well as RnB

I chose the name “WRAP” for my magazine due to the fact that my music genre is hip-hop and R&B, “rapping” is within this genre of music, hence the “RAP” and then because it is a music magazine, which means it will consist of information on music I thought of adding the “W” which would make it “WRAP” as if its a wrap up of everything. The strap line I used is “it’s a wrap” to signify the title and as I said its a wrap up of everything hence “it’s a wrap”.

I chose to go for a conventional look for my magazine, with a main image at the front. I wanted my image to be the centre of attention and so wanted to take a mid shot image of my singer and place her in the centre of my front cover. I also have a button on my front cover, but to show a bit of originality I put it in the shape of the “apple” sign instead of a regular circle.I also have a teaser going across the bottom of the front cover to entice my audience to purchase the magazine

I wanted to keep the conventions of a usual magazine, which is why I rote the title of my magazine ‘WRAP’ in the top corner of the page of my contents page.I wasn’t too sure whether to put it on the top left or the top right, but I planned to decide that after I saw it on screen.

I wanted to have a more then one picture on my contents page, because usually magazines usually have the most picture son the contents page. I also needed to include a bit of writing because magazines do have loads of different pages as well.I included an editorial letter in my contents page, not all magazines have one but I chose to add one in my magazine.

I wanted to use the word ‘Contents’ on my contents page, and I also wanted it to be a little different to normal magazines, which is why I chose to make the letter ‘C’ bigger then the rest of the letters.

For my double page spread (interview page) I chose to dedicate one whole side to a photo of my celebrity and keep one side for the interview.I looked through many different types of magazine interviews and finally decided to do this design. Most magazines do choose to take a whole page up and just put a picture of the interviewed person, and so I chose to use the same conventions in my magazine.

Again I chose to put the name of my magazine on the top left hand corner of the interview page.

Just like any interview, I also chose to use a pull quote, and I placed in the middle of my interview and this would be a different colour to the colour of my interview.